The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 25, 1915, Image 8
ys gent - « w ‘Barchus spent last Thursday in Jeu- wi _ tives in Mannington and Morgantown, 'jyngs digestion SALISBURY. very large number ai‘ended. Union Thanksgiving services will Mrs. Rebecca Johnson and children be held in the Church of the Brethren } spent last week with her son, Edward © Thanksgiving Day at 10 &. m the ser-' in Garrett, Pa. mon to be preached by the Rev. F. M. J. Folk, of Fredonia, Pa. is vis- Waltz. iting friends and relatives here. iy Herbert McKinley returned to; Dr. Wm. Grant and Mayer A. T. her home at McDonaldton after hav- | Matthews, Oakland, were in town on ing spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. S. R. McKinley. Jere Shoemaker, snakeologist of There is to be an old time “shoot- Negro mountain, was in town one day | ing match” in the Berkley club room last week and we suspect that he was | in Berkley, Nov. 25. Every body that making arrangements with our snake can carry a gun is invited to come. charmer, Wm. C. Wagner to assist| People are busy making prepara- him in his Snakeological researches rations for butchering. Those who the coming season. Mr. Wagner who butchered on Monday were: C. B. Sa- has been troubled severely with boils ler, Isaac Neimiller, and carbuncles for the past few weeks and John Bayers. will by that time have recovered sudi- ficiently to aid Mr. Shoemaker in the capture of the venomous rattlers which are quite plentiful in parts of Negro mountain. Landlord William Dietzz is already making arrange- ments to get anotherman to fill the va- ; cancy in the porter department which : will occur should Mr. Wagner sign up with Mr Shoemaker. Howard Yaist and family moved last week from near Coal Run to their home on the outskirts of Salisbury. The quarantine has been li“ted from in the Western Maryland hospital for the home of J. L. Barchus where a | the past three weeks, is expected mild case of chicken-pox had existed. | home this week. Bishop U. F. Swengle, D. D. of The pupils are enjoying their vaca- Homesburg preached in the local Ev | tion this week. Th2 teacliers have angelical church on Sundy morning | gone to county institute. at 10:30. Mrs. Mahlon Reich suffered from an Miss Fannie Shaw of Hilldale Farm | attack of quinsy the past week. -is visiting Mrs. Lydia Shaw. Mrs. Amos Broadwater spent the Rev. F|. J. Sparling of Pittsburg rast wek with her daughter, Mrs. spent several days last week with his | Durst, whose little daughter had been son, Clyde V. Sparling at this place. | very ill but is now recovering. The Salisbury basket ball club will On Monday evening, a crowd of celebrate Thanksgiving evening by | “cung people assembled at the home having a game in the Fire Engine | of C B. Saler for the purpose of hav: house and a dance in May's hall and | ing a miscellaneous shower for Mr. a supper from 5 to 12 in Hay’s opera |and Mrs. Harry Saler, who were re- house. cently married. They received many Frank Engle was taken to the Wes- | useful and beautiful gifts. Those pres- tern Maryland Hospital, Cumburlapd, ent were—Marie Shultz, Cleda Shultz, the latter part of the week and Mon- | | Nellie Neimiller, Howard Sellers, Nel day was operaied upon foi appendi lie Sellers, Mabel Sellers, Stewart citis and floating kidney. © | Walker, Mary Hay, Edgar Hay, Ida On Friday afternocoa thu different | Wilhelm, Stanley Wilhelm, Lester rooms of our schools collected in the James Walker, Cora Weigley and second primary, and second interme-, Walter Fike. The evening was pleas- diate and grammar rooms and render- antly spent in playing games after od appropriate Thnksgiving etertain- which elaborate refreshments were ments. Invitations were sent out to served. al the patrons and quite a number of | Lester Wilhelm spent Saturday re- visitors was present. pairing Wilson Neimiller’s house. Misses Pearl Dahlgren, Helen Some of our people have been at: Knecht, and Ruth Hay were present tending the meetings in Meyersdale at a chicken dinner at the Victoria at the Brethren church this week. Hotel in Grantsville a few days ago. —_— Mr. an Mrs. C. M. May, Mr. and THE WEAKEST LINK. Mrs. E. H. Miller and Mrs. J. L, Ljttle Talks on Health and Hygiene By Dr. Samuel G. Dixon. ' 1 ! | BERKLEY. in- law, Mrs. Hostetler, visited at the home of John Bayer over Sunday. Tuesday evening, Nov. 16, Howard Werner and Miss Edna Hay were mar- ried in Berlin by Rev. Wiant. Mrs. George Fritz is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Shultz. Mrs. Levi Shultz, who has been con- fined to her bed for four weeks hy an attack of sciatica rheumatism, is not improving very rapidly. Mrs. Joe Neimiller, who has been ner making the trip in the May car. Mrs. Victoria Baumgartner return-, po you know which is your weakest ed last week from a visit with rela- link in your chain of life? Is is heart, or nerves? Which of the various organs apd functions . S— | of the body threaten trouble? GLENCOE. The chances are that unless you Fred Thomas and Wm. Addis, of have a thorough physical examination Connellsville are at J. T. Leydig’s you could not tell, for symptoms are on two weeks’ hunting siege. {misleading and oftentimes their Bob Webreck left his parental | manifestation is general or sympathet home last Thursday to seek other |ically indicates the trouble is located pastures where he hopes to land a ,in some other organ than the one that good job. ‘is the actual seat of the trouble. 8. R. Leydig and wife entertained | If there is a knock in the engine of the bulk of their Leydig relation at | your automobile you are the first to dinner on Sunday. It was a. sumptu- {desire an overhauling to rectify the ous affair and everybody enjoyed the | { trouble. You know if a mechancial eats and the talk common to suCh-0C- | 4.¢..¢ of this sort continues it is go: casions. {ing to multiply the trouble before Our teachers are attending the Co. tone and that is just what happens institute at Somerset. , Chas. Hartman of the Formosa J He humag mechatlisn. Stock farm is the proud father of a It is well known by the medical fine boy born November 15. profession that those suffering from Robert Shumaker of Mt. . Pleasant | esate complaints may often through spent a few days of last week with vigorous adherence to certain ration- old friends here and incidentally did al methods of living , recover suffi- some hunting. ciently to live long and useful lives Mrs. J. L. Snyder is busy getting | While those suffering from functional her extra house realy for renters; disorders may, by following out the Mr. Rae and family of Bosell to occu- | [nStructions of able medical men, en- py it. entirely recover their health. John Tressler has. been promoied Everyone suffering with persistent to passenger on the B. & O. for which | cold, headache or pains, should con- sult a good physician and submit ‘e duly proud. ‘The vaudevile show of two nights | themselves to ,a thorough physical stand was well attended by our ©Xamination. It would be well for town’s theatre goers. everyone to be examined once a year. The ladies are busy engaged can- This should include an examination ning “squeals” since the men chopped of the blood vessels, blood, heart, kid- up the most of the swine in this sec- | 2675 consideration of weight in re- tion. gard to height and the general ac tivities of the various organs. Thonucsiving erviess Vere bent Such an examination superficially W. Va. L by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Kresge. y b ® jmade is of no value. It should be GRANTSVILLE thorough and the daily routine and habits of the individual carefully con- sidered in relation to his physical condition. Men ordinarily are obliged to sub- mit to a medical examination now and then when they take out life insur- ance. Women are not so oftem in- sured and hence under ordinary eir- cumstances are more apt to neglect { physical examination. It is egnally essential to both. Henry Miller and family of Stone House Farm, and Miss Catherine Crowe of Frostburg, spent Sunday with H. C. Bonig and family. ! ‘Lafayette Miller of Ohio, was a re- cent visitor at the home of his broth- en, Joel Miller. Mr. Clarence Loechel and family took dinper with Mrs Dr. Carney on Sunday. Mr. Bob Miller of Uniontown and J. A. Beachy bought a number of Byy YOUR COFFEE AT BITT. horses last week, two big ones being NER’S GROCERY AND GET ALUM- ‘bought of Urban Stanton. | INUM WARE FREE. Miss Lucretia Boucher spent the | rm ses week-end with Miss Angela Getty. EGGS ARE A GOOD PRICE; KEEP An entire week of service was held YOUR HENS HEALTHYWITH DR. by Rev. Oney in the Lutheran church | HESS PAN-A-CE-A AND LOUSE KiL- in preparation for communion ser- | LER, BOTH GUARANTEED, AT vice which Was held on Sunday. A: HOLZSHU & WEIMERS. - John Wilhelm | Mrs. Wm. Hostetler and daughter- NO. 58333 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Of Meyersdale, Penn’a. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ve e's ee ete etn Early Models of MILLINERY NOW BEING CLEARED To clear the way for incoming holiday goods, At the close of business, November 10th 19135. RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts (notes held in bank) — — — — — $592,916.99 Total loan — — — — — 592,916.99 2. Overdrafts unsecured $ 182.26 182.26 3. a U. S. bonds deposited ‘to secure circulation (par value) — — 66,000.00 b U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value) — 8,000.00 c¢ U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits par value 2,000.00 Total U. S. bonds — —— 76,000_00 4. b Bonds other than TU. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. denosits 2,000.00 c¢c Bonds other than TU. 'S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits — — — — — — — — 3,000.00 f Securities other than U, S. bonds (not including stocks) owned unpledged — — — — — — — 88,110.00 Total bonds, securities etc.— 93,110.00 5. Stocks other than Federal Reserve Bank Stock st 9,125.00 6. Subscription of stock of Federal 86,885.00 Reserve Bank — —9,900.00 a Less amount unpaid -—4,950.00 4,950.00 7. a Value of banking house (if un- encumbered) . ie Ti 26,000.00 6. b Equity in banking house —_ — 26,000.00 7. Furniture and fixtures — — — 3,300.00 8. Real estate owned other than $ banking house — — — — — 6.200.00 9. Net amount due from Federal Re- serve Bank — — — p= — — 9,950 87 10. a Net Amount due from approved reserve agents in New York, Chi cago and St. Louis — — — — 10,221,97 b Net am’t due from Appro’'d re- serve agents in other res’ cities 53,739.54 63,961.21 12. Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than in 9 & 10) 165,403.66 14. Other checks on banks in the same city or town as rep. bank 179.89 14. b Fractional currency .nickels, cts. 191.49 191.49 14. Notes of other national banks — 9,600.00 15. Federal reserve notes — — ——= = 500.00 18. Coin and Certificates.. .. 40,916.30 19, Legal tender notes, Lawtal money reserve in bank .. i... 16,120.00 18. Redemption fund with U. S. Trea- surer, not more than 6 per on circulation Due from U. S. Treasurer — — 2,660.60 Total — — — — — — $969,057.57 LIABILITIES . 1. Capital Stock paid in — — — — 65,000.00 2. Surplus fund — — — — — — — 100,000.00 2. Undivided profits 41,645.29 : ’ Reserve for — — — — — =m == 41,645.29 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid — — — — 7,835.73 33.809.56 Circulating notes outstanding .. 64,300.00 30. Due to banks and bankers not in 28 and 29 .. .. lite 909.47 8. Demand deposits — — — — — oa . a Individual onli subject to check — — = — — = pe 181,540.38 b Certificates of deposits due in less than 30 days, — — — — — : 65,129.48 ¢ Certified checks, — — — — — 20.49 d. Cashier's checks cutstanding — 105.76 e United States .depo pe — 4,333.48 t Postal Savings deposits -§ — — 3,545.88 Total Deposits . 264,676.47 SE 10 a Certificates of deposit due om oF ‘Fw. 7 "~~ 7 ‘after 30 days — — — WH == = 143,239.57 c Other time deposits — — == «= ' EH 307,123.50 Total of Time Deposits 40-41-42 .450,363.07 kas Total — — — — ~— — $969,057.57 State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset 8S: I R. H. Philson, Cashier of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. " R. H. PHILSON, Cashier. I Siiihmier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of November, 1915. : J. Milton Gnagey, Notary Publc. My Commission expires at end of next session of Senate. AMUSE. ENTS | “The Commuters” at the Garden Correct —Attest: W. T. HOBLITZELL, F. B. BLACK, S. B. PHILSON, Directors. we offer a number of charming trimmed hats in the early fall fashions at prices designed to ef- fect an immediate clear- ance. Please remember these hats are stylish and desirable. For 1-4 OFF Ladies’ Suits at Reduced Prices You can have your selection from our entire line of New Fall and Winter Suits---all the newest shades -2- -2- Suits for A good many folks no doubt, are Conjecturing in their minds are as to just what a Retinscope and an Opthalimoscope are. “i= -2n If you are in any way Troubled with your EYES Come to see me and I will DEMONSTRATE Their Important Uses To You. -:- With these two little instruments or TROUBLE FINDERS we can correct the MINUTEST DEFECTS. : a2 i I'am prepared to give you a thorough TEST, No guess work, But mathematical correctness. COME TO SEE ME COOK, The Optometrist, Eye Sight Specialist GLASS TALK NO 3 " The next Kleine attraction Wed aesday, Dec. 1st. another one like “Officer 666” with Irene Fenwick Hn the leading vole, “The Commu:3#s' a o.. ghtfal A'.c production of the well known James Forbes comgdy wh.~h enjoyed such remer-~bl: ag: cess upon the speaking stage. : Should a Woman Divorce?” The Ivan Film Corp. presents Lea Leland and Leonid Samoloff in the social problem play of the Y> “Should a Woman Divorce” a power- ful realistic drama in five parts. Dep't miss it, at the Summer Garden, Thurs day, Dec. 2nd. “CORA” B. A. Rolf presents “Cora” on fhe Metro program featuring the illuséri- ous dramatic star Miss Emily Stevens in| the highly interesting photo play, “Cora” from the play by Frederic De Greesa, Friday evening, Dec. 8rd, Join the Metro crowd. You are mise ing something if you don’t. ANOTHER MINE REOPENED. The Hillworth Coal co. has begun the work of re-opening its No. 3 mine at Acosta, expecting to have it in full (operation about 1. Jno. C. Cosgrove the local manager whose office is in Johnstown, has placed an order for new pumps, new haulage locomo- | fives and new mine cars. The company will need about 109 kd- ditional men. The other mines of this Short for “Varsity Fifty F'ive;” you see one of the many variations of this famous suit in the illus- tration. Varsity Fifty Five is the preferred style for young men this season. We can show you just what you like in style, and fit you perfectly in many attractive fabrics. HARTLEY & BALDWINgs., The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes FE company near Acosta are working now | TRY RED RIBBON BRAND COFFEE } at BITTNER'S GROCERY. a TN et PN CI pth Del pes CAR ee bend ek ; IN PE hed Sh pes BR Gt BE al he DE a bad Pt MD Me AN ON BE G1 Mo bed ef ID Ad BS RE ee ee PO A A a nw a oh i a ; BB 4 Po ee ed bt A od ch ew dN Ld AB A pe A a 8 ~ 8B ~ B 1 “nn