Yao OYD that nery -16 atest ound BIJOU At the Fair by day You are looking forward to a big time next week. Of course you are going to the Fair i in the day time and the best place to have an equally fine time in the evening is at the Bijou Moving Picture Theatre LOCAL AND PERSONAL reins . C. C. Sides is doing jury Work at Somerset ths week. Miss Mildred Paync is home from a two weeks’ visit with relatives and friends at Keyser, W. Va. : Frank Boucher has returned from J | Pittsburg, where he had been visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. M. R. Milne has returned home from a visit at Conneant Lake, and Morgantown, W. Va. Miss Anna Mort of Glassport, is here for a few weeks visit with rela- by night. Look at the Program for Next Week tives and friends. Mrs. J. Milton Black and sister, Mrs. Brenner, spent yesterday at Don’t miss it. Monday, Sept. 18th { ‘“The Secret of the Submarine’’, The talk of the country “s Ashamed of the Old Folks’, with this noted ‘cast of players; James Gail and Matt Moore. “The Toll of the Law’’ and a ‘‘Animated Weekly’’. Somerset. Mrs. S. B. Philson was hostess yes. terday when she entertaned the ‘Wednesday card club. Miss Margaret Chambers of Balti- more, Md., is visiting her friend, Miss Amelia Clothworthy. Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin of Con- nellsville, were” Meyersdale visitors ““A Womans Eyes’’ Harry Carey. Harry Brenham. Tuesday, Sept. 19th ‘‘Unhand me Villian’’, L-KO, 2 acts. edy hit, featuring Alice Howell. Presenting the forestal actor, ‘““Her Mothers Sweetheart’, on Wednesday. Mr.. E. M. Beachy is about to move to Brownsville where he has two sons living. For a summary of the late Game laws see the Gurley ad in this issue. Miss Estella McQuain of Akron, O., is here for a few weeks visit with re- latives and friends. A smashing com- with Edith Roberts and don’t faii to see it. table Carter De Haven. Wednesdy, Sept. 20th “The Iron Claw”. This serial has a grip on every one, “Timothy Dodds The Soda Clerk’’, presenting the inimi- ‘Riddle of the World’’ and “Good and Evil’’. Paul Hostetler who is employed at Pittsburg, is spending his vacation | John Hostetler. Rev. W. M. Howe is back home acain from an evangelistis campaign beid at Dalles Centre, Towa. He will preach to his congregation on Snnday. » Miss Jennie Holmes of Baltimore Thurday, “Ben the Sailor’’. “THE BOSS”, Holbrook Blinn and Alice Brady, 5 acts. Superbly acted and brimming over with human interest ,one of the biggest things of the year. Good Comedy. Sept. 21st & Collins store, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hemminger have Don’t miss it. trip through the west. They visited 2 relatives at Sterling and Clinton, Ii. Zenith. conflicting ist of the film who has won her “Brennon O’ The Moor”’, Francis Ford. Friday, Sept. 22nd “THE SUSPECT” ——BY—— ® Anita Stewart A Powerful Drama of Russian Bureaucracy. | A Thrilling Photoplay of Russian Nihilism that reaches Dramatic Six Thousand Feet of Thrills. In this production Miss Stewart is caused to become a Nihilist by harsh inhuman treatment to which her family is subjected. Her emotions are evidentto every person in the audience as she seemingly lives through the years of pain and pleasure. In two or three close-ups in pasticular, Miss Stewart’s facial ex- pressions are worthy of special mention. turns slowly to joy, is wonderful-ly registered by this master -art- Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Lichty with Misses Helen and Hilda. Md, arrived last week and has charge of the millinery department in Miller daughters. . left Sunday on a motor trip through Virginia. Miss Eleanor Small, an expert Mill- inet of Baltimore, Md. is here and has ' charge of the work room in the Diehl millinery. | Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Rowe left | Saturday for Cumberland, Md, where they joined a camping party and went down to South Branch for a week’s | outing. B. O. Cosgrove and daughters, visiting with Mrs. Cosgrove’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graves, left Mon- day for their home in Hammond, Ind, Her horror which of Berlin, following a year’s absence was in town on Saturday. Mr. Bow: man had been suffering a protracted illness of nearly a year. way into the heart of thousands. Presenting Grace Cunard and Saturday, of the Wolf”’. FREER ESR ARS ARAAARAAA RARE SN th th ‘Soup and Nuts’’ “LIBERTY” In 3 Acts Don’t miss the wonderful feature, 1st Episode, ‘“The Fangs Comedy in 3 Acts. been a guest at the home of her. bro- ther-inlaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hocking, left yesterday for her home in Baltimore. Mrs. Harry Hammond and little son, of Pittsburg, is here for a few weeks visiting at the home of the ‘former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. o Eben ka. Mrs. J. W. Baker, of Crellin, M34. Sept. 23rd | | Mrs. Walter Eisenbrant, ‘who had PEO ARABS BCR BORER CREA AORRORCROR EOS BOERRORBORIRORR a AS INS NS AA TSIININI Nd SINT Mey rods Fair ches 19-20-21-22 % | is spending two weeks here ating among relatives and friends. Mrs. H. A. Slick of Johnstown, ia a guest of her cousins, the Misses Yeace~ of Broadway. Miss Edna Baker of Crellin, Md, came over Saturday and remained un- til Monday visiting friends when she and Miss Mary will left for Califor- nia, Pa., to enter as students in tna Specials for Fair Week State Normal. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Meyers and daughter, Miss Orpha, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gnagey and family motort- Lord Baltimore, bond paper, 35¢ Lord Baltimore, 2 packages - 25¢ 60c worth for 49¢ envelopes Maximium Hot Water Bottle A $2.00 bottle with a two year $1.49 guarantee - ~ ed to Oakland, Md., on Wednesday, and took in the fair which is being COLLINS RENOVATOR ! held there this week. A condition Powder for horses The local postoffice is advertisinz and Western Maryland depot. Bids : will be received up until September : 21st. Apply at Postofiice. Mr. and Mrs, Harry H, Lint and daughter, Miss Lucille, who spent a week on an automobile trip have re- turned home. They visited at Hanover, RED RAMBLER Hot Water Bottle A $1.50 bottle for - $1.50 MEYERSDALE, - ee RRR ROE BBR ROSE BOR BORNE LBB ROCSTBBCECB0BOBCECEC HI IX LHASA Collin’s Drug Store Zhe Rexall sie Baltimore, Gattysburg, Martinsburg and York, and report having had a de- lightful time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holzshu 2 nd Mrs. W, A, Graves motored to Salis- bury on Sunday where thev were join- ed by Mrs Thomas Glotfelty and i daughter, Miss Margaret, and then pro- | ceeded to Friendsville, Md, where they spent the day visiting friends. and cattle-all medicine, no filler, a for bids for carrying the mail between 50c package for - 29% the post ofiice, Baltimore and Ohio 2 PENNA. PLACE TO GET FINE PHOTOGRAPHS | While attending the fair, or any | other time perhaps as well call and In- spect our line of photos. Our work is | very superior and our rates reasonable | We carry a line of fine Art pictures as well. The Conrad Studio. imeem «The Suspect” a great drama play- ed by a great actress, Anita Stewart at the Bijou, Friday, Sept. 28... Jno. Hartman, an extensive stock | LOCAL OPTION BEING dealer of Franklin County, shipped to FAR REMOVED | this county last week a car of Perch- een eron colts, and had ready sale for the A Pittsburg newspaper having fin- | same. While in this section, he bought | | ished a pool of the candidates nomi-| up a car nated for the legislature, and of those | shipped them to eastern markets. | likely to be elected, announces that | local option received a decided wallop | of years was a clerk in the Habel & | at the last primary election. The ma- | Phillips grocery store, bue recently | jority against the enactment of such resigned his position, leaves today ! 1egislation will be greater in the next | for Elizabeth, Pa., where he will man- | than in any of the last three General age a store for the Atlantic and Pac- Assemblies. ific Co. Mr, John Berkley and Mrs. Abram : Lichty of Waterloo Iowa are looking up old friends and making new ones in the haunts of their earlier days. They report having a very fine time. TO THE FAIR ae ee ee un And why not; Somerset Countians always glad to welcome back any one from the “Wild and Wooly West.” Messrs. Zorn, Dively, Alex Johnson and one or two others formed a drum corps in front of the Baldwin and Livengood music store on Tuesday evening and tested out some of the HEN in Town ches, STORE for Anything that you Need in Drug or Medicine Line, For Light Lun- s, Pure and Delicious Soda Water, Velvet Ice Cream. Stop at my Cafeteria. Stop at my DRUG wy fine instruments of that establish- ment, drawing a large appreciative crowd, Pay your subscription to the Com- mercial during Fair week. Rev. and Mrs, D, A, Shumaker of Johnstown, spent several days during the week here visiting at the home of | § BOTH PHONES. F. B. THOMAS LEADING DRUGGIST YOR RRR RRR RR RE CHR HOH BRC RCROEOB ORCAS, MEYERDALE PA. the latter’s brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Opel, of the South a ROBERT pr, i and Mrs. J. W. Leitor, some vos. cm" CRONE years ago residents of Meyersdale, but’ now residing near Philadelphia, arrived here Tuesday for a visit with their many friends. NEW AGAIN. VERY MODERATE. S. J. Grine, of Somerset, a veteran of the Civil war, in age not for from 80 and who twenty years ago, was a res- CLOTHES, KNOWS HOW TO MAKE AN OLD SUIT HIS CHARGES ARE FITTER, ALSOCLEANS AND REPAIRS HE IS AN EXPERT ident of this place, was in town the past few days, looking up a place to live. He is suffering from asthma anid and wants to live on one of the ROBT. CRONE, The Tailor here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! General Manager of Sales of the Am- returned from a delightful automobile * ‘Louise and Wilhelmina, who had been | B. J. Bowr an, the insurance agent. of horses and cattle and | | erset and -back home the same day. N. B. Holzhauer, who for a number , higher points of the town. Mrs. Cyrus Baer, of this place, is his daughter. Chas S. Vought whose mother, Mrs. Belle Vought, lives in Somerset, has been advanced to the position of _ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, COMPENSATION AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE W. B. COOK & SON Meyersdale, Pa. erican Steel Expert Company of New York. He is now 30 years of age; when 19 years old he started with the Consolidation Coal Company at Som- UNDERTAKER. erset and Jas been gradu, ly rising! fr. ._ one position to an: the WILLIAM C. PRICE | we ; Successor to Lirs. Frank B. Black Sntoriatnek a large }:rty of Somerset ladias at her ERSDALE, PA. “Holiend Farm” home neds Meyers- MEYERS ’ dale, Friday afternoon. Th2 guests PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO | motored to and from “Holland Farm. | ALL CALLS AT ALL TIMES. Mrs. Edith Sampsel of Ashland Ghio Both Phone’ who has been spending the last two months with friends in Meyersdale, started for her home on B. & O. train ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 15 on Wednesday. She will visit SOMERSET, PA. friends in Salem Ohio on her home- | Prompt attention given to all legui ward way. business. W A. CLARK W. CURTIS TRUXAL, U. J. Christner is suffering con- siderable from what a few! days &- , 80 threatened to develop into blood | poisoning. -Mr. Christner thinks the worst part is now past. UHL & EALY Attorneys-at-Law SOMERSET, Pa, — Chas. H. Ealy, assignee of the es- DENTISTRY. tate of S. D. Livengood states that| Modern dentistry eliminates th: a final dividend of 10 per cent has dread of havng your teeth extracted, ‘been declared and that the creditors crowned or filled. in this section will be paid oc, date work. I also treat and guarantee tc and place to be announced in next |cure Pyorrhea, Riggs Disease or week’s paper. loose, springy, bleeding gums when Jacob Burkholder, Frank and Wm. not too far advanced. Fidler were brought before ‘Squire 1 specialize on Crown and Bridge Clement of Garrett on the charge of H E. GETTY stealing copper and brass in this MEYERSDALE, PA, section, There are two other men im- - plicated and when they are arrested EXCHANGE AUTO a general hearing of the five will be|__wilj give a 1912 Overland car with held. The three named above have |, new gearing for small car. Apply furnished bail to appear when need-|,¢ this office. ed. ! -_ Brick Work, Flue Reparing, white- MEETING OF CREDITORS washing and Kalsomiming. Work sat- H. F. Yost, Referee in Bankruptcy isfactory, charges Reasonable. for Somerset County, has sent out Chas. M. Murphy notices to creditors in several bank- Penn’a street rupt estates, inviting them to attend meetings at the Court-house for the Party moving owes us $119 on 2 purpose of transacting matters rela- handsome Upright Grand Piano used 3 tive to the several estates. months. It is yours for balance. ..... The creditors of Albert S. Glessner Write The Gibbs Piano Co. 71-73 Main are to meet in the grand jury room on St., Springfield Mass. September Sth, for the purpose of pro- (31 years in one location. ving claims and selecting a trustee. AMUSEMENTS AT The creditors of William Ross of SUMMER GARDEN Somerset will meet tomorrow, at Beatrice Fairfax | which time the confirmation of the The big sister of all true lovers Its first and final account; of the rec eiver Beatrice Fairfax Who else The advis- will be considered. A dividend will or and good friend of thousands of also be declared to unsecured credi-|, =. . paatrice Fairfaz knows the tom, . : 2 inner secrets of the human heart. The creditors of Oliver Bruce Stal| \ © she may be seen on the screen. ler are to meet on Saturday, Septom- In living, moving realty. In a series ber oil, for the girpose of consider of dramatic love stories filled with ing the petition of L. C. Colborn, the wholesome adventure and appealing trustee, to sell real estate. romance, Harry Fox and Grace Darl- ve] 3 i Saturday is the time fixed for the ing are stars appearing in every epi. meeting of the creditors of George sod Sewell Mowry of Windber, and the | mpeng is love in it lots of it the good grand jury room is to be the meeting old fashioned true blue kind. place. C. L. Shaver, the Trustee, has The story of the “Missing Watch- filed a petition to sell two pieces of man.” This is the first picture play in real estate in the Borough of Wind | 1, peatrice Fairfax series written ber. from the experiences of Beatrice Fair- ~- | fax. Big sister to all true livers, Judge J. J. Miller of the general | Watch for the opening episode soon at court of Pittsburg, wife and son, ~n the always pleasing Summer Garden. Monday were callers at the home of | Each episode a complete story. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Miller. The ae a judge is is a cousin of both Mr. and Rev. J. C. Matteson left today for Mrs. Miller, though the latter couple | Washington, D. C. to visit his father were not related before their mar-| who is ill, the latter having suffered a riage, Judge Miller and family were slight stroke recently. In the absence out auto touring for just one day. They | of Rev. Matteson, his pulpit, that of i took dinner at Oakland, stopped here | the Methodist church, will be filled by for about half hour, went on to Som- | Rev. D. L. Johnson of the Drovosburg Home for the aged. = A touring party of four autos from WE HAVE JUST THE HAT YOU Friedens enroute to Cumberland and WANT AT THE PRICE YOU WANT | other points passed through Meyers- TO PAY. TRESSLER MILLINERY dale on Tuesday morning. One of the DON’T FORGET THE DATES OF , party was Mr. Claude Welch, who was THE TRESSLER MILLINERY OPEN. | a recent teacher in the Meyersdale, ING SEPT 14to 1% . schools. MISCELLANEOUS. HELP WANTED. Fifteen girls over 16 years of age can get employment at once at Floto Bros. Cigar Factory. For Rent— A good six-room house |near center of town; hot and cola | water and bath. Reasonable Rent. {Apply at Commercial Office. MURRAY AUTO SERVICE. {Runs Twice Daily Between Meyers | dale and Somerset, Via. Berlin. Leaves Central Hotel Meyersdale at 7:00 a. m, and at 3 p. m. Leaves Somerset at 9:30 a. m. aud at 3:30 p. m. For further particulars Inquire of MORRIS MURRAY, {Central Hotel — —Meyersdale, Pa. | ATTRACTIVE HOME ON MEYERS AVE. FOR SALE House No. 109 Meyers Avenue, fi_ |merly the H. S. Glessner proper, , | for sale. A splendid bargain. Inquire | at this office. | 1 1890 1916 | You can send wool and get any cf the following made, also for sale— Home-made woolens, batting for comforts, cushions etc. Blankets, flannels for skirts, shirts, underwear and dresses, hose, carpets rugs, yarns for weaving and knitting, all plain and fancy, wholesale and retail. Lemuel R. Barkley, Somerset. Pa. Cook Wollen and Hoslery Mills, 6—22-8t. 1 GROUND HOG COAL—J. L. Bittner has opened up a new place for min- ing the famous Ground Hog Coal 2% Glade City. He has erected a platform and a chute and is prepared to serve the public at all times as he main- tains a supply on nand. Get his pric es. NOTICE TO FARMERS We will open our applebutter fac- tory for the .makeing of applebutter and cider for the 1916 season, on Tues- day, September 5th. and run every day except Saturday until further no- tice. .s ax Hay & Fullem TAL weme 4 ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Estate of W. A. Younkin, late of Mey- ersdale Borough, Somerset County Penn’a Deceased. .. .. .. .... «sc cu. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration upon the estate of the said deceased have been grantsd to the undersigned. All persons in- debted to said estate are requested to | Takes immediate payment, and those | having claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement to the undersigned at her residence in Meyersdale Borough, Somerset County Pennsylvania, on Saturday September 16th, 1916. 9—7—6w. Elizabeth Younkin Administratrix EE NO SH ae A ESE NL . BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD | REDUCED : ONE-WAY FARES ! TO MANY POINTS IN (alifornia, Colorado, Alberta, Ari- zona, Idaho. British Columbia, Mon- tana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah& Wash. Tickets on Sale Daily from September 24th to October 8th, 1916, inclusive, Full Information call on Ticket Agent For a summary of mmary of the fate Game | laws see the Gurley ad in this issue.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers