The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, December 28, 1916, Image 2

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(Copyright, 1916, by W. G. Chapman.)
“‘Dynamo-plus !"—that expresses the
mew man,” observed the junior part-
ner of Farrar & Co., department store,
River City.
“You mean?” insinua‘ed the more
conservative Mr. Robert Farrar, senior
partner and founder of the business.
“That I have found a man for you
who will fill your store, sell your goods
and make the ‘square deal’ look like
an old three-cent piece.”
“A prodigy, eh?”
“They say so. He comes high—five
thousand a year—but he’s made a for-
tune for his old employers.”
“What did he leave them for?”
“Says he wants to build up, not
stand still. They got so big ghey
couldn't go any further, so he struck
nut for new pastures.”
“H’'m!” observed Mr. Farrar. “Let
it all be your doing—I don’t know as
f approve. And what about young
Stevens? He's suited us well enough
until you brought home from Chicago
these grand expansive ideas of yours.”
“Why—er, well, Stevens will have
to be subordinate.”
“He's not the man to stand it.”
“TH8<n let him go.”
Just that came about. Advised of
the new plans of the house with which
he had been for seven years and had
helped build up, Roy Stevens courte-
ously gave notice of his resignation.
Mr. Farrar was growing old, Mr.
Robbins had pnt quite some capital into
the business and had really done some
He Was a Model in the Way of Dress.
brilliant things. He was “a live wire”
as a buyer. He bought close and his
purchases always brought a profit. Mr,
Farrar was forced to concede that his
junior partner was proving himself a
valuable adjunct to the business.
“Take your own way,” said the sen-
for, with a sigh. “Only—I don’t con-
sider this dismissal of Stevens at all
Neither did Roy Stevens, but he said
fittle and did not act at all discom-
posed. Pretty Leila Farrar, the pet-
ted daughter of the old merghant,
scolded her father roundly. Then she
went to her room and had a good cry
over it. For she and Roy had become
very close friends.’
The marvelous “Dynamo-plus’” was
Guy Vandeventer and he arrived in
River City with a vast flourish of
trumpets. He was a model in the way
of dress, suave, keen of glance, sharp
and short as to converse. His first
move was to secure the best suite of
apartments at the principal hotel, his
next to order a showy automobile, his
next to go through the extensive de- |
partment store and criticize most of
its methods. “Front” was his special-
ty and he certainly impressed the coms |
munity as to appearance and loftiness
in that respect.
One being in what he secretly
dubbed “the half-baked society of a
second rate town” appealed to his re-
fined taste as full perfection. This
was Leila. No wonder of that, for she
was the belle of the district and fully
deserved the distinction. Again, she
was an only child, the. family, coffers
were well filled according to local
repute, and as Leila was courteous to
all and as Vandeventer fancied him-
self irresistible, it was soon hinted
about that the handsome pair were
just as good as engaged.
“Booming like a field gun!” was the
enthusiastic announcement of Robbins
to his partner. “Never so many peo-
ple in our store at one time as last
Saturday. Vandeventer attended to
the advertising and the bands, and
ail that. The free dish of ice cream
and cakes caught the community.”
“Yes, but how about the sales?
queried Mr. Farrar, none too greatly
impressed by the sensational stunt
“Oh, that will come later. All we
expected was to get the crowd coming |
oup way. Wait till next week—one |
first popular bargain sale.”
Certainly the “Dynamo-plus” made
vast throng.
venter had induced Robbins to buy up
a great job lot of cheap brooms. The
price was low, but the quality of the
goods was also. Everybody bought a
broom, to discover that they lasted
about a week, when the rotten cord
securing the wisps broke, letting out
the straws promiscuously.
It was Vandeventer who had pur
chased the brooms. In fact he had in-
vaded the department of Robbin. They
had become great chums. They went
to the buying marts together, and it
began to be hinted about town that
they were indulging iu some pretty
lively doings while away from home
eommunity restraint.
Mr. Farrar was confined to the
house with an injured limb during
these business spurts, and Vandeven-
ter took advantage of the fact to call
frequently, avowedly solicitous for his
health, but in reality to get closer to
his daughter and ‘heiress.
Roy saw little of Leila, although he
constantly thought of her. He had no
antagonism for his former employers,
but in view of some plans he was car-’
rying out Roy deemed it ethical to
merely courteously pass the time of
day with them as future competitors.
For some sudaen fortune had come
to Roy. An old aunt, dying, had left
him several thousand dollars and Roy
proceeded to invest it in a business.
He was watching and analyzing Farrar
and Company and the Square Deal.
Both, he observed, were retrograding
as to quality and utility of the mer-
chandise they carried. When one store
got up a special bargain sale, their
rival put forward one better. Farrar
and Company made a vast flare on
tack hammers. The Square Deal came
forward with a patent bread knife.
The tack hammer broke very readily
and the break knife bent, and the de-
luded public began to weary of these
bargain delusions.
Then one day Farrar and Company
and the Square Deal sat up and took
notice. Behold! in the same square
an empty store suddenly bloomed
forth into merchandise plentitude and
freshly painted sign read: “Roy Stevens
and Quality, Inc.” Neat posters placed
all about town announced: the estab-
lishment of a store Where, no matter
how low priced an article offered
might be, its quality would be always
of the best of its class, with a distinct
line drawn at the shoddy and useless
Roy Stevens and Quality, Inc., went
with a boom. The “live wire” tactics
of the “Dynamo-plus” specialist went
stale. Mr. Farrar, conservative old
line merchant that he was, fumed and
fretted in his invalidism over the pres-
tige fast departing from business he
had founded, for the new store throve
and as it won its established clientele
it held it.
“Got to do scmething to get the
crowd away from Stevens,” said Van-
deventer to Robbins one day, and
forthwith hired a wandering circus
troupe and announced free tickets for
every person purchasing up to a dollar
from Farrar and Company.
Vandeventer had been paying at-
tentive court to Leila, little dreaming
that her thoughts were faithfully cen-
tered on the only man she really
loved. Leila was at the circus its
first performance. A violent storm
came up. Vanderventer, at her side,
made good his own escape as a baby
cyclone blew down the canvas. Roy
sprang to her rescue, saved her from
being crushed by a heavy pole by
holding it across his shoulders until
assistance came. The story of Vande-
venter’s base desertion of Miss Farrar
in a moment of peril got out. e
faded from town, for Mr. Farrar, call-
ing his sensational partner to the car-
pet, insisted on a resumption of the
old standard ways.
“I knew that you would win out!”
declared Leila to Roy two months
later, and she glanced proudly at the
engagement ring on her finger and
smiled loyally at the new partner in
Farrar and Company.
“ln God We Trust.”
In 1861, when Salmon P. Chase was
secretary of the treasury, he received
a letter from a farmer in Maryland
suggesting that a religious motto be
placed on the coins. Mr. Chase re-
ferred the letter to James Pollock, di-
rector of the mint at Philadelphia, and
in his next annual report Mr. Pollock
approved of the suggestion. In 1864,
congress authorized the coinage of a
new 2-cent piece bearing the words,
“In Go We Trust” and in 1865 it en-
to the devices of other coins “when-
ever practicable.” It is from the
“Star-Spangled Banner :”
“Then conquer we must, for our cause
it is just,
And this be our motto, ‘In God is our
trust.’ ”
Honduras a Lumber Treasury.
It is estimated that there are in the
Mosquitia territory, Honduras, 90,000,-
000 pine trees, more than 45,000,000
cedar and mahogany trees, and about
14,000,000 trees of miscellaneous va-
Valuing the pine trees at 25 cents
United States gold each, or $22,500,
000; the cedar and mahogany trees at
$5 each, or $225,000,000, and the mis-
cellaneous trees at 10 cents each, or
$1,400,000 gives an estimate forestal
value of $248,900,000 for the territory
Club Rates.
“My wife and myself are trying to
get up a list of club magazines. By
taking three you get a discount.”
“How are you making out?”
“Well, we can get one that I don’t
want, and one that she doesn’t want,
2 great deal of noise, spread printer’s
ink out everywhere and attracted al
and one that neither of us wants, for
$2.25.”—Farm Life,
It appeared that Vande i
For Those Who Journey Southward
acted that the motto should be added’
The modern woman may not know
just where she is going but she is most
earnestly on her way. She chooses to
add to her natural vocation of home-
making, the pursuit of art or business,
politics or charity. One might think
she would have no time left to devote
to clothing herself beautifully. But
whatever the direction in which she
Is going—it is not away from lovely
apparel. Specialists design styles for
her, she chooses with discrimination,
and fashions are made.
Above is one of the new lingerie
dresses and a hat and parasol for those
who will soon be journeying South.
But the dress is interesting to everyone
because it is good style for dinner or
evening wear anywhere and it anti-
cipates what is coming next summer.
The skirt is made with a pointed tunic
that is shortened at each side; display-
ing five flounces on the underskirt.
Each flounce is edged with val lace.
The tunic is beautifully decorated
with needlework in a delicate embroid-
ery that outlines a border edged with
val lace. The same decoration ap-
pears on the bodice which is gathered
over a plain net foundation. It has a
round neck and long sleeves that ta-
per to the wrist. Deep cuffs fasten
with small crochet buttons on the un-
derside and are edged with lace wheré
they fall over the hands. They are
joined to the sleeves very prettily with
a band of ribbon above a ruffle of lace.
A small cape collar, edged with lace,
is gathered into the neck and the girdle
is of net bordered with ribbon. The
dress is entirely in white.
Pack in Paper Bags.
In traveling you can pack the great.
est quantity of things in the heavy pa-
per envelopes used by the stores in
delivering veils, ribbons, lace and so
on. Save all the available ones, and
when preparing for a trip pack and
label these envelopes for stockings,
gloves, handkerchiefs and the like,
Things packed in this way can be
readily found whengwanted.
New Silks.
For the woman in search of an un.
usual silk for her gown or a distinctive
lining for her handsome winter coat
(and linings are important this sea.
son) there are now pussy-willow taffe
tas which will just serve the purpose.
The designs are queer and oriental—
delightfully unusual. The colorings
are delightful, and as the silks are 40
inches wide they will cut to advantage.
Hats Committed to Sports Wear
Someone who knows says that the
restless American never stays in one
spot longer than two hours. Now how
is the lady who is liable to be snatched
away at any moment, in one direction
or another, going to provide herself
with hats suited to all climes? Day
after tomorrow she may find herself in
the Isle of Pines, or possibly she may
be watching winter sports in Canada.
Those clever milliners who do so
much thinking for the lady of fashion
have seized upon the sports hat to
help solve the problem. Three superb
answers to the question of where-
withal shall we clothe our heads are
shown in the picture above. They are
made of matefals that are worn every-
where and are therefore noncommittal
as to climate, but they leave no room
for doubt as to their indorsement of
sports. They were made with an eye
to the southward, but yeu may go
where you will in any of them.
There is a hat of black patent leath-
er (or something that looks like it)
in a narrow-brimmed sailor shape, with
a soft top crown. It has a band of
black and white checked silk about the
side crown and a vivid red rose at the
front. This rose can defy the fsost,
for its petals are protected with trans-
parent celluloid.
A white satin hat avows its devotion
to the business of being amused, for it
forms a background for two cards done
in silk embroidery on the side crown
The third hat is covered with Tokyo
crepe and a band of uncut velvet stops
before it reaches quite around the
crown to make way for little straw
buttons which hint of spring.
Serge Frocks Are Popular.
The separate frock of navy serge
will not lose any of its popularity. It
is to be found mostly in princess styles
or made on lines that give the shoul:
der-to-hem effect. Jumper frocks of
serge to be worn with separate blouses
of Georgette crepe are very handsome,
One buttons down the back with black
bone ‘buttons. It has a guimpe of
terra cotta georgette crepe and stiff
flaps extend outward over the hips,
heavily embroidered with terra cotts
silk. The corselet effect is gained bj
pointed yokes on these serge frocks !
which point upward on the blouse and
downward on the full circular skirt.
Blue and Gray.
Gray chenille embroidery on mid-
night blue charmeuse is a fetching ver
sion of the blue-and-gray vogue.
Lacerated and Contused Hurts,
Bruises, Harness Galls.
Many Animals Die From Septic Infec-
tion or Mortification as Result of
These Injuries—Abscesses
May Result.
(Prepared by the United States Depart-
‘ ment of Agriculture.)
Lacergted 'and contused wounds of
horses may be described together, al-
though there is, of course, this differ-
ence, that in contused wounds there is
no break or laceration of the skin.
Lacerated wounds, however, are, as a
rule, also contused—the surrounding
tissues are bruised to a greater or
lesser extent. While at first sight such
wounds may not appear to be as seri-
ous as incised wounds, they are com-
monly very much more so. Lacera-
tions and contusions, when extensive,
are always to be regarded as danger-
ous. Many horses die from septic in-
fection or mortification as a result
of these injuries. In severe contusions
there is an infiltration of blood into
the surrounding tissues; disorganiza-
tion and mortification follow, and in-
volve often the deeper-seated struc-
tures. Abscesses, single or multiple,
may also result and call for special
In wounds that are lacerated the
amount of hemorrhage generally is in-
considerable; even very large ‘blood
vessels may be torn apart without
causing a fatal result. The edges of
the wound are ragged and uneven.
These wounds are produced by barbed
wire or some blunt object, as when a
horse runs against fences, board piles,
the corners of buildings, or when he is
struck by the pole or shafts of another
team, falling on rough, irregular
stones, etc.
Contused wounds are caused by
blunt instruments moving with suffi-
cient velocity to bruise and crush the
tissues, as kicks, running against ob-
jects, or falling on large, hard masses.
In lacerated wounds great care must
at first be exercised in examining or
probing to the very bottom of the rent
or tear, to see whether any foreign
body is present. Very often splinters
of wood or bits of stone or dirt are
present, and unless removed prevent
the wound from healing; or if it
should heal, the wound soon opens
again, discharging a thin, gluey mat-
ter that is characteristic of the pres-
2nee of some object in the part. After
a thorough exploration these wounds
shauld be fomented carefully and pa-
tiently with warm water, to which has
deen added carbolic acid in the propor-
don of 1 part to 100 of water. Rare-
Yy, if ever, insert stitches in lacerated
wounds. The surrounding tissues and
skin are so weakened in vitality and
structure by the contusions that
stitches will not hold; they only irri-
:ate the parts. It is better to endeavor
‘0 join the edges of the wound by
neans of bandages, plasters, or col-
odion. One essential in the treatment
»f lacerated wounds is to provide a
'ree exit for the pus. 4f the orifice of
‘he wound is too high, or if pus is
‘ound to be burrowing in the tissues
yeneath the opening, make a counter
)pening as low as possible. This will
1idmit of the wound being thoroughly
washed out, at first with warm water,
ind afterwards injected with some
nild astringent and antiseptic wash,
as chloride of zinc, one dram to a pint
)f water. A dependent opening must
)e maintained until the wound ceases
:0 discharge. Repeated hot fomenta-
:ions over the region of lacerated
wounds afford much relief and should
Je persisted in.
Bruises are nothing but contused
wounds where the skin has not been
ruptured. There is often considerable
solution of continuity of the parts un-
ler the skin, subcutaneous hemorrhage,
ste.,, which may result in mortification
and slough of the bruised parts. If
the bruise or contusion is not so se-
rere, many cases are cured quickly by
lor from two to four hours. The wa-
ter should be allowed about this time
to become cool gradually and then
old. Cold fomentation must then be
zept up for another hour or two. The
parts should be dried thoroughly and
quickly and bathed freely with cam-
phor one ounce, sweet oil eight ounces,
or with equal parts of lead water and
l[audanum. A dry, light bandage
should then be applied, the horse al-
lowed to rest, and if necessany the
treatment may be repeated each day
for two or three days. If, however,
the wound is so severe that sloughing
. must ensue, it should be encouraged
| by pouitices made of linseed meal,
| wheat bran, turnips, onions, bread and
| milk, or hops. Sprinkle charcoal over
the surface of the poultice when the
wound is bad smelling. After the
slough has fallen off dress the wound
with. warm antiseptic washes of car-
bolic acid, chlofide of zine, permanga-
nate of potash, etc. If granulating
(filling up) too fast, use burnt alum
or air-slaked lime. Besides this local
treatment, the constitutional symp-
toms of fever and inflammation eall
for measures tc prevent or control
them. This is best done by placing
the injured animal on soft or green
feed. A physic of Barbados aloes,
one ounce should be given as soon as
possible after the accident. Sedatives,
:onstant fomentation with hot water |™
such as tincture of aconite root, 15
drops, three times a day, or ounce
doses of saltpeter every four hours,
may also be administered. When the
symptoms of fever are abated, and if
the discharges from the wound are
abundant, the strength of the patient
must be supported by good feed and
tonics. A tonic may be prepared as
follows: Powdered sulphate of iron,
powdered gentian, and powdered gin-
ger, of each four ounces.. Mix thor-
oughly and give a heaping tablespoon-
ful twice a day, on the feed.
Harness Galls (Sitfasts).
Wounds or abrasions of the skin of
work horses are frequently caused by
ill-fitting harness or saddles. When a
horse has been resting from steady
work for some time, particularly after
being idle in a stable on a scanty al-
lowance of grain, as i. winter, he ig
soft and tender and sweats easily, and
is liable to chafe under the harness,
especially if it is hard and poorly
fitted. This chafing is likely to cause
abrasions of the skin, and thus pave
the way for an abscess or for 38
chronic blemish, unless attended to
very promptly. Besides causing the
animal considerable pain, chafing, if
long continued, leads to the formation
of a callosity. This may be super:
ficial, involving only the skin, or® it
may be deep-seated, involving the sub-
cutaneous fibrous tissue and sometimes
the muscles and even the bone. This
causes a dry slough to form, which is
both inconvenient and unsightly.
Sloughs of this kind are commonly
called “sitfasts* and, awhile they occur
in other places, are most frequently
found under the saddle. _
Chafing is best prevented by bring-
ing the animal gradually into working
shape after it has had a prolonged
rest, in order that the muscles may be
hard and the skin tough. The harness
should be well fitted, neither too large
nor too small, and it should be cleaned
and oiled to remove all dirt and to
make it soft and pliable. Saddlcy
should be properly fitted so as to pre-
vent direct pressure on the spine, and
the saddle blankets should be clean
and dry. Parts of the horse where
chafing is likely to occur, as on the
back under the saddle, should be
cleaned and brushed free of dirt.
The remedies for simple harness
galls are numerous. Among them may
be mentioned alcohol, one pint, in
which are well shaken the whites of
two eggs; a solution of nitrate of sil-
ver, ten grains to the ounce of water:
sugar of lead or sulphate of zine, 20
grains to an ounce of water; carbolic
acid, one part in 15 parts of glycerin.
Any simple astringent wash or powder
will effect a cure, provided the sores
are not irritated by friction.
If a sitfast has developed, the dead
hornlike slough must be carefully cut
out and the wound treated carefully
with antiseptics. During treatment it
is always best to allow the animal to
rest, but if this is inconvenient care™
should be taken to prevent injury to
the wounded surface by padding the
harness so that chafing cannot occur.
Grow some rhubarb in the cellar
this winter. It is easily done.
* Xk *
TIMELY roy ney ae DON'TS
Don’t forest 10 to leave honey
enough in the hive to. winter
the bees through.
Don’t put your honey down
cellar but keep it in the warm-
est room.
Don’t use sugar in cooking
anything that you want kept
+ moist, but use honey instead.
Don’t fail to keep a can of ex-
tracted honey in the house for
the little folks.
The hen that hustles lays the eggs.
* * *
A mare that fails to produce a colt
is worth no more than a gelding.
* * *
Currying the cow with a milk stod
does not increase the milk flow.
* * *
Apples picked carefully from the
tree and wrapped in paper keep well.
* * *
Potatoes prepared for exhibition
should not be washed, but wiped clean,
* * *®
Nothing tends to keep a horse in
better condition than proper attention
to his teeth.
®t =z =
Milk at 10 cents a quart is cheaper
food than lean meat at 25 cents or
even 20 cents a pound.
* * *
To give us the milk and cream ang
butter we use in the United States,
21, A400 ,000 cows are required.
A quiet voice of approval and a gen.
tle pat occasionally make the horse
more tractable and Serviceabie}
+ Watch the TN Ein carefully for
dectying tubers. Some fields contained
a good many decaying tubers this win
*® *® *
It is estimated that it costs the
farmer more to haul a bushel of grain
than it does a railroad to haul a ton
of it.
® ®* *
Farmers who have a g00d, pure type
of any of the standard varieties of
corn would do well to save all the first-
class seed possible for sale.
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