The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 27, 1916, Image 5

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    2 in Di
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7 morn-
wr ean ge few: of ‘her lady
a attending | Vo “business affairs
- spent Sunday here a guest at the
" J. Ebbecka of North street.
Waists at
closed out at
A alin
A beautiful line of Ladies’
1800. *. . “ 17.50
12°50 66 66 6.25
A number of Ladies’ House Dresses at
$1.00 Corsets will be sold during sale at
All our $1.00 and $1. 25 white and
striped Skirts will be sold for
A nice selection of Ladies’ Hats will be
Mens S Straw Hats at Half Price
Boys’ Suits at Reduced Prices
Th Sale starts July 29 and lasts until August 12
39¢, 79c, $1. 90
The entire stock of Ladies’ Suits in gaberdine,
poplin and shepherds plaids, will be sold athalf price
$18.00 suit for $9.00
39c¢, 90c¢
50 ea.
o i ‘
dort ge
Miss Zella
miley returned ré-
; for the last four"
i a few days ago. i
JA Matthias home, on Sunday.
Shoe ant ‘Chas. A. Dia is
* Pitsburg a couple of days this Week.
Miss Velma Stein spent Saturday
and Sunday ~ with Felatives and
friends in Salisbury. ° 4
Mise Ollie Phillips of Fairmont, w. |
Va., is here for a few weeks’ visit
with relatives and friends. ..
Next to the Post Office
ee c. Smith ahd son, Edward of Coal Run following .a drunken row
were guests at. the John Tew days, ago adjusted. their differen-
te ot oe of Fr- wtburg, spent Fvera: days
here visiting their - ‘pisther, Mrs, Har-'
‘vl Staub. 2% the, ho ne ofh-- (daugh-
ter, Mrs. Lydia Countryma,
'Gumberldnd ‘mote here | ‘Sunday |,
: cent y. fn ‘a two ‘weeks’ visit with” Mr. Valentine returning’ Home the, Ww. Va, has been.
_ relatives in. . Pittsburg and Clairnton.
> & Miss: Glare Stacer,’ ‘who<had ‘been’ in
‘same. evening, 'whilé Mrs. Valentine
will'remain ‘for a-visit at he home of
-her brother; R. D.:Pfabler.
Frank Polit and Adex: Drabioh; at
ces before "Squire Hay on Tuesday.
They felt better after paying. all costs.
E. J. Gamtz, driver “for Reich &
Son, RL undergong, a siege of. typhoi
fever. “His condition is not regarde
by. hig. Physician, Pr, Large, as criti:
: cak- Gain
“Miss ‘Gora Knepp,
whe “several
weeks ago was hurt in an ‘automobile )
accident and had been in a Cum
fer end Mra, A: J. ‘Brieg: -
Se oe pr pm
oh ann
on the vacation trip ‘are, spe lathe
some time with Editor. Livengoot and
‘wife, Miss Mabel . lenry and Miss
| Frances Livengood were gchool mates
i” Mr. and ‘Mrs. Clarence Valentine of in, California.
.Mrs.. Urine Smith, of Morgaslows.
Visiting: at the ‘home
of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs,
Sieh] for tae past week. She left ‘Mon-
day for Berkley . Springs where she
will visit ‘her brother-in-law and sister
+P, Dewitt, of: ‘Scottdale .s and,
dag. Miss Irene arrived in Mey-.
ersdale on Saturday to Visit at . the.
home’: of the former's father-in-law,
Jno. H: Lepley; Salisbury street. Mrs.
+ DeWitt had been visiting lier parents
:'for'’a week preceding the arrival or
Her daughter and-husband. On Sunday:
the visitors returned home,
Mies Mame Lynch of Punxsutawney land hospital. taking treatment, i= 5% a has mew Bll:
is visiting her friends, Miss Regina turnel home Saturday greatly improy- ore fo consult a specialist about Mr.
Reich and Miss. Mary Foley
Hoblitzell’s ~ health, returned home
Miss Mary W.ill has returned home! Mr. and Mrs. James Cook had for Ser i the. condition of .; Mr.
after a few weeks’ visit with relati- ‘their guests on Sunday the former's IloPlitzell is very encouraging. His
ves and friends at Addison.
brother and his wife, Prof. and Mrs.
many friends hope he will soon be
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Houck returned Calvin Cook of Pittsburg. Some years Bile to be at os offies and will be in
recently from a trip to Phladelphia, 280 Prof. Cook was a teacher in the NS Usual good healt
Atlantic City and New York.
.Meyersdale public schools and has
Miss Florence Floto, daughter of
Miss Myrtle Ferner of Akron, Ohio many old friends here who are always Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Floto, who sever-
is here for a few weeks’ visit with rel-
atives and friends.
Mrs. John Smith of Salisbury has Bishop, of Pittsburg, were guests at Several
been spending a week here as the
guest of her sister, Mrs. William Rob-
W. H. Deeter arrived home on
Monday from a trip to West Virginia
'glad to see him,
Mrs. Brainard Bayliss and Mr. Jno.
the Misses Hocking home Sunday.
Mrs. Bayliss formerly resided in
| this place when she bore the name
of Miss Sada’Hocking.
Mrs. John Hewes and little daugh-
al years ago went to Akron, O., where
they have since resided, is here for
weeks’ visit with relatives
and friends. Before returning home
she will visit in Berlin and Rockwood.
Mr. and Mrs. John Darrah recéntly
visited their daughiter, Miss Rose, who
is in training in a hospital in Balti-
where he had been looking up his ter of Chilicothe, O., are guests at the more,
lumber interesgs. 0
Frederick Collins, who is attending,
a business college in Pittsburg, visit- |
ed at the home of his mother, Mrs, B,
B Collins on Sunday. -
Miss Daise Ebbecka of Pittsburg
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mrs. Mary Harding and Miss Mae
Wilson of Pittsburg came up Sunday
“and spent the day visiting the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wil-
Coal operators in this séction are
complaining of a shortness of car
supply. They have because of this
of late been unable to fill their or-
Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Friedline, their
daughter, Miss Alice, son, Nathaniel,
and Mrs. Louise Slicer, motored to
Somerset on Sunday and were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Rutter.
W. H. Stavb of Pittsburg and H. C.
home of Mrs. Hewes' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Stein.
Miss Ruth M, Cleaver, daughter of
{ Min, and Mrs. K. Cleaver, a teach-
er in the Altoona High School, is ex-
pected home Saturday morning from |
a several weeks’ Philadel-
Miss Nellie Weimer, a daughter of
Mr. U. M. Weimer, of this, place,
who for more than a year hes been
taking a course in professional nux-
sing in the Children’s hospital of that
city,, arrived home on Monday for
a month’s vacation here.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weimer and
son, Park, the latter a clerk in the
Second National Bank, returned home
on Saturday from a two weeks’ vis-
it with friends at Allentown. They
also visited at Baltimore and Wash-
stay in
Mrs. Jacob Henry and daughter
Mabel, of Los Angeles, California.
have been touring. the east and now
Mr. George Donges has secured a
very desirable tenant for his.vacant
store room adjoining the Donges Meat
Market. The new tenants are Th2
Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com-
pany which has a chain of stores all
through the country. Mr. Donges is
rushing the completing of the equip-
ment of the room which is to be taken
possession of on August 15th.
Mrs. Keller and her daughter, of
Pittsburg spent a pleasant time on
Saturday at the home af Mr. and Mrs.
J. Stacer, Mrs. Stacer dnd Mrs. Keller
are cousins and spent their school
days together. They had not seen each
other for twenty years and were de-
lighted to again be together.
Mrs. U. M. Smith and daughter
Madeline, of Morgantown, W. V.,
spent last week in Meyersdale visit-
ing relatives and friends and on Mon-
day went to Berkley Springs to spend
‘several days
with her brother-in-law
“MF. and Mrs. W. T. Hoblitzell and].
= acm
Here is your opportunity to secure the
. argest bargains of the season.
-Suits and Coats--
2-$10.00 Sheppard Ck. S
4- 15.00 Sheppard
1- 15.00 Tan Poplin
1- 28.50 Grey Serge
1- 12,00 Copenhagen **
I- 12.50 Black inte
1- 10.00 Blue '
2- 15.00 ** Poplin
I- 25.00 ‘‘ Gabardine
uits $3.50 .
1-$ 8.00 White Corduroy Coat $3 50
i 5.00
400 1- 7.50 Green. 3.50
“ 10.00) 1- 1000. * Clothf~ = « 4.50
3 4-00 | 1- 8.00 Fancy Plaid $t 3.50
es 5.00 ;
1- 14.00 Rose and White Sport Coat 5.00
ee 4 00
5 5.00 13 15:00 Black Silk Coats 7.50
‘* 10.00 | 1--20.00 ‘‘ Whip Cord Coat: 10.00
The fortaer has been an invalid for
several years.
On Tuesday some weputed Winni-
peg, Canada fdr dealers were going
‘i around. in Meyersdale selling furs in
a somewhat classy car. They had
.yisited only a few of the homes of
the more well-to-do when they were
arrested and brought to an account
ing before Burgess Gress far. viola
ting, a, borough ordinance for selling
_ without a license. They were; fined
$25 and ordered to desist, They . then
left for Maryland.
Joe Swearman of Keystone, | sur-
‘charged with alcohol, on Saturday ev-
‘ening shout six o'clock, happened al-
ong on Large st. and entered the home !
of Frank Wildgrman. The lady, of the
Teachers Elected
ectors last week the following teach-
erg were elected for the ensuing term |
principal, H. B. Speicher; first pri-
mary, Nell Brant, second primary,
Grant; second intermediate, : H. Cc.
Haer .Grammer, Mr. Fike,
Last ‘Phursday Mr. and: Mrs.’ Roy
| Landis, Mr: Frank Groff, Misg Lillian
Buchman of Berlin and: M#s. Herm an,
reftt and spent the evehin the home.
of “N. L. Brant.*
house defended herself against the |,uen ‘sy ana’ Mrs. C: L Miller,
insults of the man with a. “broomstick.
switch’ she used very effectively. The '
drunken man was then completely
subdued and went out and lay down on
the pavement,
gathered him up and _toted him to the
lockup for undisturbed repose.
Quality Groceries,
The discovery of the North Pole
was a great achievement, but .yoa'
will benefit more personally by. dis-|
covering the place to buy the best
Groceries, Turn your search in this'
direction. i
We do not give you something for
nothing; nor does any other merchant ,
but we will sell you Groceries that
will please you, and if anything is not
satisfactory we cheerfully refund your
money. *
We are headquarters for all kinds
of coffee, and we solicit your coffee in
trade solely on the merits of our
These prices “will save money. for
you and please you:—
1 large can Pumpkin for -10 cents.
10 cent can Van Camp’s Spaghetti
for 5 cents while it lasts.
3 lbs. Ginger Snaps for 25k
3 Ibs.good Lima Beans for 25 cents.
2 Bottles Pure Lemon Juice for 25
cents, |
3-10 cent Rolls best Toilet paper 25c |
? doz b=s. sar Rings for 25c¢
6 packages good Washing Powder 25¢ |
Try a jar of Green Seal Table Relish
Meyersdale, Pa
Center St.
Rung Twice Daily Between Meyers
dale and Somerset Via. Berlin.
Leaves Central Hotel Meyersdale at
7:00 a. m. and at 3 p. m.
Leaves Somerset at
9:30 a. m. and at 3:30 p. m.
For further particulars (Inquire
and sister, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Breig.
Central Hotel — —Meyersdale, Pa.
Officer, Bittner later) .; yr ‘mye of Pittshire spent Sin.
land ‘Mrs, N, L; Brant and’ "adfughter
i Charlette, - Mr. and M¥s. Sam ‘Pritts
and daughter spent’ Sufiday visiting
friends ‘and relatives alt Stony Creek.
day in Garrett visiting his biter R.
|B: Ellis and family.”
Mrs. E. Jones of Johnstown is vis-
‘iting Mrs. R, T. Pollard, ;
Miss Anna Kimmel of Hyndman is
visiting Miss Helen Brant.
Miss Maigaret Seibert of Martins-
Le W. Va., 1s visiting Miss Verda
Brant. ’
Miss Rena Bran visited Miss Mir-
ia Scott of Somerset on Tuesday.
Mrs. Roy Landis of Berlin and
Mrs, C. Herman of Sharon were Gar-
‘retit visitors on Saturday.
Miss Mame Tucker returned on
Sunday from Washington, Pa. where
she was speding her vacation visit-
ing relatives and friends.
Cecil Brown of Pittsburg is spend-
ing a few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Brown of the Hentz
Mrs. H. B. Bowman returned to her
home in Pittsburg on Saturday after
‘having spent several weeks visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. BE. Schrock.
The Misses Elizabeth and Alica
| Robertson of Boynton were visiting
| friends in Garrett on Saturday.
Newton Beabes of Hooversville
called on friends here Saturday.
T. Boone Brown of Baltimore w2as
a business visitor in Garret last Wed-
Miss Elizabeth Styles who had
been visiting Miss Hilda Brown re-
turned to her home in Greensburg
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M Miller, Miss E-
lizabeth Todd, Mr. Charles Merrill
spent Saturday in Windber.
Park Brant of Somerset visited his
uncle, W. L. Brant and family for
several days last week.
Rev. Fye, pastor of the Evangeli-
cal church called on friends here
last Thursday.
Verda Brant; first intermediate, Inez.
Mrs. Hanna of Sharon motered to ‘Gar-|
Mr: and Mrs. A. R. Milter and ‘eon |
|near center of town;
tS Ps
1 For Sale—A Summit Range, practic}
ly new. Oscar Gurley
|For ‘Bale—Ford Autos—First or Sec.
At the meeting of the school dir- ‘end hand. Apply to F. 2 Hemminge-~
-er-O. Li Piot,
For Rént—Good 5-room House cen
trally located; modern conveniencas.
Apply zt This Office.
For Rent— A good 8ix-room house
hot ‘and cold
water and bath, Reasonable Rent.
Apply at Commercial Office,
“Mrs, A. A Sharp and two. children.
of Sand Patch were callers’ at Susan
Smith's on Thursday. last.
Mrs. Rev. J. T, Shaffer ;and five
children called .at ‘the ‘home of Wm.
Knepp on Sunday last. :
MTS. A, Q. Housel and daughter,
Tracy and Nellie. Shoemaker, all of
Deal,; were Sunday guests at the
home of Cyrus Housel’s.
Mrs Eli’ Weimer and three child-
ren called at the home of Eliza
Smith on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F, Smith and son,
Earl of Deal were Sunday geusts at
Susan Smith’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petenbrink
and son of Scottdale returned to
their home on Monday : evening of
last week after having visited rela-
tives here and at Mountain Valley
for the past two weeks.
The Children’s Day service at the
Lutheran church on Sunday evening
was largely attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray and
four children visited at the home of
Mrs. Murray's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John \Fair’s on Sunday.
The following teachers were elect-
on Thursday last: Sand Patch ad-
vanie, Grace ' Peiffer; Sand Patch,
primary, Helen Shober; Witt, John.
Ravenscraft; Wittenberg, Sidney
Lenhart; Geiger, Zelma Shoemaker;
Pine Grove; William Hay.
On 21st inst. the following teachers
for the term to begin on September
11 for a period of seven months. The
salaries vary from $40 to $50 per
.Boynton, Grammar grade, A. @.
Wahl; Intermediate, Florence Yoder;
Sec. Primary, Velma Pyle; 1st. Pri-
Cora. Hockman.
W. Salisbury, Grammar, Ada Glot-
felty; Intermediate, Louise Comp-
ton; Primary, Elsie Miller.
8t. Paul, .Grammar,. Ruth. Com-
mons; Primary, Elsie Sipple.
Springs, Grammar, Elizabeth New-
man; Primary, Grace Moser.
Sand Flat, Ezra Bender.
Thomas, Ruth Folk.
Cross Road, Esther Shoemaker.
Pleasant Hill, Mame Bitter.
..Lichty, Mae Dickey.
D. Hay, Maude Hay
Mountainview, Sadie Maust.
Peck, Ruth Beahm,
Lowry, Edith Martz.