The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 22, 1916, Image 1
| . © © ( (2 (2 (0 To 6 SS BREE RR | 4 {i 1 55 15 16 6 5 6 SER 5 6 ROR ROR UR UR OR AOR * : fa | i i t zer and icile and 's on Al ernoon. ghter Al- the Noah vnship. or. spent their son- and © Mrs. tain Val of r at Josi- ynship on . Gelger filmer Pe- * and five the home the P: W. day.g Nie, oX JER AT JAUTAU- VOL. XXXV II gher, Meyersdale; . Be , Wm. Gohn, ‘Ranck, ‘Baltimoe, Md. “Hermon, D. D. Lancaster, ‘Pa; Eider. Kk - We have a big cir- culation and an “ad” here is read by thou- sands of people. Meye v ” \ TT A BR pokloa ks pn FA $ AN : va gh = iy Ss os 5 vale OM Mere 1 al. pn Many tell us they are delighted with our job printing tn MEYERSDALE PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1916. SOMERSET CLASSIS HOLDS 47TH ANNUAL SESSION Rev. . Kresge of Meyersdale Elected Pres Elected President. Splendid Addresses Made. Lengthy Business Sessions. Next Meeting Will be Held at Friedens. Somerset Classis of the Reformed church met in 45th annual session in St. John’s church, Salisbury, on Tuesday evening of last week. The opening sermon was preached by the retiring ‘President, the Rev. D. S. Stephan, F. P. Glessner, Berlin; was taken from Acts 11: 21. The preacher spoke upon the present ten- dency of mankind toward God and not away from God; about the desire of all for eternity and the necessity of the elements of unity in Bll for- ward ‘movements. . At the conclusion of the sermon, the members partook of the Holy Communion. : The following were in attendance. Rev. A. E. Truxal, D. D. Elder W. H. Habel, Meyersdale; Rev, E. P. Skyles, Elder A. A. Comp, Cumber- land; Rev. H. H. Wiant, H. H. Brant, Berlin; Rev. Frank Wetzel, Waldo Buechley, Stoyestown; Rev. I. S. Monn..;. A. M. Lichty, Elk Lick; Rev. D. S. Stephan. F. P. Glessner, Ber- “Rev. A. S. Kresge, Rev. A. S. Gless- Rev. J. W. Albert- Jennerstown; Rev. SR. Kresge, W. Swank, Boswell; Rev. A. J Hermon, Hyndman; Rev. E. F. Hoffman, A. F. Stahl, Somerset; Rev. W. A. Mec- Clellan, 8S. P. Young, Rockwood; Rev. A. S. Kaske, C. L, Miller, Cor- rigdnsville; Rev. L. D.. Horn, Geo. Kneiriem, Frostburg J. J. Glotfelty, Grantsville; H.' H. Grady, Shanks ville. ? The following were elected offi. cers: President, Rey. A. 8S. Kresgo; vice president, Elder A. F. Stahl; cor. ‘secretary, "Rey. A J Herman; treas -urer,; Rev. Frank. Wetzel «Rev. GC. H. Rev. T. PF. Visiting... brethren: Joseph Wise, Philadelphia, Pa. | All the charges were represented the first day by Elders except the Wills’ Creek charge. The only vacant charge in Classis is the Glade charge. The only minister who was absent! the first day was the Rev. L. Nevin | Wilson. The business sessions on Wednesday were largely attended. At the Wednesday evening session the Revs. J. W. Albertson and H. H. Wiant had charge of the services The first address was made by Mr. Joseph Wise upon the subject of Home Missons. Mr. Wise is treasur- er of the Board of Home Missions of the Reformed Church. ‘The Rev. Prof. T. F. Herman, D. :D of Lancaster, spoke of upon the Care of Theological Students. In this «Splendid address the necessity of a dormitory was stressed. The Business sessions on Thursday extended from 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.,' with a recess from 12 to 1:30 o’cloék.. One young man, Mr. Stotler from Elk Lick, was received under the care of Classis as a student for the minis- try. The Rev. L.. Nevin Wilson of Meyersdale, R. D. was elected editor and manager of the Somerset Clas- sis Visitor. The Committee on Reun- ion was continued for a period of three years. General Synod will meet in Dayton, Ohio, in May 1917. The following were electe delegates from Somerset Classis: Minister, B. A. Stephan and H. H. Wiant; Elders, A. A, Comp and W. H. Habel. At the Thursday evening session the Rev. E. F. Hoffmeier, of Somer: | bet. spoke om. “The Orphan Cafe,” {of Chambersburg, spoke on “Forengn | Missions.” In 1917 Somerset Classis will meet at Friedens. The following -are the 1916 ‘statistics of Sqmerset Clasgis— Ministers 19 CRETVED, mr =. me ion =n oko 16 Congregationg — — — — — 41 Members — = == — — — — {8727 Communed — — — — — — ~— 3827 Unconfirmed — -— «— 2098 Infants Baptisms < — — — — 152 Adult Baptists. mm 39 Confirmed ~~ LF <li 2 "ZN 1p By ‘Certificate —= wwe — — — =v — Renewal’ by Profedbion — Be Dismissed — — — — — — — Names; Erased — — — —- Deaths,Communicants — — — Deaths, Unconfirmed — — — — | Sunday Schools — — =— — — Officers and Teachers — — — 499 Scholars 6011 No. of Young People’s Soc. —486 . Students for Ministry — — — 2 Am’t of Benevolence — — — $8,764. , Congregational Purposes — —$34,468 ‘value of Churches — — — —$266,200 . Value of Parsonages — — — $47,800 69 50 16 38 SCHAUTAUQUA BEGINS NEXT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON BIG 6-DAY CHAUTAUQUA. begins June 28 and closes July 3—and you're invited! It’s to be a great, big com- munity affair. That includes Meyers- dale, Salisbury, Garrett and incident- ally the country all about—and this means every farmer and his family in all this great rich territory adja- cent to the towns that we blave named. It will be out in a big tent in a Sha- dy spot, Slicer’s Park, a location that ‘is easily accessible to everyone. It is mainly an afternoon and ev- ening affair at which time the attrac- tions appear. If you are a boy or a girl you will be greatly interested in the Youth’s Chautauqua, forenoons of each week day. And if you come in this class, right to-day get im touch with the local Chautauqua secretary and find out who is in charge of the Boys’ and Girls’ Chautauqua, and they’ll tell you all about the plans. However, all will be deeply interest- ed in hearing something about the general plans we are making. Yeu Lovers of Musie Po you know that the so-called music centers are broken up in ths summer months and that* the great- est singers and musical artists are seeking whole season engagements among the Chautauquas? And that through the Chau. auqua the people can hear the best music! by staying almost in their very door- yards? Concert halls are deserted in the hot summer months; shady Chautauquat tents have taken their place. Chautauqua managers offer these great musical artists, not only con- gracts that pay well, but an ideal summer’s tour, appreciative audien- ces and a pleasant season as well And so while the man in the big city and the cool | contents himself with the mov- | TYoding 108 5% as a hot-night entertainment proposition, we can enjoy at the Chautauqua, a veritable festival of musie. °° Here's the list we have here this summer at the Chautauqua. We can’t tell the whole story in this short ar ticle. What you ought to have is the Chautauqua booklet. It shows hand- some pictures and gives a clean cut, these six great musical features. Study the list and when you are down town next time make it a point 0 get a booklet and learn more about it there. Craven Orchestra, Bocker Wash- ington Singers, Ora Padget Langer and Company, Brooks’ Concert Band, Beatrice Weller Company, and the Lyceum Arts Orchestra. This is about half of the offerings pf the Chautauqua, in addition to which is the Youths Chautauqua for boys and girls, which is another story. The list of lecturers you will find in the program booklet, and if you never liked a lecturer, you'll like these. They are informatve, alert, the kind that will stir your interest in the practical, profitable and pithy discussions they present. a few cents a number. It costs the | puny, paltry sum of $2. It’s worth | $10. ’ You can get them from the Chau- ,taugna secretary, or of any mem- | ber of the Chautauqua association. |Ask the first man you meet. We {say “them”, for you're expected to {bring the family. It's the grand out- ling for everybody. Get the tickets today. Order phone. Just say how many. TT RR Se - + rw: by MANY JUNE WEDDINGS PRICE—PAYNE About sixty guests gathered in the First Methodist Episcopal church at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, : Juen 21, to witness the wedding of Miss Edna Mary Payne, of Meyers- dale, and Frank Hoblitzell Price, of Van Lear, Ky., formerly of Meyers- dale. There were no attendants and the young couple plighted their troth before an aitar banked with ferns and mountain laurel, interspersed with French baskets of La France roses. Mrs. Chas. E. Klingensmith, the accomplished organist of the church, presided at the organ while the guests were assembling, during the departing. Just preceding the cere- mony, which was performed by the bride’s pastor, the Rev. J. Glarke Matteson, Miss Beatrice Truxal, in her clear, soprano sang “Beloved it is Morn.” The bride was attired in a travell- ing suit of dark blue with a black hat and a corsage bouquet of pink | rosebuds and valley lillies. Her Geor- terse but full description of each of. A season ticket makes the cost but ! gette crepe blouse was closed at the throat with tthe bridegroom’s gifts, a {filigree platinum pip ‘set with dia- monds and pearls, A reception and breakfast was held at the Payne residence on Meyers Philip Rise), 20d the Rev. G. W. Hendricks, D. D,' Ave, immedfately following the cer-' emony. The guests were served at small tablets in the parlor, reception hall and side veranda, where the same scheme of decoration used in the church, was earried out. The bride’s table whieh held a French basket of La France roses, was set in the dining room. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Price, covers were laid for Miss Lillian Motter, of Frederick, Mad. Miss Helen Lichty, of Meyersdale, and the groom’s two brothers, Edwin R. Price, of Van Lear, Ky. . and Kenne- dy Price, of Uniontown. - Amid showers from above and couple ‘left on Train No. 6 to make 94 | their future home in Van Lear, Ky., where Mr. Price is employed by the Consolidation Coal Co. Miss Payne is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Payne, who have resided in , Meyersdaie about six years, coming here from Hyndman. Mr. Price is the son of Mrs. Grace Hoblitzell Price and a grandson of the late J. J. Hoblitzell, a pioneer resident of Meyersdale. Among those coming here from a distance to attend the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. O. O Cook and daugh- ter, Mary Elizabeth, of Berlin Chas. Payne, of Connellsville, F. W. Hob litzell, West Hickory, Pa., E, R. Price, Van Lear, Ky., J. H. Price and wife, Kennedy Price and J. T, Cramer of Uniontown, Mrs George Hoblitzell of Somerset, the Misses Motter, of Frederick, Md. Alice Guillman, of Norristown Ps, Florence Maust, and Ada Gordon, of Keyser, W. Va., and Major Phil Shaffer, and wife of Ber- lin. pe SWEARMAN—SAYLOR. BLADES—WEIMER. Last Sunday evening at 6:30 o"- clock two couples were united in matrimony at the same time in Am- iy Reformed ehurch, the pastor, Rev. A. E. Truxal, D. D. performing the ceremony. The thurch was well fill- ed with relatives and friends of the contracting parties.On the altar stood a large bouue t of peonies and on the pulpit platform were placed a num- ber of baskets of beautiful roses. Mr. Frederick D. Swearman of Point Marion, Pa. led Miss Mary Frances, the daughter of Jacob A. Saylor to the altar and Harry C. Blades of Cumberland, brought Miss May Al berta the daughter of P. H. Weimer. The double marriage ceremony was performed. The scene was an unusu- ally attractive one. The brides are cousins and are among the many beautiful young ladies of Meyersdale. After the ceremony the parties re- turned to the home of the brides on West Broad street where a wedding {luncheon wag served to them and to numerous guests. Later they boarded Duquesne for the East, their desti- naion being Patterson creek east of Cumberland where they expect to camp for a week or ten days. ' Mr. Swearman and bride will make their home at Point Marion and Mr. Blades and his bride will lve in Cumberland. Both young men are ralroaders, Mr. | Blades is a fireman and Mr. Swear- man is a telegraph operator. The. guests were received at the door of| the church by Messrs. Walter Lin- service and while the guests were: thous. of confetti and rice the happy B0 re mosiLizs ALL U. S. MILITIA. 23RD ANNUAL Prosifiont Wilson late Sunday night issued an order calling out the militia of all the states tur duty on the Mex- ican border. Secretary Baker issued a /stateme#it that evening, after lengthy | conterence with the President, saying the imf@ediate mobilization of all the pation} guard had been determined upon Company C. of the Tenth regiment, {N. G.'P., in charge of Capt. W. C, Truxalg is holding itself in readiness to respond to he call which has been issued by Secretary of War Newton 'D. Baker for volunteers to serve on the. Mgxican boder. Company in es it "strike. § Gene all the orders calling practically ational Guards of Pennsyl- R mobilize at Mount Gretna for | "border service early Tues- § issued from Harrisburg. The fwere signed by Gov. Brum- #8 commander-in-chief and in: jecretary Baker’s call. pllowing organizations are di- Pp assemble at Mount Gretna g Saturday, June 24: brigade—First, Second Third $giments of infantry, Secofid brigade—Tenth, Sixteenth and Eighteenth regiments of infantry. rected and Eight First Field batalions, signed troops. Field hospital companies number 1 and 2. Ambulance eoppanies number 1 and 2. } deman “and Aon Weimer and four young ladies clad beautifully in , white, the Migses Mary Siehl, Mary ' Leckemby, Mary Austin and May Pritts, who acted as ushers. _ As the guests were assembling for the ceremony, Mr. Karl Leith rendered the’ following pro- thy fire pipe organ, of the Chant Tiumphal, Sons La Feuilleg, —Harvey ‘B. Gaul |’ Frances Thome Arabesqg —_ B. Wrangell Intermezzo, . — — -—Jos.' Callerts Bridal Chorus — — Richard Wagner I would that My Love— Felix Mendelssohn Everything passed off from begin- ning to end without a jar or break. It was a beautiful event and their many ‘friends wish for the two married couples, a like beautiful course through life, 4 SPICER—LEYDIG Announcements were received in this place Thursday evening of the marriage that day in Cumberland, of Miss Leah Leydig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Leydig, of Glencoe and Dr. Joseph Henry Spicer. The wed- ding took place at St.. Mary's rectory, Cumberland, Rev. O. Hara perform- ing the ceremony. The attendants were Miss Marion Leydig, a sister of the bride and Mr. Lawrence Spicer, a brother of the groom. The bride is one of the most char ming and attractive young ladies of (this vicinity and a graduate of the Meyeradale {High school. The groom bas already gained quite a reputation as one of the most successful of phy: sicians in Cumberland. After a wed- ding breakfast at the home of the, groom, the happy couplé left for a two weeks’ trip to the Great Lakes. After July 16, they will be at home to their many friends in this newly fur- nished home at No 22 Browning St., Cumberland, JONES—BLACKBURN Miss Elizabeh Jones, and Joseph Blackburn, both of Somerset, were married Wednesday morning at the home of the bride. They will live in Austin, W. Va., where the groom has secured a position as General Supt, of a Coal company. GOULD—GROFF Miss Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Fred Groff of Berlin and Richard J. Gould of RBromwell, W. Va. were married last evening in the Methodst Episcopal Church at Berlin. They will reside in Bromwell. A COMING WEDDING. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Laura Sanders daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John San- ders of Oakland, Md., and the Rev. |B. Roy Hauser, pastor of the Luth- [eran church on June 28th | S.S. CONVENTION Held in Hays Reformed Church Last Week Splendid Addresses Made. Resolutions Passed by the Convention. The 23rd Annual Sunday School Convention of Somerset Classis of the Reformed Church, was held in Mt, Zion (Hay’s) Reformed Church, Thursday and Friday, June 15 and 16. The opening session was held on Thursday evening, beginning at 7:45 o'clock. The following program was given: Anhhem, “Marching to the Land Above,” Mt.” Zion Choir; Altar Service, Rev. H. H. Wiant; Address of Welcome, R. H. Hay! President's Addess, Hon. J. C. Weller; “Anthem, “We are But Strangers Here;” Ad- dress, Study of the Child, George Kimmel Friday morning: Altar Service, Hon J.. C. Weller; Reading of Minutes; Appointment of Committees resulted as follows: Nomination, Rev. I. 8. Monn; Finance, Reev. W. A. McClel- lap; Resolution, Rev. J. W. Albert- son. Report of Committees, Pres. Hon J. C. Weller, Vice Pres, Rev. E. F. Hoffmeler, Sec., Susan N. Baer, Treas. Mary Shockey. Paper, “Teaching Little Children,, Miss Nannie J. Hay; Address, “How to Keep the Boy Interested in the Sunday School,” Rev. I. S. Monn; Address, “The Teacher's Equip- ment,” Rev. E. F. Hoffmeier. Friday afternoon Altar Service, Rev. A. > Kresge; Aadresw, Rev, L. Nevin Wilson; Topic, “The Organized Meyer | | Source of Every Blessing,” Rev. Kres- | Topic, “The FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL Berks County Man On Business Trip Here Has Life Suddenly Ended. Was Connected With Bedford Firm. 5 J. M. Nies aged 66. 66 years, a stock insurance ‘agent, was found dead in his bed on Monday morning about 7 o'clock at the Cetral Hotel in this place. Mr. Nies, whose home is at Hamburg, Berks County, came here on May 28 to engage in the livestock insurance business. He had made several trips into the coun- try in company with Mr. Luke Hay of this place and was doing some writing up of policies. He was connec- ted with the well-known large firm of Gambert’s in Bedford. On Friday he was not feeling well and he called in a physician who af- ter having examined him told him he had hardenng of the arteries and that he had better go home asshis stay of life was very uncertain. The advice was disregarded. Mr. Nies was not known to have taken a drink during his stay of several weeks. The remains were given over te Undertaker J. L. Tressler who on Wednesday morning at 1:04 shipped them to his home, accompanied by a son of the deceased, E. L. Nies who is the American Express Agent at Pittsburg; another son C. L. Nies, is the agent for the same company at Reading. A daugher, Miss Mary L. Nies, is matron of the hospital at Frederick, Md. His wife survives and is at the family home. Letters found in the possesssion of the deceased man from his sons show marked fil- Adult Class,” Messrs. W. M. Kistler .and F. A. Bittner; Address, “Prepa- ration of the Lesson in the Home,” George Kmmell; Address, “The Grad- ed Lesson,” Rev. 1. S. Mona. Friday evening, Anthem, “Gently Lead Us;” Devotional Services, Rev. D. 8S, Stephan; Anthem, “Saviour ge; Address Rev. J. W. Albertson. Resolutions. The following resolutions were ad- opted: Whereas, it has pleased the Heav- enly Father to preserve, prosper and further the work of the Sunday Schools within the bounds of Somer- set Classic, and being thus encour- agtd to go forward, Isl soliciude regarding ithe welfare and condition of their father. One of the sons had sent hm a suit of clothes he had received last week. The Boy Scouts of America,36 of them in this place, are getting active. Mr. T. W. Gurley has béen confirmed as Scout Master by the Natonal Coun- cil of Boy Scouts in New York. All the boys have their certificates. The boys are makng arangements Be is resolved, That the large num- ber of organized classes has been re-! ported and we urge that his work be continued, Tha we rejoice that the classical convention has bten resurrected and that much interest is being manifest- ed, That we rejoice in the fine spirit ‘displayed and excellent a$tendance for the rainy weather, That we, the delegates to this con- vention, do hereby extend to the pas- tor, members and friends of Mt. Zion (Hay’s) Reformed Church our thanks for their excellent hospitality, and His Kingdom. CHURCH NOTES EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION, Rev. Clewell E. Miller, Pastor—At Meyers- dale, Sunday School at 2:30; Y. E. A. at 6: 45) p. m. Public Worshp at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:45. At St. John’s near Wittenberg; 8. S. at 9:30; preaching at 10:30; Preaching at Glade City school house at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. BRETHREN CHURCH, Rev. H. L. Goughnour, Pastor—There. will. be church services on June 26th at Summit Mills in the morning, Salis- bury in the afternoon and in Meyers- dale in the’ evening. Sunday School and Christian Endeavor at the usual hours. All are cordially invited. NO EVIDENCE OF FRAUD. County Commissioners Glessner, Shockey and Miller, who on Saturday finished a recount of the ballots poll- ed for the legislative candidates in the districts of Windber, Paint No. 3 Summit, Meyersdale No. 1 and Salis- bury at the primary election held on May 16’ announced that they discoev- ed no material change in the result as posted at the several election hous- ds. The slight discrepancies result from the different conclusions as to which were spoiled ballots—spoiled because they were not marked ex- pressly as the law provides pray God's blessing’ ‘may abide upon them in their efforts in advanciag' to get their uniforms. They purpose of going into camp about Aug. 1 at Stanton Dam. Just now the lads are getting in trim to do up some other baseball aggregation of their measure. Some of the merchants generously have donated base ball supplies and C. Bruno, a musical dealer of New York has donated a bugle. For the development of the boys, Kenneth Housel is drilling the boys in military tactics. WANTS RECRUITS Capt. W. Curtis Truxal, Co. C, 10th Regt, N. G, P, which has been called i for probable service in the Mexican border desires to recruit his company ‘to full peace basis strength, which will require about 26 additional men. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 48 wishing to become a member of Co. C, should repore at once to Capt. Truxal at Somerset Captain Curtis Truxal of Somerset was here last evening and enlisted three young men to join his company. One was a Harding and another, a Beals and the third the writer does not know. This morning’s dispatches say thas 40 Americans, members of a negro regiment, were killed by being decoy- ed into ambush by a flag of truce and then mowed down by a machine gun in Mexico. BUCKWHEAT GRAIN FOR SEED AT HABEL & PHILLIPS YOU ARE INVITED— While at the Chautauqua to visit the Conrad Studio to inspect their fine photographic work and Art Plc. tures. Ad For Sale—Two good second hand indian Motor Cycles. Also all kinds of bicycle and auto supplies. GURLEY'S Sporting Goods Store, | this state,