GARRETT: : The Misses Nell, Verda and Rene Brant entertained a few of their friends at a six o'clock dinner Jast Thursday evening. The diversion of the evening was music and cards. Those present were Miss Lillian Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lan- dis, Messrs. S. B. Philson.,, J. O. Ream, Dr. Kalmetz qf Berlin. Mrs. Chas. Claar entertained the W. W. Society last (Thursday after- noon. Fancy work a the attention of the guests. A dai Ly lunch was served. Church Ndtes. The members of thé consistory of the Grace Reformed churhc this place consisting of the following members. W. A. Merill, Wm.; , Brocht. Js L. Banely. A. R. Miller d W. M. Kist- ler, attended the ali yof the Joint Consistory of the Zion’s chargg at the Reformed Parsonage at Berlin, Rev. H. H. Wiant is Pastor of the charge, The Bacalaureate services of the Garrett high school will be held on sunday evening in the opera house at 7:30 o'clock. The sermon Will be de- livered by Rev. Fye of the Evangeli- cal church. Communion services will be held in the Reformed church on Sunday morning at 11 a. m. The preparatory services will be held on Friday ev- ening at 7:30 o'clock. Services will be held every evening next week in the Brethren Church preparatory to the Communion ser- vices which will be held on Sunday evening the 7th of May. Miss Blanche Smith who is teach- ing the First Primary at Somerset, was calling on friends in Garrett last Thursday. Miss Inez Grant was shopping Cumberland last Thursday. Mrs. A. R. Miller and son Earl were in visiting Mrs. Miller's mother, at Shanksville last Thursday and Fri- day. Miss Gertrude Schrock who had been spending a week with her par- ents on Centre street, rturned to Do- nora on Saturday to resume her wok at teaching. Mr. G. W. Tipton of Connellsville, Pa. was in Garrett last Thursday transacting business. Mrs. Ray Miller was, visiting friends and relatives in Rockwood last Thurs- day. : Rev. H. H. Wiant spent Thursday calling on hig -Parishioners. Mrs. C. J. Bittner is attending the Brethren Ministeral meeting which is being held at Winters. Mr. Morris Long a student of State | College spent Easter visiting his friends, Mr. R. B. Ellis and family. Rev. B. F. Waltz pastor of the tre- ; thren church, living in Salisbury called on some of his members last, Tuesday. Cecil Brown who is Pittsburg is spending his Easter" va- cation with his parents Landlord and Mrs. James Brown at Hentz Hotel. Misses Nell and Rene Brant visited | at Berlin Sunday and Monday. C. J. Bittner spent Easter with his family on Walker Street. ‘Mr. A. Zimmerman was very un- | fortunate this week, losing a valuable horse. Miss May Shosmalior of Akron Ohio | is visiting his grandparents Mr. and | Mrs. J. H, Nedrow, GRANTSVILLE. " Misses Mary and Lavina Blocher entertained the sewing club and a number of other friends on Easter Monday. Those present were: Miss- Blanche Miller, Gertie Hone, Ma- Tina Winterberg, Ruth Btanton, Carrie, Mollie and Maggie Dorsey, Ethel Broadwater, Mes- dames John Zehner, Dr. Carney, Hen- ry Bonig, Chas. Getty, Dr. Keller, Dr. Bowen, J. O. Getty, C. H. Bill, Lillie Ambeil, Chas. Bender. Euchre formed one of the diversions of the evening. Favors sugestinve of the happy Faster season were given to each guest. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Miss Gertie Hone went to Balti- more on Saturday to see her uncle, Peter Nathan, who has been taking treatment at the St. Agnes Hospital teh past month. Mr. Nathan and brother, Michael, returned home with her on Sunday. Mr. Nathan is much improved in health since his treat- ment. Miss Ruth Keller returned home on " Baturday from a short visit in Cum- bezland . i Wie "Wilda Getty returned Tri- State after spending a week her home. es ry Stanton, 10 at employed at | | ter which the pastor went to Avilton where Mass was celebrated at 10 a. m. | An elaborate Easter service | held in the Lutheran church in was tire | ment was rendered by the members of the diferent Sunday School class- es. 2 Communion services and Confir- mation was held at the Reformed .church in the morning. David J. Lewis was in town on last Thursday evening in the interests of { politics. While here he stopped at the | Victoria. In the evening he motored on to Accidnt where he presided at a | political meeting at which a large number of Grantsville people were present. The “Silent Five” have purchased khaki suits and are now ready for some of the long tramps they are contemplating for ‘the season. WOODLAWN. Quite a few of the people of Wood- lawn spent Saturday in Meyersdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moser and two children enjoyed Easter with Mrs. Moser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker of near Pine Hill Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Berkley spent Easter at Berkley Mills at the Har- vey Berkley home. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fike of Meyersdale were guests of Fike on Sunday. Miss Pearle Maust enjoyed the last Sabbath at Howard Miller's. Christ Wahl and son, Harry were in Cumberland on Monday. Some of 'the people in Woodlawn were disappointed on Sunday by the street car being late. Those who visited at the home of Albert Wahl’'s on Sunday were the following: Mr. and Mrs. George Ring- ler and family, of Coal Run; Mr. and Mrs. George Wahl and two childrea, of Meyersdale; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl and family and Mr. and Mrs. Christ Wahl and family. Harry Dietle of Woodlawn motor- ed to Greenville on Sunday and spent the day with his parents on Whippoor- will hill. John Dietle talks about buying an automobile as he likes to take trips a little longer than he likes to walk; he says that he does not mind walk- ing to Meyersdale, but when it goes as far as Pocahontas—ethat is a little too far to walk. Bruce Shultz of Greenville Sunday with Crawford Dietle. Mrs. Chas. Roarbaugh spent Mon- day afternoon at N. P. Maust’s. N. P. Maust attended the funeral of Mahlon Vought on Monday. John H. Dietle sold a Jersey cow to Henry Mankamyer last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wahl spent | Sunday in Meyersdale. near Cyrus spent ST. PAUL Easter was celebrated in an ap- propriate manner in the Reformed | churn here on Sunday evening. The program consisted of recitations. songs, and instrumental music. The audience taxed the capacity of the large church. Rev. Oney conducted a series of services in the Lutheran church here during last week which concluded on Sunday in the celebration of the Ho- ly Communion. Ed. Christner of Stoyestown was visiting friends in this vicinity during Sunday. Mr. Joe Sumac of Summit hs spent Sunday with his son-in-law, Mr John Englef. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Yoder were spending Sunday with her parents. Quenten Engle and Clarence Rhodes have ben working for the Muncie Lumber Company. Rev. L. W. Wilson accompanied by ( Mrs. Wilson and their son Paul left on, Tuesday morning in their automobile for Lancaster to spend some time with Mrs. Wilson's parents. Mr. Jonas Lowry, who had been working in Akron for about a year is | back again. He was digs ag ditch for | Lloyd Engler last week. Is not President Wilson contending |‘ for principles that he would advocate our own country to violate, in case of war, in order to make submarines war- fare effective for us? Under the present order hate rules the world. Competition renders this | inevitable. Under the new social or der love and not hate, will rule the | world because under co-operation in-| stead of competition, love will be as | inevitable as hate now is. Even on the close drawn battle | lines of Europe the men would frater | nize in twenty four hours if their of | Mrs. Mary Miller, Blanche Miller and Marie Conner spent Saturday in Cumberland. The box-supper held by Class No. 3 of the Reformed Suiday School was well attended and proved a success financially. Dr. G. C Keller is home after tive weeks of professional work in ident and Friendsville :1 Church Services » a.m. on ale bills ficers permitted—The Peoples College | News. ! | SALISBURY TO HAVE Messrs Loechel and Engle are about to erect a garage at Elk Lick which | will surpass all like | | in proportions buildings in the county. It is to be made of bricl nd concrete. Fi ale nted here. » Fg 4 a ag os fh o # > § % &= ! afternoon. An appropriate entertain- (day with BIG GARAGE | miration. your build. show you. i MADE BY STROUSE & BROTHERS, BALTIMORE, MD. MILLER COLLINS Performance in clothes for men and young men | A duty fulfilled, an aim assured and a goal attained are subjects for ad- Our faith in HIGH ART CLOTHES is based on their perform- ance season after S€asoI. Your first impression of HIGH ART CLOTHES is bound to be a good one but more important than that is their fulfill- ment of every factor essential to well dressed men. They embody style, satisfactory service of the lasting kind and we make sure that you secure the model best adapted to 3 x x To once wear! these clothes 1s to wear no others—we have a complete assortment to ea TPR TINE Ala MNEYARL A RT PRN | | ! } Jo 'y oot bs In =r = 2 A BYE TR ET REE i ST TE er A SHADY LAWN. Mr. and Mrs. Will Downey of Wil- merding and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dow- ney and children, James, Thomas, and John of Acosta speut the week: end with the former’s parents, and Mrs. Alexander Downey. Norman §{' Miller, Dallas Fike, of 3a ¢, Conrad Bonheimer of Tgans-Meyersdale were callers at J. S. Miller's recently. Furst Shope of Johnstown, Esther land Zelma Shumaker of Meyersdale spent Sunday at Orville Shelbaer’s.’ J. G. Mognet of Jenner spent the week-end with his family. Mrs. Will Fike of Vim enjoyed Sun- her Sada Martz, uer Will of Boynton daughter, Mrs. Bowman { Mrs. Jos. Shelbaer. Edna Kuhs and Mrs. Geo. Kuhs| were callers on Thursday on their friend, Mrs. Harry Jones. Glen Tressler of Michigan speat | Monday at the home of his brother, | since the strike of the milk producers | was declared, according to George H. Hurley Fike and children of | Keller of Batavia, the secretary of the | Meyersdaie enjoyed Sunday with her Kane County Milk Producers’ associa- Rufus Tressler. Mrs. sister, Mrs. Rufus Tressler. Orville Shelbaer who had been em- | ployed in Johnstown returned home, (and is employed by the Keystone garage. UNION VALLEY. A little too much snow and rain for |the farmers! | HH. F. Habel sold | last week. Henry Keefer left for Akron, Ohio a few days ago to seek employment. H. F. Hall and wife attended the | Jaster services in the Reformed huh of Meyersdale on Sunday. .eonard KEngle of Salisbury spent last week with his uncle P. W. oh ar w davs eo vall vo the Mr: + ‘|the soil Tor H, F. Habe). , or I lh NNN NI NS NSN NPN oS, employed in the home of P. W.White at present. Bud Ravenscraft has had a tele ‘phone installed in his home; he says he wants to know the doings of the werld. JMr. Fazenbaker of Oakland, Md., made a business trip to the home of Leroy Crissey one day last week. Rufus Brant of Northampton was a business caller at the home of P. W. White on Saturday last. Jacob Sturtz is at present tilling It seems or assiotant mail carrier, Clarence Christner's route extends out into Summit township, | passed last Tuesday with her sister’! | | Maude Gnagy spent Sunday at the | | 1ome of Milton Blough’s of Boynton. ‘| more than half a million quarts oi a very fine horse especially on Saturday nights. MILK FED TO HOGS lilinois Producers Fight Prices Of- fered by Distributing Companies. Dairymen of McHenry, Kane and Will counties, Illinois, are feeding milk a day to the pigs on their farms tion. ~ The cream is being separated from the milk and shipped to Chicago and rather than sell the milk at the price offered by the various milk distrib- uters the dairymen are feeding it to the swine. ENGINEER BLAMED New York Central Discharges Pilot CHILDREN'S WHIT DRERSRS we received our shipment of This week Dresses for girls and miss. sall in white. lL his gives us the largest assortment of mis and" oung ladies dresses that we have ever carried. In the infant's long and short dresses you wil .5¢ up: in the child- ren’s from 2 to 6 years there are style to suit the most exacting; while the girls’ dresses from 6 tc 14 are the ones yor will want to see, sure. Newest *‘grown-up- style” dresses for the little folks. Hartley Clutton Co. Hartley Block Meyersdale, Pa. find excellent assortments f om ~~ Why “all wool?” Here's why When you think of Hart Schaffner & \larx clothes as all wool girmenrs. d nt stop there: Just consider the bearing of all wool go ds on the way the suit wears, fits. keeps its shape The difference between wool fabric and part cotton doesn't appear until after the clothes are wo'n a while. Fa You want all wool; you'll get it when you buy a suit with the Hart Schaffner & Marx label in it . Hartley & Baldwin The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes i | | 0 A NANI NLA SSN NINN IN INP NS O Coming May 8. « \epresentatives Wanted ‘KE have openings for honest energetic men to represent Pennsylvania Farmer in dif- ferent sections of Pennsyl- vania. AND THROUGH THE * PANAMA A i, ER SEA The work is pleasant and profitable, no previous experience is needod or is any investment required. The qualifications arc hon- esty,sobriety and somz “get there” in your make-up. HL rm! Hi! 2 | i: = Zen y i If you can assure us BF PARKS Ey / £2 that you can qualify in this : wi any i 3 i maunner, write us today for terms, special offers to sub- scribers, territory,,etc., :: sending references with i first letter. Address Dept. b = PENNSYLVANIA FARMER 261-63 Saf St., Philadelphia, Pa. TTI TORRESEN STRLER ST FUIRIMAAIEN TE SHPORTS EE EINE ET EI MSE ots mn THE SUMMER GARDEN AT THE SUMMER GARDEN. Lyman H. Howe’s Travel Festi- val, which comes with an entire new program at the AUDITORIUM SUM- MER GARDEN, on Monday, May 8th, ig inimitable not only because of the scenes themselves, but also because of the way they are presented. Mr, Howe links the sense of d wi Probably the prettiest story written | (1,0 sense of sight tg SR i in a generation is “Just David.” It is | yet 80 naturally that the Ei a ag a ae of | | hypnotic in its compelling power. He iil an Ss Ys TOSS ln how to imbue the mere lights . and shadows of electric rays with a FolS Sher y a a | vitatiey that is akin tolife itself. Hid- ’ ’ |den corners of the e: 1916, and you will miss a great treat | (ome in strange A Ne it Tou ind r ree bP fim |ic spots of the earth are all produced in picture form that is perfection. It the age of 4, has been reared in the [teaches without dryness and imparts mountains, close to nature, where, | la boo with this father, a great musician, he | vertain knowledge which no ks jor lecturer could. meets few person and communes with the birds and bees and flowers. He knows and loves only which is good. LOOKING TOWARDS The tale is a brand new one, full of | MEMORIAL DAY. romance, sentiment, happiness, music, | The citizens of Larimer township, tenderness and boyish enthusiasm. in the vicinity of Wittenburg and Don’t miss the opening chapters. White Oak have consulted with the Apply to your newsdealer or cor-| Commander of M. C. Lowry Post, G. “JUST DAVID” A Pretty Story You Must Not Miss AN NS mm, — of Wrecked Train. Engineer railroad, it"was learned, as a result of | the wreck at Amherst, O. He is held repsonsible for the dis- aster by the Tailroad, Towerman Albert one of-the chief wit- nesses and state imquirs into the as ent, be retained, as will Flag I vy B 1 exon 1 LE ne " A Am i ITC t C he a Aid not properly flag Hess’ n Herman Hess has been; dismissed by the New York Central! municate with |A. R- of Meyersdale, in regard to Me Circulation Department morial Day, with the result that a THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, committee of Sons of Veterans and Pittsburg, Pa. and citizens have taken charge of the services on the 30th of May next. {A SPECIAL EVERY SATURDAY AT They will consult further with the | THE WOMENS STORE NEXT SAT- | Comander of the Post and a program, URDAY, LANCASTER APRON GING | With a band of music, speakers and a | HAM at 7 1-2¢ a parade will be given later. JUST RECI & DRI IPR Se ttt mmm SALT Sale’ t rinted neatly and nmercial on * short orde the Coz Hl : Loder ; be sent to : . offering - tr ‘ loved ‘pass ! years ago, 1 On Sund ! Te preached’ i By taking the B 4 we are in 3 ~. phetic of ‘vice he’s - apd wis ta a half Tre, 3 Mir. Orbi; on Tuesda; have celeb niversary. “Pittsburg enlisted in unteers an _ color heare ‘he entered a member in 1866, was ‘held week; and “Wednesda, % Camp will "members. entatives’ tions of tl in attenda Among + C.T. Non i A. President 5 who will § gree Tean ! the north State Org The new Rockwood present. A for the ei vice for fi at the elc will be a oy at the firs to give charter n been abl i der that EL the speci: the full d kr are repoa ing this C ! millitary untrue, tl members years, of Order wi know the of peace strife and DISI CON A meet Eighth D ciation. held on | Hall, wit isbury, 1 Arrang date set be held The mor Progress re ternoon odist ch AR A Se i