The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 05, 1917, Image 1

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The President oi the tInited States
iflled the Couz:- :s in Special Ses-
sion, and they met oi: Monday and
proceeded to effect an organization,
afterwards meeting in joint sessicn
when the President read a special
message dealing with the action of
Germany in destroying shipping (of
neutral powers. He advised that Con-
gress declare that a state of war ex-
isted by the action of Germany in des-
regarding the freedom of the seas,
and in wanton destruction of the lives
of men, women and children. 2
In accordance with his reromenda-
tion the following joint passed the
‘Senate by a vote of 82—5. -
Joint resolution declaring that a
state of war exists between the Im-
perial German Government and the
government and the people of the
United States and making provision
to nrosesute the same:
‘Whereas, the resent acts of the Im.
perial Government are acts of war
against the Government and people
of the United States: .
Resolved, by the Senate anl House
of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress assem-
bled, that the state of war between
the United States and the Imperial
German Government which has thus
been thrust pon the United States
is hereby formally declared; and
That the President be, and he is
hereby, authorized and directed to tak
. immediate steps not only to put the
country in a thorough state of defense,
but also to exert all of its power and
employ all of its resourses to carry
on war against the Imperial German
Government and to bring the conflict
_ to'a successful termination.
| es FROM
The following program will be giv-
en by the Shaw Mines Sunday School,
Sunday April 8th, at 3:00 o'clock:
Song, “I Came to the Garden.”—Sun.
day School.
Opén. song— (Joyful Homage Bring.)
Rec.—Mildred Furlong.
Rec.—Annie Mimma.
Exercise—(Crown Him.)—
Rec.—Thomas Furlong.
Male Quartette—
Rec.—Ralph Fike.
Exercise— (An Easter Boquet.)
Solo—Hazel Harding.
Rec.—Lilly Meehan.
Chorus by school— (Beautiful An;
Song by boys— (Sunbeam Soldiers.)
Rec.—Grace Dunmeyer.
Motion Exercise— (Giving Sunshine
for Easter.)
Solo—Ruth Wiland.
Rec.—Margaret Mimma.
Rec.—Fred Hook. J
Trio.—Beatrice Horning, .-Edna and
William Hawn.
Rec.—Margaret Lowery.
Rec.—Roy Herring.
Song by Girls—(Be Ready Little
Trio—Mr. and Mrs. John Wiland
and Evelyn Harding.
Rec.—Edna Lowery.
Instrumental Duet—Ruth Wiland
and Ralph Fike.
Song by Girls—(Sunny Days.)
Rec.—Lee Herring.
Rec.—Beatrice Horning.
Male Quartette.
Hymn.— (Somebody Knows.)
Song— (Exalted Forever.)
3 Prof. H. B. Speiber, was a |
Church Notices.
Brethern—B. F. Walts, pastor;
Sunday School 10:00 a. 'm. Church
services 2 p. m.
Luthern—W. H. B. Carney, pastor;
Sunday School 10:00 am. Holy Com-
munion 11:00 a. m. Easter services
7p m
, Refdrmed—H} H. Wiant, pastor;
Services preparatory to Communion
Friday evening at 7:00 p. m. Sunday
School 10:00 a. m. Holy Commun-
ion 11 a. m.
‘Evengelical—Rev. Hetrick, pastor;
Sunday School 10:00 a4. m. Church
services 2 p. m. .
The Western District Conference
of the Church of the Brethern will
hold its Annual District meeting in
the Brethern church, April 10th and
11th, At the close of this meeting a
series of Evangelistic meetings will
be conducted by E. M. Detwiler of
Johnstown. All are cordially invited
to attend these services.
Home from School.
Harold Merrill, who is a Senior at
the Franklin and Marshall Academy
at Lancaster, is spending his
vacation with his parents, Mr. anu
Mrs. W. A. Merrill
Mr. W. M. Baker returned from
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Friday, where
hy completed a businesg course in
the Eastman Business Schicl. Mr.
Eaker hag secured a positicn in the
Enterprise Supply compary store.
Mrs. BE. L. Fiddler, was in Pitis-
hurg, last Friday to visit her grand-
mother, who is in the Passavant hos-
Mrs. Henry Naylor of Meyersdale,
was the ghest of Mrs. S. P. Lease.
visitor at Somerset Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ellis, were shop-
ping in Cumberland, Monday.
Mrs. L. Yutzy and son Frank, were
Meyersdale visitors Tuesday.
Mr. Albert Glessner, a student at
Franklin and Marshall College, Lan-
caster, Pa., spent Monday and Tues-
day as the guest of Harold Merrill.
Harold, Merrill and James Nedrow,
visiting friends in Markleton, Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheeler, spent the
week-end with relatives in Rockwood.
Mr. W. H. Miller, returned Monday
to Morgantown, where he is engag-
ed in business.
Mrs. W. Murray and sons, of Mt.
Pleasant, arrived Frilay to spend a
few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Christner.
Mrs. M. Bowlby, left Wedsesday
for Akron, O., having been called
there by the illness of her husband.
Mrs W. Currie, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burns-
worth at Markleton.
Miss Nell Brant, was the guest of
Mrs. Roy Landis at Berlin, Friday
a d Saturday.
Iliss Olive Bowlby, spent the week-
end visiting her uncle, Mr. Wa'ter
Miss June Risgler, spent the weex-
end in Johnstown.
Mr. L. W. Pollard, was transact-
ing business at Morgantown, W. Va.,
Monday, and Tuesday.
Messrs J. Jones and C. Tydball, of
Somerset were Garrett visitors Sun-
Mr. Tom Tucker, who is employed at
Youngstown, Ohio, is spending a few
days with his mother, Mrs. Tucker.
Mr. anl Mrs. L. A. Phennicee and
son, William, spent Wedesday visi-
ting in Pittsburg.
Mr. ‘Harold Merrill, entertained a
few of his friends at a card party last
Monday evening.
Miss Francis Colbert visited friends
at Markleton, T'uesday.
Mr. W. Currie, was a Meyersdale
visitor, Tuesday.
Rear Admiral Dr. Cary Grayson |
takes flag rank as a Democrat. He
has rendered personal “service of a‘
peculiar nature to a Demorratir Presi.
dent gave him an undue and unmeri-
ted promotion. A Democratic com- |
mittee of the Senate approved it. A
Democratic majority in the Senate
has confirmed him. He will receive
a commission counter-signed by a
Democratic Secretary of the Navy. !
He will represent nothing in the navy
The following list of forest fire war.
dens for Somerset was issued today
by the Pennsylvania Department of
Forestry. It takes into account all
changes to March 15th, 1917. The De- | Hi
partment is conducting a strenuous ¥
campaign to reduce the area burned,
over by forest fires in Pennsylvania
The publication of these lists is part
of the campaign. Every reader of this
paper is interested in keeping Penu-
sylvania beautiiul and productive, and
therefore in preventing and extia-
guishing forest fires. «lip this list
and post it in a convenient place, and
when you see a forest fire notify the
nearest fire warden IMMEDIATELY!
John A. Merrill, Forthill.
L. A. Ellenberger, Fairhope, No. 1.
N. J. Topper, New Baltimore.
C. P. Benson, Holsoppie.
G. W. Buckman, Berlin.
Adam A. Baker, Rockwood.
Ed. Gonder, Bo.well.
J. 8. Stevanus, Elk Lick.
J. M. Kretchman, Meyersdale.
U. S. Shober, Garrett.
A. E. Baer, Sand Patch.
J. M. Armagost, Hooversville.
Wilson R. Barndt, Somerset, No.3.
C. I. Gardner, Somerset, No. 3.
J. H. Sarver, Somerset, No. 3.
Edward Zufall, Somerset, No. 3.
Nelson G. Moore, Somerset, No. 6.
W. G. Baker, Boswell. No. 2.
Lee Rauch, Jennertown.
Walter Hoffman, Jennertown.
G. W. Tressler, Sand Patch.
E. H. Shaulis, Somerset. ~
H. W. Shaulis, Somerset, No. 3.
Alvin Burnworth, Confluence.
W. H. Saylor, Ursina.
John S. Thomas, Confluence, No. 1.
D. A. Barron, Rockwood, No. 2,
J. P. Snyder, Rr,
MO. Wolfers
Men Se Glencoe.
Edison Birck, Glencoe.
D. H. Whitaker, Rummel.
Russell Holsopple, Seamor.
I. F. Brant, Stoyestown.
“Albert S. Hoffman, Hooversvillc.
R. L. Manges, Cairnbrooi.
G. R. Wechtenheiser, Cairnbrook,
No. 1.
John G. Bender, Friedens.
H. I. Troutman, Sand Patch Nu. &
W. H. Foy, Shanksville.
H. Reid Weimer, Casselman.
Russell J. Engel, Mayersdale.
J. H. Hummel, Windber.
The great demand for the Human
ola Talking Machine has induced the
the inventors to sell or interest in
their plant to Meyersdale business
men which puts this enterprise on a
first class financial basis and make the
success of this company an assured
fact. This is the most promising
manufacturing enterprise In this coun-
ty. r
Thee Humanola company is mow
each week, turning ort twenty as fine
machines as are made anywhere, but
this is insufficient to supply the de-
mand for this fine machine, theie-
fore the mew organization is instal-
ling quite a lot of mew machinery,
which will increase the output to fifty
machines per week, or about two
hundred in a month. This w:il give
employment to quite a few good
mechanics. The present organiza-
tion is officered by the o!'.owing well
known men of Meyersdalz: E. C. Kyle
Pres.; C. W. Truxal, Vice President;
C. E. Livengood, Secretary; J. H.
Bowman, Treasurer.
In Russia, centralized government
has been overthrown. In America,
we are drifting toward centralized
government, as evidenced by the .sup-
port given to the bill which, if passed,
would have vested in the President
power to use the military forces and
the funds of the United States in any
way he saw fit. Strange world, this.
“Where has the money gone?” is
the question people will now be ask-
ing since they have read the state-
ment of Ambassador Gerard that he
is astonished that no progress has
, been made in prepardness for defense.
What has bees done with all these
“wor taxes” we have been paying for
the last two years.
Lois Maine 2 Newman,
e sufferings of little Lois M. New-
fil were ended Saturday evening
en the little soul winged its flight
én a patient sufferer for two months
a spinal disease, and though her
ts felt she saga not live, yet the
was aged 2 years cad 25
s. She is survived bp her parents,
5 ‘and Mrs. Ed. Newman, and in
'#nt bother, her paternal grand-par-
apts and a grand-mother on the ma-
ternal side, besides a host of uncles
and aunts.
‘The funeral service was conducted
at the house on Monday afternoon by
Rev. B. F, Waltz. Interment was
miade in the I. 0. O. F. cemetery.
: Progress of the Schools.
A number of interesting compoui-
tions were read by members of the
High School in their Wednesday morn-
ing chapel period. The subject un-
der discussion wias “The Robin.”
This year’s class have selected a
play which they will present at Comn-
Class Social.
Miss Lulu Wample delightfully en-
tertained the members of her Sunday
School class at her home on Friday
evening. The guests pulled taffy,
maple taffy, played games and listen-
ed to number of selections on the
victrola. Ice cream and cake were
served at a late hour. The rising
moon made the three ‘mile. drive a
moon made the thsee mile drive a
d fost pleasant one. Those present
chore ; | Misses Estella and Lucille
oy, L lu, Wample, Florence New-
=." Paul - Millef, “Robert
ana Orne Maust. The party was
chaperoned by Miss Elizabeth New-
man of Springs, who had arrived at
hier home to spend the week-end.
Little Folk’s Party.
Mrs. J. C. Beahm entertained a
number of little girls on Saturday
afternoon in honor of her daughter
Edith’s nineth birthday anniversary.
Edith was the recipient of a number
of gifts. Games were pnayed, a blind
folded contest in which Miss Myrtle
James, the little guest's school teach-
er, was the winner, and an “animal
hunt” was participated in by all. At
4 o'clock cake and jello a la pepper-
mint was served. Those present
were: Misses Myrtle James, Anuie
Brown, Margaret Young, Mary Beahm
Thelma Rumiser, Marion Miller, Wini-
fred Liihliter, Florence and Blance
Wagner, Frances Livengood.
and Elizabeth Wagner.
I. 0. 0. F. Banquet.
On Tuesday evening the I. O. O. F.
of Salisbury held their annual banqaat
in the basement of the Reformed
church. It was prepared and served
by the Refomed ladies.
Brief Mention.
Mrs. Lorena Reitz, returned from
Randolph on Saturday morning.
Those from this place who attend-
ed the Juniata banquet at Meyers-
dale on Friday evening were: Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Livengood and Mr.
and Mrs. M. S. Maust of near Boyn-
Mr. Chas. Rocks, has returned to
Mrs. Snyder of Rockwood, is spend-
ing a few weens at the home of Rev.
G. Hetrick.
Rev. Housel of Philadelphia, deliv-
ered a sermon in the Reformed church
on Sunday evening on the subject of
“The Relation of the Reformation to
Modern S. S. Work.”
On Monday evening, April 9th, Dr.
Russell Conwell will deliver his inimi-
table lecture “Acres of Diamonds” in
the St. John’s Reformed church.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz, spent
Saturday in Cumberland, shopping.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McClure have
left for Cleveland, O., where Mr. Mc-
Clure has secured employment.
Misses Mary Reitz, Mima Harding,
Elizabeth Reitz and Mrs. Wm. Lich-
liter, spent Tuesday evening in Mey-
William and Harriet Garlitz have
both so far recovered from their seige
of typhoid fever as to be able to be
out with “the folks” again.
The eighth grade examinations for
the common schools of Somerset
county will be held og Saturday, April
21, 1917. Applicants are not required
to take examinations in Algebra and
Civil Government. All who whish to
ester high schools are requested to
take this examination. The places
for holding the examination and the
committees in the several districts
are as follows:
For Addison and Addisos Borough
at Addison—Committee,” M; Li; Nevils,
0. D. Nicola, Wm. F. Null: Olive Cram-
er, Minnie Tressler.
For Allegheny at Mt. Zion—Com-
mittee, W. “W. Coughenour, Milton
Hillegas, 8. B. Coughenour, Howard
Keefer, Flosence Will.
Fos Benson, at Holsopple—Commit.
tee, Dr. H. A. Zimmerman, N, O. Bor-
der, I. W. Stahl, Rachael Casgler, Gua-
sie Ringler.
. For Black at Marker—Committee,
W. H. Landis, I. W. Walter, Luella
Brant, Mary McVicker, Ernest Hoch-
For Brothersvalley, Berlin High
School—Committee, J. H. Hentz, F.
H. Meyers, A. B. Cober, James S. Gles-
sner, Alda Beachley, Wm. Snyder.
For Casselman at Casseiman—Com-
mittee, Daniel Bittner, W. B. Puttman,
F. A. Harah, Olive Koontz, Leora
For Conemaugh at Miller ‘School—
Committee, J. E. Weaver; L. L. Yo-
der, Cora Thomas, Mary Yoder, Rob-
ert Yoder, Blanche Livingston.
For Elk Lick at West Salisbury—
Committee, James Maust, M. S. Maust
Florence Ydeor, Ada Glotfelty, Eliza-
beth Beas.
For Fairhope at Fairhope—Com-
mittee, Georye W. Hutze, W. H. Shu-
‘maker, Walter ‘Tucker, Naomi Emer-
ick, Cora Smith.
For Garrett at Garrett—Committee,
J. B. Walter, Walk M. Kistler, H. B.
Speicher, F. J. Fike, June Ringler. .
For Greenville at Pocahontas—
Committee, W. H. Hochstetler, John
Remfiold, Luella Baker, William Mil-
ler, Mary Dickey.
For Hooversville at Hooversvil.e—
Coemmittee, J. E. Custer, H. H. Dull},
J. P. Rodgers, Naomi Smith, Clara
For Jefferson at Bakersville—Com-
mittee, H. B. Schrock, J. W. Barkley,
Gertrude Schlag, V. B. Glessner, VJ.
L. Shaulis.
For Jenner and Jennertown at Jea-
ner No. 2—J. B. W. Stufft, A. S. Clark,
M. T. Miller, H. M. Critchfield, Eva
Shaffer, Nannie J. Hay.
For Larmier at Wittenberg—Com-
mittee, C. M. Christner, Wm. H. Knepp
W. A. Hay, Sydney Lenhart, Helen
For Lincoln at Sipesville—Commit-
tee, H. H. Swank, I. F. Brendle, Pearle
Glessner, Margaret Menser, Nannie
For Lower Turkeyfoot at Humbert—
Committee, J. F. Colflesh, G. W. Tan-
nehill, Nora Morrison, Mary Moun,
Bell Ream,
For Mitdlecreek at Cross Roads—
Committee, H. D. Pyle, Jesse G. Moore
Ira Sanner, C. M. Hostetler, Bernard
For Milford and New Centreville at
Gebharts—Committee, H. P. Saylor,
I. S. Snyder, Frank Coder, M. A. Bowl.
by, Ernest Miller.
For Nem Baltimore at New Balti-
more—Committee, F. E. Straub, John
F. Werner, Thomas Hillegas, Carrie
Maust, Kathryn Shaffer.
For Northampton at Wagaman—
Committee, Henry Martz, G. J. Bau-
man, C. B. Bittner, Ruby Poorbaugh,
Ruth Bittner. =
For Ogle at Ogletown—Committee,
J. C. Fleegle, Harry Baumgardner,
J. C. Begley, Harry Hostetler, Arthur
For Paint Township at Cross Roads
—Committee, Noah, Berkey, H. D.
Naugle, C. S. Knavel, R. I. Ripple,
George Seese.
For Paint Borough at Paint—Com-
mittee, W. S. Kiern, J. Ward Hile,
P. W. Shaffer, Dorsey Seese, Ella
For Quemahoning and Stoyestown
at Stoyestown—Committee, D. GG.
Stufft, Dr. W. H. H. Schrock, J. O.
Spangler, J. W. Mostoller, Jr, O. S.
Miller, Mary Miller.
For Shade at Cairnbrook—Commit-
tee, R. P. Cable, Isaiah Hamer, E. C.
NO. 12
Judge W. H. Ruppel handed down
an opinion Satuday in the case of
Chauncey M. Dickey, George F. Kim-
mell and Jacob W. Peck, Directors
of the Poor and House of Employ-
ment vs. H. F. Barron, J. A. Berkey
and H .L. Sipe, in which he holds
that Berkey and Sipe, who are sur-
eties on the bond of Barron, treas-
urer of the Poor Board, are not lia~
ble for $3,894.88, the amount Barron
is alleged to have omitted from his
accounts and: fraudulently held from
the auditor's report at the close of
the year 1912.
By agreement of the parties tne
casel was referred to the Court for
trial without a jury, under the Act of
1874. From the evidence taken and
admissions of the parties, the court
finds that during the year 1912 there
wap paid to Barron as treasurer of the
Poor Board, various sums of money,
in all amounting to the sum of $29,
600.00; included, in this order for $1,
100 drawn by the County Commissio:-
ers of Somerset cuonty.
“On the 1st of Januray, 1913, Clar--
ence Moore was elected treasurer of
the year 1913, and he gave his bond
with the proper sureties, dated 3:d
January, 1913, but not delivered to
the Poor Board nor approved by them
until March 3, 1913.
“After the election of Clareace
Moore as trasurer, but before his
bond was accepted and approved Hehn-
ry F. Barron received from H. F.
Yost, Esq., a former attorney and
clerk of the Poor Board, $106.50 on
orders which had been issued to the
Poor Board. On the 9th of January,
1913, the State Treasurer of Penn-
sylvania issued his cherk payable to
H. F. Barron, treasurer of the Som-
erset County Poor District, for $2,
262.00; this check was received by+:Mr.
Barron, and on the 18th of January,
1913, endorsed by him and the mon-
ey received thereon and appropriated
to the use of the said H. F. Barron.”
In auditing the accounts of Bar-
ron the attention of the auditors were
not directed to the misappropriation
of the $1,100 item because Barron had
made no record of it on his books.
The Court says the conduct of Bar-
ron with reference to the $1,100 trans-
action goes to show that “he intend
ed to commit a fraud upon the county
and to appropriate the proceeds to
his own use.” No appeal from the
report of the auditors having been
taken their report is conclusive and
therefore (the Court directs judge-
ment to be entered Yor the defend-
As to the item of $2,262 the Court
finds that “never having been sub-
mitted to the Board of County Auditors
for adjustment and there having been
no auditor's report as to said item,
the Court of Common Pleas is wi he
out jurisdiction in the case, and thig
common law action in this form can-
not be maintained. Under all :he
evidence in the case judgement must
be entered in favor of the defendants.
If no exceptions to the decree of
the Court are filed within thirty days
Judgement is to be finally entered by
the Prothonotary in accordance with
the order.
Menser, A. F. Heiple.
For Stoneycreek and Shanksville at
Shanksville—Committee, L. H. Mus-
er, S. M. Fox, George Lambert, I, B.
Glessner, I. G. Carver, Edith GeiseL
For Somerfield at Somerfield—Com-
mittee, J. W. Endsley, L. L. Conne-
way, Elna Tissue, Wm. Keim, Masry
For Southampton and Wellersburg
at Wellersburg—Committee, Chas. C.
Martz, J. E. Shaffer, Margaret Tissue,
Ida Getz, Bertha Petenbrink.
For Summit at the S.J. Miller
School House—Committee, George
Growall, H. L. Fike, S. C. Witt, Llovad
Shumaec, Frank Witt, D. C. Handwerk.
For Upper Turkeyfoot at Kingwood
—Committee, L. A. Hall, D. F. Shultz,
Matthew Younkin, Charles Cramer,
Frank Stoner.
For Ursina at Ursina—Committee,
W. E. Van Sickel, W. 8S. Kuhlman, H.
J. Diehl, Carrie Forquer, Sadie Pyle.
The examination bgins promptly
at 9 a. m. It is expected that all who
desire to take the examination will
be present at that hour, Instructions
regarding he manner of conducing the
but Democratic favoritism and Demo- Oaks, O. C. Berkebile, J. C. Cassady, | examination together with the ques-
Tableau. cratic partisanship. | - | P. J. COVER & SON. Lizzie, Koontz. |'tions to be submitt o the appii-
rere eee A —_ ION SETS ARE VERY SCARCE - For Somerset Tow ( vill be mailed t ome member
P. J. COVER & SON. | SEEDS AT HABEL & PHILLIPS. { | HABEL & PHILLIPS. car Mesgrave, Roy S. Saylor, George | Count; rintendent.
| i 2d