. burg, Md. last Sunday. ©O0G DAYS AND THE RABIES Dog days are here and the officials Hf ive Livesiock Sanitory Board of the Pennsylvania Department of Agricul ture are active watching for any out- Breaks of rabies which may occur, “The season has been unusually free from infection. The public should know that unless a. dog is showing unmistakable signs ©f rabies at the time of biting is snap- Ping at everything within reach, fight- ing with dogs when it has an oppor- tunity, has a pecular bark (sounding as though its voice were “cracked”) ' “Mr, Hughes has pointed out in his | speech with self restraint, but with emphasis, that it is precisely this primary function which Mr.” Wiison’s administration has fédiled to dscharge and that it is. precisély this: point of. ignominy to which he has reduced the nation over which he is president.” Sd blk ddd + A POLICY OF FIRMNESS AND CONSISTENCY NEEDED. 3 of * + The nation “Has no policy of +4 aggression toward Mexico!’ We «+ have no. desire for any part of + her territory. We wisb ber to «= have peace, stability ond pros- 4 perity. We shall have to adopt < a new policy, 8 policy of f{irm- 4 ness and consistwcy through 4+ which alone we can promote an & enduring friendship. We de- 4 mand from Mexico the protec- of tion of the lives and the prop- 4 erty of our citizens and the se- #4 curity of our border from depre- 4 dations. Much will be gained 4 if Mexico ds convinced that we 4% contemplate no meddlesome in- 4 terference with what ‘does not 4 concern us, but that we propose o to insist in a firm an®@ candid o manner upon the performance 4 of international obligations. To 4 a stable government, appropri 4 ately discharging its internation- 4 gl duties, we should give un- + grudging suppért. “A short pe- 3 riod of firm, consistent and 4 friendly dealing will accomplish 4 more than many years of vacil- 4 lation. — From Mr. Hughes’ % Speech of Acceptance. 3 Shhh hdr hhh bd bob AN ADMINISTRATION TOO “CONTENT WITH LEIS. URELY DISCUSSION. 1 do not put life and property on the same footing, but the ad- ministration has not only been remiss with respect to the pro- tection of American lives. It has been remiss with respect to the protection: ofrAmerican prop- erty and :American commerce. It has been too much disposed to be content with leisurely dis- cussion. — From Mr. Hugbes' Speech of Acceptance. deh b bbb bbb P Eta bb bbb bbb bd pad bb ebb ded br bidt Fp fehdohobph eb kbphhb dekh bbb dddpebobobbokek bd KEYSTONE PARAGRAPHS John Runiete, arrested im Carnegie Saturday, suspected of having been cne of the twe men who perpetrated a daylight robbery on the office force of the Pittsburgh Stopper company, has been identified by two Thornburg residents as one of the two men who entered a poolroom in Thornburg the night of Aug. 8 and robbed eight men at she point of revolvers. More than 20,000 officials and mem- bers of the Patriotic Order, Sons of America, in convention in Philadel phia, dazzled Broad street in a pa- rade that eclipsed all former proces- sions. In line were delegations from Illinois, Ohio, Connecticut, Ten- nessee, New York, Maryland, New Jer- sey, Delaware and other states. Twenty-five firemen were temporari- ly overcome by a mysterious gas while fighting a blaze which caused damage of approximately $2,000 to Sell Broth- ers’ tailoring establishment in Pitts burgh. They were carried to the street by fellow firemen and given first aid as they lay stretched upon the side- walk. Vance Reed, twenty-five, is in the Canonsburg hospital suffering from serious injuries as a result of being at- tacked by a horse while he was at work in a hayfield. Reed's left arm was bitten so. severely. that a large bene in it was broken and he was bruised and otherwise injured. Attacked by two men, who beat him with clubs, Tony Cosff of Turtle Creek, died in the Braddeck General hospital from a fractured skull. The attack occurred in a boarding house occupied by Bulgarians and is said to have been the result of a war argu ment. One huhdred and seventy cars filled with steel rails and conaigned to Vladivostok, Siberia, passed through the East Hollidaysburg yards of the Pennsylvania railroad. Thera was, sufficient building material to construct a railroad 100 miles long Warran Shaw, aged #ix, of Altoona, was instantly killed when struck by lightning, and several others were in- jured, during a severe storm which | swept Blair county. Much damage was done to crops and buildings in the southern part cf the county. Oil City council has voted unani- mously to pass on third reading the ordinange providing for the annexa- tion to the city of West End berough. The borough, adjacent to the Fourth population of more than 1,000. Wedged in between a trunk ironing board, where he had when fire broke out on the porch of the residenee of Leonard Kwaterski in Pittsburgh, Teddy Bogacz, aged three, was suffocated before Fireman wit Ham 'D. Murray found him. Morey Qoes to Pa. Military College - Captain Lewis Morey of the Carri- zal skirmish has been detailed as pro- at the Pennsylvania Military college at Chester. The detail is to take ef fect at once. . Seven hundred and twenty-six cases of infantile paralysis have been re- ported to the Pennsylvania depart- ment of health since July i. Four Por and thirty of these cases oc- red in the city of Philadelphia, George Stewart of Bosten was master of the Lqyal Orange Institu- tion in Pittsburgh at the annual elec- tion held just before the session ad- journed. Winifred Chemoski, aged two. daughter of Peter Chemoski of Can- onsburg, was found by her mother in Chartiers creek, drowned after falling into the Stiedm hile playing on the bank. Three men were killed, another's back was broken and several others were injured when a giant crane col- lapsed ‘at ‘the plant of the National Foundry company in “Erie. Charles M. Schwab has retained Henry Hornbostel, New York designer, to regroup the buildings of St. Fran- king is building a palace. Michael McGrew, twenty-four, died from injuries received when a fall of earth fell on him at a new mine of the National Coal company near Can- onsburg. ! “The Sharpsbille Boiler works has re- organized with $50,000 capital to en- . i gage in heavy plate construction work. Shdbdbd bbb bbb bb bd A’ building erected. SOLD DOG FOR COON MEAT Negro Now Sought by Angry Victims of Hoax. Somewhere near Pounding Mill, W. Vd. there is hiding a colored’ citizén, whe is sought’ by angry negroes be cause he killed and dressed kis~dog and peddled the meat aiuong the mem- bers of a eolored picnic party at Dry Fork, represemting it as coon meat. After they diseovered they had par- taken of dog meat, several members of the party became ill; and they have 31 yowed vengeance on tiie perpsirator | the hoax, who. has escaped. 120x170° feet! will be and Nigth wards of the city, has a | fessor of military science and tactics | unanimously elected supreme grand cis coilege at Loretto, where the steel GOING HOME “Surely the ehief (}light in going sway from home is the joy of getting back again,” writes David Grayson in “The Friendly Road.” “I shall never] forget that spring moiain when © walked from the citi of Kilburn into the open country—my bag on my back, a song in my throat, and the gray road stretching straight before me. I remems ber how eagerly I looked out across the fields and meadows and rested my eyes upon the distant hills. How roomy it all was! I looked up into the clear blue of the sky. There was space here to breathe....As the old prophet says, it was a place where a man might be placed alone in the midst of the earth. “I was strangély glad that morning of every little stream that ran under the bridges, I was glad of the trees I passed, glad of every bird and squir- rel in the branches, glad of the cattle grazing in the fields, glad of the jolly boys I saw on their way to school with their dinner pails, glad of the bluff, red-faced teamster I met, and of the snug farmer who waved his hand at me and wished me a friendly good morning. It seemed to me that I liked every one I saw, and that every one liked me. “So I walked onward that morning nor ever have had such a sense of re- lief and escape, nor ever such a feel ing of gayety. ‘“‘Here: is where 1 belong,” I sajd. ‘This is my own country. Those hills are mine, and all the fields, and the trees and the sky—and the road here belongs to me as much as it does to anyone.’ “Coming presently to a small house near the side of the road, I saw a wo- man working with a trowel in her sunny garden. It was good to see her turn over the warm brown soil; it was good to see the plump green rows of téttuce’ and the thin green rows of onions, and the nasturtiums an sweet peas; it was good—after so many days in that desert of a.city—to get. a whiff of blossoming things. I stood for a mo- ment looking quietly over the fence before the woman saw me. When at last she turned and looked up, I said: “Good morning.’ “She paused, trowel in hand. “Good morning, she replied, ‘you look happy’ “I wasn’t conscious that I was smil- ing outwardly. “Well, I am,’ home’ “Then you ought to be happy,” said she.” I said. ‘Im going Tomorrow Tomorrow didst thou say!— Methought I heard Horatio say, To ) MOITOW. Go to, I will not hear of it—Tomorrow! A sharper tis who stakes his penny ‘Against ‘thy pleaty—who' takes thy * "ready €ash ad pays thee nought but wishes, mo} hopes, and promises. Tomorrow! It is a period nowhere to be found In all the hoary registers of time. Unless perchance in the poet’s calen-: ~ dar. Wisdom’ diselaims’ the word, nor holds * society : ratio, father. Wrought of such stuff as dreams are! As the fantastic visions of the evening. Then Stay ‘the present moment, dear - Horatio, wings. Tis of more worth than kingdoms! On! let it not elude the grasp, but like The good old patriarch upon record, Hold the fleet angel fast until he L's ~~ ghee. — Charles Cotton. faemselves. When a woman says she looks like a fright she expects the man to con- | tradict her. And some men never realize how mean: they have been until they run for effice. A man without ambition is like a pan of dough without any yeast to raise it. Some people wear glasses because they ean’ beiieve their own eyes. any business to become a liar. A woman can keep-a secret all right it it 1s a good joke on herself. A lot of people speed up only when they dre on the wrong traek. It is easiest ‘to arbitrate after you have licked your opponent. Water on the brain isnt the result of a thirst for knowledge. Poverty is no crime-—otherwise most of us would be in jail. Of course you mean well but that js a poor excuse. Cupid never attends the funeral when love dies. Luck must be fiminine because it i» #0 uncertain. Many a physically tall man is finea- elally short. The roling stone mever makes an gill fight With those who own it. No, my Ho "is Faney’s child, and Folly is its . And as baseless |“ Imprint the mark of wisdom op its}. And some men are so hard to please: that they are not even satisfied withy, | No man with a poor memory has 8 chest-out feeling of In its perfect mildness, Durham is unique. some, healthful. ment “roll your own’ " with. Teh cock Se nek: it Bl 45% ror FREE SE 0 sweetness and its aromatic fragrance, ! The Smoke of the U.S.A. That snappy, Spirtied fasts of “Bull” propel ina cigarette gives you the quic -stepping, head-up-and- g live, virile ‘Man in Khaki. He smokes “Bull” Durham for the sparkle that's in it and the seis, youthful vigor he gets out of it. " GENUINE BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO “Roll your own” with “Bull” Durham and you have a distinctive, satisfying smoke that can’t be equalled by any other tobacco in the werld. its. smooth, rich mellow- ‘Bull” -For the last word in wholes smoking . enjoy- “Bull” RTT — va fy R Erm Bo Er 1 LL . [ oo on Whey he faa pendence and security. ie Minor Flos of Saving H How are you bearing your burden of econo- ie on save? out of what you earn how much be measure of a man’s progress 1 2? y for the capital of the Home. i - Give your labor a chance to make you happy. Create capital aud surplus ¢ and turn it into inde- This savings department will help this one of the heroisms of peace. interest paid on your money. Citizens National Bank ¢ i “The Bank with the Clock” : "U N DER COVERNMENT \® UPERVISION \\ MEMBER BANK UND, FEDERAL RESER EA €r ry a be pat faathane reo Bagel 8 of powder amok, the: physi- 4 b. In these da % ; : cal valor of the battle-field is the’ ‘most; comtion ig of all. Greater by far are the humbler heroisms Rs of moral courage. + you in 3 per ‘cent. Meyersdale, Pa. [el A ATENTION ALL VETERANS AND VETERANS WIDOWS If the Bill before Congress becomes a law it will’ benefit’ almost ail gol- diers’ widows. Whether you are a pen- sioner or not send me your full name and address. If you are a pensioner givethe full name of your husband, his compamy and regiment, and the numbter-of your certificate. ‘Dolitinew and | ‘will inform you when the Presi- dent gigns the biil and can be of fur- ther service. to you. Veterans inform your friends. H. C. McKinley, Pension Attorpey Meysradals, Pa. " na THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE, J. T. YODER, it Every Farmer with two or more cows : needs a VAL 223 Livergood St. JOHNSTOWN, PA. a. | LETTERS .OF ADMINISTRATION Register: Charles 1. Shaver has re- cently, issued letters of administration in the following Somerset county es- tates: ,: Estate of David J. Miller, late of Somerset; Alexander Launtz, adminis- trator, Bond $4,000. Estate of Albert Chidester, late of Addison township; W. H. Zufall, ad- ministrator. Bond $450. Estate of Frank Baer, late of Jem ner township; Sarah Miller, adminis- trator, Bond $2,500. Estate of William A. Younkin, Iste of Meyersdale; Elizabeth Younkin, administratrix, Bond $1,000. Get. onze, prices ou Job, work. SS RS the Br office | Eigh six inj { was dred b pelin r A Se aeropl: hood o Belge, Amate DEL succes Am helm, on his Web The x f 141,800 oumhe piled 3 and B tion fc partme estima ation,