The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 18, 1915, Image 6

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cl 5
That all unmarried men of military |
age throughout the British Isles who
have not already enlisted will be draft-
without further ceremony next month
is considered a certainty.
Afghanistan is preparing to war a-
gainst the British possessions in In
dia acording to telegrams received
by the Overseas News agency from
Constantinople. The fighting has al-
ready begun.
More than $5,000,000 of the immense
war profits of the Krupp Gun Works
in Germany will be distributed for re-
lief of the soldiers’ families, officials
of the company stated on Friday. The
Krupp family will take its usual 12
per cent.
The purchase by the Italian gov-
ernment of 65,000,000 feet of yellow
pine from several of the southern
states has caused an upheaval in the
American lumber markets and will
affect prices this winter. The gigantic
deal by the Italiacs is for the pwr-
pose of procuring lumber with which
ito build winter quarters for the Ital-
ian soldiers.
Just before the American liner St.
Louis sailed for Liverpool on Monday
afternoon a man was arrested while
trying to get on board with a suit case
containing two big sticks of dynam- |
ite. At police headquarters the prison-
er gave the name of Abraham Cum-
mings. He is 40 years old and says
that he formerly worked in a coal
mine near Pittsburg.
Jno. S. Merion of Chester, Pd., a
senior in the department of chemis- |
try at State College fell out of a 4th |
story window at the Hotel Allen at
Allentown , Thursday and was killed.
Merion was one of a party of 27 chem-
istry students who was on an inspec-
tion trip of the industrial plants of the
Lehigh valley.
One hundred guards, the company’s
entire special force on Thursday sur-
rounded the great munition works of
the Bethlehem Steel Company, where
early on last Wednesday fire wiped
out machine shop No. entailing a loss
estimated at $3,000,000. The works
are located at Bethlehem, Pa., The fire
is supposed to be due incendiarism.
Sinking of another Italian steamer |
with loss of life attending its destruc-
tion was reported while indignation
over the Ancora tragedy was still at |
its height on Saturday. The liner Fi-
renze, was sunk on November 9th by
an Austrian submarine while bound
from G>2noa to Port Said in the Medi-
terranean. 15 members of the Firenze
crew and six passengers are miss-
ing. It is believed that these all per-
Booker T. Washington, foremost
teacher and leader of the negro race,
died early Sunday at his home near
the Tuskegee institute of which he
was the founder and president.Harden
ing of the arteries followed a nervous
. breakdown, causing death four hours
after Washington arrived from New
York. Although he had been in failing
health for several months, the negro
leader’s condition became serious only
last week while | he was in the east.
He then realized the end was near,
but was determined to make the last
long trip south.
A profound sensation has been can-
sed in Washington by the latest devel-
opment in the pro-German and pro-
Austrian propaganda—the statement
of Dr. Joseph Coricar, former Austro-
Hungarian consul at San Francisco,
that all Austrian consuls fn this
cpuntry are mixed up fn the creation
of strikes amd ‘destruction of wuni-
tipn plants and that Count Von Berns:
a the German ambassador end
nsul general Von Nuber are ‘direc
ting the movements. President Wil
sgn has directed that agents of the
dgpartment of justice at once star}
ap investigation of the charges made
by Dr, Goriesr,
‘Absolute control of sll food supplies
by the government in Austria-Hunga:
ria as well as in Germany is expected
to result from conferences between
Dr. Von Bethman-Hollweg the impe-
rial chancellor for Germany, nnd Ba-
ran Burian, the Austrian foreign min-
ister. Announcement was made recent-
ly that foodstuffs of every descrip-
tion will be under control of the gov:
ernment and the chancellor will also
make public a list of maximum pric-
es shortly showing what grocers,
meatdealers and others may charge.
The rich as well as the poor will be
subject to.these food restrictions. The
man with millions will pay the same
prices as the day laborer and he will
get no more than his less fortunate
Mistaking an attendant at the coun-
ty home for a burglar, Dr. Jno. S. Mil-
ler who lives near Somerset, shot the
man as he was about to ascend the
stairs in the Miller residence. The bul-
let enterad the right breast. His con-
dition is serious. Dr. Miller was un:
able to ascertain how the man enter-
ed his home. gms
W. Curtis Truxal Esq. for G. D.
{ Whitcomb, has instituted suit against shipped here by Germany.
the Quemahoning Coal Company for
$1,108.39. The plaintiff avers that the
money is due for fittings and supplies
he sold to the coal company.
Gordon, the nine-year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walker of Somer-
set died ot the Johnstown City Hospi-
tal where he underwent an orecration
several days ago for appendicitis. Tn-
terment was made at Shanksville.
Officers and directors of the Peo-
ples State bank at Boswell are con
sidering the erection of a fine new
office building to adjoin the present
home of the institution. The building
will be the largest and most modern
in the town.
The remains of John J. Walker, a
steel worker who was killed in a fall
from a building in Pittsburg last week
were brought to Somerset Sunday
night and buried Monday. Mr. Walker
married the widow of the late Jacob
Pyle some years ago.
Mrs. Elizabeth Baldwin, aged 73
years was run down by an automo-
bile a few days ago at Somerset. She
sustained a fracture of the left knee
cap and a gash in her right arm. The
car was driven by Frank Shaulis of
Lincoln township who rendered ail
assistance possible after the accident
which those who saw it, say was un-
Albert Ringler, husband of Grace
Lafferty Ringler, has asked Judge
Ruppel to appoint a guardian to take
charge of his wife's estate, and pre-
serve it for her four children. Mrs.
Ringler has been an inmate of the
County Hospital for three years, and
it is reported that she is mentally in-
capable of looking after her own
Somerset county Socialists elected
a justice of the peace, an auditor tnd
two councilmen at Garrett, and one
councilman at Hooversville, Council-
man-elect Darnley, Meyersdale, re-
ceived 113 Socialists votes, but he
was on all tickets. Every precinct re-
turned one or more Socialist votes,
and the total high vote for each of
the 56 precincts shows that 1,031 elec-
tors voted for one or more of the can-
didates on the Socialist ticket.
Dr. J. H. Garey, a former resident
of Berlin, who passed several months
in that town visiting friends and rel-
atives, returned to Wilsey, Kansas,
last week, where he has lived for a
number of years. The doctor ad-
mits that while Kansas is under the
law a “dry” state, here and there a
“wet” spot develops, but, he says,
there are young men who have at-
| tained their majority in that state
[who have never had the disgusting
spectacle of seeing a drunken man.
Berlin’s next postmaster will be a
Democrat. The Republican WwW. W.
Marshall, is now finishing his second
term. By virtue of change of the ad-
ministration his successor will be a
Democrat . A. R. Dallam and C. W.
Krissinger are being mention for the
position. "The former conducts the
moving picture show and the latter
has an interest in the Eclipse Wood-
en Pulley Company. Up until about
ten years ago Mr. Marshall conducted
the Berlin Record. :
The citizens of Boswell are delight-
ed with the new lighting system re-
cently installed, Instead of arc lights
Committee has had placed a number
‘of smaller lights. Instead of sixty-
in darkness are now illuminated. The
tem two years ago, and the change
1s generally approved.
Windber is holding its big revival
For weeks people there had heen pre-
paring for the religious campaign
which gpened in the tabernacle Sun
day, November 14. The following are
the officers and committees in charge
of the work: Rev. Charles E. Hillis,
evangelist, Kahoko, Mo.; Prof. Law-
rence Stahl, musical director and
head of fhe young men’s department;
Mrs. C. E. Hillis soloist and director
of women’s work; Wm. F. 8. Yates,
pianist ad soloist; Jno. J. Carroll, cus-
Members of the Town Council of
Benson Borough have petitioned
Judge Ruppell for the appointment of
viewers for the purpose of placing a
value on the electric light plant of
the White Oak Light, Heat and Power
Company. The petitioners aver that
the borough is desirous of purchas-
ing the plant. The corporation must
show cause in court why the viewers
should not be appointed. The petition
is signed by A. E Cassler, president
of the council, and J. E. Cassler, M.
D. Helsel, Stanley Wison and H. H.
Cassler. The burgess has not joined
in the petition.
Py re
Children Ory
located at great distances, the Light |
eight. apes, there age now many small
ones, and places that formerly were!
cost of the ngw yystem 1s also a sav.
ing. Somiersdt adopted the same sys-
| Boswell may soon be supplying at
least a part of the dyestuffs formerly
| At a recent board of trade meeting
| the matter of commercializing coal tar
was brought up. Dyestuff is produced
| from just such tar as could be manu-
factured in great quantities there.
The tar is a thick, black, heavy
liquid obtained by distillation of bi-
tuminous coal in the manufacture of
illuminating gas, and is used for print-
ers’ ink, black varnish, and other
things. It is a complex medium from
which many substances have ‘been ob-
tained, especially hydrocarboms of the
benzine aniline phenol, napthaline and
anthracene, which are respectively
typical of the dyestuffs formerly sup-
plied to the United States iby Ger-
many. :
Attention was called to the many
products to be derived from the coal
tar and it was pointed out that im-
mense' deposits of coal, said #o be in-
ferior for the markets as steam coal,
lie in the hills surrounding Boswell.
It is not at all unlikely that a big
plant for the distillation of coal tar
will be established in that town.
There are a number of ideal locations
and with improved shipping facilities
the commercialization of coal tar
should become one of the communities
most important industries.
The lorge barn on the farm of Mil-
ton Schrock, near Rockwood, with
"all its contents, was destroyed by fire
on Wednesday of last week. The in-
surance carried was $1,000, which, it
is reported, will not more than cov-
er one-third of the loss. With Har-
rison Bittner’s hay baler, a number
of men were engaged in baling hay,
and it was while they were at dinner
that the fire occured. The flames
had gained such headway that the
men were unable to save much prop-
erty. Included in the loss were the
baler, 700 bushels of oats, several
hundred bushels of wheat, in short,
the season’s crops. It is not known
how the fire started.
Hereafter the name and the address
of the patient, the date, the the names
of all of the ingredients and quanti-
ties, the full name and the address of
the physicin and his registry number
must appear on all prescriptions c¢all-
ing for narcotic drugs, or prepara-
tions, or remedies coming within the
scope of the Harrison Narcotic Law
according to a decision of Commiis-
sioner of Internal Revenue Osb¥ z
lectors and deputies last week. The
previous custom was to permit the
renewal of narcotic prescriptions by
merely indicating thereon the drug-
gist’s serial number.
Clyde Carver of Central City nar-
rowly escaped serious injury recently
when his automobile left the road
and collided with a fence. He was
thrown from his seat and sustained
slight ‘bruises. The machine was bad-
ly damaged.
George Miller and family have mov-
ed their household effects from the
Graham store at Stattertown to the
John Kinclay store at Cairnbrook.
The condition of John Mangus of
near Shade creek, who was stricken
several weeks ago with typhoid fever
is much improved. .
J. B. Uniberger has returned to his
home in Johnstown after visiting rel
atives mre.
on the: Howazd Powell farm near Cen
tez, has: resigned his position and res
turaed to his-home in Bedford county.
The condition of Mrs. Jacod Yaist
of Crabvalley, who has been seriously
ill, is-said to be slightly improving.
Everett Tissue and Leah Mitchell,
eloped to Cumberland Wednesday and
were married, returning home Friday.
Wilbert McNear has returned to
his home at Russellton after a several
‘days’ visit with aunt, Mrs. Annabell
Burnworth and cousins, J. L. and H.
P. Burnworth at Johnson Chapel.
J. Silbaugh, of Somerfield, and C. J.
Miller, of this place, who went to
Waterloo, Iowa, last spring, arrived
home to spend the winter. !
Milton Show has returned from a
visit with friends in Connellsville.
Mrs. O. B. Maddox and son, James,
have returned tos their home after a
visit with Mrs. Maddox’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Show, of this place.
Ursina and Confluence school board
are having a controversy over the
amount of tuition to be charged
Ursina .pupils in attendance at the
Confluence high school. Confluence
has rendered a bill charging $5 a
month but Ursina contends the pro
rata share is $4.66 a month.
J. B. Kannerly of Philadelphia. an-
Wm. C, Price
Successor to W. A. [Clarke
Funeral Director
Business conducted at the same place
Prompt attention given to all calls
at all times. Both Phones.
Just received a lot of Tuna Fish in
10, 15 and 25 ct. sizes at BITTNER'S
Mrs. T. Neureuner, Eau Claire, Wis.,
says, “Foley's Honey ad Tar Com-
pound cured my boy of a very severe
attack o croup after other remedies
had failed. Our milkman cured kis
children of whoopingcough.” Foley's
has a forty years record of similar
cases. Contains no opiates. Always in
sist on Foley's. Sold everywhere.
Hundreds of health articles appear |
in newspapers and magazines, and in |
practically every one of them the im-
portance of keeping the bowels reg
ular is emphasized. A constipated
condition invites disease. A depends
ble physic that acts without inconve
nience or griping in Foley Cathartie
The plumbing should be in-
stalled so as to avoid the necessity
of frequent repairs and prevent the
rate first cost from becoming ~T~
exorbitant. =
Our experience and skilled ——
workmanship together with the
high quality of materials and
use insure réliable plumbing.
Ask tor booklet.
Baer &(0.
Every Farmer with two or more
cows needs a
J. T. YODER, Office 223 Levergood St,
Johnstown, Penn’a
which was mailed to the various col- |
John Baser; who hes Yeon employed |
} Avvone in need of a first-class Slate
Roof, write to J. S. WENGERD
as we have
No. 1 Bangor or Sea Green Slate
in stock at Meyersdaleand can give
you a good price on slate
{ at the lowest prices
We have a good stock on hand and
prices will be higher when this is sold,
also Spouting.
Write for Delivered Prices
to any Railroad Station
We are always ready te do Job wer |
. Lubrication Without Carbon
There’s nothing more 1siportant to an
automobile ay good oil. “Waverly
al” is free from carbon—it is light—
itis thin—it feeds easily—it will not con.
geal. The ideal oil for either air-cooled
or water-cooled cars.
Your dealer sells it. If not, write to us.
A test will convince you,
Independent Refiners PITTSBURGH, PA.
320 © Book
tells about oil
Waverly Products Sold by
Holland Oleomargerine Butterine
Sold at The Leading Meat Market,
Right Up
Among the
Live Wires
~The hardy lads who hold
down the lineman’s job are
keen for a tobacco that has
a rich, sweet, mellow flavor
—something that’s man-size
We use the pure Southern Kentucky leaf in FIVE BROTHERS, We
to five years so as to bring out its full richness. The process can’t be h
no other tobacco can b
same as FIVE BROTE
and FIVE BROTHERS itself
can never vary in quality.
No matter what tobacco
you may be using now, just
week, and see if FIVE BRO-
THERS doesn’t give you
greater satisfaction, day in
and day out, working or rest-
ing, chewing or smoking, out-
doors or indoors. By the end
of the week you'll be a perma-
nent userof FIVE BROTHERS.
Get a package today—
sold everywhere.
i nounces that he had taken a 16-year
lease on the Ansbach coal tract on the
| Whites Creek branch of the Baltimore | and it is expected the output at the
and there — something
that makes a he-man feel
like a live wire. And thats
Plpe Smoking Tobsooo
We've spent fifty and milk
dollars creating tobacco £ rands. hn oli
at the reason FIVE BROTHERS pleases the
hearty smoker or chewer is because its quality
is honest and its value the biggest.
| & Ohio railroad about four miles from | start will be between 70 and 800 tons
| Confluence. The tract consists of 550 | daily. About 100 men will be employ-
acres of the best coal in the vicinity, ed after Nov. 22.
FOR Fevers TY
Our job work wili certainly please
i Tha
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