—————— es i The Limousine Look. ‘} Perhaps it is hypercritical of us ding in a limousine is a magnificent and awful thing, and how should any «Plain mortal be expected to endure it without amendment to his soul? 8till, from our sidewalk, we do observe and Protest. an no human being, even though to the limousine born, learn to tide in a closed car and avoid the clos- ed face, that blank, top lofty aloofness «of expression so alien to normal Amer- fecan worry and cheerfulness? The limousine look attacks any hap- py, laughing.debutante or bank presi- dent the jastant the door slams and they sink back in what is technically own ip motorear literature as “mila- oe drpwing room on wheels.” It fomes on or off the face very much as flo the detachable tops that convert an ordinary touring car of commerce Into a miniature palace fit to stand before the blazing glory of an opera house with uniformed attendant handing in a very charming and expensive wife.— New York Tribune. , . A Japanese Composing Room. The most interesting department of & -Japanese printing plant. is the, compos- 4ng room. Great cases of type of all #izes extend the whole length -of the mammoth room. As the Chinese and Japanese characters used in a printing office run far into the tens of ‘thou- sands, the life of the compositor must _be u continual search for the letter he «desires Lo usd. The compos ‘tors were scuffling around the aisles of the room hunting for these