The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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tions 712. The losses, however, by
4 death and removal have also been
dems. tigm-~Was. the. theme, children were |
. on that subject. Rev. Truxal report-
sem ms ” 2 Te .
—— pore perry a i
We have a big cir-
culation and an “ad”
here is read by thou-
sands of people.
sa id
Menersdale Commercial.
Many tell us they
are delighted with our
job printing. tn
Bring us your work.
How the Sacred Anniversary wir be Of served in Meyersdale.
Elaborate Programs of Music
The program for the Easter festi-| BRETHREN CHURCH.
val began with Palm Sunday, when Preaching services at 10:20 a. m.
the church was appropriately decor-,K with music appropriate to the occa-
ated by class No. 7 of the Sunday | sion.
School, Miss Mary F. Saylor, teacher, | In the evening a two-part Cantata,
and when the choir sang suitable an-! “The Lord of the Eastertide,” will
thems. . The samec lass will have the be rendered by a chorus of twenty-
decorations for Haster Sunday in four girls, accompanied by organ and
charge. On Monday evening the string quartet. Following is the pro-
thems. The same class will have the , gram:
present pasporate)”’ The pastor| 1. Organ Prelude—Schubert’s Ser-
read the names of 110 members of enade.
the church who died the past 22 2. Invocation.
years, the youngest being 16 years of | 3. Hymn—Love Divine.
age and the oldest 88 years. Seven: | 4, Scripture Lesson.
ty-five of them reached 50 and more | 5. Prayer.
years; eight of them passed the four| 6. Organ Prelude.
score mark. The entire service, con-' 7. Darkness Falls—Chorus by
sisting of hymns, prayers and address Choir.
centered about those who have died 8. Light At Eventide—Solo and
in the Lord and rest from their la- Chorus.
bors. 9. On Calvary—Solo and Chcrus.
On Tuesday evening the subject 10. Easter Dawn—Unison Chorus
was, “Those confirmed by the pres- from Tosti. 3
ent pastor.” The number confirmed 11. The Song In the Night- Mez-
by him was 451. Of these 21 have zo—Solo and Chorus.
died, 20 have been erased and 170 12. Who Shall Roll Away the
moved to other parts of the country, Stone—Solo and Response.
leaving 240 connected with the con- as Behold a Great Eathquake-—
regation at the present time. A Chorus.
So ‘number of these were present 14. The Lord of the Eastertide -
on Tuesday evening and united in Final Chorus.
singing consecration hymns and offer- 15. Offertory.
ing recomsecration prayers. This 16. Ten-minute Sermon.
proved to be a very interesting and 17. Hymn—All Hail the Power of
edifying service. [-Jesus Name.
18. Benediction.
he ols A pum | Soloists—Florence Lost Grace
certificate 198 and on re-profession | HOOVeT, Mrs. H. M. Cook.
Or ist—Florence Boyer.
83, making the total number of adil, Su HER E. Livengood, S. L.
Livengood, Maurice Clark Celioist—
H M. Cook.
on Wednesday evening Infant Bap-
| LUTHERAN gnuncH,
“““Morning - Service." +
Anthem—Christ the Lord is Risen
Holy Communion.
Easter Sunday Evening.
Processional—Christ is Risen.
Easter Greeting—Rebecca Will.
Invocation by Pastor.
Responsive Reading
Anthem—Song of Glory.
Recitation—Gorden Myers.
Hymn—I Know That My Redeem-
er Lives.
Recitation—Mary Allen.
Carol—All Hail to Thee.
Recitation—Warren Wagner.
Song—Primary Department.
baptized, and the services. centered
ed at this service that during his
pastorate of Amity church he had
baptized 597 children and 32 adults.
On Thursday evening members will
be received on certificate and on pro-
fession of faith. A number of appli-
cants have been receivd. On Friday
evening there will be preparatory ser-
vics and the confirmation of a large
class of catechumens.
On Baster morning an early ser-|
vice will be held under the auspices
of the Guild, A. C. Glessner, presi-
dent, at which the singing will be led
by a men’s choir numbering 25 or 30.
Alt the morning and evening services
on Sunday the Holy Communion will
be celebrated, at which suitable an- Recitation—Freda Emeigh.
thems will be rendered by the choir,| og tette—Almeda Beal, Margaret
under the leadership of Prof. W. H.| Emerick, Bessie Dickey, Emily Ford,
Kretchman. The services have thus Glen Wagner.
far been well attended amd if the Chorus—Glad Baster Day.
weather be favorable the church will Recitation and Prayer—Leah Col-
be filled with worshipers at the morn- | ling, Mildred Patton, Grace Moshol-
ing services. der, Thelma Smith.
Se — Duet—Gregg and Eunice Darrow.
EARLY EASTER SERVICE | Recitations—Marguoret.a Deal,
Amity Reformed Church will hold | liuth Meyer, Nellie Msholder, Kath-
an early Easter service at 6 o’clock!|zryn Cook.
on Easter morning; a special pro- The Golden Day—Pcimary Depart-
am has been arranged under the ment.
ation of the Young People's | Anthem—Voices of Nature.
Guild. | Address by Pastor.
| Offering.
One of the special features will be Baster Hymn—Christ the Lord is
a male choir composed of 26 or 30 | Risen Today
voices who will have charge of a, ’
great portion of the music. The pro- | CHRISTIAN CHURCH.
gram is made up principally of duets | Preaching services Sunday, April
solos, reading etc. The public is cor-|93 13 a m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pas-
dially invited and urged to attend. tor, David Morris. You arei nvited.
Chas. Riley, 40 years of age, was Striking miners from the five coal
fatally Anjured Thursday, even-|ODerations in the district of Hoovers-
ing at Sand Patch while alighting Ville held a meeting Tuesday and ap-
from a freight at the east end of the | Pointed a committee to confer with
tunnel. He had been at Meyersdale | the operators. It is understoed the
bunting for a house and was return. | miners are said to, have demanded
ing home when the accident chou. union ' recognition and increased
red. Both of his legs were ground off | Wages.
above the ankle and he died the fol-| The Knickerbocker Coal Co. has
loing morning about 3 o’clock at the | been greatly crippled by a strike
Allegany hospital in Cumberland | there the past few days.
where he had been taken after Irs... An official of the Knickerbocker
Lichty and Rowe had given him tem- | company stated Monday that all em-
porary attention in Meyersdale, the ployees had been given a raise simi-
latter physician having accompanied lar to the raise granted by compan-
the unfortunate man to the hospital. ies in the county.
His wife and eight children survive. | rex
and Gloria
Lowest pr Canned Goods at ———— —
Bittner’s Grocery. Our Job Work
ceLesnare THEIR
WEIMER— MIMMIE. 2 April 15, 1866, Mr. George Cook
On Sunday evening, Aprii 16, after and Miss Elizabeth Heiner were
church service service, J. M. Weimer, | united in marriage at Wellersburg
of the firm of Holzshu & Weimer, [by Rev. Kitzmiller. Since that date
got an automobile and went to the half century was rounded out on
South Side and securing Miss Effie |Safurday last and this worthy couple
Mimmie as a passenger went to the deemed it proper that the event of
Reformed parsonage where they were bile ago should be revived. Accord-
soon pronounce mian and wife by Rev. | : y the home near Glencoe cn
'A. E. Truxal, D. D. After the ceremo- th& 16th instant became a scene of
| ny they went to their newly juraishod | fe
IStivity. Guess were invited to a
§ dinner and a great
jsed. The bride and groom of fifty
Ars “ago were the recipients of
many fine and useful presents. Those |
unate to be there were: Mr. and!
5. Geo. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. William
0k, Mrs. Jacob Haller and son Guy,
‘had prepared to take 5 housekeep-/
ing. The Commercial wishes them ' ye:
much happiness.
Henry F. Keefer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Keefer of Mance, and Miss Idella | 4
Duecker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Duecker, of Elk Lick town-|sel - George,
ship, were united in marriage at the Bligabeth, Warren, Glenn; Mra.
Lutheran parsonage by the bride’s| Laura Largent and daughters Jane,
pastor, the Rev. E. E. Oney on Sun Myrtle, all of Meyersdale; Mr. and
day April 9. a. m. *L. F. Mazer and children, Mi-
WAGNER—BAKER nerve, Lucille and George, of Dual;
Miss Orpha C. Baker, daughter of Mrs: Frank Aldridge and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Baker of Boyn- mi, George and Elbert, of Mt.
ton and Harry E. Wagner, son of Mr. Savage; Mrs. Chas. Hartman and
and Mrs. Charles Wagner of Elk Lick! children, Hilda and Russell;
were married April 8 at the Church dren of Mrs. George Cook, Margaret,
of the Brethren, by the bride’s pastor, Julia; Miss Florence Porter, Mrs.
‘the Rev. B. F. Waltz, They were at- Hiram Bittner, gli of Glenco all of Glencoe.
tended by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner.
Five “dry” candidates against two will be preached by Rev. W. M. Howe
“wet” ones for the legislature, with in the Church of the Brethren, South
two to be nominated at the May Side, on Sunday evening, May 28th.
primaries on the Republican ticket, The commencement exercises will be
looked to be avery easy matter for held in Reich’s Auditorium, June 2.
the wet adherents to win. While : The graduates of the class of 1916
there were some very strong outs are 28 in number—19 in the Classi-
dates in the race who believe in lo- eal course and 9 in the Commercial.
cal option and may possibly have won ' They are as follows:
‘had they continued in the race, it | _ Classical, Kenneth Brant, Frank
was mutually thought best by each of 1 cking, Irene Blume, Leora Geiger,
the five candidates to hold a ‘confer- . Hocking, Mildred Payne, Wm. |
| enceim the—-matter. i :
Acordingly a meeting was nela on erre Beachy, C Charles Fike, Earl Opel,
‘Monday by the five ‘local option can- , Ruth! Kimball, Byron Nicholson, Mary
‘didates, namely: Stottler, =Truxal, ' Will, | Jos; Schultz, David Noel, Earl
Reel, Lohr and Musser at Somerset. Stotler, John Lint.
This resulted in the voluntary with. | - Commercial, Elizabeth Bolden.
drawal of Truxal, Reel and Musser, Minnie Smearman, Mary Darrah,
leaving Stottler and Lohr in the Marion Dickey, Grace Weller, Frank
field in the interest of temperance in , Boucher, ‘Mary Emeigh, Ray Saylor,
‘Pennsylvania. Each of these have had Esther Breig.
one term of office in the legislature.
Foloving the Tne institution of Camp
876 Patriotic Order Sons of
NEW CHURCH 2s. esis si ies
Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church | Kinsey of York, Pa.
at Rockwood on Friday night, plans’ up the organization of a Camp at this |
day was i
the chil- |,
{ 11th, and of No. 879 at Rockwood on |
At a meeting of the council of St. | Maren 31st, State Organizer 8. IL. |
is now closing 3
Some Friends Whom You .
and Loved Who Have Passed
Away Recently in This Vicini-
A respected resident of Berlin, who
| had passed the four score mark by
one year died at the home of her
son in Berlin on Sunday morning at
about 7 o'clock. Mrs. Gardill while!
indisposed was by no means regarded
in a critincal condition. Shortly pre-
| ceding her death she was up and
walking about her room and when
she sat down upon a chair, the mes-
senger of death suddenly came, she
dying almost instantly.
The deceased was the widow of:
J. G. Gardill who was a traveling
salesman, who was very favorably
and well known in this section of the
state. Mr. Gardill was a veteran of
the Civil war and was very active in
affairs pertaining to the G. A. R.
There survive Mrs. Gardill, three sis
ters of St. Paris, Ohio, the yougest of
"whom, Mrs. Stockton, was with her
at the time of her death; also three
sons and four daughters are living:
H. F. Gardill, of Philadelphia; J. W.
Gardill, of Berlin; J. G. Gardill, of
Baltimore; Mrs. J. C. McDevitt, of
Phila.; Mrs. F. A. Bhmer, of Wash-
ington, D. C.; Mrs. 8. P. Brubaker, of
Berlin; and Mrs. S. B. Philson, of
of Meyersdale.
The deceased was a faithful mem-
ber of the Lutheran church and her
pastor, Rev. Brubaker, conducted the
funeral services at 3:30 on Wednes-
Mrs. Adam Mostollar, aged 33 yrs,
died of pneumonia Thursday at her
home near Stoyestown. Her father,
Nicholas Barnett, died the same date
six years previous.
pomby, Bd Baker, rene Collins; | ‘Besides: ‘her*mother who lives near
Stoyestown, she is survived by her
husband and nine children, the young-
est being only four weeks old. The fo!-
lowing brothers and sisters survive:
Mrs.George Fritz, of Mostoliar; Aus-
tin Barnett, of Kantner; Mrs. Nancy
Croyle, of Stoyestown; John Barnett,
Ralphton; Thomas Barnett, Minnes-
ota; William Barnett, Friedens; Mrs.
Margaret Keeler, Wisconsin; David
Barnett, of Illinois; Daniel Barnett of
Stoyestown and Mrs. Edmund Shaver
of near Stoyestéwn. The suviving
children are: Sarah, Harry, Eva,
Mary Elizabeth, Milton, Ida, Adam
and an infant daughter. The funeral
was held in the Stoyestown Reformed
church Sunday morning at 10 o’clock.
Our paved streets ad a fine spring
Our paved streets had a fine spring
der of the council, at the earnest
for a new church structure were ac-' place, which will be instituted soon. | promptings of the Civic League. The
cepted and a contract signed with At the business meeting held Wed-, town fire hose under direction of
Fulton & Butler, the Uniontown ar- nesday night the following officers! Street Commissioner Weller was us-
The raise, ha said, |
its 3c per ton extra and an |
increase of 6 per cent on day labor. |
chitects, to supervise the construct ; were elected: ed with splendid results. If such
ion of the edifice. A description of the | Past president, C. A. Diehl; presi-
new edifice with a cut of the same dent, Jacob A. Stickler; vice presi-
was given some weeks ago in this pa-| dent, Homer A. Baer; master of
per. | forms, Charles Beal; treasurer, C. A.
Bids are to be asked about May 9 _ Phillips; financial secretary, W. I.
and the proposals will be opensad on H Holzshu;
noon May 19. Ground will be broken Leslie; conductor, Porter A. Lintz;
as soon as the contract is let. $8,000 inspector, Alvin A. Bowser; guard,
are now pledged. | Bmanuel E. Zinn; trustee, 6 months, |
St. Luke’s is one of Rockwood’s|B. F. Sperry; trustee, 12 months,
John Erler will receive 26 adults into|J J. Bowser.
membership on Easter Sunday and The next business meeting will be
another class of catechumens are held Wednesday night, April 26, in
awaiting reception into membership K. of P. hall, for receiving additional
on Easter Sunday and estaosseleefcv | applicants and arranging for the
on Whit. Sunday, June 11. On this oc- Camp institution. State Organizer
casion it is
the use of its sanctuary for the ser-| will attend the sessions of the Com:
vice. mandery General Convention; a mili- |
The officials of St. Luke’s Church tary branch of the Order, in Altoona,
are Harrison Snyder and David H. | the first of next week, returning here
Wolfersberger, elders; I. D. Hechler, ! in time for the meeting next Wednes-
H. E. Miller, Dr. Charles J. Hemming: | day night. Th P. O. S. of A. is the
er and W. H. Wolfersberger, deacons; | second largest fraternal organization
Levy Wolf and Elmer W. Ohler, trus-
| tees. 1. 0. O. F.,, with a present member
ship of over 116,000. Meyersdale
will make the eighth Camp of the
Order in Somerset County.
8. L. KINSEY, S. 9.
There will be a concert under the |
auspices of theMeyersdale Citizens’
Band on Thursday evening, April 27,
in Amity Hall | WILLS CREEK CHARGE—Rev. A.
The program will consist of band |g. Kresge, pastor—Preparatory ser-
‘selections, readings, quartete, duets {vices will be held in the St. Mark's
and instrumental numbers. Reformed church, Pocahontas,
— day evening and communion se
CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Sunday at 2 p. m., and at Whit
Morning theme: The Resurrec- preparatory services Saturday
tion Body, by Pastor W. M. Howe. ing and commu Sunday
1g theme: The Second Woe. ‘a m.
recording secretary, John [|
most rapidly growing churches. Rev. | Frank Wilhelm; trustee, 18 months, :
work were done at regular intervals
it would add greatly to the appear-
ance of the town as well as to better
Just right here a word may be sug-
gested that the town and the streets
could be maintained in a better con-
| dition if waste matter and refuse ma-
terial were not allowed to be thrown
upon the streets and in the by-places.
Public receptacles, especially on
Centre street, sould be provided and
the public should be taught to use
especially the school children, who
who are continually scattering paper
torn to bits in the streets and on
expected the present Kinsey left Thursday morning for |
church will be partly razed, so the his home in York, to attend the mar- |
Reformed Church has consented to riage of ome of his daughters, and
in Pennsylvania, ranking next to the |
i lawns.
Agen 7 years, 7 months and 3 days, |
1a son of Calvin Lint, died at the fam-
ily home on Lincoln street at 6:30
| Wednesday evening from diabetes,
| following an illness of nearly one
year. All that medical skill could do
| to save the young life was done, but
(in vain; his earthly course was soon
run. The little boy was a general
| favorite. Besides the parents an <i-
| der sister and a younger brother sur-
| vive.
| held on Saturday
| undertaker will be J. L. Tressler.
Forsyth, Mon.t,
lots] of that place.
The funeral srvices will be |
arternoon, to be |
| conducted by Dr. A. E. Truxal. The
A telegram was received here from |
on Wednesday, stat-
ing ting Mahlon Vought had died al | Lutheran, Reformed and Methodist
Meets Instant Death at Shaw
Mines on Monday Afternoon.
Three Tons of Coal Crush His
Life Out.
James Horning, 22 years of age,
met a dreadful and instant death
Monday about 2 p. m., while working
in No. 106 mine at Shaw Mines.
The unfortunate man was lying on
his side cutting in tw, a section
| about 1 foot at top and 3 feet at the
bottom when a slin of coal occurred
'and about three tons of coal feil on
him, crushing his head and instantly
i killing him,
Mr. Horning was a very ius young
man and was a member of the Luth-
eran church at Scmerset. His wife,
who was a former resident of Som-
erset, survives with two little ckil-
The funeral acaurred vesterday and
was one of the I'rgest ever held at
Shaw Mines. The services
at the home, Rev. Michael of Mevy-
ersdale officiating. One hundred
miners walked in the funeral proces-
"sion. The pallbearors were members
|of the Eagles, to which lodge Mr.
| Horning belonged. J. L. Tressler, of
' Meyersdale, was the undertaker in
The body of an unidentified man
apparently a victim ‘of drowning was
found Saturday afternoon about one
ymile from Hooversville by Herman
Meyers, a farmer. The body was lv-
ing on top of a pile of driftwood on a
small island in the Stonycreek river.
It is thought that the man was Sela
for about three weeks, There W
no marks of foul play and it is eh
he met death during the high water
of three weeks ago and only after the
‘water became low was the body ex-
posed to view.
A pay envelope from the Wilbur
mines was found in one of the pockets
and it is thought that through this
‘his identity may be discovered.
The body was identified later as
that of Mike Vasano, 30 years old
and unmarried. He lived at Wilbur.
The identification was established by
Joe Bongush, with whom Vassano
boarded, also by the number on the
pay check found in his pocket. At
the coroner’s inquest the verdict of
the jury was that the man came to
his death from accidental drowning.
Shortly before one o'clock to-day
the stable of J. M. Cook, on the rear
of his premises on Broadway was
destroyed by fire. The fire larm was
sounded and the fire laddies quickly
got on to the job, extinguishing the
flames before the building was an
entire wreck and preventing the
spread of the fire to Mr. Cook’s resi-
dence, perhaps thirty feet distar:.
The loss was about $200. The origin
of the fire is due, it is supposed,
from the spark of an engine.
Sunday concludes a three weeks’
revival service. In the morning the
baptismal service will be held and
members will be received into the
church. Special music under the
direction of Mr. Paul D. Clutton will
be rendered. The pastor, Rev. J.
Clarke Matteson, will deliver sermons
on Easter themes.
brought to Meyersdale and taken in
charge by Undertaker Price. It is ex-
‘pected that the body will arrive here
about Saturday evening. The burial
place has not yet been decided.
The will of George J. Hibner, late
of Meyersdale, was probated last
week at Somerset. He bequeathed ail
1 of his personal property and r=al es-
| tate to his wife who is named as exesc-
Holy week is being observed in the
hes of Meyersdale, the latter
zg a three weeks’ series .of meet
The Catholic lose thelr
28 Wi