The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 15, 1916, Image 7

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iy .
a 4 June 17th,
jp ttoms of Interest -Culled from Our
A. big Fourth of July picnic to be|
held in the Gambért Grove, near Pine
The Jenner Brewery, which was
penalized for a year. because of vio-
; lations of the law {in conducting -its
business, re-opened
a Yih P. P. Joyce as the new manager.
last Thursday,
Baughman & Ludwick's dry goods
‘store, of Somerset, was closed down
by Sheriff Lester G. Wagner ‘last
week on executions by creditors.
“"They have been in business for the
‘past ten years there.
‘* The forty-fiifth annual session of
the Somerset Classis of the Synod of
: Pittsburg of the Reformed Church of
-.the United States, is being held in St.
‘John’s Reformed church, at Blk Lick
‘this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
day, June 13,14 and 15.
Under the will of Robert P. Boyer,
late of Quemahoning Township,
awhich was probated last week, his
wife Maria is to enjoy the residue of
bis estate se long as she remains a
widow. -After-her-death or-marriage,
‘ the estate is to be equally divided be-
tween the following named persons:
James K. Boyer, Alvilla Berkebile,
Chas. Boyer, Lester Boyer, ‘Anna’ X,
Boyer. and... Joseph Berkebile. :
A new sewer and sewerage dis
posal system is to be put in at Wind-
‘ber. 'Thé town some time ago auth-
orized the issuance of $16,000 of
ponds to pay for street improvements
‘and 4t 3s tke intention. to lay sew-
ers in the streets soon to be paved,
in accordance with plans for a com-
prehensive - sewer system as required,
by the state.
The Rev. E. Roy Houser, who has
been pastor of Christ's Church (Case-
pbeer’s) for more than a year, has ten-
dered his resignation to take effect
‘mn July 2. He has won the esteem
and affection of the members because
.- of his efficlency in the pulpit and as
“an ‘organizer in church work, and
many of them have expressed © the
“hope that he will reconsider the step
“he has taken, Through his efforts the
interior of the church has been fres-
coed, electric lights have been install
‘ed, and the choir platform has been
A preliminary meeting was held at
“the court house on June 3, for the
' purpose of obtaining the sentiment
in favor of the organization of a
Grange at the County Seat. Every
i person present favored the idea, and
at 3 o'clock, was agreed
.;upoh-as the time for the. formal. or-
hat i ganization of the Grange. The follow-
#Zing named officers were chosén provis-
a “Litonally: Master Peter,S. Sayler; Ov-
“.erseer, ‘EB. BE. Kiernau; Steward, R. 8.
wart; Assistant Steward, Prof D.
3 Seibert Lésturer; ‘Pius Glessner;
Treasurer, A. S. Glessner; Chaplain,
re Saylor; Flora, Mrs. BB. Kier
“gan, i pe
The following teachers have been
-elected by: the Somerset School board
for. next term: Assistant ‘Principal,
Prof. H. H. Delong; English teach-
er, Miss Susan Berkey; .commercial,
‘Miss Clara Shoemaker; music, Miss
Ida R. Gallagher; sixth” grade, Miss
Blanche Glessner; seventh ° grade,
Miss Mary Hay; eighth grade, Ralph
Dickey; first primary, Miss Blanche
Smith; second primary, Miss Ruth |
Smith; third primary, Miss Jennie
Boose; fourth primary, Miss Hazel
Kimmel; first = intermediate, Miss
Bertha Cromwell; second interme-
diate, Miss Magdalene Woy; third in-
termediate, Miss Carrie © Rhoads;
kindergarten, Miss Clara Huston and
Miss Eleanor Colborn. The supervis-
ing principal, John H. Fike, was elect
ed last spring for three years.
Needlework Notes
A pin bolder for the traveinr which
takes up absolutely no space 1s mos’
simply made from two strips of card-
hoard about an inch wide and eight
inches long. ‘They are covered with
narrow ribbon slightly wider than an
inch, padded the least bit with cotton
and whipped together. Shortspins can
be thrust around the long edges and
hat and veil pins thru the length .of
the cushion. Threaded needles may oe
stuck ‘thru one side, and the thread
wound shuttle fashion around them.
Do you wish to introduce a delicate
touch of color on: your luncheon table?
if so, embroider on a luncheon set &
wreath of orchids, using the various
shades of the flower in the embroider
ing. To make the design more effect
ive outline the flowers, leaves, and
sieins in black. The touch of black is
an important note ian the embroidery
world and is not to be overlooked. Fin:
ish the edges of the centerpiece and
doilies with outline stitches done with
heavy floss, and add a narrow edging
of lace.
Chocolate Pudding
Sift together one cup flour, one hall
cup sugar, one well rounded teaspoon
baking powder and salt; add two tea-
spoons melted butter, one half cup
milk, one and one half squares choco
late melted. Steam two hours, and hav~
water boiling in steamer when mold is
put on.
Get our prices es job work.
is being planned by Hillcrest |
~@range, of Brothersvalley.
Ew FER ¥ l=
galt and Pepper were two puppien,
the fattest and most mischievous lit.
tle rascals that ever lived. They hag
to be banished to the kitchen, for they
chewed up and destroyed so many
articles in the house that their mastes
paid unless the kitchen took Semis
tion out of thelr. paths they; would
have to De sent away to & mam who
knew how to teach puppies good
manners and good morals as well,
Salt and Pepper, did pot know what
fate was awaiting them, but frisked |}
and frolicked all dey, long, nearly driv:
ing Norah, the cook, out, of her mind |.
with their ‘“troublésomeness.”
was Norah's own word and she should
be given all credit for it.
One day the butcher came into the
kitchen and deposited on the table a
graceful and nice-smelling string .. of
. sausages. You should have seen the
eyes -of Salt and Pepper as the oder
of the sausages was wafted to their
nostrils. What were they made of
to smell 80 good? Who knows? What
« gnes into & sausage is known to no
one in the world, much l8ss to two
silly, ignorant Mttle pups lke the ones
sniffing the alr and looking so long
Ingly at that artistic string of sau
sages—so. far above their reaeh on the
kitchen table.
#“Norah, Norah,” called the voice. of
the mistress.
; eyes, ma'am, I'm coming? answer
ed Norah. Before she left, however,
Norah -turned her eye on “the pups
and In terrible voice said:
“If ayther of you bastes touch them
sausages while I'n" gone, Ill cook ye
tor lunch yourself.” .
This dreadful threat made Salt and
Pepper tremble in their boots, if they
hed any, and Norah went upstairs
leaving them alone with their tempta-
You don’t suppose that Salt and
Pepper were going to let swch a
chance go, do you? They had deter
mined frem the minute their eyes
had fallen on the sausages that they
were to be theirs somehow, someway
—but how? Th: was the question.
At first they tried jumping up to the
table, but it was wo use. Next they
tried knocking the broom down, hop
ing that the han¢ ; weuld shove the
délicate morsels their way. It did not.
Instead it fell in the other direction
and the sausages temaingd madden-
ingly. near, but hopelessly far away.
Brenthless and akmost discouraged.
the two. puppies sat down to think.
1s ds always .a good thing tao do—
even if one is a puppy and supposed
(fo heya trifle foolish. Salt was ithe
quickest-witted and usually the lead:
er in all sorts of mischief.” This day
wns no exception. A smile came over
his face-and bending over. {0 where
Pepper lay,” he” whispered:
“I've got it, old fellow. Don’t lose
heart. Where there's a will there's
a way. Do you see that object lying.
“What object?” replied Pepper. “1
‘don’t ‘see. anything but that box. I
don’t like" that ‘box anyway. The baby
has already scared me to death with |-
it twice, and I hever go mear it if I
can avoid it.”
“Well, you will have to do 80 now,
‘that is, if you still have any appetite
for those sausages.”
The mention of sausages spurred
Pepper on to inquire what plan Salt
had thought of whereby the sausages
could be transferred from the table
. to the stomachs of two greedy little
Salt did not waste any time in use
less conversation. He pushed tne
box a little nearer the tabie and or-
dered Pepper to get up on it. Pepper
did so in fear and trembling, but Salt
encouraged him by telling him that
he should have an extra share of the
sausage when that happy time ar-
Trembling as if he were standing
on a- lighted firecracker, Pepper
mounted the innocent box. At this
time he had ne idea what his clever
brother intended to do next. His bro-
ther had, however, told Pepper that
all he had to do was to grab the sau-
sages when he reached the table and
jump down with them. These instruc
tions sounded very easy. Salt pressed
the button and Pevper was expected
to do the i1est. The box was one
known in the nursery as a “Jack ir
the box” and was a splendid, strong
fellow. He had cost 80 much money
that the baby’s mother had scolded
the baby’s father for his evtravagance
when he had brought it home to the
baby a short while before.
‘When Jack bobbed up serenely Pep-
per rose at the fame time. He was
scared almost to death at this unex-
pected happening, but was quickly
ealmed when he saw that he was act-
ually on the ‘kitchen table a few
inches from the coveted sausages. In
an instant the string was on the floor
and Pepper beside. it. Salt made a
hasty attack also, and then both pups
did what in the country is styled
“pitched in.” . They gobbled and gulp-
ed and strangled in a most unhygien-
ic fashion until not a vestige of the
pausages was left.
When Norah returned she searched
high and low for the dainties. She
could not blame Sait apd Pepper,
they had been too.far beyond. their
readh. but when she searched for the
to knock
Opportunity is said
As to goto a placé to have a light lunch,
glass of Soda Water, or Ice Cream than to
THOMAS CAFE. The place where your
patronage is appreciated. Our rest room is
but once
opened to the public; you are welcome there.
presents itself.
ness ability.
But ycu have a chance to open an account =
‘ with this bank six days out of every week,
Once you have started to save a part of
your earnings, you will be PREPARED
when a good business OPPORTUNITY
Having a bank account he'ps create busi- © :
I handle a full line of Pure Drugs, Medicines,
Perfumes, Toilet Articles. Imported and
Domestic Cigars. -i= “t= “ie
£lF B. THOMAS, Leading Draggist.
‘Oppésite Citizens Bank *
The Second ota Baik
JUNE 16, 30, JULY 21, AUGUST
1, 25, SEPTEMBER 's, 22
June 1-6t
{ will; soon evaporate without ;
| to remove it might result in a faded
‘spot or stain. If oil is spilled on the
carpet keep the doors and ‘the wind"
they have from twelve to fifteen dif-
ferent ‘colors and each sheet of colors
When cooking apple sauce ¥ you
wish the pieces of apples to keep their
shape add the sugar; when put to
cooking, but if you wish them to cook
up soft for a smooth sauce do not, add
the sugar until they are partly ¢ ned
‘after cooking 1d
If kerosene oil is spilled on TUES OF.
«<n clothing, instead of trying yarious; {2#
ways to remove. it, just hang theiar-
ticle on the clothes -line and the
any mark or stain, while to, Apempi] 3
dows open it possible, or if’ tn cold
weather so you cannot do that, spread
old Hewspapers over the: stain to. keep .
the dust from settling on the oil, if the
paper gets oily removedt:and day down
clean ones. Set something oan;
per to keep it in place, in.a few. days
the oil will have entirely evaporsted.
Neyer try to stir beaten :
egzs into hot syrup for icing; tl
your the boiling syrup slowly on the
beaten whites, stirring them briskly }
st the same time; result a perfectly
t+ mooth icing.
“If the ‘children wish for varied ool-
ored inks, buy a book of water color
stamps used for coloring photographs,
s divided by tiny perforations nto
24 _pleces. These can be torn out one
at a‘time, each stamp ‘placed in one
iablespoonful of cold water will make
that much colored ink. In this: way
they can have a large number of coior-
«d inks which can also be used in col:
oring pictures or maps.
If you have to give medicine to a
sick person at certain hours and are
busy at work it will prove a big help
to vou and save watching the clock so
much to set the alarm to go off at the |
hour the medicine is due, then after
giving the medicine set the alarm for |:
the next time it is due.
If the cellar stairs are dark it will |
ne found a great help to paint them
white, alsc the sides of the staircase.
If one cannot afford the white point
use whitewash or water paint on uc
cides and on the upright part of the
stairs. You will be surprised to see
row much lighter it will be.
When a bake tin or a puddiug pan
is burned on around the top, try turn-
ing the bottom side up in the dish pan
with an inch or more of boiling water
in the pan, the hot water and the
steam will have entirely loosened it
by the time the water is cold.
To dry out rubber boots or over-
shoes quickly when they are wes, try
filling them with crumpled newspaper:
pressed in good and snug. The paper
will soon be all dampened through,
rhen remove it and put in more dry
paper. You will be surprised how
quickly they will dry out. If they are
only damp inside just leaving the pa-
per in over night will entirely dry
them out.
Children Ory
Driving It Home
ods nt
The Clubby Smoke’ “Bull” Durham
You start ‘something lively when you produce
“Bull” Durham in a crowd of live-wires and start ' {§
Let us drive home to you
the fact that no washwoman
can wash clothes in as sani-
tary a manner as that in
which the work is done at
our laundry.
i |
“rolling your ‘own™. That “fresh, mellow-sweet
fragrance of “Bull” Durham makes everyone reach
A hand-rolled “Bull” Durham
and the
4 E
for “the makings”,
cigarette brims over with zest’ and . snap
sparkle of sprightly spirits.
We use much more water,
change the water many more gi: SE NULINE
costly soap, and keep all the, | »
clothes in constant motion {| Hl SMOKING TOBACCO 2 .
during the entire process. |i |i A
; . | Made of rich, ripe Virginia Nosth
Carolina leaf, “Bull” Durham is
the mildest, most enjoyable tobacco
in the world.
|, .. No other cigarette can be so
R full of life and youthful vigor as
I a fresh-rolled cigarette of “Bull”
Durham, .
9 8 “Roll your own” with ‘Bull ® i
"ROOFING | 1 .: Durham and you'll discover a new,
doy i in smoking.
td hae. Tet Tearae ;
Ask for REE
package of °°
with each Se ye seach.
It's simply a matter of
having proper facilities.
_ Weyersdale Steam Laundry pt
mAs |
= dan -
. Se Shi ICS] yer xy Fog
J.-S. WENGERD | © 1... ; FARMERS INSTITUTE "eatmiot! attend. this meeting, address a
PENNA The. County Board of Farmers’ In. letter with your request to Robert W.
. | stitute. Managers will meet at the LOhF, Boswell, Pa.
| County Commissioners’, office on June. ws ———
17th at 10 a. m. to arrange for the K SLOT MACHINES TO BE TAXED
| place where Institutes are to be held The auditor generals department
Wholesale prices on carloads shipped
to any railroad station aed
A full line of Sp uting Nails end || this season. This Board is composed Of the state has ruled that merchants
Valleys, fot the Local Member of the State OPerating penny-n-the-slot machines
Children Cry
Board of Agriculture, and one repre- of all kinds for the vending of wares
oe from each County Agricul of any description: will be obliged to
tural Society, the Pomona Grange, pay a state mercantile tax in ad-
County " Alliance and’ other Kindred dition to the tax now paid on the
forganizasions, ‘If ‘you find that you gross amount of business done.
Most educators agree that the best time to teach handicraft'is in youth, and everyone who has had experienre is
aware of the remarkable facility which most children show for doing things with their hands if some one only
the time and has the patience to show them how
One of the problems which Commissioner of Health, Samuel G. Dixon, Naa had to meet in arranging the treat
of the boys and girls at the State Tuberculosis Sanatoria, is to keep them interested and occupied with things e
tional and yet not a strain on their nervous energy.
Rest, good food, and fresh air are three things which they all need, but the active temperament and growing mind
of the children require both entertainment and occupation.
The little girls in the above picture are a part of the embroidery class which one of the nurses has under her
direction. The skill which some of these children display with their needles is surprising. The competition betweén
them is so keen that during the hours that they are allowed to work, a busier and more interested lot of youngsters
would be hard #o find.
The chief desire of every child is to do something to send home, and as they become more skillful they
hours of patient work into the gifts which will show what they have ledrned under®the instrmction of the kim
Our Job Work Pleases
rn a i yy -
Ee bmi ee ERE a:
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