The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, September 14, 1916, Image 6

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    i ETE
— . ¥ EET
5 : : ; ; TO THE CI
i" ; O \ V I ec oul MONWEALT
. . - . GENERAL
Some Practical Suggestions Well ; is a very common question. Can you say COMMONW!
Worth Knowing From the De- ; ; VANIA. AN
. ] that you are well in every respect? If so you ?
partment of Agriculture. E y y tesp y DER OF
OPEN LETT BIGHT SOs D defects cause conditions that make you feel THE CONS
x :
My dear Sir:- 5 bad—
I write you this open letter today. : =3 ; : A 30)
Abd as it may be & Hatter Of cOnsiaeT: 3 If your Eyes are sick I can help you by Proposing
able interest to some of your readers, g .). IX of
1 hope you may publish same without : Fitting Proper Glasses—Come to see me.
charge. x 3
_ We are frequently in receipt of in- . RESULTS GUARANTEED. Section 1
quiries at this time relatve to the p Senate and
right of those who may own dogs t2 2 a SS
e fo
turn them loose to run as they please : | THE OPTOMETRIST 3 ALA
at this time of the year. Some of i onsti
these inquiries come from the own- 2 9 Eye Sight Specialist the same is
ers of dogs, and some from those who : P cordance
are opposed to dogs, and for the bene- Pi d K 2 Both Phones Meyersdale, Pa. thereof: —
fit of both, I quote the Law in so far 18S an erosene 7 Seiin x
as game is concerned, a part of Sec- , 1:# ig BRR ERR RRA RR CS RR ROSES RRR: nicipality
for 71 of the Act of May lst, 1909, Agricultural colleges experiment to priating pre
as amended by the Act of April 16th, ascertain the best feeding methods for property fo
1915, P. L. 133, which reads as follows pigs. By scientific study they de- . 3 therance o
“Provided, That dogs, when accom: termine what will practically assure i) on t Suff er [ on er sition ad
panied by and under control of their success and profits For. perfect results use’ Atlantic 2 ty or right
Taster, May be Huined upon hy of is ti i ? Many boantitul designs moderate} d all If to become grouchy, upset, nervous sirictiops »
’ any beau! iesigns m erately 2 IV J : :
the living wild game or birds of the What has this to do with kerosene priced—$1.90 up. Ask your dealer. an a Ny Le Dee iD TV time Io tit
§ h Just this: scientific research by ex- vr Ts mm ; prageed, ns ut excess of
firkt day of Septemer to the first day £ ordered digestive system, which, if neglected, may be ish
of March next following, so long as | [4% perts has produced a kerosene for you hard to reracdy. Remove the disturbing element and put y to be o
Tio Jfury,. {8 imsicted pou sedans] to feed your lamps and oil stoves—a Perfection your digestive organs in good working order by taking use, $04
als or birds.” oe kerosene so highly refined, so pure in S kel ‘such exces
The dog must be with his pr ! 3: moikeless C erty so sol
g Bh his mastery oa form, that it is called Ne: Ww
and must be under the control of SEY Oil Heater ain
such master, and the game pursued Bs : : e bene
must not be injured. Dogs cannot be Ge A I L A N I I C N o chopping ; Ka PI % erty actual
turned out to run at large, under pen- be h ; 3 Mud. Ne Ny AG | % LL A true
alty of death of the dog at the hands | "£5 MTC ering with draughts, © 2 They gently stimulate the liver, act on the bowels, tone No.1
of a Game Protecter, when such dog | wi i 7 i a Just strike a mitch 4 the stomach—purify the blood and regulate the system.
1s caught pursuing game or injuring | [4 Su aS am fl and your Perfection A These benefits are particularly marked by women at Sere
game in violation of ths provision ty BOF 5 EY Wl Oil Heater will keep Eid such times when nature makes special demands upon
Under the provisions of the Act of | Iy3 ; Nd : . yf you warm and comfortable, no Be their vitality. They act promptly and safely. AJ
June. 3rd, 1915) P. L,. 791, dogs even By to distinguish it from ordinary kinds. It matter how hard the wind blows. i The part feel 1 irited i
under contiol etitneir misters may be : will not smell, smoke or char the wicks. You You won't have any smoke, soot, a Fone ame you 1eei ow-spirite and out of sorts, take Proposing
I ii Sters ma) : can have a brilliant vet soothing light and a ashes, or the slightest odor. Any ga Beecham’s Pills. Their sure, mild, thorough action will stitution
killed at any time by the owner of , : \ dealer will be glad to show you 3 Penmnayl
lands upon whch such dog may be steady, room-filling heat without fussing Perfection Oil Héaters priced 3 = 9° ® ® ROSY,
£ , Ps with burners, trimming wicks and turning ’ TTY A the cour
re mse TE the flame up and down. When used in $3.50 to $5.00 tS Uic elie adelphia
owner, unless the dog shall have at- s ‘ : : : . 0 . ay Tei ' . Section
tached to his collar the tax tag des- lanterns it gives a clear, far reaching fight - : Snead Directions of Yeloe to Women are with Every Box Sorc
: : ; na And it costs not a penny more than ordinary oiu by druggists throughout the world. In boxes, 10c, 25c. Senate ar
<ribed by the Act, and the owner shall kinds Always ask for it by name tives of tl
h at Law im either wa : 3 . 17 s Ny .
gn NG Tecourse Tt IV AR aithe Watch for the sign—Atlantic Rayolight Oil For Sale Here. You're likely to a. sylvania
: Zoibi find it a reliable place to do most of your buying. When the wind howls, and the ' j “That the
Respectfully Yours Joseph Kalblus, ——— snow packs along the windows, it’s a heap o’ comfort to have | FOUND Constitutie
Secretary, Game Commission, a barrel of Atlantic Rayolight Oil on hand. Don't take it Why, $ 1.5 the same
SRI = home unless the brand name is on the barrel. pot give rE |! TRIP cosdbbes
CAN PRESERVE EGGS ? ’ boy and girl an | AUTUMN EXCURSION thereof: -
WITH WATER GLASS | Y n AY opportunity to £ |
when eggs are plentiful that they | Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Hua Ft | Eel
should be “put down” or preserved them the same P I T TSBU R GH deteht
for winter use. Water glass has béen chancesto win pro- £ | . bo t
fount 2 Te Wades mesns of pre Din fd ; Stopping at McKeesport an numbered
servation. | rr )\ advantage of Braddock i {hat cous
Only fresh, clean eggs should be us- | g @ 0. TO GUARD AGAINST ¥ . — WO $ gy
2 : FEAR Ent g court of
ed and they should never be washed. SPREADING DISEASE | : a WEBSTERS g Sunday, Sept. 1 y J ot
Crocs. jas, mt galvanized Tron or | peo means of protecting puble | Rg © Too a B==d | |! NEW INTERNATIONAL op wer
Tir re SL ammdemiues 0h RES | St air? |E’ Dictionary in his home. This new Special Train in Both Directions shall exte
however, are considered best. An: ,,,y gystem has inaugurated an anti-|. 7 Yorn : | £ creation answers with final author- and in ec
vessel used should be clean and sweet ; spitting campaign through which it 5 = : yal kinds of puziy postions Leaves Meyersdale 8:35 A. I. boa
and wooden vessels Should be thorog i will make a personal appeal to those | Go } DY i pn Returning, Leaves Piltshurgh 7:00 P. M. courts’ a
ly scalded before eggs are packed in who patronize its trains and passenger | iE pH I 3 h ILS, Arrives Mogersiale 10.24 po charges
them, , stations to refrain irom expectorating | ; : 400,000 Vocabulary “Terms. 2700 Pages. subject 1
¢ The liquid rather than the powder- |}, © pic places. fr mg <0 g Oy er SO0a stations, Colored Plates: Low round trip fares from Intermedi- ded by'l
ed form of water glass is preferable. | . dd h ‘month 2 The type matter is equivalent to that ate Stations. th s
The home economics extension de- | On os a designated, day eqs 13 of a 15-volume encyclopedia. e said
v . ' this railroad will distribute through | 3 More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, See flyers-Consult Ticket Agent provided
TOrpiene of Ye Pansyivania State the coaches of its trains a small card | Ten | £804 Authoritative than any other Eng- jndges in
College School of Agriculture and Ex- | ra which the attention of the public | 153 a lish Didilonsry, Ww t M | d R ; avs
i i i ) ir : | & 8 3d REGULAR
periment Staton secommonds tab | Li's tanner of spendin | rope 2 || Western Maryland Ry. oni
a a, of — It # avisehie “ | disease. Public health and ih 2 IA Spend a day in “The City Powerful” aa
or : rities in the states through whic i opHion.
boll the water, When the sostion ho | joining oe have 414 their | hal ell
sos a nlae in | alla oa LM = St det El W a A ———
cooled the egas Should he Digeed id approval to the campaign, which will | “*“specimen pages, furisiiet
as they are gathered and the vessel pp 5 er Eilon to those | DDT tus, is Jurisdicti
tive © orat F¢ 5 i , Pocke i
containing eggs and solution stored in | give Silec ve x or hy the pub. " Maps if you uame thie in the s
a cool place, There should always be . me t0 saleghard vie ; RC MERE.3RE CG common
Rou. ob aalution above ic health. : . &C. ag
one ov, fo, \ucany 07 spintion above atu will distribute the cards & » SPRINGFIELD, MAZS, oh
the eggs. = ;
. truc- jp
The solution made from one quart oi Wo 191 Gy ot Oe Li Li | in said
: rlocs “vill Preserve. ions to t > sta- La — -— powers |
0 Jae ii vii breserve: about tion forces concerning distribution : WENTY THREE YEARS ings at 1
welve dozen eggs. point out that the plan adopted offers OF CHAMP CLARK have be
GLADE an inoffensive and forceful means of The other day, August seven, to be RE numbere:
; ik: nti er i i, EE iL
Mr. S. P. Tedrow suffered a slight | directing the Tyson Jo 038 Sanaa bi 2s rouse Jf arrastuinnines | it hs to such
sun-stroke on Monday morning while | °F Boje ies to lend its [ome i it Chora Clave Bn Ra ? law and
at work in a field near bis home. He | FREE CTC Lo 0 Lt os acer op otis ie = CunErersitan Wh Motorists Lod, act. pus
is slowly recovering from the attack. Eeelntanee In I Y 00k Of . 0 ey : ere olorists 0 ge oo 24
i g 5 aw and promo . ‘Pp This takes us back to the secon : Cia sha
ME Of Biodky, io hes Jo i 2 cl > d administration, when Con. Lhe favorite route for motorists is the Be. roe
the last few weeks in Glade has lelt ———————— Wl eveland admin ) od tonal Hidh f 1 .
KWOOD Great Nationa ighway, formerly
for her home in Springfield. ROC I : Z gress was called in extra session to Enon 2s the Notional Pits. It winds said cou
: . coachman at Z !
Mr. and Mrs. F. R Coder were Johns- | Frank Stuck, B. & Bs Su 2] wesewyee ; repeal the silver purchase law and HOWE °5 Cm from tin
town and Pittsburg visitors several | Rockwood, Pa. is very 1l at his We: CARE AY when began the great schism in the J SS Pith Bb shall tal
days last week Broadway residence, suffering from in: | cagreg, ts aw York Evening Sev , |Democratic party which, three years | dOWn inte 1 She y way of ~ January
ay , fantile paralysis, the first case in| «yuri | RECKON HE WILL FIND QUT NEXT NOVEMBER! later, swept Clpveland and his kind Brownsvil e, entering the main part of A tl
Vests Dior and yiwoed Mest Rockwood Dr. C. J. Hemmnger ani Ef into the discards of management | the city right at the No. 8
older with Miss Pauline Whipkey and pint aE . party SEE
ty Medical Inspector C. P. Large 1
Miss Garland Boyd motored to Bed- | SONY Metin TAPOGLY © OE) Herman H, Kerr, W, M, R. R. opera-| COLORED PREACHER IN JAIL and also swept the party foot into
ford Springs on Sunday. . Son 4 i SE ae it tor is spending his vacation of sev- Sheriff Peter C. McFarline and a Soles] impotency from: wy ye ononga e a Secr
: o e ca : 5 - 1 |
Miss Lyda Moore left on Monday for > a re r eral days visiting the large cities of | force of deputies assisted by the Cun- released only by the Repubiicanschism |
California State Normal where she Will | ©, "0" "4 convention that | the east and at Atlantic City. berland pelios are sucuring the Clty [of fons Jeers 5E0, ! House A
dergo a course of study. 1S : : ; s and surroundind country for Rev. John | In those twenty-three years, Char p
undersg C . was held here last Monday was a big Merchant H. E, Miller is slowly re- 7 a s . aaa 3 Proposi
Miss Josephine and Mr. Harry Ted- Tar a Tarde and & . é alii tairiod dn Frye, pastor of a local colored church orl hyg hevad tho n-litieal aeavaneg | PITTSBURGH POSIr
row of Pittsburg were called home on | a Tne ay Riri covering from the injuries sustained in | =. "103 from the Western Mary: {with his party, Hs supported Bryan- Tine
3 4 Oo ime was € : d 3 . > v3} . § ?
account of the illness of their father. 7g) ey a Ste La an auto wreck ase Saturday evening land Hospital shortly before 12 o'clock land saw Bryan turn traitor at al where cool, airy rooms with open rE
Mr. Israel Gross who has been very to. rel wes ohtortatiiod at the on the Lincoln highway, four ‘miles last night. Frye has been in jail sev- | more. He swallowed Wilson, but his ior view afford the most comfortable A 8
ill for several weeks is getting weaker | or 43 i M: w H. Wolfersherger north of Stoyestown, when his car | era] months charged with the larceny 'moyth is still awry from the dose. And ;mmer quarters. ate
and no hope of his recovery is enter- ome on Stud) 7 Creany ook backed over a stone wall 26 feet high | of 3 horse and buggy belonging to now he sees the Democracy again on E ’ PI - fift
one cvenng lately, Ting was, : i is°CY ar t uropean Plan pro
tained. s S The car was badly damaged, but al- | carl Wilson of this City. Frye was a the high road to exile. His inmos
red by all esent. | . Iai 3 a . : 5 »
Mr. Clarence Reese spent Sunday re ie xz he now launoran though it turned over nie > Taw d | rested in Bedford, Pas and the horse | thoughts yo Be vai Yor Bw. Single Room, [rithout bath, $1.00and $15) Be of
f | 7 } 3 h one Killed, esites recovered. i 'e -tnree Sars Tr day. ingie ‘oom wi at . .
in Glade. : ! church is progressing rapidly. The | rush 4 gre as wo jared. HC B and bugsy ing, The ay: dn C Lid $3.00 so Each additional person ‘Senate
Mr. and Mrs Guy Critchfield of Som- Tollk ‘work wos Dogun lost Monday] Mr. Miller being injured, H. C, Ben- | gpyye claimed to be.paralyzed when Champ Clark has passe On greny | $100 per day in any room, with or without tives. of
ersey were enlerizinedt by Mr. aad with a large force of men and will be | ford, B. & O. conductor, hag two ribs found lying in his cell at the Allegany | may ‘be extended but here after M« F bath, f TX
Mrs. Milton Critchfield on Sunday. : | fractured and Mr, Brenham was badly | count: jail yesterday morning by will be an ex-Speaker. It is “twenty- | .
rushed as fast as possible. : iy 1 He w emoved to three” in truth. : | Complete Cafe Service from 25¢ Club That th
SE nA vste se John Vought for some time past a | bruised. . | Sheriff McFar ee ® on iL rtone Ei Breakfast to the most elaborate dinner. Constity
teacher in the Iron City business col- | B. & O. carpenter E, W, Ohler is | the Western Natya G5 ry wh 25 1% CASK RIESE. eT THE WEY. | J. B. Reiley, Marans the sig
4 . A STO = 1A lege, has severed his connection with | off duty suffering from a crushed foot | he was given me cal aid by Dr. EJ. $ Pha a | Smithfield St., Water St. and First Avs. cordanc
Children the college and will assist his uncle, | sustained when a large timber fell on | H. White, the county physician. Store ERSDALE FAIR FOR THE BEST : Pittsburgh thoreot:
* For Infants end R. R. Kregar, In the operation of a | his right foot, crushing several of the |ly before 12 o'clock last night wil BREAD MADE FROM CERESOTA, : That
InUse For OVEPBOYORS |r re eee te soe ont poi Tvs asmoriion wore | LARRABEE OR coioen Loar | ES i
; esc : : : 2 - :
Alwaye bears as the Markelton Store Company. | 1 ie ag ' tified —Cumbertand - FLOUR 10 PREMIUMS IN ALL. | a Sect!
{ T DONGES meadiately ‘no :
the . They will occupy the storeroom for-| FRESH OYSTERS A im 3 Le Qe @ ted by
Biguature of 10% 3 b T MARKET Daily News. { HABEL & PHILLIPS. t our Job work.
: . 4 !'mally occupied by A. C. Englehart. MEA } | w cont 15