pr re TTT TI TE I — ET I RT CTE ITE FARMERS © COLUMN Some Practical Suggestions Well Worth Knowing From the De- partment of Agriculture. | a _ - { | 'WINDBER AGAIN WINS 23 5% ee, S, CALLS ALLIES T0 TASK ON MAILS Radical Change of Procedure Is Demanded —— zh £25" ctnMAN EDITORS INVADE CHICAGO In Conventian Gity to Presen: Demends to 6. 0. P. RAILROAD BUILDER WHO DIED IN ST. PAUL BALTIMORE & OHIO 16-DAY EXCURSIONS TO NORFOLK OLD POINT COMFORT VIRGINIA Windber again takes first place in the Nation among the prizes distribu- ted by the American Red Cross am- ong miners for actual First-Aid work to save life or limb during the year 1915. In addition, a Windber youth won the second prize offered by the Red Croce Society. . Willis Ream won the first prize of FACTS FOR DAILY USE WHAT TO DO WITH THE OLD ROOSTER an outside man who was squeezed at | tember 7 The “old rooster” is the poorest of | No. 40, between mine cars and so Change Is Demanded In Practice of | Teutons Want “Frank Diplomacy $8 50 all table poultry. So poor that when | DPadly injured that one leg had to be Detaining Letter Mail In British § and Condemn Demagogues mM] . crated and shipped separately to mar- | "mputated. Ream happened to be Ports After Stoppage i at Sea Hilles Plans to Have Short Platform. || ROUND TRIP ket, the returns received are almost "ear and took prompt measures to : | GOOD IN COACHES ONLY . nothing. If mixed with other poultry, a few pounds of old rooster may so $590 for controlling a severe case of "hemorrhage on November 4, 1915. | The case was that of Joseph Sapary, staunch the flow of blood, thereby saving Sapary’s Rife. A LIST OF GASES IS GIVEN The reply of the United States to the joint memorandum of the British [ILLES OUTLINES PLATFORM Members of the German-American Publishers’ association, in Cu.cago to attend the Republican natiouan CoIn- | { { | i I i June 29, Juiy 13 and 27 Aug- ust 10 and 24, Sep- { FOR $2 00 ADDITIONAL TICKETS WILL { BE GOOD IN PULLMAN CARS, WITH : ‘ J and French governments on inter- {| PULLMAN Tut down the price that the rooster 5 Jw qs 18 in won ference with the mails is an emphatic, | veation, subiaitted a creed to a repre- i vLLM TICKETS | - : se i t mans f a dead loss | the second prize an e incident hap tative gathering of Germans from |; The Route is Rail to Washington or and, the state department believes, senlative sai! E : Baltimore and Delightful St For home consumption the old pened the same day as the accident convincing legal argument against the various parts of the country for their er 350 a 3 an rooster may be made over into almost [to Sapary. Chas. H. Holowshko, 16 regent practices of the French and approval, wich takes sidesw.pcs at P » a new chicken by caponizing. This |years old, was shocked by a trolley British authorities in their treatment both Presid :nt Wilson and C_.ionel method, however, is slow, if sure. A Wire on his first day in the mines. He | of mail hi Roosevelt for their attitude on ayphe- Full Information at Ticket Office . ails from and to the United shorter cut recommended by W Theo. had been hired to whitewash shelter States. | nated Americans. Wittman, poultry expert of the Penn- Loles, etc., and in approaching one of The United States characterizes the J. B. Mey.r, hosiery manufacturer Am rrr sylvania Department of Agriculture, these touched a trolley wire. Shook | wrongs done to American citizens| © by Pach Bros. § of Philadelphia, wos ciiosen chairman : : and one bringing a great improve-'saved his life by using resuscitative | through these practices as intolerable; JAMES J. "HILL. {ui tho meeting and Adolph Tims, zl a Linoleum Logic ment is to coop him in a darkened, measures, states that it expects these practices loi Philadelphia, Jeary: . Thery No. ‘ cool, quiet place (a co ith a t- irst- to cease, and adds that only a radical | were approximately ecighty ermaz: o ted Benin pis 2 > i pa lS s Snyder change restoring to the United States WOULD HAVE PRESIDENT | Americans present. The orgaaizauon . § much deligh at this is the its full rights as a neutral power wili OFFER MEDIATION! is as yet without a definite name. The No More good) and feed him regularly, three [second successive year for the prizes satisfy this government oe phrase that readers of the creed in- no pg or Yer for | to come here. Last year, Messrs. J.| It js known that the United States| Senator Lewis Presents Resolution Ir | terpreted as a slap at President Wil- Backache 2 Bor! % > 2 wenty days. This H. Burtt, HL. M. S. Gimber, J.” H.| has the suppert of Holland, Sweden Senate; Discussion Deferred. son was read into the following wet mash s old be either finely | Shook, father of the youth who won [and other neutral countries in its pro- A resolution requesting the presi-| sentence: Tike the backache ground oats and red middlings,, half the 1915 second prize, and Francis | test to the entente. These other neu- dent, unless incompatible with the “We believe in frank diplomacy and out_of house-clean- and half, wet down with either sweet 1 Hagan were jointly awarded the $50 | tral powers have already protested public interest, to suggest to warring | international good-will as opposed to : ; ing. Use or sour milk, or buckwheat middlings first prize for life-saving work during | against wrongs which their citizens nations of Europe that the United| the double standard in foreign rela- dé linoleum end ground oats. 1914, have suffered. States undertake mediation, was in-| tions which judges with harsh acerbity i i for floo If a rich, oily table bird is’ wished The United States admits thet the| troduced in the senate by Senator J.| the mistakes of one nation and con- = a ; ™ cornmeal and middlings should be EDWARD MILLER entente ;may search mail om bellig:| Hamilton Lewis, Democrat, of Illinois, dones with acadento gisapproval ihe . fed, and not only so much as will be tdward Miller, a respected citizen Ten nb Ro hi to lie on the table for discussion later. Sfcise of une hich 1 Armstrong’s Linoleum eaten up clean each meal, but such of Somerset Township, died suddenly Jéband 's Deng UTRansm fted under! The resolution would authorize ihe Sis tne Sonim Yuh Nau ln) femedenn pattems for the parlor as well as ’ 3 ) } s Pv ; : sealed cover, and this government also president to propose that the bellig- terpreted as a thrust at Colonel Roose . t \ ba! y as, th he p . has S 3 ast ai rome . : - > Vid a > -. jl Dots Warm 2 . Tuanis Yeoh ast eek home, dmits that the entente may intercept| erents declare a truce and that each| Velt: atm. Peels of Sis Wipro bee Jesh pe I is A haporiant Dear. Avansyl = Ie had complained at sea all mails coming out of and| of them select a neutral country as| “A deaf ear should be turned to all Jt is clean sanitary, durable {i%1 the Ards 3¢ Troed o lee by dust- for several days of feeline unwell | going into ports of the enemy's coasts its representative on a board of arbi. | demagogues that trade upon national and seonomial.. ing with insect powder ; that the but he was in Somerset on Saturday | which are effectively blockaded. tration thus created; each selected| antipathies and seek to extol their Plenty of patterns to pick from—nearly star’ un heav. mash fe.siing he dine and at church on Sunday. He was| But the methods employed by the neutral would name one member of| own loyalty by impugning that of hundred new ones that are decidedly out-of slowly and that one sort of milk be aboutsixty-twc years of age. British and French authorities are| (pe board over which the president or| others.” The “creed” further says: ®he-ordinary. used, not sour one day and sweet the ®dward H. Miller was born at Edie, | Severely scored. The note states that| pig representative would preside as “We deplore and condemn all at | No trouble to show them—and you need not next. The bird or birds must be where a son of Jonathan Miller on Novemb. | these authorities remove all mails, | referee. Under the plan each bellig-| tempts to divide Americans and to in | 0 more shan look. ATT, they are quiet and out of sight and of 29, 1854. He was united in marri- | 8€0Uine correspondence as well as| erent would present its demands or|sult or stigmatize any race, creed or sound of other polutry. A little fresh age with Mary Friedline daughter of | POSt parcels, and take them to Lon: claims to the board which would be| color by invidious hyphenation. Men : water, green stuff, charcoal and a Moses Friedline on Octolser 5 1876 Som Where they are delayed for days,| authorized to arrive at an equitablz| from every country of the world have ® The. vie very little tallow or suet daily are de. . : i ' 5 ’| weeks or even months. adjustment. found here a new home, a refuge from IIe Q © pro sirable. The coop should % Pe 2A ne Te hm, SWvivins | The United States contends that| ne resolution recites that it is sug-| tyranny and a pathway to opportunit. , THE HOME FURNISHERS to be hel and if 50 aid Bn 4 enn das x » chi dren are: A bha, wlio now lives | this ig a violation of the prior practices| gested as an expression of the desire| 8nd all have contributed their sweat] C lee F Cllar 25 , part of Ji ad oul Ai ~4 place on Mayfield farm;” Frank, at home; | of nations, which Great Britain and| tor world peace and not of favoritism| and their blood to the upbuilding and omelete ¥rom Coliar to Atic will be as on a oC io Te or four birds Rlizabeth wife of Albert Hemminger; | her allies have in the past assisted to| for any of the belligerents. defense of our grand democracy. They FRIST oe AA i e handled successsfully and Lulu wife of Lloyd Marteeny. establish and maintain. A detailed] president Wilson told callers that| may be hyphenated Americans, but| {20 Center St , Meyersdale qua, Get : re } p. Mr. Miller purchased “Mayfield |summary of injuries in a commercial the intervention of a neutral in behalf| their Americanism is unhyphenated. Jnior suj properly handled, according to Farm,” formerly owned by Rev. H.|sense suffered by American citizens| ,¢ peace in Europe could rest only on| To attempt to arouse animosity and aes - Single ad 2 above instructions, your tough "H. Flick, from George Marteeny in through unwarranted interference| ; mutual understanding by the bel | distrust toward any class or nation Our J b W k : ing 10 an oid er oy be a fat, tender and 1901. Within five years Mr. Miller | With the mails is given in the note. ligerents that terms to be arranged| ality, as some have done through o or L 2:30 p. Juicy table bird at the end of two or made “Mayfield” te t shrewd ambition un bl = } ; le ayfield” a paying investment. are to conserve the interests of all, or governable| pave y T ; three weeks. |He farmed intensively and success- CAR OVERTURNS--ONE KILLED ana of the world at large, rather than| temper, is a crime.” OU TRIED THE bi oy Cr: i ‘fully until two years ago when Mr. : rire intine those of a particular nation or group Some thiugs which the tentative 198 “ORK OF 3:1 BY SELLING BUTTER OR | Miter retived: trom. his soti | @irl Was Driving; Father ls Mietim; of nations among the warring powers, creed advocated are: An adequate pre. % vo ; 118 B. SEL T retired Ho 13 active obers Five Others Injured paredness based upon patriotism; : MMERCIAL | : or makin LING MILK. ti : : we - i od “Last week a man put a Question to by his son Alpha. who 1a se ne | ROPETt G. Miller, aged, 3ttySevent MUST SWEAR TO BEAR ARMS| American ships for our foreign com| OUR W us 2 . $5@8.50; common to good fat cows, G Oss 4800" Cans Soizsd In Month “Personally, I have the feeling that onstratio Salt ave. churned four and a} CIRCULATING LIBRARIES $4@6.50; fresh cows and springers, Re . ep ddl | the platform should treat only of AND RETURN 2:30 p ounds of : e seizure of 1, ns o ; ! ! 3 pounds of bunt r from a hundred Ait $40@80. v by ot Trine be on he three or four important questions,” SUNDAY JUNE 4 Padget I pounds of milk and made liberal al-| A ‘word to the ford mother about | Sheep and Lambs—Prime wethers, > oa BL Bocah Pays said Mr. Hilles. There will of course : 3:15 p anc This w “ Dm mE. : ; . ar Ss a amp- : : Lowen: es. This would have _ netted | the danger of handling books in the $7.50@ 17.75; good mixed, $6.76@7.40; il Hes ogy a ois of ‘soizhre be a preparedness plank, another de- Si. 0 0 FROM Harold 1 im §1 J7 per hundred, but it made ome from circulating libraries where | f2ir mixed, $6@6.50; culls and com- 45,000 cans of beans in the last| C1aring for a tariff commission and a|| ROUND TRIP, MEYERSDALE ! thor, edi him the work of separating and health authorities, thousands of. |™°% $3.50@5; lambs, $59.25; spring nl in this ict : return to a protective tariff basis and 7:80 p Zhurping Now it is hard work to dope organization is such that it does gdh a a Shans Tho selon osicars ade os informa. | @ Plank dealing with the shortcomings Special Train Leaves at 9:32 A. M. ra Padge + ha ia siyt 2 i ives, $o@ 8.50. : i i this. hut when he was done milking pq rocitlie BOOKS to Be cilnierted Spe 0 i 8.5 Hom OLD. M. Walsh Uatted States of the Democratic administration. FULL INFORMATION AT TICKET OFFICES 8:15 p he started a litle engine and looked a : ark ogs—~Prime heavy hogs, heavy a Taw es Of course, it is for the fifty-three ’ hile the iis every time they are returned from|{ ized and mediums $9.76@9.80: | pure food cd drug inspcctor. It is mionibe eth ui = ———— ___! lectricity on while the separating was doue, circulation, heavy Yorkers $9.70@9.75 : light York: alleged that the goods are partly @é: toe. to Thi 2 T0%e Rh oo eies illus and set the cream in the vat to cool. With all the care and energy of the ers, $9.25G 9.50; pigs, $8.75@8.90; composed and unfit for fcod. All of should be th oe 4 9D form Admissio The skim milk he carried to thosa health authorities thousands of | roughs, $8@8.25; stagzs: $6 5@7 the goods 2 2ized were shipp:d by mia: : SSIbIY Oh OF bit iy ae NOTICE FOUR : : a Ss, @8.25; stags; 5@7. 0 : ra ossibly s or wheth § A2e hes ana Srowilay calves and yomeg in this State are infected with | Cleveland, May 30. SS asters Dean makers | there should be a long list of re All persons Enowing: themselves in Yous what it netted him I am not sare but (uberculosis and it will continue to be! Cattle—Choice fat steers, $9.25@ er =i y i dealing with all sorts of other ques. ihe Meysredale dnin Company prior Neighbor I will venture a guess by experiments spread through circulating libraries 9.70; good to choice bu cher steers, | BANDIT FIGHTS TO END Vit ” ? to March 1, 1916 are requested to'make : that he was selling that ski ane e “ = 50@9.2 ; ‘ = tons 1 2:30,D oi i% = Selling that skim milk ‘,hie0 the people demand the disin- 33.5009.257 fair to good ;butcher! Surroundsd. In Boathouss. 1% an aa Eleventh hour efforts to comtest the settlement before June 1, .1916. AN . Brooks a \ at fi orty to fifty cents a hundred fection of the hooks to destroy the | Steers, 3@ i good to choice hei Cisco Biv by Fifty Policemen. | entire delegation from North Carolina, accounts remaining unsettled by this 3:30 p pounds to those pigs and calves. | germs of diseawe that they otherwise | 7 $7.75@9; good to choice butcher | Barricadcd in a boathouse on S- | itcluding four delegates-at-large and latter date will be placed in lega ton, Adn I told him this and he started the Riny. carey fron homed to Homie ! bulls, $7.25@8.25; bologna bulls, $6« 7 1: ey. a dosnerade an 5) seventeen district delegates, failed to | hands for collection. 7-30 p engi ; = : : ‘7; good to choic 5; $7:2! ; fair | Fra > Ys EPera 8 ne anv oe Yn ; : = a out pe bold the churn We often see a mother with her in!’ Be Fe Sima on Sis WOT Tes ver battle With Afty pa Tae any Rendwey at the offices of Gurley, Plock and Berkley. Solos, 2 : Sus will keep on doing fant in her arms that is beirg lulled COWS $4.50@ 6.50 : To j licemen wl. surrounded him after he the abu lican Uatlonal commitiee. numbers. the easy work if I have to do the hard n ? § 5, $%.0066.50. Si ols Be aay Secretary Reynolds announced that ; anyhow and make the j 1 Hedoloon While the motteris resting Clipped Sleep and Lambs—Good to had killcd Police Sergeant John J.| the would-be contestants had failed t Fon RENT—The Morrell Home- lude ads i 2 ake the major as well , 40k from a circulating library. choice lambs, $9.75@10; fair to good,| Moriarity. The defender was fou d| oF OF © 8 thor coi oa Se ?' stead, eleven rooms laundry, bath 25 and 5 as the minor profits’ He was right. ” eas £ or Year : o hoes ein { dead when ‘he police finally capgiured : quired notice : Y ; : HE wo mre De { © Tuberculosis’ is only one of sever: §3@9.50; good®to choice wethers, $8 De an j.| of contest to be filed not less than|and all : FIFTH don make tT : Dery equipped We diseases that may be communicated : @8.50; good to choice ewes, $7.75@8; | the boatho: °, after shooting the lock IWRRLS (avs Deforc Ihe tinres ten nd all conveniences. Good orchard i {@ Home C n make f ie b of butter on the hy: unclean books. {mixed ewes and wethers, $8@8.25; | off the door. Therefore he said the North Caro.|2nd six lots. Barn and: outb iid 2:30 p farm with a litle extra labor and are culls, $4.50@7.50 { The naiue “NM. EK. Jones” was found lina contest will be considered b op outbulidings. r torial ; fhe tae arity ar Ang — 5 $4.50@ 7.50. : : a o n.| lina conte: sidered by the | | LL tainm Pa x 2uedy Of the factory. There MAY BOOM COAL FIELDS. Hogs—Mixcd, $9.85@9.90; Yorkers, on the tal § label on whe dead Bony tihral cor.mittee, unless the com- mmediate possession. Apply to "ny. vo Naa ® Ihe equipment hore is. nu aistant probability that Py toy abi pigs, | dit’s coat. mittee itself decides to waive the rule J. F. NAUGLE Citizens Bank. 3:1% p ve sell the mi zs the time often ain i .25; stags, $7.25; roughs, $8.90. . and hear the trouble. nits . » 239 MAIN STREET. a » ne oo Sper on es of ee Chien. May 30. | LINCOLN ON WAY TO ENGLAND yh a pivords rights zg: mbined middle vaniz ie : ar TO : i Hogs—Bulk, $9.55@9.70; light, $9.10; ar = Presbyterians Will Go to Dallas. | derbilt T en HDTaerit we. ure Ther is a distnt probability that @9.65; mixed, $9.30@9.75; heavy, | Scotland Yard Nien Suard Man on Dallas, T x., was selected as th: FOR SALE—The stock and fixtures 25 cetns n the dalrem | Thompson coal will be taken care of |g9 9079.80; roughs, $9.20@9.35; pigs. guyrapsatiantic Liner, . place of meting of the 1917 general | of the Wiland Stor Cent 7:;300 : 2alryman. in the near future and this probabil- $7.25@9.10. Ignatius T. I: Linc In, confessed sembly of the Presbyteriah cliurch e on Centre street atrice W of the fai f County . DPresages development. In the! Cattle—Native beef cattle, $3.20@ SPY, Plea : ah Pi . yord| in the United States of America at |3t Flaugherty Creek bridge. The 8:15 1 8 Of the [a re o ounty y proc a x a) 3 f ingland on board the Anchor tie accem ry . i i : Jil ~ | West Virginia fifields there appears 10.65; stoc rs and feeders, $6@8.90; men for Eng ~ Vil the assembly in Atlantic City. stock consi the V iss rs > have ec 7 i 3:3 v2 ; vanmierchi . sists of 2 yan s Jone 0 y onstables to be a hint of future activity and the | cows and heifers, $4.50@9.65; calves. | liner Camercnia. : : = 313 0 of groceries, dishware Chautau enforge the 19 dog act by having : Si : ! aot He was dclivered to the English au Fertilizer Poisons Farmer. tobacco a : : by = game is true of other virgin sections !$8@11. i ities To lade trinl on a hore ot While sowing oats several weeks » candy, Thers is a very large and 35 c un icensed d oroughs and pg wertul organizations have been at| Sheep—Wethers, shorn, $7@8.35; | thorities to fa e ri L€ aree of Em Severs) #24 Gubl 3 . . ! townships killed will probably result _ .. . : ee a : lambs, shorn, $S@10.65; springs, $o| forgery. He fought the extracition of thie hands erry C. Har- € soda‘ fountain to he sold also. SIXTE in suits being instituted bs fo Attor i SOlgthmng may De omens @12. Cpa TEs A proceedings, claining he forgeryy! ier Of nea ilkins, . W.. Va. Apply at once a: the Store Chautau WE a thie the #2 ed to follow. 7% Lk Gere WAR i i be : ] ted iro {fertilizer row: : 3 ria General's off ompel the Wheat—July, $1.07%. Corn—July ! C04r2€ 28 in may ne, and. taal 2 fijest, from |CcABB nr The Oni enforcementt of the law. rap Tere 69%: Oais—July, 40%c. } he. would Be siiot us 2 503. ae AGE PLANTS 2:30 1 Get our prices on job work. | | AT HABEL & PHILLIPS. of Humc fca’s lea and 60 c 7:30 1