po IR i ellos po sek BE o at “rp |coNsOLIDATION company samiss | NATIONAL DEFENSE EXRECTS QBEAT YEAR » 9 shew Bed w—— That 1916 will probab be an un- = . precit ented yEAF tor HE Consblidation * LOJING IN HOUSE =p vk heme ; > ®E i T on, ihiftfcat “by the an rome ich Jake Jotun pléced call y of 5,000 0 £ Gg 88§ hy i tic on Ip: the dt 12 3 2588 fo ‘Srmy dN Ya11d¥Pbtr Kentigh¥ alone. ou 3 or Army an ay d¥ that is rich cbal section een ’ & Grass Bthte, which contains a LEWIS V. HARCOURT A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE WAR Large new reinforcements including & great number of Caucasian troops. are being massed by the czar on the Béssarabian frontier to renew the 'at- tacks on the long battle line from ‘Cartorysk "in Velhymiai to “Brencze, ndrtheast’ of ' Czerndwitz, ‘thé Buko- wine capital. ’ spatches from Berlin quote Rus- sian officers captured in the recent fighting as :sserting that on the é&ve of’ the new offensive thé char visited Trembowla nd issued the orders'to his offices ' :taff “fo” bréak through the Téuto Ines at any cost.” The Russian 11 0 is said to have guaran- teed his g rales. sufficient troops tor this purpose. The Brii.sh conscription bill has passed its lrst reading in the hodse of! common:, 403 to 105. The labor congress, representiing the unions, has ‘passed ‘resolutions condemnin the bill! ‘ Three labor members “of the cabinet have resigned, one saying ‘he will net accept dictation of the unions, but will support the bill. "The" Gertian government has as- sured the United States that her sub- marine operations will be conducted in strict conformity with international law, guaranteéing the safety at sea of noncombatants of either belligerent or neutral nations. General Sir Ian Hamilton reported to the house of commons that the {danger ‘of ‘failure in régard’ to He on the atfacks “that are being tion‘is ‘Fushing Wo BEPUBLIGAN VOTES NEEDED If Bill Is to Pass House It Will Have to Be With Large ‘Republican 8Sup- port-—-Oppesition Exceedingly Active. nth consumers who have placed the huge orders for Bik. horn coal are not divulged at this time, but it is intimated that they re- present some of the IaPg ac- | turidg plants in tHe The Consolidaion is" aking Persoms who expect that the appro- ; 3 TRS ERE 5 Arr «3% priations for a larger navy and greater | provision t5 Hardie RL evil army are to be carried through easily | Promptly. Necessary prove: on the wave of sentiment caused by | have been made to increase mining op- the European war’are headed toward j erations in the Elkhorn valley, and the a disappoiniment. The president and | Consolidation is also opening up new his advisers are now alive to the fact ee on its other properties * take that it will require all the power of | gare of the eno git the admthistratiofl} supplemented by Pex Bho ta oe amous business” which Republican #iipport, 6 pith the pro. Pe Olt Togs, gram through, and ‘there id" gra¥e | The current year will be probably ) the best in the ufitory of the Chnads: army even then. dation to date. No tonnage figures are * The foreign complications invelving ! being made public at his tims, but the United States have tended to ob ' they will be forthcoming shortly. They scure the developments In the pre- will show that the earnings of the cor- i . inistration Darednces Hove om Ram Ris _ w Doration far exceeded those for the un. Previous fiscal year, 7 no#E strong pubiic campaign must be” un- en wnd mo-time Jost-4in “com- At the present time the Consolida 1108" Work on its neW mines ® in thé “Helet's Rih district or West | 0 SongT erg heing Doe Virginia. These mines will be reached been made on.the defense bills. Also by the Western Maryland Company, Ro consideration has been given to Which is now building an extension in measures to raise revenues t6'Wefray these regions at a cost of over half a It is time the country awoke to a realization of the fact that President Wilson's preparedness program is threatened with defeat. *he préeillent’s program’ t- 27 adefon” the cost of the army and navy ex- million dollars; pansion that the president insists is The Western Maryland expects that : iu significant that all tie tgunags from the Tineh wif be at | “ ¥ a” eek v y speeches on the subject of defense de- least’ 5,000,000 tons annually Within livered thus far this session by house the next three or four years, Democrats have been harshly critical : = Bn of the president's program.’ 'Sig- nificance also is attached to the fact that up to date no administration lead- KEYSTONE P ARAGRAPHS er in house or senate has taken the . pains to make a speech in support of ' Discovering two men engaged in the program or to reply to the party breaking into the postoffice at Sum- erities who have assailed it. merville, near Punxsut@wney, Pa., W. ( It Is now known By ‘everybody in W. Haven was held up ‘at the point of the house, ‘where defense bills'are t6 a revolver boufid and gagged and be orfginated, that the president will forced to stand by and watch while have to depend on Republican votes the two men dynamited the postoffice to put his program through that body. ' safe, robbed it of $50 in money dnd Prediction is made that approximately ' a like amount in stamps, and’scaped, sixty Democrats will desert the ad- | after walking Haven several’ Blodks ministration on this proposition. As ' away from the scene and freeing him. the Democrats now only have a ma: | ' Trem A “jority of ‘twenty-five In the house 1t John Cittash, aged twenty-six, . of tion. will be compelled to ‘steer ‘a Successful in his third attSfmpteic iy course that will assure the support of | his life when he fired a bullet info his & Considerable number of Republicans. temple. ' A year ago Cittash was. pre- The Democratic opponents of the : Vented from throwing himself from defense bills have been active and the Point bridge into the Ohio river. alert from the beginning of the ses- About six months later he was arrest- sion, whereas the supposed support- ed after trying to throw himself “in Dardanelles expedition was lost when in sight of victory through failure "bf ors of the administration's program front of a swiftly moving Coraopolis have been singularly passive. # street car. the war office to Supply mbre mien. A great battle has been raging for over two weeks in Bukowina, with the Rusaians, 800,000 strong, at last re ports driving ifi“the Teutons” first line over a long front. The objective seems to be to relieve pressure on the allies at Salonika and to postpone of prevent the drive into Egypt. } A dispatch from Houlon tells of the interning cf the central powers” con: suls arrested at ‘Salonika ‘on board the French™aukiliary “crulser: Savéie, formerly in the New York-Havre serv- foe. This: would indieaté: “that” the consuls had not yet been released as Was reported’ from various sources late last week, UE ana rAd The British battleship King Edward VIL has Bees Sink’ ha striiibg' 7a mine. The entire crew was sawed. It is officially announced a h complete eVatuatidh of "the Gallipc Peninsula has been successfully car- ‘ried out. a "German forces have recaptured the trenches near Hirsstein, so th of Hartmgnnswetlerkopt, in upper AT sace, that were taken by the Fremch op Dec. 21. chausseurs and 16 machine guns we captured from the FremcH. ! Gs Greece has again entered protest against measures taken by the entente powers, which, it declares, render 'dit- ficult the supplying of Greece with food" from Bulgaria, secordiig te” an announcement by the ‘Overseas News agency. wr EL io Tw EEE EL The Turco-German expedition againit Egypt’ fs’ held in abéyance owing to the refusal of Djemal Pasha to attack the Suez canal without ‘a German vanguard of 25,000 picked troops. - A dispatch from Constantinople says that in reprisal for the arrests by the allied ‘staffs In Salonka ‘of the Turkish consul and other Ottomans in thé Greek port, the Turkish govern- ment has arrested ten British and French citizens, including the remain- ing embassy officials. Altogether 1,000 | Thessaloniki subjects of the entente governments have been interned, the dispatch says. It is learned “from a diplomatic doned steamship Thessaloniki, of the ' victims. is now being| Greek Ine, source that an effort made by Austria and Germany to limit the purchases of foodstuffs. exchange. consists in tne wholesale requisition-| sister ship, ing of foodstuffs in Bulgaria, the pay-| they ment for these shipments being made in paper money. There are now in Italy 58,000 Aus-| was plentiful and the trian prisoners besides 62.000 which | not suffer from | companied the gales. have been transferred from Servia. asm: es —ciie ~ Twenty officers, 1,083 fected a good’ working organization ia I d the fusials and they are playing for delay. In ‘OR ©f newlyelected officers’ o furthering the campaign of delay they .°38¢ of the Sons and Daughters of have “the support of Representative ' Liberty at Monsca. Seofse Becket, Kitchin, the Democratic house leader, | a fifty-five, of Piugurg » 4iStiC and are being openly encouraged to 9°PULY counsellor of the “The “little navy” members have per- | interrupted Willthus be’ seen that ‘the maministra- « Fittock, Allegheny county, Pay id oma lodge, | 5 YU id \ \ ZL Lo ANDREAE EGET FOR EVERYBODY. IN 50 WEEKS: 1-CENT CLUB PAYS $12.78 2.CENT CLUB PAYS 5-CENT CLUB PAYS WE ADD INTEREST. YOU CAN DEPOSIT 25 OR 50 CENTS, OR MORE EACH WEEK. COME IN—WE WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. AN 7.4 © ed 3 : “ee Va ¥istmas CH WEEK AND CHRISTMAS YOU WILL HAVE $63.75. ‘THIS IS A GOOD THING FOR BOYS AND GIRLS; JOIN OUR - - Banking ow 4. 51 . thing fo Join FOR THE EIRST WEEK NEXT 5 SECOND NATIONAL BANK ; MEYERSDALE, PENN’A. | Beht' tha ai dropped dead a few minutes after en- eR alin By Wl 3 tering the Hall wikre he Was to give % acl iE Vy In‘its eAdeavoFs {6' Pus the defense 1° Cath to the offiéers of the lodge. bills through congress the administra Manufacture of 2,500 freight cars ton Kas ‘undoubtedly been handi- forthe Pittsburgh and Lake Erie rail- capped by the attitdde of the respon- road 15 16 bs" sible Democratic leaders in the two arted at” Once‘dit the | Bouses. “Mr. Kifehin is an out and out opponent of tas as advocat- 4d by the president,” While Senator it ible for the Work to be “Kerf, the sents Tekder, is a aritic of prac _ Be will be the a Tid no help to the Stven steady employment” @ “A admin tion NE . iN pany at New Castle, Pa. Settlé- ment of the strike of the laborers has ey arose trmearas | An immediate heavy demand for LONGSHOREMEN T0 STRIKE seamless tubes is causing ithinense : —— Shipments by express of this product Tie-Up Threatened at Baltimore; Will ‘of the Pittsburgh Steel Praducts com. Hider Grdin’and’ Minitten' Shipments. ; pany in Charleroi to plants in Har: What is said to be the beginning of | #ison, N. J., and Canton, O° The tubes a ement which is expected to tie @&re to be used for roller bearings in up “#1 shipping on’ the Atlantic coast &utomobile and motor truck’ many started at Baltimere Sunday with the facture. n anhouncement of "the longshoremesn me thet’ a strike’ is imminent. *! Judge Marshall Brown of Pitts They refused té load the ship Swan. burgh ordered the jury sitting In the more. There are 4,000 members of ©8se of W. L. Butz of Chicag6, on the local union. President Ferguson frial charged with corrupt solicitation’ of the federation of ‘labor addféssed In trying to procure gambling privi- the men and urged them to agree to leges from former Magistrate William arbitration, but they hobted hiti°down H. Robertson, now a member of the and decided to “strike. “The matter City council, to return a verdict of not was then ‘taken up By thé executive euilty. tt i it erect tee which is considering the Mrs. Frank Batch, thirty years old, : f Salemville, about six miles from Th d © Lemviie : 08, pon of She ay Bg ran inciegee Greensburg, is dead and her two chil a half for overtime. They also ask dren, Netta, three months old, and for a change in the gang rules. Anna, two years old, are in the West- Sowers men Strike 1 will pom MOMOISH] Busptiglih § Serfods Soatt possible to handle the grain and muni- tion as the result bj S exp 0sion tions awaiting shipment. , 8n oil lamp in their ome. : Their skiff smashed by .a huge log This ‘is | and had insufficient meat for a'longer Stead was demolished by a Baltimore said to be the main cause for the low period, when they were transferred in and Ohio passenger tain: sy The The only possible remedy | a gale-swept sea to the Thessaloniki’s Thirteenth street crossing, Braddock. while they were crossing ‘the “Cone- PASSENGERS ON SHORT RATICAS FOR DAYS maugh river at Sand Patch, near La- trobe, three men, all Italians, were Had Only Half Cup of drowned before they could bs rescued. Water Daily For Voyagers. i Anthony Coco, boarding ‘boss, and two The 177 passengers of the abap-' of his boarders, unidentified, were the had been living on a half! cup of water each day for three days,! 4A bakery wagon of West Home- the Patrie, aboard which Bugdon Zasiroff, aged thirty-five, of New York. West Homestead, driver, was hurled bread and vegetables from his seat and painfully injured. sufficient. Coal! Frank Miller, aged thirty-eight, of passengers did Q@reenville. while on a visit to rela- tives at Hastings, was run down and arrived in The supply of on the voyage was the cold which ac plant of the Standard Steel Car com-i| of th varies —an hurried -up, sure to with you. tobaccos can’t compare with “FIVE "BROTHERS. In strenuous hours of work or in pleasant hours of relaxation, be have some of this wonderful tobacco FIVE BROTHERS is sold everywhere —get a package today. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY 4 mid. rand. that’s why hashed-up kifled on the railroad there. Cr nelly SEE CH de RLS TRY OUR FINE JOB WORK A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man an unhappy slave. For impure blood and sluggish liver use Burdock Blood Bitters. Ou | In Use For Over 30 Years | the market 85 years. $1.00 per bottle Always bears | Signature of A el Nl ef A NN a SA NNN A ASN or Manly Meg : We have purposely a tobacco to appe al to the stron 2 YEorous, man who wants fi honest sweetness or chew. “0 FIVEBROTHERS. It is designed - especiallytosatisfy thetobacco- hungry man. It fills the bill.” = men, two-fiste FIVE "BRC start using FIVE BR: get the same satisfaction’ out of any’ other Pipe Smoking bas character to it. That's why it appeals to d he te Lh ls to and EB ROTHERS is made from uth for three to five SorrEot as to fe ote oh and en Ri feed mellowness and richnes e tobacco. That's why its quality never For Infants end Children ance combine me iness in his smoke - This tobacco is Firemen, Policemen, out-of-doors men in general lifes See dey oa cannot Tobacco Ea pleases these men at CASTORIA| Our Job Work | HAVE YOU TRIED THE JOB WORK OF THR COMMERGIAL? OUR WORK IS OF THE BEST AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. GIVE US A TRIAL “FA ¢