The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, August 31, 1916, Image 3
4 3 of Jen- Inte kin, » rR EE 3 CHARLES F. MURPHY. '\ GENERAL SURVEY OF THE WAR War developments - are coming rapidly in the Balkans. A Teport " wia, Rome - is that King Constan- tite of Greece has gent a ¥ arning to his imperial brotherin-law & ' Potsdam that the Bulgariins must retire from the Greek territory occupied by them oF he will be no longer able to «con trol the ‘situation. © The’ ddie. Feport | adds that thes kaiser ardered the Bul- gars te reture to their old line. The hing: Smid. to be alarmed at the; vol- of. civilians to the, suppory iy reek. erate, Jie: disroparihs T 2 oC 3 i en'to Ai al Fuisesr. miujtafioolsly with this a adits a at Fug: fan guns ate droppi shells in the outskirts of Ravdla and that ‘Greek artillery is replying to the bombardment. _Plie Greek town of Dram, alse cupied by Héllenie troops, is nile ‘under bombardment of Bulga: Jong- range pieces, .: - The British and mihi ‘have: been. in touch on the Macedondan |. front Bosticast. of Salonika. British troops, 4 espite the Bulgarian, fire, de- VC guts. ofiide’ announced. A8LiOhs in press. dispatches of a possible extension of the French of fengive south of the Somme for a dis: tance of thirty miles from Estrees to Lassigny, seem. further borne cut by official, announcement. of the continu- ation, of heavy bombardment in that sector. The German lines in the vicina: ity of ‘Lasigny and Roye are being heayily, shelled, The Brit on the Som me font havé" pusteq further along’ ‘the Long- weval-Bipaunie road, advancing their lines several ‘Hindred yards each side of that highway. This gain, effected northwest of Guillemont, serves still further to hem in that town, which . “ the Germans are, stubbornly holding. Although the Germans. made 2 feavy attack in the Maurepas sector, north of the Somme, the Freuch hold on Maurepas village, completely oc- cupied By French troops, nas not been shaken, according to a bulletin from Paris. The assault, deliveted against Hill 121, near Maurepas, was repulsed with heavy loss to the &ermans, the statement declares. On the Austrian frontier, in the ‘Doi- omite region, the Italians are centinu- ing their effensive, despite bad weath- er, and report progress in the Fassa Alps, on the slopes of Monte Caurioi. Kilossa, Central German East Af- rica, 200 miles west of Dar-es-Salaam, on the IndigR ocean, was occupied by the British Aug. 22, says a British war office statement, . Eight persons were killed and thirty- six injured in the latest Zeppelin raid, { was announced officially. - One hun- dred bombs were dropped. One Zep- pelin reached the outskirts of London. A squadron of the entente allies’ aeroplanes bombarded the neighbor- hood of Ghent, according te the Hecho Belge, says ‘a Reuter dispatch from Amsterdam. DEUTSCHLAND AT BREMEN All Germany Celebrates; Kaiser Felicitates Intrepid Captain. * The submarine Deutschland reached Bremen in a slightly damaged condi- tion. All Germany is celebrating the successful conclusion of the voyage. A message wag sent by Kaiser Wil- fhelm, congratulating Captain Koenig on his feat. West Virginia Population Grows. The peputation of West Virginia hes reached 1,862,500, or a gain of over 141,000 einige the 1910 census. This pumher is obtained by figures com piled in the department of free school. and 8 based on the school enumers- tion for 1916-17 compiled in this de- partment. The total population is estimated at 3 810 times the enue: ation, -ROUMANIA ENT ERS three bridges over the Angista. CE £ Koscnak, the London | | WAR WITH ALLEES Nations in Conflict BLASH IN MOUNTAIN PASS Servians Gain Along the Vardar. Something near a record has been scored in declarations of war. Three in twenty-four hours is crowding the speed limit. Sunday Italy declared War. against Germany and Sundav night Roumania officially began hos- t Austria-Hungary. The ha | Bu t declaration was guarded hy censors for many hours. Germany re- taliated Monday by declaring a state of war with Roumania. The German declaration charges perfidy on the part of Roumania. It says: “After Roumania, as already report- ‘ed, disgracefully broke treaties con: cluded with Austria-Hungary and Ger- many, she declared war against our “The imperial German minister to Roumania has received instructions to request his passports and to declare to the Roumanian government that Germany now likewise considers her self at war with Roumania.” . Roumania’s, declaration of wa: against Austria was followed swiftly by military action. The official Ger man announcement indicates that « new campaign, along the Hungarian Roumanian frontier, is under way. The statement says Roumanians have been taken prisoner on the frontier. : The frst clashes between troops of Roumania and the central powers oc: curred in southeastern and eastern frontier mountain Passes of Hungary, . says. an official Austrian statement k given. out in Vienna. .The Roumanian attacks are described as “treacher- Roumanian prisoners were Ina long dommunication from Bu charest - the Roumanian government states Her reasons tor entering the wari. First, the Roumantan population in | Austrian territories ed to the bazards; of war afid. of mvasion.” ".-Second, Reumania believes rhat by pintepvoning she. ean shorten the war. Wp] Reumanis Places. herself on ose powers which she ae oT assist her most [ef i “ideal, . Bucharest - dispatches said King Ferdinand of Reumania had convened ‘a eoniference of representatives of al’ ‘the political parties, former premiers, former .presidents,.of the legislative chambers, ministers and, government. Tepresentatives, with the idea of as .certaining the views of all’ sections of zublic opinion. Roumania becomes ‘the ‘fourteenth ‘nation to join in the war. Her inter wention eithér on thé side of the en- ‘tente aflies er the central powers ha: been awaited with concern py beth sides. This is due not entirely to Rou- | mania’s. military streagth, but also to ! the strategic advantages of-.her geo i graphical position and the, ‘fact that | her entry opens to the Russian army ‘a gateway through Roumania to attack the Bnlgarians from the north.’ . Servian forces have made consider- able progress near Vetrenik, in Mace- donia, west of the Vardar river, says a French statement on operations around Salonika. Three Bulgarian at- tacks against Servian pesitions on the Banica-Ostrovo road have been re- pulsed with heavy losses; it adds. A repert is current from Athens that hedvy German reinforcements held in reserve along the Danube river have been called into action. ognize any great danger in the grow- it 98 said. The Servian army is re- ported engaged in a heavy action at reports say, continues bitterly. erations on the Somme front. the attack. Paris reports that several asgaults on French positions at Fleury were repulsed. first contingent ef Chinese who are to be brought to France for work in munition factories. GIRLS TRAPPED BY FIRE Lightning Sets Brockton (Mass.) Fac tory Building In Flames. Lightning struck an ammonia tank Jn a building in Brockton, Mass., oc cupied by ten business concerns, caus- ing an explosion .and fire which quick ly destroyed the, building. One hundred "snd fifty persons, in cluding ‘many girls, at work in ths structure, made a mad rush for ths exits, Sm ———— Clbthesline Conduets Lightning. Light tnfrtg attracted to a wire plothesling killed Mrs. Grant Herring ut Harrison bung, Va. gathering an approaching jumped to a dc Lin, and... then /&y nearby an. . Crew . killed a ne! eghpos r’ child. np xe vay Italy Breaks With Germany; 13: ¥ienna Reports Capture of Roumanian Prisoners—Bulgars Continue Gains. | ficaciously in realizing her’ _natiol I au | Meyers, Sadie Engleka, David, 4 ‘Adda Krissinger, Mary Coleman, Jen-{ William Snyder, Verna | The Greek army staff does not rec- ing Bulgarian penetration of Thessaly, Sorovich. | The battle at Karadjovs,. Bad weather is interfering with op- Before Verdun the Germans have returned to One thousand Chinese laborers have arrived at Lyons. They constitute the | a8 she was] her washing in the face of OTHING SO “GOOD As to go to a place to, have a light lunch, glass of Soda Water, or Ice Cream than to THOMAS CAFE. The place where your patronage is appreciated. Qur restroom is opened to the public; you are welcome there. ? I handle a full line of Pure Drugs, Medicines,£_ Perfumes, Toilet Articles. = Fr a Domestic Cigars. Imported and . ° # Hg oo mem =tm F. B. THOMAS, Opposite Citizens Bank Leading Druggist I as PALL TEACHERS NOW AT SOMERSET CO. INSTITUTE Fhe following are the teachers for the coming year in Somerset county; 461 in number: Addison Borough William F. Null, Olena Wilhelm. Addison Township Mary Wass. Alice Glass, William Keim, Arthur Lenhart, Olive Cramer, Minnie Tressler, Kate Matthews, Fern Cochrane, C. T. Smith, Toylie Snyder, Nellie Vought, Mary Nedrow. Allegheny Township 8S. G. Coughenour, Howard Keefer, Anpa Coughenour, Florence Will, Kathiryn Shaffer, Edith Clites, Pearl Hillegas, Vesta Carver, Carrie Maust. Benson Borough R. IL Ripple. Berlin Borough J. C. Speicher, Supervising Prin. Bert S. Walker, Margaret Glodfel- ty, Florence Walker, Minnie Dickey, ' Leora Altfathedy, Margaret Knepper, Elizabeth Zimmerman, ‘Josephine McKee. Black Township H. H. Newman, Charles Weimer, Luella Brant, Harry Altmiller, Clar- ence Miller, Mary Speicher, Calvin Newman, Lousie Sterner Ernest Ho- |: chstetler, Leora Snyder, Mary Me- Vicker. Boswell Borough E. M. Baxter, Prin. Sarah E., Har- man, M. L. Trexel, Matilda Temke, Cora Gashaw, Irene Phillippi, Olive L. _Shoff, Ethel Schramm, Iva L. SHober,’} Allie Ream, Brothersvalley Township A. B. Coben, Supervising Prin, _ Hazel Smith, Anna BH. Cober, Ruth | Dickey, William Werner, HErla Brant, | Charles ‘Brant, Mary Fritz, 8 2 ; nie Walker, Dickey, Alda Brant, Verna Long, Etha Jefferson C. Glessner, Casselman Borough F. A. Harah, Pearl Fleming. ‘Conemaugh Township E. J. Blough, Clayton Thomas, Ga- ‘len Blough, Florence Naugle, Pearl: Vincent, Cora Livingston, Cora Thom- as, Salome Yoder, Chester E. Weible, Rachel Cassler, Earl Thomas, Paul Rummel, Irvin Kaufman, Blanche Liv: ingston, Lean Kaufman, Ralph Kauf- ‘man, Lloyd Kniss, Anna Absalom, R. Shaffer, Edna Stahl, Oscar Naugle, Robert A. Yoder, Gussie Ringler, C. EB. ‘Shaffer, Charles Williamson, Mary Yoder, - Alfred Rautman, Elizabeth Forsythe. . Confluence Borough, B. T. Frazee, Prin. Charles BE. Koontz, Edith M. Showe, Amelia Van Sickel, Susan Bowlin, Nellie Brown Alice Dull, : Elk Lick Township A. G. Wahl, Florence Yoder, Velma Pyle, Cora Hockman, Ada Glotfelty, Ruth Cummins, - Elsie Sipple, Louiso Compton, Elsie Miller, Elizabeth Beals, Mary James, Elizabeth’ Newman Grace Moser, Ezra Bender, Ruth Folk, Esther Shumaker, Maurice Bittner, Mae Dickey, Maud Hay, Sadie Maust, | Ruth Beahm, Edythe Martz. Fairhope Township Naomi Emerick, Walter Tucker, Stella J. Emerick, Lillian Shaffer, Cora Smith. Garrett Borough. H. B. Speicher Prin. F. Fike, M. C. Haer, Inez Nell Brant, Verda Brant. Greenviile Township. “Luella Baker, Mary June Wiland, Mary Dickey, Sadie Schrock, Minnie E. Rembold, William Miller, Margaret L. Shockey. 'Hooversville Borough John P, Rodgers, Prin. Newton E. Beabes, Mervin Powell, Clara Shaffer, Naomi Smith, Myrtle Ross, Bernice Dull. Jefferson’ Township. Gertrude Schlag, Elmer W. Miller, V. B. Glessner, W. L. Shaulis, Edw. K. Ankeny, Annie M. Miller. Jennertown Borough Percy F. Miller Hooversville. Jenner Township M. T. Miller, Supervising Prin. Enola Fritz, P. L. Georg, Emma Brant, Klifie, “Ira’¥riediine, Hdythe Lohr, John Ash, Marie Fiek, Lloyd L. Lohr, Galen _Shober, Emma Georg, P. M. Hammer, Mabel Meyers, P. G. O'con Shober; Hilda Beachly, Alda Bepelly,} er W, J. Broadwater. | Devore, Nettie Barkman, Della Sch- SCS nor, Mabel Shaulis, Ruth Glessner Somerset, Genevieve Speicher; Eva | Shaffer, Hazel Fleegle, Erma Speich- | er, Elizabeth Wiltrout, John J. ‘Wal | ter, Nannie J. Hay, Blizabeth’ Gindles- | perger, Nancy Byron, H. M. Crithh. field, Edythe Dively. Larimer Township Grace 'M. Pfeiffer, = Helen Shober; Sidney M. Lenhart, W. A. Hay, John Ravenscroft, Zelma ‘Shoemaker. Lincoln Township. Richard Henderson, Margaret Men- ser, Clyde Darr, Nannie Bittner, Car- rie’ Ogline, Pearl Glessner, Lenore Gale Weigle, Elmer Heiple, Harry Meyers, Harry Ash. Lower Turkeyfoot Township. Charles R. Henry, Sculiton, Mary Lingenfelter, Nora E. Morrison, John Rose, Ethyl Sylbaugh, Ralph Rose, Sadie :' Pyle, Bell Ream, Fay Rush, Mary Moon. Meyersdale Borough. W. H. Kretchmtn, Supervising Prin. H. B. Weaver, Rena Lauver, Estelle S. Broadhead, Thomas G. Arnold, F. Maud Beck, Mary B. Piersol, Edith Wilhelm, Mayme Forquen, Pearl Hay, Ellen Lint, Hester Meyers, Regina Reich, Hester Austin, Eleanor Lepley, Mayme Platt, Emma Hostetler, Beat- rice K. Weigle, Lucile Conrad, Martha Diest, Frieda Daberko, Kate Coule- han, Ruth Stahl, Pauline Grof, Ger- trude Cofforth. Continued on other Galley .Middlecreek Township Ira Z. Sanner, Rae Mognet, Bernard of Elosteiter, .C., M. Hostetler, Harvey Q.: ' Dugan, Cloy Moore New Lexington. Milford Township: b Ina “Ankeny, Fleda Schler, Milton Bowlby, Galen Meyers, Ernest R. Mil. ler, Olive Koontz, Zelia Saylor, J. L. Moog. i hu 2 Baltimore Borough. Frank R. Coder, oY, ‘Northampton Township Ruth Bittner, C. B. Bittner, Ruby Poorbaugh, J. E. Wernes, Nora Keef- Ogle Township a C. Beagley. ‘ ~ Paint Borough, 'P. W. Shaffer, D. G. Seese, Ella Bea- Bes, Francis Hill, Mae Miller, Etta Shober. Paint Township Ruth Hammer, W. R. Thomas, Sar- ah R. Frulinger, Ruth Eckel, Clarence E. Naugle, Ruth M. Faust, J. D. Mey- ers, Violet Shearer, Vivian Berkebile, Luther Lehman, Carmon D. Seese, Fred W. Yoder, Margaret Aldstadt, George Seese, Merlo Johns, Freda M. Stahl, A. G. Foust, C. S. Knavel, Lau- ra Hayes. Quemahoning Township Paul Custer, Florence Canivan, J. Ww. Mostoller, Marie Bowman, Luna Sleck, O. S. Miller, Florence Custer, May Miller. L'urry Croyle, Anns Bai- May Miller, Harry Croyle, Ania Bar ron Marian Maurer, Ursula Naugle, Martha Dull, Mary Miller, Bessie Su- ter, Edythe Miller, James Smith, Ger- trude Shaffer, Mary Menser. Rockwood Borough H. S. Wolfersberger Principal. E. D. Snyder, Ruby Harbaugh, Ethel rork, Bessie L. Moore, Clara Saylor Salisbury Borough 0. 0. Saylor Prinsipal. C. E. Butler, Marguerite Miller, Car- rie Pohnston, Myrtle James, Dorothy Glodfelty. Shade Township B. F.-Lambert, Annie Brubaker, An- nie Small, Hilma E. Ohs, R. G. Lohr, Henry Fleegle, Ada B. Lohr, J. RB. Umberger, J. C. Cassady, L.-K. John- son, E. C. Oaks, N. L. Baldwin, Austie M. Jordan, Leah, Custer, G. H. Berke- bile,’ O. C. Berkebile, Rush Powell, Maud Cable, N. D. Sebring, Grace Hit- eshew, ‘Herbent' Gearhart, Lloyd Gor don, Lizzie B. Koontz. ‘Shanksville Borough George Lambert, Virginia Miller, Somerfield Borough Fannie Brashéar, Edna Tishue, Somerset Borough. Johns H: Fike, Supervisine Prin, H.H. DeLong, Sue’ B. Berkey. lda H. Dia; Clara HE. Shoemaker, Ralpk 1B. Dickey, Mary Hay, Blantcie!Messter, Mildred Bills, Carrie C. Rhods, Mag- dalene, Woy, Bertha J, Cromwell, Ha. ~~ yh dis, zel Kimmel, Jennie Booss, Ruth V, Smith, Blanche S i Ida Rebecca Galla SATISFACTION Beams on the face of the individual who Banks with us. COMPLETE FACILITIES rE. ORg ad PERFECT SERVICE make this a most désirable ‘BAN KING HOME The Second National Bank of Meyersdale, Penna. “HE BANK WITH THE CRIME CLOCK” ° RC pERpEIEn Eni 8OOt—C 2 Somerset Township. C. W. Duppstandt, Principal High School, E. G. Rhodes, Roy Saylor, principal South Somerset. Minnie M. Ridingen, Mary S. Emert, Martht Mostoller, A. PF. Heiple, Alma Walker, Rachael Coleman, Ruth Ross, Oscar Mosgrave, Andrew Vaggo, Ed- ward Coleman, Clayton Rhoads, Geo. Menser, Lottoe M. Sipe, Mary K. Cupp, Sadie Sechleh, George Dickey, M. A. "| Baker, Alverta B. Menger, Hannah Ur- ban, Barl ‘Schrock, Nina Peck, Webst- |’ er Fritz, Orie M. Béabes, Bruce Lichty, Charles B. Long, April May Walker, Nell B. Albright, Elwood Gastiger, Bessie R. Schrock, Minnie Baldwin. Stonycreek Township T, G. Will, I. G. Carver, N. A. Lan- H. K. Glessner, Perry Landis Floyd Beeghly, W. G. Miller, Lester H. Kimmel, Pearl Reitz, Edith Geisel, Carrie Lambert, Marion Lambert, Mary Ringler, Clyde Woodward. Stoyestown Borough. Joseph O. Spangler, Estelle Miller. Southampton Township Bertha Petenbrink, Mary, R. Er- hard, Ida Getz, Nina Getz, Oren Poor- baugh, Summit Township. Ed. Hay, Minnie Swearman, Earl Opel, Florence Smearman, Lloyd Shu- mac, Mary E. Fike, S. C. Witt, Ada Fiké, Frank Witt, May Moore, Anna Miller, John ‘Meyers, Leora Gnagey, Dalton Handwerk, Lester Sipple, Mary Lichty, Alverda Growall, Elsie Shaffer, Nettie Maust. be Upper Turkeyfoot Township. Charles Cramer, Forrest Hall, Mat- thew Younkin, Jessie Henry, L. R. Stoner; Lester Hostetler, Frank Ston- er, Francis E. Wolfe, Mae Zimmerman, Ursina Borough. Carrie Forquer. CONFLUENCE G. G. Gray who has been very ill for several days, is able to be out and around again, The Lutheran congregation are placing beautifud tile in their vesti- bule. The money was earned by the H. W. C. Club girls, comprising the Junior choir, by holding lawn fetes and selling shoe polish ete. Mr. and Mrs. Will Groff, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mountain here for several days, have returned to their home in Meyersdale. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell and family of McKeesport, are amonz those who are boarding at the Cough- anour Boarding house, south of town. H:‘B. Bown, a Baltimore & Ohio: warehouseman, ‘is off duty on account of severe illness, = Constable Ed. Airsman of Boswell, was taken to the Mercy Hospital in Johnstown and "underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad Wed- hesday- announced that, Beginning ad} ‘once; ah ‘embargo would ‘be placed bad | export grain through the ports of Bal- timore. Lack of ships was given as the cause of the embargo, tit f6 from sng oe Ri It is th WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO., fabricants, Furadine Labi e Wax. BIR ACUIYE WORAS =2- D. BH WEISEL -:- P. J. COVER & S0N Esersd ile Pa, Ee that saves rim eyes and andres ron oie Poo oil cannot: this kind of FAMILY FAVORITE OIL She beet off made, the ofl that gives the steady 1 fibentO flicker, nos. little more than joferior frades - Friple-refined: ere in barreis shipped t from ous BURG, FREE £33. aif about TH ari re Driving It Home Let us drive home to you the faci that no washwoman can wash clothes in as sani- tary a manner as that in which the work is done at our laundry. We use much more water, change the water many more «ms‘ uee purer and mores costly soap, and keep all the clothes in constant motion during the entire process. It's simply a matter of having proper facilities. Meyersdale Steam Laundry 2 Economy Phone. or, BALTIMORE & OHIO $12 NIAGARA FAILS AND RETURN 25, Jer. 8, 22 AND OCTOBERG TICKETS G00D 15TDAYS ATTRACTIVE SIDE TRIPS AUG. 11, CONSULT TICKET AGENT FOR FULL PARTICULARS Aug. 3-5t AAA Joseph L. Tresiser Funeral Director and Embalmer Meyersdale, Penna. Residence: 309 North Street Office : 229 Center, tree Both Phones. Sur Job Wera Picessd ve A BALTIMORE 4 OHIO EXCURSION TO CUMBERLAND AND RETURN, SUNDAY, SEPT. 3, 1916 FROM $1.00 MEYERSDALE Special train leaves 11.10 A. ME. Full information at ticket office RN alm Sablon AT