The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 29, 1916, Image 6

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“On the farmi where a supply ot
good water can be had from a spring
at an elevation above the buildings,
the expense of putting in a wate:
system is not very large” says Charles
G. McLain, water supply and drainage
engineer of the Pennsylvania Depart |
ment of Agriculture. Mr. McClain in
speaking on farm water supply says:
“The spring should be well cleaned, |
then boxed in with a stone wall!
or in a concrete box, then piped from
there to the buildings and distribut- |
ed in any way desired.
“If the supply is below the build- |
nes, a hydraulic ram or any mechan-
‘ical power may be used to elevate the
water to ajtank(for distribution. This
tank can be located in any suitable
place. If a gas engine is used it can be [
attached to a line shaft and any other
machines run from it, such as a wash-
ing machine, separator, chopping mill
a dynamo for charging storage batter-
ies to be used for lighting the build-
ings or any other light machines used
about the farm.
The advantages of a water system
on a farm are never understood and
appreciated until after it has been in-
stalled and used. The whole system is
within reach of almost every farmer
in one form or another, and on the
farm, where a system has been in-
stalled, it is one of the last things
that would be done away with.”
National Enemies
a pile of ashes.
Why? Because we
and select one.
“The Bank wi
W: 1t is thought to have been the!
Fire alone destroys each year about a
quarter as much as America builds
No excuse is left vou now should ou
some day soon find your documents,
valuable papers, and keepsakes only a i
proof vaults and Deposit Boxes that rent
for less than 4 cent a day.
Citizens National Bank 4
—Fire and Theft.
have fire and theft : f
Come in
th the Clock” s
Meyersdale, Pa.
in nearby |
result of the operation
: ie rganized
counties of agents for an oe Ais Ean A
ang of counterfeiters is the recent |
appearance of number of spurious
half dollars. The counterfeit pieces On the evening of June 22 one of
are easily dectected upon close exam- the largest and most elaforate wed-
ination. Those which have been found dings ever solemnized in Berlin took
are dated 1911 and 1914. [place in the Methodist church there,
In case of war with Mexico or any when Miss Eleanor G. Groff, daugh-
other country, Harrisburg will be able te of Merchant and Mrs. Fred Groff
to turn out munitions in great quani- of Berlin, became the bride of Rich-
ties, believe milittary’ experts. That ard J. Gould, of Bramwell, W. Va.
city with the Harrisburg Pipe and The Rev. John Yount, of Uniontown,
Pipe Bending Works, Pennsylvania a personal friend of the bridegroom
Steel Company, Foundry and Machine officiated. The bridal party consist-
Works and Elliott-Fisher Typewriter ed of the following: Matron of hon-
Company could be made the center of or, Mrs. Edward Gerwig, of Parkers-
shray el and cartridge manufacture burg, W. Va.; maid of honor, Miss
throughout Central Pennsylvania. The Margaret Groff of Berlin, a sister of
pipe works up until a short time ago, the bride; flower girl, Miss Eleanor
was turning out 5,000 41-2 inch shra- Musser, of Berlin; bridesmaids, Miss
pnel shells for the British govern- ‘May Augusta Sprout, Miss Anna Phil-
ment and within a very short time son, Miss Lorene Garman and Miss
this plant could be making similar Mary McGrath; organist, Miss Mar-
shells for Uncle Sam in squal quanti- garet Eskin; best man,
ties. | Harnish; ushers, Samuel Philson,
Nathan E. Goughnour, aged 64 (Robert Philson, Wilfred Kurtz, H. R.
years, died of pneumonia Thursday Reed and Charles Krissiuger. The
night at the home of his son, Elmer in bide was attired in white silk teff-
Conemaugh making the third death in eta trimmed with silk net and silver. to Sarah J. Burket, Stonycreek Town-
the family since May 30, when the She carried white roses, lilies of the [ghip, $1; John Daniel Zufall to Theo-
blossoms. The [adic Miller, Lincoln Township, $1,000;
deceased’s wife passed away. Mrs. valley and orange
C. W. Miller, a daughter of Mr. and church had been decorated appropri-
Mrs. Goughnour, expired at Hoovers. ately for the event with ferns, palms, |
ville on June 4. rhodedendren and cut flowers. A re- |
| ception was held at the bride’s home |
GUARD INSURED ONLY {after the ceremony, about 100 guests
WHILE IN PENNSYLVANIA | being present. The happy couple left |
|for a trip to Chicago, and in about |
When danger Is at 8 minimum, the la week will be at home at Bramwell,
members of the National Guard of |
Pennsylvania who have been called |
W. Va. ;
Mrs. J. W. Menges and Mrs. John |
Douglass | ton Township, $1,500; John M. Gam-
bert to Pine Hill Creamery Company, |
NSA eal
~- A as 2 a a PN A ur”
Ida B. Mishler to Annie M. Flick-
inger, Brothersvalley Township, $300;
Rosamond Moore to Abraham Shaulis
Somerset Township, $1; Sarah E.
Howard to Wesley L. Shaulis, Jeffer-
son Township, $360; J. A. Barkley to
Gideon Shaulis, Jefferson Towshnip,
$11,000; Gideon Shaulis to Wesley L.
Shaulis, Jefferson Township, $1; Fos-
ter M. Horner to Roy E. Weyanl Que-
mahoning Township, $2,600; George
Barnett to Frank Mason Jenner Town-
ship, $103; Annie Byrne to Margaret
M. Byrne, Allegheny Township, $750;
W. S. Barefoot to Margaret J. Traux,
Windber, $350; Norman B. Christner
to William P. Shaw, Elklick Township
$5,500; William Gibbins to Martin
Manges, Shade Township, $46; Chas.
A. Phillips to John Bowser, Northamp-
| Brothersvalley Township $50; John O.
{Ream to Catherime McCully, Brothers-
valley Township, $1,000; Amy Burket
Jonathan Griffith te Dorsey A. Griffith
Jenner Township, $7,000; Jacob D.
Blough to Jonathan Griffith, Jenmer,
Township, $500; A. L. Gohn to Shade
Coal Mining Company, Paint Town-
ship, $67; James C. Keyser to Que-
mahoning Branch Railroad, Jenner,
Township, $700; Clarence R. Ankeny
to Quemahoning Branch Raiiroad,
Jenner Township, $1; Edward G. Mos-
| Barnett of Pittsburgh who was a
‘was shot through the heart by ene ot |
A company is being formed at Char-
leroi to answer the first call of Presi-
dent Wilson for volunteers. The com-
pany will form a part of a regiment
being organized by Colonel James B.
. Children Cry
colonel in the Tenth regiment during
the Spanish-American war.
More than 25,000 men and women
marched through three miles of
streets in Scranton’s preparedness pa-
rade. The marching bodies “included in use for over 30 years,
German, English, Polish, Slavish,
Greek, Syrian, Russian, Irish and sonal
Lithuanian societies, many of them
>. o
Anormsd and Zimod. All Counterfeits; Imitations
‘Believing that the United States is
badly in need of aviators as well as
aeroplanes and hydroplanes, a num-
ber of Braddock men have organized
the Aviation club of Braddock. They
will offer their services and machines
to ' as soon as the machines |!
can be procured.
goric, Drops and Scothing
! and allays Feverishness.
Former Burgess J. H. Law of Holli-
daysburg,” a Civil war veteran and one
of the heaviest property owners in
Blair couhty, announced that all his
tenants enlisting for Mexico will be
granted rent exonerations by him for
the period of their service.
Diarrheea. It. regulates.
Mrs. Francisca Aszlatasy, aged
forty, of Farrell, may die as the re-
sult of being stabbed ten times with
a knife, wielded, the pelice say, by
Obrad Spevanov. The. cutting took
place at the woman’s home in Farrell,
~~ cars the
James Black, aged twenty-four, of |
Sharpsburg, was drowned when he fell
from a motorboat in which he and his
brother, RusseM Black, were riding
with a party of pleasure seekers in
the Allegheny river at Pittsburgh.
James O'Keefe, aged five, son of
Patrick O'Keefe of Pittsburgh, was
run down and instantly killed by an
express wagon of the W. J. O’Neil
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
In Use For 0
The Kind You Have Always Bought
for FI
\ N\A \
has borne the signature of
= and has been made under his per=
supervision since its infancy.
LZ or Allow no one to deceive you in this.
and ¢¢ Just-as-good >’ are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare=
Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otucr Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee.
It destroys Worms
For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for, the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Signature of’
ver 30 Years
company while playing in front of his
Public Opini
Joseph J. Young, aged seventy-two, |
former sheriff of Jefferson county,
died at his home in PunxsutgWney as
a result of injuries suffered fn a .4 lI
from a second story window six weeks
ago. |
of any other medicine in the
Governor Brumbaugh has appointed
Harland A. Denny of Montrose to be
| 5 :
judge of the court of common pleas |
of Susquehanna county to succeed !
Halph P. Littel, who died last week.
Lewis Hipple, a Harrisburg patrol |
man, while attempting to arrest Fames |
White and Edward Wilson, negroes, |
the pair. White was arrested.
Dory Hawsere, aged thirty, of .
Greensburg, a Pennsylvania railroa ! |
this family remedy by making its sale larger than that
relieve these troubles and prevent them from becoming serious ills by
promptly clearing wastes and poisons out of the digestive system.
They strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the
bowels. Mild and harmless. A proven family remedy, unequalled
For Digestive Troubles
Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World.
Sold everywhere, In boxes, 10c., 25¢.
on Indorses
world. The experience of j
generations has proved its great value in the treatment ‘
of indigestion, biliousness, headache and constipation.
fireman, was killed in the compa
out for service on the Mexican bor-
der, will be under the protection of
the workmen’s compensation act of
1915, but as the dangers increase the
protection probably will decrease.
According to the act, compensation
ig e.tended only within the borders of
the State. If any of the men should be
in‘uio!l while on the way to Camp
Brumbaugh or during the time they
are stationed there, they will receive
leave Pennsylvania on their way to
the border, if they are called there,
compensation will be halted.
It is understood that the men will
be considered state employes, even
though mustered into the federal ser-,
vice so long as they remain in Penn-
sylvania. The act is interpreted so
as to grant compensation to guards- |
men who may be injured while in ac-
tual service in Pennsylvania.
but as soon as they |
Brubaker were delegates to the recent 'toller’s heirs to Jacob B. GarLard and
annual convention of the Women’s others, Stonycreek Township, $2,500;
|Home and Foreign Missionary Socie- Mary C. Miller to F. M. Bertolini, "in-
ty of the Pittsburg Synod of the Luth- {coln Township, $250; Michael Blough
{eran Church. to Katharine Thomas Somerset Town.
| Mr. -and Mrs. George Burkhart and ‘shp, $52: C. A. Brant’s heirs to Pat-
two children of Pittsburg have been terson Zerfoss, Stonycreek Township,
visiting at Wm. Miller's home. $200; C. M. Williams to C. J. Blades.
Mrs. W. A. Garman, and daughter, Somerset, $400; M. A. Snyder to
Miss Mildred, are passing several Savilla Bittner, Black Township, $1;
weeks at Markelton. Somerset Mining Company to Frank
| Mrs. GE. Gogle and daughter Lida Savage, Hooversville, $800; Emma Jj
‘and Margaret are visiting in Pitts- Younkin to Seth Weigley, Meyersdale
burg. $136; Tony Medoro to Nunzio Paci-
Mrs. Augusta Esken, who has been fici, Conemaugh Township, $1,759;
ill for several weeks, was taken to a (Central City Realty Company to Geo.
Pittsburg hospital Monday. B. Frost, Shade Township, $1,100.
Mrs. Anna Griest is -
visitng at — ee en
Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, mother, and : s ON ETI
| Mrs. C. A. Kline, a sister of Rev. J.| The Rey. br. 1.2 omg. ®
| F. Watson, came here from Dayton, |lick will serve as president of the
es : ’ | Lutheran Sunday school association
yards at Youngwood. He was grou. . J ne BH HS HIE 2S i SIE] (ES, AB
to death under his engine. 2 : LX
La =
Thomas Livingston, aged forty-five, | 4) M O N Oo N GAH E LA H O U S E. a
is dead and four others, two of thin | = \ ; 8
women, are badly injured as the resul: ' ' 5 i 2 J.B. Kelley, Manager 2
of two automobile accidents in Hore | = Fy Smithfield St., Water St. and
stead and West Homestead. “a bo First Avenue
TT ; ie x
Jasob Luega and Eugene Cravati- | 2 % PITTSBURGH 3)
are dead and one wounded is in in! xl +
charged with murder as the result o 2 European Plan
a fight in a boardimg house at Mad - | {i Located at the very gateway
son, near Greensburg. x >= a to he city, just out of the con-
BLL : x rs ; i gested zone, yet within reach
. John Donnelly and igh- | 3 . ? :
ee. Jon | ney : = Bere : i of all the leading railroads, department stores, amusement places and :
oe gon, ard, o iy 2 office buildings, making cars and taxicabs unnecessary. rooms, furnished in com- [%
lick, near Indiana, are dead as : pz fort and taste; light and airy. Under personal management of Mr. J. B. Kelley,
result of an attempt te start a fire | ix one of the most popular and best known hotel managers in the East. =
with kerosene. : 5 Cuisine Unsurpassed Note These Reasonable Rates 2
IT Bl Croaplete Caf i 5 = i A 5 =
B. J. Coyne, aged fifty-three, 0° "| [al isiio the most dabei dng, rl Goi nae ram wih bs 9900. S20
a widely known athlete and spcr [Bp a Dimes at 50c, 60c, 75c and $3.00 per day. Each additional person $1.00 [|
man. died in the Shenangh Valley = 3X 31.00. per day In any room, with or without bath. "
pital, New Castle, following an ati: ck x] 37]
of apoplexy.
The largest cornerstone in ‘he
world is to be placed in the new Piil.-
burgh Chamber of Commerce building.
The box placed in it will be of alum-
After a severe reprimand from her
father, L.eona Mahan of Pittsburgh,
fourteen years old, jumped into the
Ohio river. She was rescued by James
A movement to bring the 1917 na-
tional convention of Elks to Pitts:
of her grandparents,
¢nd Mrs. John Pyle at Coal Run.
Wilson Vought and family of near
Salisbury enjoyed Sunday at the home
| i
| VIM. ‘at the home
| Mr. Milton . Meyer ad
[Prothersyalicy township spent Tues-!
jday last week at the home of the for-
| ; |of Milton Fike.
| mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin |
Mr and Mrs. W. W. Nicholson’ and
| Meyer,
| hy . : Zon, spent Sunday afternoon at the
| Miss Vay Bungard who is studying |home of Mr. Nicholson’s brother, R.
Tin a trained nurse in a hospital ins. Nicholson at Pleasant Hill
| Balti | ot Bal
2 pon came home last week on: Mrs. Wm. Bunguar.i cf Baltimore,
ues ay Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engle is visiting at the Bungard
and Irwin spent Wednesday of last | present. :
oy ~ NT"
fanily of II.
hcme at
Brethren parsonage.
BILLIONS OF SAVINGS | Mrs. R. A. Garman of Toma, Wis
Saving accounts in the U. 8. is a guest at the home of her parents,
are growing faster today than ever Mr. and Mrs. William Keefer.
before in our history. In less than | The Berlin Board of Trade has ap-
two months, from March? to May 1, pointed July 28th for Clean-up Day.
the increase of savings deposits in
the country’s national banks increas- |
ed $341,000,000, making the total de- ROCKEFELLER IN THIS VICINITY
posits more than $11,000,000,000. | John D. Rockefeller, Jr., accompan-,
That is at the rate of more than ied by officials of the Western Mary-
$2,000,000,000 increase a year . It land were in Somerset County last
lof the Someret
| Ohi everal weeks at the |
Badia | district durng the
next year havng been elected to this
position at th business meeting of the
association at Trinity Lutheran church :
Johnstown, last week where the 40th.
{annual convention of the association
‘is in session. Other officers were el-
lected as follows: Vice president, the
{Rev. 8S. N. Carpenter of this city;
Isecretary, Mrs. E. E. Haselbarth, of
|Elklick; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
|M. T. Miller; statistical secretary,
Lee Smith of Pittsburgh has been
elected grand master of the Knights
Templars in the national conclave in
Los Angeles, Cal.
Governor Brumbaugh has named J.
week in Salisbu at | i i :
burgh has been started by the mem- Frank Thomas. ir a of Hr Pie ny ML of Con
bers of Pittsburgh Lodge, No. 11. daughter of Mr Engle. She gave a
The governor has fixed the week of Pirthday party in honor of Mr. En- |
July 17 for the execution at Rockview 8&le’s birthday.
of H. E. Filler of Westmoreland and Mrs. Harvey Saylor and daughter,
Jacob Miller of Philadelphia. Maud and Mrs. Foust of AKKkron, 0.
spent last Friday at the home of |
Eugene Wellen. |
Mrs. Mary Seggie and daughter
Ages let for Akron on Teusday
nellsville is visiting at the home of
her father, Fremont Fike, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Martens
and child of Frostburg, spent “over
Sunday with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Martens.
Mr. Harvey Kendall and Miss May
Moore enjoy the afternoon of last
Sabbath in Greenville township.
Miss Emma Ringler who had been
staying in Akron, Ohio some months
means that in twelve months, at the
present rate, our people will save and
put in the bank nearly twice the a-
mount of our national debt, and will
have enough in the bank then to pay
that debt a dozen times over. This
comparison is impressive, when we
consider the relation that the savings
of most foreign nations bear today to
their immense and steadily mounting
And these figures do not include
the billions deposited with state banks
trust companies and other financial
Children Cry
| week going over the B. & O. low grade | Attorney V. R. Saylor of Somerset;
"to the new developments of the Con- treasurer, F. B. Kinsey of this city.
solidation Ccal company at Gray, from The Rev. Dr. C. P. Wiles of Phila-
which openings the Western Marylan-1 delphia, editor of the Lutheran Pub-
handles the coal. Mr. Rockefeller was lication society, made an address on |
on 2 tour of inspection of the Western the sub;2ct of “E;ciency in the Sunday i
Maryland lines, the Boswell branch School.” He stated that there were
and tha Fairmont branch and the three essential things in the Sunday !
general mauager of the Western Mary school and these were material eg-|
| quiry from the Aero Club of America
land, Carl G. Gray, had charge of the uipment, literature and leadership,
party. Under material equipment he spoke
The visit of Mr. Rockefeller is be- specifically of environment, under lit-
lieved to result in an extension to the erature the Bible first and good lesson
Ridgeley, helps, under leadership the pastor,
« the superintendent and the teachers.
One of Dr. Wiles’ declarations was
that no instution has progresed as
has been ,possible only through the
self-sacrifice of the leaders and their
love of the work.
Cumberland car shops at
to cost about $150,000.
"Children Ory
Denny O’Neil of McKeesport as state
| insurance commiccioner.
Americans In Army of Gauls Must Ask
Paris Government for Release.
American aviators fighting fer
France are not able to reply to the in-
whether they will return to take serv.
ice in the American army in the event
of war witheMexico. They are prevent.
from replving by the fact that they
have enlisted in the French army for
the duration of the war and are sub-
ject to army discipline.
The only manner in which this sub-
ject could be taken up would be by
negotiations between the governments
of France and the United States.
Miss Edna Wellen spent Saturday |afrived home last Sunday
The oil that gives the Second only: te sunlight.
| ? RN ; NP: Never flick,
! steady, bright, white \ N y Ni smoke, no soot, Ne
: . » or
light, Triple refined JINN I
3 Tan
from Pennsylvania N ET
i N $a
Pittsburgh bo?
Gasolines, Mluminants, Lub
= higher i
cost, bar uch ¢ ricants, Parafine Wax.
bigher in quality, NR FREE 3%° Page Book-. |
N tells all ghout «
Waverly Products Sold by Yworen
of Si
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