The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, May 03, 1917, Image 1

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the «
tak- ’
| ne-.
‘bury spent last week calling on parish. | ostetler, S. B. Philson, B. E. Ship-
ners. : :
fe a
? Church Notices
formed—H. H. Wiant, pastor.| 5
S. 8. 10 a. m.; Church 7:30 p. m.|
Lathern—W. H. B. Carney, pastor.
8.8. 10 a. m.; church 7:30 p, m.-
Brethren—B. F. Waltz, pastor.
8. 8. 10 a, m.; Church 2:30 p. m. 3
Evangelical-—Rev, Hetrick, pastor.
S. 8S. 10 a. m.; church 2:30 p.m.
Mid-week Services < Wednesday « ab
evening 7 p. m.- ii Land wll be Planted
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. MeGleilan
and Miss Sallie Runkle of Rockwood
were guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. M.
McClellan Tuesday.
Mrs. Milton Bowlby, Nevin ‘and{ A special meeting of the Boosters
Yrs Wednesday Zoning for Club was called for Monday evening
Mr. W. A Merrill returned from ‘at which time quite a number were in|
West Virginia last Friday where he attendance. |
had been transacting business. { President Cook called the meeting !
Rov Jim EM. Detwil to order and stated the object of the
5 a an n oh sh etwiler re-lngating to be the discussion of the,
turned to their home Monday after matter of cultivation of vacant lots, |
having spent two weeks at the home and the matter of giving assistance |
of Mr. H. B. Speicher. to the farmers who were so patrio-|
Mrs. Dan Brant of Berlin, was a
Garrett visitor Monday.
tically planting a much larger acre- |
age than heretofore.
W. M. Henderson, of McKeesport,
spent Svndav nnd Mondav in Gorrett.
He read a number of communica-
tions from the State Department urg-
Mr. Lloyd Schrock visited at the
home of his father-in-law, Mr. Jas.
ing that <very available foot be plant-
ed, as a patriotic duty, to avoid a After his appeal to all +o
Kennel over the week-end. beccme interested, all the members
° ih realized that it was “a condition and
- EL Br en aie bme aot a theory which confronted us.”
4 * bh le EY He also read a communication from
ay. Governor Brumbaugh asking that a
Mrs. Harry Bowman left Sunday !committes of twenty persons be add-
for her home at New Castle, Pa., af-|ed to the committee on Public safety,
ter havino visited with her parents|and the following were appointed;
for several weeks.: C, C. Hickle, W. P. Meyers; John
Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Waltz of Salis. Swearmen W. H. Baldwin, James B.
ley, Harry Kretchman, Walter Boose,
i Sa 5 Chas. Dice, Edwin M. Hay, Bird Bros.,
_ Miss Violet Johnson of Meyers A. Scott, J. F. Naugle, Irvin Fike,
it the week-end as the guest of Harvey L. Fike, R. D. Phaler, P. D.;
Peis oes =, 0 Clutbon, E ser,” Wilson 'E.
Bowser, Wilson
. -
the Secrétary. of Commerce and
Labor giving the visable supply of
grain and the percentage as compar-
ed with previous years, which showed
that a small decline in the crops of |
1917 would entail suffering through-
out not only the U. S., but through-
out Europe as well.
R. F. Phaler urged that all busi-
§ ness men give a few days work each,
Feathered Warblers |to the farmer to assist in planting
and harvesting and volunteered his
Mr Henrv Oldys. of Washington, [Services for that purpose.
D. C., late of the United Staten De. Mr. Cyrus Bird offered 20 acres of
partment of Agriculture, will lecture land for which he would furnish fer-
on “Birds and Bird Music,” illus-|tilizer, if some one would sow to
trated with whistled reproduztions buckwheat, and several acres of hill
of bird songs, at the court house as- land well adapted to growing beans.
sembly room on Tuesday evening, ‘This proposition was accepted by the
May 8th, under the auspices of the Club, and will be worked by the vol-|
Civic Club and Junior Civic League. untary services of the members, and |
After the lecture Mr. Oldys will 2 committee of three was appointed
answer, as far as his information to act as a committee of Ways and,
permits, all questions that may be Means.
asked about birds and their singing. Prof.
Mr. Oldys is an authority on birds!
H. B. Speicher was a business visi-
‘tor at Somerset Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest. Thompson
and children visited relatives 1n
Rockwood from Friday until Sun-
Authority on
Coming to Somerset
Kretchman reported that he
Business Men will Assist Farmers in Plant-
ing and Harvesting Crops.
Vacant lots Around Town
chanics Enthusiastic in Harvesting a
Bumper © rop.
are nearly all Secured and
Business Men and Me
had about 25 acres of land which was |
sown to ots last year, which he would
be pleased to rent to some one who|Ri
would cultivate.
Dr. Large reported 3% acre in the!
Borough which he would be pleased to |
in al.
ave cultivated. - This lot is
splendid state of cultivation, Seve
eral other lots are open to applicants, |.
A committee on Survey was ap- |!
pointed consisting of John M. Wei
mer, W. H. Deeter, C. C. Heckle,
Edison Hay and Cyrus Bird.
This Committee will locate all va-
cant lots that may be secured, ar-
range for persons to plant same; ar-
range for seed and plowing. Any one
having lots or vacant land should re-.
port to this Committee, and persons Sl
Mwho desire to plant lots or land ini
grain of any kind, potatoes or beans,
should get into communication with
this committee at once. Farmers and
others having potatoes for seed, even
though they be small and unmarket-
able should get into communication,
at once, with some member of the
5 or 6 bushels of unmarketable pota-
toes at $1 per bushel. This is very
low but they make good seed and the |1
merchant is selling them at cost.
The question of assistance to the
‘men present promised assistance o
a few day's work: A committee was
appointed to arrange for such labor
whenever the farmer said he needed
it. The ‘Committee is A. W. Poor-
baugh, W. H. Baldwin, Prof. Kretch-
man, R. D. Phaler and R. G. Miller.
A Committee, consisting of Prof.
Kretchman, Thomas McKenzie and H.
D. Martin was appointed on Proposi-
tion, to whom any person who has
land to cultivate or seeds to sell or
who wants to cultivate ground or ar-
range for seeds or labor may apply.
The unanimous sentiment of those
present was that it is necessary to
unite, to work in harmony, not only
the Military and Naval forces, but the
miner or the trademan will
time, cultivate a small part of the
earth’s surface, that he is assisting
to conquer the German Monarchy,
and thereby rid the world of mili-
tarism, and bring about a lasting
and all lovers of birds should hear
him. Two Sentenced to the Pen.
“Bob” Meyers: Gets Endsley’s Job. Fred Cox and Beal Walker, two
Knights of the Road, appeared be-
fore Juige Ruppel in Chambers on
Monday morning and pleaded guilty
to breaking and entering a car loaded
with merchandise. - The information
was made by a B. & O. police officer.
Each was sentenced to pay a fine of
‘Robert S. Meyers has been appoint-
ed State Road Superintendent for
Somerset county, vice Gilbert F.
Endsiey resigned. The appointment
was made by Highway Commissioner
Frank B. Black on Sunday at his to pe 0
“Holland Farm” home, following an $5 and to undergo imprisonment in
interview with Mr. Meyers, and will |the western penitentiary for a mini-
be officially announced this week at|mum period of two years and for not
Harrisburg. Mr. Meyers relieved |more than three years.
Superintendent Endsley yesterday
morning when he came here from
Johnstown and took charge of the
local office of the State Road depart-
ment. The new Road Superintend-
ent has been connected with the
HEghway Department for limited pe-
riods during the past two or three
years, the work assigned to him hav-
ing been of the kind usually describ-
ed as “special.” Last season Mr.
Meyers had charge of oiling the Lin- ed the work of the Camp Fire Girls,
coln Highway between, Jennertown | and Joseph Levy discussed the Com-
and Ligonier, and the season before | munity Building proposition. After
he was in charge of the work done|pointing out a number of advantages
on the Somerset-Berlin road. The |that would derive to the citizens of
announcement of his appointment to |this town, and particularly to the
succeed Superintendent Endsley was|visitors—the persons who come to
very gratifying to his wide circle of [town to transact business, Mr. Levy
friends. The new Road Superin-| ygpested that the question of revenue
tendent is a native of Brothersvalley|for a county building would be an
township, being a son of the late|easy matter if there was co-opera-
David Meyers. tion. Somerset has, he said, from
fifty to seventy-five clubs or organi-
zations, and that if they would com-
bine their energies a Community
Building could be secured.
Parent-Teacher Meeting
The Somerset Parent-Teacher As-
sociation held an unusually interest-
ing meeting at High School Chapel on
Tuesday evening. Judge Singleton
Bell delivered an interesting address
on “The Boys and Girls,” Dr. I. Hess
Wagner spoke of the Boy Scou's
movement, Miss Sue Berkey explain-
A Surprise Party
A surprise party was held on Miss
Alberta Siel, last Thursday evening,
April 26th. The evening was pleas-
antly spent in playing games, after
which a dainty lunch was served. The
guests were Velma Stein, Adelaide
Reich, Stella Wagaman, Margaret
Bowman, Irene Austin, Pauline Seil,
Catherine Seil, Alberta Seil, Rolin
Bear, Benjamin Shope, Harry Irwin,
Warden Deeter and Clarence Shrock.
Berlin Minister Has Resigned
After a pastorate of thirteen
years, the Rev. H. H. Wiaht of Ber-
lin has tendered his resignation to
the officers of the Zion Reformed
Charge, to take effect next month.
He has accepted a call from a Pitts-
burgh church. The Rev. Mr. Wiant
has been very popular’ with all
classes, and has been a leader in all
movements, intended for the better-
ment of conditions at Berlin and
vicinity. He was onc of
Notice to Dog Owners
The tax on dogs must be paid this
lext Monday the constables
| tharizod +o ki
& 1n
5 will look
accordil gly
em up.
Every wearer of a Palm Beach suit
during the summer will have occasion
to thank Congressman Louis B. Good-
all of Maine for the comfort which
attends him. Mr. Goodall, and his
father before him, has engaged in
the woolen cloth business in Maine
for many years, taking a leading part
in the organization of several mills
in his vicinity, and the Goodall Wor-
sted Company, of which he is treas-
urer, originated the Palm Beach
cloth, which has been so extensively
adopted of late years. Mr. Goodall’s
business experience has taught him
the value of Protection, and he has
for many years been a member of the
special committee on the tariff of the
National Association of Wool Manu-
facturers, and a director in the Home
Market Club of Boston. When the
Republicans return to power in the
House at the next election Represen-
tative Goodall is sure to take a lead-
ing part in the framing of tariff legis-
lation along sound protective lines.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to our friends and neighbors,
who were so courteous and kind to
us during the illness of and at the
death of our wife and mother.
Indian Motor-
cycles and Bi-
famous B Streak
tire with unfail-
ing guarantee.
One party ‘has secured]
in of
NO. 17
ind County Properties Which
e Changed Ownership
lowing real estate transfers
€n recorded by Recorder Cus-
8 our last week report.
ze eal priate deal con-
iL Somerset County last
‘the transfer of ay hun-
| twenty-five acres of land in
fownship, near . Rockwood
] by Irwin Wolf and Edward
to John C. Cosgrave, for a
lon of. $70,000. The deal
the rapid development of
County’s minerals. Messrs.
Miller acquired the land
er, 1915, for about $10,-
since “then they opened a
d operated a coal plant on
side of the Casselman
realty deals recorded with-
t week, are the following:
rset Township, for $5,000.
Mostoller to John A. Schardt,
rsdale, for $900.
Maurer to 'D. B. Zimmer-
Quemahoning, for $5.400.
Miller to E. S. Miller, in
Township, for $3,000.
Naugle to Simon Naugle, in
ning Township, for $6,500.
Reed to C. L. Bartholene, in
Sownship, for $2,500.
Specht to Wm, Winters, in
n, for $2,900.
J. Harrison to Nelson San:
ner, in Black, for, $1,594.
. Da SA. Nicholson to Solomon
Johnsg 1, in Upper Turkeyfoot, for
‘Wingard fo: Daniel’ Yoder,
Township, for $2,000.
on H. Maurer to D. B. Zim-
a, in Lincoln, for $100.
B.. Coder to Nelson Saylor, in
for $4,500.
“M. W. Haugher to F. R. Coder, in
Somerset Borough, for $2,800.
HH. Gardner to R. H. Speicher,
in Rockwood, for $2,300.
Buffalo Lumber Company to John
Lochrie, in Allegheny, for $1. ;
Alice F. Umberger to Shade Creek.
Coal company, Shade township,
Mary A. Mock’s administrator to
William 8. Umberger, Shade Town-
ship, $700.
William 8. Umberger to’ Alice L.
Umberger, Shade Township, $100.
Frederick Helman to George Spect
‘Shade Township, $60. :
Godfrey Cable to George Spect,
Chade Township, $10.
Ida M. Lindman and husband to
Stella E. Cook, Meyersdale, $2,250.
Christian ~ C. Horchler to Cyrus
Rodamer, Elk Lick Township,
Perfecto Fernandez to William H.
Miller, Brothersvalley Township,
Cevilla Brant to Albert C. Meyers,
Northampton Township, $2,500. :
Jonas Saylor’s heirs to Arthur
Housel, Summit Township, $3,400.
Charles J,’ Harrison, Jr., to Black
Coal company, Somerset Township,
$2,000. .
T. W. Black to Silas W. Butler,
Confluence, $1,000.
Jennie Garletts to Clarence Wil-
liam Hall, Addison Township, $10.
Elizabeth J. Dively to Dennis Wag-
ner, Salisbury, $1.
Elizabeth Hoover,
James I. Hoover,
ship, $1.
Charles Ober to John L. Snyder,
Hooversville, $1.00.
William H. Seig to Park Stutzman,
Stonycreek Township, $1.
John H. Uhl’s executor to Sarah
Johnson, Somerset, $700.
L. D. Sine to Michael Gastrepsky,
Shade Township, $500.
Jonas D. Yoder ‘to Jonas M. Yo-
der, Elk Lick Township, $10,000.
Wilmore Coal company to Stefan
Yanis, Windber, $1,725.
Central City Realty Co. to Alex
Abramiovitch, Shade Township,
David C. Ross to Catharine Ross,
Shade Township, $500.
Leora Hay Nutt to Levi Wolfe,
Rockwood, $50.
Elijah Gingerich to Sarah Schrock
Elk Lick Township, $2,000. ao
William H. Koontz’s executor to
M. S. Trimpey, ‘Casseiman, $250.
Henry C. Umberger to Benjamin
A. Richardson, New Baltimore, $1.
Benjamin A. Richardson to Un-
derwriters Realty and Mortgage
company, New Baltimore, $1.
Thaddeus T. Parnell to Gene End-
sley, Addison Township, $1,400.
executrix, to
Somerset Town-
Supplies - Parts
y. |
Walter Facenbaker to Eugene
Criss, Addison Township, $50. *
1 Toruata to Carmelle Serger,
e Ohler, |
I to John
| Lochrie ieny Township, $1.
J Berkey to Paul A. Schell,
Somerset, $100.
Judge Rupple Enjoins The
Local ‘'Boards of Strategy’
from Discussing War Sub-
jects in Bar rooms,
Judge Ruppel laid down a rule on
Monday morning warning holders of
liquor licenses to prohibit war dis-
‘cussions in the hotels, and particular-
ly “in the bar-room which “is used as
a sort of rendezvous for alien ene-
.mies and other aliens,” and “where
‘there is much disloyal and offensive |
| discussion.” “Failure to observe this
|rule in its most rigid and strict con-
struction,” says the Court, “will be |
‘regarded as sufficient for the revoca-
tion of a license.” |
Following is the Courts warning:
“The United States authorities |
“have called my attention to the fact
e Fritz to J. E. McCarnéy, | that Landlords are not as careful as Thursday
they should be in regard to discus-
sions in matters affecting our present |
attitude towards foreign Govern-
ments, and that at places the bar
room “is used as a sort of rendezvous |
for alien enemies and other aliens,
and there is much disloyal and offen- |
sive discussion there.” |
“It is highly important that all
our citizens refrain from the use oo
offensive or abusive language at this
time] |
“It is also important that discus-:
sions as to the policy of our Govern-
ment and other matters affecting our
National welfare be curbed as much
as possible and therefore persons
holding licenses for the sale of liquor
are warned that they must see to it:
that no language which could be con-
strued as offensive to citizens of:
other countries or which is in any!
way disloyal to our Government or|
Government be permitted in the bar
where such licenses are held.
be regarded as sufficient for the re-
vocation of a license.”
r In the opinion of Representative
Charles H. Sloan of Nebraska the
House made a grave mistake in not
limiting the term of the bond issue
rec&ntly authorized, instead of pro-
viding that such conditions shall be
“as the Secretary of the Treasury
shall prescribe.” While other nations
have never repudiated their debts,
so far as he is aware, Mr. Sloan ¢on-
tends that loans from one nation to
another have never before been made
on such a stupendous scale as is now
contemplated, and that it might al-
10st be worth a revolution and change i
of government in a country in order
to repudiate a national debt of a bil-!
lion dollars. Congressman Sloan em-
bodied his ideas in an amendment
providing for a 20-year limitation on
three billion dollars of the bonds, but
his proposition was voted down by the
House. ]
Married Guardsmen Will Not Be Dis-
echarged if Able to Support
The published statement that mar-
ried guardsmen would be discharged
from the military service of the gov-
ernment was premature and unau-
thorized by the War Department.
Gen. W. A. Mann, chief of the mili-
tia bureau at Washington has for-
warded the following communication
to state military officials:
“When a man’s means are ample
for the support of his family in his
absence or where his business can be
so conducted in his absence as to af-
ford a means of support for his fam-
ily, discharge should not be granted.
The object of discharging men as
provided in the circular letter is to
avoid working a hardship upon de-
pendent members of their families
and to obviate the necessity of pay-
ment of benefits to such members
while the soldier is in federal service.”
Washington, May 2.— (Special |
Correspondence) — Representative
Oscar E. Bland of Indiana, before his
election to Congress,” was prominent
in the legislature of his State in the
support of much legislation for the
benefit of the working classes, and
iwas the author of the 1-cent fare law
now in operation. By his wholeheart-
ed endeavors for the welfare of his
{ district until, in his fourth attempt,
‘he succeeded in restoring to the Re-
{publican column a community which
has sent a Democrat to the House for
the last eight years. Mr. Bland’s pre-
vious legislative experience. and his
jability as a lawyer is sure to win a|
{conspicuous place for him in the]
*National House.
{ D. J
t } FE . L i
| burv stre
Brief Mention
Mrs. Elijah Livengood accompani
by her son D. W. Livengood went to
Pa Sadsinkis on Wednesday, where
e will undergo a ti
Sa } £20 an operation for hep
Prof. J. C. Beahm of Gonnellsvill
v a
spent_the ‘week-end with his family,
Fred Hummel of Pittsburg spent
a few Fays in town visiting his wite,
: Miss Mary Alice Bea! ar Pittsburg
18 wisiting at her home. oh
Miss Nelle Stotler spea: from Sun-
fay uatil Tuesday with her brother.
C. E. Stotler of Somerset.
_ Clarence Rhodes has returned to
his duties in High School after being
conficed to his home with a period
of illness.
Misses Ada Glotfelty, Zilphia Stot-
ler, and Josephine MeMerdo spent
afternoon ix Meyersdale
A number of foreigners have been *
arrested in coal Run fo xing liquor,
unlicensed and to minors,
Miss Maud Schram and niece little
Ruth Lichty, spent Frida aftern
in Meyersdale. y oon
The town council have appointed
Ro ¥ - 3 3
h * ty Smearman as police on Satur-
Mrs. A. M. Lichty, Misses Marie
Wagner, Annabel Dietz, Elizabeth
Lichty and Fay Lichty motored to
Curmberland on Tuesday.
Mrs. Lorena Reitz is spending this
week in Meyersdale.
Peter L. Livengood »f Huntingdon
spent the week-end at his home on
Grant street.
Roy Folk returned on Tuesday from
Detroit, Michigan. 5
at variance with the policy of oupt Dr. Clark Maust who has recently
rom Detroit left on Tues-
rooms or about the hotels or offices {day for W. Va., where he will prac.
Ti |. ‘Failure to observe this rule in its| James Hardine is building a - :
| mot rigid and strict construction will ‘age to house two cars 52 28 RY
Miss Ruth Beahm mae 2 shopping :
exredition to Meyersdi®> jn Friday
Alfred Ringler went to Pittsburg
on Sunday. ?
* *
Sick and Gonvalescing
Dr. A. J. Livengood is recovering
nicely from an attack of Typhoid.
Miss Anna Speicher is numbered.
among the sick, this week.
Andy Smith returned on Saturday--
from Altoona Hospital where he un-
derwent treatment for blood-poison-
George E. Engle is suffering from
an attack of tvphoid fever.
George Beal is recovering from a
case of blood-poison which was con-
tracted by an infected instep.
he quarantine for diptheria was
taken from the home of J. C. Treva-
non on Monday. Little Dorothy who
was sick has recovered entirely.
From Detroit to Salishburv
Messrs. Harry Knecht, Wm. Dietz,
Walter Johns, and George Bowman
brought four new Reo’s from Detroiz
on Friday. Thiec toaring-cars and
one truck, for the Knecht Garage
R-ading Circle Organized
The Up-Streamers Bible Class of
the Church of the Brethren have ore
ganized a Reading Circle to study the
books as prescribed in the regular
mission course. The meetings will
occur semi-monthly and will be held
in the homes of the various members.
The first meeting, Friday, April 25,
was held at the home of Florence
Newman, Gay street.
Walker and Smearmen families to
John Walker will move his family
and house-hold effects to Boswell, Ba.,
on Saturday.
Mrs. J. T. Smearman will hold pub-
lic sale at her residence after which .
she and her family will reside in
During the debate on the bond bill,
a few days ago, Senator Frank B.
Kellogg, of Minnesota, gave an inter-
esting sidelight on the European war.
He said that he was in Europe when
the way broke out and had a more or -
less intimate acquaintance in Gems
many and in the other countries now
at war. “I found among the people
of Germany and the people of France
no hatred of each other,” said Sena-
tor Kellogg, “and they could not un-
derstand why they were plunged into
the horrors of war.” He gave it as
his own opinion that this is “the old,
struggle between autocracy and de-
Miss Donnecker Surprise
14 nt 31 n NL T™
Class No.