The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, February 15, 1917, Image 1
at, men, 07 A - a VOL. XXXVIII FATAL ACCIDENT ATSAND PATCH Lloyd William Ravenscraft of Sand Patch was struck by a passing engiae «©n Saturday morning about 10 o’clock and was instantly killed. He was cn hig way to work, watching at the east end of the tunnel, when he met a © “pusher” engine and it is supposed stepped over onto the other track and Wag struck by another engine going in the opposite direction. ‘The lower limbs were completely severed from the bodyand were found betweén the Tails four rails length from where the body lay. He had but recently been.appointed ‘watcher and left home in the morning in a cheerful mood. - Hig body was the crew of a train going west. They Were cared for by Harry Hultzell and placed on a detached segtion of the work train and brought to Meyersdale, and were tak en in charge by undertaker Reich. He was 18 years, seven months ~nad 28 days old, was =a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ravenscraft'and. was a ‘brighg, active young man. He was bérn at Band Patch and attended schools there, : He is survived by his mother, and two brothers; Harry, aged 11 years: and John, aged 9 years. His father died December 23, 1916. A profusion of flowers were at the funeral, donated by loving friends, ang by his fellow workmen, all attest the high esteem in which he was held by those who knew him best. His funeral, which was very large- ly attended, was conducted by Rev. France, Lutheran pastor at Meyars- dalé on Tuesday afternoon, and bur lal was had in the Union cemetery. William Francis Garlits. W. F. Garlits died at his home in West Salisbury,” ury, Monday February 12, Mr, rlits was born in Garrett county, Md., was a son of Samuel and Nancy Garlits, In 1860 he was mar- ried to Miss Mary Babra of Frost- burg, by Rev Fr. Brown. He is survived by three children John, of West Salisbury, Mrs, Btta Dunn of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Ellen Showalter of Elk Lick. Funeral was held at West Salisbury 9:30 a. m. on Wednesday by Rev. Fr. McCarty, and interment in St. Michaels cemetery, conducted by R. Reich, undertaker. Boy Scout News. A good many of the Scouts have joined the Boy Band, which was start- ed lately and are progressing finely. ‘There are twelve members now and | We expect two more after they get started right. They expect to organ- ize and draw up a constitution under the direction of their instructor, Mr. Baldwin. Many of the boys are mak- Ing wireless stations and wil soon be getting the war news from the battle front. : Change. in Ownership. This. week - the celebrated -“Bijou Theatre” changed hands. Messrs Hemminger & Shirey, selling to 8. J, Leezer of Pittsburg. i comes. well recomended much experience In the fn ness, and it is not doubted {hat hie wil} |" maintain the excelent reputation’ of. this popular showhcuse, for farishing’ frst clase entertainments ‘gt a Popu- iar price. : TT TT a The many friends of the retirifig firm wish. them suceess in ‘Whatever ine they may next und e.° THEE they are live wires is attested byt the popularity they had obtaingd for the § I p—————— Valentine Party. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. C \ enter tained a number of their friends. at their home on Meyers avenye on Wed- tesday. evening, The evening was Spent in playing Buchre and music, | which was enjoyed by all present. Lingering Coughe are Dangerous. Get tid of that tickling cough that keeps you awake at night and drains your vitality and emergy. Dr. King's New Discovery is a pleasant balsam remedy, antiseptic, laxative and promptly effective. It soothes the irritated membrane and kills the cold germs; your cough is soon relieved. | Delay is dangerous—get Dr. King's | New Discovery at once. For nearly | fifty years it has been the favorite r for oriy 1 ¢ ughs an i ygist, 6c TS 9.» 1s and. dayg. ~~ o sivne ‘busts | 1in town visiting MEYERSDALE © Salisbuy iftings. ————— Appreciate Concert. The Salisbury people greatly en- | Joyed the concert given by the Meyers | dale Quartette ag well as the charvfl ing readings given by Miss Beck. Every member was so delighted that the audience could not decide which wag really the best. We hope to have | this quartette to entertain us again sometime, Birthday Party. On Monday evening Miss Cinda Brown entertained a number of her friends in honor of her 21st birthday anniversary. Miss Brown was the re- games were indulged in, after which refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, candy, and coffee were Berved | at abuot 10 o'clock. Those present were:—Misses Mabel and Margarst Livengood, Mabel and Jean Farner, Clard Brown, ‘Irene Newman) Edythe Martz, Annabelle Diet, Lulu Thomas, and Levi Lichliter, Albert Thomas, Robert Maust, Bayard Maust, ¥rank and Fred Ringler, Fred Delozier, Luke James, George Tmevarrow, William Livengood and Paul Corbett. Basket-Ball, FRE On Saturday evening the Salisbury 8coutg and Confluence team, of young men, played on the Salisbury floor. The final score was 44-7 in favor of the Scouts. What's the matter with the Scouts—they’re alright! What's the matter with Confluence—we don't know, : On Wednesday evening the Varsity Five will play Berlin. The Methodist Jolly Boys will play the Rosebud team of Meyersdale on Thursday. : Those who are sick. Little Lois Newgman, daughter of Ed Newman, ig wing worse, though for a few days she seemed better. Dorathy Groves, little daughter of Charlie Groves, ig somewhat improved at this time, % Miss Grace Brown hag been pi le gripp. : Newman, is also suffering ¥ Many Bold Bu cipient of many petty gifts. Various |, ‘sented. The checks, however, wers J open. 1 At the from this malady, Little Paul Waltz, son of Rev. and | Mrs. B. F. Waltz, ig very much jim- proved. ‘The friends of Mrs. Schlossnagle of Berlin, a daughter .of Mrs. Annie Kretchman of this place, will be sorry to learn of her affliction which neces- | sittted the amputation of one of her! rlower limbs, just above the knee. | Mrs. John Engle of Pittsburg, accom- panied her to the Western Maryland Hospital where the operation was performed, Teachers’ Institute. The following is the Teachers’ In- stitute to be held at the West Salis- bury school Feb. 24, at 1:30 Pp. m, Song. Standard Rural Schools—Esther Shu- maker. k Habits Learned in the Rural S chools —Mae Dickey. Essay—Mamie Bittner, Recitation—Ruth Folk. The Place and Value of Elsie Miller: Patriotism—Quy Wall, Purpose of Busy Work—®Grace Moser. Securing Home Interest—Elizabeth Beals. id 2 Bducation: as the Dissemination ‘of Knowledge—Rlizabsth Newman. Phonies— "Misses Nelle Statler tnd Grace Brown will leave. on Saturday, to at- tend the opening of the millinery ‘wholesale houses of Baltimore, : Mise Mary Wagner returned on Fri. day from Meyersdale, where she spent several weeks with her. aunt, Mrs. Ed. Donges. Ed: Hartline returned on Monday to Akron, after spending a fow . weeks ends. Misses Florence and Elizabeth New- man, spent Saturday aftermoon in Meyersdale shopping. Mr. Curtin Chaney and fami’ of Coal Run, have returned to thelr for mer home in Salisbury. ° : ' Miss Mima Harding returned on Sat. urday from Pittsburg and Borwnas- ville, where | had been visiting for several wéeks. SR Mrs. Della Livengood and Miss Mary len Business Places Stoxen Work «f An Expert WO Marks 13 hich iden; Sometime on Monday night or Tues! . Butrance was made to Lenbart’s day morning ten business places were entered by some person and money and valuables taken to the value of from $300 to $500. ! : The parties, whether by accident: otherwise had chosen a very auspi- cious time for the crime, Monday b ing a holiday, the banks were closed. They had opened in the morning and the merchants had secured money enough for the day's business. It be- Ing railrpad payday many drawn ffom tthe banks sufficient to en. able them to cash checks when pre- not left fit the safes herce the eale: lations of the burglars miscarried, The weather was Intensely cold, and Do persons were on the street, which | enabled the yeggs to work uninter- rupetd. i At the store of the Pfahler company an entrance was effected by forcing a rear door. The safe was closed but not locked, and the lock on the inmer door of the safe was ‘forced off, and: about $175 in cash and checks taken. A large diamond ring which had been left in the safe, was also taken. The safe in the Keystone was opened and about $40 in cash ab- stracted: ifm At the door of the McKenzie com pany entrance was effect; 1 by cut ing the glass in &%ear door and re- moving the section which had been cut. Here about $10 in'change was taken, but the #iterior drawers of # safe had been broken in- prying y 5 ae as : Bg aa ade : Meyersdale Auto Garage an entrance was had by cutting a pane of glass from a rear window, and to se- cure entrance to the office a hole was cut in the glass in the door, througn which his hand wag passed and opsnel the spring lock which fattened the door, This was a water haul for the crook, as nothing of value was left there that night, ~ : 30AY FEBRUAR rglaries In Town ly watched by one of ithe gang and in i case of his coming near the guilty | {UR 5.1917 Yi into on Monday Night The Persons Left racks But No ication Might Be Viade Garrett Gatherings. SAWBONES | Church Notices. Evangelical—Rev, Hetrick, pastor; Sunday School at 10 a. m. Evangali- cal meetings every evening at 7 o’clack Brethern—B. F. Waltz, pastor; Sun. day School 10 a. m. Church services 7p. m. / Luthern—W. H. B. Carney, pastor; . NO? emt WILL TALK Harrisburg Pa. Feb. 11:—Advaune- ed surgical methods, developed on the battlefields of Europe since the nué | break of the war, and their applica. 4 tio: wounds received b: ork Sunday School 10 a. m. Church ser. SOF tO 2 Iocsived Iy worfuh: vices 7 p. m. Pool room by forcing a rear entrance ‘in the other cases. There was flothing left here at closing time ex- | pt a few pennies, and the crimin- ‘al contemptuonsly refused them. . He gained entrance to Meyers Meat Market by means of a rear window | fand secured a small amount of change which had been left in the cash regi- |Bter. Here, however, he left the on- 1y good identification mark, a foot- print, the shoe being about a seven or eight in size, He alse took from this place, a step ladder and used it to {Teach the window in the rear of the ‘Store of Miller & Collins. The safe ‘Bere again was not locked and con- A about $40, which went to en- ¥rich the yeggman. | The store of Apple & Glessner and “Ebbicka’s grocery were entered in a ‘similar manner but the precaution had {been taken to remove all the cash and resulted in a loosing venture for the ‘burglars. , It is said that in some places a foot brint was made by a woman's shoe, iif 80 it was probably worn by some | one of the gang, and was done to ‘throw the officers off their guard, The night watchman was on duty ‘but as all the work was done from the ‘alleys he saw nothing of the crimin- ils, and suspected nothing wrong on ‘a night like that. It is of course pre. sumed that his movements were close- 3 ones would conceal themselves until 9 had passed. a Mifhere is _tbsclutely - nothing by «which suspicion may be thrown any one at ithis time, Local talent is sus- pected but there is no tangible evi- dence to aid the officers in conduct- ing a gearch, The officers began an investigation at once on the cases reported but, aside from investigating the action of one or two parites there were no developments worthy of note. fs y Th + Minor Briefs. «J Reitz, spent Tuesday evening in Meyersdale. : Miss Myra Lichliter returned on Thursday from Pittsburg, where she has been visiting Mrs. Kari Miller. Luke James, spent Monday morn- ing in Meyersdale, M r. Frank Thomas and family have | moved, from their residence on Hast | Ord street to Coal Run. 1 friends ‘| burg, W. Va.; Verda Brant, ROYAL E. COOK It always gives us pleasure to record the rise and advancement of people who were connected with/ our town, and who have gone out in the world and “made good.” We copy the sub- joined article from “Information” a magazine published by tthe P. R. R. Royal E. Cook was born at Ursina, Pa., February 25, 1878. He received his education in tthe public schools of Meyersdale, Great Bend ¢ Pa., graduating at the latter point; im- mediately thereafter completing the special High School course providing for the Allegheny County. Public Schools, and later graduating, after a commercial and mathematical course, from Duff's College, Pittsburg, Pa. entered the service of the Pittsburg; Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis | Railway company, as Messenger in the office of the Assistant Train Master (car distribution,) Pittsburg Divison, Bermingham, Pa, later . serving in. same egpacity in the office of the Di- vision Superintendent at Pittsburg, Pa.; and subsequently—after spegial assignment in the Assistant Train Mas. ter's office (fast freight movement) at ‘Pittsburg, Pa.—serving ag Telegraph Operator in the Pan Handle offices at Bermingham, Pa. : i In Janusty, 1898, Mr. Cook was pro-. moted to the position of Stenographer Clerk in the office of the Division Sup- erintendent, Pittsburg Division, Pan Handle, at Bermingham, Pa, end fa July of that year he was promoted the Junior Clerkship in the office of: the Firet Vice-President (in charge of traffic of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, at Pittsburg, Pa. being subsequenly advanced through the various grades in the, office to Steno- grapher-Clerk, Book-kéeper, File Clerk and Secretary to the First Vic-Presi- dent. On January 15, 1907, Mr. Cook was promoted to the position of Chief ‘Clerk in the office of the Fourth (now Third) Vice-President, Traffic Depart- ment of the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg, with office at Pittsburg, Pa, Cook was and Carnegie, ; # yuvessels, but ag the action of Germany ‘On September 26, 1892, Mr..€ook- The Submarine War. The German onslaught on shipping | is having its effect, During the first | 15 days about 80 vessels were destrov- | ed. No American vessels were in- | jured as yet, but many have refused ‘o leave the home port, i The Allies try to minimize the re. | sults, but it stands ito reason that a re- duction of almost two hundred vessels per month, together with the loss cf the tonage represented by those who did not leave home ports, must soon have a disastrous effect on the sap- plies. : The Imperial Government has asked for _the ‘appointment of a commission | to arrange for the safety of neutral is contrary to international law, to j-meet them in arbitration would be to sancion the violation.’ The ‘main result of the submarine warfare ‘at present is not yet: appar ent. "Phe supply of arms and ammuni- “tions ‘from this country to the Allies is now shut off, and later they will be, out of amunition except their own manufactured supply, which is inade- 41uaté; and ‘then fs Germany's oppor tunity. rT A Large Increase in Salary, It ®eems that the fool-killer took a day. off at Harrisburg recently and during his abwence some one offered a bill increaing the salary of the Gov- enor from $10,000 to $265,000. This fs an outrage that the people will resent if the bill becomes a law. The salary now ig large. Besides the munificent salary, he is furnished free of rent a house, ) style, and sufficlent servants, telo- phones, and besides a large contin- gent fund to meet any unusual hap- pening, all paid by taxpayers, and then to more than double the salary is too much. No man would take the job at | $25,000 would refuse. it at $10,000. 1f | this bill becomes a law the members | who vote for it will hear from their constituents on their return, not more { than 15 per cent. of whom have an in. | rome of more than $1,000 and the state | does not provide house rent, servants, { nor medical att Jan nN attendance. day and broke the bone of har leg just. furnished in good! | speak for the Anti-Saloon League, the in Pennsylvania's industrail plaucs, will be outlined at the Fourth Conven Reformed—H. H. Wiant, pastor; ton Ind 1 Ph Sunday School 10 p. m. Church ser- | - ustrial Physicians to be vices 7 p. m. Obituary Clinton, son of Henry and Elizabeth, ; nee Kagey, Bockes, died at the home of his parents Friday morning at 3 o'Clock. Death was due to “multiple cerebro spinal schlerosis. Mr. Bochos had been an invalid for five years, and wag helpless for several months, He was aged 26 years, 8 months and 23 days. He is survived by his parents, two brothers and six sisters. The funeral service = was held Sunday worning in the Mt. Tabor Lutheran church, of which he was a member, Service was conducted by his pastor W. H. B. Carney. Interment in the Ridge View cemetery. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. e Attends Synod. Rev. W. H. B. Carney,pastor of the Lutheran church attended The Home Mission and Historical committee meetings of the Allegheny Synod held at Altoona, Pa., Sunday and Monday. Mr. Carney is the Historian of the Al legheny Synod and is preparing a His, tory of the Synod covering:the seven- ty five years of its existence. The History gives a historical sketch of the one hundred and fifty Songpose- tions in the Allegheny Synod, h includes all Lutheran churches in the following counties; Bair, Bedford, Cambria, Somerset, Center, Clearfield, and Huntington. It will also include a picture of each Shurh ena ‘nent members of the church, fp Lay and Clerical. held at Harrisburg by the Depart ment of Labor and Industry, Friday, February 16, Commissione~ John Price Jackson announced today that Dr. William Q- Neil Sherman, Chief Surgeon of the Carnegie Steel company and Dr. J 8 Lawrence of John Hopkins Universita tf, who have just returned from Ene rope, will discuss the Carrel-Dakin- treatment of infected wounds in ad. dresses at ithe morning session of the conference under the title “The Dawn, of a New Surgical Era.” Major Robert, U. Patterson of the Medicai Corps of the Unitd States. Army with Dr. Joheph C. Bloodgood, of John Hopkins, will digcuss “Nation. al Standards for First J id.” ™ Dr. Francis D. Patterg Chief of the Division of Industrial [vgiene and Engineering, of the Department of La. bor and Industry, wili preside at the conference, “The Relation of the Physician te the Compensation Law and its Pgo- posed Amendments,” will be discussed by Dr. William Estes, of South Beth. leham, Chairman of the Committee on Workmen's Compensation of the Medi, cal Society of Pennsylvania. n “Compensation for Industrial Di seases,” will be discussed by Dr. Fred. erick L. Hoffman, Statistician, Pru. dential] Lifé Insurance company, of Newark, New Jersey and Dr. Alfred Stengel of the University of Pennsyl- vania,. Dr. Edward Martin, Professor of -Shrgery of the University of Penns sylvania: and Dr. John B. Lowman, Society. Monday evening, Mrs. A. R. Miller very delightfully entertained a number of young people. Music and games were the diversion. Those presant were:—Misses June Ringler, Kant- ner, Pa., Margaret Seibert, Marting- Helen Brant, Nina Cochrane, Mrs. Earl Mil- ler of Garret; Messrs. Wm. Hender- son, McKeesport, Pa.; J. Edgar Brant, Earl Miller, A. R. Miller and Allen Miller of Garrett. Mrs. D. F. Kimmel, entertained the W. W. Society last Thursday after- noon. Mrs. W. H. Miller, entertained the Brethern Sewing Circle last Wednes- day afternoon, Mrs. E. L. Miller entertained at her home Tuesday evening. A very enjoy- able time was spent by all. Those in the gparty:—Misges June Ringler, Kanter, Pa., Margaret Seibert, Mar- tinsburg, W. Va., Nina Cockrane, Nell Verda, Rene and Helen Brant of Gar- rett; Messrs. Wm. Henderson, Mec Keesport, Pa., and Earl Miller of Gar: rett. : in . .. Married. Miss Vera Sipe and Mr. John Ful lerton, were married Tuesday even- ing at 7:30 at the home of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fullerton by the Justice of the Peace, W. H. Clements. Only the immediate family was pres- ony. Their many friends wish them happimes.. .. ; Accidents. - Mrs. George Oaks, fell last Wednes- above. the ankie, Dr. R. T. Pollard, a3 sommoned who reduced the frac. - While shopping, Mrs. Simon Conel- ley fell on the icy pavement in front of F. B. Judy's store and broke her arm. Dr. R. T. Pollard is the attend. ing physician, Temperance Speaker Qeming. Prof. Potts, of Philadelphia. will 26th of February, in the three church. es of W. G. B. Carney’s charge. He will speak at the Fritz chur€h Sunday morning at 11 a, m., at the Center church at 2:30 p. m. and Mt. Tabor, Garrett, Sunday evening at 7 p. m. He is a well known speaker and very active in ithis work. All are cordially invited to come and hear him speak on this important issue. + Congress of Chief Surgeon of the Cambria Stesl company, Johnstown, will discnss “The Treatment of Fractures of the Long Bones from the Viewpoint of Function.” : Parent-Teachers Meeting. Will be held Friday evening Feb, 16 at 8 p. m. Reading of minutes, Solo—Miss Lenore Collins, Address—Mrs. R. C. Roy of Pittsburg, Secretary of “The Pennsylvania Mothers and Parent. Teacher Association. Awarding of Banners. Closing song—Audience, Married. On Sunday evening, February 11, Mr. Leroy J. Bungard with Miss Elisie N. Barmoy drove up to the Reformed parsonage and were united in holy matrimony by Rev. A. E. Truxal D, Dp. Both young people have been their home in Meyersdale, where they expect ere long to set up house-keep~ ing. Mr. Bungard hag lately: become the drayman of town, hauling goodg to and from the ‘railroad: stations, | May succesg attend: him and" his. CONSTIPATION MAKES YOU DULY That draggy, listless; tod Ing generally. results from oonstips. tion. The intestines are: clogged and the. blood. becomes ‘poisoned. Relievy this condition: ait once with Dr. King’ New Life Pills; this gentle, nif. Eriping laxative is quickly effective, ~~ A dosg at ded-time will make you 5 tle today at your: Pruggist, $5c,. i ion “heavy” roleg ‘SURE. WHY NOT? ANSWERS LOU Louise Glaum, whose have stood. out so -conspicucusly - typ Triangle-Kay Bee productions, aad Who appears as the star of : "Some where in France,” was accused the other day of spending all her very good salary on clothes. Louise admif ted the impeachment, and sald shee had hardly got started. She things every role should be dressed to the minute, See Louise Glaum in the K-B at the Summer Garden this Sag urday in the above feature. Real Estate Transaction, { Lehman has purchased the | ay property, will take pos. ! f March H e first