The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, January 11, 1917, Image 5
- is # # ot i Bn Br THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. Local and Persona ORCA Ce RRR ROR RE OE 3 J H. Black was a recent Somerset visitor. eg PE Earl Opel is working for Noah Kin- singer at present, Take your custom chopping to Ha- bel & Phillips. Mrs. James LeeKemby, was a Conn- elisville visitor Thursday. P. J. Kinsinger of Norfolk lost two waluable horses last week. . Mary Thomap of Boynton, wag a town visitor Tuesday. Engineer Jacob Opel, of Somerset, i J. L. Dixon, of Grant street. spent Sunday here with his family. Miss Florence Fullem is spending the week in Salisbury with friends. Mrs. Eugene Livengood, is visiting relatives and friends in Cumberland. Mre. Phillip Reich, spent a few days of this week with friends in Ralphton. Mrs, James Horning of Akren, Chin, ig visiting relatives and friends here. Miss Edith Barish of Somerset, vis- ited friends here a few days last week. A. S8.Way, of Pittsburg, spent a few days of this week with friends in town. Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Thomas, were Pittsburg visitors several days last week. Mirs. George Miller, spent Saturday with relatives and friends in Cumber- land. Mrs. Clarence Keim of Salisbury was a business visitor here Friday last. Miss Elizabeth Wagner has returned home from a visit with relatives in Pittsburg. Mrs. Thomas Courtney of Sand- Patch. was a business visitor in town Monday. Mrs. J. F. Reich has retuned home Miss Gertrude Dixon, of Connells- ; ville, is a guest at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Emma Mersbacher, who had been spending the past week here with her sister, Mrs. Mary Ludden returned t6 her home in Pittsburg Saturday last. oe Mr, Jonas D. Yoder -gold his fine farm to his neighbor Jonas M. Yoder. Milton Gnagey and his family, mov- ed from the Jonas Saylor home to his father's farm in his summer. house. Miss Ester Stacer and nephew, Richard Grabenstein, who had been spending the week here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mra. John Staeer, returned to their home in Cumberland Saturday. Ggresota flour the finest quality made, on sale at Habel & Phillips. Austin Christner sold his farm to REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK, AT MEYERSDALE, IN THE STATE; OF PENNSYLVANIA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DEC- EMBER 27, 1916. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ...... $390,698.41 overdrafts ...........s $6571.98 Loans and discounts. $390,698.41 U. S. bonds: deposited to secure circulation (par wvalue)..$66,000.00 U. 8. bonds pledged to secure U. S. de- posits (par value) U. S. bonds (not in- U. S. bonds owned and unpledged ..$2,000.00 Premium on U. 8. bonds eas sditvadey $281.87 Total U, S. bonds ........$72,231.87 Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pledged to secure postal savings de- $6,000.00 Mahlen Christner and Wm. Duecher, Mr. Duecher will move on the farm and till the soil, while Austin and his wife will move on the Kneriem farm mear Salisbury Junction after the sale on the twelfth. Mrs. Frank Morgan, of Rockwood, spent Monday with relatives in town, Mrs. Morgan will be remembered by ‘many as Miss Ada Growall, and ro- gided for a time with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Just pre- vious to her marriage, and is always sure of a heamty welcome by her friends of that time. The coal traffic is booming in the vicinity of this place. As many as forty loads are at the siding at one time some days unloading into cars for shipment. The heavy hauling has cut up Main street and on Tues- day the town authorities ordered the street closed to hauling across the B. & O. tracks and instructed all teams to go up via Meyers avenue. The Parent = Teachers Associa- tion will hold its regular meeting on from a visit with relatives and friends in Pittsburg. Oscar Allen, who is working in Lo- nacon¥pg, Md, spent Sunday here with his family. Mrs. Tobws Snyder of Saxton, Pa, is visiting her son, H. B. Snyder in town this week. Mr. Henry Kuks, a highly respected citizen of this town ist very ill at his home onNorth street. 3 funeral of a relative near Somerset, Friday of last week. joicing over the arrival of a small son since Saturay last. Mrs. Wilbur Derry and Mrs. John Knecht, of Salisbury were visiting relatives in town a few days this week. Mrs. J. W. Walsh, of Cumberland, Md., spent Monday here with her sisters, the Misses Courehan, of North street. Sal Medico is positively guaran teed to cure stock of worms—$.75 and $1.00 and $1.50 packages at Habel % Phillips. Mr. Clarence Moore, spent Sunday 5 at the Allegany hospital in Cumber " %gand, Md. where his wife is taking “F@eatment. = rs. Mae Maidens, of Washington, ai. is the guest at the home of her a Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mervine, _ miCenter street. . * Rov. Father McCarthy, of Salisbury spent Sunday evening with Rev. Father Brady at the R. C. parsonage on High street. Miss Ida Dia, who is teaching school in Somerset spent Saturday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dia, of Main street. Mr. John Darrah, visited hisdaugh- ter, Miss Roselle who is in train- ing, in a Baltimore hospital several days during the past week. Hammond dairy feed the great milk producer—$1.90 per hundred at Habel & Phillips. Communion services will be held in the Evangelical Lutheran church next Sunday morning. Preparatory services will be held on Friday even- ing. Farmer! brand cotton seed meal— $2.25 per hundred at Habel& Philipps. Another car golden loaf flour just received. Better than ever. $10.40. per bbl at Habel & Phillips. Miss Mayme Forquer, one of the teachers in the Meyersdale Public Schools, was called to her home in Ursina, Tuesday evening on account of the death of a relative; her place was filled by Mrs. F. A. Bittner. 6 bars borax soap for 25c at Habel & Phillips. W. W. Miller of Greenville, is busy hauling baled hay to Frostberg to Hitching Bros; getting sixteen dol- larg par ton. Miss Edna Kubs, attended . the | Friday evening, January 19," at 8 ! o'clock, in the High School build- | ing. There will be an address by D1 ! Lichty: subject, “Duties of Teachers | tto Parents and duty of Parents to | Teachers.” This wili be followed by | a solo by Mr. Wm. Butler. Everyone | is cordially invited. The work at the coal mines in this i section is in a very unsettled condi- tion at present. Some of the mines are working while others are closed on account of labor trouble. On Mon- strike, asking for an increase, to$l per ton. The operators refused to Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Getty are re-| meet the demand and drew the fires | from under the boilers. Mr. Leydig, of Glencoe, who was a business caller in town on Tuesday, took time to favor this office with a pleasant call which was much ap- | preciated. .- ———————— MEYERSDALE AND VICINITY. Mr. P. S. Maust, who had heen on the sick list for some time is now out again, Mr. and Mrs. James Beals and daughter, John Schrader, Charles Beals, Clarence Colflesh, Charles and Walter Upholt, spent Sunday at Geo. Beals. Miss Erma Zimmerman, who is working for her sister, Mrs. John Countryman, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer- man. Miss Pearle Newman and Miss Lowhery of Salisbury, spent Suiday at the Muncy Lumber camps. Mr. Robert Faidley and son Carl spent Sunday at Summit Mills. Mrs. Robert Staub who was suffer- ing with Lung Fever and Quinsy is better. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lichty, spent Sunday at Homer Maust’s. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Engles, Mr. ard Mrs. George Engle and two daughteis, Miss Hattie Ringer, Mrs. Pebelia Tressler and son, Emanuel and tra. John Zimmerman, spent Sunday at Milton Mishlers. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zook a little baby girl. Floyd, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Yoder has been very ill with pnuemonia, Mi. John. Beals is working for his father-in-law, S. M. Gnagey. Miss Erma Boches, sient Sunday at the home of John Zimmerman. Simon Beachy was busy butchering several days last week Calvin Maust and Wm. Beals trad- ed horses one day last weex. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hershberger and children, spent Sunday evening at James Beals. Mr. Perry Maust and James Klink made a fine hores trade last week. Miss Mary Burkholder, spent Sun- i day at Jonas Klinks. Miss Maggie Faidley and Hatrie Sutten, spent last Sunday at Robert Faidleys. Calvin Wise and traded driving horses last week. Mrs. Wm. Miller is helping to cook for the Muncy Lumber Co. George Beals posits ......$7,308.70 ' Securities other tham U. S. bonds | cluding stocks) owned : unpledged ....$94,889.63 | Total bond, securities, EOE saunssmusvubasase $102,198.33 | Stacks, other than Federal i Reserve Bank stock .....$1,300.81 | Stock of Federal Reserve | Bank (50 per cent of sub- scription) ........ ive... $3,450.00 Value of banking house (if unencumbered) ..$55,413.45 Equity in banking house ..$65,413.45 | Furniture and fixtures ...... $7,961.05 Real estate owned other ' than bamking house .....$3,974.58 Net amount due from ap- proved reserve agent in New York, Chicago, and St Louis ......... $304.14 Net, amount due from ap- Proved reserve agents in other reserve cities ..$51,601.52 $51,905.66 | | Outside checks and other cash items ...... $420.58 Fractional currency nickles and cts. .. the men at Garrett went out on a | interest and taxes Ee ay Siew nie $575.19 Lawful reserve in vault and not due from Fed. Res. Bank ui. .800.. $38,038.65 Redemption fund with UT, S. Treasurer ........ $3,250.00 ota) oui. h ae $731,569.48 LIABILITIES Capitol stock paid in .... $65,000.00 Surplus fund ............ $50,000.60 Undivided profits . $15,266.79 | Less current expenses, ! paid .... $8,722.78 $6,544.01 Amount reserved for all interest accrued ....... $,2775.00 Cir’l. notes outstanding .. $65,000.09 Dividends unpaid ........ .. $660.00 | Individual deposits sub- i - ject to check ........ $193,862.98 | Certificates of deposits due in less than 30 days ........ $1,185.61 Certified checks .............. $12 United States deposits .... $3,000.00 Postal savings deposits .... $5.250.00 | Total demand deposits, Items |" ‘a3 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, . | and 40 ...... $205,310.09 : | Certivates of descsic J8,647 31 | Other time deposits ...... $237.642.67 Total of time deposits, Items: 41, 42, and43, .... $336,279.88 Total: .........\.. Saat $731,569.48 State of Pennsylvana, County of Som- erset, ss: I, J. H. Bowman, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. H. Bowman, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to® before me this 5th. day of January, 1917. Robert Cook, Notary Public. My Commission expires March, 1919. Correct—Attest: N. E. Miller, W. H- Habel + John N. Cover. Directors BUSINESS IN COURT HOUSE DROPS IN 1918. Statistics for the year just closed s' ow that a smaller volume of bhvs’ ness was transacted in the court Louse in 1916 rhan in 1915; Clerk of tte Orphans’ Court Charles I. Shavar issued two less marriage licenses. There were 496 in 1916 and. 498 ir 1915. He also had fewer estates than during the Trreceding year. There were 155 in 1916 and 172 in 1915. Recorder of Deeds John E. Custer handled less papers than during the year before, but did more work. In 1916, 1966 deeds, mortgages, etc., were recorded, compared to 1919 in 1315. Bit Decorder Custer says that more record pages were filled from the fact that quite a few of the instruments left with him for recording were unu- sually lenghty, many containing auy- where from 50 to 100 pages. ! The most notable slump, however, was experienced at the county jail. Sheriff Lester G. Wagner stated this morning that he had 134 less pris- oners in 1916 than the previous year. ' In 1916 there were 208 and in' 1915 342. SE #ROFESSIONAL CARDS. CONDENSED REPORT OF CONDITON The Second National Bank OF MEYERSDALE, PA. December 27, 1916. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, COMPENSATION AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE WwW.» COOK & SOR Meyersdale, Pa. RESOURCES. Loans and Investments $502,193.61 Cash and Due From Banks 98,769.50 $781,560.48 U. 8. Bonds and Premium 72,281.87 | Surplus Fund and Profits 89,819.01 Real Estate, Furn. & Fixt. 63,874.54 | Circulation ,.c. seco «..05,000.00 W. CURTIS TRUAXAL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, PA. Prompt attention given to al} legal business. LIABILITIES. Capitol and Stock Paid in $65,000.00 Deposits nie s00sce ‘eed 842, £60.47 $781,669.48 DENTISTRY. Modern dentistry eliminates thy dread of havng your teeth extracted INTEREST PAID ON GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES RENTED crowned or filled. work. I also treat and guarantee 9 cure Pyorrhea, Riggs Disease o® loose, springy, bleeding gums whem pot too far advanced. TIME DEPOSITS July 15, 1908—Quarter Growth as shown in following sta em nts made to C:mptreleer of Currency March 7, 191 1—One-Half Million— Dec. 27, 1916---Nearly 3-4 Million--- 1 specialize on Crown and Bridge H E. GETTY MEYERSDALE, PA. Million— $262,014.92 $512,573.48 $731 569.48 be. CE in MURRAY AUTO SERVICE. Runs Twice Daily Between Meyers dale and Somerset Via. Berlin. Eyes Examined ;waves Central Hotel Meyersdale af ..v{ a, m, and at 3 p. m. Leaves Somerset at 9:30 a. m. aud at 3:30 p. m. For further particulars Inquire off ORCC 1 can hel; you two and s'udying most precious EY gS. I want to see you about your feel better. Pad vision. is very common in these days of reading Don’t neglect your MORRIS MURRAY, Central Hotel — —Meyersdale, Pa. SN SSNPS I. PAN Et aa as ol I know I sec better and to NEW ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP P. Pil.a, an experienced shoe 1I1e- pair shoemaker, has opened up a well equipped shop in the Hocking block next to the Blake restaurant. He is prepared to do good x 4 on Centre street organs — Yl K atoatateielncesn stu ataceiainioisse nl work, in quick time while you wait and his rates are reasonable. Give hina ££ LS 17 Ir H Ba Ba 4 rR 2 Both FPheres mew “ GRANTVILLE Town Topics. Miss Winifred Bonig, spent the week in Frostburg with Miss Edna Jeffries. . Ed. Jenkins and Clark Custer re- turned to their work in Akron and Canton, Ohio. Mr. Lewis and Miss Clara Miller were business visitors in Cumber- land last Thursday. Mrs. Lawrence Bittinger was home for a week in Bittinger. Since the return to their work and places of study of so many of our young men, many girls are very lone- ly. Among those of our citizens who were laid up with lagrippe the past week was Mrs. Ellen Younkin. A Surprise Party. The Misses Mary and Sabina Blocker gave a surprise party on Mrs. Llewellen Blocker, who had just re- turned home from Pittsburg, on Fri- evening. The amusements consisted of music, games and conversation, and all reported having a very enjoyable evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Getty, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bender, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Kellers, Miss Gertie Hone, and Messrs. Urban and Llewellen Blocker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziller. Another Miss Beatrice Nathan gave a party for her cousin, Miss Mabel Beachey on Thursday night and the guests were very sorry, but the young honor ouest was sick and unable to be pre- et. Refreshments consisted of ~undy, cake, oranges, apples and lem- nade. Those present were The \Ti~ses Guina, Viola, Evelyn and Hel- en Swanger, Lenneth Gingerich, Mary and Luther Millgr, Mabel Younkin, Marjorie and Mildred Bonig. A short time since the war depart- ment in Great Britain decided that money was contraband and liable to confiscation. Five young men be- lieved the decision a good one and the Flaccus Glass company in Taren- cuvscated the pay of the workers in fron the express office to the pay of- fice. The police took another view of the case and the five young men ous to follow the decisions of these departments until such decision has been reviewed by the courts. Children Cry FOR FLETC.CR'S CAT. RR] A : EY: TROUBLES. 5 ! LHECEECCBCERIORD GQ GOO LFOLR0 OF CHER ORR Q ON OQ TQ OOOO GO COO Pz. some of your patronage THE OPTION: T4+i0T Sawmill, Engine, & Broiler for sale. Outfit ready for business $550.00. See H. Phillips, Clay St., Meyersdale, Ee Sight Spocrs hist LERTORRFORON BODO eyersdrle, i. | ooo 0 RROD CHITFOD OOTRH CHIU BALTIMORE & | RAILROAD WINTER EXCURSION FA RES FLORIDA Jos'ph 1. Tresser Funeral Direetor and Bobal er ~ Meyersdale, Penna. Residence: Office : 309 1orLa street 2249 Center Ntre: i i VIA | | i Eeonnmy "hone. Both Phones. - WASHINGTON WITH STOP-OVER PRIVILEGE | | Li - For sale—An Overland Roadster. TICKETS ON SALE DAILY || Price Reasonable. Address. or call | UNTIL APRIL 30 | Commercial Office. 24 | | GOOD TO RETURN UNTIL Farm For Rent—One and one half miles morth of Rockwood, in Milford township, Possession to be given om . or before the 15th of February, 1917. SECURE FULL INFORMATION Apply H. G. and R E. Walker, Rock~ FROM TICKET AGENT wood. 24. MAY 31,1917 For Sale—A Fine Jersey Cow, sev- en years old, will be fresh next month —— : Apply to Mrs. John Spence, 231 Salis- On Sunday morning Mrs. Rev. A. S.| bury street. Meyersdale, Pa. 2. Kresge received a telegram announc- Eliazer Womer. ing the serious illness of her father, Eliazer Womer, at the home of his youngest daughter, in Easton. She at once left for that place, on Tues- day her husband received a message from her stating that his death oc- cured on Monday night. Mr. Womer had reached the 90th milestone on life’s journey, a distance attained by few. He had visited his daughter here on several occasions and was known to several of our citi- zens. He had resided at Tamauqua for many years, and burial took place at the place where he was laid at rest beside the parner of his joys and his sorrows, the one who had trod with him life’s rugged pathway for many years. He is survived by cone son, and five daughters. There will be communion services at St. Marks Reformed church at Pocahontas on Sunday at 10 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Kresge. Briving 1 Home CAS Let us drive home to you the faci that no washwoman can wash clothes in as sani- tary a manner as that in which the work is done at our laundry. We use much more water, change the water many more times, use purer and wore costly soap, and keep all the clothes in constant motion during the entire process. It's simply a matter of having proper facilities. Meyersdale Steam Laundy Sewing Party. is another evidence that it is danger- | 2 number of friends at her home on ! Brcadway, Tuesday. Those that were A & i O R i A Mrs. M. J. Livengood entertained yresent were: Mrs J. F. Reich 3, : rn Sich, Mr For Infants and Children |S: BE. Crowe, Mrs. W. Carey, Mrs. | John Lindeman, Mrs. W. E. Baker, in Use For Over 30 Years Mrs. Leo. Derry, Mrs. Raymond Derry Always bears Mrs. John Knecht, and Mrs. Wilbar fie ATA Dares Signature of % A erry. EE ee mn. J mane a