PERSONAL AND LOCAL Bi om — mo C. E. Sander speamt Sunday with friends at Indian Creek... Thomas Courtney cof Boswell vis- jted friends here on' Sunday. Kennedy Price of Uniontown spent Sunday with relatives in’ Meyersdale. Mrs. W. A. Graves left Sunday for Misses Margaret and” “Caroline Dia {eft Sunday for Cincinnati, Oho, wheré'l they are employed, after spending the past five months here with their par- entg, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dia. . Miss Verna Baer spent Sunday and ‘Monday with friends in Frostburg. Mrs. Clair Rosensteel and daughter Beatrice were Boynton vistors : with relatives last week. ‘sundry matters in the Orplians’ Cart! Te would be considered. All negoti- - Action has Tecently been taken on as follows: In the estate of Solomon Baer, late of Somerset township, Jonas L. Baer has been. appointed guardian of Her- manus Baer. M. J. Glotfelty has been appointed wae —u. — i. ANS’ COURT ii Toe YaT St (Hat time ~was-nijourned | with understanding that a compro- ations looking toward this have fail- * &d and the referee wll be asked to fix the compensation. JURORS FOR SEPT. TERM. IRL WORKED 1 MINE AS A MAN CONNED REGULAR ATTIRE OF AN TTT ORT TER PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FIRE; AUTOMOBILE, COMPENSATION AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE W. B. COOK & ‘SON Meyersdale, Pa. : UNDERTAKER ser, W. Va., where she will visit guardian of Miles L. Glotf The following named men have : Re ond Toro forrdaye, | Jr- and Mrs. Ralph KE. Quiliman PEt SAE 0 ] Sottely: ir the boen dfawn Yo Serve as. Jurors. 1oF ITALIAN LABORER AND WILLIAM C. PRICE and little daughter, Sara Jane of | : ¥: late o NOT SUSPECTED Successor to Miss Gertrude Landis of Akron, O.. arrived here Sunday for a visit with her many friends. W. O. Houck spent the first part of the week on a business trip to New York. : , Mrs. Elizabeth Brown of Aliquippa, Nornistown, Pa., are guests at the home of Mrs.Quillman’s mother, Mrs. Jennie Wilmoth. . W. O. Hower was a business visitor | in New York several days last week. | Miss Margaret Lynch of Yourgs. | town Ohio is a guest of her aunt Mrs. is a guest at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson. i “Miss Ethel Ritter of Akron, Ohio, | Bdward Kerrigan of Olinger St. Mrs. Casper Rohman of Cumberland Addison township. In the estate of William ‘Baker, : late of Salisbury, Norman Weimer bas | been ap _.ointed guardian of Vesta and Lester Baker. George R. Scull has been appointed auditor in the estate of Joseph Jacho, late of Rockwood. In the estate of Paul Pakrzywd, late Somerset township, the County Baer, Peter D., ‘Bittner, Harry W., session to convene on Monday Septm ber 11: Grand Jurors Allison, Blaine, liveryman, Windber Atchison, Jos. B. laborer, Berlin farmer, Brothersval- ley laborer, Somerset Borough DID MORE THAN A MAN'S WORK Now Employed as a Domestic in Pitts- burg and Happy in Her New Life. W A. CLARK MEYERSDALE, PA. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CALLS AT ALL TIMES. Beth ‘Phoner W. CURTIS: TRUXAL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, PA. Bo yd, Samuel, carpenter, New Cen- t in) " ’ . % fs spending a few weeks visiting rel- is, Visine Se gn i #29 Trust company has been appointed ., treville : Dubois, Pa—Each morning at 7 | Prompt attention given to all legal friends h d at Berk “sister, Mr, ‘and Mrs nie 1ardi f . o'clock for three years a youthful coil | business. atives and friends here and at Berlin. ~ ‘pb pogorouon returned Mon- | on an © Mary Sutylus. .Deitz, Harry E., Jeweler, Windber Civ t down into the mines at |= Miss Kate Keidle is spending a few | The County Trust company has Hagle, Chas., - laborer, Black, igger went down into days witth relatives in Brothersvalley township. Miss Mary Lou Dom ‘of Connells- ville is visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Klingaman. Miss Mary Gill has returned from a' two weeks’ visit with relatives and day from Rossiter, where she visited relatives for a few days. Miss Estelle Rowe has returned from Frostburg, Md. where she had been visiting relatives ‘and friends. ° . Miss Mary Weakland left on Thurs- i been appointed guardian of Frederick Gilbert, in the estate of Wm. W. id bert, late of Somerset. : In the estate of M. P. Stump; wel of Windber, John S. Miller has heen appointed guardian of Anna Stump, 1s «Grower, day for a few days’ visit with rela- atives and friends at Carrolltown. The . County Trust company has. Emeigh, A. E., carpenter, Meyersdale [Fox, Ed L., clerk, Somerset Borough “Frank. . Charles; farmer, Somerset John A. farmer Addison, Glessner, Jacob, J. farmer, Brothers- yalley . _ . Hartley, Ss. C., "merchant, Meyersdale Jyler, Clearfield County, clad in over- alls, a blue shirt and miner’s cap and lamp. Throughout thé day, until it came quitting time at.4 o'clock this young miner labored hard with pick UHL & EALY Attorneys-st-Law SOMERSET, Pa, end shovel, doing more than the av- erage man’s work. The young miner was known as MISCELLANEOUS. GROUND HOG COAL—J. L. Bittnes friends in Chambersburg. been appointed guardian of Mary Hauger, Chas. J., painter, Meyersdale “Joe Ricatone,” from sunny Italy. thas opened up a new place for min-. C. E. Crone, storekeeper and gau- | ger at Broadford, spent Sunday with his family on Meyers avenue. - Dr. Mary Naylor has returned to her home in Pittsburg, after a few: days’ visit here with Mr. and Mrs. ‘W. H. Klingaman, © Mr. and Mrs. A.-C. Gauntz and two children. returned Monday from a bo: Paul D. Clutton of Hartley-Clutton i Co. of the Women’s Store , and Miss Wood and Milton §. Horner, in the Hauger, James w., farmer, Brothers- estate of Solomon H. Horner, late of Jenner township. | In the estate of Conrad Bruck, ps fof. Allegheny . township, Attorney. C.: L. Shaver has been appointed aud!- tor. Inventories and appraisements haye : been filed in the estates of Warren wr, Many Dixon, head clerk in the suit department, are in New York City this week, laying in a line of fall | ‘ goods. Mrs. Reon Hillegag returned from New York on Saturday after seeing her husband depart for Cuba. "Mrs | valley: a Miller, A. Kent, real estate, Somerset - Borough _Mishler, Chas, farmer, Northampton’ O'Connor, ‘Wm. J, farmer, Jenner Ogline, James R. farmer, Lincoln Opel, Henry J, farmer, Elk Lick ' Shaffer, Sam’l L., farmer, Somerset: Bright and happy of face and dispo- sition, always ready to engage in a frolic or in a fistfight if occasion de- manded, “Joe” won a place in the hearts of the other miners, and was not only regarded as a good fellow, but a friend whom they. trusted and ing the famous Ground Hog Coal at Glade City. He has erected a platform and a chute and is prepared to serve the public at all times as he main- taihs a supply on nand. Get his pric es. admired. Clean cut and handsome, broad ' of ‘spoulder, deep of ‘chest, powerful, yet ~~ 1890 1916 You can send wool and t Hillegas will temain here with - he get any of week’s visit with relatives and friends Sn we ana id Michael Hole a Sufall, late of Somerset township; Sides, Christian, carpenter, Meyers- | graceful, and with a voice of deep |the following made, also for sale— t D Tr. 8 es, William P,’ Ringl : a 7, !| Iiallan sweetness, “Joe” was a figure | in Pittsburg. for about six weeks when she wiil 8) ngler, late of Coufluen- ~ dale i iV of ritireat m tho Hille Sie town’ Home-made woolens, batting for 71\ Mrs. Chamles Fernser and three 7 ce; John Wagaman, late of Meyers- Smith, Ed.” laborer, Stoyestown: |, oi Interos > Eg comforts, cushions etc. Blankets <hildren left for her. home in Wash. 0 Cuba. “dale W, B. Patchin, late of Boswell; Tor F Jolt: "eer. T Sowertetl ya yer suddenly, one day Tecently, 14, els for skirts, sh : : . The Livengood mill at Boynton cg . pey, os 4 “Joe” decided to give up the mining 3 , shirts, underwear ington, D. C. Sunday after a few lapsed a few days ago from the Isaac Ankeny, late of Hooversville, Petit Jurors for September Court” | ‘fife ‘and try something ‘ ‘else. - There and dresses, hose, carpets rugs, yarns weeks’ visit herg;:with her mother, a ft os of age) If has beer: alan and’ Ww. H, Trimpey, late of Uppe: Beerits, Rober, E., aierenant, Somer: | “sere brothers to'be consulted, and af- for weaving and knitting, all plain Mrs. Emma Younkin. 3i% Tor the last century. It is to . Thrkeyfoot township. set ‘Borough : 1ter a family ¢ouncil: it was decided |and fancy, wholesale and retall, F. W. Plock and family are.leaving. Hob SF tlie Yemaine.. will not eit the estate of Hnlda Bit ner, late - Berkey, Ernest Li, FR + Jentier ‘that “he” should ‘don‘''a’ woman's wig; Lemuel R. Barkley, Somerset, to-day. for.lilinois. where they expect oo. IE TE Of. ‘Hooversville, Daniel Shafer has ‘ Boer, “Boden Ej; Tarr) Brothers: | and feminine attire and go: to Pitts pa. Cook Wollen and Hoslery Mills, a and to live and where the most of their A en general . smisrclgnlise Short. » n appointed gunrdie: 1 of Ruth E.° ‘valley = Yon’ hit fi to fu sottie other kn of. Sh 6-—22.8¢. : a new. i (hs iy a men bed tin uthe relatives-aredooated.. = .i.? sul. will be apened in the building formar ner. ‘ Barron,” Jacob; retired Somerset |. Dp Por "Joo" ia girly te bn DENTISTRY. eo of di- Mr. and Mrs: | "‘Mlton ° Gnagey - and ly Stcupied b hast’ Te Kel. he aiditor’s, For t has been: con: Brown, '.John! R.,! laborer, Salisbury |: io 1 Mod d ¢ nildren. 1 ft S tik “for ” y Gccup y. Englehart’s at Marke firmed in th a t : : er "She. {aa ‘beautiful’ ghet too. ‘She’ Dad ern dentistry eliminates the inst you. - Wo C ren, ef al lay fo ‘6st (on, Mr. Englehart; ‘h aving. sold .. his e es te 0 Georx 8 LE. Me: “Baker, ‘Samwél, farmer, Ek Lick | eo me {6 America ‘to wii fer’ fortune, dread of havng your teeth extracted, AGNER, Milton, Ohio, where they, will ‘spend entire stock. to A. J. Sembower, who jntyre, late of Ali: eis Twp. “Gover, ' J. N. Merchant, Meyersdaio | 2 ire’ of $2.50 & day ‘tn’ the | crowned or filled. Sheriff. several weeks with relatives- fart, Tae moved the same to his own build. In the estate of Jos. Grugh, late of “@arr,. Martin, ' miner; deg 7 too ‘strong for an ambitious work. I also treat and ton to 118 Miss Annie Koontz of Venice, Cal, mg. The new firm will be known’ as | ndber, an order of sale has ‘been : Coldfiesh,: Jol: ' farmer, Lower Tor ge ‘physique. 'To catfy ‘ofit'her | gure Pyorrhea, Riggs Disease L is the guest of her umole and aunt the Markelton store Coaipary. awarded’ J b_Zimmermgs, guardian; : kéyfoot - Biv +! "plans, she donned the Tegdlatién’ at- loose, springy, bleeding gums ON Mr. and, Mrs, W.. Te . Hoblitzelt of Mey- John /Faubel of Galittrnia, of gent. 4 , Accounts f._administrators, execu- Eash, Tobias, fasion: Coneriiah oy xf the 1 Italian’ laborer and’ applied sot too Tar Sdvanced, ” IN. 7 ors Avenue.. "0 al disposition, who has reth red tro . tors ete, ‘have been confirmed in the: Glotfelty, Albert, farmer, Elk Lick | at the I es for, ‘work.’ She’ Bot JE read- 1 specialize oi Crown d B FE Mr. and r, Alien returned following estates; Daniel 'W. Dum--Glotfelty, David, farmer, Elk Lick ly enough, and during the tii de years and Bridge a: brothers, Messrs. J. F\ and Philip late of “Boswell; Jacob” Speigle, late’ ‘Heffley, ./, Sh A, labore : Berlin to . # EA tn struck’ th i te of t ; she drank her glass’ of Beet wcroks the don Rotel, of Broadway!’ 71 * Hay ee at’ a x of Jenner township; Simon J. Glo* -Hershherger, Amos, ‘tamer, + Cone- | par, smoked “cigarettes with the ease For Sale—<-A Summit Fangs. practicat ndent a- : MymoMinnje | Hudson of _ Gumbert ing the storm Thursday o Bs felty, late of Addison township; Geoii: maugh.-o.. i of long. ratio, and “chiitted, laughed ly new. Oscar Gurley : an tend, visited ot the home of: her. S18 gia alight damage. ARE he arms. =, Meintyre. Tate of Allegheny Tw My Clinton, barber, Streetly For. Sale—Ford Autos—First or Sco Det LY: Gs »RBussel Hoblitzell, of 3. ye tne lange barn or-wWillem Berk: Marys ae sey. pe | Hooyeravilfe;s Just, Cyr ar tek | gig. hand. ‘Apply to Fd. Hemminger- re. A - § Side eumay. Deva 83 oy Ld +4 late { I im 0. b : 3 Bae hing of Paint township, wes Hiréd by, 1 Weigh A uray aa {or:0. L. Piet... nber 11, ; i esta ‘a bolt of lightning and ~ entirely de- $a et Np To Po nN EVES’ SE Liroyed, Tho barn wey fled wih thls ao EEL a Ke Pr . ". % m lis. "year's Barvest and it too was destroy : Eh a Ti traily located, mo ow sau gms ot so ai CU Vy 1 ee Se : poly a. This On Ee of a. a8 43° Nha EEE dtifstéwn 53 ~~ Prancis Tressler, late’ 61 'tonfluencs, 1 omerset; ce. she | i inst you, Moy Fae doa song Uhder the Futhig of thé Wir Depart- i E amd oo ar dle IAG "Aen i] dhe E ort 6 okt Fook ment the nie’ 1 {iE Femiavivatia: "0 Hudson C. Shot, “Yeve $f Boswell ; oe Be for r RéWES'A good u Sheri. © Y ¢ heme w “uncle 85d aut, -, Man 4 gyviston whose* “terns to -enlistufent In ‘the estate of” Barnhart’ “Milles, Jos. Marie Sons ; | fear ‘dehter of wid a 4 Fn . rs. Mu J. Livengood. expire “Will not. be mustered out; but ‘late of JhRer township an order-of ’l BOVINE pibiter, ( Jeitereon | £8 {| water did’ bath. ‘ReéasonkbiE Rie. Sa rE OS Saas TORO r i : |. Sale’ has ‘beet ‘Continued. habe RY We tdrmers it: sMindouiy Kos". ool wor, ahi A 3 Roly at Tomméralal Offic: Hi oh nah will be sent hoseion furlpugh ‘as mem- Attorn * Hh owi tid SridrRer igeln, “ipasnter, iv! ci BlabW tiagy woman of Bs auia and Eicon ih bi : Eh ; ert returned home Sunday from Vis , 4 the reserve. men, will | Attornéy Colborn ha F tyakbe was direeted fo loch All night “MU F . iting! Trieniid ‘and brelatives in Mt. = Fre These, i n*‘dhpointed auditor in the estutd' Mo Mowiy, Wiki, wobdion: Nisdlecr pi Bm, RRAY AUTO SERVICE: ? i“ . age, Md. have their transportation paid and will, us) iin GainBait” late or BoYwell! MECIiRE, rphol Hg. deters Bewwpil| on Tn ED I i.e © er | e-Twise, Dally Batwetn Miers. eries J, AMIS TRAN Kins wlio ‘spent bens } Sonam SURE py Er In the estate of Jacob SpelEld, whe Ober, “Jams Cipmpnnr Quesnahoning | ong ond; apd; $hird . Bi dy whbn, the ls am Somerset. Via,. Berlin, past four weeks visiting in James: ~S4bloet. RE TLC the Trop of Jenner. township... Attorney, Joh IpnghskRe! “Al MEbettred; Windbier | fourth: ieyen She. ede she | Loaves ee) Sta! ‘Meyersdale at: ymers at town , N.. Y,.Cantopn and, Younes. co G- Ogle has been appointed auditor. Bile, “John W.'. faiiey, ‘Stomycreel, rgight as well: haye & com ortabl © bed, 3 . and at 3.p, m. ries, Ex- ‘town, Ohio, has returned. home... .. TRG it Teh 4 Se sv abl 8, County any Company had’ “pitfiipe;’ Chas, Merchant; Meyersdale | =o she took the, Women Tato ner con- by Semeratt at ik es need Andrew; Harhot,, of. neat. Willigms- j al gp bean sprinted ‘guardian of Ivy and RiGads, Earl 8 undertaker, / .Jenmer | fidence. 49:80 a.m. ‘aid at $:30 p.m... died last. Friday. fromthe. result | 0 “Joe's” rgal name of course, Is Jose- |For further particulars. Inqulfe of - oung or. portis the . guest of his. _son-ip-law, i 5 Alfred Keim; in the estate: of. Sadie Refber, AW. TH. laborer, Conflugnce "20 ves nq [0 young ors ) breathing ‘hot air at the tine, of $hE, » ) : Fine. gle 4s ars old and is n MORRIS MURRAY, - Apply at and . daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. 3 ‘barhifig ot fhe family homes {i Thomas, Keim, late of. Conemaugh. Romesburg,’ Mahlon, +minister, Garretly: employe x = Te stic ‘th ‘Pittsbu si Eo : Swisher, of Meyers avenue. 2 ¥ eeks 3 0. The ¢hild dd ih thy if eS HT “the estate of Israel -- J. ‘her, Specht,’ James’ Dy i Quémahony: 2 d te pepted’ a Ad Hd ApDY | ‘in ‘Her how Central Hotel — —Meyersdale, Pa. - 2 4 e oT Rd ed ww whH sui E) . : d Cakes; Mrs. Rosa Meyers, Mummau- of Mo: edo dat ae i ad, nearly destno boo ft’ of SHmerset] ‘Attorney 1" W. rr woman. She still’ wears her NAILLESS HORSESHOE vays give , bile. Ala, and Harrisburg is the, guest. lungs." The funeral was: held on Biesecker has been appoihted additor ers,” Ai, ‘Beant, tionchatit,’ Some wig, he ‘her hair 15 ‘growing fast; and A Patent ns 5 ® 3 Sak ar of her cousin, Miss Ada Meyers. Mrs. | Sindéy. The tari! 1 in vde tite Kitorney FE. “5. Kose Tad" been ap” S57 get Borotgh wit at doth Baw wey F lgaen ‘she will ‘he able: to dppedr in: her H, Mil pl een. granted to John h; it will Mummau, is the. daughter of the Hom. ' oo ~~ y fool b Ba te patted ‘uditor it “the estate of Dan’ “Snitth, H.' Py; farmer, Northatnplcr natiral ‘way. ‘AB a’ “boys she was. Horse on a town for a Naess 3 B, F. Meyers of Harrisburg, and a Feutnstanoss, : Jel \W., Dumbauld, Iate, of Middlecreek ‘Spangler, ‘Franklin,’ farmer Quem: dsome, and’ as ‘a girl,’ she is also shoe. The object of the Inyen- | One of the worst hat rain and’ y ai% na “of good appearance, though: her hands [tion is to improve the construction of 3 a repeat niece of the late, Gen. Wm. H Koontz ‘township. "honing ‘ wind storms of years passed ONer . yo 1. ociate of Ralph M Heo Swither. Jaiiies s; retired; Somerset ‘are those Of @ man and the muscles [the horseshoe and to provide a sim of ifs mer of Somerset: Conemaugh township, in’ the neigh: 3 es Si axalh cHeury, i 4 of her arms are like a blacksmith’s. ple and practical horseshoe of inex- Herbert Collins, who spent a week od" of th Quemaliontn aa fate of Windbe an order. ol sale las Borough | “I "However, she seems to be none the | pensive fonstruction. ad i D IN SA- % - here visiting at the home of his moth- betweeh or el % o'clock ay “ben award. ws Vindber Trust Cc Saylor, Wilson, fariner, Summit Worse for her threw years in the mines, Seadils applied 0 08 Aa te an /ANTAGE er, Mrs. B. B. Collins, left Sunday for| ..:\. Great damage was done to CN. Jeffrys has been appointed * Shaffer, James A. G., farmer, Summ? | ;pq she look§ back upon her time | =o oe ois and 98 Be hr his home in Pittsburg. ay *_.. guardian of Mar Bird in th Sipe, J. 14 painter, Jenner | ghent there as the happiest days of MOF, an crops and fruit by the wind and. hail: # ar y E, Bird in the os: can be put on oven bY 8 boy. Thiz is . D. F. Mason, man of the Dull 4 ein oh Stahl. Henry, laborer, Quemahoning | her life. She weighs 155 pounds, and y y. s& is * 10 cents. , PF, ) ager e | Squire Kore Kauffman, of Davidsville ate of Ellen S. Bird, late of Addison for sale. Apply to John H lie, I : Mercantile C tor in this! e 2 i i : Walker, . Preston, farmer, Summit | is built like an athlete. » ply to n H. Mille, In- bron : ay a ® | stated that limbs and twigs of apr'e $SWIShiD. : : ? : ventor, Meyersdale, Pa. R. D. No 1 cents. locality, left Sunday for = Chicago, ...s were cut off by the hail and that In the estate of Michael Ryan; late Woy Hw, cogtnaciorn Somers 7-27 tf. y 1 1i LE FOR 48 YEARS 25 cents. \ combining business and pleasure in .in many instances the trees were sn: of Meyersdale, J. H. Bowman has Weyand, id J., sa nen Bo KEPT APP . 5 ‘cents, tue, 120 i thusie. smves wid Deen appoifited ghardlian of Mavberer.™ Toor, Chistian, mmeh Somer i cecnts, J. M. Gnagey, secretary of the At- .. . mpe large bank barn of Josiah Foley. ) Stuck Cloves in it, Says a Philadelphia FOR SALE—A second hand automo- lanti 1 f Ham i bile, Five Passenger Car, in first cla 25 Somes. ne el ray him his gaufman was fired by lightning and The Somerset Trust Company. ha3 Seottizh Soup Weman condition, cheap. Any one or oap for 25 > e farm. |, . iy destroyed along with its con- been appointed guardian of Jesse L. ? Philadelphia, Pa.—The record of a 10 cents. Mr, Osea . ‘home Sunday, from Atlantic City dnd “Cumberland, whee’ they had “been. spending sone weeks- Rev. ‘Father’‘Charled’ Reich, of “Al‘: bang, Georgi, is tholguest. of. ‘his | "his niece, Mrs, D. H. Wefsél, the lat- i i i Be — hig a she S100 > pauld, late of Middlecreek’ township; : Marie Reitz, ‘late’ of. ‘Somerset town.}; r ‘having. ‘visited Mr. Faubel at his cet; eg home on. her str il a ‘sum se “Catherine Fisher, late of Stony- iHoekingy.: creek township; John M. Gambert, « .creek » Geo: H.; aeal ; =Meyaraiale 3 AG . farmer, , Milford Hillegash, ator. Js tamer, Stony- ‘operator, in the mines ‘she did the ‘regular work required of the men ‘by Ber didé, and at np time was her sex suspécted. “© During ‘her’ letsure “Hours + joer ; .loafed with the ‘men’ and’ Wak a" FéBu | lar patre at the local’ ‘gHlobii} where H E GETTY MEVERSDALE. PA J ee ‘FOR SALE—Tent 7X7 nearly ‘new. Will sell at a Bargain. ' Theodore MERVINE, 108 Centre St. = «i Mrs. J. W. Walsh, of Cumberland, spent Wednesday with her sisters, | tents. ! ——— | Albrifht, in the estate of Jesse bright late of Summit township. Al- For cight persons use a good sized eek, trim and wash it and cut it inte Julierne pieces onc inch long; saute in York woman in. preserving applies for 29 years has been exceeded by Mrs. ting the purchase of a car, will do Well to investigate this offer. Inquire » 15 cents. The Misses Coulehan, : ; 2 coos ! Ida Cooper of this city. i ‘at this office.. §—22—3t* Toanut Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leddick of {FOR SALE—Registered Percheron In the estate of George Reitz, late pte until 4 1s 8 defionte Drown, hes Mrs. Hewson has an apple: that 1s Sin Tig, Marysville, Pa., are guests at the home | Stallion, did weigh about 2,000 Ibs. of Somerset township, Attorney John Sid three Bo OE = a (8 years old, she says. It was given {0 | A yTo FOR SALE—30—H. P. Road. of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, [Imported in 1900. Won first prize at G. Ogle has been appointed auditor. Da Dr end 4 third of b cap ee ody yous on i Phd ster; this is a Classy car, fully equip NER Jacob Opel. Cumberland fair. Will do service un-| Compensation Referee Snyder, of of pearl barley. Let all cook slowly Dow. ie preservation, due, | Ped and in the finest shape. The Mrs, John Lenhart of Somerset, and | til sold. Apply to LUKE HAY, at 413 Altoona, was in Windber Friday sif- tcgether for two hours. Just before | i+ jo said to cloves. price is so low you can not afford Mrs. William Lenhart of Pittsburg, Main St, Meyersdale, Pa. 3t* | ting in Attorney F. A. Millitt’s office serving thicken sli hily with two Mrs. Cooper explains the curiosity to miss this bargain. Inquire at this radale. Pa are guests at the home Gf their rela- io the case of J. A. Hoagland,” who ounces of mel'ed I and flour rub |, this way. As a child she was fond | Office. tives, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Deal. | was killed last April in Mine 40. The hed to a cream. Serve very hot with of sticking pins in apples. Her mother WANTED—PROPOSALS To Oil re toast squares. ] Miss Mae Diehl, the milliner is to |Front and Salisbury ‘Streets, Meyers. | Rearing was a continuance of one held q eo ag her to Ins clove 20 oe be EXCHANGE AUTO pend the rest of the present month at | dale 18 feet wide, a distance of 1800 in Jape. bagiend was employed at : Apple Crisps S np tre ml » —Will give a 1912 Overland car with rst Cumberland, Washington, Philadelph-|feet; Oil used must be of a good ” or Soe me on was fue oF, This recipe requires eight applee (or ; She kept this up until the apple was all new gearing for small car. Apply iiotsniess ia and Atlantic City, leaving to-mor [quality of road oil and put on four | & ow days later was ré-hired. He 7 quart), a teaspoon of cinnamon, a covered with, cloves. Then’ she. put it at this office. di : TOW. ; barrels to 500. feet, subject to orders was killed after working three days. half cup of water, one cup of SUBAT, 7 | 5 ,y, and it has ‘been in the. faxily. igestive Mi of street committee The company does not disclaim Ji- half cup of flour and five tablespoons | . or since. ATTRACTIVE HOME ON of serious - , » Miss Evalyn Leckemby is back home Bids recsived y t8 ; ability, the ‘only question in ‘dispute of butter. Butter a fireproof dish and I MEYERS AVE. FOR SALE disordered following a visit at Pittsburg . and up to 8 p. m., AUG | the amount to be paid. Hoagland fill it with . the apnle water and cin? Triplets Added to Fifteen : le family West Newton. pond, 1818. it appears made higher wages during ramon, mixed. Work together the oth- G lle." T __mriplet Weare House No. 109 Meyers Avsiye, Jor —MTriple endable — Miss Helen Francis Collins of North Council ressives the! - Fight to reject hig first employment than during the 7 ingredients mixing them gently with a : Mas “Fitts ont of Merly the H. S. @lgmsner Property: 9 St. has invitations out for a luncheon any or allbigs. : bate The company contends that the fingertips until crumbly, then Gainesville for several "years. She al- Ton Snve. _ Splendid bargain. inquire vi S at one o'clock on Thursday in honor BORCUGH COUNCH | compensation should be based on the spread over the apple mixture. Bake ready was the mother of fifteen chil- a is ones. | of he sister Miss Irene Kalbaugh Col E. J. Dickey, Sec. h 30 minutes uncovered. Serve Ww d all living and healthy. The trip- ast wage scale, not the average of 1: ..q cream or lemon sauce. ren, g ay. lins, whose marriage to Mr. Deforest : what he had. received when he had . ey i lets are healthy and will live. The Children Ory ve. W. Ludwig of Pittsburg will be an FnR. SALE—AUTOMGBILE Ir Sef offier ‘work. In June,’ the 'reféree ~~ Tt will be found convenient to keep T1002 fs ano 40 yosrs Sig and the | FER FLETEEER . fy ad . /era ars . i ri py made bc.. 280 event of early October; siass condition. !ncutre 21 this office. heard the facts in ‘the case The hear- a timepiece in the kitchen. Jahier several years» & i tS < 2 i a
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