The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, March 15, 1917, Image 5

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    \ tim vogifon 28 Slide, Gb. tui, dhe thie dag drt by She dE
rT ny A NN.
-~ WwW J
. cess of the effort.
, thousand seventy-two miles of roails
| were
- pes a - add Ga ha FRE Es a A SR
. 2
ocal an ersona : J i :
The Directors of the Economy Tele- x Je
phone company held their regular Of Meyersdale, Penn’a. ; W. 5 “OOK & SON
meeting last Friday. Regular rout- At th 1 f bopsi M h A V 2 8
SE Elhost wos idansacten e close of business, arch 5, 1917. 3 eyersdale, Pa.
PD . nh x rm——
GW. Daniel of W. Salisbury was 5 : I h : St re ceived
a pleasant caller at this office on Sat- RESOURCES ; ave Ju W. CURTIS TRUXAL,
urday Sveuing Wl 1.2 Lc Spe 808 Disconnis $ 532,959.23 hr .o50.03 PB a y 0 : ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,
Mr. an IS. . 5 ync , were] 000000 A0LAl ICAI ......evniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiien. 3 . h P t f SOMERSET. PA.
shoppers in Cumberland on Saturday. 2. Overdrafis unsecued $5110 37140 SLL men Prompt attention given to ail regal
H. M. Cook has been appointed 3. U. 5 Bosp: 4 fed t : r 8 8 0S business.
Agetn of the Western Pennsylvania 2, oncs deposited to secure C k y Lt It y 1 m d
- 1
Humann Society. Any acts of crush WE 8 Pa Hel i Onxoys od Children Ory
ty to dumb animals may be reported U. 8S. deposits (par value)........ . 3,000.00 1d d FOR FLETCHER'S
to Mr. Cook, and, it is needless to say, c. U. 8. bonds pledged to secure You can start your 0 an Cc = T R
that he will promptly see to the sup- Postal savings deposits (par 0 Chi k b . A oO i A
h yalua).l...................c.000 2,000.00 WL a
— r a Xe Total U. 8. bonds. a. eau re 70.000.00, young lckens y using
rs. B. C. MacTaggart anc her son, 3 ol: other than U.S. bow ds pled. .
Grier have returned home in Pitts- ged to <ecure U. 8. depo ’sits...... 2,000.00 these Remedies. 0
burg. after having spent several days b. Bonds other than U. 8. bonds
with her mother, Mrs. A. S. Kresge. Dledged to secure postal savings 5.080.00 Jose h L Tress! or
OPOSIIBL........ i aids iesinnansans ,
Samuel Grier left Saturday morn- e. Fos other than U.s.bonds : 3 pL, tres
ing for Keyser Preparatory School, (not inelnding stocks) owned vi A S 3 p x 1p 1
where he will take a course in boox- anpledged. .... ..oo ul L 203,475.73 es . = ] 2k aneral Wireeter and Fishal er
keeping and short hand. Mr. Grier Total bonds, securities, ete.. 210,555.73 - 3
has won local fame as a basket-ball 5. Stocks, other than Federal Reserye 12500 LEADING DRUGGIST 3 Meyersdale, Penna.
star / Soot
6. a. Subscriptionto stock of Federal 3 —————
At the session of License Court Reserve Bank..... sarees 9,900 00 MEYERSDALE, PENNA 2 exidoper Ofer -
held in Somerset, Judge Ruppel}" b. Less amount ui paid ni 4,950 00 4,950.00 5 309 Xorth Mreel 229 Center {ree
granjed Neotises fo oll the ones Wit TE ay aig hous (IUD oD ¢ rafaphones and Records Sold Here. 3 Economy hone. Roti Thones.
held the same last year, but refused b. Equity in banking house ... 26,000.00 SFr
all new ones. 8. Furniture and fixtures................. .. 3,500.00 si OO FCROBCHLF OF ACEOECHORC ORC FO SHOR POS
Wanted—A good boy to learn to 9. Real Slate owned other than bank- 503.00
feed press, and make himself. gener- 10 Not an dts from Plone : ; . i
ally useful. Inquire at this office. : serye Bank......... Ea - 78,354.10 Hh I REARS AA SRYSS%h ith th Wg CE i i || Baltimore & “ahiol
Sawmill, Engine, & Broiler for sale. 11. a. Net amourt due from approved Hh HE HO M Ee O I) QU A i. t TY $i,
Outfit ready for business $550.00. |, reserve agents jp New York, ahh 2 ] “R RAILROAD |
See H. Phillips, Clay St., Meyersdale, Chicago and St. Louis ied sero 16,878.72, ws r SPRING TOUR SS TO :
Pa b. Net. amount gag from approved
if reserv> agents In otker reserve . 4 s bud
eer so 144,252.00 161,131,21 th : : Hh dike
Arbor Day. 12. Ne SIpevht Oe from banks aud in Ve coulpn’t if we would, neither would we if we 4s 1
. ankers (other 1} irel d in ;
: BOE Ye en. i 107,411.45 4 could, sell you infericr gods. + : 9
Harrisburg, March [13.—Govelnor : : . 3d x pe
Braumbaugh has issved a proclamation 14. Oli ehecks on bax ks ir IN 00.42 % QUALITY 'GROCERIES IS OUR MOTTO Hi £35k ‘ i
fixing Thursday, May 24. 1917. ns Te : Hh We supply our trade with the best that money Hil} Mie 3 ami ‘ q
«State-wide Good Roads Day.” in his Bide ve . kn 93 CH £6 ing :
1 : items... 1.96 iH can bu 51 We Sy F i
Proclamation the Governor reviews b. Fragbionales urrency y : , ‘ ' BB. Was i
the causes which led to the fixing of cents 518.98 630.94 iy It will pay you to buy Ward's bread. It is perfect- 5 tel '
i c citizen Jotes hex ,460.00 So ; Fick
this date, amd calls a = citizens to I Notes of tl Sa 5 ly sanitary and will please you. 2) :
dc their share in making the day mem- tam § 3 i
orable in the forward movement for ol Corpifivaloty ir ahunad 7,354,160 i Our line of Canned goods is complete, and 1n spite oh geo :
good roads, 21 Redempt ong LE U. 8.1 ron 5 LH of the present high prices, we are in position to offer : ot T2050 addi toni. f
Wheseas, The demand for good as a a UB on. 3.255.00 s | SECURE ‘FULL INES :
urer and due from U. . 1255. Hh : . rices will save :
roads in this Commonwealth. is uni: Fetal an, LL nak ~ 1,215,549.16 7gocd values at moderate prices he p | FROM TICKET AGEN i
versal and increasingly insistent, and LE he 5 hE i : th money Jor you and please you 1 means Sumo — = 3
Whereas, The rapid development A Tras HR Good pie peaches at 16 cexs rer can. Hh Gog eT
of our transportation routes is essen: LIABILI th 1 1b. can Royal Scarlet Shad 15 cents. th
tial to the welibeing of our people. 25: Capital Seok Paid ng... 3 “0 % 14 1b. Premium % + (c'ata 19 cents. i
Qh grant serienitarel juierests rw Re TNE Bronte, LENNY 8 44.963 99 Hi 1 1b. Jar of Good Ciacow for 30 cents. |
largely dependent upon the develop and taxes paid.......... Apo 3 724 08 41 239 91 \ 1 Large Can of Spirach ier 15 cents. Hi i
ment and upkeep of our highways. acerued hse sul stitg 1 3 1b. Best Rice for 30 cents. ih
Thee fust speedily ve established: 0 Qircularing notes ou i 65 000 00 8 14Bottle Catsup for 10 gents.
8 1 - F x 8
5 all-year, satisfactory highhay ser- bankers (otuer than included Ug 2 Ib. Mince Meat for 25kents. :
from our farms to our markets in31ors2). ..... Cine Ioan 2 042 22 Special prices on Violet Butiermilk Soap this week.
and market stations. Producer and 35 Indivicual deposits subject 15 Just recieved a lot of fancy onion sets. It will pay you to buy
consumer 51155 Tequire tig Ssrvils. 36 clan ‘of ‘deporit d due in man th them early.
With the steady increase in the num- SE ee m3 Oc 72 41 i
L ye... . 416 20 iy bs
ber of automobiles used by our peo- 37 Certified checks. ........ ... 99 58 Rh HL 4hth hth'h 5 45th hth th th th th ® Hihth : Y=
ple in passing from one business cen- 38 Pashior’s chooks outs(anding 3 0e 2 i ER RE
g 39 rived ates deposits...... . so ; . 1315 4) Ha
tre to another {pe Faron peo of an 40 Postal savings deposits ..... 4 551 43 Electricity’s latest gift to the house- A Fone Pulle “&
highways i I oh d 42 Deposits Teduipoy noues vub wife—greatest since the electric iron ' § L 44 E ih
as we open our e to Vi css than 5 BAYS... .... - : - E
citizens alike we.shall find the scenic Totul demand depusits, Tiems and electric vacuum cledner—the ays e arly gg
i: : +5, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,41 and 42 415 494 03 ; WESTERN ELECTRIC
splendor of Pennsylvania increasing- ? > : i | @ And the early egg—say late Novem-
s . 43 Certificaies of deposib..... .. 159 376 33 i PORTABLE i be d
ly appealing and our highways in- 46 Other time deposit. .... ...... 367 395 69 : r and through December—com-
creasingly important; and
Whereas, In every town and city
and in mamy rural communities many
of our leading citizens, imbued with
high civic purpose, have formed bod-
ies to promote good roads, organiz-
ing voluntarily associations such as
Chambers of Commerce, civic Rsso-
ciations, agricultural organizations,
automobile clubs, county organiza-
tions, hnd state highway organiza-
tions,—all of which is service of the
loftiest character and worthy of com-
endation. These, together with the
press of the Commonwealth, have, al:
commended the plan of observing a
state-wide good roads day; and
Whereas, on Good Roads Day inp
© 1916 upwards of fifty thousand cici-
i zens gave freely the day to work upon
' the roads, five thousand eight hun-
dred and sixty-nine teams were given
‘ and one, thousand ome hundred and
twenty-one drags added to the suc-
Approximately four
treated. The judges of the
courts in many counties joined the
Executive in issuing proclamations.
' Many splendid women provided free
luncheons for the worners. Many
large corpoationg with rordial good
will gave their men to aid the move-
ment, and generally our people en-
tered with zeal amd intelligenre upon
the effort to make the day the great-
est suuless its purpecse merited.
Therefore, I. Martin G. Brumbangh,
Governor of thiss Commonweath, fully
in accord with the most enlightened
and progressive spirit of our people
and anxious in every way at my dis-
posal to encourage and support th&
people in their laudable desire to se:
cure good roads throughout the Com-
monweath, to the end that this state-
wide interest may be heartily promo-
ted and that we may speedily secure
people and their activities and that
even with inadequate appropriations
we may establish safe, comfortable
and permanent avenues of travel, do
make land publish this proilamation:
That each and every supervisor of
the several townships in this
monwealth is obligated by law and
I: system of highways worthy of oun
good conscience to give his move-
Com- |
Total of time ae posits,
43, 44 ana 45
fv ms.
§ 526 773 02
1 215 549 1
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
before me this Et.
March, 1917.
Notary Public
My commission expires at
the end of the next ses-
sion of the senate.
Cav Of
I, R. H. Philson, Cashier of the above-named bank do scl-
emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
Correct, Attest: —
ment for good roads cordial support
in the foward movement for better
triotic regard for this
wealth shall, so for as possible, plan
theisr personal duties in such @ man-
ner as to give this entire day to the
improvement of our highways. When
this is mot possible. I ask them to
make such contributions in money as
will enable the local authorities to
add to the substantial good the day
should accomplish;
That all owners of automobiles, 'iv-
ing in cities or towns repair on this
dav to the country hnd volunteer their
es may add to the safty and comfort of
themselves and others when travel-:
ing upon our highways; and
movement, memorable for the great
good it shall do in the improvement
of our highways and in fostering an
everywhere in the State, in all ¢f|
which the State Department of High-
ways will most heartily co-operate,
I hereby designate and set aside
THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1917, 's
hand and the
tke year of our Lord one thot
and to help make this day memorable
That all our citizens hiaving a pa-,
great Common-
sarvices to the end that their servic-:
this may be a State-wide]
increased sentiment for good roads |
in Pennsylvania. GIVEN under my |
Great Seal of the |
State, at the City of Harrisburg, | DESTROYER 75
this nineteenth day of February in| PACKAGES.
nine hundred and seventeen and of
the one hundred and forty-first.
Ry the Governor:
Sectetary of the Commonweaith.
For Infants and Children
in Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
the f
Signature of Z % 22
Sudden changes of temperature and
underwear bring spring colds with
stuedffed up heads, sore throat and
general cold symptoms. A dose of
| Dr. King’s New Discovery is sure re-
lief, thg happy combination of anti-
septic balsams clears the head, sooth-
es the irritated membranes and what
what might have been a lingering cold
is broken up. Don’t stop treatment
when relief is first felt as a half cured
cold ig dangerous. Take Dr. King's
New Discovery till your cold is gone.
ise me
Children Cry
No more tiresome treadle pushing—
no more backache—a little elect:ic
motor does the hard work..
A foot control gives any speed desir=d.
The entire machine in itg case can be
carried anywhere—it’s no larger than
a typewriter.
Ask for a demonstration.
Ask for a demonstration—only $35.00
Be Their Work
The best workman cannot get satisfactory
results unless his tools do #zezr work.
Keen Kutter Tools give the user the
greatest possible amount of assistance by i
cutting clean and true, and by holding
their edges so that little time is lost in
sharpening. Every Keen Kutter Tool is :
gostaned for good service and long service. &
No better tools are to be had. They
have been standard for 36 years.
The Keen Kutter Trademark covers
a complete line of tools and cut-
lery. Sold by | v
J. W. MALLERY, Prop.
mands the top price of the year,
Start a
in March or early April; raise the
many chicks you’ll hatch in a coal-
burning Standard Colony Brooder,
and this good money is yours.
We know the Bucke Feooder wil and
the Standard Colony Brooder will do
exactly what we ge. W e guarantee it,
and our guarantee is oho by the manu-
facturer. Everybody gets a Squire | deal,
Nothing beats the Tpicke e,
Standard Colony Brooder has Be pd us
Come in and see them.
Countless V¥aomen
that when suffering from
nervousness, sick headache,
dizzy spells and ailments
p=culiar to their sex—
thing affords such prompt
and welcome relief, as will
follow a few doses of
i tS
1.Y LTT re
A proven Wo nen’s rer
which assists in regula atin
organs, and re-esta! Hi
h=lth y conditions. Bee
Pills contain no h-’ 3
druz —leave no disagreeaise
after-effects. They are—
Nature's ig
to better Health
Directions of Special Value to Women are with ever
o!d everywhere. In boxes, 10: 3
7 bax.
i ——
Children Cry