— EI ST - sian aA rs ER RRA JANUARY ta | I | January CLEARANCE | [xt sean WEINS : EIN’S nor sion, || CLEARANCE $1.00 and $1.75 25¢c Heavy MN Wool Hose SALE SALE || TROUSERS Specialat | “THE LOW PRICE STORE” ~ Special | — 79% | MEVERSDALE, PENNA. + [1 18¢ a ‘The Greatest January Clearance Sale Ever offered to the people of Meyersdale and vicinity since our opening. We have without a doubt given greatest values, better merchandise, best of service which, coupled with our enormous buying power, has proven to the buying | public that this store stands. first and above all in value giving and money saving opportunity. = Remember What We Advertise You Get. SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. | Bepts . wn. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14th - 8:30 A. MENS A AND OVE ' CLOTHING ~ isl Hy Saba “I MISSES’ AND WOMEN’S CLOAKS, SUITS, AND cand GRE TLV REDUCED IN OUR" © iad | EXIT R: A SPECIALS 1: DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED IN = JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. ln Our Gli & : i very. good assortment , all sizes; these suits: consist 4 : : i: § soak { of cagsimere- and: worsted: 711 25c and $c Boys, Kolpin. in, om gige: TUTE 9 1 Men’ Ss $12. 00 Suits _spmerar : : 50c. and 75¢. Boys Knee. Pants, a yery good Made of all wool cassimeres and worsteds in all the Tee : Ta on : assortment | in all sizes— — Special... I8c Eo .us 5 aT $9.79 | Men's 50c Heavy Fleeced Lined Underwear Men’s $15.00 Suits — SPECIAL Wool Cassimeres, all sizes. this season’s coats———— SPECIAL ». 85 OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE saLE, | § 3 7 ANUARY ¥ CLEARANCE § SALE i One Lot of Ladies’ owe that Sold up. to $13. 50, all ai ; | Men’s $8.00 and $10.00 Suits; SPECIAL $5. 00 1 exile eS ae ath Season's Mo dels SPECIAL, 0 85 § : $20. 00 and $22. 00 Ladies’ ‘Newest, Suits; made of Broad- IR : i cloth, Garbardines, all of the very. latest fivies, to be sold 7 pt One Lot of Ladies’ $8.50 Coats, all this season ’s models, B latest models. mt ; tsi Sa, ; : : : ho re , 3 PECIAL . : HU a5 8 One Lot of Ladies’ Coats that wold up to $12. 00, ‘Special # These Suits consist of the finest quality Serges, also . : a for his sale only—— ese => FO 8 85 39¢ Children’s Outing Night Gowns—Special | One Lot of Ladies’ Coats that was sold up $16 00, all | Lot of Boys’ Suits at Girls’ and Misses’ Ribbed Union Suitn, 39¢ value Decided Reductions. Special rae OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES’ SKIRTS $3.00 Boys’ Suits $4.00 Boys’ Suits GREATLY MARKED DOWN FOR THIS SALE. SDadlal Price. | $1.88 Spentol Pelee $2.98 7c Best Apron Gingham—Special 5c Red and Blue and ‘White Handkerchiefs— $3.00 Ladies’ Skirts Special «———FOR. .. $1 98 $3.75 Boys’ Suits $5,00 Boys’ Suits ; Special Price. . $2.19 Special Price. . $3.85 Suecs re $4.00 Ladies’ Skirst, Special —————FOR. . $2.15 $1.00 Jackson Corsets for $5.00 Ladies’ Skirts, Special ——— FOR $3.15 MILLINERY im—————— $3.50 and $5.00 All Trimmed Hats—All This 500 Corsets Special for 20 Season’s Special, for BIG BARGAINS ) i of Our Entire Stock of $1.00 and $1.75 Children’s Dresses, all sizes LADIES’ FINE WAISTS Special for BLANKETS and COMFORTS Value Up to $1.50 Some Trimmed with Lace « and Embroidery, All Newest Styles, Special 19% CLARK'S 0. N. T. THREAD - SKATING SETS Regular $1.00 Values, Special While They Last, per spool (Limit 5 spools to a customer) 75¢ Values, Special . culal here sand DI | Are of For Quit among count fact t an inc ton f have | union operat union to tall ent. prise Coal Garrel the fi men ¢ Atlan cause their Day n as us down urday the mw go to sumec ployec days taken the o culate nature ployet who charg In been ® the e “Coal incres ed co cents panyr ©. creas Els: 4 15 Flown un il Spent or ETT REE =) at our’ January Clearance Sale. > —FOR $12. 50 ¥ > ;