THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. - ” err Ct ————— stews ” bE, a PAACR— A St ES wm # ’ EE a - sds : : - emt, a BRT AREY = Ca = ER a IE : ers a ee = . ,~K TREE AND A DISEASE. | poMe's GREAT COLOSSEUM: | CROOKED, BUT FAMOUS. | WRITING FOR THE STAGE. bs ’ inns | ; Te IRTTITT a Malaria and the Effect Produced by | % i Washington Street, Boston, One of the | Sir W. 8. Gilbert Was Not Overproud EERE EE Things w t f 'Death That Was ’ hy ’ Planting a Blue Gum. A Grim ee wits, Sal, - . World's Great Thoroughfares. of His Own Work. » . ander disc During the latter decades of the nine- i Washington street in Boston is ome “No man,” writes Mrs. Alec-Tweedie table. Th hi imposing theater ever or teenth century it was a common prac- Ee face wi wi a grim house of the great thoroughfares of Amer- in her reminiscences, “My Tablecloths, dre Cry for Fletcher's SAE Sul the membe tice .to plant blue gum or eucalyptus =. .p" consecrated by blood and ica, worthy to rank with Broadway In | “bad stranger admirers or Keener ULL NEARENEEE A SR Anna perlative p trees in Qistriets iy vy palans) tears, toe Colosseum stands today a Sew Tors 5d Michigen Svente J bases San Wr HL Sot ; : jig om fever. It was s at the Soa stupendous monument to Roman pride C Rago. A ® Gear ’, every uy else jeopic. 5 ig 27% Pe 2a Ce ie Mg oil projiesd by the oTe4e ou &ioc and degradation. Almost a third of a In Be i iy a say 0; Bons oy Sages. > at 3D Dp! Ber 3 ut the harmful vapors rising from mile in circumference, it towers 157 ner e leng an respec VY, ant a sarcas gue. at. swamps laden with the poison of the foet up into the air, the original an a making other streets seesn painfully He was in excellent form one May correctly 1 er. = 4 » 11 5 h 1808 when he dined with me. day oi ae ed Loita monumental ny i oe Sol Ea a boot is one - fe talking about ‘Lysianne,’ : > ae face est by a mosquito has settled once and for | popular approva oil hist * } . of the longest in the world, running | Sarah Bernhardt's new play, which’ I a AOR CHINA RN toward yo ali the origin of the disease. | peter Altus opepe : ha 3 all.the. way through:Boatdx and oto had just seen’ in Paris, and 1 said it Bas , tom, does The theory that the eucalyptus tree | tremendous pg Pd 2 vo ht another town without a stgp ora break. | was a poor play splendidly acted. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been the coin fs peutralized the poison vapors is non- | days of “games, i, c hwo Ee | This- is not accomplished without many | “IZ it's a poor play it's sure to suc- i use for over over 30 years, has borne’ the signature of ny sense, yet the fact remains that where with other’men and with wild"an vn "| a bend, and meander, however, for | ceed, he retorted. ‘No good play is : and has been made under his per- #ibs are tl blue gums were freely planted there and no one knows the exact tale’of the \yyshington street is amazingly crook- | ever a success. Fine writing and high sonal supervision since its infancy. brella? (8 was always a notable decline in the lives snuffed out on itsbloodied sands eq, as are nearly nll the thoroughfares morals are hopeless on the stage.’ AIS 7g Allow no one to deceive you in this. the kings amount of malaria. ‘to make a Roman holiday. | of Puritan origin. It seems that the | “ ‘That is severe’ All es its itations and ** Just-as-good ” ate but that 4s; hi What is the explanation of this cur- In the construction of the Colosseum . Mayflower party did not realize how | “‘Not any too severe. I have been ounterfeits, bins RL eo ore te orth of which, of cumstance? It has been demonstrated its builders adhered to the.then mew pig Boston was going to be, and so | scribbling twaddle for thirty-five years Experiments that e with and endang 5 é E: way doth that of nearly all trees, the eucalyptus note of superimposing the three orders | they carelessly let the cows lay out | to suit the jpublie taste and ought to Infants and Children—Experience agains t Experimen ple point, absorbs the atest Steet uated —Doric, Tonic and Corinthian—an idea the streets as they wandered home- | know. And, after all, look at the the- Wh t 5 C A ST OO = A to it? TI 3 080rh: oy thet “-- ~ted a greater influence | ward. : ater. It contains some 1,500 persons. ; a 1S x : 2 be change ha | of monumental works | Washington street today does not ' Now, if you serve up tripe and onions Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, : AeA Roman innovation. look like an aristocrat of ancient lin- for the gallery it offends the stalls; if Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. ~Jt contains £ x cs of that standing be- | eage, however. On the contrary, it ap- you dish up sweetbreads and truffles neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its In the “ith the golden Italian | pears decidedly democratic, swarming for the stalls it disgusts the pit. There- age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has a oo :ing every scar and con- | with all sorts of people who jostle fore plain leg of mutton and boiled po- beed in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, he OE = = . = enicalvh we had dis juring. .... :com the dead past vivid | and push each other on the narrow, tato is the most suitable fare for all. Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; alla ying Feverishness arising Ys bo? Eo Toi tie th voater that the | SDeviasies of Noman holidays, full of ; OverBowing EE Men Birnes a Lg therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids itn > Sl noise and color, laughter and bloody | glare of numerous electric signs that | are what I have endeav write. ? WE : : : 4 plum had been able to take Up. | Loonies, or when liquid moonlight | fash the rival merits of moving pio-| But { %0% tell you that after thirty-five the, assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. yers, cea Seeing. thai live. gums. ticrense transfigures the classic ruin into a ; ture shows, bars and cafes.—Exchange. | years of that sort of thing, which I am The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. .yerons ¥ pg th reat FD, Ont post. | magic fabric, where stalk the thin glad to say has brought grist to the| da a : "Roe; and » man, ches a n a ho si- | 70 » u i I Ey I ero op | Bhosts of sahit and vests], siave ana | CURIOUS CLUBS. mi, 1 am soout sick of 220 '| GENUINE CAST ORIA ALWAYS fag increases on a greatly progressive emperor?—National Geographic Maga- : sheuiife . Re i : of the re ‘ : Fats) er word. oft Od gi ED 1 scale. And this is just what brings ' "0 | The Man Killers, Their Cheerful Talk Cr Bears the Signature of ~ named, J¢ about the downfall of the malarial . : and Fitting Fate, | og ard. Roe; ( mosquito. To complete its life cycle it | WHEN PETROLEUM WAS FREE. , One of the oldest purely social clubs FADS OF LITERARY MEN. ey : also inser is necessary that this insect should y 7 x { was the Everlasting club, limited in : His Wife Alwa Made This ficti pass its larval stage in pools of water. That Was Very Early In the History | membership to a hundred people, who | A Latter Ero Aol i Er : i : lish Tegal With the coming of the eucalypti these of This Country. | divided the day among them in such a Keats liked red pepper on his toast. yy 4 : Irs. ward IIL. pools and indeed all marshy places dis. | The first reference to the discovery | way that some of them were always | pelo "0 "0 4 0 wearing Jewelry. - - » 2 of 8 prov. appear, the breeding spots of the mos- of petroleum in America was contain- | on the preniises. Solely for the pur-| in Miller nailed all: his air : a - 2 required quitoes are gone, and in time the in- | ed in a letter written in 1629 by Joseph | pose of keeping up the fire from which | J ry n Bi : 29 | Aco before evi gects vanish altogether. de la Roche d’Allion, a French mis- | members lighted their pipes an old bi w All Poe slept with his cat / I SE ! I YEr E Cd forth: Joh i sionary working among the Indians. woman was kept, and during the fifty > gar = 2 i : o Le Ard bad sy THE MIDDLE WEST Ho had crossed the Niagara river and | years of existence the club members | * Vol 50 Muu” Cyeglusses when The Kind You Have Always Bouvchi witness, . made his way southward through: smoked fifty tons of tobacco.’ poze st wore lis, syeg : a SLEW VDC EL. faa across th Cai Ary Onis Fiaally, Toll Just Whare a1 YS 012 eX Tor: fig gonthiory Penn- | No one who had not killed an go-| “il, ed to lift his hat when- BG RTE Indianap ny el eal y Yel ; us ere _ sylvania, where he found a spring ponent in a duel was allowed to be ckeray a8 2 SB he : Fo 4 3, Logs | from which ofl flowed. This oll Was| a member of the Man Killing club, | ever be am 8. S = ; r 5 The east retains a somewhat COD-! pjghly esteemed by the Indians for | where the conversation was confined | Wrote “Van 5 A nap Toreraen Ln ; rie iil descending attitude toward the middle ; megicinal uses. to wounds, bullets and slaughter. Curi- Alexandre Dumas the younge g £2 .- a oF : friendliest ts inting every time he had a for the 1 west, and in its friendliest moments | mpg jetter of the priest was publish- | ously enough, most of the members | & New painting every Butter : Your Bread 1 irate = “the speaks of the plainsmen as “first mie! ed in 1632 in Sagard’s “Histoire du | were executed. new book published. Sy . ; : n 28 J ge ; raw material,” as if the middle west! canada” This ofl spring was proba- Very different in character was the Robert Louis * Stevenson’ : 2% e Bl t srt fo existed and had somehow a local habl- | yo jgentical with the one described Six o'Clock club, whose members, num- recreation was playing the flute, In or- anion quis i his id ried, and tation and a name. : | by the Massachusetts Magazine in. bering six only, met at 6 in the even- | der, as be said, to tune his 1Ceas. " ) The middle west itself is by no means | y7gq. _ ing and separated at 6 in the morning. | Robert Browning eould not sit still. ai Be so sure about that. Although the prai- “In the northern part of Pennsylva- Meeting early in the evening and With the constant shuffling of his feet ok on lo ries begin at Batavia, N. Y,, Buffalo- | io there is a creek called Ofl creek, sitting smoking until midnight, the holes were worn in the carpet. : » god for nians Tomn: Dune foe Ci ge which empties into the Allegheny riv- curious people forming the Humdrum Logisiow s5oves Noms only 8 ] : Ih Ma erners. Omaha I s v ; as, he sa s sub- ; S er. It issues from a spring on the top club observed the strictest silence. | sunrise or sunset, ‘ A -— By cou unquestionably middle western, yet ich floats an oil similar to that B rha the most curious club limest moods came upon him at these The highest Quality churned edy in tl of which floats an of ut perhaps b hota there are middle westerners who repu- | ..ye3 Barbados tar and from which of all was the No Nose club, which | times. The most Economical te buy-— Shi diate Nebraska and only tepldly ac-| ,ng may gather several gallons a day. was founded Ly an unwilling follower | Hawthorne always washed his hands lection of fore to Seliverd of Batted pro- 2 : av a evicting cept Kansas, while St. Louis and Kan- | qwa troops sent to guard the western of the Egyptian fashion or flat faces. before reading a letter from his wife. Room se Sopon o materiale y y P Was neve sas City belong to the middle west 8C- | oq halted at the same spring, col- London Te.egraph. He delighted in poring over old adver-| duct to you the constat = daily re sording o Fine l I lected some of the oil and bathed their BE. | tisements in the newspaper files. Purity and Perfection 2 2 po) Son ceo g Mi ta tial ‘| joints with it. This gave them great Persia's Great Superstition. Oliver Wendell Holmes used to carry le 1 baked.op Dy the tei — ry Sea 5 > ite By general consent Minnesota belongs | [1.08 erom the rheumatism with which The greatest superstition in Persiais a horse chestnut in one pocket and a | TAC s.3s bask! 3.up y 2 small to the northwest. However, if you go they were afflicted.” —New York World. what is known us the “evil eye.” You potato in another to ward off rheuma- so s P * - a aha halfway from orang) Mes BD | must not say to some one whom you tism.—Philadelphia Inquirer. What stronger Guarantee can thers be : : bl Jara lend, Sr > th BASIS Sos man How the Ancients Bathed. meet, “How well you are looking!” for : a 5 : zens : Chi 1 Iu : o one ey say 2% t an Ancient Rome is said to have con- if you do and that person is taken ill Horrors of Thirst. ] CaZo dh i in Lng m Rn jn Dy sumed no less than 340,000,000 gallons it will be because you gave him the There is no horror like the horror of M bs a] es me: SE joll of water a day, and one of the most evil éye. You mu. t uot say to a moth- | thirst—no physical suffering compara- a — BE a came from the a noticeable features of the modern er, “What a pretty paby!" “What a | ble to it. A traveler over the desert ; ro I'm Say Sate myself. I lived in town is the prodigal effervescence of bright child!” for if you do and any- | in Egypt describes a man who had lost | 3 il er a Ww = En Towa.” y its water, gushing from fountains of thing unfortunate pappens to the child | his way, wandering about for days [00 mm gi on ; Where then, is the middle west? In every conceivable size and design. The you will be considered responsible. | without water, and finally came stag- | ‘5g - a8 us on the words of the immortal Artemus, I | Trevi is the most magnificent in the Many mothers let the children go dirty gering into his camp. The man’s eyes | HE E sure your plumbing has real abi : “Nowhete-10r RE wheres | City, its waters (called Aqua Vergine, and poorly clothed in order that they | were bloodshot, his lips swollen to| HH rth hink, if your brodder’ snip EE oe iL in ; Miri virgin water, because of its purity) may not attract favorable attention. | twice their natural size. His tongue, gy worth. Just think, yo i er: azine y the finest. The old Roman baths re- The sign which is thought to have some blue, parched and swollen, hung out home were remodeled with thro : quired a lot of water. The splendid power to avert the evil eye consists in| of his mouth. To allow such a man “Standard” plumbing fixtures, how Day. The Height of Trees. Thermae. built by the degenerate Em- holding the second and third fingers of to drink water at will would be like auch micer It would be, more Dad 1 peror Caracalla, had accommodations both hands cibse to the palms with the pumping cold water into a redhot ; iy ‘When one is out for a walk it is a = : i: d question : 3 1 600 Lat! Besides the bath bs. while the other fingers are ex- Steam boiler. It would kill him. This comfortable, more convenient an very common thing to wish to know | Or 1,600 Lathers. esides the baths thumbs, whiie the othe Sers ired to be held forcibly by b p “Oh, § the hei‘ of a partiensr t ro whio® | proper establishment included tended straight out. Then, with the man Tequired io be held forcibly Dy in value increased above the cpst of won ay RI wi , of about a quarter of 8 hands behind you, you make a down- four men in his eagerness to get at & deli hay drinking water, while a fifth man al- € remodeling. only jus : ~ gymnasium, athletic, ward movement three times. : g ’ " edict 1 lowed a few drops to trickle down the . : medicine ‘ oi .d even a race track. | throat of the sufferer at long intervals May we show you illustrations “Standard” sells it.” wf - above the plain today | Struggle of the Rivers. oat o: EN sy Sinn 1 color of bathrooms? i np £3 is (ain blasted by nature. | The discovery that there is a kind of He had to Cy Goole i e by little. 7 q : raphic Magazine. | struggle for existence and survival ot, : like an overheated. boiler, oa Many : : wal! : | the fittest among rivers is one of the na & of Was ron, we rth of i shad- Why ls It? | most interesting results of the modern An Unanswerable Argument. Then, «x omy nh y= § The poor relation had not been invit- EE ® city, us ow to the .’s heigi, so is the When you are in a hurry why is it, study of physiography. A notable ex- 1 Foneti t the great ag market length of the tree’s shadow to the | that— : | ample of this contest is exhibited by dio the foram ne i ar he oo LS urday n tree's height. For example, suppose a | There are no means of locomotion in England's two biggest rivers, the | house, but Ai o the D Came mmm ot mo kot two and a half foot stick shows a sight? Thames and the Severn. Between | of that oversiy tf a7. Inala) tHe 4 the pro ghadow three feet long and the tree’s | You haven't any change? ; their valleys lie the Cotswold Bilts, and 2 ss ie aq appear shadow is eighteen feet long. There-| Every one bumps into you? STP om that he om by | pon a SS honded the 4 hat, and fore the tree is six times as high as| Yy smber you have left the eating bac ward among ese § ’ " ; meat se SL. ES ih shows that the height Pr ny y : where softer strata underlie them has boss relation mess. nt ar 1000 Things Fer Boys To Do ¥ week fi ree will fifteen feet. { | streets ar k liverted to itself some of the headwa- | “Nobody can ge in wi out a card. = wo 3 avbremt of fie tree Will be ste =< A nil DE : ters which formerly flowed into the | «Well, I'm nobody, Bis the 1000 Things That Boys Can Do # ke - - » t x > B® : c 3 relation, but the first gentleman | He Was Short. | You are held up by some bore? Thames. { poor To] ? . tn \ Foo of = broken vo nl 5 all i ir . : is i : 1d not grasp the delicate : : Ban one enns 2 frat hae grt You, sec the. most beutiful git! Breaking It Gently i pi ri was | 1000 Things Boys Like To Do own use entered a candy store and aske 9 i . | ) inti] RE ns of oi After she had BS WOR on is wrong? «I have called, sir, to see the photo | turned away from the inhospitable mm b ® ma BR ew R.. 5 . = y : R s o r voi Ot or rant © — Exché i 1 Ere RE SE 2 £2 LT OF h / the candy she pif sous pennies on the The other person is late and you oF Oo ls with $25.000 who wants a | door. Exenange; | ne Loy eGuanic=— a a 2 counter and started out. | ino -7__Life. , husband. | ——— i a ns cot ee though averse to | are kept waiting an hour?—Life { “Can you keep your face straight?” | Where Men Wear Combs. d (A sequel to, but containing nothing found in Volume 0) “Wha : rp 13 . er | —— i. « rs an.” N raveler in India is surprised to | » frightening the little thing, called aft- | Knichts of Old | “Of course I can. The traveler in Js surprised 10 0 space, iow ntle volce: 5 | «Very we Ve ag in fi ¢ vear combs in their hair | rpataet Bl 5 e eel BE er hor in a gentle voice: oh es : 3 Very well. We'll break you in first | see that men wear co 4 greatest Boys’ B 7 3 door or You're a penny short.” re Enigits o the Sirs - Thivey | with the $5,000 applicants, and then much more than women do. A Cinga- = ys Boek Ever Published No ‘0 “No: you re a penny short,” she call- were 0 well prolee oy tot gradually, as you grow stronger, we | lese gentleman wears what we know re rpm 480 P Freddy ed back as she disappeared. mas : if Were Dia: 1 fs "Even when | will work you up to the big prize. | as the circular comb and a very orna- ages “The eRe Le to all ordinary, Weapons. iniuved This way, please, and don’t get fright- | mental back comb of tortoise shell to S905 Iii ° prompt Well N d dismounted {rey could nop be 1jured | ened.” Exchange gather his curly locks together He ustrations / med. em : : rh —Exc : . se ronderf ia my uncle,” said save by the miserjcordia, a thin dagger, | wears a full beard also, but his servant A wonderful man y unc:e, a which penetrated the joints of the ar- must trim his own beard and is al Published by Httle Binks, so very original and | =" yo 0600 than one battle knights Boss at Home. I iho irony eb only. Popular Mechanics Magazifie For witty’ _ fallen from their horses could not be “How can you tell that the conductor | lowe 2 0 5 you, an He says he called his dog “Sausage” yineq until their armor had been bro- | 18 the boss in his House?” asked the re- | —Exchange. Hs er "iho because it was half bread, his goat yop yp with axes and hammers. cruit. » Ld compiles dincong fr bottles «Nearly” because it was “all butt” and “Simple,” boasted the great detec: Bad Color Scheme. Inaaing all the things boys love to Tight his prize cockerel “Robinson” because | The Reason. tive. “That woman asked him where | “The man I am engaged to bas been to build and experiment with and le ft “Crusoe.” —Exchange. Patience—There was a time in her | sie got off, gad bp oo in i Jo ferniily wis, but is going to turn over mo Suen ab ; cork of -— married nearly any- | Where you get 0 »_Buffalo Express. | a new leal. sleds pot-Light Lantern Cabri A Sure Winner. a i 2 y «Don’t put your trust in such a bad Snowshoes Mile-O-View Camera 2 uy diff. t times on Ye Den i color scheme. Rosy futures seldom! Ice Boats Indoor Games ve been stuck at different times on pgtrice—And yet she has never mar- Desperation. , Ice Gli : » : s wen 30 1 t.” — Baltimore ce Gliders Tricks eotton, tobacco, oranges and corn. | ried? «Is dis high cost of livin’ worryin’ | grow on & purple pas ; Boats Cyclerobile “Joh “Well?” | «Never. You see, she couldn’t please | you?” asked Meandering Mike. American. i Camps Pushmobile the IY “Now I think I'll invest in @ coal ==-gy»_ Yonkers Statesman. «p's drivin’ me desperate,” replied J ha Fishing Tackle Flymobile Ni @’ eo, {that op is never a £ ilar, and Plodding Pete. “I'm almost tempted Sure Thing! tt 1 SRY Houses of Poles Ferris Whee, : “Pha § yrz abre: a demand or GF : Ota A Mattar of Color. to go to work.” — Washington Star. Mrs. Exe—Dear, what does it mean Hg Bie Sunlight Flasher » spells y !- ¢ City Jowrt lL »f Yale team)—Yes, our family when you get a notice from the bank faint Gliters Bead hd ® “You == 3 ‘ uck to the Normans. Blue blood Nothing Lost. that your account is overdrawn? Exe Rr LT i me ho" Bitter. gn OUI for something. She—It won't| «I hear she doesn’t like me with a —In the case of a man it means that Roller Coasicr : — a Te Tan tact count much with pa. He's a Harvard | mustache.” | 5 he 1s married Boston Transcript. aes ee and hundreds of equally intere ; < Sat 9 man.—Boston Transcript. “Going to shave it off, 1 s’pose? —— eee : 55 . ; 1 «How do you know he 1s foolish? AT, ht ie never Wied me Kan: | Tr boot (Size 10x7x1% Inches) esting things, ; 1 on “He is in love with you.”—Houston in the OId Days. as City Journal Hokus—That fellow Closefist doesn’t HANDSOME Price $2 00 PREPAID § “Oh Post. ee Debutante—I wonder why women me know what it means to be sensitive. , CLOTH E.RWING © = u TO ANY ADDRESS | 4 —woul : used to wear such wide wedding rings v a word indicating : You can’t hurt his feelings. Pokus— =r sip emery STDS 637 ADT pga a de lice Be Ey Blase Matron—Because at that time, the de nzth requisite | Did you ever try pinching him in the | LAR a i Ye ooaRTEN | a i e boats sho lea . : ines. they expected them to last omplishi icnlar objec | n +h -9_Mown Tonics pam 3 - RAE OEE gin RE RC f BE: 8 ni Ta B an . poor things, they e: pected them fc compli ilar object. | pocketbook ?—Town Topics. ] § UPULAK I HH TRU. -B i Michi a PRIQAR( | Franklin, a lifetime. —Life. i | ? ee 5 y gan Ave., GiICAGO pa Prover
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers