re, a Tt i C—O a: A Es BR _ glass and dish washer. = SALISBURY | Mrs. Savilla Boyer and Miss Lottie Boyer, on Wednesday, January 26th, entertained a number of their friends at their home on Grant street from 2 till 5 P. M. Each guest brought needlework of some kind along and the afternoon was happily as well as profitably spent in this way. A fea. ture of the afternoon's work was a contest between the ladies on mak-’ lady was _ § given a piece of muslin and told to | ing button-holes. Each “go to it.” Mrs. Frank Petry was a- warded the prize consisting of a hand- gome china olive dish for making the neatest button-hole. The judges were Mrs. J. L. Barchus, Miss Almira Lich- titer and Mrs. R. H. Johnston. A dainty lunch was served before the guests departed. The guests present were: Mesdames L. P. Young, P. L. Swank, Er E. Haselbarth, Wm. Reitz, ¥. F. Petry, Fred Petry, Wm. Deitz, J. L. Barcus, E. M. Loechel, S. R. McKinley, A. M Lichty, R. H. Johns- ton, Lydia Shaw, Misses Anna Hasel- parth, Edith and Almira Lichliter, Harrriet Glotfelty and Leora Stanton, of town and Mrs. John Geibel, of Lewiston, Pa. Druggist D. W. Livengood has add- ed to his up-to-date drug store a new goda fountain. The fountain is 19 feet long and is made of Italian mar- ple and has nickel fixtures, sanitary The syrup tanks are of the push pattern and are placed conveniently for rapid work of the operator. Against the wall back af the fountain he has placed a long gak frame with plate glass mirriors and plate glass display shelves. D. E. Folk, of Pittsburg, spent last\’ week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Beachy having been called here on account of the death of Mrs. Sarah Folk. The Boynton Methodist Episcopal Sunday School held a social in Thom- as’ Hall on Saturday evening and in spite of the inclement weather a good msumber of people attended. Oysters, sandwiches, coffee, cake, pie etc. “were served. Miss Grace Easton, who has been employed in Johnstown, is visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. W. S. Easton. On Thursday evening our basket ‘ball team played on the home floor with the Berlin team. The score was 64 to 7 in favor of the Salisbury team. On Wednesday evening the Boy Scouts team will play a game on the Wome floor with the Meyersdale “All Stars” team. Miss Elsie Berkey, an aunt and Miss ‘Wisie Berkey, a sister of Mrs. Clar- ence Menhorn and Mrs. Walter Men- Born came over from Somerset the fatter part of the week and spent Sunday with the Menhorn families. Chas. M. May is fixing up a room in the Will building to house his new Sdxon car. Mr. May has the agency for the Saxon car and therefore a place where he may show up the car to the best advantage. Miss Ida Enfield a valued employee wt the Valley House, is seriously ill with an attack of pneumonia. John Miller, a druggist,of McKees Rocks visited his sister, Mrs. D. Ww. Livengood and family last week. Mrs. Fritz Deihl, of West Salisbury, spent last week with relatives and friends in McKeesport. Mrs. W. P. Meyers, of Summit township, visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Newman, last Wednesday. Mrs. Newman is ill with an attack of lum- Bago. Miss Florence Maust left Thursday for Pittshurg, where she spent sever- mt days with her friend, Miss Mary Kendall. The Ladies’ Missionary Society of the Reformed Church met at the home of Mrs. H. H. Maust, last Sat- urday afternoon. P. M. Connor and daughter, Phylis @wain, visited the former's daughter, Miss Odella Connor, at the Western Maryland Hospital, Cumberland, last Sunday. Miss Connor who underwent an operation last week is improving as rapidly as may be expected. Mrs. Grant Tressler, of Meyersdale, and Mrs. P. F. Shaffer, of Deal, were ests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. _ S. Johnston on Tuesday evening. The Cautious Catering Classes of 8t. John’s Reformed Sunday school held a supper with a parcels post counter and fish pond in connection on Friday evening, January 28th and were “well patronized. A neat sum of money was realized. G. J. Engle, salesman for the 20th Century Mfg. Co., spent several days of the past week in Cumberland. Mrs. John Shunk is seriously ill with a severe attack of pneumonia. Miss Fannie Clark, who had a se- vere case of grip and pneumonia is on the mend again. WwW. J. Austin, representative of the Morris Music Co., of Cumberlnd, last week sold to E. BE. Hagelbarth a high grade Aeolion Vocalion instrument. Mr. Austin brought with him two of these instruments placing one in the nome of Dr. A. M. Lichty and the her in the Petry parber shop. A was given in the Lichty Humanola $50.00 We will offer our 40 percent from price. This is a of Pianos, Player-Pianos, Or- gans and Talking Machines at a discount of from 20 to granity to secure a good in- BOR SROBCBB0RBIRE CRORBRAORONR0RNNARN 15 DAYS THRE CARO rer OR RR ER FOR RRS CRSA B0BO BOC EOBC BOE ELBA Tall Pianos at $150 up Beginning Saturday, January 29th and Continuing for 15 Days. entire stock trument or a big saving. We shall be pleased to have Player-Pianos 8250 and up Talking Machines $7.00 and up you come and look the in- struments over and let us demonstrate them for you. the original rare Oppor- Baldwin & Livengood, MEYERSDALE, PENNA. You will be surprised to learn of the bargains we have to offer. Don't forget the date January 29th to February 15th AAAs aes eA BBC AC OBB a BB EBB ECB EE BB A EA RAIS AI IR 1 GRANTSVILLE. Death of Anna Schrock. ’ Anna, the seven-year old daughter of Alvin Schrock died on Wednesday and was buried on Friday at the Am- ish cemetery. The little girl had con- tracted whoopingcough which devel ed into pneumonia and then in- to meningitis from which death re- sulted. Miss Helen Stanton is in a critical condition from pneumonia, from which she has been suffering for some time. On Thursday she was given a birth- day shower by her young friends in honor of her fourteenth birthday. Mrs. C. B. Getty has returned from a few days’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Reppert who preparing to move to Kentucky. Mrs. Mary Miller has been sick the past two weeks with the grip. Will Gnagey of California is spend- ing some time with his sisters, Mrs. Urban Stanton and : Mrs. Loechel. : : Dislocates His Jaw with Yawn. George Oester of Cove, employ- ed by Samuel Loechel has been suff- ring from a severe atack of acute in- Oester had been ill for several days and on Wednesday morning disiocat- ed his jay while taking a yawn. Two doctors were called in before they succeeded in getting it into place a- home and is gefting along nicely. Miss Jennie Lee of Mt. Lake Park is visiting her cousin, Beulah Engle. Several farmers in this section are making use of the good weather and have started sugar making. A party . was given by Ethel Broad- water on Friday evening in honor of Miss Lee. About twelve guests were present. Mt. Savage Team Wins at BasKet Ball The Mt. Savage team played the Mt. Nebo boys a game of basket ba] the game. FAIR HOPE. weather the past week. Miss spent over Mrs. J. M. Lowry. Emerick. Mr. and Mrs. Cumberland attended the Dewey Richardson here. Mrs. W. H. Baer of mother-in-law, Mrs. Flra Richardson berland with friends. - Monday. Clarence digestion and a dislocated jaw. Mr. | gain. He has been removed to his | 38: Monn of Salisbury; Friday even- on Saturday night and won by the, score of 18-12. A dance was held after | We have been having spring-like Annie Logson of Hyndman Sunday with her friend, Jack Redhead, who is employed at Mt. Union, is visiting his family here. | Mrs. Wm. Kincaid and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Emerick of Con- | Barker of Milford were visiting the nelsville spent a few days with the | former’s aunt, Mrs. Rena Hoover, re- former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Joseph Maxwell of last Wednesday after having spent funeral | two weeks with friends in Connells- Cumberland is spending several days with her | daughter, Rene, were Mrs. Simon Poorbaugh is in Cum- Men’s Gray Suits Also one lot Gray HARTLEY & BALDWIN Will continue to sell one lot of age 13 to 16, were $4 and $6 at only $2.00 while they last. One lot of Dress Shirts aj ONE-THIRD OFF. Hartley & Baldwin OH ES REED at ... Half Price Knee Pants Suits GARRETT Church Notes The services held tn the Grace Re- formed church prior to communion were well attended and greatly en- joyed by all. The service Monday evening was conducted by Rev. A. 8. Kresge of Meyersdale; Tuesday even- ing, W. A. McClellan of Rockwood; Wednesday, the mid-week service was | conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. H. | Wiant; Thursday evening, Rev. S. | ing the preparatory service by Rev. H. Wiant; Sunday morning the { communion service by the pastor. | Great interest was manifested during | the week and the pastor thanks all ! who participated. | Evangelistic meetings opened Tues: day evening in the Evangelical church and will continue several | weeks. Minor Mention. cently. Miss Clara Bittner returned home ville and Greenburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brant and shopping in . | Pittsburgh Saturday. Ohio, returned home last Thursday. Some petty thieving has been going on in and around Garrett. It is hoped that the guilty person or persons will be found and duly punished. DEATH OF FORMER MINISTER’S WIFE Mrs. Emma Rupp, died Sunday, Jan. 30, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. E. Master, in Huntingdon, aged 73 years. Deceased was a native of Lancaster county and was a woman of splendid character.Her husband was for five years—from 1877—82, the beloved pastor of the Reformed church in Meyersdale; previous to that pas- tor of the Reformed church at Berlin for eleven years. He died in 1903, Upon leaving here Dr. Rupp accept- ed a chair in the Theological Semin- ary at Franklin and Marshall college at Lancaster. Mrs. Rupp’s ma’'.en name was Hambright and she was born near Lancaster, Pa. Six children survive, three: sons all of whom are ministers of the Re- formed church and three daughters, all of whom married Reformed minis- ters. The body was taken to Lancas- ter for interment. ————— MISS AGNES LEPLEY. Miss Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lepley of Salisbury street, died last Thursday at Cres- Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lowry attended Mrs. Christner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. N. H. Lenhart. Michael Holzshu in Meyersdale, on erland visitors Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Raupach of Glencoe is! Mrs. J. H. Judy spent Friday vis- Wm. Smith. Ralph Kelly and James Martin o Cumberland were welcome callers a and Sunday. | Meyersdale last week by the death © ! her mother, Mrs. Michael Holzshu. Mrs. Pearl Rizer of Meyersdale wa a recent visitor for a few hours. J. A. Lowry was in ote & visiting with her parents, Mz. and Mrs the home of Harry Markles Saturday { Mrs. A. P. Berkley was called to Hostetler was a business call- | vis ersdale. ’ John Hertzog has moved his fam- t ily to the Albert Judy house on Cen- | tre street. Nina Cochrane { Holsopple friends. tl Miss Pearl Phenicie, who is employ- | ed in one of the Pittsburg millinery 8 | parlors, is spending a few days with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank spent Sunday with {her Cumberland, Phenicie. Mrs. R. L. Pollard, who had bees 1-1aw, eneva, er son and ing h Mrs. Tom P Mrs Irvin Christner and daughteT,| son sanitarium where she had been Virginia, of Greensburg are visiting undergoing Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Rush were Cumb | consistent christian and faithful mem treatment for several months. Many years of her life were | spent in Meyersdale where she had i many friends. Miss Lepley was a most ber of the Methodst Episcopal church Do you pay your bills with cash, and per- haps pay them twice? Do you argue and dis- pute over amounts? Do ycu try to keep all such records in your mind? -1 A checking acccunt with this bank will eliminate all such troubles . aim Deposit your money in this bank—pay your bills by check—that is the safe way, the modern way of doing business. to Come in and let us start you It's easy. ES I I I III The Second National Bank, of MEYERSDALE. PA. “The Bank on the Corner” PRR RRR RRR CRE CHURNGOLD The Only Real - BUTTERINE Sold Only at "The Place You Get the Best Meat. Etc.” The Donges Meat Market ARR RA RR RRR RRR HH RR PARR RR RE A RR EC EE SRA AeA and of the Women’s Bible Class. There survive besides her parents, | iting hor niece, Mrs. Glessner in Mey five sisters and two brothers, all of | whom were present at the funeral. They were: Miss Ida and Chas. P. Lepley, of Somerset; Louis V., Perry- opolis, Pa.; Mrs. Amy E. Dewiit, Scott | dale, Pa; Mrs. Bertha A. Stanton, Mrs. Susan M. Phillips and Miss Eleanor, of Meyersdale. funeral occurred { .The | Rev. J. C. Matteson. { { | just received. Straight Kansas patent. | will make the best bread you ever HABEL & PHILLIPS. 1 } Saturday | | afternoon, conducted by her pastor, | | carload LARABEE’S BEST FLOUR | | | ate. $1.80 Per LARGE BAG. TRY IT. | —YOUR EYES!— Are little Cameras which picture objects on a little screen called The Retina of the Eye. A good picture must be clearly outlined in every detail. Do your little Human Cameras focus ob- jects clearly—if not—the little instruments or organs are defective. : The Eye may be imperfectly formed, i causing what is commonly known as Astig- mavism Hyperopia Myopia or muscular Troubles. See to it that your Eyes are as good as they should be by having a thor- ough examination. I use up-to-date lnstru- ments and methods to determine these defects. -:- -- Come to see me about your case, COOK, The Optometrist, Eye Sight Specialist Seven set ( Liqu TIM Satur last ho itions i 77 appl Courts are ret: and tw wholes: Charles OConnc ing con license ed by J _an app] Ther: tions o one in townsh A lis names Addi Attorne Bens neys, Berli Zs Scott ¢ B ney, CI ~ tetler Walke: Bosv Scott neys S Attorn Schult: son, A Cass torney Cone ney Schlos Walke: .F. W, as t 5 vig Conf ney F. sell, / Charle Scott. Elk neys § Hoo (new) Daniel Biesec Gari torney Jeni Scott ney, I Attorr Attorn Lati Scott Low straw, Mey Scott torney Logue Grant WwW. W Scott New Attorr Nor torney Pair neys, Marsh Pail Attort Roc torney Atton ty; Sc Sali eys S Atton Sha torne; ~~ Brenn £ ‘@r. ¥¥ Son Atton - Son Attorn Winte M. Scott Scott Sor Cleve Charl Ty. Sto ney EF ker, / Wi