A a ay hoo » home on Saturday. beth Todd and Chas. Merrill Sa TT A A CRT SE a gg GARRETT. Birthday Party. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Shober gave 2 birthday surprise party in honor of their daughter's sixteenth birthday. The time was spent in playing games on the lawn and in singing. Those present were: —Misses Olive and Ruth Bowlby, Frances Colbert, Leta Pritts, Mildred Swarner, Ruth Sturtz Beulah Christner, Grace Hoos, Hil- da Brown, Sadie Styles, Helen Brant, Ruth Ellis, Elizabeth and Florence Shober; Messrs. Howard and Harold Merrill, Bill Pollard, Wilson Mcln- tyre, Harold Walker, Bill Baker, Rob- ert Snowden, Richard Weaver, Frank Bracht, James Nedrow. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Godel daughters, Margaret and Charlotte, who had been spending several days in Gar- rett left on Sunday for Akron, O. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benners spent Wednesday at Boynton. Clyde Satterfeld and James Hon- kinson who are employed at Pitta- burg, spent several days lately in Garrett visiting friends and relatives. Wm. and Velma Henderson of Mec- Keesport are spending a few days in Garrett visiting friends. Henry Tucker of Washingon, Pa, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Walter Tucker. Jesse Snyder of Paw Paw, W. Va, is a guest of Garrett friends for a few day. : Mrs, W. H. Miller accompanied by her daughter, Mrs L. A. Phenicie, left on Tuesday for Baltimore where they purpose remaining for several . days. * Miss Verda Brant returned home ~on Monday after a4 visit of several ~ weeks at Frederick, Md, Martins- » burg, W. Va. and Mercersburg, Pa. Herbert Snowden of Cumberland - who ‘had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sturtz’s retarn- + ed home on Saturday. Mrs. Roy Landis visitor on Monday. Mrs. Philip Weaver and daughter, Imene, who had been visiting friends in Ohio for several weeks returned was a Garret) :Miss Rene Brant spent a few days of this week at Somerset. Miss Sadie Stiles of Greensburg is vigiting her friend, Hilda Brown of this place. Harold Bittner is enjoying several days in the country visiting his un- cle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. M. J. Mey- ers. ; Robert Craig who is employed at Ralphton is spending his vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Craig. . Ross Pritts was a Rockw( ood visitor Mbday. Platt Zimmerman of Hovis + was a Garrett visitor Saturday. Emma Liberty and Lulu Walters pave gone to Akron Ohio where they expect to spend several weeks. Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Miller, Eliza- were Cumberland visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phenicie and children Clay and Anna returned home Saturday after spending sever- al @ays at Baltimore Md. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Byrns. Irene Bockes who was attending school in this place returned to her home in Akron Ohio last Thursday. GLENCOE Jerry Poorbaugh and family of Lin- «coln Nebraska visited relatives in these parts last week. I D. Leydig attended the Auto Meet- ing at Somerset on Saturday making the trip by Ford. William Hoffmeyer of Morgantown, “W. Va., joined his family here on Fri- ~day. An auto party consisting of Mrs. IL “D. Leydig, Etta Shafer Marion Leydig and Carl Raupach drove to Cumber- land last Wednesday and spent the day with Mrs. J. H. Spicer. The Bad Boys picnic; was not 8d successful an affair; guess they got too. far from their, native soil, Even the B. & O. proved a “Jonah” for the ‘poor children. Wes Shipley returned to Connells. ville on Monday after taking in the Johnstown Picnic and a few pleasant hours on the farm east of his home, H. M. Poorbaugh and G. G. Deloz- ier were Somerset visitors on Friday Both came home with filled wash boilers. Township on Friday. Southampton, Chas Bittner; Roddy, William Broadwater; Wagaman, Ruby Poorbaugh; Bauman, Ruth Bittner; Brush Creek, Jubal Werner; gum, Nora Keefer. Martha Raupach was stricken ill on Saturday. Dr. I. C. Miller was called and the young lady is on the mend. Our town was put on the excite- ment bureau on Wednesday when a Ford made a triple flop over an em- bankment a short distance east of us. The salesman was not seriously dam- aged but scared to death. And thg little Ford rattled right along after a treatment at the blacksmith’s shop. Teachers were elected Babe Leydig has as guests Clara Rowe and Nelle ucher of Meyérs- dale, re Bowe \ aE % Cor irs. Mary Pe augh of Huston, Q Bride- J TOM Announce & JIM — SPECIAL SALE > Women’s, Men's, Misses’, and Children’s Oxfords and Pumps We have about 250 pai and Havanna Brown. In all $2.00, $2.5 $1.25 and $1.50. in order to make room for Fall Shoes. These consist of this seasons styles-- Patent, Glazed Kid, Gun Metal, White Washable Kid and White ing prices $3.00 to $5.00 now— Note--Misses and Childrens Sale Price, rs we wish to dispose of at once Canvass sizes, A’s to D’s. Former sell- O and $2.75 .75¢, $1.00, Also--25 pairs of Ladie and $4.00 grade at— $1 s Pumps, in broken sizes, $3.00 50 Come in and look them over. TOM & JIM Plenty of good Hartley & Baldwin Red Letter Sale | Come in and See for yourself Bargains at our spend several months with relatives Mr. Harsh, wife and son of W. Ya. spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. H. ook. | damt—— SALISBURY. Beachy Reunion. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Li. LE. Beachy was the scene of a pleasant reunion last Sunday. Those present were—Mr. and Mms. Clifton Beachy, and son, Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beachy and sons Lloyd and Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reich and @augh ters, Mary and Georgine, and War- ren Jerre and Sarah Beachy and Ma- | ry and Mrs. Lorena Reitz. A sump- tuous dinner and all “had, (algood time. Died in Hospital, Mrs. Joseph Wagner of Johnstown died at the hospital in that city on July 1§ Mrs. Wagner was 2 daugh- ter of Mrs, Chas. Walker an Wagner was [ormerly from Sal- isbury. is Slowly Improving. The friends of Howard Williams of Akron are rejoiced to hear that be is now slowly recovering from a rer cent severe attack of pneumonia. The item of last week stating that Miss Lorena was also ill was a great mis- take as she is very lively and at her office work. Entertained at Dinner. day in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Speic er and daughter of California. Baltimore, Miss Laffey of West Salisbury. Minor Mention. Rev. church last Sunday. Hotel. John braham Miller mgqtored from Pitt town on ee Ww yrt wi at the to our burg Mrs. A. M. Lichty entertained at a peautifully appointed dinner on Tues- A few days ago, Mrs. Lloyd Beachy gave a luncheon at which she enter tained Messrs. Lorraine and Wolf of of Cumber- land and Mr. and Mrs. John Knecht 'as Mr. Brant of Altoona, a ‘represen- | tative of the Anti-Saloon League de- | livered a sermon in the Evangelical Misses Alma and Adaline Jones of Johnstown aré guests aft the Dietz and Abraham Miller and A-| Livengood. Mrs. Lorena Reitz returned frome Meyersdale on Saturday’ being accom: panied home by little Georgine: Reich who spent the day with her. Prof. Lew Bittner of Meyersdale;. spent Sumday in town. Dr. Ray Baldwin refmrned to his: home in. Wilkinsburg after spending] a week with friends im Salisbury. Miss Mary Reitz spent a few days recently visiting her sister Helen im Meyersdale. Biders D. H. Walker of Brothers valley and S. E. Hoover of Somerset conducted services om Sunday in the Church of the Brethrem. The comm mion service was umusually large this summer. The nearby farmers are sending 2 large amoutn of fine cream to the Meyersdale Dairy Company. TES T—— BERKLEY, The automobile fever is im Berk- ley at present, H. R. Boyer having the first attack, but soon cured by H. R. Kretchman with a new Ford Roadster. M. E. Reich was also cur- ed by Frank Hemminger with a Four touring car. P. S. Baer soon quieted the nerves of Lewis-Sutton with a Maryland touring car. Mr. and Mrs.. George Fritz were the guests of Lewis Shultz on Sun- day. fh Mrs. Edward Sellers’ mother who has returned to her home in Albright W. Va. Saturday was an unlucky day tor] Howard Sellers and Jacob Lindeman Sellers lost his pocketbook with a large sum of money in it and | Mz. Klingaman lost his watch which {he valued highly. Don’t forget the festival on Sat- urday night, July 22 at Berkley’s Mill. ee ert TRY A BOTTLE OF HEINZ’S PURE CIDER VINEGAR AT BITTNER'S | GROCERY; YOUR MONEY BACK -+IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. a let Our Job Work Pleases ERC YN y RORORRNRAR 3 é MOLL ELROD CEO COS CEC CRO OOF CE PE CEOS CORR CECE FORORORORORCH DEORE A BEBE BOR RECO CELLS ROBCECK tetnixieiulnialululiniaiel was visiting there for the past week | WELLERSBURG. Mr. and Mrs, James Reddig and ¥ | family, after spending a two weeks’ % | vacation with relatives: in Cumber- g | land county, returned home % | last. 8| Miss Hattie Root of Mt. Savage, ! 4. | is Visiting her grandmother, Mrs, Wm. Friday roe eC CROBCHCEIBI TF OD oH HCHOS BOBCE0H OSORORCHOBCHO IC: . O’Baker. RTL EE « Mrs. Geo. Delbrook of Pine Hill Tex, arrived here em Tuesday to! of the farmer's sister;. Mrs. D. Wi and Mrs. Wim. Hostlerode: of Glen- coe are spending the week with Mes. Catherine DelBrook, assisting in pze- paring for the barn raisers—the big event of Wedimesday of this week. Auctioneer Powell of Berlin was: in the burg agaim over Sunday. Oh! Bill looks as proud as ever since he: has gotten his Fomd on the read again. ‘We presume, however, that the: hotel keeper in the: burg will have to white wash his gate post. Members of the Reformed chminch will hold a “pie social” em the pmb- lic school greund Saturday night, Ju- ly 22nd. Ice eream, cake and other good eatables will be soil. BEwery- body invitedi WHIPPOORWERL Farmers: are wating for nice weath- er to finisix hay making. William Sechler, who had been in bed with grip is out and around again, Milton Opel from Berlin is helping his father, Henry Oped, to make hay. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Keicer and children from Pine Hill were visitors at Harvey Deucker’s on Sunday. Mr. Jacob Maust frome Berlin and his visiting relatives and friends in our community last week. Jonas Lowery who had been stay- ing in Ohio is back again and is help- ing William Sechler to make hay. Wilson Maust as a visitor to Ber- Hin last week. Henny Maust is working for Will iam Kinsinger through hay making. FARMERS’ DAY Farmers’ Day next Tuesday at BEd- gewood Grove will be a big event, A Parade will fosm at 9:30 a. m. at the ' court house under the following marsh- als: F. J. Hoffman, L. C. Colbornm, J. C. Lowry, Morris Shoemaker, W, H. Sanner, Jonas L. Baer, J. S. Miller, , Ralph Berkebile and Lester G. Wag: ner. "RY A RED CROSS BROOM AT [BITTER ( S GROCERY. | — — | Our dob Work Plesses son Andrew from Kansas were: =10 DAYS MORE— Mid Summer CLEARANCE SALE MILLER & COLLINS - - It will pay you to visit the Largest Department Store in the County during these 10 days Bargains in F ootwear Bargains in Clothing for Men, Women and Children = E ceencsekea neni amusasasaenn SEES rr i. . » h H i th th Hh ih th WH Ci th th % th Hh th th Yh th th Hh th Hh iN Wh th Hi th th Hh Hh th A AA Red Letter $35 00, now to go ab 1-2 price $10.00 Suits reduced to 12.50 Suits reduced to 15.00 Suits reduced to. 18.00 Suits reduced to. 20.00 Suits reduced to 25.00 Suits redmcee to... Beach Suits. bi LADIES SUITS Our entire line of New Spring Suits, in all newest materials, st os and Colors—Poplims, Gabardines, Serges, Shepherd Plaids, Silk lins and Taffeta, im an excellent range of sizes, priced at fram $10.00t0 § 35.00 Suits reduced to..... a Alterations Free-Fit Guaranteed. Nale Prices op- .50 seine. 17.50 Every Suit in our store is included i in this sale, except” Palm HARTLEY CLUTTON CO. THE WOMEN’S STORE | Hartley Block - Meyersdale, Pa. WOODLAWN We are having sunshine again after a few days of rain and cloudy weath- er which was needed very much as the ground as very dry. The farmers have commenced to cut their wheat this week. Mrs. Albert Wahl and Mrs. Harvey Wahl spent last Wednesday at Christ Wahl’s. Mr. Yommer who is selling medi- cine for the Watkins Medical company was in Woodlawn on Saturday sell- ing medicine. 2 | There were some fake Picture agents in this vicinity on Saturday but with goed ‘alk he did get a few pictures to enlarge Mre. Della Wam-au:h of Hyndman recently visited Mrs. Alten, Fike. Charles Raubach ofg®hadson was in Woodlawn last week helping his father to make hay. Mrs. Della Wambauch spent Monday in viisting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miike Thomas. Mr. Hillery Shuck and daughter Velma spent a few hours in Wood- lawn on Monday. There seem to be lots of huckle berries on the mountain by the way the people are going. again after being idle for a week from having his arm hurt at the mines Mrs. Calvin Tressler spent last | Thursday with parents Mr. and Mrs. | {John Miller. { John Dietle has started to work SIPPLEVILLE. - Minnie Swearman is visiting rela- tives and friends in Berlin. « Mrs. Wms. Mexrbarb was a busi- ness visitor in Prostburg this week. Mrs. Struby who is on the sicklist is slowly improving. Miss Mary Johnson of Cumberland visiteg¢ N. B. Hechler’s over Sunday. The following persons visited at the Henry Sipple home om Sunday: Mr. and Mrs, Frannis Sipple; Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Sipple of St. Pa and Henry Finzel; Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Harry Finzel of Finzel, Md. Mr. apd Mrs. B. F. Krause and son, Bernard and daughter, Margaret and Rev. Dennis Sipple of Summit Sta- tion. This community was greatly shock- ed to hear of the death of Edward Sipple. Mrs. David Bauman and aangnter Ruth of Glade City were welcome callers at Ross Albright's on Sunday last, Mrs A. E. Truxal and daughter, Miss Rebecca vissted George Sipple’s Wednesday last. FOOD SALE—A Sale of Homemade Breads, Cakes, Pies and so forth, | will be held in the C. E. Deal bullding lon Centre street on Saturday mors benefit of the Civie ing for the | League. el ov bow # i 8 RRS Rr pa ” v { here is re: Suds Highly E sident I For The 0 Ol Srhis mo! 4 nn family “Greenville, ‘has accept formed chu thither is t ‘occupy se :are to be n at differen; ' gists of the ters. It was Ww people of the intentic town as h advanceme and ably was best. in the pul state whe cured, ~ Before torats he | ministeral © to the one Glessner } ties of mi much for is 'to labor {in and M ' thy "Easter besides ha dies with Apprecie It is his | gregation penses an per year. ELK A splen _ pared for © August 6- 2 are $2.00 i Plan to did ente Sunday, A will be gi week. JOHN OF On Sait clock, Jol visiting land, whil their hom their auto proven a leaving itl ing along ing the left the 1: top and v The ma creek ang a 20-foot was put made no ahead. G Miss V C. M. CI: ried recen at Fairmos daughter c ersdale an and efficie The groon Northampt starting ir Mrs. M. hospital cent mar; . Viola, th the only boarding.