Ee Sik iagren ERT mE Tn rene = = i FE er CE = eT . wT a Re a os FF RE EY Te HIT TE Ca SR a ET RTE J » — i a — : : i [B= einin:oinsnsecuce asa ANY Kak LERRRROEEaaneeey | Ruth Holzshu, Miss Jennie Graves be} | and William Holzshu made up an au- 8 | : NO. BE33 OY, _|tomobile party that went to Addison . P : | REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Sunday returning home in the even- pecid d oir Ol dll sas iE A | QU 0 : THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK : Mrs. H. C Osborne the only 3 < ! A Of Meyersdale, Penr’a. L Tie daughter of H. H. Williams of Main \ : } ; fries ero who has frequently visited in | 3 At the close of business, May ist, 19716. | Meyeradale, lies at the point of death |& FREE SOUVENIR SPOON FREE J Le |at her home in Beaver, Pa. Mrs. Os- : 2 ' Li has recently been taken to ! NTI A 3 RESOURCES her home after being for eighteen |§ 2 1. Loans and Discounts ...8 592 534.00 weeks in a Pittsburg hospital. Her |Z ; OAL JORDE oi ov reser sersinie 592,534.00 death is only a matter of a few weeks & M ” - 3 X 2. Overdrafts unsecued............ $170.19 170.19 at the longest. . Cherry artan Silver ; 3. U.S. BONDS: a On account of the several appoint- | & . a. U. 8. bonds deposited to secure x - x s s ments being so widely scattered, the |% re Su ndae 15 cents ... ~ * = circulation (par value)........ ..... 65,000.00 councils of the Brethren Church, RD ' 2 b. v 5 bends plesgeds to ¥ BIE ROR omprising the Berlin charge, have | 123 Geponiis (par 00 ore ee oT : iio Re TE : *. YOU EAT THE SUNDAE AND KEEP THE SPOON .. ¥ | ¢. U.S bonds i Se \ ; postal savings deposits (par Lfor their pastor, Rev. J. F. Watson's | 5 : value).......-... g thre Pp wrote. har 2,000.00 : use. : . iY : Total U. 8S. bonds .. .. .. .. 75,000.00’ Absolutely P The members of the graduating | Cherry Martan Sundae is made with our delicious Cherry Martan & 4. Bonds other than U. 8. bonds pled solutely rFure class of Berlin, accompanied by Prof. | Sauce. The Spoons are High Grade Oneida Community, reliance . gel io secure U. 8. Sepsis hear 2,000.00 , | 3. C. Speicher and two graduates of | § : . . Bonds other than U. 8. bonds Made from Cream of Tartar 'the last year’s class, recently ret- | & ees and are guaranteed to you. You may have your choice of any 8 Diedged to secure postal savings : x tate. @POSILS........cevnnitrnnnnirrrens: seens 3,000.00 uo ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE rel from,« 1g Qefigh Fp DE em— a 3 ¢ e. Securities other than U.s.bonds Wee aston a : Salih 2 . (no inelnaing stocks) owned ni | The Rev. L. P. Young, of ury, | : BRDICANCA os iain eitiersins 94,053.61 —- ——— | who is general superintendent of the | & ( ; Ol i INS DRUG S ] ORE i Total bonds, securities, etc... 99,053 €1 PERSONAL AND LOCAL | Allegheny Synod of the Lutheran |& 9 D 5. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve church has made a canvas of Wind- : ’ “ anlr StOck............vnnnee crerdee ie. 9.125,00 ie oy SEER or 15 1 ie waaiber of : Dike Rexall sore 6. a. Subscription to stock of Federal J. M. Black mad D tri Sern v . iM. ac e a usiness trip English speaking Luthe Jib a ; ‘ ’ . Reserve Bank.............. 9,900 00 to Grafton, W. Va. last week. : MEYERSDALL, - - ‘e - PENNA, § b. Less amount uspaid........ 4 950 U0_/ 4,950.00 3 view of establishing a - Lutheran , a. | Miss: Bdith Riley, of Cumberland, : 3 7. a. Value of banking ho if - 3 i church there. s) . a. g house (if unen mm— is the guest of Miss Florence Just. | ‘ ee sata a a atass ainiazalnzelacaeeie ule! : cumbered). .. Lo. ee 26,000C.00 Mrs. J. T. Shipley aud daughter, | ae name °¢ Prank B. Black, > b. Equity in banking house .......... 26,000.00" J , t township, s prominently . 8. F it d fixt ‘ y A Miss Belle, spent several days Gi umm 3 ° . Furniture and fixtures................. .. 3,300.00 last week in Pittsburg | mentioned as a likely successor to Johannes Sembach as S eglried 9. Real estate owned other than hank- i Miss Hattie Morrell left. on Wed- State Highway Commissioner Robert | : i ing house....... .....cceeeireenienniiinnnn 7,275.00° 1¢ nesday t end th with J. Cunningham, whose death occured | 10. Net amount due from Federal Re- day io spend tie summer with re © 4 4 ove ago. Now that the pri- serve Bank .....l:...on.oti nn 14,056.91 latives in Washington, D. C. a © 280. } | | ie Beatriis Seymotir. of. iNe mary election is over the Governor | 11. a. Net amourt due from approved | vork City. is Le a Sf Mrs Go will probably fill the vacancies that pide EShnts op New York, | EE er Pus: di © have occured among the department icago and St. Louis eiiteeiiiis 12,129.15 you { W. Collins. Biers wihiout furthor delay | b. Net amount due from approved na { W. Park Kooser the well known re- e 9 w ? ’ | reserv> agents in other reserve ’ in tired Somerset Merchant died Minday oN oles oa tars : reeves g .e rarneee 79,934.00 92,063.15 ani- ee 2 | : — a . Net amount due from banks an in aged 68 years. : TOTS AND url STL G. : bankers (other than included in : Rev. A. S. Glessner returned the ——— | DOr Il) ili iiinnnenens 44 359.68 e at fore part of the week from a busi} Pittsburgh Business Men Bazk Young 14. Other checks on banks in the same L ; nes trip to Ohio. : sters In Festivai city or town as reporting bank. 209.35 A daughter was born to Mr. and Pittsburgh, Pa {eprectul.) = Realiz ! 15. a. Outside checks and other cash A = ola z ie ot brolet Ca group irs 2} lteme. LL... heal ali as 120.04 ter, Mrs. Clayton Wade of Large street Mga project of a group of Pittsbu 1 Ler 3 on Friday last. i pusiness men. the Prisourgh Fesava | i b. Fractional currency, nickels, and nore i b. Jimmy ean a] ington, 100 prude. show "vbl | | cents. SRC 388.85 508.89 nore I 0 sf Mr. 1 Mr R. Harry Phil-; dren and 500 evening schoor pupl | i 16. Notes of other national Banks........ 3,010.00 ‘the I Oo ney : Ba . Harry 11- here are Fehodvsin duily to appear . 19. Coin and Certificates ..................... 31,479.80 oh £ 93 I gs Tomine od Anant Erol wt Ne mae 2% ey Ite iris ek etait 15,870.00 r S. as, B. Meye ’ - Buon wa { 1. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- 3S. ter, Mrs. Roy West, spent Monday Forpes Flew. Saturday afteruooy, dus. | arer and due from U. 8 Treas.. 2,455 00 shopping in Pittsburg. { 10. with Jobauna sadski, Lila Robe | aaa 1,021,420,58. - of Harry Sickler, of Tyrone, spent | son ot Clare eh hitehill of the Met | | Sudan cm eee hE Suhdas with Shs Walker in thtg}iopotitun Ques Coigany. | 3 3 place y i The Metropolitan orchestra of 104 | LIABILITIES i . : | pieces will accompany the school | - SEs 1: i d Miss Constance Gordon, of Keyser,' .p uses, aud the direcior of music iu | | 2: Gopal Siook LH 65,000.00 nary W. Va, was the weekend guest of | ne public schovis, Will Earhart, will TD fn pe 100,000,00 Mice Mildred Payne. ju y { 7. Uudivided profits.............. 46,326.31 ‘ iss a y | conduct. Le Lo i b. Reserved fur. i... Joie, 46,336.31 Mrs. S. C. Hartley and daughter, | The Pittsburgh Festival Association | | ec. Less current expenses, interest, Mrs. J. J. Hoblitzell, are visiting their | was organized by William C. Hamil | and taxes paid.....« dl 8,020.18 38,316.13 son and brother, at'Ocanoca, W. Va. ton, a local Lusiness man. four years 28. Circulatingnotes outstanding ...... 64..200.00 Mrs. Lee Hoffman and little daugh. | 88° tO give fitting importance to pub- 31. Net amount due to banks and bank- i hs 10) B11 ji school music. With this financial ers (other than included in 29 or ter, Bedford, are visiting the latter's backing the school choruses held May | ; 30). faare eet sresesass 2eniraassenrs tenets 197.41 grandmother, Mrs. Frank Hoffman of | coral festivals for three succeeding | re Nig = nis oy divides i bi subject to check 205,777.87 \TE Meyers avenue, this place yeurs. | S Siesfried. child of the forest, destined to forge the invincible sword, | : I osjts due 1 less 76.133.10 Prof. Thomas Arnold of the High | The business el had planned tol Nothung. and with it to conquer the dragon, Fafner, and cleave the 85. Certified checks .........................o.n. '116.66 School faculty, is spending the week make possible a fourth May F estival | / spear of the god. Wotan, which bars his way to his sleeping sweetheart. 36. Cashier’s checks outstanding.. 149.70 at a city hospital in order to undergo this “year, when the biz outdoor pro | Brunhilde. in the magic circle of fire. Johannes Sembach will be seen at his 37. United States deposits............. 4,550.07 )OF a throat operation. duction of Wagners “Siegfried.” given | pest in the apen air performance of Richard Wagner's music drama “Siegfried,” 38. Postal savings deposits ................. 3,807.64 : in the Harvard stadium last year. was | (go he given in Forbes Field. Pittsburgli, home grounds of the Pirates, Thurs- Total demand deposits, Items There arrived at 10 a. m. today, at ar in Pittsburgh's big 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 39, and 40 290,535.04 the home of Rev. «nd Mrs. J. C. Mat engaged to appear in Pittsburgh s bi | day evening. June 8 In connection with the opera a Siegfried Festival Con 3.0 od PO ! 1 3909 " TR Sn he ball park. Thursday evening, June 8 (eit will he given by public school children and Metropolitan soloists and or- « Qertificates of deposit .. ...... .......w 145,204 01 | 43. Oth } teson, a little son weighing nearly | yt was decided to use Metropolitan | 1 ostra Sntnrday afternoon. June 10. \ ! 7 3. Other time deposits........................ 317,967.99. - 10 Ms. stars and the Metropolitan orchestra | Sembach is one of the most recent and most famous stars of the Metro Tord of time deposits, Items PENNA Mrs. Harry Angus returned on Sat-| and give a school fostival on the out | i jitan Opera Company and has been declareq the greatest Wagnerian tenor 31, > and 43.5. 463,172.00 ioned urday to her home in Washington, door stage to be erected for the opera |; the world. He is the center of a cast which has never been equaled since = Total... 1,021,420.58 shippe after a couple weeks’ visit with her MISCELLANEOJS NOTICES “Siegfried” was composed and which includes Melanie Kurt, Ernestine Schu- n parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kendall. Tag Hem. Frieda Hempe!, Clarence Whitehill, Albert Reiss, Otto Goritz and STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF SOMERSET ss: The Rev. Father Joseph Shakaley,! ar] Broun. for" 1s ang pastor of the Boswell EL olic chu 4 Wanted—To buy a small safe. Ap- He stands in the photograph as the youthful hero. In his hand is the I, R. H. Philson, Cashier of the above-named bank do sol- h b transferred 't ‘Alto oh ply at this office sword he has just forged from the fragments of the shattered weapon which emnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my es Es re To r ee last we 4 . a nn failed to save his father, Siegfried, from the fatal spear of Wotan. knowledge and belief. ————— Landlord J. G. Miller of the Buck-|FOR SALE—Chester White and Berk AP ATH TEX ENGR. s : by Subscribed and swo to § — : man House, Rockwood, is taking a shire Pigs, $7..00 per pair delivered ARTUR BCDANSKY before me this Dim > Correct Attest: IND rheumatism treatment in Philadel- {when 6 weeks old. ne is like 2 Iepieian Sonne March 1916 y : S. B. PHILSON, J hia. Count Phone, Lari Line. wondrous music from a great instru- é e rie Db ey i Y mer ue ment of 102 men—the Metropolitan J. Milton Gnagey, W. T. HOBLITZELL Mrs. Frank Enos on Friday last un ELMER WALKER, Opera House orchestra—with a wave Notary Publc. ION derwent an operation in the Allegany Sand Patch, RD,. Pa. | of his baton. When the splendid out- My Commission expires CLARENCE MOORE, hospital in Cumberland for thie re- door production of Richard Wagner's end of next session of moval of a cataract. FOR SALE—S-room house and lot music drama “Siegfried” is given Senate. , Directors N George Smith, of Cumberland and Thursday evening, June 8, in the home A AANA CPA PAS nam Edgell, of Piedmont, were week-end in good condition rounds of the “Pirates.” [Forbes u , > , . = . FIRE, AUTOMOBIL rtt and guests of their father, Mr. A. G. > J. I. TRESSLER. IPield. Pittsburgh. Artur Bodansky, WAGNER—NOT HONUS—STAR. ? 8 h 20-2t Meyersdale, Pa. whom New York has named one of the COMPENSATION AND - - Smith on Meyers avenue. Great Composer to Eclipse “Pirate” h, Mrs. Nettie Leckemby and som, Wauica.. To i Eo : Wonder. PLATE GLASS INSURANCE . . Herbert visited in Morgantown, W. anted-— ree washes without iron- Pittsburgh, Pa.--[Special.]—Th : 3 , Pa. .]—The star W. B. COOK & SON rections Va. last Saturday. They were joined a or ve Rane wih poring oi ilonus Wagner-- “The Flying Dutch- | Meyersdale, Pa AM. ia’ Connellsville, hy Mrs. Edward [Dboave orders a 5 office. Mrs. Nora man” —all-around wonder of the Pitts. y 30 P. NM. Leckemby. Ankley. burgh baseball team, will suffer a mo- ntermedi- Isaac Bradburn and two children mentary eclipse in Forbes Field, Pitts- UNDERTAKER. vetoned Tiesday from Lonaconing, FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILE in first Prgh, Thea, Jue Tha star of WILLIAM C. PRICE ] another Wagner-—. ard, gent Maa where Tity sea been visiting re-|class condition. Inquire at this office. | {fg Nl bo inthe ascendant. is time— Successor to wn ; atives and friends. ; The event at which the eclipse will |=" - CLAR Railway Mr. and Mrs. George B. Collins and | WANTED—Girl for housework; mid- i vecur will mot be a baseball game, | MEYERSDALE, PA. Eh, three children of Berlin. were Sunday {gle aged woman preferred. Good wages : however, but a performance” of thef PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO cisitors with the former's .mOther. noo’ UCENTE, Center St. 2t EE aforesaid Richard Wagner's &réit mu | ALL CALLS AT ALL TIMES. Mrs. B. B. Collins. : : » Sie da een ae Will be Both 'Phones: rm — N. B. Miller and ¥F. W. Plock made CK FO ALE—A be i: a whole constellation e stars in the per visit to Johnstown on Thursda ak R82 At Dureumbed i formance—among them Melanie Kut, a vis 0 y ; : ; Grnestine Schumann-Heink, Fried W. CURTIS TRUXAtL, nite In this. evening in the new| Plant. Pris given 25 aliove plage. Ne olsun: Sembach, Cinta ATTORNEY-AT-LAW € ’ cn, - Y Cadillac Mr. Miller has just purc-| SPRING CUSHION TIRE CO. Iw Albert Reiss. Otto ee SOMERSET, PA. chased. —_— and Carl Braun, famous Wagnerian | Prompt attention given to all legat RSION George J. Black, who has been em- |For Rent—Good 5-room House cen singers from the Metropolitan Operu | pusiness. ployed by the Western Maryland yi, jocated, modern conveniences. ys music will be played by Railway Company at Gray, Pa. has | : g eu played by the and been transferred to Fairmont, W Va Apply at This. OHics. I, ig = WY un > NOTICE yt We VE: , under the baton o e famous : Mr. Black spent Sunday with his —— oe bacior Artur Bodnnsh ous | gr AJ] persons knowing themselves to 20 ) y- 4 : 2 WANTED—Experienced Girls to : the Meyersdale Auto Compan, rior & parents in Meyersdale before taking : : The music drama, with a choral con- tae SY -ompany p up his duties in the “Snake State.” roll ry, ee 3m 1,000 on cert by school choruses and Metropeli- to March 1, 1916 are requested to'make : “Two-fors”; $3. on 1, for “Three- i ttlement before June 1, 1916. Ali r 25, Calvin Shultz and Carl Miller, two ’ tan soloists and orchestra, Saturday |S® e © > June 1, 1916. FRO boys of North street, on Monday kill- fors”. Pay every Saturday. Address most emitent Waguerian conductors | afterroon, June 10, will constitute the | accounts remaining unsettled by this ? : or Call upon M. G. Kitany, 137 8S. of his time. wil] have not only the or- | Siegfried Festival. latter dat il b 1 3 t six inch- 3 ¢ r date wi e placed in legal yersdale 12 Magsmeke, three ost 0 a First St, Connellsville, Pa.—Tri- | chestra. but every one of the word]. . hands for collection es long, which came out iro £ tars vol sinz at : State Phone 841—W. ... .19—3t* amous opera stars who are to sing a t Meyersdale the Miller front porch, probably com- ee pps | the command of his baton He and GOOD SEED POTATOES Gurisy, Plock and Berkley. 9 p. m. ing from the creek nearby. . his men will assist in the Siegfried 1 AT HABEL & PHILLIPS. INE 3. DeFoust W. Ludwig, of Pittsburg, FIREMAN BO TOMATIC STOKERS Fevtival Concert in Forbes Field Child DS C . with the George Pittsburgh. saturday afternoon. June 1 ren ry spent the week-end g : LOOSE GARDEN SEEDS, much » nd Ry. W Collins family of North street. Eight hours, good wages no trouble 10. when 1.20v clidren and 500 men " rw "a FOR FLETCHER S Mr. Ludwig was en route from At-{Apply in' person or by letter. DU- and women trom the Pittsburgh public” cheaper: than package CASTORI A Points. Con- wis ag on the Smoky |QUESNE LIGHT POWER PLANT, ORA PADGET-LANGER OF THE sehouis «iil slug with Johanna Gad | AT HABEL & PHILLIPS. gent. ot a, Ga. to his home 2 NORTH END RANKIN BRIDGE ORA PADGET - LANGER COM- | ski, Lila 'ohoson and (Marence White | — a — | Aty. ! * PANY, WHO WILL SING HERE | hill. | Mr. and Ms. John Weimer, Miss RANKIN, PA. fit CHAUTAUQUA WEEK. re | Get our prices on job work. Fine sale Pills printed here.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers