Iron Chief Range. “CHIEF”. °’ We are counting on you to come in and let us show you that good and Superior Copper-Fused Frankly, we cannot see how so many of the good House- wives get along without the The Hoosier You've Always Wanted The HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET will fill your ideal completely, there are no frills to be kept clean, every inch of space 1s planned for your best advantage, every detaii of construction is sound, every con dition of your Kitchen has been considered, every new device has been examined and adopted or rejected Roll Door Hoosier H vauer pa finish 2 Io thing about the for every- ouse. { Don’t forget to visit the Reich’s Exhibition Building, } at the Meyersdale Fair, Sept. 19, 20, 21, 22. 11 § give demonstrations & Prizes, itwill be a part of the Fair } We will § Funeral Directors and Embalmers The most up-to-date Funeral Furnishings and Equipment in Western Pennsylvania 3 130 Centre Street, - - CORR RCRA ALAR SE IN Youre Surely Planning | Neyersiale Fair Sep. 19-2 We're going to make all our out-of-town visitors especially Welcome, you can count on that. There'll be lots going on here besides the fair, of course everybody in Meyersdale is exerting them- selves to make it agreeable and interesting for our guests. We're doing our ‘‘bit’’, we have on hand our com- plete Fall Display of Clothes, Hats and Furnish- ings, this will give you a chance to get ‘‘posted’’, also to see what you want to buy for Fall and Winter. Hartley & Baldwin | a ——————————— Blue Ridge College, the remainder of | the family returned on Monday even- Ia SALISBURY WRIGHT—PETRY ‘whe home of Mr. and Mrs. John ing. pu Wright was the scene of a quiet home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demi of C or wedding on Thursday evening when field, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest De their youngest daughter Miss Grace Philipsburg, and Mrs. Morgan e jams of Johnstown arrived in town R. REICH & SON Meyersdale, Penn’a. i| All Telephones at Office and Home of Jos. Reich Stottler car and took supper at the and Mr. William Petry, youngest son aa of Mrs. Mary Petry were united in the Saturday evening © spen unday holy bonds of matrimony. The cere- we ein Wiitams mother, Mrs. Lu- mony was performed by Rev. Ira 8. cretia Robinson. id Mr. and Mrs. C..M. May and Mrs. docs will be at home to their Della Livengood autoed to Cumberland vening. friends after October 20th. oni Wednesday evening, JONES—LIVENGOOD Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beachy and son Jerre, daughters Misses Sarah and Miss Ruth Jones, oldest daughter : tM 5 and Mrs. Matthew Jones and Mary, of town and Mrs. Philip Reich Sry : and children of Meyersdale motored Mr. Ira Zivengon a i] a to Somerset on Sunday where they Livengo were quietly ma "| spent the day. CDE TY AY Messrs. Clay Newman and Robert : 5 | Newman motored to Pinto, W. Va. Miss Dorothy C. Diehl, daughter of} 7 og3ay. They brought home a Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Diehl of West | supply of peaches. Salisbury and Mr. Silas E. May of Meyersdale were quietly married at| Samuel Engle took Mesdames Bud the home of the bride by Justice of | Newman, Will Lowry and Anna the peace, A. B. Lowry. Kretchman to Berlin on Wednesday Motoring Excursions { where they atended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Maust and family | 2 cousin, Mrs. Harvey Farnwalt. motored to New Windsor Md. on Sun- Levi Lichliter, Jr, George Trevar- day Miss Olive remained to attend | TOW, Frank Ringler and William Liv-! engood motored to Grantsville in the National hotel. ; s Messrs. Albert Reitz, Dr. A. M Lichty, and Sam Engle a i ttgnded the Good Roads meeting held in Oakland, * The Lichliter grocery store is hav- Md., on Monday. Scouts Break Camp. The Boy Scouts who . have been | camping for the past two weeks near | | the little log cabin on the Engle farm are back home again. The plague re- strictions prohibited them from camp- ing in their usual quarters, Camp Casselman. But they seemed to have enjoyed their man-cooked food as much as ever and they received not a little aid from their daily visitors. The tent occupied by McClune Bar- chus and Ernest Maust merits espe- cial attention as being the mneatest and most up-to-Aate in the entire camp, The latter who is a most ingenious electrician had taken electric batter- ies and fitted up his tent in a master- ly manner. Mrs. Wagner Entertains. Mrs. Silas Wagner entertained at a family dinner on Sunday Those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner and daughter Elizabeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner of town and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Donges and son Edward Jr., of Meyersdale. Horchner Home is sold Mr. Christian Horchner has sold his residence and lot on Grant street to Mr. Cyrus Rodamer of Springs. State Guards are Stationed On Saturday afternoon the guards to be placed on the roads leading from Md. Mr. Milton Glotfelty was placed at the forks of the road mear the home of C. E. Butler, Fay Lichty near the line by the Simon Miller farm and Prof. J. C. Beahm at Straun on the pike. Minor Mention Mrs. E. E. Haselbarth is spending Tuesday and Wednesday in Cumber- land, Md., where she is receiving in- structions in China painting prepara- tory to teaching a class in town. Misses Elma and Marie Wagner re- turned from Meyersdale on Sunday where they had been visiting their | spent Friday ily spent Sunday at Beachdale visiting Ora Beachley. family spent Sunday visiting Mr. Klin- gaman’s mother, near Pocahontas. | Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fike. | at Cyrus Shultzs at Friedens. Mr. and itors on Sunday at Beachdale. was a welcome caller at Wilson Nei- miller over Sunday. ing at Wilson Neimiller’s for the past few weeks has returned to her home. Bank Bedford Co., visited her father, garage for Ed. Sellers. { our valley. e “mercial during Fair week. g@ |. with the aid of crutches. nother Mrs. C. S. Lichliter. BERKLEY Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klingaman and Mr. and Mrs. James Boyer enjoyed The following persons spent Sunday Mrs. M. E. Reich and family Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Neimiller, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neimiller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyer were vis- Charles Brant of near Beacahdale Miss Nell Stahl who had been work- Mr. Harry Boyer and Milton Zinn made a business trip to Somerset on Wednesday night. Mrs. Clifford Blockburn of Alum Mr. Ed. Sellers. Mr. Edward Sellers is improving his mill by a new coat of paint. P. S. Bear is building a fine auto amie meant rer— UNION VALLEY Jack Frost has made his appearance but no damage done yet. H. F. Habel bought a nice bunch of cattle one day last week. L. M. Arnold spent a few days of last week bailing hay and straw in A. J. Baer and Asa Hoar spent Sat- urday and Sunday with P. W. White. Hermom Lot#tig wears an unusual large smile because the stork left him a boy and a girl mother and babes getting along very nicely. Leroy Crissey and family made a business trip to Meyersdale one day last week. : Susie Diest spent Sunday at the home of Simon Keefer’'s Henry Shockey and family of Greenville motored to P. W. ‘White's on Sunday evening. Miss Anna and Ella Felker spent part - of Sunday at Herman Lottig's visiting the new born twins. A horse stepped on P. W. White's foot causing him to walk with a cane for a few days. TE Te Pay your subscription to the Com- Mrs. Karl Miller of Pittsburg ar- rived on Tuesday evening to visit her Miss Amanda Martin is visiting her sister Miss Salome of Pittsburg who is very ill. : ing a new roof put on. Mrs. Norman Stahl of Meyersdale spent Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. Lichty and she was un- expectedly called home fo her son Carl who broke his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Garlier of Jennings spent Monday visiting friends in town. Rev. B. F. Waltz returned from Rockton Sunday morning and left on Sunday evening for his wife’s home near Hagerstown where she is visit- ing. They will both return this week. William Garlitz accompanied his brother James to Pittsburg on Wead- nesday. Geo. Hay Jr. of Akron arrived Sun- day to Alf. Ringler. Messts. Dale and Glen Miller, and Simon Lee returned on Sunday after an extended Motor-cycle trip through New York, Philadelphia and other cities. Miss Margaret Trevarrow of Som- erset is visiting her uncle Mr. J. C. Trevarrow. Dr. William McClune returned on Sunday to his professional work in Iowa City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. visiting Mr. QGarlit’z mother, Nelson Garlitz. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reitz and Mrs. Bert Stotler attended the Social in Meyersdale given by the Dorcas club in honor of Rev. Goughnour. Mrs. Will Lichliter spent Wednes- day in Meyersdale. Mrs. Victoria Baumgartner spent Gurney Garlitz are Mrs. All models in a CVV SUMMARY OF GAME LAW OF PA. Bear, one each season, October 15 to December 15, both days inclusive. -All ‘kinds of steel and pens forbidden. Blackbirds, unlimited, October 15 to November 30, both days inclusive. Deer, male with horns two inches above the hair, one each season, December 1st to December 15th, both days inclusive. , Elk, Absolutey protected until No- vember 1921. English, Mongolian, Ring-neck pheasants, Foor in one day | ten. in one week and twenty in one season. October 15th to November Hare, Three in one day, fifteen in one week, and thirty in one season, | November 1st. both days inclusive. The use of all kinds of traps forbidden. Hungarian Quail, Four in one day, ten in one week and twenty in one ‘season, October 16th to November both days inclusive. Plover, Upland or Grass, Under 2a notional law these birds may not be killed before September 1918. Quail, commonly called Virginia, Partridge, Eight in one day, twenty- five in one week and forty in one season. October 16th to November 30th inclusive. Ruffed Grouse, commonly pheasant, Five in one day, twenty In one week and thirty in one season. October 16 to November 3p both days inclusive. \ visit his grandmother Mrs. | several days in Somerset recently. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Hanna returned home Friday evening after spending two weeks with Mr. Hanna's parents of Confluence. Miss Annie Smith is visiting her aunt Mrs. C. S. Lichliter. Miss Helen Reitz aunt Mrs. Ed. Donges. Miss Marie's Lorena Reitz. first intentions were to spend only a week end but an interested friend was | tend the annual ¢ the cause of a longer stay. Mr. Parker Miller who had been visiting his sister Mrs. BE. E. Hasel- barth, returned qn Sunday to his | home in Friedens. | Mr. John Weimer who was so badly | injured last spring while painting, is now at home and Rev. O. G. Fye left Tuesday to at- onference at Hynd- man ler who has been sick for weeks. Little Fern Livengood has + sic ee SN I NIN Td Nel Sle of Meyersdale with her mother Mrs. Mrs. Hendrix of Pittsburg is here attending her mother Mrs. Jacob Kel- been k this week but is now about re- | walking but only | covered. i Sak the porter a Stetson and you hand him an unwritten order for all the attention he can command. There is something to appearances, isn’t there?—and the most striking point of a good appearance is a fine hat! The Stetsons for Fall and Winter are ready for you at our shop—finer in quality than even the famous Stetsons of former seasons—and the style that only a fine hat can inherit. There's a fine range of models in this superb line—in fact, hats for every kind of man and for every one of his needs. You get GUNS Stock See them before buying them at Miller & Collins ITHACA Gun and Revolver “in Stock OLD*FIRE ARMS BOUGHT IF RELICS traps, dead-falls Chinese and 30th. both days inclusive. to November 30th & called bbits, Ten in one day, one week, and sixty in one season November 1st to November 30th, both days inclusive. Use of all kinds of traps forbidden. > Raccoon, Unlimited, October 15th to December 31st, both days inclu- sive. | ; Rails, unlimited, September 1st to November 30th. . Reed birds, unlimited. Under hhe provisions of a National law it is il legal to kill Reed-binds between Oc- tober 31st of one year and August 31 next following. Shore birds, excepting Black-breas- ted and Golden Plover, Jack Snipe and Woodcock, Protected by Nation- al law until 1918. Snipe Jack on Wilson, unlimited, September 15th to December 15th. Squirrels, Fox, Gray, or Black, Six of the combined kinds in one day, 20 in pne week and forty in one sedson, | October 15th to November 80th, both days inclusive, Web-footed Wild Water Fowl, un- limited. Under the provisions of Na- tional law it is illegal to kill wild water fowl of any kind between Jan- wary 15th and September 30th next following. wild Turkeys, One in one day, one in one week, and two in one season. October 16th to November 30, both dasy inclusive. Woodcock, Ten in one day, twenty in one week and thirty in one sea osn. October 15th to November 30th both days inclusive. T. W.GURLLY, The Sporting Goods Man. ST. PAUL Miss Florence Engle and Mr. Char- les Hutzell Sunday. Will Snyder of Pocohontas has been spending the last week with his grand- father Richard Sipple. The elite of St. Paul and vicinity were royally day evening on Jones Hill by Mrs. Nan “Engle and Miss Erma Sipple. It wag all that could be desired and the several | silver moon shed her mellow light on the scene of their sylvan hilarities. Mr. Ed Christner of Stoyestown spent Sunday with St. Paul friends. motored to Somerset on entertained on Thurs- There are some people in St. Pau 1, Friday, Sept. 28 at the Bijou. . .. A who do not believe in “bustin the trust.” They think the people through the government should own and con- troll them and participate in the bene- fits. We are still paying the same price for postage stamps. All most every thing else that the people need has advancd. I wonder whether Uncle Sam coulden’t serve us with more things at the cost of such service. Anita Stewart is one of the very strong actresses of the country. See | her at the great play, “The Suspect” I Repairs 1 & x 3 sasnp BREE PR
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