The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, September 14, 1916, Image 7
hy RT eT NY TT 3 4 “THE CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED ated to supply deficiency in revenue PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO |to pay existing debt; and the debt cre- TO THE CITIZENS OF THE COM- shall never exceed in the aggregate MONWEALTH FOR THEIR AP- at any one time, one million dol- PROVAL OR REJECTION, BY THE lars,” be amended so as to read as GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE follows: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL-| Section 4. No debt shall be crea- VANIA, AND PUBLISHED BY OR-|ted by or on behalf of the State, ex- DER OF THE SECRETARY OF |cept to supply casual deficiencies of THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR-|revenue, repel invasion, suppress in- SUANCE OF ARTICLE; XVIII OF |surrection, defend the State in war, THE CONSTITUTION. or to pay existing debt; and the debt Number One. created to supply deficiencies in rev- A JOINT RESOLUTION enue shall never exceed in the aagre- Proposing an amendment to Article gain, a A ous die, gue milion del a ars: Provided, however That the IX of the Constitution of General Assembly, irrespective of | Pennsylvania. any debt, may authorize the State to Section 1. Be it resolved by. the|issue bonds to the amount of fifty Senate and House of Representa-, millions of dollars for the purpose of tives in General Assembly met, That | improving and rebuilding the highways the following amendment to thef{of the Commonwealth. Constitution of Pennsylvania be, and Section 2. .Said proposed amend- the same is hereby, proposed, in ac- | ment shall be submitted to the qual- cordance with the XVIII article |ified electors of the State, at the gen- thereof :— eral election to be held on the Tues- Section 16. The State, or any wmu-|day next following the first Monday of nicipality thereof, acquiring or appro-| November in the year nineteeen hun- priating property or rights over or in |dred and eighteen, for the purpose of property for public use, may, in fur-|deciding upon the approval and rati- TO DO JURY SERVICE THIS MONTH KEYSTONE PARAGRAPHS The following are the jurors drawn for the September term of criminal Grand Jury Addison township—John A. Gower, farmer. Berlin—Joseph B. Atchison, laborer. Black—Charles Engle, laborer. Brothersvalley—Peter D. Baer, farmer; James W. Hauger, farmer; Jacob J. Glessner, farmer. i Elk Lick—Henry J. Opel, farmer. Jenner—William J. O’Connor, farm- er. Lincoln—James R. Ogline, farmer. Meyérsdale—Christian Sides, car- penter; S. C. Hartley, merchant; Charles J. Hauger, painter; H. E. Emeigh, carpenter. Northampton—Charles Mishler, far- mer. / New Centerville—Samuel Boyd car- penter. Somerset borough—A. Kent Miller, Justice of the peace; Edwin L, Fox, clerk; Harry W. Bittner, laborer. Somerset township—Samuel L. Shaf- court, Jjanded in this country from Ireland, Li ; pen ble 1.5) 2.50 Ison out lub ner. = therance of its plans for the acqui- sition and public use of such proper- ty or rights, and subject to such re- strictions as the Legislature may from time to time impose, appropriate an excess of property over that actual- ly to be occupied or used for public use, .and may thereafter sell or lease such excess, and impose on the prop- erty so sold or leased any restrictions appropriate to preserve or enhance the benefit to the public of the prop- erty actually occupied or used. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1. _. CYRUS BE; WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Two. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment, to the Con- stitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania so as ‘to’ consolidate the courts of common pleas of Phil- adelphia county. Section 1. Be it resoived by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania in General Assembly met. “That the following amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania be, and the same is hereby, proposed, in ac- cordance with the eighteenth article thereof:- That section six of article five be amended so as to read as follows: Section 6. In the county of Phila- delphia all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the several numbered courts of common pleas of that county, shall be vested in one of the Constitution be amended by court of common pleas composed. of all the judges in commission in said courts, Such 2urisdiction and powers shall extend to all proceedings at law and in equity which shall have been instituted in the several numbered courts and shall be subject to such change‘as may be made by law and subject to change of venue as provi- ded by law. The president judge of the said court shall be selected as provided by law. The number of jndges in said conrt may be by law increased from time to tire. This a- mendment shall take effect on the first day of January succeeding its a- doption. In the county of Allegheny all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the several numbered courts of common pleas, shall be vested in one court of common pleas, com- posed of all the judges in commission in said courts. Such, jurisdietion and powers shall extend to ‘all proceel-|vided by law. In ascertaining the ings at law and in equity which shall have been instituted in the seyeral numbered courts and shall be subject to such change as may be made by |tion and deducted from such debt : law and subject to change of venue |so much of the debt of said city as|the Wm. H. Rink farm in Jenner as provided by law. The presi- dent judge’ of the sald court|proceeds thereof invested, in any $12,000. Previously, Mr. Lohr owned a shall be selected as provided by |public improvements of any character farm of 200 acres, but he now has a law. The number of judges In said court may be by law increased city an annual current net revenue. from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on the first day of |be ascertained by capitalizing the an-| Somerset, were guests of their relati- January succeeding its adoption. A true copy of Joint Resolution No." 2. i Te buds CYRUS E. WOODS. Secretary Jf. the Commonwealth. Number Three; A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to article |ing-fund charges payable upon the | used in the construction of wharves or nine, se-.ion four of the Constii- indebtedness incurred by said city | docks owned or to be owned by said tution of . the Commonwealth of |for such purposes, up to the time of city, such obligations may be in an authorizing the |such ascertainment. The method of amount sufficient to provide for, and State to issue bonds to the amount | determining such amount, so to be deimay include the amount of, the in- Pennsylvania; fication or the rejection of ‘said | fer, farmer; John Torpey, clerk; amendment. Said election . shall be | Charles Frank, farmer. : opened, held, and closed upon sald election day, at the places and within | er. the hours at and within which said| Windber—Blaine Allison, livery- election is directed to be open-| man; Harry E. Dietz, jeweled. ed, held and closed, and in accord- Petit Jury. ance with the provisions of the laws Benson—Martin Carr, miner. of. Pennsylvania governing elections, Berlin—John. A. Heffley, laborer; and amendments thereto. Such a-| Henry J. Weyant, salesman. mendment shall be printed upon the Boswell—Thomas J. McClellan, ballots in the form and manner pre-| clerk. geribed by the election laws of Penn- Black—John Marker, farmer. sylvania, and shall in all respects Brothersvalley—Boden KE. Rogers, conform to the requirement of such | farmer. laws. Conemaugh—Tobias Eash, farmer; A true copy of Joint Resolution |Amos Hershberger, farmer; Noah No, 3. Kaufman, farmer. ° Confluence—W. H. Reiber, laborer. Elk Lick—Albert Glotfelty, farme:; David Glotfelty, farmer; Samuel Bak- CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Four. er, farmer. “A JOINT RESOLUTION. Garrett—Mahlon A. Romesburg, Proposing an amendment to section | minister. eight, article nine of the Consti- Greenville—Christian Werner, min- tution of Pennsylvania. er. ¢ Section 1. Be it enacted by the Jefferson—Lloyd M. Miller, painter. Sonate and House of Representa-| Jenner—Earle §, Rhodes, undes- tives of she Commonwealth of Penn-|t2Ker; ‘Ernest L. Berkey, farmer; sylvania in General Assemh.y = met, James Kimmell, laborer; James A. and is hereby enacted by the author- G. Shaffer, farmer; J. L. Sipe, painter. ity of the same, That the Constitu- Lower Turkeyfoot—John Colbesh, tion of the Commonwealth of Penn- | farmer. sylvania, in accordance with the pro-| Middlecreek—William Mowry, mill- visions of the eighteenth article | © Bide : Meyersdale—George ~H. Hocking, thereof: — Amendment to Article Nine, Sectio coal operator; J. N, Cover, merchant; Bight. | Gyrus A. Just, laborer; Charles Phil- lips, merchant. : Milford—George J. Hay, farmer. . Northampton —H. F. Smith, farmer. Quemahoning-—James D. Specit, farmer; James Tber, farmer; Frank- : til dicd A od lin Spangler, farmer; Henry Stahl, la- Section 8.. The debt.of any county | porer. city, borough, township, school dis-| Salisbury—John R. Brown, laborer. trict or; other municipality orincorpo-| Somerset borough—Robert E. Beer- ated district, except as provided here | its merchant; A. Beam Sellers, mer- fn and in section fifteen of this arti-| chant; James S. Swisher, retired; cle shall never exceed seven (7) per| john A. Lambert, editor. centum upon the assessed value of the Somerset township—Joseph M. Mil- taxable property therein, but the|ier farmer; Jacob Barron, retired; debt of the city of Philadelphia may | garvey W, Woy, contractor. be increased in such amount that the| gouthampton—James L. Lepley, far- total city debt of said city shall not, exceed ten per centum (10) upon the| gionycreek—Jobhn W. Piles, farmer; assessed value .of the, taxable, prop-iyyther J. Hillegass, farmer. erty therein, nor shall any such mu-{ gymmit— Preston Walker, farmer; nicipality or district incur any new! Wilson Saylor, farmer. debt, or increase its indebtedness to} yuinqher— Clinton Ishman, barber; an amount exceeding two (2) Deri, ni pheasant, retired; William Loch- centum upon such assessed valuation rie, mine foreman; R, W. Moore of property, without the consent of|, ‘i. oonar ? tse electors thereof at a public elec- tion in such manner as shall be pro- That section eight of article nine striking out the said section and in- serting in place thereof the follow- ing:— ASSEMBLYMAN LOHR borrowing capacity of the said city BUYS A BIG FABM of Philadelphia, ‘at any time, there shall be excluded from the calcula- Robert W. Lohr, Republican nomin- ee for the Assembly, has purchased shall have been incurred, and the Township, . the, consideration being which shall be yielding to the said | total of 419 acres. . The amount of such deduction shall Mr, and Mrs, Charles P. Lepley of nual net revenue from such improve-| Ves Mr, and Mrs. James Darnley, ment during the year immediately | Saturday and Sunday, preceding the time of such ascertain- ti ments; and such capitalization shall Chil dren Cry : FOR FLETCHER’S be estimated by ascertaining the principal amount which would yield such annual, current net revenue, at <> A S T. oO R i Aa the average rate of interest, and sink- ” A AN AT TNS SN AN mae over his veto. Stoyestown—Edward Smith, labor- | Pa., has started operations. This year | is understood. “Children AY © NN Parting from his brother twenty-five years ago, five years after they had Fo Thomas Conlin, aged seventy, a labor- er employed in the Braeburn Steel cempany plant at Braeburn, has just learned that his brother, Frank Con- lin, who went to Australia, died, leav- { ing his vast fortune of $1,500,000 to Ams him. : ZAANNNNLRE NA Uniontown police have been notified that Mrs. Frances Vavrek of West Masontown, was robbed of papers and cash valued at $14,000. Mrs. Vavrek said she had gone to Uniontown to close a real estate deal and was sitting in the waiting room of the West Penn terminal when she missed a handbag containing the notes and cash. Lawrence county courts will be called | upon, to decide the legality of the ordi- nance recently passed by the council’ of Ellwood City, making the salary of the burgess, W. J. Kirk, $50 a month fnstead of $2 for each arrest, as in the past. The burgess has vetoed the ordinance and the council will pass it .Nearly every bottle plant at Kane,’ is expected to be the greatest in the history of the bottle industry. The surhmer shutdown this year was the shortest on record, many of the plants being closed less than a month during which the capacity of many plants was greatly increased. EVE s Complaint has been filed with the public service commission by Louis Franke, mayor of Johnstown, against the Johnstown Fuel company, he alleging an unjustifiable increase of rates by the company for supplying gas to industrial and individual con- sumers and the tentative violation of contract. ‘Miss Margaret McDermott, aged twenty, was killed and. three others wife injured, one probably mortally, as a result of an automowile sideswip- ing two motorcycles, hurling the oc- cupants into a ditch on the Lincoln highway three miles west of Irwin, Sunday afterncon. Twenty persons were hurt when two trolley cars on the high speed electric line, connecting Pottsville and Shenandoah, crashed together on 2 heavy grade just outside of Frackville, The collision was caused by the fzil-| ure of the signal system to work, it v . Altoona hospitals are crowded with typhoid fever patients and there have been six deaths to date. The state health departmient has placarded the city with warnings for everybody to boil the water for all purposes as a precautionary measure. | Get the Returning home after accompanying two girls home from a dance, Joseph Fair and Lee Saddler, each twenty- three years old, of Montgomeryville. were killed when they were struck by, a Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh flyer. Striking laborers at the plant of the American Steel and Wire company, Braddock, returned to work when com- pany officials’ granted the men the pay "increase which’ they demanded. The men demanded 30 cents an hour. own” with “Bull” Durham. For the first time in six years Joseph Heintzelman, a miner of near Greensburg, is able to open his mouth and eat solid food. The long period during which his jaws were locked followed a siege of typhoid fever. SMOKING Failure to comply with demands. tobacco can give you. made by the Black Hand society re-! sulted in the death of Tony Mammona, aged twenty-four, who was shot to death while working with a section gang near Bentleyville. Anna, two-year-old daughter of John Gildea of Coulter, died in the McKees- port hospital, the resull of a copper- head snake bite. The reptile attacked the child as she stepped from the door of her father’s home. smoke. rettes, and a pa e of cigarette pagent. Bull An Illustrated Booklet, showing correct way to Ciga- ill both b iled, t y & wip S. bs mailed. fis hy Durham N.C. ne 9. Fifteen hundred dollars’ worth of diamonds, gold coins and jewelry were stolen from Mrs. P. B. Breniser, pro- prietress of the Hotel Breniser in Ligonier. There is no clue to the robber. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Six hundred members of eleven Catholic ‘societies in the McKeesport district took part in a parade which preceded the dedication of the $30,000 Magyar Greek Catholic church in Mc Keesport. - Every F Struck by an automobile and hurled in the path of a motorcycle which ran | over him, Edward Dunlap, aged thirty five, suffered injuries from which he died at the McKeesport hospital. of fifty millions of dollars for the lducted, may be prescribed by the Gen- |terest and sinking-fund charges @&s improvement of the highways of !eral Assembly. In incurring indebted- |cruing and which may accrue there- the Commonwealth. “ness for any purpose the city of Phila-|on throughout the period of construct Section 1. Be it resolved by the delphia may issue its obligations ma- ion, and until the expiration of one ‘Senate and House of Representa- | turing not later than fifty (50) years |year after the completion of the work tives of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania in General Assembly met, That the following amendment to the i from the date thereof, with provision for which sald indebtedness shall for a sinking-fund sufficient to retire have been incurred; and sald city said obligations at maturity, the pay- shall not be required to levy a tax to Constitution of Pennsylvania be, and ment to such sinking-fund to be in [Day said interest and = sinking-fund the same is hereby, proposed, in ac- | equal or graded annual or other per- charges as required by section ten. cordance with the eighteenth article iodical instalments. Where any in-|article nine, of the Constitution of thereof: — debtedness shall be or shall have Pennsylvania, uniil the expiration of That section four of article nine, | been incurred by said city of Philadel said period of one year after the com- which reads as follows: “Section 4. No debt shall be crea- |ion or improvement of public works of ted by or on behalf of the State, ex cept to supply casual deficiencies of Tevenue, repel imvasions, suppress in- i the purpose of the comstruct- Pia for pur pletion of said work. A true copy of Joint Resolution No 4. CYRUS E. WOODS. Secretary of the Commonwealth, .|any character from which income or revenue is to be derived by said city, or for the reclamation of land to be As the result of having been bitten by a mad dog in Betroit three weeks ago Marie Engls, aged six, daughter J. T. YODER. | CRRA RR RR RRR ERC ECRORCR I LAs PNPINRN SON In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Range of Smoking Satisfaction Roll “Bull” Durham into a cigarette and you have a smoke with all the vim, vigor and dash of Uncle Sam's fighting men, That's why the American Army is an army of “Bull” Durham smokers. “Bull” Durham puts snap into their action and “punch” into their systems. For a virile, lively, manly smoke, “roll your GENUINE ‘BuLL DURHAM “Bull” Durham is the mildest of all tobaccos. Ik has a unique aroma and a distinctive mellow-sweet flavor that no other Made of the famous “bright” Virginia-North Carolina leaf, Bull Durham has been the great Amer- : ican smoke for three generations. You “roll your own” with “Bull” Durham and enjoy a real armer with two or more cows needs a Del AVAL THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE, de The Kind Yeu Jiave Always Bought, and wi:ich has been in uve for over 30 years, has borne the gignature. of 7 by. 3 Cr pr and zas been made under his per=- a “ Zr sonal supervision since its infancy. rH SELL hth + ARG 3 one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ¢¢ Just-as-good >’ are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. » { _ What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare= goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. If cohtains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has béen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhcéa.,” It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates:the Food, giving healthy and natural sicep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA aLwAYS _ #7 Bears the Signature of Ah @ TOBACCO | GENUINE DURHAM | ls | 223 'Livergood St. JOHNSTOWN, PA. PRR RO RS SS ORRCRC JROBOBOBCR0RCECECE of Henry Engls, died of hydrophobia | her home in Brackenridge. Loa tarantula, dropping from a bunch} of bananas to the pavement in Pitts- | Mrs. L. M. Lininger is visiting her burgh, bit a stray dog that wandered | sister-in-law and family, Mr. and Mis. | within reach. The dog died a feW! y,4 peal near Addison. minutes, Jeter. |" G.G. Gray of the West Side was | Fire, supposedly incendiary, de: | operated on for gallstones last even- stroyved two coal tipples of the | ing at Frant’s Hospital. He is ge'- Diamond Coal corapany at Houstor ting along nicely. CONFLUENCE ( Run, near Monongahela. |" @& R, McDonald and daughter, Mrs. Bove : Teaver, received word Tuesd,y Governor Brumbaugh has appoint: | John Weaver, r y org ! evening that the former’s daughter ed Stacy Stephens to be justice of the | : a peace in Perry township, Greene |and latter's sister. Miss Ida McDot- LT - . - county. | ald, was very ill at Findly, Ohio, re- aa Vo Coe Ds quested them to come at once. They | left immediately for Findley and =i this writing no ward has been receiv. ed from them as to her condition. A. GG. Black, Jr, has returned from a business visit to Pittsburg. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE THE NEWEST MILLINERY MODELS AT THE TRESSLER MiL- INERY. Qur Job Work Pleases NA RE