[HHT IE I'y 1A Gus w. pyz R, CHAUTAUQUA "LECTURER, WHe WILL SPEAK HERS | ON THE FIFTH DAY OF THE CHAUTAUQUA ON THE SUBJECT “MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE.” CASES FOR . SEPTEMBER COURT The most important case schedul- ed for trial at the September term of court, is the charge of murder against Guiseppe D’Orozie, who shot and kill- ed Uinardo Gregorio at Harrison last week. The information against the defendant was made by County De- tective Hancock. D’Orozio makes no denial that he did the shooting. ' From “Jénner’ Township ‘éomes a ‘nasty case against - D. Kenney, alias William Morrison, the charges being $0domy and disorderiy conduct. Roy D. ‘Hostetler is ‘the prosecutor. The ©fiense charged took place in George ‘Baumgardner’s barn recently. ‘Changes of immoralty hav been entered against Susan Porterfield of Confluence, and Katy Boyer of Hoo- \versville: The returns in both cases Were made by the constables from those districts. . John Jones, against whom Ww. E. Filmore made a charge of immorality, has settled the case by paying the Pisoenen daughter $200 and all John Koslick, assault and battery; J. BE. Baker, prosecutor. Carl Schultz must answer two charges, preferred against him by Frances Gazney of Boswell. George Saylor Jr, who assaulted and beatup Lawrence A. Bowman at with aggravated assault and battery; Adam Tinkle, prosecutor. ———————————— The State Board of Game Commis- sioners have taken favorable action upon a large petition recently filled with them, which prayed for the pro- tection of deer in Somerset county for a further period of two years, or until the opening of the deer season in the Commonwealth in the year 1918. Deer hunting, therefore is again prohibited in our county and it is hoped and fully expected that the ex- piration of the extended closed sea- son will find a numerous herd of A- merica’s fascinating and beautiful game flourishing within our most picturesque hills. CABBAGE AND TOMATO PLANTS AT HABEL & PHILLIPS ‘Somerset two wegka since ls charged | a pile of ashes. and select one. National Enemies —Fire and Theft: - . Fire alone destroys each year about a uarter as much as America builds. YOUR TURN MAY COME NEXT! No excuse is left you now should you some day soon find your documents, valuable papers, and keepsakes oHly a. ~ Why? Because we have fire and theft proof vaults and Deposit Boxes that rent for less than 14 cent a day. Citizens National Bank “The Bank with the Clock” Come in Meyersdale, Pa. GOOD IN A ONLY $10.50 coon IN FpLLMAN CARS WITH PULLMAN CAPE MAY, BALTIMORE & OHIO SEASHORE EXCURSIONS Lies MEYERSDALE 10 ATLANTIC CF $ 4 ISLE CITY, STONE HARBOR, WILLWOOW JUNE 29, JULY 13 AND 27. AUGUST 10 AND 24, SEPTEMBER 7 TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 16 DAYS SECURE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET GIVING BULL DETAILS FROM TICKET 4 AGENTS, » BALTIMORE & 9m10 RAILROAD OCEAN CITY, TT a nn nc 4 eles. SRR LE Every Farmer with J. T. YODER, ... MOTTLED Good layers of large, white eggs. -:- Cost less to keep than ordi- nary fowls, and lay more eggs, Mature Early and Do Not Set. Improve your flocks, make more money. MONONGAH fort and taste; light and ai Under Cuisine Unsurpassed Complete Cafe Service from 25¢ Club Break fast to the most e dinner. Club Dinners at 50c, 60¢, 75¢c and $1.00. The oil that gives the steady, bright, white light, Triple refined {from Pennsylvania Po ON) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shuck spent ov er Saturday in Hyndman, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. May. Ezra 8. Nicholson spent four days of last week at the home of his un cle, N. G. Nicholson at Goodtown. Henry Meyer and his niece. Miss Orpha. Brown, are visiting this week at the home of Elmer Walker in Lar- imer township Misses Margaret and Mary Fike and Sarah Nicholson spent over Sat- urday at the home of W. T. Mull of near Coal Run. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fike of near Mey- ersdale spent Sunday at the home of Howard Fike. Mrs. Maggie Meyers and children passed Sunday at the home of How- ard Maust. W. W. Nicholson spent last Thurs day at McDonaldton. -1lm <y ty re crim wi. LY ar WELLERSBURG. 3 Albert: Bittner of Gleticos is work- ing ‘for ‘Mrs. ©: “Delbrook, helping | with the building of the new barn. ‘Mrs. B C. Weller and daughter, Garnet of near Hancock, are guests lof Mrs, Weller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Witt. Mr. Clinton and Harry Uhl of Mt. | Savage, spent Sunday near town. ~ Mrs. G. W. Witt, Mrs. B, C; Wel ler, Helen Wengert, Edna Witt and Ralph Poorbaugh were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Delbrook on Sunday evening. A number of people from town were in Somerset last week on a business mission. Adam Trimble and son Hugene were callers at Mt. Savage on Sun- day. : oes Our Job Work Pleases Creda on, Costs little § a: BOYER—SCOTT. pastor of the Lutheran church at Confluence, and Miss Mabel Scott, of the same place , were united in mar- riage by Rev. Ellis B. Burgess, of Connellsville. Only a few guests were were present. After a nuptial lunch- eon, the pastor and his bride left in the former’s auto for an eastern hon- eymoon trip. On their return they will take up their residence in the .| parsonage of the church. Cl RR Wo dr ERE rs retin: needs a Del AVAL THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE, of all the lading wlroads. department stores, Srisement places and office buildings, making ears and taxicabs unnecessary. personal one of the most popular an best known hotel managers in % nV 0) y/ Ww Tz % MEBITTNER MACHINE WORKS -:- D. H. WEISEL «:- P, J. COVEK & NON Weyarsdale | On June 7, Rev. Edwin B. Boyer, cis const ibd two or more cows pene 223 verso odSt. JOHNSTOWN, PA. ANCONAS . Cos il ts ERE Bate Birds of Whieh You will he Proud " Buying a Netting Hig I. I. GAIN, DIANA, W. VA. E LA H 0 U s E J. B. Kelley, Manager Smithfield St., Water St. and First Avenue PITTSBURGH European Plan Located at the very gateway to the city, just out of the con- , gested zone, yet within reach gg Mr. 1. B in comi- mawagement . Kelley, the East. Note These Reasonable Rates Siete room without $1.00 and $1.50 Single room, with , $2.00, $2.50 snd o 00 per day. Each additional person $1. per day in any room, with or ou: Lath bath. lei ik 7 - mm mm FYOCK—H ELMAN Miss Ella Helman of Rummel and {Jee Fyock of Buckstown were united (in marriage Saturday evening by "Squire J. H. Vell at his Scalp Leva office, They will make their home in Holsopple. BOILED HAM, SLICED BEEF AND BREAKFAST BACON AT LOWEST; PRICES AT HABEL & PHILLIPS * Our Job Work Pleases A “BROOKS F AMOUS BAND TO BE CHAUTAUQUA FEATURE ATTRACTION —FOURTH DAY festivals, faire and expositions in the country. ROOKS’ BAND will appear on the afternoon and night programs. B sage ’s mammoth coliseum, the Masonic Temple ¢ taugua week—fourth day. It has given se ries of They will be kore ome day oaly. i. di neerts in numerous large c This band 1 is one of he oldest established and best known in America. It has played at some of the largest i has played in the Chicago Auditorium on many a grand occasion, in Chi- and one that is made up largely of soloists. Hear them here Chau- { 4 i oy ET a :
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