The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 11, 1915, Image 6

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ini ———————— EE —— ee — a
es | BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CONTEST | Farmers in this section of Somerset W nm. C. P rice a mm
1 3 ,
An outline of the army's part in the | Evangeline hyphen county say the apple crop is good =
national defense program to be sub- | SXbitarare holiday and that the orchards are proving Successor to W. A. [Clarke PLUMBING REQUISI TES
: : y | €Xquisiie rofitable. Somerset county apples Promptness—avoids annoyance od
mitted to Congress in December by SSonch heron p Y app S ptness— ;
i. 1 § se in theamount
the Administration was made public | andorsement insect are i bopular Syery Funeral Director i
a few days ago by Sce. Garrison, dis- | essential irrigation year an 1g shipments are being Busi Reliability—good plurnbi is a
> : ; gs conducted at the same plac eliability—good plumbing
Gloying omicially for the frst time de at SS retenty Toude nom the local terms ne %isd al he same Plan sickness preventative.
tails of plans to raise a great contin- cecéntric intellectual Mrs. 1sabel Shipley, who suffered Prompt attention given to all calls Darability—insures fall value for
ental or citizen army to supplement | embarrass imaginary a stroke while visiting at the home | at all times. Both Phones. your ey # the ab di
i . In it is] easel impelled of her granddaughter, Mrs. Edith | “~~ ~~~ Service—is all of the above and in
the regular Setlist. oi a ea Intellectual Smith, several weeks ago, has improv- Just received a lot of Tuna Fish in addition, a sincere effort to please
proposed to increase the reg equivalent infinity od sufficiently to be cient 10, 15 and 25 ct. sizes at BITTNER'S you and carry out your instructions
my from 108,008 to 141,843 officers | +c incessant Hu Yo be en:io: her GROCERY. explicitly.
and men, changing the term of enlist- | echoing JnSeparably Toe = Johns chapel. You make Septal] of getting Is
. rs with colors and | erase intelligent Edward Clark was a recent visitor . service when you have us place |
ent om ron Ee to two years | excelsior i to Elwood City on business. CROUP WHOOPINGCOUGH. unig” guaranteed fixtures in
iasm invincible our home. :
with the colors and four years on |Snioioias nvigorste Wayne Conway received word a| FERTILIZER IN 100 fos SACKS ¥ :
furlough; to organize a federal cit-| expletive incipient few days ago that his brother, Thur- ) P. J COVER a AE R Po'd ( ,O
izen army of 400,000 to be enlisted at | fertilizer isolated man of near Somerfield had died very < I ° .
-the rate of 133,000 a year for 3 years; | fungous Jastumonts suddenly. He left for Somerfield Mon-| Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis. o sc
to strengthen the State militia by in- Junfifiae Lo day. ) says, “Foley's Honey ad Tar Com- = OO 0 AA
creased appropriations and closer co- | fabrics indictment Clyde Brown who had , been work- | pound cured my boy of a very severe
operation, and to spend $20,000,000 | fascinate iris ing in Detroit, Mich for several weeks | attack o croup after other remedies ! : L
; i : fatally isosceles 8 |is visiting his parents, Mr. aM had failed. Our milkman cured his i
a year for four years in the accumula- facilit indefinzble . Yan I's. 4 ; . A
tion of reserve material for use by a Fini Illinois E. B. Brown at present. children of whoopingeough.” Moley's Every Parmer with two or more!
force of 500,000 men. February illicit Miss Christina Flanigan is’ visiting'| has a forty years record of similar s
A birth record that will surpass any | financier literate her sister Felicia at Indiana State | cases. Contains no opiates. Always in. COWS needs a ,
‘other a the prin Wes established by flsunc) in Normal School. sist on Foley's. Sold everywhere. 8
Mrs. Gaither Drewry, of Spencer Be heidion Bruce Tressler who has been work- | Hundreds of health articles appear : ; “It was as I ha
county, Kentucky a few days ago. | forty irrelevant ing in Windber is visiting his family | In newspapers and magazines, and in : - 3 had got under w
) ho is about 30 years |foreign irascible at present. practically every one of them the im- 4 i of the harbor tc
st Bees IavAIiS, | “orviie ke was a basins visto | borates of Seapine bowen eg Ra
* ’ | tugitive steering in a nf
seven of whom are living. Eighteen | frequency ° insomnia to Somerset recently. ular is emphasized. A constipated THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. were aiready. 2b
months ago, there were born to Mrs. | fundamental initiative L. S. Lincoln of Uniontown was here | condition invites disease. A depends L lak away from the
Drewry five children, three boys and | faucet Jugratinie on business several days. ble physic that acts without inconve Office 223 Levergood St., fT “On our text
f facetious indicative : : :
two girls. The girls died but the boys ferocity fnterlerence Miss Alma Donnecker and Miss | nience or griping in Foley Cathartie J. T. YODER, Johnstown, - Penna gendess,” contin
are doing nicely. Four boys were |fieriness incorrigible Tressler of, Meyersdale were among - then you know
lately born to her, all of whom are do- filament implicit those who attended the Epworth it is ut 5 goa
financial innnocent League rally here Thursday. i r I looked at ,
ig well we oan il y y | Anyone in need of a first-class” Slate fess my heart h
3seis : ’ ert Levy of Ursina was amon the : % VY jis
Official announcement by the London Yilininos un business visitors here Friday E . Roof, write to J. S. WENGERD het Mook oH
ts antasy : whic ainly s
War Office of the sinking of the fatigue ! iniquity C. C. Baker of Unamis was here on | as we have — PE
British transport Ramasan by a hos: grasshopper impartial his way to Kane, Pa. ; No. 1 Bangor or Nea Green Slate are the products of more than 80 Presently a &
tile submarine in the Aegean sea in |girdler jnosndiary Mrs. Elliott Beggs and Tittle daugh- years’ experience. Four brands— through the ai
i > n v x .
the latter part of September, previ- Susmey fraenisifess ter have returned to their home in | id stock at Meyersdale and can give 16°—Special—Motor—Auto through the ope
ously reported, shows or more fn Galloway incurable Uniontown after a few days’ visit with you a good price on slate Power Without Carbon Moni hp
300 men were lost when the transpor relati idolatry i : ean ishman, asked:
ESlztinous Py friends here. GALVANIZED ROOFING Waverly gasolines are all distilled “What do you
Felit dows. Se PR Mrs. Henry Boyd of Braddock has he i tor and refined from Pennsylvania Crude “t's the gre;
L. P. Hornbeck, County Game pro- | ganglion insensible arrived here for a visit with her par- at the lowest prices oi. Mig oitorm. More miles ing her steam _
tector and f.ouis Rhoades constable | Galileon inflammable ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little, We have a good stock on hand and pressed natural gas product. we shall not be.
of Winsted. Conn., were motoring be- Sallopad Joverse H. B. Snyder of Meyersdale was |!prices will be higher when this is sold, Waverly Oll Works Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. fernal noise : 8
side the 1ailroad when an expres geranium ignitable among the business visitors here also Spouting. i Minti ent Roles wis f ie hi
train struck a 200 pound deer and [generosity illegible last week. : Write for Delivered Prices Waverly Products Sold by ? jd won’t d
hurled it into their automobile. Thev | glazier identically E. H. Miller of Berlin was a recent to any Railroad Station ell” said Monk
were: onlari, RS? ial aan businéss visitor here. ——— ; BITTNER MACHINE WORKS -:- D. H. WEISEL «:- P. J. COVEE & SON Moyersdale vas again shaip
Another flood of angry protests a- [grieve jewelry Mrs. Clyde Bowlin of Ohiopyle is J. S. WENGERD : a ‘you would try as
gainst the British-French interference STeasiness juugment visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.D. 2 * mane yo
with American trade poured into the Dau Japenese sles Rockuot at Johnson Chapel | MEYERSDALE, -- PENNA _ = A What de py
state department from every section er Jovenils at present. TS —————— CHOICE DINNER AND TOI- Our job work will certainly please "Re dilerit, and
of the United States last week. It is | granite jardiniere J. W. Clark, of McKeesport was here We are always reddy to do fob » | LET SETS AT HABEL & PHILLIPS | you. we came to the :
he charged, that despite the wonder-|&entian jealous on his return from a visit with friends opidindl ness. The noise
¢ : ._| Gettysburg pollity at Selbysport, Md
ful showing of increased exports in ginseng Jerusalem ’ . say, from the 8g
the trade reports the real commerce germinate kitchen signal hich to
of the United States is being “stran- | ghastly i HOSTETLER CHURCH PAement The i
gled.” The National Association ot Du d Loans The services on last Sunday morn- ne us, sh
importers, the various organizations hybrids khaki ing at Hostetler church were well at- force, compel yc
of exporters in the big cities of the hackney kidnap tended and excellent sermon was vanger harbor. }
Atlantic and Pacific seaboards and the | headache kimono preached by Rev. Simon Berkley of priakes. five or si
habituall knead y © ¢ mi .
big mid-western beef packers all al- Le ns Kodak Meyersdale. “boat Pe i
o£ 3. : « pa
gett oN that their normal trade is impos- + - late © yoursel
ee ath 5] the bull of thei be Jemorrhage i AY Farmers are about through y'it A pire he ol
$ivie ald Laat the bu ly res nS ra b corn and the apples. Those fortunate ; Tt was 2 stud:
slar customers . everywhere, except: horizontal knapsack enough to own automobiles enjoying man’s face as I
jie. In angloFrench tertiary, ure be: | JOTenDiRL Kao'in rides tbis pleasant fall weather. pale rnd green
Ing lost to them through a systemat- |p ricane kpickknack Thos. Garletz was working with iis pointment. But
ic campaign backed by the British | Huguenot Kaustine di . the position.
Board of Trade. hygiene legumes team plowing ditches for the B. & O. Bh ion rani;
hydrogen laurel railroad last week at Sand Patch. wlan inDbogt
Twenty-six persons, the most of hydraulic laporatory The Andrew Horchner sale was nish yacht whic]
i i . | honorable latit eas 3
Liem ols ph Peed on Setarasy Bf Hr eT very extraordinarily well attended on Tew ful? Ie wil
lero In 8 factory firs in William: heiress lattice last Thursday. Everything that was positian, if noon
burg, Brooklyn, that approached in harelip legible was for sale was sold and’ everything n 0 as I do. \
horor, if not in the toll of the dead, | Hawaii leisure “This mornin
the Triangle shirtwaist disaster of a | handkerchief lettuce 201016 ‘Was water up, swer-' Mork,
Chas. and Frank Baer made a home the ohio. ang
few years ago. The rescue work which lost K ight 1th. thei a oh
was of the most daring character, A Mint of Money. ron os bi oe me hie i ass fh Rpian
saved the lives of many. Many of the The former director of the United separa ord masse 2 Dew - % » ‘at twelve the s
victims that did not perish at once | States mint in Philadelphia, Mr. Lang- | their corn shredder and hus : - They os
were taken to the hospitals where a @ Is, resigned after serving for twelve being generally used to the night air, yacht. I infor
number of them died. | years. In commenting on the fabu- | one o'clock atmosphere in the morn- had business on
: | lous wealth that has passed through |.id not hurt them. Their shredder & was not impro!
The poison gas factory at Dernach. | his hands Mr. Landis states that it | husker is hard to beat. posed to violent
Alsace, which was attacked on Fri- | consisted of $11,000,000 in cents, $19,
day by French aviators, was virtually | 000,000 in nickels, $65,500,000 in sil
destroyed. The manager and 43 work-| ver dollers, halves, quarters and
men are said to have been suffocated | €imes, and $372,000,000 in gold. The
by fumes resulting from explosions, | entire coinage totals $462,500,000. To
while other employees who were tem- | Be Ly eu the Taptt
porarily overcome have been sent to! - fa 2 sais 3
J. W. Forrest who purchased and
moved on the Meyers homestead in
Greenville township has been making
big improvements in a general way.
ranged that if w
within two hou
send a boat an
Wed yacht weighed :
ing left, the gu
compel the yac
think the capta
The fellow with the big; tough
muscles who can chop trees all day
. and lift the butt end of a hard log, is
° —
With the news that the Consolida-
tion has contracted for 45 new houses
hospitals } would tax the capacity of 683 cars of
Personal liberty advocates on Sun- |
| twelve tons each.
It would be im-
poseible to haul thfs vast sum with
in the great Jenner coal field comes
the announcement that the new mining
a hearty liver in everything he tackles. He likes his
tobacco rich, sweet, mellow and
ping thé yacht,
Norwegian sub
board by force
Long Cut—good
day at Chicago mustered 69,480 march | fewer than eleven locomotives, which
ers in the greatest parade ever held
{| would mean that each would have to
in that city as their answer to Mayor | pull about
gixty-three cars. These
Thompson’s famous Sunday Saloon |
cars in one train would extend about
fen miles. There was exactly $415,
closing order. For three hours Miihi- | 3415,
gan avenoe from curb was
| 000,000 in coin and gold bulllion in
the mint when Mr. Landis turned it
crowded with an unbroken phalanx |
over to his suceessor. The largest
of men and women afoot, mounted up- | amount at the mint at any one time
on horses and seated in every style | in the last twelve years was $452,-
of vehicle obtainable, who poured in-!| 000,000. This was in the Roosevelt
to the loop from every point of the | 2dministration.
compass. It was just six times as big
as the parade conducted a few weeks
preceding in regard to the closing of |
the saloons on Sunday.
about and let f
and the’ gunbo
That's the only
' avoid a scanda
The Englishn
swer a word, b
After a short p
a bell rope, whi
and the captair
with his gold-br
“Let her tack
where she was
These gentleme
‘thing; we must
till tomorrow.”
“I am glad to
to. your senses,
Your attempt to
away has made
“I will openly ac
rant of arrest :
sult of this litt]
neither the cap
the police will |
here until sych
tained from Ch:
“What do yo
“I have told ;
and concise ac
town is to be farther up the North
Fork of Quemahoning creek, on the
farm recently owned by Chas. Bell,
where two drift mines and one shaft
are to penetrate the rich coal depos-
its of the Consolidation company. The
new mines and mining town will be
in Lincoln township. The contract for
building the first plan of houses has
been awarded to the Somerset Lumber
Company and work thereon will
commence at once. The coal from the
new mines will be taken east over
the Western Maryland railroad. The
new mining town will be located at
the base of Laurel Hill mountain. The
shaft and mine openings will be on
the Bell farm: The town site will be
on the adjoining Meyers farm.
for both smoking and chewing. He uses
Pipe Smoking Tobacco
to curb
because it’s got the right
stuff in it.
Satisfaction—for a sturdy
man-—can come from real
tobacco only. Insipid mix-
tures don’t appeal to a man
with real tobacco hunger.
Southern Kentucky leaf, with
the "body" for a real smoke
or chew, rich and pleasing.
It takes three to five years to
age the tobacco in FIVE
BROTHERS; the process can't
be hurried. That's the reason
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Good and child
of Pittsburg are visiting Mrs. Good’s
The Ford Motor Company has an- | parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hard-
nounced a new discovery in metallur- jing.
gy of great importance to the iron and| Mrs, Edith Kerschensteiner was a
steel industries of the United States. | visitor last week with relatives in
Hereafter the iron ore consumed at Greenville townhip.
the Ford plant from 700 to 1000 tons | Sunday School was well attended
a day will go to the blast furnaces ' on Sunday as were the preaching ser-
in its crude state and be refined by | vices immediately afterwards by
one heat into pure gray iron and mal- Rev. W. M. Howe. *
leable iron. On Mr. Ford’s return from R. H Witford about a week ago took
Canlifornia his associate said he charge of the brick works at Williams
steel plant in Detroit was command-
ered, with its working force so that
The new discovery will save the com- |
‘pany $3,500,000 a
and committed
you many year
arm of the law
undertake. not
36 Broadway, Ne v
year. 5 I" 8t.. Washington, I.
would give his secret to the world! Station FIVE BROTHERS 1s so ripe, about the dia
free of all royalties. From the time| It is rumored that the BR yaone Trace MARKS mellow and healthful. Faigk's house si.
the crude ore enters the frunace until | Junction brick yards are to be re- Desiens here was ag:
: : . He : : : PYRIGHTS &C. gs
it is turned out in the form of com- built. It is said by some one, with Ansons sending sketch oid descrip 4 Fle PRoTpEng ts 209i evaty- onds. Wi 5
Pletely milled parts for motor cars what authority, the writer does not ALR Seeoinih OF SRS eo Consaair where—get a package today. Ye: o a
it will be allowed to cool.One pro- know, that the restored enterprise is | St Tras. Oldoat agency or Rec he pate : 5 Rr But it must be :
cess insted of two or more accom- to be conducted under a different firm. i ae Mone Munn ff Ce Tecely take no proceed
{ = - o > -~ .
lishes this result. For experiments | 9 AH —_—eo — pre er LL art in the case.
De h have bee oing o ad the "4 e daily production schedule of the | Scientific merican. 5 | BLA | )P “It is, very .w
e 2 Deel going on under Ne Bly D : TR : | Ah 1ely illustrated weekly. ‘ILargest Children Or: NTON CREAMO { re 1 J
personal direction of Mr. Ford, a biz Ford plant might not be disturbed. | cu ny scientific ournal, Terms FOR FLETCHER'S | BUTTERINE | r n TY condition. You
rr hs, 81. So all ne .
2 =