The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 06, 1916, Image 1

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    Ss 18
s to
iven by
ome in
ing, the
Ibert H.
: The
f early
NE Sr py hr a TT —" —————
or Mr. Shipley
‘ers &
L. joyed a “banquet in the social rooms
' that F.
‘ohn T. Shipley, the appointee
President Wilson as postmaster
or - this place, assumed charge of
ffairs on Saturday last, April 1st. Mr.
Spier is on to the job and every-
Seems to be going along very
rily . ‘and the many friends
the attainment of
and all feel ri
filiations that he -
public servant. 3
His predecessor in office, Mr. J. F.
Naugle, served nearly 19 years,
through four full administrations and
a part of the fifth, He retires with a
clean record and the good wishes of
all whom he faithfully served
The present corps of assistants to
Mr, Shipley being under the civil ser-
vice rule will be continued and fur
hs ore they are most. efficient in
istharse of their duties.
jent position
s of political at-
1 make a good
On Friday evening ® P. 0.8. of A.
was instituted’ at. Rockwood.
The meeting was held in the Farm-
srchants National Bank Hall,
and the Holsopple team put on the
deglees. The following officers were:
installed: Past president,” JW. WH.
SonEh hour president; ~ E Atchi-.
} int, C. I. ‘Wable;
/ at. forms, H. B! Growall;
. J: Hemminger; financial
Ys George H. Miller; record-
soretary, Roy Wilt; assistant se-
yi. R Mm Miller; sopjuetor, P.
son; >
thei] friends, a ut sixt in all en-
of the: church. The viands were pre-
pared by some of the ladies of the
church with two gqualifications—they
were willing to be unselfish, and they
“sure” know how to get up a fine rc-
They were effectively assisted
by Mrs.J. Milton Black and her class
of charming young ladies who did the
serving. They all received a rousing
vote of thanks.
Following the despatching of the
substantial menu with a number of
frills, the flow of reason began with
Paul D; Clutton as toastmaster. He
wittingly sized up the situation and
introduced Rev. J. C. Matteson, the
pastor of the church who spoke on
The Bible Class and Civic Righteous-
ness, pointing out several of the ob-
ligations laid at our door here in
Meyersdale. Kimber Cleaver was
called upon to speak upon The
Teacher and the Class. G. W. Collins,
superintendent of the Sunday school
made some pertinent suggestions on
the relation of the parents to the
Sunday school. S. C. Hartley de-
lighted those present with some inci-
dents of his European trip, notably
the ascending of Mt. Vesuvius. Mr.
Kelly of the Meyersdale Auto Co,
having been called upen for a few re-
marks very nicely and well responded
to the challenge. Rev. Sparling of
Salisbury was an invited guest and
very pleasantly portrayed why maay
men are not members of the Sunday
school class. The president of the
class, Jas. J. Hoblitzell, very aptly
showed up the practical part of the
work of the class and extended to all
a cordial invitation to be present at
the next meeting of the class.
.. J. B. McCarty, into whose there re-
cently was born a little son, having
been called upon for a few remarks,
gaid “You know about what I'd talk
if I were to say what is topmost in
my mind.” The auditors were not
glow to get his meaning.
All appreciated very much the fact
B. Thomas furnished the mu-
sic with one of his Grafolas. This
feature was very much enjoyed.
him on |
‘| home. The funeral was held Satur-
‘about 80 years died in a Cumberland
‘broken thigh from falling from a chair
‘made in the Catholic cemetery. The |
DR. H. A.
Some Friends Whom You Knew
and Loved Who Have Passed’
Jway Recently in This Vicin-
Mrs, Hilda Slagle Leckemby, aged
18 years, wife of Merl Ray Leckemby
of Hooversville, died at the Memorial
hospital" in Johnstown on Thursday.
Death was due to peritonitis. Mrs.
Leckemby had been in poor health
for nine weeks. She was admitted to
the hospital on March 22nd.
The deceased was a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Slagle, of Hoov-'
ersville. She was born in Hoovers-
villeville, July 3, 1898. Mr. and Mrs. |
Leckemby were married in Connells
ville, nine months ago. Besides her
husband and parents she is survived |
by one brother, John W. Slagle, and
a sister, Laverne H.. Slagle, both at
day dfterncon with
interment at
A respected resident of Mance, aged
hosital on : last Saturday, where he!
bad ‘been taken for treatment'of ~'a
at the home of Mrs. John Boyer, |
where he had been living for several!
years, The remains were sent to Mey-
ersdale on Sunday and given into the!
‘charge of Undertaker Reich. On Mon-
day morning at nine o’cloek high re-|’
quiem mass was said by Rev. Fr.
Brady after which interment was
Somerset, who died about four years
Kenneth, the fourteen-year-old son
of Mr; and Mrs. I. S. Snyder, of Rock-
wood, died Monday afternoon in the
Mercy Hosital, Pittsburg. Besides
the parents, three brothers survive:
Albert, of Chicago; Herbert, of Pitts-
burg, and Philip, of Johnstown. The
funeral took place at 10:30 a. m.
Nelson Ray Fuller, a child of two
years and nine months of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles R. Fuller of Akron, O.,
was buried at Garrett on April 4th.
Mr. Fuller was formerly of this vi-
cinity but has been employed in Ak-
ron for the past five years. Mrs. Ful-
ler is a daugter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Lindeman who live near Riv-
erview Park. The mother was una-
ble to come to the funeral owing to
the ilness of one of the three little
girls which yet remain in ths famly.
The little boy died of epileptic con-
vulsions which the physican said
were incurable. The body was taken
to the home of Nelson Lindeman and
the funeral was conducted there by
Rev. W. H. B. Carney. Mrs. Fuller
is a member of the Brethren Church
but her pastor could not be bad as
he was visiting at Macdonaldton at
the time of the funeral. Mr. Fuller’s
oldest daughter and Henry Lindeman
accompanied him from Akron on his
sad mission.
Raymond Andrew Yaist, infant son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Yaist of Youngs
town, Ohio, was buried in the Union
cemetery in this place on March 24.
Mr. Yaist is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Yaist of Transmeyersdale and
has been employed in Youngstown
for the past year. Mrs. Yaist was
formrly Miss Ruth McKenzie of Gar-
rett. She was not able to attend the
funeral as she was detained at home
by the illness of their older child.
Little Raymond was but 11 months
old and died of measleg and pneumo-
nia. Undertaker Reich conducted the
funeral and Rev. H. LL Goughnour of-
Head of the og
| years - ago, the wild carrier pigeoth|
could be seem flying in great Sole
-|across the country and now: jot 0
‘cause all these live almost entirely on
ment Gives
There are fifteen less species of
birds in America to-day than
here at one time. In Great Bri
nineteen species have entirely ;
appeared. 3
What is true of birds is also trador
animals. So many kinds whch are
valuable such as the weasel, fox and
policat are very valuable in destroy-
ing insects, mice and rats and there
should be no bounty on thera, In Ohig
the bounty has been removed because
the mice and insects bez mae so
pumerous that the crops were des
Just this spring Dr. Surface receiv. |
ed about twenty letters complaining |
pf mice having girdled many fruit |
trees. His answer was that the best
preventative was to take caree of the
enemies of these rodents.
Boys should be warned not to kill
snakes, which, with the exception of
the coperhead and rattlesnake are
harmless, toads, frogs and the salam-
anders, commonly called lizards be-
Dr. Surface believes that the real
joy in hunting is derived from wander
ing over hill and valley. More real
pleasure and benefit could be derived
“ | times it was forked and they would
‘present and he congratulated them at
n Erato gly said “Say, do
you Know that my bird house had mot
been up for two days until a couple
of wrens came’ to it. The Pop bird, he
carried sticks and the Mom bird she
carried sticks. Sometimes they got
a stick too big for the hole and some
drop it and get another and now they
got four little birds in there,” and
shaking his first, the boy continued,
“if any feller comes to hunt my birds
I'll hurt him.” Where the boy lived
formerly to destroy life his aim was
now to propagate it, thus completely
changing his character.
Dr. Surface was heard with rapt
attention especially by the children
the endyof his talk by their apprecia-
tive attitude, so different from anoth-
er school in this county which he
visited recently where the pupils act-
ed like rowdies.
Pamphlets on Conservation of
Wild Life were given out. These con-
tain valuable Buggestions for teach-
ers, parents and others. How to
make bird boxes even out of a tin
can, old funnel or discarded -coffee-
pot, kettles etc., besides building ti-
ny houses are taught in these bulle-
tins which can be obtained by writ
ing to the Zoologist’s Dept. at Har-
The big force of men constructing
the trolley line hetween Johnstown
and Somerset will be increased as
real spring weather arrives and from
then on the work will be pushed a-
long as rapidly as possible. The
weather has been proving a handicap.
However, much has been accom-
Druggist F. B. Thomas is surely
getting up to date in relation to the
community. He is fitting up the third
plished. The greatest activity
now is in Holsopple. It is expected |
that the line will be completed thru
that place within the next few weeks.
Miss Margaret May Weighley, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth
Weighley and George Foust, son of
Mr and Mrs. Jno. Foust, (both of
Somerset township, were married at |
ficiated at the burial, the remains be-
called a Jitney Sale . Go look in his
display windows and go In and make | MEN'S STORE—EVERETT SHIRT-|6 p. m.
inquiry of him.
W. Gurley, is carrying on what is |
ing taken directly from the train to
lits last resting
is felt for the
young couple
Somerset by Justice of the Peace]
place. Much sympathy |
in their |
| A. Kent Miller.
A rather “unique sentence was
| meted out to the three .yeutiiul bur
| gl: rs age 1 15 years, of this pl
who are required to be in the house
each evening for one year,
| otherwise something more will fol-|
just |
| town to do their shopping. The room
at{ I
story of his building as a rest room
| especially for ladies who come to
will be fitted up with all conveniences
and comfort, for those who wish to
ros or to meet friends for a social
cine. Physicians are vaccinating all
are Jelghted with our
job printing. “=
Bring us your work.
nd Dead Under Suspic-
Cu cumstances Near That
5 ‘mangled body of John Minko, a
known resident of Hooversville,
found late at night on Monday
, was seen at 8: 39 o'clock the
1s evening on the streets of
© was found on the railroad
two men on their way home.
hough one leg was ground off at
Rnee and the pockets of the man’s
ot} tes “bore no appearances of being
his open pocketbook was found
distance from his body and
d only 26 cents in change.
the man’s chest.’ i
# nko bad lived in Hooversville |
ed. and went to Cleveland, ‘ohio
i An invetigation by 'Squire I. M
_ Following the diagnosis of a num-
J dletown#has begun and scores of
1 ‘women and children are sub-
ing to the application of the yac-
who want it. A number of people are
The style show at Miller & Collins’
store last Thursday "afternoon was
attended by probably the largest
crowd that was ever in any store at
any time in the history of Meyers-
dale. Not only were the feminine
members of the most of the families
of town present but many came from
other parts of the county to see the
latest creations in gowns and mil-
The living models displayed to
great advantage the beautiful street
and house dresses and evening
gowns as well as many of the mest
handsome hats ever shown here.
The large store was very tastily
trimmed. Livengood’s orchestra fur-
nished sweet music and altogether
it was quite a gala occasion. Carna-
tions were given out until the crowd
became too great.
Two platforms, one in each end
room of the second floor were used
this year in order that all could see
to adantage the beautiful garments.
The following is the program for
an institute to be held at West Salis-
heels of the train had also pass- 8
pany today
assumpsit against E. L. Len
and battery with intent to kill, Isaae
Murphy, colored, of Kelso, was lodged
in jail Friday by County Detective
Edward Hancock. It is alleged that he
shot J. ¥. Lipscomb in the top of the
head with a revolver; nflicting an
lin in the evening.
A special term of Civil gourt to
continue two weeks opened at Sow-
erset Monday morning with Judge
Thomas F. Bailey, of the Twentieth
Judicial District assisting Judge W.
H. Ruppel.
The first case called in Judge Bail-
ey’s court was that of the estate of
Williane H. Coughenour vs. Walter S.
Mountain, who conducts a drug store
at Confluemce. William H. Coughenour
it is alleged, bought arsenic in mis-
take for epsom salts and died shortly
afterward. The estate claims damag-
es in the sum of $2,000.
Judge Ruppel heard the case of D.
Runzio vs. the Rowe Brothers Ceal
Company, an action in trespass to re-
recover $1,500 damages for removal
of coal from the farm of the plaintiff
in Elklick Township.
The American Merchants’ - Syndi-
cate, of Chicago, @ Nebraska corpor-
ation Monday brought suit against J.
Thomas, of Berlin, claiming $829.-
51 on an action in assumpsit. This
‘amount is alleged to be due for mer-
chandise purchased by the defendant.
The plfmtiff is represented by Attor-
neys A. C. and Frank A. Holbert.
Claiming $225.22 on promissory
notes given the plaintiff when he sub-
scribed for two shares of thé capital
“stock of the plaintiff company, 7
Pittsburg Wholesale Grocery |
instituted an action
Charged with aggravated assaul
the vicinity of Berlin until Tuesda
evening visiting half a dozen fami-
lies who till retain their membership
in one or the other of his appoint.
ments- He reports a pleasant visit,
but roads much more muddy than
any around Meyersdale. The persons
he visited are Mrs. J. D. Livengood,
Mrs. Frank Deist, Mr. and Mss. Nel-
son Brant, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln
Faidley, Mrs. Joel Landis, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Vought, Mrs. Harry Wi-
ant and Mrs. Norman Kinsinger.
Prof. Clarence E. Livengood of the
music firm of Baldwin & Livengood,
of this place has been made the chief
legatee in the estate of Frank O.
Livengood of Somerset, valued any-
where from $40,000 to $50,000, hé
not to come into possession of
the estate until after the death of
the widow of the deceased.
At her death $1,000 is to be paid to
two nieces of the testator, Harriet
Black and Florence Usilton. The re-
mainder goes to the nephew of the
deceased above mentioned. The will
was made in 1911.
bury on April 16 at 1:30 o’clock p.
m., sharp.
Song— |
ture, A. G. Maust.
Preparation for the Moral Train-
ing of Pupils-—Clyde Smalley.
The Art of Teaching—S. E. Moser
Promotion and Advancement
Pupils. Guy Wahl.
chat. A lady will have charge of the
| room. This meets along-felt want. Mr.
| Thomas is to be commended for this
| move, and no doubt many will avail
| themseles of his generosity.
On the second floor of the building, |
Thomas is equipping a first class
and ice cream parlor,
om many of
hese ventures
Fine sale bills printed here.
that will be
the annoyances of |
Manager Hemminger is ever get-
ting something better than before.
He has had his room enlarged so that |
about four hundred can now be com-
fortably seated. Large vents for ven-
tilating purposes have been made so
that the air is perfectly fresh at all
His service for
next week will be
He has b a
nething fine.
and Saturday ni
of this w rook You surely do get your
worth at the Bijou.
Rural Schools—Their Past and Fu- |
j opening last Thursday and the many
The Hartley Clutton store was
beautifully trimmed for their spring
| Visitors were loud in itheir express-
ilons of appreciation of the effect
| produced.
of the
| The artistic arrangement
| window stlyed ‘The Butterfly
| Fashion Chained to Our Store” was
| indeed unique and very pleasing.
| This was the work of Miss Mary
Dixon, the efficient manager of the
Dress and Suit Department, whose
efforts in this line have attracted
| much attention the past few months,
The decorations throughout the
store were of pussy-willow branches.
apple blossoms and the one side of
the second story ficor was a mass of
vood entwined with branches. A
tion was presented to each vis-
lis eautiful spring
and evening WINS was
orate and greatly admired
crowd present during the day.