The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 27, 1916, Image 1
* | I im ed. 12 rela- a busi- 3 week. sicklist berland Sunday. ited at Sunday: le; Mr, t. Paul . Brown zel, Md. nd son, ret and nit Sta- y shock- Edward jaughter welcome Sunday aughter, Sipple’s memade ) forth, building y morf- e Civie hl 1 5 6 5 15 6 45 5 SR 6 5 06 6 5 06 5 6 6 8 6 15 15 1 4 16 OF 16 U6 6 16 U6 OR - ® ba Eo EA RT A § culation and an “ad” | here isread by thou- Shads of people ‘ ® Many tell hey - are delighted with our 4 i job printing. -- y $ Bring us your work * VOL. XXXV II ‘REV. GLESSNER MEYERSDALE PA., THURS! | MAN MURDERED AT RALPHTON "LEAVES TODAXY or socom 2 i ; : ® lold and married was murdered about Highly Esteemed and Gifted Re- . sident Leaves With His Family For Their New Home in Green- ville. Ohio. “This morning Rev. A. 8. Glessner, and family left for their new home at .Greenville, Ohio, where Mr. Glessner ‘has accepted the pastorate of the Re- formed church of thai city. The trip thither is to be made by auto, and will ‘occupy several days because visits :are to be made at the home of friends at different points. The family con- ! ‘gists of the parents and three daugh- ters. : ree It was with much regret that the people of this community learned of the intention of Rev. Glessner to leave - * 3 = & REV. A. 8. GLESSNER ‘town as he was always actiye in ge advancement of the town’s Interests, and ably lent his. influence for what was best. He was in much demand in the pulpits in this section of the state when his services could be se- cured, : ; . Before - accepting his present pas- torate he had a choice of three other ministeral positions, all about equal to the one he did finally select. Rev. Glessner has those intellectual quali- ties of mind and heart which mean much for ithe community in which he is to labor. He is a graduate of Frank- ,4:lin and Marshall College and also of ' th'y'Eastern Theological Seminary and besides has done post graduate work. .. dies with the Chicago University. 4 4 Appreciative of his worth his con- It is his purpose to continue his stu- gregation is to rifray all moving ex: penses and his salary will be $1400 per year. ELK LICK CHAUTAUQUA A splendid program has been pre- ~ pared for the Elk Lick Chautauqua, ~ August 6-tol2, Adult season tickets are $2.00 and Youths’ $1.00. " Plan to take in tihs week of splen- did entertainment beginning with Sunday, August, 6. The entire program will be given in our “columns next week. ° JOHN OPEL’S AUTO GOES OVER BANK. On Saturday evening about six o’- clock, John Opel and family, with a visiting young lady from» Cumber- land, while going from Meyersdale to their home near Summit Mills, in their auto, met with what might have proven a very serious accident. After leaving ithe state road they were rid- ing along, the visiting young lady do- ing the steering, when the machine left the road and rolled down over top and windshield. No one was hurt. = The machine was pulled across the creek and, strange to state, when it a 20-foot embankment, breaking the was put to the test to go forward, made no protest but moved straight ahead. Good machine, all right! CLARK—MILLER Miss Viola Clark, daughter of Mrs. C. M. Clark, of Meyersdale, was mar- ried recently to Dr. Irving C. Miller at Fairmont, W. Va., The bride is the daughter of Mrs. C. M. Clark of Mey- ersdale and for some years a popular and efficient teacher in our schools. The groom is a son of J. H. Miller of Northampton township and is just starting in practice at Berlin. Mrs. M. C. Clark is in a Pittsburg hospital for treatment. Since the re- cent marriage of her daughter, Miss . Viola, the home has been broken,up, the only other member, Maurice Clark boarding. | BIG CARNIVAL 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, when. he was shot thinee times while on the st reet at Ralphton, by J. W. Robin- son, another negro. Robinson got a- way following the crime. Descriptions of him have been telephoned to sur- rounding towns. Railroad officers have ‘been instructed to keep a lookout for him. The cause of the murder is not known. Both men were employed by the Quemsahoning Coal Company, Har- field as a coal digger and Robinson as had been the best of friends. The description of Robinson tele- phoned to other towns is as follows: Five feet, about 185 pounds; hés gold teeth in front; when he left he wore a light blue trousers and black shoes. Coroner H. ‘S.. Kimmel, Macdon- aldton, was notified of the murder and conducted an investigation and in- quest on Wednesday. Harfield leaves a widow and sever- al children. Robinson, the murderer, also has a wife and children 1 { NEXT WEEK W. H “Doc” Russelll, a veteran advance agent is in this place com- pleting all final arrangements for the a motorman. So far as is known, they nine inches tall; weighs: | coat, a black slouch hat, sport shirt, $209000IN MALL ORDERS This Commuuity Sends That Sum Away in Past Year to Other Merchants. Could Buy as Well at Home. A meeting of the business and pro fessional men of the town was held on Tuesday eveming in the Pfahler hall which augurs well for the indus- trial interests of Meyersdale. Paul D. Clutton expressed the pur- pose of the coming together of the citizens, of whom there was a large numbey;, to foster trade and produce more of a community ‘interest. 1 Harry M. Cook was called upon to further explain the good to be ac- complished by a well conducted bus- iness organization, how country and itown ought to be brought together Si 2 Te AUTOIST KILLED Five Injured Besides Jeannette On Sunday evening about 6:45 p. m. on the Lincoln Highway, near RBos- well, John Crouthers, 43 years of age, of Jeannette, wag, fatally injured in an auto accident, ‘dying at the hospi- tal in Greensburg, at 11:30 that night. His widow and two children survive, Wesley McGabe, William Corrigan, Edward Guest, William Cunningham were injured the first named most serious, s 7 The ix men were riding in a Stude- baker touring ‘for mutual benefit. He startled the audience by asking them to guess how much money was sent away an- jnually to mail order houses and to other retail stores outside of Meyers- dale and his own answer to the sus, gestion was that $209,000 are sent a- way from this community to make . purchases for individual users. This | seems stupendous and it is a pity’ (that such a vast amount of money | woula go out from here never to a- gain reappear. | During the course of the evening various phases of the business wel- fare of the community were consider- :ed. It was emphasized in one way and C. M. Nigro’s Greater Show which another that the local merchants do will exhibit on the Slicer grounds all hot wank ithe people hereabout to ‘cal firemen. The show will arrive here business provided they had to do so on Sunday coming in a special train at a loss and what was desired was nival carries ten big attractions and by dealing with the local merchants. a Concert band. All the attractions If the latter have not the articles de- are high class, and clean and whole- sired by the customer, why the busin- was ' taken to Dr. Henry Statler, Jenners; one to the office of Dr. Kuhl- next week for the benefit of the lo- , deal at their stores and places of man, of Jenners, and the others went to Greensburg. well jitney driven by “Chub” Snow- berger. The Jeannette men were tra- veling at such speed that the car skidded as they went around the Bos- well automobile and overturned twice. Two of the occupants were uncon- scious when the others came .to their assistance. Dr. Noon, of Listie, was on the scent in a short time after the accident and rendered first aid, dir- ecting the removal of the men to phy- sicians in the locality, The men were taken to the offices of various physi- cans by people who came along in other automobiles. Two of the injured men were hurried to the office of Dr. M. U. M. McIntyre, in Boswell; one Crouthers did not regain conscious- ‘lof ten cars from Cumberland where that the people should come to see ‘mess before death ensued. | they are playing this week. The car- | that they can do as well, if not better CONCERT SUNDAY EVENING The following is the program for a : XY. JULY 27. 1916. ‘NEAR BOSWELL and Fmank Timmons, all of Jeannette, car and attempted ate at a point where the valley is only the Critchfield fam to pass the Bos- of about thre mils east of Berlin. The GIGANTIC WATER . POWER PROJECT SAD ACCIDENT AT FORT HILL A gigantic water power project on ‘the Stonycreek between Shanksville "and Mostoller is being promoted by ' the Hon. Lewis C. Lambert, of Som- Man Meeting His Death When : erset, and several associates. The Alles € or erlosed De Tals Car Sheds W Bile Passing Scheme aninles ii ot : ag Falls and is Fatally Injured. Son other Au % : the kind in this section of the country.| Of Thomas Costello. These dams will be constructed at narrow gorges in the five-mile falley below Shanksville which are ideally located for the purpose, the hills on : both sides rising to a height of from | 100 to 150 feet. Shanksville is between 300 and 400 feet higher than Mostoll- er, assuring adequate fall for genera- ting thousands of horsepower of elec- tric current. The main dam, which will be loca- cated just above udETAOQOINETETE ted just above Mostoller, will be built One of the saddest accident which has occured at Fort Hill fo ryears. . when Allen Costello, the son of Mr. . and Mrs. Thomas Costello, met with injuries’ that caused his death six hours later, The young man, who was 25 years: of age, was employed on the Cook: & Duncan log #nain and attempted to walk from the cars to the engine. Tha last seen of him before his in- jury was when the engineer noticed him on one side of an empty car. It is thought he caught hold of a support which broke and threw him violently to the ground a distance of about ten feet. He was rendered unconscious. 450 feet wide at the level of the stream, with a breast 75; feet high anr between 750 and 800 feet in lenght at the top. This would extend the dam up stream a distance of about a mile 4nd a fourth, where another dam will {It Was found that one lung was punc- be constructed, doubling ‘the volume |'UWred and an arm broken. of water impounded and furnishing| He Was taken to the Confluence an enormous supply of reserve water, | 105Pital where death ensued without There are several tributaries of the |[i8 becoming conscious: / Stonycreek on which auxiliary re-| The young man who was highly es-- servoirs will be built to feed the main |teemed, is survived by his parents, dams in time of drouth, producing [three brotheh’s and one sister. The -uniform power the year around. The |funeral took place on Saturday at i most important of these tributaries is Lampert Run, which uows through the L. C. Lambert farm. The headwaters of Stonycreek are Kingwood. Rev. C. T. Davis, of Ursina had charge of the services assisted by Rev. Aiken, of Kingwood. WELLER-GORDON NUPTIALS Stonycreek valley lies between Chestnut Ridge on the west and the Allegheny mountains on the east. The average width of the valley is , approximately ten miles, extending to ] , Mostoller station on the Baltimore & | The nuptial rites solemnizing the j Ohio railroad a distance of 16 mile; | marriage of Mr. Thomas Arystrong or more and drains a basin.of mor plier and Miss Nell Gordon occurr-- than 160 square miles, wh, art | po last evening at 8 o'clock at the happened on Thursday morning last. some the arrangement making it a point to keep their shows free of all cbjectionable features. If there is any- thing new under the sun you will find it at the Firemen's Carnival all next week. If one loves his neighbor as himself Firemen’s Carnival is the all impor- tant thing, next to three egood meals a day for a person to enjoy next week and if one loves his neighbor as the good book” would have him do, he will prove the fact, by taking the neigh- bor out to the grounds and into the carnival, Take the whole family and if you haven't any, take some other family. All next week. Just a week of fun and pleasure, Don’t miss it. The week’s performances will be ushered in Monday evening by & pa- rade led by the Nigro band and’ the local city band followed by the Fire Company. PERSONAL AND LOCAL The Boy Scouts left for a two weeks camp at Stanton’s Dam, this morning. The W. C. T. U. will hold their an- (nual picnic at Riverside Park this afternoon leaving on the 3:30. Hillcrest Grange P. of H. expect to begin to-morrow the foundation wall iof their new building near Pine Hill. A very delightful and successful picnic was enjoyed by the Lutherans vesterday at the park. ‘ The date of the Methodist picnic has been set for Friday, Aug. 4, but possibly may be changed. Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Hartman, of Franklin county returned to their home on Monday following a visit last week at the home of Edison Hay and Frank Walker, in Brothersvalley, township. Chief- of Police Hare has a clue to the four boys who pushed off a cap stone of the beautiful Flaughtery creek bridge last Saturday night and unless they go to him and make re- paration on or before Monday night next, arrests will follow. ———————E THE REFORMED REUNION Next Thursday, August 8rd, the an- nual reunion of the Reformed people and their many friends of Somerset Classis, will be held at Riverside Park at 10:30 a. m. The forenoon will be devoted to greetings amusements and ‘a “college hour” at which ladies and gentlemen representing institutions of learnings will speak. A service will be held consisting of singing, scripture reading and prayer, at which two short addresses will be delivered, one by Rev. W. H. Trissing of Pittsburg on “Loyalty,” and anoth- er by Dr. Truxal on “The Modern Fruits of Reformed principles. The prospects are for a large turnout cf penple, - srr I'll meet you at the Firemen'’s car nival all of next week. Be there. he will remind his neighbor that the concert to be held at the band stand s ess man will most gladly get them. |o, gungav evening after church ser- ‘It was urged upon all to show a vices. friendly spirit, and to regard, as one | ; ar... spirit of Independence, speaker put it, themselves as one big | py imany. ! family, struggling to assiitt all, h- This A permanent organization was 6f-{¥ 2 as » pean mblo fected by the unanimous election of Lp iouref),” Barnhouse. each of the following officers: Pres-| , nor’ Anierica I love you. Les- ident, H. M. Cook, Vice President, J. ter Gottler. 2 F. Naugle; Secretary, E. L Kyle,| 5 Serenade Kismet, Thomas. treasurer. 6 Waltz, Language of the Soul, Those present were as follows:— scoutton, The officers just named, H. H. Wil-| 7 gverture—Feast of Lanterns, Ben- liams, Mr. George, C. A. Deal, G, W, nett, Collins, R. H. Philson, Val Gress, John Shardt, Ralph D. Pfahler, S. B, Pfahler, Mr, Walker, Dr. Milne, Dr, Bruee Lichty, Dr. C. P, Large, Tom Weller, James Hostetler, Frederick | |, ARVEY E. BITTNER ‘Rowe, J. L. Tressler, D. J. Meyers, FOR GAME PROTECTOR ‘J. J. Bowser, George R. Logue, J. L Since th ; a \Dixon, C. C. Streng, Frank A. Bittner. 0s Ig Jenignation ang departure i to the misty somewhere of the recent | Petelr: Baer, Thomas McKenzie, W. B. Cook, Charles Cook, W. S. Liven. |52We Drotector, C. H. Osmer, that 2004, Clarence Livengood, Joseph #. position is vacant. While there are a Reich, Mr. Maul, F. B. Thomas, W. pumbgs of persons ‘who might do for 'C. Price. Daniel A. Floto, John N. {the position, there is one man who is Cover, S. C. Hartley, M. A. Rutter, | Fel well fitted for game protector ‘W. H. Baldwin, Norman E. Miller, 12 Sn a that = he 1vey KE. Bittner o s place, who is a Robert Miller, Mr. Snyder, W. He Sportsmitn and ote Who rot Deeter, Barron Shipley, Jno. T. Ship-! : : | study and observation knows much ley. D: MH; Weisel, John Oates, Carlen | ; i iy Iie Tv was he who has { Plift, Aug. Friedline, K. Cleaver. 8 Georgia Girl, King. 9 March Melody King, Stambaugh. 10 Star Spangled Banner, Sousa. . WILLIAM A, YOUNKIN. |fied man, Starting in middle life Mr. This community with deep and Sin- | pov tner is f well bal cere regret learned yesterday fore- a man of we alanced noon that one of the town’s highly esteemed citizens William A, Younkin had died that morning in the Allegany hospital in Cumberland from valvular heart wetn an operation in the same hos. ypointment pital and he seemed to be very much approval, benefiitted by it. But for the past few months he had been suffering from shortness of breath. Several times of late in the night, Mrs. Youn- kin had almost despaired of his life. RAINBOW TROUT Consignments of was again taken to the hospital ac- compnied by his wife. Following a diagnosis by the physicians of the of the very critical condition of her husband and that he might die very suddenly. William A. Younkin aged 43 years, 8 months and days, was a son of ton run, Left Fork of Mill creek, A! wine, Little Mill creek, Mill creek Lehart run, O’Connor run, Benscreek two years ago last December. For 17 | Mh Caufflel run. 8. Fork of Bens years, William Younkin lived at Hyndman where he was employed by the late Henry Ware. Following the death of his father he came to Mey- ersdale to engage in business in his father’s store forming a partnership with his brother, Henry under the firm name -of Younkin Bros. There survive him besides his wife, who was Miss Elizabeth Hibner, his mother and the following brothers and one sister, namely—David = of Johnstown; Roy and Charles, of Erie, Henry of Meyersdale and Mrs. Annle Fernsner, of Washington, D. C. Mr. Younkin was indeed much] Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. J Clarke Matteson, Pastor—Next Sab has in it. done much towards restocking oar (streams and forests. He is awell-quali ideas, and would carry out the laws and merchants, of the state is it pertains to this call- ing without making much ado about it. He is the choice of the citizens of trouble. Last fall Mr. Younkin under-|the county for the position. His ap- would meet with general rainbow trout On. Sunday last one Week 4go he ‘have been awarded by the bureau of fisheries for Somerset county as fol- lows. Quemahoning dam, Dubstaidt’s n dam, Stonycreek, Shingle run, Daily hospital, Mrs. Younkin was apprised Draft, Breast Work, Laurel run, Dal- creek, N. Fork of Benscreek, Miller bath morning the pastor will preach from the Sixth Commandment, “Thou Shalt not Kill.” In the evening the sermon will be the last of the Social Series, on “Divorce.” This will show the evils.of our present system of state laws with some suggestions as | to the remedy, and the part each ono | The location is a most beautiful one, The plans of the promoters In- . clude more than a power plant. The altitude of the valley is between 2,000 {and 2,600 feet, with timber bordering Brown ‘poth sides of the stream, assuring per- sacred manent conservation of the rainfall in i the region. In addition to the land se- cured for the dams and reservoirs _, there the thousands of acres that are unttillable on account of its rocky na- ture, This it is said, would make pos- sible the establishment of a mamm/ ith game preserve, It is also planned to have summer resorts along the dams. i These would be readily accessible to tourists, as they would be only a short distance from the Lincoln Highway. | The source and basin of the Stony- creek are located in the richest sect- ion of Somerset County, which was named after the Earl of Somerset, who came here from England on a visit at the time of its incorporation. The Stonycreek, as its name implies, is a stony creek the source of which is a spring oh a lot of ground in the town Tennyson’s “Brook.” Associates toller, of Quemahoning Township; P. Brant, of Shanksville. RAIN SPOILS FARMER'S DAY Farmer’ » made on August 22. run and Beaver run. ————————————————— EIGHT THEMES FOR SERMONS = The following eight themes will be dalt with in order morning and ev- ening the next four Sundays at the Church of the Brethren by Pastor W. M. Howe. The 144,000. The Fall of of Babylon. The Harvest of the Earth. The Seven Last Plagues. The Millenium and the Final ment. | Heaven, the Home of the Bride. i Are We Ready? thought of by all who knew him; hej the” Brethren Church. His 2 Rev. H. I. Goughnour, called to see!ty in New York. was a loyal and devoted member ot| him at the hospital a few days ago, , pastor, | but he is now at Columbia Universi: sermons on the Book of Revelation. Firemen’s Carnival next week. of Mr. Lambert in the water power enterprise include J. B. Gerhard, Aaron F. Heiple, L., C. Berk- ey, Dr. E, Frank Shaulis, Isaac Jones and Attorney Charles H. Ealy, of Som- erset; Jerome Stufft and John W. Mos- Frank A. Harah, of Rockwood; Parke G. Lambert, of Pittsburg; John M. Lambert, of Lambertsville, and Robert Day which was to have been a feature of the Somerset Chau- tauqua Tuesday had to be cancelled on account of the rain. The Shanks- ville and Friedens bands came for the day, but returned to their towns, No parade was attempted. Another at- a § » tempt to hold Farmers’ Day will be the late Elias P. Younkin who died Orth Fork of Benseresk, Mishler's Judg- These will conclude the series of home of the parents of the bride, Mr. . and Mrs. James Gordon, at the Cover apartments, The ceremony took place under a ° bower of fern,laurel green and daisies: and the officiating clergyman was the pastor of the bride, the Rev. J. Clark Maltteson. The bride, who is one of the fairest and most beautiful of Mey- ersdale’s many comely daughters, was: charmingly attired in white embroi- - dered net with long veil and carried. a bridal bouquet of pink rosebuds and. valley lillies. The bridesmaid was Miss Alice Friedline who wore white. Dog with yellow roses and valley 1il- es. : The groom, who is one of the of the best and most progressive young business men of this place, a member" of the firm, “Tom & Jim,” was at- tended by his brother, Walter Weller, - of. Lew Bittner played Lohengrin’s- wedding march and Miss Bessie Wil- liamson of Pittsburg sang a solo. Following the ceremony. and con- gratulations, a wedding luncheon was’ served. The bride’s table was in pink and white and the guests at it, besides the immediate wedding party were Rev. and Mrs. Maliteson. The guests were in number nearly 100. respectively. of Berlin formerly owned by'- Mr. and Mrs. Weller, carryinng the: John Heffley. On its picturesque course it winds through meadows and graz- ing lands and pales, separating ridges in such manner that it might be con- cluded that it was the inspiration of sincere congratulaticns of a host of friends left here after midnight for eastern cities and Old Point Comfort. for a stay of ten days. They will for a short time stay at the home of the bride’s parents before starting their own home, The announced intention was for the “Newlyweds” to board Duquesne at 9:15 but while the guests were en- joying the last dainties of the wedding feast, Mr. and Mrs. Weller on a plaus ible pretext left the room and escap- ed their friendly enemies by going over roofs and down a ladder, and then to the house of Miss Friedline. Their absence was soon noted and the crowd for hours watched the Friedline home with no sign of their victims, : The crowd watched the midnight train at the Western Maryland and the 1:10 a. m. of the B. & O. but could not find Mr. and Mrs. Weller. The latter while the coast was cleared by their friends going to the station, hastily secured an automobile and were taken to Cumberland where they peacefully boarded a train. Score one for “Tom” and his bride. The bride was the recipient of ma- ny fine presents. The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Annie Williams, son and daughters, Miss Edith, Miss Dollie and Miss Bessie, of Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips and daughters, Misses Olive and Fannie. of Fairmont, W. Va; Mrs. Sallie Mor- gan of Frostburg; Misses Marie and Myrtle Little of Cumberland; Mr. Robt. Kurtz, Confluence, and Mr. Claude Hawn, Fairmont. . A valuable cow belonging to Rev. Fr. Brady, was killed on the B. & QO. tracks a few days ago. GET "IN LINE FOR THE GREAT FIREMEN’'S CARNIVAL next week, Our Job Work Plesses Firemen’s Carnival next week. be x eo CE SERRE EO vo meg Er