Em Ds AM — NEWS IN GENERAL Clementine Princess of Belgium. has sent out an appeal to Americans for contributions to buy Christmas gifts for Belgian soldiers. All contributions are to be sent to the British Gifts for Belgian soldiers’ Fund, Hotel Cecil, Strand, London. The Supreme Court held constitu- tional the law of 1912, under which it is unlawful to import moving picture film of prize fights for public exhibit- ion. The decision was announced in a suit arising over the exclusion at New- ark, N. J. of a film of the Willard- Johnson fight at Havana. One hundred. and ten persons were killed in an explosion in the Belgian munitions factory at Havre a few days ago. The exact cause of the ex- plosion has not yet been determined. The investigation has developed: that one of the buildings contained boxes of ammunition which came from the, United States some time ago. In one of these boxes was an apparatus de. signed ‘to cause deflagration. George W. Herbert, a farmer living near Hagerstown, Md. will have fresh- ly-picked strawberries from his own vines for his Christmas dinner. Last Wednesday Mr. Herbert picked a pint of ripe berries from his patch of 200 plants, which are of a hardy variety. There are more berries on the vines, and Mr. Herbert expects them to be ripe for Christmas. Chancellor Von-Bethmann-Hollweg’s |! speech in the German Reichstag, a few days ago, has practically put an to all talk of an early peace, so far as Great Brittain is concerned. Sev- eral high officials said the remarks of the German Chancellor should con- . vince even the most ardent pacifist that the end of the war is not in sight. The London newspapers. naqt only took the same view, but a certain por- | tion of the press declared that peace prospects are now more remote, as the result of Bethmann-Hollweg’s speech than at any time since the war began. The American International Corpor- ation, recently organized by New York interests connected with the National City Bank and other prominent finan- ciers have announced the purchase of the entire remaining fleet of the Paec- ific Mail Steamship Company, consist- of seven steamships. In this venture the corporation has secured the co- operation of William R. Grace & Co. importers and exporters between the United States and South America, who are represented on the board of the new international corporation. Incid- entally, by this step, the last fleet of vessels under the United States flag on the Pacific Ocean will not suffer complete disintegration. En route to new homes in Chicago and on middle western farms, 400 women and children, refugees from the war swept countries of Europe, arrived at Ellis Island last week. They were in charge of Father John De- ville of Chicago. The party came from Rottrdam with tales of horror and suffering in the war zones of Belgi- um, Russian Poland, Galicia and the Balkan states. Mrs. Anastasia Kor- chipitz of Sarnok near Czernowitz, will join her husband near Wilming- ton, Del; She told, how she had liv- ed three weeks in the cellar of her home with the family cow, which she had driven into the cellar just before the, Russians, had entered the town. She said, that, she had. lived. on milk "an potatoes while the town changed hands nine. times; at, last. she. sald; the, ki rm “All Aboard” for Five Brothers Nothing like a god satisfy- ing chew to keep your nerves steady and’ your head clear. Street car men are about the busiest lot of fellows on earth. Starting — stopping — watch- ing traffic—taking care of passengers — something's going on every minute. It would be a tough job, for them if they didn’t have their FIVE BROTHERS to smooth out:the kinks;. but it's “All Aboard for the Cons. tentment Avenue Line” when they use this. rich, mellow, healthful tobacco, Pipe. Smoking Tobacco. is made from pure Southern Kentucky tobacco, aged: from, three to. five: years so as to bring out its full ripe flavor and rich fragrance: Ld : Mbst: sturdy, live men: 5 won't’ use: any other brand; once they've tried FIVE BROTHERS—because no other brand ‘has the snap, the taste, and the honest. sweet- ‘ness, of FIVE BROTHERS. It gives: you; big, juicy ‘satis faction such as you- get: out: of a.goodsquare meal; “Mind your step? — get: aboard FIVE: BROTHERS for. a week's trial of chewing and" smoking and you'll neverstop. FIVE BROTHERS: is. sold everywhere —get a package today. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY MA AAA ————r — WTA YAR AA AA a na "WHERE ARE THEY SOLD? Messengers of good: health. They! before the Christian era. Even the me: help protect your country, your meigh- chanical toy is not a new invention, for : in ancient Greece, where mov stat- br, your family and yourself from tu- | eR i fing i berculsis and its, cost. and poor, there was scarcely. an Athe HOW MUCH ARE:THEY? mian house which did not possess a me. One Cent each. chanical toy of some sort. At all the leading Business places. TRY OUR FINE JOB WORK THE; COMMERCIALS: OUR. WORK. I18,.OF THE. BEST ANE OUR, PRICES ARE RIGHT. GIVE US A: TRIAL: Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORILA Soon after twins arrived at his|LOOK AT THE LABEL ON YOUR home, Chas. BE. Taylor of Staunton, | PAPER. PAY UP IF YOU OWE. Via., attempted suicide by hacking — his head with a hatchet and then Begin our new serial to-day, slashing his thoat with a knife. Phy- | Double Dealer, You will enjoy It siciang #ay, that he will recover um- -~ FOLEY FAMILY WORM CANDY less blood poisoning. sets in. Taylor already: had eight other children. wave Successful Children Like It Children Ury FOR FLETCHER'S | CASTORIA POLF™ KIDNEY P12 JONEYS AND B I Inches Still done ing, 1 tion 4