The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 22, 1916, Image 2

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. rearers. Further
Some Practical SuggestionsWell
Worth Knowing From the De-
‘partment of Agriculture.
The turkey crop of Pennsylvania
seems to be slowly disappearing. At
the risk of being severely criticised
W. Theo. Wittman, poultry advisier
of the Pennsylvania Department of
interview |
Agriculture, in a recent
stated as his belief that the reason
for this was that the farmers tand
growers were generally to blame and
that it was not due to blackhead or
any other old or new disease. Mr.
Wittman points out the fact that the
wild turkey the direct and close-by
progenitor of our domestin ye
was and is a native of this State and
that turkeys' should do well and
would do well here if handled proper-
ly. :
The notion that turkeys need hous
ing and heavy feeding is the biggest
mistake. Any that are so detoriated
as to need this or cannot do without
it should die and the quicker the bet-
ter. If the breeding stock is fat and
fed heavily, or does not sleép out-
doors and get most of its feed by
ranging when laying most of the:
little poults are sure to die. Nothing
that can be done will save them.
Not a few “turkey stocks are tuber-
cular, the direct result of housing and
Mr. Wittman further believes that
until our turkeys have at least some |
of their old time vigor and ability to
live, no eggs should be incubated in’!
a machine or under a chicken hen,
but only under turkey hens and that
only turkey hens should be used as
that strong, vigor-
ous turkey poults cau be fed such im-
possible things like hard-boiled eggs
black pepper, corn-meal, and cold
water and survive but to the aver-
age poult, as we now have it, such
things are mercly slow poison and
end in death.
A better feed is wholesome, stale
bread and sweet milk, crumbly cott-
ge cheese and small quanities of or-
dinary good commertial chick feed
and free range. Of late years some
growers, after trying everything and
failing, have in desperation tric
feeding nothing at all to poults and
have had femarkatie = success: It is
suggested that others try this, espec-
ially those who year after year by ug-
derfeeding lose all or nearly all their
young turkeys. They connot possible
have any worse results by trying the
method : of not feeding at all, but
merely giving tthe old turkey hen
and her brood free range. Under this
method, at least where the range is
favorable, they usually all live in
stead of usually all dying, and it en-
ormously simplifies the growing - of
turkeys. Probably, when all is said
and done, turkeys will not live now-
a-days because they have simply
been pampered to death.
An unusual number of requests
from warious sections of the State
for a method of killing off: potato
bugs indicates that this pest is more
prevalent than for some time. Farm
ers throughout the State say that the
potato bugs are numerous. Zoologist
H. A. Surface recommends spraying
the plants and offers the following
suggestion for a spray to kill bugs
and prevent blight:
“There is nothing better than a
combination of Bordeaux mixture and
arsenate of lead. Use three pounds of
quicklime, two pounds of bluestone
and one pound of arsenate of lead,
or two pounds of arsenate of lead
paste, in eath fifty gallons of water.
Dissolve the bluestone in warm wa-
ter, in a wooden or earthen vessel,
and pour it into your fifty gallon bar-
rel or spray tank. Fill this at least
half full of water. Shake the lime,
which should be fresh lime, and add
enough water to make it like milk of
lime. Let it settle just enough to al-
low the particles .of sand to settle,
and pour into the sdme tank or ves-
sel with the bluestone. Add more wa-
ter and then mash or stir it. with a
paddle and pour it into the tans. Mix
the arsenate of lead with water ‘by
the use of a little paddle in a vessel
like a tin can and pour it into the
tank containing the mixture.
“Keep this mixture stirred and you
are ready to go ahead and spray.
Spraying should be done once every
two weeks, but if the bugs should get
especially bad a special spray at any
time will no no harm. It will do more
than anythinge else toward prevent-
ing blight besides killing the
“The fad of dusting seems to be
coming up again, apparently as some-
thing new but it has to be proven by
experience that dusting is not
equivalent of spraying. The mater-|
| vania- steel companies. ' Russia and
a no ERE
Photo by American Press 4ssociation.
Franee Onder Jase and
Russia and
Ralls in Pittsburgh Bi
Foreign orders still a. most
of the business booked : by “ Pennsyl
Italy. are placing’ the ‘heaviest con-
tracts, but France, Great Britain and!
Japan are distributing. some orders
with additional substantial contracts
Russia has virtually closed for |
200,000 ‘tons of 67% pounds rails, and
for 200,000 tons of barbed wire. About
three-fourths of this tonnage will be
furnished by the United States Steel’
{ corporation.
| Rusgia 1s still in oe market for
i cars, locomotives ‘and car wheels.
France has ordered 3,000 more cars in
Canada and the Dominicn works are
asking for prices;on 5,000 tons low
phosphorous pig iron to cover .a por:
tion of the foreign order.
Italy has closed for 27,000 tons more
Bessemer pig iron with American in-
terests and is still in the market for
steel rounds, billets and pig metal.
Japan has purchased 2,0000 more
tons of low phosphorous iron and
2,000 tons ship plates in this country.
Great Britain has placed numerous
small orders for skelp and sheet, and.
Switzerland has taken a few. more lots
of pig iron and. special grades of al-
loy steel.
Domestic ralltonds are showing a
little more interest in equipment or: |
ders, there being inquiries in the.
market for 13,000 cars, 40,000 to 50,000 |
| tons of! rails¢and several substantial
inquiries for track accessories. The!
merchant -car builders: have taken
and for repairs to to 1,500 cars.
Mexican War Secrctary Answers U. S.
: Call for Militia.
. Mexico's answer to the’ American
call for the National Guard to mobi-
lize is instructions to ali 'ts citizens
to arm and prepare for service in case
of an international war.
The following message from Gen.
Obregon, Mexican minister of war.
was received by Gen. Jacinto Trevino!
in Chihughuaf*® i
“The Mexican government is con:
vinced that the greater part of its
citizens are desirous of enlisting ‘in
the army so that in case of interna-
tional war they may defend, with arms
in hand, the integrity of: eur sover-
eignty. Further, since in the north-
ern states, and especially in the bor-
der territory, there are being organ-
ized bodies of men to be ready to
fight. the American army in case of
a rupture of relations, and with the
object of preventing the further raid-
ing of American territory by armed
bandits, who seek to increase the
present grave difficulties of the gen-
eral situation, all patriots should rally
to the national standards.
Kansas City Wife Beater Informed as
to: Whereabouts of River.
“If I evor get cut of here I am going
to kill myself,” declared John Seaman
in a Kan:as City court, where he had
been haled on a charge of beafing his
wife. :
“Al 'right
you are a free man,”
Judge Brady announced. “Your case
is continued until tomorrow night.
Mcantime the police are ordered to
let you alone, especially not to inter-
fere with any suicide attempt you
may make. The river is at the foot
of that street out the window, or I'll
give you any amount you require to
purchase peison. Your wife and baby
and everybody else concérned would
pe a whole lot better off if you were
offer of Judge Brady.
Utah Me “Want Teddy.
At a meeting of Utah Progres
sives resolutions were adopted declar-
ing for complete national, state and
local Progressive tickets and declar-
ing that the Utah Progressives are
“ynalterably opposed to any indorse-
ment of the Republican candidatas”
ial dusted on the plants cannot he
made to slick as it does when applied |
as a spray.” |
Seaman made no reply te the
St. Louis Convention Closes |
Commoner Makes Speech In Conven :
tion, Lauds President, and Tells of
Friday Afternoon
Achievements of Democratic Party.
For President—Woodrow Wilson, of
New. Jersey. 3 y
. For Vice President—Thomas R.
Marshall, of Indiana.
This ticket was nominated by the
Democratic national convention in the
Coliseum, St. Louis; a few minutes be-
fore midnight. Thursday.’
dent was not literally nominated by
acclamation. One delegate’ defiantly
shouted “No” when Chairman James
put the ‘question. This was Delegate
at-Large Emmett R. Burke of Chicago.
Senator | James wag: obliged: to an-
nounce the vote 1092 to 1. The re
nomination, of. Mr,, Wilson, was ac
complished at 11:56, p.m. after a
nominating speech by Judge John *¥.
Westcott of New Jersey and, second
ing _speeches by. Judson Harmon of
Olio and 'G vhrnor Stuart of Virginia.
Vice President ®:rzhall ‘was re
nominated by: acclamation, "Delegate
Burke having no objoction. The for:
mality ‘was recorded at d1:57:p. m.
All, opposition crumbled away—+the
candidacies of Roger Sulilvan of Iii
nois, Governor Major of Misssouri and
Governor Moreland of Nebraska hav
ing failed to enlist sericus support.
Mr. Marzhall was placed ‘in renomiza-*
tion by Scnator Kcrn of Indiana.
There were no seconding speeches.
Vance McCormick of Pennsylvania
has been selected to head the nationat
Democratic committee. The selection
‘was made by President Wilson.
The convention met on Wednesday
and the first day's proceedings were
taken up with. the spegch of foriaor
Governor Martin H. Glynn of New
| York, and t: e naming of the commit
| tees of the convention.
place on the principal committee was
The premier
given to Senator William “J. Stone, of
Missouri, that of chairman of the reso
lueions committee, which body drafted
the party p:atform.
Thurs sday's session was short, and
the delegates adjourned after hearing
the speech of Permanent - Chairman
| Ollie James of Kentucky, to meet at
| 8.p. m.j
| liam J. ‘Bryan the speech nominating
orders for 245 cars, 3,000 center sills}
the president to succeed himself was
made by.Judge Westcott.
Bryan Addresses Convention.
“Ladies 'and gentlemen,” said Sen-
ator James, ‘I présent one of the most
distinguished of Americans.”
was a yell, a burst of applause, and
Bryan began to speak in the old, fa-
miliar voice. :
“Every Democratic olrveition is for
me a love feast,” said Bryan, and they
cheered him. He praised the domes-
tic achievements of the Democratic:
party—the Federal reserve act, the
inccme tax law, especially, and then
he turned to a panegyric on Woodrow
Wilson. .No man could have spoken
more enthusiastically "of the Presi
dent than did Mr. Bryan. He dwelt
long on the achievement of Wilsoi"
“in breaking
the power of Wall
for he restored to the govern-
ment, he said, the power to issue its’
paper money. “He put the axe to the
tree of private monopoly,”
“The President,” he shouted, “will
not lack those to defend his conduct—
aye, in every home you will find
mothers who thank God their boys
were not sent to die in Mexico.”
The platform as adopted praises the
Democratic administration for its pur-
suit of a policy of neutrality in the
war, : cites the WUnderwood-Simmons !
tariff as a piece of heneficent legis- i
lation, declares. for an Americanism
that will d. snd its rights and those
of the Am rican continent, and ror
the integri., of minor states and free-
drom from aggression; renounces any
aggressive .esigns on Mexico; praises
the seamen’s act as a Democratic bill;
urges the extension of child labor
laws; promises. ultimate freedom to
the Philippines, and calls President
Wilson the greatest American of his
Chinese Die in Desert.
Four Chinese,” trying to smuggle
themselves into the United States
from Mexico-met death in crossing the
Sonora desert, according to American
soldiers patrolling the corder. Three
were drowned in the Colorado river
and one perished in the desert.
Steel Cars Save Lives.
Thirty-five persons were injured
when the Sunshine Special, westbound
on the Texas & Pacific railroad, was
derailed west of Putnam, Tex. Four
of the steel cars were overturned.
The accident resulted from a brake
beam working loose.
Aviator Killed in Nel
Matthew Savage, a
tor, was killed ‘while
The craft be
ta avia-
L, practice
able while he was ma
a spiral
The Presli- ;
_when, after a speech by Wil
said Mr.’
Force Estimafed nated af 145, 000
‘920; New Yorkers Go First
| S—
: i
El Paso Report Says Carranza Hae
Given United States Seven Days in
Which Is te Remove Troops or Fight
President Wilson has called out the
militia of every state: for service on
the Mexican border, A “Ati
| Secretary Baker's telegram 10: the:
governors of the various states, which:
| was identical in form except as.ta
the units called out and ‘the mobili- | [§
-gation point, was as follows:
“Having in view thé possibility ‘of
' further aggression upon" the territory
of ithe: Ufiited States ahd the neces-
sity for. the proper protection’ of that
“frontier, ‘the President ‘has thought
proper to exercise the authority vest
ed in him by the constitution and the’
laws and call out. the organized, militia
and the National Guard necessary for
that purpose. Pp am in. , consequence
instrucetd’ by President to cau,
into the 86rvice of ' the United States
forthwith; through you, ‘the “following
“units? for ‘organized’ milttly and the
National-Guard of the ‘stétes, of ‘which’
the President ‘dffects shall’ be! assém.’
bled at the' state mobilization’ point,
for muster .into: the Hservice of ie
United States: i
“New, Jerscy—One brigade of ithree
regiments iufantry; one, squadron cav-
alry; two batteries field artillery; ene
company signal corps; one field hos-
pital; one aibuiange company, Sea
“New York—One division, including
three brigades of three regiments each
of infantry; one regiment, one squad-
ron and one machine gun troop -cav-
alry; two regiments field artillery;
two .battalions engineers; one battals|
ion signal corps; three field hospital
companies; four ambulance, _ compa.
nies, New Dorp.
“Ohio—Two brigades, three regi
ments each infantry; one squadron
cavalry; one battalion field artillery;
one battalion engineers; one battalioh
signal corps; three field ' hospitals;
two ambulance companies, ‘Columbus.
“Pennsylvania — One division; - in”
cluding thr_2 brigades of three reg.:}
ments each of infantry; one regire«!t
of cavalry; one regiment field .art:l.
lery; two companies engineers; .qne
| Thursday,
battalion signal corps; two field hos:
pitals; two ambulance companies, Mt, i
'®Rhode ‘Istand—Three troops Gav-
alry; one battery. field artillery; ‘one
ambulance company, Quonset ‘Point.
“West Virginia—One regiment - in
fantry, Terre Alta.”
The: order includes Ryety state in
the Union.
The order prescribes the condition;
under which the regiments will be
mustered into the service, and stipu-
lates that they will be mustered out
“when their services are no longer re-
In announcing the President’s de
cision, Secretary Baker said the
militia would be sent to the border
~ wherever and as fully as Gen. Funston
determined them to be needed.
The adjutant general of every state
“has just been notified to have his
troops ready for immediate movement.
New York regiments will be among
the first to leave for the front. Sec:
retary of War Baker has issued a
statement, in which he says:
“In view of the disturbed conditions
on the Mexican border, and, in order
"to ‘assure complete protection for all
Americans, the President has ealled
out substantially all the state militia
and will send them to the border
wherever ard as fully as Gen. Funston
determines them to be needed for the
purpose stated. ’
“If all are not needed an effort will
be made to relieve those on duty there
from tiie to time so as to Si stripuie
the" duty.”
This cali for militia ‘is wholly un
related to Gen. Pershing’s expedition;
and contemplates ne: additional entry
into Mexico; exgept as may be neces
sary to pursue bandits, who attempt
outrages on Americans. The militia
is being called out to leave some
troops in the several states. They
will be mobilized at thelr home ‘sta
tions, where necessary Permiiing can
be ‘done.
Brig. Gen. Alfred Mills, chief of the
division of militia affairs, estitnated
the minimum militia. force to be: called
out to be: 145,000 men.
Advices were. received in El Pasc
that First Chief Carranza. has sent
an ultimatum to President Wilson ad-
vising him that if American troops
are not removed from Mexico within
seven days a state of war will be con:
gidered as existing between United
States and Mexico, and that the troops
of the de facto government at the end
of seven days will treat all armed
Americans in: Mexico as invaders.
One Kliled, Two Hurt in Auto.
Joseph Leland of Butler was killed
and two others were injured when
an automobile in which they were
riding skidded, went over a steep
embankment and rolled into a jagged
gulley 30 feet below, on the Butler
plank road, one mile north of Bakers:
town, Pa.
‘have: been
HR So chifisn
GEN". ARS BY voli ™
rshato dl pe aio! SRR Be Za tat 0
oom Tek “THE WAR: w 80
QiE 8
The coptudlTor an, additional 100
officers and 14,000 men was announced
by ‘the Russion war office.
sian sucéeésses’ in ‘the offensive along
the southern front arefcontiniuing, Sue
statement declares.
Berlin claims that Gen. von Linsen-
genthas checked the Russians in their
advance toward Kovel.
Two attacks by the Germans on the
east side of the Meuse, in the Verdu
region, one against the Thiaumo.i
farm Sector and the other against the
French trenches on the southern edg:
-of tft Bois de la Caillette, southeast
of Fort Douaumont, were made. Both
attacks failed.
.The positions on the slope of LZ
Mort Homme, on the left bank of tic
Meuse, .captured by the French last
by Germans. yesetrday. Although the,
“trénches had been subjected to a ter-
rific bombardment before the attems:
‘Was thade, and liquid fire was used i:
large’ quautities by the . attacking:
force, the French repulsed each suc
cessive assault and maintained alll’
their positions. -
... German attempts to recapture tne
ground taken by the French on the
southern slopes of Le Mort Homme
"broke down upder the French fire.
British forces operating in Ger
“man East Affica have made fu-tha.
advances, occupying the villge of Kili-
‘manjaro and’ another village near by.
A large German force is confronting
the: Britisk-in this sector.
Further south, near the coast, the
British have occupied the important
post of Korcgwe and to the northwest
have seized positions in the Yanza
It is reported from Salonika that in
consequence of ‘the establishment of
martial law by the entente allies in
that district, the Greek military base
transferred , to Volo, 100
miles northwest of Athens.
A dispatch from Dublin says 300
Sinn Feiners, parading and carrying
“Republican’” flags, clashed with ‘the
police in Dublin streets. The demon-
strators scattered after a fight. Seven
arrests were made,
William A. Peters Found Dead in New
' Brunswick, N. J.
William A. Peters, an eighty-year-old
recluse, who had lived for twen'y
years in a room in an office building
that he owned in the heart of New
Brunswick, N. J., was found dead in
the entrance of the building. Heart
disease was said to be the cause.
Although he had large property ¥
holdings in the city and was worth
about $250,000, as shown by bank
books and other papers found, Peters
did all his own cooking and caring for
in his room. No one was ever allowed
in the place.
Peters was a religious enthusiast,
and he wrote many Books and pamph-
lets which he had printed at his own
expense, and he distributed them free
of charge. He was active "in church
work, pariicnlany at “experience
He wore long, Sie hair, Which
was jet black despite his age, and
which he cut himself.
Peters had a ‘daughter in Brooklyn
and a sister in Kentucky, but neither
had been heard from for many years
It has been impossible to get in touch
with them.. It is; understood that he
left all his property to the First Meth.
odist Episcopal church in New Bruns
W. L. Held, Vandergrift, Pa.,, Despon
dent Over Damestic Affairs.
Degpondent, the police say, because
of domestic froubles, W. L. Held, aged
thirty-eight, chief of the Vandergriii
Heights fire department, shot and
killed himself in a stable back of his
Held had been fire chief four years
His death is the first in a family of
twelve children.
1 thesides the meaning of the fndividual 1
The Rus-|
were repeatedly attacked |,
June 29, July 13 and 27 Aug-
“== ust 10 and 24, Sep-
tember 7
| The:Route’ is Rail to Washington or
‘Baltimore and Delightful Steam-
{oF Trip to Pestntuion:
ml AI
Full Information w Tiokst offic ;
WHY not give your lad
the same raining?
ed “When I Wiss stains Tad, aad enme
‘upon’ many words in my reading that
‘E-8id not; nndefstand, /my mother, in~
stead of giving me the definition when
1 ried to her, uniformly sent. me to
the dictionary to learn it, and in this
way I gradually’ ledtned many things
word in question—among other things,
how to use a dictionary, and the great
‘Pleasire ‘and’ there might
be in the usé of the dictionary.
when I'went to the villige
Hons were learned and before they
‘ vere recited, was in turning over
pages of the “Unabridged” of those
days. Now the most modern Uns~ f
gives nte a pleasure of the same sorte
So far as my knowledge extends, it is
at present the best of the one-volume
all ordinary uses. Even those who
possess the splendid dictionaries in
peveral volumes will yet find it a great
. convenience to have this, which is so
compact, so full, and so trustworthy
as to leave, in most cases, little to be
desired.””—Albert S. Cook, Ph.D.,LL.D.,
Professor of the English Language and
Literature, Yale Univ. April 28,1911
‘WRITE for Specimen Pages, Ilustrations, Etc.
For Over 68 Years Publishers of e
The Genuine Webster’s Dictionaries,
school, my chief diversion, after les- 1
dictionaries, and quite sufficient for | ;
Our Job Work
OUR WORK IS OF Tha Bitw. An»
Joseph L. Tresiser
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Meyersdale, Penna.
- Office =:
12297 Center tree
Both Phones.
309 Korth Street
Economy Phone. -
Notice has been served on pool
rooms at Connellsville that boys:
under 18 must be kept out of pool
rooms and bowling alleys as the law
in this respect will be positively en
forced. A fine of from $10 to $200 is:
the penalty.
Mrs. Sidney Benkhardt, wife of A.
G. Benkhardt of Philadelphia, died at
her home on June 7, following a pro:
tracted illness. She was a daughter
of Norman B. Penrod, deceased of
Somerset township. Surviving are her
husband and two sons, Augustus and
George. Besides her relatives ' Mrs.
Benkhardt “will bé mourned by a
very large circle of friends, She fres
quently visited at Somerset.
The request’ of Samuel Paschke for
a re-hearing of his petition for a li-
cense at. West Salisbury, has been ar-
gued before: Judge Ruppsel, who hag
withheld his decision. Paschke’s li-
cense was refused because of a re-
monstrance signed: by sixty-five men
and women, who averred ' that great
disorder resulted because of the sale
{of liquor in a community where there:
are no police regulations.-
The Lutherans of White Oak will
hold their anual picnic near the
church on July 4th, 1916. Refresh-
ments will be served on the ground
and all are invited to come and have
a good. There will be good music.
ee ———————
Hostess—And a mile from here
there’s the cutest little lake with ice
that is just like glass.
Suffragette Guest—Lead me to it,
80 I can throw a rock throw it!
Little Tall
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“A Houseboa