How DREAD DISEASE ) CAN BE SPREAD i i infantile paralysis, the disease now fn an epidemic form in certain sec- tions of this county, is an ‘infectious’ 8rd communicable diseas3 which is eaused by the invasion of the central Dervous organs—the spiial cord and spe brain—of a minute micro-organ ism. The virus of infantile paralysis, ms the micro-organism causing it is germed, exists constantly in the cen- sAral nervousorgans and on the mucous anembrane of the nose and throat and of the intestines of persons suffering from the disease. Although the micro-organism of in- fantile paralysis is now known, ordin- ary bacteriologic tests for its detect- jon are almost always futile. Neverthe- Jess, the virus can be detected by in- oculation tests on monkeys, which an- 4mals develop a disease correspond- ing to infantile paralysis in human be- ings. In thi manner it has become known that the mucous membrane of the nose and throat of healthy per-’ sons who have been in intimate con- tact with acute cases of infantile par- alysis may become contaminated with the virus, and that such contaminated persons, without becoming ill them- pelves, may convey the infection to pther persons, chiefly children. The virus enters the body as a rule, if not exclusively, by way of the mu- cous membrane of the nose and throat. Having gained entrance to these easily accessible * parts of the body, multi- plication of the virus occurs there, often which it penetrates to the brain and spinal cord by way of the lym- * phatic channels which connect the up- per nasal mucous membranes with the interior of the skull. Whether the wirus enters the body in any other way is unknown, The virus is readily distributed by coughing, sneezing, kissing and by means of the fingers and articles contaminated with the se- cretions from the nose and throat. Moreover, as the virus is thrown from the body mingled with secretions, it withstands for a long time even the ‘highest summer temperatures, com- ‘pletely drying, and even the action of ‘weak chemicals which destroy or