THE : MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL PUBLISHED AT MEYERSDALE, PA. K. Cleaver, Editor. that we will be compelled to tors.. Sd NSIS NSIT PS A A AS el a Sd NSIS, THE EMPTY LETTER BOX in thousands of homes, mother says EVERY THURSDAY Subscribers who are ignoring repeat- ed bills sent to them from this office place | their accounts in the hands of collec- On a certain morning every week “Hurry off to the post office, father! MEYERSDALE H. S. BRIEFS Editor in Chief—Jerre Beachy. Assistant Editor—Lenore Collins Earl Opel 16 office bui i - Elizabeth Bolden °’16 When paid strictly in advance $1.00 F. Groff ’17 When not paid in advance $1.50 H. Gress ’18 eee een Miriam Glessner ’19 ; - NOTICE—is hereby given to those Martha Glessner ’17 . ? Je | of all the leading railroads, departme | The Invincible Basket Ball Team. | Last Friday in a thrilling contest | the Windber High School quintet was defeated by the local high school | aggregation by 28 to 23. The visitors | staged a passing game that has 1 scarcely been equalled on the local Club Dinners at 50c, 60c, 75¢ and $1.00. m cars and taxicabs unnecessary. 25 fort and taste; light and airy. Under personal management of Mr. J] B. Kelley, i one of the most popular x Cuisine Unsurpassed 2 Complete Cafe Service from 25¢ Club Break- 3 fast to the most elaborate dinner. hed 3 x best known hotel managers in the East. 5 Note These Reasonable Rates 2 Single room without bath, $1.00 and $1.50 21) day. Single room, with bath, $2.00. $2.50 and 3] $3.00 per day. Each additional person $1.00 3X per day in any 100m, with or without bath. 2 x 50302 E J. B. Kelley, Manager = Smithfield St., Water St. and xj First Avenue x PITTSBURGH x European Plan 2 Located at the very gateway 2 to the city, just out of the con- gested zone, yet within reach nt stores, amusement places and x) 0 rooms, furnished incom TR RR RH RI SRR MEMBER BANK UNDER FEDERAL RESERVE ACT Prosperity Day Tuesday, February 29, 1916. 1916 is to coin an extra day for usin this month. floor. They got the jump on the lo- ' | cals and the first half ended 13 to: 11 with ‘the coaltowners leading. A' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Boswell Improvement Company to FORT HILL. Mrs. John A. Merrill and Miss goes regularly to the post office, and began to creep on the leader. Both mother watches from the door, think- ¢ teams were playing hard with but one ing possibly, just possibly, they might | yinyte more to play. Griffith caged hear from some of the children this |, qoyple decker from the field, which week, but she has waited so long time geadiocked the score at 23—23. An now, and no letter comes. Ah. the un- speakable pathos of the empty letter extra five minute period was neces- This is letter day” And father doesn’t | ;;q the cheering and the encourage- Ciarence Lucas, Jenner Township, G. McClintock from Addison town. Make It Your Day—a Prosperous Day. Let need to be told twice—he goes. ment of the high school students $250; Mary E. Tissue to Ray NickloW ghip were Confluence visitors on our earnings for the 29th ot February be set aside But oh, the father and mother 10 | greatly helped the local team, when ‘*ddison Township, $150; George Bar- Thursday. n Bspk Account to your credit. If you baven’t whom the latter does not come! We | (he score stood 21 to 14 in Windber's Deft to James C. Keyser, Jemmer john A. Gower was in Addison on hn: k Account—OPEN ONE IN YOUR NAME nave seen their faces, t00. N-no, they | favor With nine minutes more to L°W0ShiD, $729; William A. Merrill prigay on business. : a erity Day Sa don’t expect a letter at all, but father | 155 the local high school passers [© Atlantic Coal Compafty, Brothers: Our merchant, Albert C. Eicher, is per Lo valley, Back and Summit townships, buying up old iron and going to ship $17,990; Atantic Coal Company to a car load. William A. Merrill, Brothersvalley iiss Lillie McClintock who has township. $10; Charles E. Walker to been employed in Rockwood spent Atlantic Coal Company, Summit town- ship, $1,000; George Reitz’s Adminis- trator to William A. Dixon, Summit from Saturday till Monday witli her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. It is a day of extra work,—of extra pay. - It will mean millions of dcllars earred during those twentv-four extra hours that the World grants us. Citizens National Bank “The Bank with the Clock” Meyersdale, Pa. box! When the children were all at home, that box was usually pretty well filled but now— Well, father comes through the gate, but there is no waving arm. He just shakes his head and walks across the lot and tinkers with the fence a while before going into the house. In how many homes, after the morning chores are done, does father go to ithe post office, work his way up the steps, open the door, look along the rows until he comes to a certain box, and turn away empty handed? But wait, wait—it ‘might be wedged in at the back! He takes a second look, to be sure. But there's nothing there! And the son and daughter, what does it mean to them—the weekly letter to father and mother? Can a man sit down and write home, beginning, “Dear little moth- er,” and ending, “Your loving son,” and not be a betterman for it? Must he not be stronger for life’s stress and which inspires the tender message Sweep his heart and soul clean of family prayers in the bed-room off the sittingroom, and after they arise from their knees, mother will turn up ! the light a little, and read ithat letter just once again before she goes to bed—just once more! We have seen VAL mothers do that. Can a man go very far wrong with. this picture before him? ; 4 The weekly letter back home means "thrilling joy to father and mother, ‘but the one who writes, too, has his reward. May fhe loving messages keep fly- ing toward the old home town, for breakfast is over and father is on his way to the post office. God grant he may not find the box empty!—Editor- | Kendrick 5 out of 13. Referee, P. D. storm? Will not the rush of affection | | served by the girls and music for the ! : evil. He knows just what will happen ¢ back in the old home that night. Father and mother will have their | sary to decide the contest. Grier began the extra period by cag- ed with a free toss from the fifteen {foot march. Siehl then followed with a field goal from the centre of the ; floor. . The Windber team outweighed the Meyersdale team but the lgeal boys made up for this by guarding close land with determination. McKendrick and Sipple played best for the Wini- ber high school, while the honors may be said to be equally divided a- mong the members of the local team. The lineup and summary was— Wallace H. Walker, Garrett, $2,450; Elmer E. Franke to Joseph Custer, Conemaugh township, $852; John C. Bowman to Edward J. Boyer, Broth- ersvalley township, $500; Noah Baker to C. L. Manners, Jenner township, $6,000; Hiram Barron’s heirs to Ed- ward L. Barron, Middlecreek town- sship, $8,100; Lucinda Meyers, Middlecreek town- ship, $1,750; Alex. Faidley to Alpha E. Fisher, Lincoln township, $50; C. A. Miller to Mary Shte, Rockwood, $200; C. A. Miller to Burton ‘Shaff, Lh —D Es as Wo Fmt. wi: oy We Sars Fike & Groff r Hoenstine W. Sarver. Allegheny township, 'G. Griffith C. Spple $300; Moses Weaver to Andrew Baum- le. Sihel G. Capt. Severn gardner, Conemaugh township, $2,500; 'W. Stottler G. Huges, Henry H. Mishler to Chester A. Mil- Field Goals—Grier 6; Grof 1; tenhorger, Conemaugh towns ip, Griffith 2; Siehl 1; McKendrick 3; 5000; John W. Naugle’s heirs" to | Hoenstine 2; Sipple 2; Severn 1. Mogeie J, | Foul Goals—Grier 8 out of 18; Me- Nangle,Benson, $950; George Stahl’s heirs to Rebecca Kauf- man, Conemaugh township, $5; Jonas |L. Baer to Amanda Baer, Somerset, Cl . , . Griffith; Timer, ah ution Beorer, €. 0 $1; Amos W. Knepper to Daisy L. Slicer | Bruner, Somerset t hi $1,650; After the game on Friday night, | ? owns ip, PN . | Annie B. Barnhart to Charles Fo M. H. S. team gave a reception for spring, Jenner township, $200; Mich: th indb am. Refreshments were | ? 2 rg ji e Windber te err IS Were |ael Campbell to Evan Lewis, | er | township, $625; Evan Lewis to Abner Griffith, Jenner township, $1,200. evening was rendered by a victrola. ; : Patrons’ Day—Great Success. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Patrons’ Day was celebrated in| 3 : NE the Meyersdale High School last Fri-j Simon McKelvey and Edith $m day afternoon, with two ,. plostems, Te of Winter and ; first one was from 1 to ll of Wi n DT I Bisie Pearle Kinzey of Daley. * 2:30 p. m. The opening number was =. A pod sp ® Frederick Newman and Laura Peb- a piano duet Irene Blum ’16 and Dian by y ley both of Cairnbrook. E. Irwin, ’17, which was rendered very | beautifully. The next number was a ¥ chorus. “I Love the U. S. A.” by the Marian Walker of Brothersvalley twp. boys costumed in white trousers, blue | John Honolik and Mary Gustic both of MacDonaldton. coats and red ties. The encore was a comic Dutch song, “Jonny Schmo- | Ebenezer Eisentrout of Listonburg, ker.” Margaret Damico next rendered 20d Elizabeth R. Nedrow, of Addison a violin solo which was heartily en- ; township. cored. The fourth number on the pro- | o Samuel = Mokara gram was a play—“Her Aiiowance,”’ Yarvs, both of Acosta. showing the trials si a young wife ' John Rish and Bertha E. and Waieryzio Becker; both of Meyersdale. township, $675; Burton S. Rush to Edward L. Barron to Lary blizzard. Stewart J. Walker of Somerset anc | Cyrus M. McClintock. Mrs. P. J. Snyder is reported on the sick list at the present time. John Turney is spending the week in Somerset as a juror. Perry Phillippi was called to Som- erset as a witness. Miss "Beatrnce Geyer Monday for Brownsville. Miss Maud Snyder from Somerset was called home on account of her mother, Mrs. J. P. Snyder's illness. George Shoemaker made a busi- ness trip to Connellsville on Wednes- 'day. started on VIM. Mrs. George Stein of Meyersdale spent Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Mary Seggie. Mr. C. R. Martens accompanied by his sister, Mrs, Speicher to McDon- aldton where he spent last week. Mrs. Lawrence Geisbert spent sev- eral days of last week in Frostburg. | Mrs. P. W. Suder, of Deal, visited on Friday night at the home of her son, Henry. Mr. and Mrs. George Martens en- Joyed Sunday in Larimer township with friends. | Robrt Ringler left for Akron, O jon Sunday morning on Duquesne, | There was no school in the Prima- room on Monday on account of * teacher, Miss Annie Miller not sing able to get through the snow . pol Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Fike was call- ed to Garrett on Saturday night on account of the serious illness of her { mother, Mrs. Hoiman. | 1 | VICINITY OF MEYERSDALE. | Lloyd Handwerk sets up the smokes —two for five—since it’s a boy. | Elmer Lepley and C. C. Heckle were busy baling their hay last week. ! Miss Gertrude Yoder was brought {home from the hospital last Saturday jand is getting along nicely. D. D. Meese, an up-to-date farmer with a weekly allowance The part of the wife was well played by M. ; | Payne. The other parts were taken /* oleto. [ by E. Opel, M. Glessner, H. Gress, W. Harry ST. PAUL. Stotler, M. Hady, G. Darrow, C. Harrison’® were no services of any kind | Brant, H. Rosenberger, F. Boucher, Toirkeyfoolteformed church here on Sun- | A. Reich, E. Baker, R. Kimble, H.: reys, late opunt of the stormy weather. Lint and R. Bowman. The concluding Caver, late oople of this vicinity at. number was a song by ten girls “Fun- ship: John ° sale of Enoch Bender's icula Funicual.” Their encore was a Windber; gyproperty near Springs on Fri- very comical song, “I've Lost My | Céhemaugh | Doggy.” The program was repeated ghaw, Je Calvin Rhodes is very ill at at 2:30 p. m.. The assembly room was ' Johns writing. It is planned to take her crowded with spectators for both | p- to a hospital in a few days. We sin- sessions. » cerely hope that there will be a | — change for the better in her condition The Girl Hikers Visit the Summit: soon. Mills School. | Miss Irene Engle spent Sunday at “8% 4al from the People's Home Journal ! ¥ for March. aL ship and Anna Kathryn Blough, (Die Prinkey of Scullton. Alexander Douglas of Summit ©f Greenville township, attended the township, and Isabella Davidson, of | Bender sale on Friday. An excellent Meyersdale. lunch was served and things brought Oberlin Engle and Marie Yaist, 800d prices. both of Elk Lick township. | Lloyd Schrock loaded a car George W. Beal and Helda Schrock Pied 1% iii aT Wek, tok both of Brothersvalley township. gy. uk. Yoder 'who ‘Was Stricken b : with typhoid fever, is roound again. Archibald M. Tren, of Glen Camp- Harry Myers and Wm. Herwig who bell, and Anna C. White, of Windber. ‘went to Akron a few weeks ago like Lemon C. Barkley, of Jenner town- [that place 0. K. Both of the young of men are working in the rubber fac- tory. ! LECTURE ON MORMONISM | Mormonism, said to be the most in- advertisement in the 'sidious, the most plausible, the most of Conemaugh township. Irwin Moore, of Charleroi, and An- Plant your The Household Remedy for the ailments from which almost everyone sometimes suffers—sick headache, constipation, disturbed sleep, muddy complexion, lassitude, backache, depression and other results of a disordered digestive system—is BEECHAMS PILLS They have achieved the distinction of being the most widzly used medicine in the world, because millions of people have found them dependable, speedy and sure in their action on stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Compounded from vegetable products, Beecham’s Pills are free from harmful minerals and dangerous drugs. ‘They do not promote the physicing habit—do not irritate the bowels. Should be taken by every member of the family at the first sign of illness—so mild and effective that they are good for the aged, and for the ills of childhood, are Safe for Children Directions of Special Value to Women with Every Box. Sold by druggists throughout the world. In boxes, 10¢, 25¢. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS— WHEREAS, An act of Assembly re- requires Assessors when making thair annual assessments to collect the dog license for the ensuing year and make a return of the same and the names of the owners of dogs for : z ay which the license was not paid and Ba 70 WHEREAS, the Assessors have made 7 2 010 4 their returns, the . County Commls. PECIA NTO sioners hereby notify the owners cf a or ll / 77 all dogs for which license has not No matter what car you use, be ibeen paid that if same remains unpaid sure of the best gasoline. ; April 1st, 1916 the Constables of the The four famous respective districts will be given the Waverly Gasolines li i : ies oe 76°— Special Motor—Auto forthwith and kill all such dogs and | all others wherever found not wearing the proper tag and collar. License a) ednea = Tried from may be paid at the County Commis- Dmitorm, Sore Bties Jur Sellen, sioners office where tags and receipts gas product. will be issued. WAVERLY OIL WORKS co. MALES, $1.00 independent Refinars PITTSBURGH, PA. FEMALES $4.00 Iluminants—I, ubricants Paraffine Wax FREE 37 355 20% gn, Waverly Preducts Sold by BITTNER Sachi WORKS EL . 8 Tq Commissioners’ Office, Somerset Co. February 14, 1916 Wm J. GLESSNER, C. H. SHOCKEY, Jos. B. Miller. Attest: home with her mother. She is work- ing in the home of W. T. Hoblitzell in Meyersdale. The teacher, Miss Ada Glotfelty, was held up by the impassible condi- 4 tion of the roads on Monday; hence i 3 there was no school in her room. Miss Florence Bittner of town pur- poses working for Charles Bittner in for a larger army and navy? If a larger army and navy are nec- essary to protect the people and not those who give them employment in this country then people through their government should own the mu- nition plants. 3 BOTTLES GOOD CATSUP FOR 25 CENTS—AT BITTNER’S GROCERY Last Tuesday evening twenty-six of the Girl Hikers accompanied bs Miss Brodhead hiked to Summit Mills. The purpose of this expedition was to see ‘the program in celebra- tion of Washington’s Birthday at the school in that place. They enjoyed themselves despite the fact that they Commercial if you want good results. [far-reaching and the most perilous of ‘all political-religious cults, will he | discussed with the utmost frankness lin the M. E. Church in Meyersdale on {next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, when Elder Vernon J. Danielson of |the Mormon Church will come here |to expose the Mormon infamies in Strange to should say that Mr. Weever receive complimentary blot- ters from the Sen Sen Gum Com- nainy when he professes to be such a detester of all chewing materials. 2-17-3t. On account of prices having ad- vanced on all business, and the extra expense to op- L. M. PHILLIPS, Chief Clerk. MEYERSDALE P. J. COVER & SON, : PA . ® » TO OUR PATRONS NA AAA NN A supplies used in our were compelled to stand during the Up until Wednesday iworning we exercises. On the journey they wad- all thought Room 14 to be the Eng- Meyersdale. ed through mud a feot deep. They de- lish room, but we find that Dick Bow- It is estimated that three hundred cided that the next time they would man uses it for a barber shop Helen 5 million dollars represents less than go on a similar hike they would take Baer being the interested shampoo- 5 the value stolen from the American stilts, lanterns. campstools and er. ! farmer on wheat alone by the grain hoards to build an addition. is. monopoly during the six months en- | a———— During the discussion concerning + ding Jan. 1, 1916 by John Kenneth The Dear Freshmen. the color of a rose, one of the teach- X Turner. Since the Freshmen have been |ers asked his class if anyone had ev- Shares in the Submarine Boat Cor- ... 4. to understand that the cows | er locked at a rose from some dis- poration climbed from $15 to $450. 1. them for corn fodder, we sup- | tance in a room which was almost ¢ Do you see any reasons why mem- ,... when the person thought that dark. bers of this corporation would agitate way, they forgot corn-fodder looks dear to cows, so we are glad we look | Chas. Fike has addpd a fine micro dear to some one—even if they are | Scope to his collection. Several pupils just cows! and we must look better have already asked Chas. to lend it to the clock ‘than the Seniors as it to them. They intend to use it to look did not yet stop when we looked at it, | at their reports next month. It en- up to the present time. We must look | larges 100 times. dear to Mr. Weaver, too, as he could | not help saying the Freshmens will be served in the basement when he for cuspidors meant refreshments. | during Virgil. John H. and Bill L. have applied to be used in No. 18 presentable language. His visit was arranged by the Meyersdale Ministe-! rium. Mr. Danielson was for years a i ter March 1st.— Mormon missionary in Europe and | Baltimore & Ohio R, R. ar Rian: under ns Sompsnen || SORING TOURSITO vance rates on our work on and af. | WASHINGTON A is now trying to counteract some of the evil he accomplished along this | line. { On March 5 at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Bf ielsen will speak in the St. John Re-| formed church at Salisbury. The] meeting will be under the auspices of | the Ministerial Association of Salis- bury. TENDERED A SURPRISE PARTY. A surprise party, on the occasion of his 54th birthday was tendered Mr. John W. Baker of Sippleville last Saturday evening. There were four- teen men present at the table at least and a fine repast was served. Check- ers and “Old Maid” were indulged in and all had a good time. Collars ;. .. .. .. .. .. 21-2c ND Shirts, Plain .. .. .. ... 10c Shirts, cuffs attached .. .. 18c| BALTIMORE Shirts, Plaited fronts, cuffs, 15c | MEYERSDALE STEAM LAUNDRY. APRIL (7 -- JUNE { 2 Round Trip from $6. 5 MEYERSDALE Tickets valid for all regular t-ains and good returning 10 days including date of sale. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED ALL EXPENSE FEATURE TICKETS, including 5 Days Board in Washington, Side Trips, ete., may be secured upon payment of $20.50 additional. SECURE BOOKLET AND FULL INFOR- MATION FROM TICKET AGENT LETTERS ISSUED Letters of administration have re- cently been issued as follows: Jesse M. Tressler, estate of Francis Tressler, late of Addison township, Bond, $1,500. Lynn Jatchin, estate of W. B. Patchin, late of Boswell, Bond $3,500. Daniel Horner, estate of Solomon Horner, late of Jenner township, ‘Bond, $1,000. TRY BEECH NUT BRAND BEANS AND MUSTARD AT BITTNER’S GROCERY. 3 CAKES BEST GLYCERINE SOAP FOR 25 CENTS— PER rs. ille Rev. of the Mrs. from a Miss ited fri B: J. Mutual this we Mrs. quite i iniprov: Jame Ohio, Holzsh R. J. near M town § Mrs. Conleh: visit in Mrs. to sper nedy ir * The | a verit ter at afterno Mrs. ville sj her par comer. Mans Manufa of last busines Mrs. berland at the Pfahler Misse home f lat’ves Oho. Mrs. home @ relative Vander Miss turned several ington. Mr. | this we their fi goods. Mrs. have re ongahe former’ Wiland ‘Quite idents Birth o Opera ‘Tuesda; Mrs. Miss M several evangel ~.+ Mt. Mo © Mrs. today. Mary w ¥ " latter t weeks 1 3 The ¢ . ination of the . Meyers charge Mr. . that he Onited Erie on quired f Sever Salisbur way of and tro at the’ in all. Rev. |] an chur of the } joyed a Chicago Burge ultimatu gardless book, Vi Meyersd dealt w { bh Mrs. | party fc day eve decorate ors bein girls we on little The ei spent in eon was The w of Quen bated S: ver. The his just shall be utrix to estate a essary ti €n to “th not rems divided