PEIPE #|) RES Rae are STROUSE I BROS, BALTIMORE, MD, ONE OF MANY —SUITS TOO orings and weaves — for CLOTHES. show them to you — There's Culy Room or Fact zz our Ads. THATS our principle, clothing values today. That's how we felt when we ordered these suits and over- coats made for us—that’s how HIGH ART MODELS you'll feel when you've worn these clothes for awhile. For correctness of style, for brilliance of fabric col- —pyour clothes sre HIGH ART STYLE But you need not take our word for it. The clothes are in our store and you have judgment— let us ler & Collins, Il and men and Young men can bet we haven't forgotten it while we were writing this ad. $18 $20 Art” America’s greatest dependability at all times CEE STEVENS Repeating Shotguns The Stevens Hammerless costs no more than some hammer guns. it has the celebrated STEVENS RECOIL UNLOCK providing safety against ‘* hang-fires.*’ Our Price (12 or 20 Gauge) $21.60 Y WE GUARANTEE EVERY GUN § T. W. Gurley. A Dealer in If SPORTING GOODS. —— RHEUMATIC SUFFEREKS GIVEN QUICK RELIEF * Pain leaves almost as if by magic when you begin . musing '1'6- Draps,” the famousold remedy for Rheuma- tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia and kindred, troubles. It goes. right to the spot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get a bottle of “5-Drops” today.’ A ‘booklet with each bottle gives full directions for use. Don’t delay.. Demand “5-Drops.” * Don't ac- cept’ anything; else in ——— 4 place of it. Any drug- gist can supply you. If you live too fa: from aidrug store:send One Dollar ic Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., Newark Ohio, and 4 bottle of "5-Props™ will'Ls sent prepaid. 3 . EMPTY VINEGAR BBLS. AND LARD TIERCES AT HABEL & PHILLIPS = Holland Oleomargerine Butterine Animals That Work. Some of the wasps are papermak- ers; the spiders are spinners, and the W rms are weavers. The ants are indefatigable workers and have a well organized system of labor. Certain species of Fast Indian ants rooms, young. The hees are expert builders; their cells are so constructed as, with the least quantity of material, to have the largest sized rooms and the least pos- sible loss of wall space. So also are the antlions, whose funnel-shaped traps are exactly cor- rect in conformation, as if they had been made by the most skilled archi- tects of our species with the aid of the best instruments. The beaver is an architect, engineer and woodcutter; he builds houses and dams water-courses with the ingenui- ty and dispatch that would do credit tc human hands and brains. We all know what it means to “work like a upon which they feed their ; beaver.” The spiders are skillful spinners. Their webs of great variety and intri- cate pattern are in reality marvels of construction. Each is made to serve the combined purpose of a trap and a castle. Stilt Walkers. The first travelers tothe Marquesas Islands, in the southern Pacific ocean, found them peopled with a race of athletes, whose clothes lasted till they had no more need of clothes, for their costume was the skin with which the Creator had covered their bodies. The islanders had improved upon it, more over, for they were. tattooed from the crown ‘of the head to the sole of the foot. As they are an enormous. race this .was no small undertaking. Their chiefs, chosen on account of, their size, have sometimes measured 6 feet 10 inches. One would think that tall enough, yet these people are the greatest stilt walkers in the world. .They, execute performances, too, that would. drive a stilt-walking clown wild, with. envy. and jump, and it js considered a mark of politeness for one-stilt-walking sav- age to trip up another. One might | say “trip down,” for the tripped per- son generally comes down with a ven- gence. The stilts the Marquesas use are a little different from those of our boys. | In place of straps the Marquesas stilt Sold at The Leading Meat Market, POORBAUGH & BOWSER Children Ory FOR FLETCHER’S CASTORILA has a curved block that holds the foot ! more securely. | STONE. JARS FROM ONE TO EF | TEEN GAL, EACH. ALSO FLOWER | lpors. AT HABEL & PHILLIPS. are horticulturists; they raise mush- | They run races on stilts and dance {cense. This was done last year and | ELECTRICITY IN SOMERSET COUNTY. The Somerset Herald says: Poles have been placed and wires are being strung by the T. W. Gall- ager Electrical company, between the Penn Service company’s station at | Harrison and Crist’s Lutheran church, , township, and in the course of a few days that pretty house of worship will . be illuminated by electricity. It is re- | ported that the line will be extended { to Sipesville in a short time in order | that the residents of that place may | secure curreht for power and illum- | inating purposes. ¢ i The electric line has been extended {from the county home to Pleasant (Hill, a mile or more distant, and a dozen or so of families at that place |are now enjoying electric light in | their farm residences and buildings. | A few months ago the lines of the Stoyestown Heat and Power Company . were extended along the Lincoln High- way to Jennertown and farm resid- ences and building all along the road are now furnished with current for illuminating and power purposes. The Stoyestown concern buys its current from the Penn Service company and resells it to patrons . Tourists passing over the Linccln Highway at night are amazed to find farm homes almoust on the mountain top ablaze with elec- tric light, and top to inquire if their eyes have deceived them. In the course of time it is probable that a service line will be erected be- tween Somerset and McDonaldton in order to supply farmers living along poses. A high tension line has been in use between Somerset and McDon- aldton for more than a year. It fur- nishes power to the Brothersvalley Coal company and other concerns re- quiring a high voltage. ectrical power, which will be avail- able at all hours of the day and night for both illuminating and power pur- Service company will be invited to es- tablish a station in or near that place in order to meet the demand. vice company will have all of . the active coal field of the country con- nected up with its Johnstown, Stoyes- town and. Somerset stations, and it looks as if it would be only a short time before farmers living north and chase power for operating many * "a of farm and dairy machiner; 8 " “he coundjes of °° 1¥ than Somerset, an none ook into the future with greater satis- facction and confidence. The many mining industries have created a market for farmers for almost every- thing they produce right at their doors, and our enterprising farmers | are quick to provide themselves with | | all modern conveniences and labor | saving devices. | AUTO LICENSE TAGS | : FOR THE YEAR 1916. | : § | More than 1,000 applicants for auto- | i mobile licenses for 1916 are already on file at the State Highway Depart- | .ment at Harrisburg, although the offi- ! | 'cials have just begun to issue the | blanks for the new registration and are now ready to receive the formal | papers. Notice has been given by the | department that every car operated | in Pennsylvania on New Year’s must ! display a 1916 license. ) | The rush of applications the last | | few years had led to the adoption of | some new regulations one of which | is that corporations, firms, stores and | others having many automobiles and | desiring consecutive numbers are to file applications as soon as possible, | so that serial numbers can be arrang ed So many requests have been re- | ceived for special numbers that no | applications for any particular num- ber will be received after November | 20. Most of the requests are for num- bers under 100. A number have also iasked for No. 1 although that car ‘is asigned to the Governor, while low "numbers are given to the State De- partment cars. A statement made at j the department says that, while the i officials are anxious to give numbers requested, it is impossible to grant many. requests. Where a certain num- {ber has been held by one person or (firm for several years this fact will | weigh in distribution of the numbers for 1916. The Highway Department has also given mpotice that no municipality has a right to permit anyone to operate a car after Janury 1 with a 1915 Ii- the Highway Department has declared it unauthorized. The department has also given no- tice that it will require affidavits on all applications for license. The shipment of license plates will be started December 1. Holland Oleomargerine Butterine Sold at The Leading Meat Market, POORBAUGH & BOWSER FOLEY SIDNEY PILLS | “OR RHEUMA ._UM KIGNEYS ANU BLADDE the roadwith current for domestic pur- , There is a demand in Berlin for el- poses, and it is rumored that the Penn east of Somerset will be able to pur- | svyri0€INE ‘devdioped’ mé. Pe BRR RR “Watch Your Step “Watch Your Step” 0 Is an enviable attribute and is oc- casionally expressed in various ar- ticles of wearing apparel, including Shoes. But rarely is it combined with comfort. In the model shown here, the designers, Tom & Jim have a) beenp articularly fortunate. We Submit Them for Your Consideration Hartley Block, | : If You Will Call TOM & JIM, | r | In the course of time the Penn Ser- ; LA eg i | » { t WN JHEN making pies you know that the VV flakiness of the crust depends to a large extent upon the quality of the shortening. Unless the lard is right, your skill, your eggs, your flour and your milk all go for nothing. _* You're particular about your shortening, but are = you equally careful of the kerosene you put 2 into your lamps, heaters and stoves. Ask for hl ATLANTIC _. Rayolioht ee : by name and you buy a kerosene that’s refined from the best petroleum, by AY TAA methods which get the utmost possible out of the finest raw material this old LE Sos § SMOKELESS OIL HEATER earth provides. Used in a lamp it gives a soft yet brilliant AAs light. It will neither smell nor smoke. In : stove or heater it furnishes an intense heat, but always at the lowest possible cost. And because it's a highly refined kerosene, it adds to the life of the device in which PERFECTION 344 PaToTetets). it is used. Sedeledegel: i i il} 0388858084 Include Atlantic Rayolight Oil in your market list just as you do any other house- hold utility of known reputation. Call for it by name and you get a superior kerosene that costs no more than the XDD * - ener o SA _eeeersss nameless kind. A : How’d you set about getting rid of a dab of f z paint on the window pane? The easiest thing p in the world—rub it off with Atlantic Rayolight i Oil. Never thought of that, eh? But do you - know another use? If you do think one up, hold it for a few days and maybe you can oxo change. it for something your heart desires, g U a THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. \, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia oY The Comfiest, Coziest Roos in the Home is the one that houses a: Perfection Smokeless Qil Heater and that should se room a genial warmth is especially welcome. ould be your, dining roam. Used with Atlantic Rayolight Oil, a Perfection Heater burns comparatively lit and bh its cost of using is next to nothing. You'll find the Perfection at your dealers. ts fanl aud ¢ ro Lots of people. pray or the | ‘From whet a man thinks he knows apd Jet it. go at that, He has a treacherous serves only himself. ES ——————r Swapping horses is only one kind of a stock exchange. Fish are wise. They begin business | 5°t her old job back in.the laundry. 2 8 small scale. ] Se a It isn’t always safe t bapers, cigars ang WO! Wrappers. subtract what his neighbors think he Imows, and the remainder will proba- bly (be :about what he really does know. 0 judge news- men by their servant who ——— It is easy for a man to beha afteg he breaks into the has-been — An old bachelor 8a, mony is the best cooki A few weeks later, many a young wife wishes she could dispose of her | stogk, in, a; matrimonial combine apd 78 that mate ng school, Anyway, we admire ac more than we do the heartul idiot other king, Ee — A man has no real kick ming bis wife talks to harselt, ™ When “Keep a thing for seven years and ron’ll find some use for it,” says am dd proverb. That is one reason whe ve are still keeping our anpendix. { i Meyersdale, Pa. a 3 & 4 || With tence Mrs. } ship h Disg fanity many town future Mr, Friede trip th nia fol long ti visit t will go Mrs. I Los Ax turning Offic night 1 well w The of son, Feese, Ickes; treasur Fees g absencé busines The r the old ersvall stroyed togethe tents a joining thé Co ance Ci were ir Insurarn origin ( SUPPOSE ing bet floors f The Cambri ty was quet gi house, | the Per hundrec erset. J pinion people, Johnsto county, Cambri ty and treating Boswe of a pu lected I: ily in fi on the borough ting’ sor Boswell town pe " done, tl and loce of the tc probabl; street p needed known t Deput; set has charge the toils that he was fori Accordir Coleman and son for $70 « place. C National had had the case eral day back to’ COW P A news Farmer across th erset cou to bed himself Acute m vail pene long abot Farmer couple’ of en door ment, flo in the b stove. J Bossie, ai very wea Bossiettes the hour had left | in the ba of civiliz said Farn NEW DOSS his cham nothin’ on An Ohi chicks fro belong to Many a wants to fnsists on But the far at this gE Je Affinities place, but the kitche
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers