es omy sera pido rt i va i iam ; — conagen m———— st si i TAME k —— 2? wor y : Vik d ; - WINDOW SHADES —made in 14 varieties, offering a choice for every purpose—at every price BE HR 1 portance of one’s shades. down at a gentle pull. CH HEERFUL windows make cheerful homes. Indeed, it is difficult to over-estimate the im- shades make such a difference—lend suc! and cheeriness and brighter tone to every room. The wide choice of colorings that Columbia Window Shades offer is one of the big reasons for the national popularity that Jhey ex Sales The have style, too—distinctive style. WEAR well — hang straight and smooth — Ti up or The exclusive Col enclosed roller-end is dust-proof and rust-proof. The fixtures are handsomel plated. And the entire shade, with all of the necessary fixtures enclosed and the slat in De comes handily packed, all READY -TO - HANG. ME, For rightly chosen a charm nickel or copper ee eer Hr) EE TTT TT ET LE EE VT id gh iviiller & Collins SALISBURY Pleasure Trip Nearly Fatal. On Saturday a party consisting of Dr. A. M. Lichty and family, Mrs. J. «C. Lichliter and children, Miss Edythe Lichliter, and C. M. Mayor and family ©f town, and Mn. Henry Martin and family of Meyersdale motored to Elk- ins W. Va. and intending to return. ‘Monday evening. But on reaching Fairmont encountered a heavy thund- er and rain storm, yhich caused the ‘roads to be in a very bad condition, and making it impossible to keep the cars from skidding. . = ¥ The Martin car which was driven ‘Dy Fay Lichty, soon turned straight a- cross the road on the verge of a high | bank. The quick action and the he- roic efforts of the men in the party saved the car from going, farther than a few feet backward down the slope which if it had not been done, the occupants of the car would, in all probability have met their death. “They then went back to Fairmont to spend the night and reached honie on “Tuesday evening. Other Motoring Parties. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Schmucker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Win- tars motored from Boswell on Sunday where they spent the day with Mrs. ‘Schmucker’s sister, Mrs. William ‘Dietz, at the Dietz hotel in this place. Mr, and Mrs. John Schramm, Mr. apd Nirs. Menhorn and Miss Mary Musser motored to Frostburg on Sat- aurday where they spent the day. Dr. E. H. Miller and family start- «ed Friday morning on a sight-seeing tour to Washington and other points of interest along the way. Corn Roast. A number of our young ladies spent an enjoyable time on Thursday ev: ening roastting corn near the spring ‘in Chautauqua park. Those present “were Misses Pauline Kann, Nelle ‘Statler, Effie and Florede Lichliter, ‘Romaine Dietz and Mary Reitz. This bit of nature has become a favorite haunt for affairs of this kind which, it seems, the young set enjoy more *than any Chautauqua program. Dinner Guests. ‘ Mrs. Levi Lichliter entertained at a beautifully appointed dinenr on “Thursday evening. The guests of honor were Mrs. George Hay, of Pitst- burg, Mns. Sperry of Wilmerding and Mrs. Robert Johnson of town, Young Ladies Break Camp. Monday morning the young ladies from Elk Lick and Meyersdale who had been camping at Casselman, re- turned to their homes after having spent. a most delightful. week with nature. The cheeks of pink and white are now a robust brown and the young bodies and minds are strength- ened and refreshed by the week’s va- cation. The Girl Scouts hiked out 0 visit them on Wednesday and to review their good times at the same place a few weeks before. Minor Mention "Mrs. FElla Arnold Shick of Long Beach Cal. and daughter Mns. Herbert True of Los Angeles Cal. spent a few days ar the home of the former's bro- ther, Prof. J. C. Bealm. George Trevanon returned home fram Johnstown on Friday. Miss Elizabeth Dannis of McKees- | Misses | pont is visitng her friends Sarah and Mary Beachy. Mr. Frank Garlitz of Pittsburg is spending sevenal days with his par- ests, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Garlitz. Mr. Braum of Pittsburg spent from Thursday till Saturday in town on business. "oy Mrs. Ida Schramm, son Williard, and daughter Mrs. Jonas Lichty re- turned home -on, Thursday after spend- ing a week in Jennings, Md. Miss Nelle Statler left Sunday even- ing for Pittsburg where she will join Miss Grace Brown who left Thursday. They will attend the Fall Millinery opening at the wholesale house, ° Mrs. Schmidt of Uniontown is vis- iting at the home of Mrs. James Hard- ing. Master Harold Webber returned to his home after spending several weeks {at the home of his aunt Mrs. C.8.. | Lichliter,. Towa is visitng his sister Miss, Emma, McClune. Mr. Warren Keller of Pittsburg spent the week-end with his wife and children who are visiting at the home of Mrs. Keller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Levi Lichliter. Mr. Hubert Kann and sister Miss Pauline returned on Sunday to their home in Pittsburg after spending two months with their grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Reitz. Miss Marie Downing of Aurora Ill is. visitng her cousin Mrs. Levi Lich- liter, Miss Downing is a grand-daugh- ter of the late Gabriel and Harriet Miller. Mrs. Milton Glotfelty has been ill for the last week. Prof. J. C. Bealm has also been sick for a number of days. Mns, George Hay returned to her home in Pittsburgjon Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. 'A. J. Daniels of Pitts- burg are visiting at the -home of Mr. Abe Lowry. GARRETT Personal. Dr. R. T. Pollard left Sunday even- ing on train No. 12 for Baltimore, Md. to visit Mrs. W. H. Miller who is un- der treatment in the Joke Hopkins Hospital. ¢ Miss Gertrude Schrock left Widnes: ‘{ day for Donora to resume her school duties; Miss Schrock is teaching His- tory and is Principal of the Firat street school at Donora. i Miss Della Kearney left last week ford where they are Visiting friends and relatives. Messrs. Wilson McIntyre ‘and I. Wagner took advantage of the Excur- sion to Johnstown and spent Sunday with friends at that place. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. B. Carney en- tertained their nieces Miss Sally Hay, of Berlin and Miss Leona. Hay of Chi- cago Illinois from Wednesday till Fri- day last week. Miss Esther Johnson of Huntingdon, - Penna ° is visiting her friend Mrs. James McIntyre at the Merchants Hotel. Mr. W. L. Brant was a Cumberland visitor last Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Lillian Buckman of Berlin, spent a few days this week visiting Rene Brant. Mr. and Mrs, George Hamilton and children of Braddock are visiting at the home of Mr. J. George. Miss Margaret Kearney who was visiting her mother Mrs. W. M, Cle ments returned to her home in Johns- town Sunday. Mr, W. M. Henderson of Mc Kees- port spent Sunday in Garrett. Mrs. Hiram Hostetler and children WARS Fresh from Philadelphia. Sampler Package $1.00 pound 1, 2 and 3 Ib. boxes Fussy Package $1.00 pound 3, 1 and 2 1b. boxes Chocolate Covered Nuts $I 00 poun 3 and 1 lb. boxes Milk Chocolate Assorted $1.00 poun 3 and 1 lb. boxes SOLD ONLY AT COLLINS DRUG STORE, he Rexall Save | EE —— Yd QO Eran. AT RR RR A RR ERC HH 3080S BB EC BOO EC BOOBS BBC ECBOBOB, J AAA A A A A RRR RR RRR ROR A 10 HE BH BE CHOC BORO Mr. William McClune of Towa City, | % | wood; Misses Bess Hady, .Maust at Salisbury Wednesday. with her aunt, Mrs. H. Bohn for Bed- : i ' Rockwood where she and Mrs, Mil "town on Sunday. The Passing Re-mark Sale AT THE WOMANS STORE RR RRR OE HY. good assortment. Five more days of the Re-mark Sale at The ‘Woman's Store. This Sale so far has far surpassed our expectations, There are still lots of extraordinary bargains, with fairly A Special Bargain for Each Day. visited her srbiits w sonnstomn Sun day. | Mr. and Mrs. ‘Henry Bitenod ‘and Mr. ' and ‘Mrs. Wm, Martin spent. Sunday in | | Cumberland. Mrs. B. L. Miller spent. a tow days of last week visiting her parents at Berlin. Ted and George Brant visited at Milford ¢n Sunday at the heme of Wm. Kincaid. Shower for Bride. Last Friday afternoon, Mrs. W.:A. Merrill entertained in honor of her daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Todt Mer- rill, by giving a miscellaneous show- er from two until five. The bride was the recipient of many and beautiful gifts. During the afternoon, games of various ‘kinds were played and a "dainty lunch served. Those present were:—Medames C. 8. 'Claar, A. R. Millen, E. L. Miller, James Brown, M: Bowlby, J. L. Bowlby, U. S. Shob- er, L.A. Phenice, W. L, Bsant, C. Merrill, C. D Fritz, W. M. Kistler, BEl- len Shope, all of Garrett; Mrs.W. Mil ler, and Mrs. Harry Miller, of Rock- Jennie Graves of Meyersdale. Mrs. James Miss Johnson were Somerset visitors on Tuesday. Miss Nell Brant was visiting Miss, Marie Weller at Rockwood this week Mr. and Mrs. Free -of Baltimore spent the Week-end. with friends in Garett. > Miss Verna Brant lungheon given By tioned - the Miss = Florence Mrs. James McIntyre and children, Charles and Clifford and: Miss John- son eft on Thursday for - Atlantic City, Washington, Baltimore and Phil- adelphia, to visit friends. :. Mrs. R. M. Miller’ left Thursday for ler will go to housekeeping: Leo George, Roy Brocht,, Paul Kist-| ler left last week for Johnstown where they are employed in the Cam- bria Steel Works. Mesdames W. H. and Harvey Mil- ler of Rockwood were guests at the W. A. Merrill home last Friday. Miss Emma and Miss Gertrude Schrock; Messrs. Clyde Schrock and and F. M. Free motored to: Johns. SAL MEDICO WILL RID YOUR STOCK OF WORMS —HABEL & PHILLIPS MARRIED IN CUMBERLAND Among the marriage licenses issued HARTLEY CLUTTON CO Meclntyre and guest: Tuesday at Cumberland were: Bar | H. Shanks and Edna L. Bradigan, | rer i \GLENCOE Thelma and Hazel Miller are spend- ing the week at Friedens and Somer- ‘set. t : An anto load composed of Etta Shat- } er, Bob and Alice Webfreck Marion and | Ben Leydig “took in” the Friedens pic nic.on Aug. 19. They likewise “took off” a tire several times Sunday say- ing nothing about “blow-outs.” Mrs. W. H. Bittner spent the week- end at Rockwood and Friedens. ~ Idella Meyers left for Virginia on Tuesday, where she begins fall mill- inery work. Mrs. Harry Love and son of Cleve- land, Ohio, are spending a few weeks with the former’s parents’ Mrs. H. M. Poorbaugh and Mrs. Chas Deist are interested visitors at John Poorbaugh’s of Corrigansvilie; the interest is a grand-daughter. “Babe” ‘Leydig was the guest of Mrs. J. H. Spicer of Cumberland this week. A corn roast in Skunk Hollow on | Wednesday night was given in honor of Olive Ridenour of Greensburg. Be- sides the Rustic Clan, several of the “400” of Roddy, and Glencoe were participants. ° Etta Shaffer and Marion Leydig left Thursday for 10-days’ tour of Eastern cities, the Hudson and Atlantic City. VICINITY OF MEYERSDALE Mr. and Mrs. baby of Jerome spent a few days last week with Mrs. Shawley’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beals. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Miller and Ssog: ter spent Sunday evening at Wilso Saylor’s. Miss Martha Maust, who was wWork-) ing for Ben Bendey’s is now home again, Miss Ida Kinsinger spent Sunday evening at Miltdn Mishler’s. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peck and ar and Mrs. John Beals were busing callers in Meyersdale Monday evén- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lichty spent Sunday at Calvin Tressler’s. Wm. Zimmerman, who was visjting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John, ‘Zim. merman returned to his work with ‘the Bird Bros. Sunday. Geo. Engle is busy hauling | | Props for John Opel at present. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Staub nh fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. James Beals _| spent Sunday at Geo. Beal's. ’ IL Elmer Shawley and of all. of nroral courage. pendence and security. The Minor Heroism of Saving. In these days of powder smoke, the physi- cal valor of the battle-field is the most common Greater by far are the humbler heroisms How are you bearing your burden of econo- mic obligation, - out of what you earn how much do you save? The measure of a man’s progress : is what he sets by for the capital of the Home. { Give your labor a chance to make you happy. ; Create capital aud surplus and turn it into inde- This savings department will help you in this one of the heroisms of peace. interest paid on your money. Citizens National Bank “The Bank with the Clock” MEMBER BANK UNDER FEDERAL RESERVE ACT 3 per cent. Meyersdale, Pa. Wear Palm Light. Stylish—They Fit. ing Cool Mentally. Beach Suits That’s going the Physicians one better; They say, ““Wear Cool, Comfortable Clothing.’’ The Palm Beach Suits are Cool, Comfortable, But they are more than that, They’ re And Fit and Style have got a lot to do with Keep- A suit that loses its shape and good looks, is enough to make any man ‘‘Hot’’ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Faidley and children spent Sunday evening at Summit Mills, BERKLEY Miss Ethel Lowry of Johnstown is visiting friends and relatives at Mey- ersdale and was the guest of Levi Shultz of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Weinstein of Meyersdale spent the week at J. C. Wilhelm’s, : The automobile fever struck Berk- ley once more. Mr. Ed. Sellers purchas ed a new Maxwell touring car. Mrs. Jacob Klingaman and daugh- ten, Martha, and Mrs. James Boyer spent, a few days this week visiting relatives at: Friedens and Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyer spent Sunday visitng, Dr. F. BE. Sass at Boswell Blaine Sellers was seen in our town on Sunday. Don’t forget the festival at Berkley’s Mill. on Saturday evening, Aug. 26. Everybody welcome, OWL'S GLORY/ Jacob -Kinsinger was a visitor at the Harvey Duecker home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bender were dinner guests at Christ Maust’s on Sunday. A large crowd attended the corn ot at Jonas D. Yoder’s on Saturday | and report a good time. , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sechler and Miss Lillie Engle were welcome vis- itors at Christ Maust’'s on Sunday evening. Those who were dinner guests on Sunday aff Peter Maust’s were Ben. Bender and family; Mr. and Mrs, Calvin Rhodes; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 8 | Ringler and Lemon and Olive Ring- ler. Christ Hochstetler who had bean visiting his brother, Solomon S. and relatives for some time, left for his home in Holmes County, Ohio. There will be a lawn fete at St. Paul’s on the Reformed Church grounds on Saturday evening, Aug. 27. LAWN FETE AT ST. PAUL'S. A lawn fete will be held on the [1awn of St. Paul's Reformed Church Miss Erma Bockes spent Sunday at! on the evening of Aug. 26, by two of the John Zimmerman home. Mrs. Mahlon Yoder and children! the organized Bible Classes. Refresh- ments will be for sale, including home Rockwood: Adam A: Snyder, Rock- | Were Sunday gnests of ler parents,’ ‘made ice cream. A cordial invitation wood and Ferne Walter, Somerset, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Failley. 118 extended to all. | Mrs. WELLERSBURG Leroy Shaffer of Pittsburg spent , the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shaffer. S. W. Staley and children, ‘Helen, Thelma and Evelyn, Waynes- boro are spending a two week vaca- tion with the formers cousin Mrs. G. W. Witt and Mrs. Wm. Long. Miss Fairy Lowery of Carrigansville spent Saturday might and Sunday ip town, Mr. G. W. Witt and son Walter were Berlin callers the former part of this week. Susan and Victor Shaffer of Deal spent Friday afternoon in the burg. Miss Nora Stutz left our burg and has accepted a position with Dr. Franklin family in Cumberland. Among those who spent Sunday af- ternoon and evening at G, W. Witts were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Holderbaum, and Earl Kessler of Somerset, Mr. S. W. Staley and family of Waynesboro, Nyna DeHaven of Cumberland, Mrs. Frank Delbrook and three children of Mt. Savage, Ralph Poorbaugh sad. Mrs. Wm, Long. Don’t forget the ‘ Union Sunday School convention to be held in ‘the Evangelical Church Saturday after- noon and evening; try to attend both sessions. Sh WANTS TURKEY ASSESSMENT A turkey assessment should be in force as well as a tax on dogs as the former are often more destructive. For instance: Say three farmers keep flocks of 25 or 30 turkeys and a farmer, living nearby, keeps none, and these about 76 turkeys all get into the last farmer's oats there would be nothing left but straw and that could not be cut. Still this farmer has to pay a high tax on his farm, The turkey is as destructive as the sheep or dog and steps should be ta ken to tax them just the same. A Subscriber. PICNIC AT WHITE OAK The Reformed $8. S. of White Oak will hold their Annual all day Picnic and Social in the evening Sept. 2, Good music on ground every one try to attend. Committee Our Job Werk Pieases “oo ne a —————— LT SR Be ie Sy ! or buckwheat; State Bla Pen Peo Hon. «Commi He is eer Ul they ai -quaint Last northe day th selves highw: ‘Washi Mr. into e the ne -endea ithe pe discha ble off The rest a ‘the hi that v mone; tainly things At ¢ qua / “Theat zation the fc suing Vice Secre Jas. 1 Dr big ¢ of th HIG] BUT ETC