The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, October 19, 1916, Image 1

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eer arent wend ean. WHR AREA ee
"later. Representatives of the various
We have a big cir
culation and an “ad”
here is read by thou-
sands of people.
Ole Commercial
are delighted with our
job printing. ota
é Bring us your work
The Statistics Read—Fine Trib-
ute Paid to Dr. A. E. Truxal
Relative. to the Church
The Forty-seventh Annual meeting
of Pittsburg Synod of the Reformed
Church, resumed the business on
‘ Thursday. The Rev. E. M. Dietrick of
Punxsutawney conducted the opening
services. The completion of the organ-
ization followed. The Rev. W. C.
Sykes of Greensburg, Pa. was elected
Vice President. The Rev. David Dunn
of Turtle Creek, Pa. was elected Cor-
responding Secretary, Rev. J. H. Mick-
16y, D. D. of Johnstown, Pa., is Stated '
.. Clerk,
The Rev. Frank Wetzel of
Stoyestown, Pa. read his report as
Treasurer. During the past year Lhe |
Treasurer received $37,434.27. He pald
out $35,036.49. The arrearage on ap-
‘portionment was $8,795.52. Allegheny
Classis was the only one to pay the
apportionment in full.
There are 70 ministers in attend.
ence and 40 elders.
President A. B., Bauman appointed
the various standing committees.
These committees are now preparing
their reports which will be presented
Boards of the church and Educational
Institutions will be heard on Friday.
The Committee on Minutes of Synod,
reported the day. The standing com-
mittee on Ministerial Necrology was
first to report. The Rev. D. M. Lady,
D. D. reported that two ministers of
- Synod had passed away during the
year, Bev. J. H. Prugh, D. D., and Rev. '
J. F. Wiant.
The committee on Smithfield street
Church property presented a lengthy
report, The Rev. Cyrus Cort, D. D., is
chairman. After considerable discuss-
ion the following resolution was pass-
“That the cofimittee on the Smith.
field Street case be continued and that
said committee is hereby again -dir-
. “ted, . tb ask the court of ‘common
pleas of Allegheny County, Pa. to ap-
point three trustees to hold and ad-
minister lots 455 and 45 on Smith-
field street and property thereon in
accordance with the original grant of
the Penn heirs on June 18, 1788, which |
created three trustees who with their |
successors were to hold said lots fore- |
ver exclusively for use of the two re-
ligious societies known as the church
holding the unaltered Augusburg Con-
fession and the protestant Reformed
Church of Which Rev. John Wm. We-
ber was their pastor, who was a regul-
ar minister of the Reformed Church.”
This evening the Rev. A. M. Keifer,
Supt. of the St. Paul’s Orphans Home
at Greenville, Pa. presented the claims
of this institution. The Revs. J. W.
Meminger, D. D., and D. N. Dittmar
spoke on the subjects of Ministerial
The attendance at the 47th annual
meeting of Pittsburg Syuod is on the
increase. Ministers and elders from
various parts of the church are re-
porting each day.
The Rev. Chas H. Brandt, of Altoo-
na, spoke in regard to the work of the
Anti-Soloon League,
This morning after the devotional
exercises the Rev, Paul J. Dundore,
Ph. D. of Latrobe, Pa. delivered a
stirring address upon the subject.
“The duty of the Church to the
Amusements of the Day.”
The order of the day to hear the
representatives of the various Boards
and Institutions of the Church.
Hood College, Frederink, Md. was
represented by President J. H. Apple.
Joseph S. Wise, Treasurer of the
Board together with District Superin-
tendent Rev. D. A. Souders, spoke in
regard to the work of Home Missions.
The 3, Rev. W. BE. Hoy, of Yochow,
China, represented the Board of Fore-
ign Missions,
The Rev. Dr. R. W. Miller address-
ed the Synod as the representative of
the publication and Sunday School
The Rev. Dr. J. C. Bowman, spoke
in behalf of the Theological Seminary
at Lancaster, Pa.
Mercersburg Academy was repres-
ented by the Rev. A. S. Dechant of
Hanover, Pa.
The case of Ministerial Relief was
presented by the Revs. Lewis Robb,
D. D, and D. N. Dittmar.
(Cninued on Page 4)
The Meyersdale Boosters club held
a large and enthusiastic meeeting in
the basement of the Second National
Bank on Wednesday evening for the
purpose of taking action in regard to
the proposed inauguration of local ex-
change telephone toll rates, which
hitherto have beén. free.
been free.
There were present 70 persons in
i all, constituting, stockholders of the
, telephone companies, farmers of this
, Section and Hon. Fragces J. Kooser,
Esq. of Jomerset. The question was
very thoroughly discussed. ‘Judge
Kooser said that for him the rate
would cost in tolls annually sev.
. eral hundred dollars and others said
if exchange tolls were to go inti ef-
tem of exchange tolls were to go ip-
to effect that it would cost them two
or three times what they are now
paying. Even many of the stockhold-
‘ers of the company felt that it was not
the best thing to do. There is a defi-
ciency in the treasury of the Ecomo-
my Company due to extensions and fm-
provements. Previous to this year, a
dividend of five : per cent had been
paid to the stockholders.
A couple of committees were ap-
pointed, one to confer with the Pub-
lic service commission and the other
with the Board of Directors of the
Telephone Company.
It was suggested that it had been
better to have made an increased flat
rate per annum and then the patrons
would know just how much it would
cost them. It is believed that the toll
rate will not go into effect.
This morning when, Mrs. William
Seggie of Keystone st. awoke she
found her husband did not respond to
her call and soon found that he died
during the night. Mr. Seggie had been
about town yesterday.
He was aged 66 years. There sur-
vive him the foM®wing children: Jolin
of Akron; James of Cumberland; Mrs.
S. J. Hartline Wooster, Ohio; Mrs.
John Winter, of Braddock; Mrs. Paul
Hornig Shaw Mines; Mrs. John Stein
and Edward of Meyersdale. The fun-
eral will probably be held on Satur
Referee Jacob Snyder of Altoona,
head of the Sixth Workmen’s compen-
sation district of Penisylvania, one
day last week handed down his decis-
ion of the case of Miss Mary M, Cole-
man of Berlin, employed as a school
teacher by the Somerset township
board of education. The claimant ask.
ed compensation for disability ex-
perienced from a broken leg, sustain-
ed while on her way to dinner on
March 29.
The referee, in making his decision,
disallowed the claim on the grounds
that the woman was injured while
away from her employers’ premises
and was not at the time of the acci-
dent engaged in the furtherance of
her employers’ business. The case was
up for a hearing about a week ago in
The Civic League at its last reg
ular meeting elected the following of-
ficers for the coming year and also
selected delegates to the State Fed-
eration League. :
The new officers are—President,
Mrs. S. B. Philson; Vice Pres., Mrs.
W. H. Dill; Tresurer, Mrs. W. 8.
Livengood; Secretary, Miss Jessie
The chosen delegates are Mrs. Jen-
nie Wilmoth; alternate, Mrs. S. B.
Philson; the next meeting of the
League will be held in the council
chamber the First Thursday in No-
vember, being the second day of the
month. It is desired that all mem-
bers be present at that meeting to
hear the report of the delegates. y
An oyster supper will be held in the
basement of the Reformed Church at
Pocahontas on Saturday evening Oc-
tober 28. Let everybody, have a good
time, and a good supper.
The New Rush Hotel at Addison is
surely doing _ a rushing business as
last“Bunday 47 autos stopped for sup-
per afd 20 gitos for dinner,
‘and judging from his appetite on this
That a man may lose in Meyers-
dale his well-filled wallet containing
$101 and then recovery the same after
an absence of two days is the exper-
Last Saturday evening Mr. Valens
tine came to town and fell in with
some boon comrades, and whilé he
did not get 100 per cent lost in the
flowing bowl, he acknowledges that
that ideas were a little hazy. When he
got home on Saturday night on $un-
day, which was the “morning after”
things began to take on a ;
ent and finally a crystalline hue; it
was then he found herhad nd purge.
He recalled thaa he had been in Tom
and Jim's shoe store, where: he
that earlier he had bought a hatchet
and that where he laid the hatchs
he must have laid his purse. In this
he was right his purse having peg
discovered by ome of the honest cies.
of earth, a member of that wed
was put away for safe keeping. ‘The
hatchet was left where it had been
placed until Monday morning. He
went to this store and obtained his
$101. Though the skies were overcast
and it was truly the proverbially blue
Monday, the day was to him the. best
of all the year.
The above up to a late hour was
thought to be true, and it true in
every respect, but it one, and that
was Mr. Valentine had 101 cents in-
stead of that many dollars in his
purse. His pipe dream lasted longer
than we gave him creditfor. The next
time he cries “Bear” the poblie. will
wink at him. fe
Sunday last
High street gave a dinner in h nf r gk
her ‘husband's 44th signs Roo
interesting family were H. C. Staub;
and Urban Fuller. It was a good old
fashioned dinner and greatly enjoyed
by all who had the pleasure of partak-
ing of it. All present and particularly
the invited guests, hoped that Mr. Say-
lor might live to see 44 more birthdays
occasion he probably will.
Finding that Annie S. Miller, of
Everett, a widow, was an actual de-
pendent upon her hunband at the time
he was killed while in the employ of
Joseph E. Thropp, of Bedford, ai-
though she had separated from him,
was living with her mother and wasn’t
really getting any support from him.
The State Workmen’s Compensation
Board om Saturday decided that com-
pensation must be paid for her aad
her two little children by Thropp.
Chairman Harry C. Mackey, in writ-
ing the decision, up held Referee Syn-
der, of Altoona, in every particular.
The case presented novel ‘faatures
Some months ago the Compensation
Board ruled that a widow was mot en-
titled to compensation when, before
héy husband was killed, she had "leit,
him, repudiated offers of assistanc
returned money he sent her and had
become self-supporting, In that case
the board laid down the principle that
“a widow’s dependency is one of fact
and not of law;” this ruling is reiter-
ated in the Miller-Thropp case.
Mrs. Miller sued her husband for
desertion and non-support and got a
court order. Miller wag in arrears in
payments. Mrs. Miller earned three or
four dollars each week herself, “Such
a condition is not a theoretical but an
actual dependency.” says Mackey’s
The Compensation Board also sus-
tains the referee’s award of compen-
sation to Frank Inzana from the Cow-
anshannock Coal & Coke Company,
of Punsutawney. It was found on the
earnings of a son killed in the employ
of the company.
Last Saturday evening Miss Mae
Jeffreys while sitting in a store a large
Tarantula which had crept out of a
bunch of bananas got on her dress and
was carried to her home before dis-
ience of William Valentine at Shaw
he was a little off to such an extent Wednesday
had bought some foot wear. He fdund Bana ot Somerset, where a. fine. ban.
x to th redo] the this place, in response to an address
i They
Mrs. John S. Saylor, miiitary routine; but Captain Truxal |
present befdes M# and Mrs. Saylors “have - dontied theft clivilian clothes.
Accorded a Big Reception Last
Wednesday Night—In Charge
of Capt. Truxal.
Captain W. Curtis Truxal, Lieuten-
ants Charles J. Harrison and Wilbur
Schell, and the “boys” of Company C,
Tenth Regiment N, @. P., were given
a royal welcome on their return from
the" Mexican . border at a late hour
night at Somerset. The
town was brilliantly illuminated and
more elaborately decorated than ever
before in its history in honor of the
returning guardsmen.
At nearly. midnight they were es-
corted: from the B. & O. station by
Elie Sheets Drum corps and the Boys
quiet a-waited them, ‘Captain Truxal
whose °. father is Rev. Dr. Truxal of
of, welcome extended the company
7. Rev. Hoff meiéiy, said su’ 2
“My friends; speaking for te
rs and men of Company C, I want
t0\say that words cannot express the
Teeling we .all have over the magni-
ficent reception you have tendered us
to night. I am truly overwhelmed aud
I know that all of the boys arefI
took eighty-one men to the border
and. eighty-one have returned home,
A more loyal lot of “boys” never lived
and I want you to know that there
was not one of my company called be-
fore a court martial. We are glad to be
back in ‘God’s country’ and we ap-
preciate to the fullest everything
that the people of Somerset have
done for us and this splendid wel
| The members of the Company have
| not yet been mustered out.
are subject to the regular
is allowing thi Ahly” as much free-
dom as pog#ble and many of them
| The Captain shook himself into civil-
On October 256th, 26th, 27th and 28th,
at the Assembly room of the Court
House, the Somerset Civic Club, Ww.
C. T. U. Tuesday afternoon Club and
the Fortnightly Club will show the
famous exhibit on Feeble Mindedness
which has been prepared by the Pitts-
burg Charities Association and which
has been touring the state, with a
view to educating the public upon the
subject of Feeble mindedness in order
to forego . the . pressure “if en-
lightened public opinfen: to bear upon
the next legislature, oN an ap-
propriation for a village of Feeble
mirdedwomen, ground for which, fn
Union County, has already been ac-
quired by-the State. Every ministar,
teacher, principal, physician and pub-
lic spirited citizen in this community
should see this exhibit which is a 1ib-
eral education in social preparedness.
The exhibit will fill 10 large booths,
each of which will be in charge of a
guide appointed by the presidents of
these clubs, to serve on each day of
the exhibit, to explain to visitors its
theory. Everybody welcome.
Wife of Mr. Mark Smith of this
place, died at her home on Main street
this Thursday morning at little past
two o’clock. Mrs. Smith had not been
in good health for several years hut
became helpless a few days ago, She
was aged 67 years,
The deceased was born and grew to
bury. Following her marriage she and
Mrs. J. F. Reiéh, Meyersdalej
es Mollie 37and Leota, of Pittshurg;
Miss Sp#dh, at home; Mrs. Ruth Ride-
ba, , Logan, O.; James of
vice at Port Royal, 8. C. | &-
which interment will be made in the
ian’clothes Friday and for a few hours
‘felt like the proverbial fish out of
' water, probably as much on account
of hig having lost six ‘or seven inches !
! of his girth measurement as anything
_ else. Lieutenants Harrison and Scheil
have been busy making triplicate re-
ports of all articles of federal pro.
perty brought homeb by the compan-
iy and they will be prepared for the
mustering out officer when! he ar-
rives. : Mpa
A regniar army officer will do the
mustering out. Hach man will be requi
red to undergo a physical examina-
tion. Just how strict this will be de-
pends upon the surgeon. The exam-
ination is to see if the men suffered
any disability while they were in the
federal service. A man who shows up
a clean bill of health has no chance
of getting a pension. Every man will
be required to account for ‘all gov-
ernment property, from haversack
to shoe strings in his possession.
PUBLIC SALE— at Summit Mills
on Friday, Nove. 10, 1916 at One O’-
Clock, 2-seated spring wagon, new
homemade two-horse wagon, 4 good
: wheels for four-horse wagon, new
b3 1-2 inch tread, set of surrey wheels
with axB€ plow, ax, saws; augers;
lawn mower, kettles, heating stove,
rifle, sewing “machine, new meat
cupboards, 125-year old Bureau ete...
W. 8. Weller,, Auctioneer
Mr. E. M. Beachly, wife and little
daughter Margaret left Meyersdale on
Sunday last to make their home in
Brownsville Pa. where Mr. Beachly
vill engage in business. Mr. Beachly
wag born here and lived here all his
life with the exception of several
years spent in Nebraska, Good bye and
good luck to Mr. Beachly and family.
On Sunday afernoon at four o'clock
in the presence of a small company
at the home of A. G. Smith on the
avenue by Rev. A. EH. Truxal, Mr.
Eiugell Ohr Smith, the son of A. &.
covered. Miss Mae considered herself |
very lucky by not being bitten as theip |
bite usually means death, |
Gathering pumpking and husking |
corn is the order of the day. |
Smith and Miss Helen Elenora Reitz
of Salisbury were united in marriage.
Mr. Smith and his bride left on Du-
quesne on Monday morning for Rand-
olph Bast of Soraerset where he has
‘Keesport, Miss Ida Shirley: of Apollo,
Catholic cemetery.
An interesting and delightful social
event occured at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward D. Leonard, Salisbury st.
Saturday afternoon. at 4 o’clock
when their youngest daughter, Misg
Katheryn Louise, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. Fulton Norwood Shipley,
son of Postmaster J. T. Shipley of
this place, the officiating. clergyman
being a brotherin-law of the groom,
Rev. Charles Tilp, of Kittanuning, Pa.
The bride looked indeed charming
in a beautiful white gown with tulle
veil. The matron of honor wag a sis-
ter of the bride, Mrs. Rome L. Shirley
of McKeesport, who was gowned in
orchid pink taffeta. Wm. Thornley was
best man. Miss Bvalyn Truxal sang
in her‘ characteristic delightful man-
ner preceeding the ceremony and also
played the *wedding march. Rhodod-
erndon and fern with chrysanthe.
mum§ in pink and lavander constitute
ed very pretty decorations for the
Leonard home. vy od
Out of tgwn guests were Misses,
Bess, Carrie and Louise Harrison of
Cumberland, Md., Prof. and Mrs. Rome
L. Shirley and Chas. White of Mc
Miss Evelyn Truxal of Bellevue, Miss
Edith Gurley and Llewellyn Rowe of
Pittsburg, Mrs. J. B. Levelle and Miss
Lulu Bishop of Fairmont, W. Va., Rev.
and Mrs. Charles Tilp of Kitanning,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Floto, Conn:
ellsvill, and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mer-
cier of Johnsburg. .
The honeymoon trip embraces a
far western journey, the terminus of
which is a large farm belonging to
the groom in Saskatchewan Canada,
Following a stay there and at somes
of the principal cities enroute, they
purpose in December returnng to
Meyersdale, their home to be on Mey-
ers avenue next above Mr. A. G.
Smith’s home,
Both of the Confracting pair are
very estimable peopte. Mr. Shipley is
a member of the Shipley Hardware
Die Hausfrauen is Making Ar-
rangements to Benefit Coun-
try With Trade Institution,
Interesting Meeting.
The Annual meeting of Die Haug
frauen, Somerset County’s associa-
tion of farm women, was held at ths
home of the President, Mrs. Flora B.
Black, Holland Farm where it origi-
nated two years ago. Numerous new
branches were well represented at
this meeting and the day was spe at
arranging for the many branches of
work the society will take up the next
The first will be a vocational
school for this section, a new feature
in schools for county children which
is supported by both state and feder-
al government and ig making rapid
progress in rural districts, Washing.
ton county, our neighbor has the fin-
est schools of this kind in the state
and Somerset county always leading
in educational moves sould not be
satisfied to be second in this move-
ment. At an early date Hon. Charles
E. Patton, Secretary of Agriculture
and Profesor Denny of Harrisburg,
will through Die Hausfrauen make ad-
dresses on this subject here in the
county, the time and place to be pub-
lished later,
Owing to the requests from differ-
womanhood in the vicinity of Frost- |
her husband lived "ing about May- |
ersdale the rest orl Tifie: sur-
vive her five dash § and t%o sens; |
; Miss
id G.
"A Sl
and Wm. B. who is in the mefrine ser" gh A =
| members, of 365 days of Capital Stock
5 lin a r i
The funeral services will bé held on | happy day syndicate.
Saturdayey iO ithe Tackles: ask.
in the Catholic i dmg tli
State Game Protector Bittner ar- |
rested Wm. Smith of near Glencoe |
one day last week for shooting two !
coons out of season. The fine of $20
and costs were paid by Mr. Smith and
charge of a coal mine,
the matter wias dropped.
ent parts of the state for organiza-
tions of Die Hausfra.uen, Flora S.
Black, now County President was el-
ected State President and to-
gether with the committee on organ-
zation expects to organize many so-
cieties during the coming year. The
motto of Die Hausfrauen is “For Hap-
piness,” Who would not belong to
Society which assures its
"The First society of Die Hausfrauen
Slected the following officers for the
' coming year. Pres. Mrs. Harvey P.
Berkley, Locust Grove Farm, Vice-
Pres, Mrs. Edison Hay, Fairview Farm
Sec. Mrs. Walter M. Boose Schoenfielg
Farm, Tres, Mrs. Walter Hay Buffaio
“Valley Farm. Ag the society has re-
cently # become affiliated with the
ently become affilltated with the
tate Federation it will send the fol-
wing representatives to the State
meeting which convenes at Phila the
week of Oct. 23. Pres, Flora S. Black.
Delegates, Mrs. Harvey P. Berkley,
Mrs. Walter M. Boose, Alterarnates, ~ -
Mrs. Edison Hay, Mrs. Walter Hay.
Die . Hausfrauen ig the only rural
organization ever admitted to the
Fed; ration, and as it hag attracted a
0 deal of attention Flora S. Black,
the founder has been asked to explaig
its features and its success at this
The Consolidation Coal Company
has been operating its works at Shaw
Mines with non union men and dur-
ing the past three months about 109
men have been discharged when eith-
er they joined the union or it was
surmised that they had become mem-
bers of the union. °
Of late quite a number have been
discharged. No. 2 mine is working at
its capacity but No. 1, mine has about
one half the number they could use
undar normal conditions,
The company will not tolerate any
semblance of unionism, ahd it ig re-
ported that it is the determination of
the company to close down for good 12
they can’t get enough non-union men
to operate them.
At high noon, Sunday last at the
home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank B. Mitchell, Confluence,
Mr. Samuel D. Cramer and Miss Flor-
ence B., Mitchell were united in mare
riage by Rev. D. P. Morris. Following
the Wedding dinner the happy pair
left for a’ western trip stopping af
Akron, Chicago and Minneapolis. The
parents of the groom Mr. and Mrs,
David Cramer and his sister, of Mey-
ersdale, attended the ceremony. The
groom is the efficient and gentlemanly
freight and baggage agent at the B. &
O. Station in this place.