WILL FITH |= 188 |} Ba El Pare aFcRarr I T8aQ 3A Y RITTER Se | oq CIALY “free 1 pool boys: f pool he law ly en $200 is: of A. lied at a pro- ughter sed of ire her us: and 3 | Mrs. by a he fre- ke for r a li- een ar- ho has e's li- a Tre- ¢ men tL great ie sale e there Wk will r the efresh- ground d have sic. ION. here ith ice to it, it! eo RAE ais rm rae a RTT RR B Ec i x i, SRM esemecilin. i i Rs hn TE I SLT SLR ce Bei _ Crackers HM * with'a Flavor ° lf | Flavor is not expected of E a crackers. But Uneeda Biseiit are extraordinary soda crackers and have a distinctive Spgeting flavor, . Buy Ure Biscuit becouse they are a crackers with a flavor, but, above all, buy them for their crisp goodness. 5 cents everywhere | NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 2 OUR UNEDUCATED GRADUATES CONFLUENCE # The nominating committee. of the Little Talks on Health and Hygiene by Chautauqua Association, met Thurs- Dr. Samuel G. Dixon. _ [day night to name .some. committees. A great essential hay been peglect. | | ey are working to make this one ed in the education of the tens of, pf the most Successful held in. the thousands of young men 4nd woman county, 3 who are graduating from the high B. F. Hanna, Baltimore & Ohio su- Bm :#Mormonism is ‘not the | Protestantism “is ‘not “the issue; ‘that’ {is not .the- issue; ‘that ‘unemployment “is » not: the “issue; ‘that ‘public’ qies- ! ‘tions ‘ought rot tb “be made “party” cord ‘made this possible. « xn. SOCIALISTS OF THIS COUNTY .ADOPT PLATFORM. E. C Cockley has sent us a copy - of, { the platform adopted by the Social- ist party of Somerset county at its Jat Somerset no doubt is of interest in | conference held in Rockwood, June ‘10 and 11. The platform is recom- mended for approval by the party | membership in a referendum vote to ; be taken shortly. The Platform is as ' follows: | We declare that conscription is not Company, the issue; that preparedness is not the issue; that invasion is not the is- sue; that intervention is not the is- i sue; that. violehce is not the issue; that ‘Wilson is not the issue; that tariff is not the issue; that commerce .is mot thé issue; that trade is .not the ‘issue; that’ efficiency is ‘not the issue; that graft is’ not the: that Romanism ‘is not the: issue; that whiskey is not the issue; that suf-’ frage is not the issue; that home rule | questions. : vereit! + “We affirm that “thé issue is politi-" of transfers as put on record: “* ‘[real: and intustrfal ‘démocracy; that matters of ‘an international, national, i Jenner township $103; Annie Byrne state, county, municipal or industrial 't aspect ought to be decided, directed and regulated by ‘the’ ‘qualified elec- ‘tors of international,’ national, state, dotinty, mitinfcipal territory, ‘and the persofis “Who are a part’ of an ‘industry affected,’ “as the bran¢h of government be placed ic the hands of the qualified electors. issue; same interests. issue; “that deal directly with .the Central City Realty Company- for both the sut- |’ “Central City, Smokeless Coal -€om- circumstances re- shade township, - $40; quire.” * . Phillips -to John Bnion, Northamp-| “We propose that the legislative ' ton township, $1,500; DEEDS FOR PURCHASE 14% OF CENTRAL CITY. One of the deeds recently entered ot record in the office of the recorder 'deals by which Jno. Lochrie of Wind ber became owner of the Central City Realty Company’s holdings at Cen- tral City.. The deed recorded is that of the Central City Smokeless Coal Company to .the Central City Realty Shade township, giving $29,000 as the price. paid. + Another, and an auxiliary to the other deed, is a transfer from- W H Sunshifie of Johnstown to the same" realty concern. with: the honinel price of $1 recorded. . The coal and realty were separate incorporations of’ the To simplify matfers it was decided to have- Mr. Lochrie face land. held .by that’ concern’ and the coal beld-.in the name of the pany. . The transfer here put on re- The following is the week's i George Barnett to Frank Mason,’ to Margaret M. Byrne, “Allegheny township, $750; W. S.: Barefoot to Margaret .- Truax;: ‘Windber, ‘$350: ‘Not rman B. Christner to: William P. Shaw, Elk : Lick: township, $5,500; William Gibbons‘ to’ Martin Manges, ‘ Charles ‘= A. John M.Gam- bert to Pine Hill Cemetery Company Brothersvalley township;* $50; ~omipdites p John | Every Farmer with two or more cows needs a DELAVAL THE BEST. SEPARATOR MADE, 223 LevergoodSt. JOHNSTOWN, PA. . MOTTLED Good layers of large, white eggs. : wml ihe . Cost less to: keep than’ ordi- -~nary fowls, and lay more eggs, Mature Early and Do Not Set... Improve, your, flocks, make .. more money. Have Birds of Which Tu will he Proud by Bu ing a Setting ofan DIANA, W. Wn iT W. GAIN. Bas $2 50 per. 5 ‘BA L TIMORE & OHIO SEASHORE EXCURSIONS FROM MEYERSDALE To $8.50 GOID IN COACHES ONLY “through the’ application of the initia. O. Ream to Catherine M¢Cully, Bro- *' tion. It was this training that produc- schools and colleges* bf the country. pervisor. of Rockwood was-here re- They are presumed to have been fit- cently on business. ted, to meet the responsibilities and. | blems of life. In the majority of in: 9. they have had mental but not * physical education. Some few have devotea themselves a greater or less degree to compet." itive. sports. ‘This number is but a smail fraction ' of those ‘who pass through our schools. Our curriculums are -often so planned that they make physical development difficult or im- possible. : To lay ‘ the foundation of health there should be proper physi- cal training under the supervision of specially trained medical men begin- ning in ‘the elementary school ' and going through the college course. A few years of training in youth and early manhood and womanhood would serve to instill habits of personal hy- giene which would add inestimably to our future welfare, individually and as a Nation. A ¥ In every activity of life good health is a primary essential. No mental at- tainment can make up for a puny, ill- nourished, ill-developed. body. Lack of well developed physique almost in- variably prove a handicap to achieve- ment. Our present system has failed to bring a balanced education to mind and body. Individual efficiency and preparedness for the uncertainties of life depend upon this. ‘ Today Sweden is Yeading the world systematic education with a result- high average of citizens individ- tually prepared to take their part in the’ defense of their homes. Three thousand years ago the Greeks appre- ciated and practiced in the education of their youth this happy combina- ed the scholars and heroes whose names live in the world’s history. | H. M..Datesman,: »superintenderit of the Henry Clay coal mings’ on” the John Reed farm, has rettirned from ,a business trip to Pittsburg. James Liston, a merchant of Brad- dock who has been spending ‘several ‘days here with friends at Listogbure ‘returned home Thursday. Rev. Victor Miller and wife, for- merly = Miss Bertha Cramer, both of Unamis, have returned from their ‘wedding trip. ‘ Ester Black has gone to Pittsburg, | where she will visit for a few days. | J. W. Clark of McKeesport, was here enroute home after visiting friends at Selbysport, Md. } Mrs. J. K. Thrasher has returned from a visit with her parents in Johnstown. The Confluence Automobile Club! organized Friday night with 50 mem-! bers enrolled at the first session. The | meeting was very successful and the members enthusiastic. The Rh] elected were Dr. C. W. Frantz, presi- dent; Wilbur Davis, vice president; Hal Hostetler, secretary; E. R. Beggs treasurer. The above officers, with D. Meyers, ‘Earl Critchfield and E. R. Bender will constitute the board of governors. The club is going after good roads and proposes to raise a ‘fund which . with an equal. amount from the state will go to improve the highway from Confluence to Addison meeting the National Pike. Mrs. Amos Prevere former’s parents at Friendsville, Md. Charles ‘Knight of Oshewa, Canada, Miss Florence Cummings was in Somerfield recently calling on friends. Dr. and Mrs, W. S. Mountain left Friday for New York where they will visit friends for some time. C. E. Sanner of Cuyahoga Falls, O., was here visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers of Elierslie, Md., were callers here re- cently. ? ROCKWOOD James T. Doyle of Baltimore has been spending severel days in Rock- wood the guest of his many friends. Miss Hazel Shultx, daughter of Mrs Susan Shultz called ‘at the ° Shultz | dence on Broadway Wednesday morn- ing after a lingering illness. The de- ceased is survived by one sister and two brothers. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock with in- terment in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Lon Colborn, a sttudent at the Uni- versity of Pittsburg, is spending hig vacation with his mother, Mrs. Emma Colborn of Rockwood. JOHN KENDRICK BANGS. JOHN . KENDRICK BANGS, humor : ous lecturer, who will be heard here on the seventh afternoon of the Chautauqua, is one of the foremost magazine editors of the country, hay- ing been in turn managing editor of Life. editor of the departments of hu- | mor for Messrs. Harper & Bros. ed- | itor of Literature, editor of Harper's | Weekly and of the Metropolitan Mag- | cemetery and then to the high school | to be given on the .azine. His has been one of the busi- est and most prolific pens of the last | quarter century. more than fifty vol- | umes of humorous prose and verse be- | ing published over his name. Mr. | Bangs will long be remembered as the | World, inventor of ‘‘The Genial Idiot” and of “A Houseboat on the Styx.” I | AT ELK LICK CHAUTAUQUA | Miss Pearl Sandies, a teacher in the Connellsville schools is spending «government be “within control of the creek township, $1; ~ants who may, for specific reasons, ‘land to better human “conditfons in John Lape to Sebastian a { Pearson Lohr’s heirs to Mary J. Mar- w, Miller, Milton Goller, Dr. H. P. essary. but not to encourage or create unrestricted suffrage for men "and fred W. Livingston, Paint ttownship, women, measures of relief for unem- $1; Willis Wingard to Sarah: Yoder; and daughter | diplomacy; forcible intervention in Ship, $29,000; William H. ag % have returned from a visit with the ADy other nation’s affairs; all arti- Central City Realty Company, ne e : ficial moves of blood-thirsty jingoes township, $1; C. M. Williams to Ray- is here spending a vacation with hig dangerous legislation having designs Somerset Hotel Company to Mary P. parents, Mr. and Mrs. ThomasKnight | 28ainst the poor and needy.” tive and the referendum; that the ad- thersvalley township, $1, 000; Amy ministrative of executive branch of Burket to Sarah J. Burket, Stony- | John D. Sufall qualified -electors through application to Theodore Miller, Lincoln township, of a system for recalling public serv- $1,000; Jonathan Griffith to Dorsey A. Griffith, Jenner township, $7,000; become incapacitated or be found to Jacob D. Blough to Jonathan Griffith, be unqualified, following their selec- Jenner township, $500; A. L. Gohn tion for the service; that the judicial to Shade Coal Mining Company, branch of government have ho object Paint township, $67; James C. Kay- other than the adjustment of disputes ser to:Quemahoning Branch railroad, covered by law, and in such manner Jenner township, $700; Clarence R. as the qualified electors shall by law Ankeny to Quemahoning Branch rail- of industry that are collectively used road, Jenner township,” $1; Albert be collectively owned by the people p. Hillegass’ administrators to Rob- through their government, in order ert MecLuckie, Allegheny township, to make industrial democracy con- $7,430; C. M. Williams to Scott Brash- sistent. ‘ear, Somerset, $900; James Firl to “ We support av! legislation having Wilson Saylor, Summit township, the effect of promoting social welfare, , $750; John E. Blough to® Charles ®. social conscience and social justice, Koontz, Conemaugh township, $300; “ Plackner, general, btlieving this to be the sane Conemaugh township, $60; Sebastian and logical step to take for adequate Plackner to Michael Shultz, Cone- preparedness; bills of a democratic | jmaugh township, $30; Lena L. Gross nature covering the various phases of, to Charles T. Baker, Berlin, $600; questions as they arise; proportional | Central City Realty: Company to representation of conflicting sent! | Martha E. Misley, Shade township, ments ‘in all bodies of a representa | $450; George Hoke fo Frank B. Crone tive character; tariff legislation to miller, Boswell, $110; Elizabeth Ca- protect workers, where it may be nec- ble to Ira E. Brandt, Boswell, $1,500; get-rich-quick individuals or corpora tin, Stoyestown, $1,166; David S. Lohr tions; temperance legislation, if un- to A. L. Martin, Quemahoning town- prejudiced and justifiable. equal and | ship, $1; Samuel W. Livingston to Al- ployed land suffering. “We oppose conscription. less military ‘expenditures; , Paint borough, $1,800; Central City, senge- Smokeless Coal Company to Central secret City Realty Company, Shade town- and unscrupulous politicians; all mond A. Kirkpatrick, Somerset, $225; | Pletcher, Somerset township, $200; George A. Bittner toSomerset Coal | company, Lincoln township, $2,875; #* W. S. Barefoot to H. M. Habeeb, | Windber, $50; Joseph Czeck to Tho- mas Czeck, Windber, $900; W. S. ! Barefoot to S. S. Solomon, Windber, 1 $680; J. A. Manges to Morris I. Man- # ges, Ogle township, $189; W. H. C. Sprengle to Frederick F. Sprengle, Shade township, $125; Central City Realty Company to W. H. C. Sprengle Shade township, $500; Joseph Sarver’s | neirs to James W. Sarver, Allegheny township, $400; Calvin M. Ankeny to {Nevin N. Shaulis, Lincoln township, . $400; Alice L. Mong to Harrison Lohr Quemahoning township, $2, 000; John : Merschbaker to Mary L. Shumaker, PIANIST TO BE HEARD AT THE CHAUTAUQUA IS ALSO A COMPOSER $10.50 GOOD IN PULLMAN CARS WITH PULLMAN TICKET 3 : CAPE MAY, Sia ISLE ory, OCEAN CITY, STONE HARBOR, WILLWOOW' ‘JUNE 29,JULY 13 AND 27. AUGUST 10 AND 24, SEPTEMBER. 7 TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 16 DAYS SECURE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET GIVING FULL DETAILS FROM TICKET AGENTS, BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILKOAD -ln The oil that gives the NDIA NN Never flickers, No pe steady, bright, white \ N Li light. ‘Triple refined 3 N N 13 from Pennsylvania JN NR - \ NN Crude Oil. Costs little JURE ( Family Favorite tank-wagon Oil in barrels shipped oils, direct from our refineries : Get it from him, WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. urg Sasines. uminants, 1 Lub. 320 ae — FREE 2 a Book Wavery Products Sold by RENEE NW NEWMAN ro BT hehe ap Re “9% Magersdale | a EO [Eas J. B. Kelley, Merny Smithfield St., Water St. and First Avenue PITTSBURGH European Plan Located at the very gateway to the city, just out of the con- gested zone, yet within reach 32 3 HE BIRR RER) % of all the leading ey dopditient stores, amusement places and Ml office buildings, making cars taxicabs unnecessary. 250 rooms, ed in com- 2 fort and taste; light and sy Under personal management of Ms. J. B. Kelley, pg one of the most popular and best known hotel managers in the = Cuisine Unsurpassed Note These Remsouabl Rates X Complete Cafe Service from 25¢ Club Break. Single room without bath, 3 00 and $1.50 per [32] fast to the most elaborate dinner. ay. Single room, wi . $2.00, $2.50 and = $ Club Dinners at 50c, 60c, 75c and $3.00 per day. ‘Each A person $1.00 $1.00. : per day in any room, with or without bath. y B = a i SE See 5 ee EE ee BE Te FE Es SE See ST See SS 0158 SEE —~—, NY ~~ aaa Iker, Somerset township, $50; Roger | toWShiD, $100; C Caroline Ross to D. S. W. Glessner to Millard W. Walker, | Buterbaugh, Shade township, $360; Se norsor township, $500: Nelle K.| | Somerset county treasurer to Ross R. Glessner to Darl I. Weller, Somerset, | Scott, Black township, $27; Central $3; 0; Bridget McGrath to Benjamin | CItY Realty company toMichael Gar- F. Dively, Brothersvalley township, |40sik, Shade township, $300; O. B. $7,200; John B. Zeigler to George | Lohr o' William H. Jordan, Shade Kraly, Shade township, $153; Margar- | township, $350; Somerset county Summit township $50; J. W. Baker Henry Ross, Shanksville, Wagner, Daley’s Somerset, $310; administrators to Lewis D. :Naugle to Johnstown Somerset Railway Company, | maugh township, $375; Samuel her summer vacation with her grand- father, Mr. Werner. The various fraternal organizations : of Rockwood: held their annual union (CHARLES HARDING, acedmpanist | nemorial services on Sunday, June (18. From § Ridenour’s Hall, the lodge | auditorium, where an address was de- | C jlivered by the Hon. W. N. Carr, of | (ing numbers by this talented musician. Uniontown. The Odd Fellows, Knights | 2 of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of the 5 Pythian Sisters and Royal | Neighbors participated. | Our Job Work Please: i {not only: a pianist of note; but is also a gifted composer. : members marched to the I. O. O. F.! artistic program of the Soiree Singers |ownsifp, $500; Mahlon H. Meyers to Lincoln Bethel Realty Company, Conemaugh Peterson to Allen W. Kaufman, Cone- $100; W. S. Barefoot to maugh township, $3,000; John J. Liv- members of this able company. CHARLES "HARDING. $2,505; Central City Realty with Dunbar’s Soiree Singers, is The varied and Pany to George opening day of the | | hautauqua will include several pleas- | tow nship, John 8S. Barefoot, Windber, $165; i s well as vocal selections, readings, ketche or | etches and impersonations by other rkebile, Quemahoning township, $3.- — AT ELK LICK CHAUTAUQUA i | $5,180; William J. Try Our Fine Job Work | Sarah Woy’s heirs to Millard W. Wa- to Perry C. Burkholder, Summit town- | township, $1; ship, $3,150; John D. Ross to Charles Daniel $10; Eliza Peter A. Kregar to John S. Trimpey, {A. Tayman’s executors to Clinton C. , Upper Turkeyfoot township, $1; Hill- William ' worth Coal William Ainsworth, Jenner township, $1; Geo. ‘Wechtenheiser, Shade township, $188: A. Bittner & coln township, $250; John A. Stark to Cone- Annie E. Eckles, S. $50; David Stark to Annie BE. Eckles, {Crouse to A. H. Smucker, Somerset, Addison borough, $74; Curtis Eash to | $3, 500; John Airsman’s administrators Johnstown& Somerset Railway com- | to Mary C. Miller, Lincoln township, pany, ] Company Frank S. Woy to C. L. Davis, Somer- {to Elmer Knightlinger, Shade town- set township, $1,500; Noah A. Hash | ship, $400; Central City Realty com- | Joheph Miller, Conemaugh township, Knightlinger, Shade $37$; Mary C. Miller to Moses Hill, {William H. Miller to William G. Be- maugh township, Fisher’s administratrix to James Mec- | 200; Emma J. Rock to Orange J. So- Kelvey, | | ber, Shade and Stonycreek townships, {ues Albright to Baltimore & Ohio | Glessner to Char- railroad, t { Viola Westo i I et Zeigler to George Kraly, Shade |treasurer to Ross R. Scott Paint town- Irvin M. Hoover to |ship, $6. Shaffer, Hooversville, $380; —_— o THE DANGER “Pa, a man’s wife is his better half isn’t she?” “We are told so, my son.” “Then if a man marries twice there isn’t anything left of him, ts there?” Company to Walter = F. to Edward Dimarce, Lin- Addison borough, NOT HARD “How long did it take you » Tear to run a motor ear?” “Oh, three or four.” “Weeks?” ®No, motor cars.” | Conemaugh township, $40; township, $500; Elmer @. Pennsylvania Posunaster Named, Henry P. Cowen has been appointed postmaster at Utahville, Clearfield county, Pa. Cone- | Catherina ngston to Daniel E. Blough, $1,000; Somerset township $3,500; Children Cry FOR _FLETCHER'S $1,800; Summit i Lochrie, Ogle to John { i NE ! 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers