4 1. ’ SALISBURY Miss Olive Maust and Robert Maust motored to Uniontown Sunday where} they spent the day visiting friends. Mrs. J. J. Keim who has been very ill is now slightly improving. | Mr. Will McMurdo and son Georg? while motoring to Meyersdale one evening last week came very near having a sad accident. ‘While round- ing a sharp curve they met another car coming very fast, and of necess- ity drove near the edge of an embank- ment which being very wet from re- cent rains, gave away letting the car cess of our Chautauqua of which ev- erybody is heartily in favor. Children’s Day Exercises. A fine Children’s Day program was rendered by the M. E. church last Sunday evening. The small children exhibited careful traiing and a drill given by a number of older girls was truly beautiful. Not one mistake oc- curred—at least nene perceptible— which gives credit not only to the young ladies but to their instructor as well. ; Birthday Anniversary Parties A pleasant .surprise was tendered Mrs. Petry Tuesday evening in honor fall at least six feet. However neither car or occupants received any serious dnjuries. ; Harold Brown who has been work- ing at Markleton returned home Saturday. Miss Ruth Glotfelty who has spent ‘the last three weeks with her mother who was ill has returned to her work in Meyersdale. Messrs. Bill Harding, Hubert Wag- ner, and Frank Ringler motored to Meyersdale Thursday night in the Harding truck. - Mr. Harvey Maust and son, Bayad, have just returned from Pittsburg Hudson with Mr. Maust’'s new car, Super Six. Earl Stotler and mother, Mary Lowry, and Mrs. Joe Stotler . spent Friday shopping in ‘Cumberland and while there visited Mr. Garlitz in the hospital. Revival Meetings will begin in the Church of the Brethren June 18th 7:- 30 p. m. \ Rev, Silas E. Hoover was a recent Salisbury visitor. Mr. Joe Hoover, Mrs, Asa Newman, Irene Newman, Mabel Wefley and Mr. Roscoe Wefley motored to Cumber- land Tuesday, bringing Miss Margar- et Newman home from the Western Maryland Hospital. Mrs. Newman and little Mabel Wefley stopped off at Frostburg, where they will spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Mec- Kees Rocks and Mrs. Dan Miller of Confluence stopped at the home of C. WwW. Livengood Tuesday evening on their way to attend the Commence- ment exercises at Juniata. Farl Stotler is taking the place of Walter Johns as clerk in the Lichlit- er grocery store and as chauffeur of the Lichliter’s private ear. Mrs. John Harding gave a luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Miss Luc- ile Lichliter who will be married on June 20th. . 3 The Sunday school convention to of her 72nd birthday anniversary. ‘Mrs. Petry received quite a number of the usual birthday courtesies from her friends. Delicions refreshments were served to the forty-two guests at the close of the evening. Mrs. D. W, Livengood, entertained Misses Mary and Eliza Miller and Mr, S, J: Miller of Meyersdale at a beau- tifully appointed dinner on Friday in honor of Mr, * Miller's 89th birthday Anniversary, Mr, Miller displayed his gold-headed cane which now belongs to him as the oldest male citizen of Meyersdale, . : : A Near Tragedy. * On Saturday Dr. Lichty was hastil summoned to Coal Run to attend the wounds of Mr. Henry Pyle who had been shot by a foreigner. Though the wound is seriously it will: not likely prove fatal. A foreigner gave himself up to the authorities as the guilty party, but when the hearing was held he confessed he had done this tto al- low the really guilty party to escape. Minor Mention. Next Sunday morning a Temperan-, ce lecture will be given by a represen- SUMMER “« THE WARRENS OF VIRGINIA” That little screen favorite, Blanche Summer Garden, Monday, in the Paramount production, “The Warrens of Virginia,” the supreme Civil War drama, veritable armies, realistic battles, the sorrow of im- poverished homes and broken roman- ces. c———— i ——————————————— “THE LABYRINTH.” See Gail Kane (The Equitable Girl) in the big attraction at the Sum- mer Garden Tuesday, June 20th. “The star, is seen in her most attractive portrayal. DINNER SET FREE AFTER THE FIRST SHOW. obama —— “CAMILLE” The greatest film sensation of the tative of the Anti-Saloon League in the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Cora Arnold of West Miss Cora Keim of Salisbury. Rev. B. F. Walz, pastor of church of the the annual Lake Ind. Miss Nora Wilhelm of Greenville, township is visiting Miss Marie Wag- ner this week. William Garlitz who was recently operated on in the Western Maryland Hospital arrived home Monday even- ing, Mr. Garlitz is able to be up and around though not yet able to work. A great many Salisbury people spent Monday shopping in Meyers- ‘dale. : Mrs: John Reese is slowly improv- conference at be held at Summit Mills in the church |, o 3) yeaith and is able to be up at of the Brethren will be on June 18th... Mr E. BE Hasselbarth left on instead of July 18th as was stated last week. pa! ; _ A suitable program has beedl arran- ged to the rendering of: which the public is cordially invited. Afternoon and evening sessions. : A “Wild Man.” Barly Tuesday morning while on his way to town, Zacchius Durst was accosted by a rather wild looking man, half dressed, demanding a lift along the way in Mr. Durst’s motor- ¢ycle. But Mr. Durst’s cycle made re- cord time into Salisbury without the stranger but with a story that sent out Constable Swearman and a party -of men, for the capture of the man who made such a stir. They finally found him, miles from town hiding in a woodland. This man who is a per- fect stranger was apparently suffer- ing from an attack of delirium tre- mens. 3 Plans for Big S. S. Convention. On Monday evening a meeting was held in the Reformed church for the purpose of making arrangements for the care of the visitors—more espe- -glally delegates—during the county Inter-denominational Sunday School convention to be held here on June 26, 27 and 28. Rev. Ira S. Monn was chairman of this meeting, J. L. Bar- chus, vice-chairman and Rev. C. V. Sparling, secretary. Lodging and ‘ preakfiast will be given the delegates and a committee of three from each . of our six churches was appointed to : ascertain the number of delegates wench home will entertain. Plans for providing dinner and supper were al- so discussed and a committee appoint- ed to arrange this; either the town will provide these meals or secure fome one to provide them making what he can and thus taking the, re- sponsibility from the town. A com- mittee was appointed to look after the automobile parade to take place on Wednesday, the 28th. The Salis- bury people seem to realize that this is one of the biggest propositions they have ever tackled, but extend =a hearty invitation to everybody to visit our town at this time. An elab- orate program is being printed and about 300 delegates are expected. Plans for Fourth of July. The citizens of our town have de- &lded to celebrate the 4th of July at home this year. Various committees have been appointed to consummate and carry out the plans for a big Though the majority of our is celebration, quite sed to Fourth. thi °T that it wi 11 I it as Salis-' unite a number of un-! Monday for a trip to Washington. | Charles Wager is puttig a new as- bestos roof on his residence. 6 BARS GOOD WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP FOR 25¢c AT BITTNERS GRO- CERY. TRY HEINZ'S PURE CIDER VINE- GAR AT BITTNER'’S GROCERY. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. 1] § GRANTSVILLE. Miss Ruth Keller is attending com- mencement exercises at fthe West- ern Maryland College, Westminster. Misses Edna Jeffries, Emily Con- ner and Walter Jeffries, of Frostburg were Grantsville visitors recently. Wm. F. Hone and family of Sel- bysport, Md. spent Tuesday with Mr. Hone’s mother, Mrs. Mary Miller. The trip was made in his new 7-pas- senger Studebakerr. Dr. Olin Broadwater is visiting his mother, Mrs. Marian Broadwater. Dr. Broadwater has just recently grad- uated from the Maryland Dental School at Baltimore. On Thursday Mrs. J. W.McCullough motored over from Friendsville with her daughters, Maria and Claudine, son George and Mrs. Keller Miss Gertie Hone, Miss Ruth Keller of Grantsville as guests spent the day in Oakland. On Friday Mrs. McCullough whe is so generous with her fine big Chal- mers car again motored to Grants- ville and took Mrs. Mary Miller and daughter, Gertrude Hone to Cumber- land where Mrs. Miller has been tak- ing X-ray treatment once a week since her operation of a few weeks ago. Mrs. Gus Wm. Zellers of Frostburg wag the guest of Grantsville friends. Jonas Johnson wife and three child- ren of Akron Ohio is the guest of his mother Mrs. Rebecca Johnson for a few weeks. A very delightful Children’s Day Services were rendered at the Luther an Church on Sunday. The Church was filled with the ease and perfect jon with which everything was carri- ed out spoke well for those who had the program in charge. Daniel W. Dorsey spent Sunday in | Oakland. Misses Sarah Wiley, Bessie Wi- lare spending a few weeks at the ! Casselman Hotel. J. O. Getty and family were Acci- visitors ox trip wag rH. P j Clara Kimball Young, in “Camille” Va.," with Paul is visiting friends and relatives ef ful production was secured at a big this place. Mrs. Arnold was formerly | expense. the Brethren is attending | ular role, is wonderful. Special Winona sic by the Auditorium orchestra. No year, the ‘Shubert Film Corp. presents Capelland. This wonder-. : Most people. have { “Camille” or see the stage produc- ltion. Clara Kimball Young in the ti: mu- advance in price. This Shubert fea- ture is scheduled for Wednesday, June 21st—the ever popular*Summer ATTRACTION NEXT WEEK read AT T GARDEN (June (Day Sales 5 THE WOMENS STORE Saturday, June 10 to Saturday, June 17 “TRIANGLE PROGRAMS” angle night at the Summer Garden you are missing a real treat. The five part drama with Mary Boland, Willard Mack ard Frank Mills, in the «The End of the Abyss,” is a great drama from the K—B Ince studio and the two part Keystone “A Submarine Pirate” with Syd Chaplin, is a riot | and that is sayng a good deal as all | Keystone comedies are great—some- thing different all the time. ————————————— _ “THE COUNTRY BOY” The famous Broadway success with another feature attraction for the week—Friday, June 23rd. See how the country boy is saved from temptation of the city. One of thosz clever Bray Cartoon pictures will be shown along Garden. : rr D. Lindley Sloan and panty of Cum- berland took supper at the Cassel man on Sunday. Ci Mr, and Mrs. Madie of Scranton were visitors here for the ‘week-end on their way to Baltimore and ‘Wash- Manly Broadwater and hig’ of Avilton were guests of Miss¥ ary Broadwater on. Sunday. rt Mr. and Mrg,; C. H. Bill and Mrs Doctor Bowen spent Sunday with Frank Bill and family of Lonaconing, going in Mr. Bill’s new Dart car. Father Galather of Wesfernport and Father Padrovitch of the Catho- lic University, Washington, were din- ner guests at the Casselman Sunday. LOWEST PRICES ON CANNED GOODS AT BITTNER’S GROCERY. SOMETHING DOING EVERY MIN- UTE AT THE BIG CELEBRATION IN SALISBURY, JULY 4th. .... ... GARRETT. - \ end at Berlin visiting her mother. F. H. Cook of Johnstown, called on friends in Garrett Wednesday. Messrs. J. O. Ream and Frank Groff popular Berlin merchants trans. acted business in Garrett, Wednesday Miss Verda Brant-is attending Com- mencement at Hood College Freder- ick Maryland. John George Sr. who is employed at Listonberg. spent Sunday with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Miller were Som- erset visitors Saturday. ¥ Mrs. Samuel Abbott and daughters Irma and Eleanor from Cairnbrook visited at Garrett this week. : Mrs. W. L. Brant and daughter Nell were shopping in Cumberland Tuesday. ter of Berlin were Garrett visitors Saturday. friend Elizabeth Shober, Tuesday. man, day. land spent Sunday in Garrett. town visitors Monday. Mr. C.F: with his family. visitor Monday. | Berlin returned home Friday. ley and Miss Ogilvie of Cumberland | Harry Swarner spent Sunday with | his family. | Paul Kistler and Wilson McIntyre | | visited friends ir { B. S. Rush was | Saturday. man Sunday. BS Mrs. Earl Miller spent the week- | Mary Esken of Berim visited her Jennie Graves of Meyersdale vis- ited her friend Mrs. Rae Miller, Tues- | Restaurant” Mr. and Mrs. C. D, Fritz and child- ren Charles and Millard, were Johns- jan awful malady, Bittner spent Sunday John George, Jr. was a Jehnstown Mrs. Irvin Baker and daughter El- sie after visiting for two weeks in i visitor | with the above features. Dr. R. J. Pollard who was attending a convention at Philadelphia, return- ed to his home on Sunday. Mrs. George Walker spent Wednes- day in Garrett visiting her parents. Charles and Bryan Merrill were Sommerset visitors Saturday. 7A cousin, py Shazlle Colbert who is employed at Listonburg, spent Sunday with his family. Bill Gant from Akron, Ohio, is vis- iting in this place. Mrs. Sidney Malcolm and children Robert and Helen from Johnstown are visiting in Garrett this week. Tom Denner who is employed at Lijstonburg spent Sunday with his family. Tom Cortney of Somerset was a Garrett visitor Sunday. Miss Tda Albright returned to Gar- for several days. oor after visiting friends in Johns- 10 BARS GOOD LAUNDRY SOAP FOR 25¢ AT BITTNER’S GROCERY SAND PATCH Mrs. Tom Walker spent several days of last week, visiting relatives and friends at Berlin. Mrs. Ells Bowman was visiting re- latives and friends at Meyersdale Sat- urday. » Mrs. “Pat” Kelly and little son Michael of Ralphton are visiting the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stone. Misses Gertrude and Grace Beal, spent Sunday with their niece Miss Mary Beal who is ill in the Allegheny Hospital at Pittsburg. Mrs. James Kerrigan ‘and Mrs. 1Alice Baer were passengers on the excursions to Connellsville Sunday. “Sis” Bracken attended church at Meyersdale Sunday. Many of the Meyersdale people took Mec. and Mrs. Otis Cook and daugh- |in the ball game here. Mrs. Anna Kelly spent several days last week at Ralphton. The Sand Patch B. B. team, de- feated Finzel, Md. The score was Mrs Alfred Beal and children are |3 and 6 in favor of Sand Patch. This visiting the former’s parents in Hynd- |gives the players more encourage- ment. The dance held at ‘The Sisters was largely attended and we expect another dance to be Mr Sidney Malcolm from Cumber- held at the same place in the near future. Simon Brown is suffering from commonly known as boils. MEYERSDALE AND VICINITY. Mr. and Mrs. Milton + Mishler and Nettie Handwerk spent Sunday with their brother, Harvey Handwerk. | werk. Florence Kretchman, who was {helping to cook for the Muncy Lum- {per Co., is now at home and Mrs. Chas. Carter has taken her place. Our Job Work Pleases 1 1 The TRIANGLE program arranged % Sweet, will be the attPaction at thejfor Thursday, June 22nd, is one out. June 12, 0t the ordinary and that is saying a! good deal as Triangle plays are womn- . derful If you are not a regular on Tri- th Hh th In are limited. th th th th th th th th Marshall Nelan in the title role is. My th th th th si ‘Seven days of fast and furious selling with a special bar- gain on each day of the sale. Be sure to get to the Store early each day as quantities . UF 15 5 5 OF OF 6 06 06 6 0 6 4 6 OF OO 06 0A Saturday, June 10—LANCASTER GINGHAMS at 8c Rev. & Monday, June 12—HILLS MUSLIN - - at 9¢ % Tuesday, June 13—PERCALES - - - - atllc ] Sine Wednesday, June 14—CLARK’S THREAD - 8 for 10c BB or Thursday, June 15—CALIO, light ordark - - 6¢ in st Friday, June 16—25¢c BLEACHED SHEETING - 2l¢ EE rn. Saturday, June 17—123c GINGHAMS - « atlle by the . / 3 D. S. Si : . an 4 was ta HARTLEY CLUTTON CO. 0 THE WOMEN’S STORE 20¢ Se of all f RRR ARR AR ARAYA ARR RRR RAS of the A oe SASSI BiG ward ‘m iF 4 IF UF UF UF UF A FL LR OO RU RO a La fr F C °® 5 i Commu . > F The £ sree Larnationsi BB = wR : EB : H. Hab iy — Saturday, June 17th > - Sig : 30 Serlin; In : th a ie One Carnation Free to each of our Soda th 3 Monn..;, . Customers. % i pos 2 : § , Me tH Strawberry Specials a ba. iH : ww Is 3 8.) ty It is Strawberry season and we have bo ls a four great Strawberry specials. F. Stah WK A * Clellan, = Fresh Strawberry Sun- Strawberry Phosphate Hs 1 j Rey. 4 H dee 10c made from our new | . uf pigancy i" res Rorties on Ice Strawberry Syrup 5¢ 5 Grangav r- : 5 i ville. Ty Strawberry Ice Cream Strawberry Milk or % 4 I i Soda, - - 10c Pink Cow - 5c | | vice pre iF : . : x 5 Becretar + ~ 1 : “urer, Ri = COLLINS DRUG STORE, & | Wa hH X DoRoxcll swe = IK IT hn : void Sa i All 8 i MEYERSDALE, . - - '- PENNA I { the arm RRR RA FARRAR ARR 1 oe : = : A The on : oh & p . a firs : : 8 of Wilson. Sih : a % @® @ 8H : ‘Wednes ; 8 x At th YourStationinLife|f | .= 5 | Wiant 1 | The firs i Joseph EAD this title again; it has a lot to do with the kind of clothes you wear. And it is our business to fit you perfeclly in a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit; not only your body, but your occupation. n We fit both. And we make it a study, all of us in this 18 store, to give you the kind of suit that fits your station in life. It is a very important thing for a clothing store to do. You will like cur service, and our suits. Hartley & Baldwin The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes Harry Burkholder, John Beals, El- Sunday; quite mer Miller, Frank Ganse and Mr, |were ny R Tumber OL Déretms Coleman took a trip to Oakland over Saturday and Sunday in Mr. Burk- holder’s new car.. ; Katie Spangler who was working for Robt. Staub is now at John Whis- lers again, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Wise Mr. and Mrs Wm Curly and Miss Martha Maust spent Sunday at Geo. Beals. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Engle spent Sat- urday evening at Milton Mishler’s. Ralph Maust, a son og Jonas Maust died June 8, 1916, after an illness of 3 weeks, aged 5 years, 7 month and 7 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mazer and three children, Minerva, Lucile and George Williams were callers on Al fred Knepp’s on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ezra Giger and daughter Al ice were Sunday guests at the Noah Lint home in Greenville township. Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. Geiger spent last Sunday at the home of their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ; Hervey Petenbrink of Mountain Val ey. Jno. E. Geiger was a caller at Josi- days. Interment on Saturday at the ah Lowry’s in Greenville township on Amish church. Sunday. Missa Mary and Sarah Geiger called on their WITTENBERG. tenbrink on a Mh TanTe Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Housel and son,| Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Geiger and five Carl, are visiting the former's par |children were visiting at the home ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Housel from of Mrs. Geiger’s parents at the P; W. Deal for a few days. Suder home at Deal en Sunday. Mr. and®Mrs. W. H. Knepp and | ® daughter, Mary, were visiting at the | 4BIG 4th OF .JULY PICNIC ox thome of Howard Mazer’s Sunday. ROAST AND FREE DINNER AT | Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kendall oLp SALISEU | OL URY IN .CH, u- | celebrated their sliver wedding onlqua PARK. SHayTay ~ Do vy music summer est sir seeking among And | the peo by stay yards? Conce hot sw shady ( their pl Chaut great 1 tracts summer ces and And city coi