The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 11, 1917, Image 8

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— 0 ——10L=———10 O10 OF——H or====30r7)
Ladies’ suits and coats will
be closed out at less than cost.
Satin and Silk, and trimmed in heavier cloth, regular
Price $19.
Plush coats lined with
price $25.00, Sale
$18.00 Coats reduced to. .....
$15.00 Coats reduced to.... .
$7.50 Coats reduced to......
The latest styles of Ladies’
vet in all shades.
Next Door to Post Office,
0 ——— 0E=——-30 OI=10 OF——10—=30
Simmer Garden
“The Closed Road.
The new Brady-Made World Feature
to appear at the Summer Garden
features House Peters and Barbara
Tonnant in a wonderful strong Para-
gon-World. t
lin and broadcloth, trimmed in fur and vel-
$16.00 Regular Suits now...... ean
$12. 50 Serge Suits now....... oe
Come Early Don’t Miss these Bargains
until February 1st. ALTERATIONS FREE
The above prices will continue
00. Cloth Coats in shades and styles.
_... $12.50 | $7.50 Cloth Mixtures now......... 4.90
Ne 9.90 $1.25 Fine Waists rednced to.... ... 79¢
it 4.90 $2.50 Fancy Silk Waists at......... $1.69
suits in pop- Childrens’ coats at a big reduction. Fur
your big favorite Theda Bara in a
Mastery picturization of Ouidas in-
ternationally famous Novel. “Under
Two Flags” in six big reels, Music by
the Orchestra, don’t miss this seven
reel program, the admission for this
Fox attraction will be ten and fifteen
“The Crimson Stain Mystery”
It has all guessing, the question
is, Who is the Crimson Stain? tke
serial that is appearing every Thurs-
five part photoplay. In fact there
is so much of the out of the ordinary
1n this picture that it would take three
columns to do this picture justice.
Don’t miss “The Closed Road” Mon-
day Jan. 15th.
“Million A Minute”
Tuesday Jan. 16th Francis X. Bush-
man will be the big attraction in a
Metro wonderplay ,‘Million a Minute,”
this feature has played to advance
prices in most of the towns where
#t has been shown, but it comes te
you at the regular admission, dom't
miss this Tuesday Program.
“Under Two Flags”
"The next Fox feature to appear at
hig popular picture resort, presents
ZZ 7 ZZ a
; a
| day at the Summer Garden, this is
| the big protoplay serial, that is giv-
| ing away thirteen Overland
free to the best suggestion for
a five reel story to the sixteen episod-
es, of this mysterious photoplay, it
ig all up to you, to get a big $925
value free, join the regulars, every
Thursday, music by the orchestra.
“A Sister of Six”
The first of the New Year Triangle
programs, starting Saturday Jan. 20th
with a big five reel feature and ome
of those funny two-part Keystone
Comedies, “A Sister of Six” is the
Sets and Muffs for Ladies and Children at
prices from $2.50 to $5.50.
Ladies’ Hats at $3.50 and $3.00 will be
closed out at $1.50
Meyersdale, Pa.
(Continued from page one.)
Miss Cora Hartzell, after a pleasant
visit among friends and relatives
here, has returned to her home in
Hyndman, Pa.
Mrs. A. H. Bitner and Miss Sara
Farling were Pittsburg shoppers and
callens Saturday.
Miss Margaret Bloom of Akron,
O. is visiting friends in this vicinity.
Miss Bloom, with her parents resided IN
in this town before moving to Akron.
A union Watch meeting was held
in the Reformed church, Sunday night
December 31, Dr. Erler of the Luth-
ren church giving the chief address,
music was furnished by all the choirs
of the town.
Mr. Ross Shumaker an instructor
in the mechanical drawing at State
| college spent his vacation with his
brother Mr. H. H. Shumaker of this
place. :
Mrs. Catherine Harbaugh returned
from a visit to her daughter, Mrs.
John Snyder of Kenton, O. She was
accompanied home by her grandson |
Per1y Ross.
Mrs, H, W. Musser with son Harold
and daughter Eleanor have returned
home after a visit with relatives in
The annual Bankers Banquet was
held Thursday noon of this week at
the Rockwood House.
(Continued from page one.)
a great extension of the water area
in whith fish will be produced.
No Trout Size Limit,
The fish code makes clear and sim-
ple classifications of fish, size and
catch limits. After a hot fight the
size limit on trout was strcken out,
the catch limit placed at 25 and the
first drama featuring Bessie Love,
Comedy featuring Big Ambrose in
“Vampire Ambrose,” they say that
Theda Bara has nothing on Ambrose
at that, but you can judge for your-
self if you see this Triangle Program.
You Can Make Purchases In Them If
You Try Hard Enough.
You may walk through the muddy
old markets of Rangoon for hours at &
time or through the bazaar at Manda-
lay without any of the salespeople tak-
ing the slightest notice of you as a
possible purchaser of their wares. The
dear little ladies sit crosslegged upon
long tables in front of the high cup-
boards containing their goods. They
painting their faces or braiding their
ness in the least.
It requires a great effort to get a
chandise broadcast upon the table and
don Spectator.
and the two part Triangle Keystone |
are placidly smoking or chatting or
They are not attending to busi-
Burmese shopwoman (they are nearly
all women) to show you her silks, and
when at last she has spread her mer-
you are reveling in the illusion that
you are living in the middle of a rain-
bow, with a chance of holding fast to
some of its colors, she will ask her
valuable they may be elsewhere.—Lon-
| season made from April 15 to July 81.
| Greater powers are given the com-
; missioner in the classification of wa-
ters. Practically all night fishing is
prohibited, no racks are permittted
and the gig and spear are outlawed.
For bass or trout, fishing is permitted
up to 10 ofcock at night and after 6
o'clock in the morning. Seperate bills
for the protection of frogs and tur
tles are prepaned.
ted for catching bait fish, but traps,
dip and scoop nets not more than four
fleet square and scoop nets not over
18 inches in diameter are permitted.
The fish commission will make an ef-
for to supply and distribute more
bait fish for stocking streams.
The prohibition of Sunday fishing is
made a seperated section of the code.
There was strong sentiment for strik-
ing it out altogether and making it a
seperate act. If Gov. Brumbaugh will
approve a code minus the Sunday
provision, the conference committee
has instructions to cut it out.
Her Share.
“80 the lawyers got about all of the
price, which is seldom more than & | egtate. Did Edith get anything?”
rupee too much, and will stick to it “Oh, yes! She got one of the law-
like glue. yers.” —Boston Transcript. !
She is an indolent lady in many ways, | ye
| who loves a quiet life, and she has de- | Made Hastily.
termined that her most comfortable | «ghe married in haste.”
course is not to haggle in the market | «Her clothes show it. Look at the
place. So you may make up your mind | pang of that gown.”—Kansas City
that bargaining and persuasion are use- | Journal. ®
less arts to practice in Burma, however _-_———n——l AL ILih,j_hn ojh
Discontent that is
i toe to peace
born of envy is a
In the code of the seine is prohibi-|
lictor & Baldwin
15th Red Letter Sale
A very difficult year to make reductions in prices as every body knows
that goods are continually advancing in prices. But we feel that we are not
willing to 8pass through January, 1917, without giving 6ur people the ad-
vantage of our customary Red Letter Sale. We will give, during this sale,
1-4 off on all mens suits, except Blue Serge which we will allow you 10 per
cent reduction.. This will give you prices on some of these suits less than
we can buy them today. Not a suit reserved in the store.
$8.00 Suits Red Letter Price $6.00 - HATS AND CAPS
Lg on en oa 2 m, 37.80 All hats reduced one-fourth in
! $15.00 won hy i $11.25 price. Except the celebrated or famous
.Knox hats on which we allow 10 per
$20. 00 . » 9» ” ” $15.00 !
.cent off during this sale our regular
"One oy Tins. odd suits go at only
one-half p price $3.00. The factory is raising the
$10.00 hy Red Letter Price Bo ‘price to $3.50 all over the country.
$15.00 " » J! 2 " 7.50 One lot of raincoats red letter price—
$20.00 $10.00 | one-fourth off. Winter caps red letter
An exceptional opportunity for
young men long pants suits, sizes 14°
to 20 at only half price.
price. Fur caps and fur gloves red let-
ter price—one-fourth off.
$6.00 suit red tticket price $3.00 While we are selling many things
$9.00 n ” ” nk. 3450 for less than we can buy them to-day
$12.00 2 » $6.00 and many things are really hard to get
Don’t miss this oppertunity. One-
fourth off on all knee pants suits except
blue serge less 10 per cent.
One-third off on all mens overcoats.
One-third off on all childrens overcoats.
—age 4 to 10.
One-half off on all boys overcoats—
age 11 t020.
We still have a good selection of
overcoats but they will move out lively.
at any price yet we want to make this
sale as interesting to our customers us
we possibly can. We will give 10 per
cent. off on all underwear, all sweaters,
Wool top shirts, all dress shirts, Men’s
Trousers, Knee pants, Dress goves, work
goves, Dress ties and Dress caps aso
Trunks, Suit cases and Traveling bags.
Call in and make yourselves at home in
our store.
Nale Begins Jan 13, and Coatinues until Feb. 3
Hartley & Baldwin.
: cececcccceccececcecceccecceccecced’
January 13 to F ebruary 3
WN THILE many of the stores throughout the couutry are dis-
continuing the Clearance Sales on account of the con-
tinued advancing markets, we have decided to follow out our
customary plans of clearing away old stock, and to hold our
regular RED RETTER SALE. We mention a few of the offer-
ings below, many quoted at less than we can buy them todav
and all indications point to still higher prices for Spring.
124¢ Outings, light and dark. ...... 11e Suits.
10c Lancaster Apran Ginghams..... 8c 1 Io} Sajts mariad Iw 50 io hy 75, 3% 2
10c Calico blues, blacks and greys.. 9¢ 1 i =. 50 to $5... 1250
Mohawk Sheeting 9-4 bleached. .... 32¢
15¢ Hills Muslin, bleached or 3 blea. 1l3c
Entire Line of Ladies’, Misses’, In-
14c Everett Shirtings...... ..... v 12Be fant’s and Children’s Coats at
60c Cotton Blankets, 40x68... ... i, fe One-Fourth Off.
$2.75 Woolnap Blankets, grey full size $2.10 Dresses.
10c Ladies Handkerchiefs, 4 for.... 25c Including the popular lind of Betty
50c Baby Blankets 1d Wales Dresses in serges, silks
Pacinos vinalie rue c and combinations at
50c Novelty Suitings, all wool, 36 in. 36¢ One-Fourth Off.
Hartley Clutton Co.
The Womens Store
Hartley Block, s- Meyersdale, Pa.
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