The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, March 22, 1917, Image 3

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    ; : : fut wprananan COMMER. - DE — PA.
lag, LEAN Ir
ring * ,
e of i i : . : i i
5 WORKMEN'SLAW TE pani ooh mae £0 sient denned. prove
—— cted and pe y anced
His : A some cream to begin with, but will soon get out of balance and
J ] i i
ted, A $ Ad ditions 0 of 20 Persons Killed )] Wind Looks as if Thels Bin 1] President Wison Decits Not Tose a a meat dul mosey roam, hel i wiesing ai the jhearings
: uierou Aes In Newcastle fo Wait for ‘Authority cheap ator is .only two or three years.
fhe ; 1915 Advocated. 60 Through. | a The bowl of the NEW De Laval
Soe 500 HOMES ARE DESTROYED ; SHOOT AT U-BOATS oN SIGHT The new De Laval bowl is so constructed and so balanced upon
hen; EMPLOYERS NOT FAVORABLE FORGE T0 ; bk INCREASED 1 Qetithed spindle tu that it will run joe and do pozfest work even
machi in use fo
_— 000,000—M : ‘Cabinet Back of President In His Move The De ea has always been ond for its close skim-
Jone . E——— Batage ESM J nx Hire i ; to Protect Merchant Shipping From ming under all SP on Dut te ny
the . ¥hey Say That Liability and Com- | path Cut Through Place. Though a Kew Years Ago a Movement|' Ravages of German Submarines. Noo oy ther with the Jarge: discs,
o 1 pensation Laws of Two Years Ago Was On to Wipe Out System, Legle| 5. igone wilson has decided to |] Makes the new De Laval bowl an ered
closer skimmer than the old one and
Twenty are known to be dead
gives considerably greater capacity into
& g 1 hd
and more (han a hundred Bidre Were laters Now Think it Advisable 0 |arm American merchant ships under
pr... Should be Given Longer Trial Be-
aad fore Modifications Are Made. injured by a tornado which struck| Enlarge Force-and Increase Pay. |his constitutional authority. The fol- the bargain.
me : Newcastle, Ind., . i j esti- lowing statement was issued: The new De Laval bowl has been call-
Harrisburg, Pa., March 13.—As & Te- ate he ina Seg ee Hamaburg, Pe. March 13,1 lois “Secretary Tumulty stated in con- ed by people who ought to know, “the
new sult of nearly two years’ trial of the very much as if -the Pennsylvania o : greatest JRprovement in cream separator
IEW : The storm swept a path through the nection with the president's call for 44
infy employers’ lability and workmen's | ,itv shout two blocks wide, extending state police will come into its own at Bn catra session of congress that the cons! in the last thirty years.
you compensation laws, these interested |e. mn Sixth street to Twenty-Afth this session eof the legislature. ‘The : g h Come in and see one of the new ma-
in their operation are advocating num- | oi cat © About 500 houses were leveled [Bill to increase the force three times president is convinced that he has the chines. We'll be glad to explain it to
ated erous additions and changes. Tey | .n4 more than 300 damaged. jta present number and to give the |POWer to arm American merchant you in all its details, and we know you eT
he'll contend that the enactment of certain All the hospitals in the city are|officers and men better pay stands | Ships and is free to exercise it at il, be pterested In exajining the new Crags ber OB of new Now]
rec. things are necessary in order to per-| .. 5.4 with the injured. More than an even: chance -of going i °° But so much necessary legisla- v other improvements. » alstributing milk betwen
fect the system by which injured
ba : workmen and their families, as well
| as the families of men killed while at
work, shall be adequitely omMpenesy
On the. other, Sand, em
tion is pressing for consideration that
he is convinced that it is for the best |
interests of the country to have an
early .session of the Sixty- -fifth. con-
gress, whose support he will also need
The storm cate’ trom the ‘West, |through. In fect, those who watch
striking the city in the northwestern'|jggigiative developments and who are
section, and traveled in a southeast: disposed to make bets would be wills
erly direction. In South Sixth street. :
An, through to Lincoln avenue, one ing at this writing to lay a wager oo
227 he: other, J ; om rik eg geet 17 oe main_ residence streets. of theft the success of the state. police meas: in all mattets collateral to the defense.
" e laws have not ha cien = are. - of our merchant marine.” | ; =
; very. house -w. reeked. ; I.
» try-out to warrant numerous medion oi En sve So dor a A avenue : All of which is a reminder of ow It was learned definitely that some
nam hoe? le Shee Heats large’). gions the factasy distri t, where, things Hage changed. It seems But a American merchant ships sailing for
what the suegeations advanced in. nt A ie he “Were ‘demqlish od, dow. years ago—and it is not much more the submarine abe will % Srued by : JOHNSTOWN ; 3
: before the 1 §, & 8; Practically every block south, of Brogd)| —since jt sis poiftical heresy” to advo- ii ERperam aen ave hes i Amar y Ch GC S 2 3
contemplation, ° ‘gc! in merit: street, WE 4 + xo F wa WA 1 Sato anything ia favor hg the ‘state ver = '
v xing fo Tal to ee In 1a fale Sud it In capectod that vossels wil be Sells the Champion Cream Sa; 1
what they do say, however, ig:that the
1815 -acts should be given at légat two
more years before any attempt is made
ready to ‘sail in the near future.
Jndisns rolling mil, whith Mas: de The state department's view of de:
lowing the enactment of the" bill ‘cre:
stroyed, sbut was’ Hurt" .
ating the department was conspicuous
yf om
to improve upon them.
Following are some of. the
additions and changes "$e th
men's compensation laws:
Compensation for portions of hands
end fingers; same as New York act.
Compensatien for defective hearing,
eliminating the contention that em.
ployes in some cases die of heart fail
Eliminating entirely the question o
dependency, and to pay compensation
for all deaths, regardless of heirs or
that the amount so
eompensated be distributed according
to intestate laws, that is to thé estate
absence of heirs;
of the decedent.
‘Wage rate should be increased from
BO to 66 per cent, as is the case in
, the Ohio act.
~ That the fourteen: day. period is too
long. That the law sheuld be chang-
'.ed to make the period not more than
one week, or to pay the victim after a
certain length of idleness, calculated
from .the date of the accident.
Method eof computing wages should
‘be entirely modified; rates should not
be multiplied by 5% but by 6, and a
man should be pald for overtime.
_ Compensation for death of single
man is too low; 20 per cent to father
or mother is not sufficient; should be
.-made 50 per cent.
That a minor over sixteen be com-
pensated for a period of weeks for
. death of father.
Employers should be penalized by
patrolling the city.
money is reaching the city.
a citizens’ committee, relief fund
f | to prevent looting and disorders.
cer, expressed the belief that ther
would be no serious
fered from exposure. Neo change wa
at $1,000,000.
- Indiana . national. guard: troops are
Ald in the way of #dad supplies and
In answer to the appeal for financial
aid, sent broadeast dver the state by
military adthorities. “While martial law
has not been declared, the soldiers
are ruling the city with a strong hand
Dr. W. I. Fugate, local health offi-
outbreak of
disease, although many persons suf-
made in the property loss, estimated
By the‘humber of measures introdubed
te wipe out the force and this agita-
tiem seatiaued for three or four ses
Semmechow labor men, that is both
s {veal laber mea and political labor
the state police bill, and in 1909 came
within a few vetes of getting the re-
pealer through the house.’
But gradually the prejudice against
the state police began to grow less and
a the 1913 session found mo bill to repeal
befere the legislature. It is true labor
men had not become wholly friendly
to the force, but they did mot show
their dislike as they hada in previous
sessions by endeavoring to remove the
statute entirely from the law books.
The storm passed through the long-
est way of the city, striking the south
and west sides. The Southside school
building was destroyed, as were also!
rolling mills and a shovel plant.
‘While the storm also hit the better
residence district it was not damaged
as severely as that in the neighbor-
hood of the Maxwell automobile fac-
Newcastle has a population of 15,
000 and is known as the City of Roses,
because of the large greenhouses lo-
cated here.
Their efforts were confined to fighting
any and all attempts to increase the
:foree and ‘the compensation ofthe
Oppesition Faded.
Two years ago it was found that the
great majority of legislators had only
kind words to say of Superintendent
Groom’s trained men; that those who
spoke unkindly of their work were far
in the minority. A bill to give them
living wages was put ‘in and after a
fight defeated, not because the mem-
Cincinnati Cyclone Swept.
A cyclone struck the suburbs of Cin-
cinnati Sunday with tremendous force.
While no one was killed a path of
bers did not feel friendly, but rather
their apprehension lest their constitu-
ents would not be pleased.
Now there does not seem to be this
fear among the senators .and represen-
fensive afmament was that the mere
appearance of a German submarine or
its periscope near an American armed
vessel would entitle the vessel to take
all measures of protection on the pre-
sumption that (the W-bbat's purpose
was hostile. This was based on Ger-
bodied in instructions to commanders
of American armed ships and wheth-
er arms and ammunition will be fur-
nished to vessels carrying contraband
were up for discussion, but no an-
nouncement on either point was au-
The attitude of President Wilson
has been that no steps of a belliger-
ent character should be taken and
that if a state of war comes it must
be through Germany’s commission of
acts in clear violation of internation-
al law. Some. officials close to the
president are known to feel that in
line with this policy the United States
should not sanction a shoot-on-sight
program which might be construed as
Mr. Wilson has the backing of the
entire cabinet in taking the step. Guns
for arming merchantmen have been
assembled at navy yards along the At-
lantic coast, and everything is ready
to carry out the policy announced by
the president.
Lacking Tegal authoriiy to establisl
general censorship, the administration
appealed to the patriotism of the
country’s newspapers and cable com-
ere is - 4
-— @ue to accident in course of employ- | have been started in many cities of | men, believed the state police was FSLYs SRIOYiCom Mt a Revieubmes Bagdad, chief Turkish city in Meso-
: ey a | 1OTH0A 0 destray laBe 4R3 107 BO| py belligerent or neutral merchant: tamia and formerly the capital of
4 Compensation for disfigurement | publican candidate for vide prosident|ether purpose. They strove in every | man encountered within the barred e empire of the -Caliphs, has been
on 5 all dasts’ whee JoeHe Jun slogan, contributed $1,000 | oo ipl way to undo the work of the [gone ' {captured by the British forces. An-
$ death takes place ‘at . ent.| ‘No-looting has: ted tothe 1995 legislature, which put through Whether this pesition will be em- nouncement of the capitulation of the
city was made by the British official
press bureau.
i The statement was issued on receipt
of a telegram from General Maude,
saying the British forces had occupied
Bagdad early Sunday morning. No de-
tails of the capture of the city were
contained in General Maude’s dis-
Russians have occupied the town of
Sahna, in northwestern Persia, and
are pursuing the retreating Turks in
3 {
| Russian war . department.
{end of February;
dent are unknown, says the Despatch:
the direction of Bisitun, fifty miles
southwest of Hamadan, according to
an official statement issued by the
In « Asia
Minor the Turks took the offensive
along the Sivas road, but were re-
pulsed by the Russians.
According to a Berlin telegram
from Stockholm to the Overseas
News agency a submarine under
Russian command was sunk at the
details of the inci-
Saysbeven in Russia.
The British transport Mendi, carry-
ling South African laborers, was sunk
| after a collision on Feb. 21 and 625
persons lost their lives. Ten of the
persons 'lost were Europeans, accord-
i ing’ fai pb janies to suppress publicatio and
giving employe Tight of action_in all ruin marked the wind’s visit. Hun- tatives. Men who a few sessions ago DS er I AT > Ln i ing to the announcement made to the
oe EAset ‘where, Injury was. sugtained dreds of homes were damaged and |were afraid to laud the’ state police are SMmIs3Oon Of norma 10R, 20H South African parliar - 1
: _ through, the employer's disregarding some were totally destroyed. now out in the open and willing to Sovoments of, American merchant Louis Botha, the premier. The col-
2 : > = take their chances on voting in favor | Fail: ; : :
th ety 1 of the commonwealth. A g « ; HE S .
a as I and Townships Could Sell. * LIVE STOCK AND GRAIN 5 mereasing the foros Tis ‘folks THe Dest news at renders een ho 2 Gigi gi 2 ¥ 1.500
Und “ " t f the Fowler bill : 7 back home who have had experiece | Rave” Secretary Daaiels said’ in a y STAR PoSOns on Tom NY
nt 0 et 1 Pe of Pittsburgh, March 13. |with the state police have béen heard | f0rmal statement to press representa Hotels, Yaris ji depth from Sie
ntroduced in the legislature cities Butter—Prints, 46@46%c; tubs, 45|from. tives, “is that the government will , 800 meters, were carried by the at-
the second and third class and bor-
. Photos by American Press Association.
@45%c. Eggs—Fresh, 30c. . The work of the police is being | Protect the rights of Americans to the : tack in the Champagne made by the
Soa nw Too prada > 4 + Cattle—Prime, $11.35@11.75; good, praised "everywhere and ‘the only freedom of the seas. Dr. Ernest Sekunna (at top), a Ger- French, the Paris war office reports.
ross : ‘the residents at — This is in line $10.50@11.25; tidy butchers, $9.50@ | complaint’ from’ the “people "is that “The. publication of ? details can |man, and H. Chandra Chakiaberty, a A German counter offensive Way Ie
ppo- with the legislation proposed by the 10; fair, $8.50@9.26; common, $7.25@ | Pennsylvania has not enough of these | Serve no good purpose and might |Hindco physician, are under arrest ‘in Dulsed agrero violont fighting. Two
ex 2 1 8.25: heifers, $7@10; common to good |offcers,~ There is no ‘doubt that the jeopardize human life’. - 4 New “York on charfes of' violating German attacks in Avocourt wood, on
oon - _Philadelphia. city administration to 5 a he Verd front re rebulsed
iy. “meet the high cost and scarcity of fat bulls, $5.50@9; common to good |paople; themselves. have given‘the'| Mr. Daniels has determined not to | United States neutrality by conspir- the Verdun ron » Were repulsec. .
self = foodstuffs in that city. ‘ | fat cows, $4.50@9; fresh cows and |legislators the necessary backhone to reveal any of the department’s plans |ing to bring about an uprising against Berlin claims the ; entente mili-
this he. Fowler bill Is brief and to the SPringers, $40@s5. stand by the state'police to the limit. | for carrying out the policy ordered British rule in India. The plot, fod- tary forces op the various fronts lost
iber- ..point, merely providing “That coun. | Sheep and Lambs—Prime wether, This should mean sure success forthe | by President Wilson. He previously | eral agents say, may be nation-wide. Rinety-one aifplanes during February.
2 2 : : $11.50@12; good mixed, $10.50@11.25; | bill. . has stated, however, that the navy is|—_* — i as compared with Fenty: four lost by
pro- . cils of cities of the second and third 3 8 , 1 ; : v as the Germans.
class. towns and boroughs and town. | fair mixed, 3925@10.25; gulls and County and city offictals are taking | prepared with guns; amnfunition, gun DAMAGING PAPERS FOUND 2
ther : ship "commissioners or township su: common, $5@6.50; heavy ewes, $6@9; (an important hand in getting through |-crews and all’ other necessary equip-| “DEPENDS ON WILSON”
ould pervisors may by ordinance or resolu- SPring lamis, sli@14. 50; veal calves, i iii ml Letters from En or Joronnel to carry out the fooue Tighten About Hindu and Ger- 2 's Ai w
Al . tion authorize the purchase of food $12@12.50; heavy and thin calves, $6 ohicrs ond other Wh he Po te a ns commAndents will’ stiper: | "20 Chemist, Charged With Plotting. a» HE . ar Be-
bed— products and may sell the same to : ner Buartians of aw aT yy 2 ! supe Evidence purporting to show that Dr. ween Germany and United States.
Hogs—Prime and heav mixed, order are coming in to Harrisburg by | intend the actual installation of guns : x ; : ’ On being asked by a newspaper rep-
lare residents at cost in such manner and El y ) 3 Charles Chakraberty, a Hindu, and p
rl a at such time as may be deemed expe- $15.35@15.40; mediums and heavy (every mail. The one sentiment ex- |on merchant craft. The rifles, am |p oq Seckunna, a German, arrested resentative whether war between the
this dient. The proceeds, if any, thereof | ! Yorkers, $15.30@15.35; light Yorkers, fase) at the PRAnSYIaul state munition, mounts, range Dens ang in New York in connection with an United States and Germany was ex-
shall be at the disposal of sald coun- | $14@14. 50; pigs, $13@13.25; roughs, Po ji) oe i is doing won‘er- | other accessories are already Stored alleged plot to foment revolution in In- pected the German foreign secretary,
5 the cils, commissioners or supervisors.” $13.50@14; stags, $11@12. i or 1b ls, d10t An enemy of or- at the yards. They range from heavy dia, had been in communication with Dr. Alfred Zimmermann, as quoted in
1ife, Cleveland, March 13. ganizef abor and that it is a force | six-inch rifles to three-inch weapons the German foreign office, Berlin, and an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
> un- CAPITOL HILL NOTES Cattle—Choice fat steers; 1,100 |0f Which any state should well feel and smaller guns. ~The number Of{. .¢ tpeir plans had the approval of . Copenhagen, replied:
pounds and upward, $9.75@10.50; | Proud: guns to go on each ship, the personnel : p10 04 ‘Zimmermann, with recom- «I do not know. It depends on Pres-
ride Senator Charles on A. Snyder will take | choice fat steers, 1,100 pounds and ———— selected from the active list of the mendations that financial aid be given | ' ident Wilson. Since the severance of
aky his oath of office as auditor gemeral | upward, a cwt., $9.26@9.50; good to AMONG THE LAW MAKERS navy or from the reserve to handle certain intriguers in this country, will | diplomatic relations we have been
en the first Monday in May. choice butcher steers, $8.76@9; fair to She La the guns, the time of sailing or the ! without official information from
Big ammunition firm re fig tir ; be laid before the federal grand jury.
= good butcher steers, $8.25@8.50; hard th Th i 5 are 9s 1°% }mames or ships that have been armed Among the papers seized by the po- | America, but Loan say this: We. shall
The baby member of the house is | common to light steers, $6.50@7.25; | oo e : in bill — prevent Ne will not be disclosed. fie Io the home of Dr. Chakraberty, it | Prosecnte the submarine war with all
FS Hdward Smith, of Bedford. He Is | choice heifers, $8.25@8.50; light heif- ni ig Sams without a license EE RE is alleged, is a document bearing {he | means at our disposal.”
* twenty-six years old. Semator Catlin. | ers, $7.26@8; good to choice butcher COUnLy Snenws. “PLOT IS NEWS TO address, 76 Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin, the —_—
. * of Luserne, is the oldest in either | bulls, $7.50@8; bologna bulls, $6.76@ | rpg jegislature reconvened Monday ME” SAYS BERNSTORFF |ofice of the foreign secretary. This | AMBASSADOR GUTHRIE DIES
* branch, He fa nenrer to elehty than 750; good to choice cows, $7@3; fair night after a- week's vacation tak- evidence is considered highly im- Dipl Strick ;
$ te seventy. to $6.50 @6.50; common = +o permit the members to. at- Former Ambassador Denies Knowing | portant by the federal authorities. In ip Ee vss In wokie
cows, 8 _} Anything at AH of Zimmermann’s i ; t : :
gi Governor Brumbaugh and his staff | Hegs—Choice mediums and heavies tend the Inauguration of the pres ying MMermant addition to, these papers Others tha United States Ambassador George
al » ildent. Note—Reaches Christiania. were seized in the Wall street office i : : 2
p attended the inauguration and headed | g15: mixed, $14.95; Yorkers, $14.90; 5 W. Guthrie died suddenly in Tokio of
a : the Pennsylvania regiments. On ae | nigs $13; roughs, $13.25; stags $12. Count von Bernstorff, former Ger |of Wolf von Igel, who accompanied apoplexy. Mrs. Guthrie was with the
p ; v 4 or \ : 2
: + count of poor health, Adjutant Gen- Sheep and Lambs—Good to choice Ne ia mn Sy Ae Le ee ne ambassador at the time of his death.
ie ¥ —~ Thomas Stewart could not be in | jumps, $14. 25@14- 50; fair to good, |jmembers hardly more than a half |Frederik VIII, said that he was ig- | presented to the grand jury, it was | lr Sane reformer. The thi 5
ts + : $12.60@13.50; eulls and common, $9@ |jozen went to Washington. norant of the political developments |said, as evidence of a connecting link 2 shh
e, ¥ 10.50; good to choice wethers, $10.50 fo d t lin the general plot against Great Brit- his family to be choser ‘ r
+ Demoeratic legislators say that ex- | gy 55. good to choice ewes, $10@11; ’ of the last four weeks and was notin the ge burgh, twice proposed as a candidate
8 1 wil | » 8 ” ’ The mothers’ pension bill ealls for |in a position therefore to make any |ain.
y ar A. Mussel Palaer ji mixed ewes and wethers, $10@11; |g806,000 and it has the support of | comment regarding them. When the o for governor, honored by city, state
% ¢ nominee of the Democrats 0% | cylls, $6.50@9. tharitable end welfare organizations d od of the dis- Is! : and Bation, Word of hia sath Was. re.
overnor. In 1914 Palmer ran third || s ex-ambassador learn 0 e dis Rhode Island and Textues. eived Pit
= fn the contest for United States sena- | gy Bulk a at throughout the entire commonwealth. | gjosure of Germany's effort to make | The first coiton will in the United pel in Pittsburgh with deep sor
e # tor and he has done nothing sinee to | Hogs 14.80: ® ml od $14 40@14.90 . an alliance with Mexico he expressed | Btates was built in Pawtucket in Wash-
x & grow in strength. $14.16@14 80; ZIXer, 40@14.90; | Fearing that Dauphin county would {mig surprise and added: “It is mews | ington's first administration. The mak- A Coel Soldier.
a $ Be : ies Ehe, 514.350 ig Sem br Bopublien to me.” Ing of textiles has become Rhode Is- | A Fn grenades wo Wis elas
14.50; » . 89. an it is at present. Democratic Na- land's first industry. Some 60,000 per- > me ustice tha
ing to a bill imtroduced by |! The count was told of President in y e 6u, per:
at ¥ isin Simpson, any person || Cattle—Native beef cattle, $8.700@ tional Chairman Vanes McCormick |wmigon’s progress toward the arming |soms work in it, and its output is about been done him by a field marshal
in who recelves an injury upom the 13.50; stockers and feeders, $6.76@ |has started a new evening paper here. | oo yantmen, but he made no com: | 50 per cent of the manufactured prod- pointed his pistol at the marshal and
k treets of a municipality and fer which 9.65; cows and heifers, $5.70@10.50; |It is called the Harrisburg News. Re- ment, although seeming eager to hear ucts of the state, which, little as it is, pulled the trigger, but it did net gw» off.
1- : calves, $9.60@18.25. gently the Harrisburg Telegraph ab- 3 ‘Without moving a muscle the veteran
the municipality may be liable must of the latest developments on both is fourth in the making of cotton goods
motify the authorities within sixty |. Wheat—May, $1.80%. Corn—May, |perbed the Star-Independent, one of sides of the Atlantic. and third in the making of woolens eried, “Four days in the cells for keep-
days of the accident. $1.07%. Oats—May, §7%e. the oldest newspapers in the state. and worsteds ing your arms in a bad state!”
Zr ——