The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 11, 1915, Image 1
ith a e pow- wish. de and h Mrs. scuper arippe. tten 8 nen in to see ood #8 ecially in the ly at ersdale ler sis- ed the class f Mrs. ng for . The 28 held ristner, of 28. ito the led by ing af Li 4 Fb iy erm te me a eh Tens AR si Rah co vo bg R 1.3 J by all means reorganize. Even then, We have a big cir- culation and an “ad” here is read by thou- sands of people. ommercial. Many tell us they are delighted with our job printing. = Bring us your work. “VOL. XXXVI. LAYMAN GIVES HIS VIEWS Laments the Recent Disbanding of Ministerium. Wants Them “By All Means to Reorganize For the Good of Our Town. Editor of The Commercial: — In last week’s Commercial I observ- ed the death notice of the Ministerium of Meyersdale, which to me seemed a very sad affair. I believe that an organization like a ministerium is one of the most efficient means of com- batting against the various forms of. evil in our town. This is true for va- rious reasons, some of which are as follows: — First, It enables the min- isters of the Gospel to receive infor- mation as to the moral condition and neadds of the town in general which they otherwise can not get nearly so well, ~ein Second, It enables the ministers to make ‘a united effort to correct the wrongs and to furnish such’food for + reflection to the people of the town as “will! ‘have infinitely . more force than any, ‘one individual could possi bly Have, sand this Jincredses & minis- '} 6 ey’ in a town’ many fold. “Phe inspiration the ministers. receive from - associating with each” ina comfon cause’ (GF they“ have a commen cause) is very great and ben- eficial to all of them inasmuch as it is bound to give them a much larger and clearer vision than they other- wise could have, which will enable them to develop people of the same kind. This will prepare them to com- bat ‘against the common errors such as believing the main thing in life is. to fry to keep himself out of hell, n difference about the other fellow. Or another: narrow view, that his or Why did the dissolution take place? The . resolution states that such a large proportion of the members of the association seem tc manifest no interest in the orgumzation, or its work. This has a look 2bout it. tai makes any one having a proper con- ception of Christ, the Church and the ministry, shudder, as it has the appearance of a retrograding minis- try, and thsi naturally has a very bad effect on the laity of the present day. It might have been so looked upon in days long gone ‘by. when men believed that certain forms of bap- tism, confession, dress, doctrine, mo differences how antiquated it had be- come, or that all that was necessary | was to try to keep out of hell, or some other narrow, ridiculous view, such as' a man thinking his own church orcon- gregation is the limit of his concern, ete., etc. All of these views are out of harmony with the knowledge and spirit of our age, as well as the spirit of Christ. If T read the signs of the pres- ent time correctly, they point toward a much more lofty conception than was entertained by Christian men a few years ago. To-day, the biggest and best men living say, “a man’s interest must reach as far as God’s image is reflected in man,” which is over the earth. They say that the main pur- pose in life is to put away sin in all its forms and to build up instead the Kingdom of God. This reaches much + farther than any sect or denomina- tion, and to do thig requires a united effort, and then to learn a large pro- portion of. the ministers of our town are not interested in a united effort to establish the Kingdom on earth, is e- nough to make the intelligent portion of the laity sit up and take notice. I feel sure I express the general sentiment of the laity when I say the results obtained from the ministerium in the past have been very good. Be- yond a doubt the large crowd of peo- ple in attendance at our Union Thanks giving services bear testimony. to this statement. There is not the least doubt that the gigantic evil of the sa- loon traffic can be put to a finish much more easily and more quickly by a united effort than it can be done single handed. So it is with other mat. ters pertaining’ to the general wel- fare of society. I feel sure,I voice the sentiment of the laity when I say to our ministers, no doubt, Satan’ will be able to try vour metal; but in union there is strength. From a united ministry will come a united peéople. (Like priests ! hot ution do not extend beyond thelr th MEYERSDALE, PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1915. FINED $225 FOR TURKEYS Three colored men, of Lansdowne, Philadelphia, came here the begin- ning of last week to hunt. They be- gan their work at Deal and obtained six turkeys, wild or tame, is not | known, although some of the farr some of their flocks are lessened. The hunters had Jno. E. Fair pack the turkeys with vegetables and ship ped to Philadelphia. State Game Protector Osmer hear- ing of the case is now at work upon it and the men will probably be.arrest ed and brought back for trial. If the turkeys were wild their little hunting bill will be at least $225; if they were tame they will have to settle with with some irate farmers who are in ‘no. mood to sell turkey gotten in that way for a small price. PRISONER LEAPS FROM TRAIN ESCAPING. ‘While Sheriftff Charles F. Hochard {ha county a few days ago to answer a charge of forgery, W. A, Coleman at ) ed from a ‘Pennsylvania train at Gall- etzen and made his escape. The au- “thorities have been scouring the ‘mountain to no avail. Coleman was captured in. New York city andthe “police there had warned the ‘sheriff that the prisoner was a deSperate | man. The ‘Sheriff was taking Coleman jfrom the smoker to another car and had permitted him ta - go free of the | handcuffs until he put on his overcoat. Coleman was to ‘answer charges made by ‘the: Citizens’ Nazions] bank of reached the brakeman opened the doors and leap- ed on to the platform. It was a min- ute before the sheriff got off the train He searched for his charge but could not find him, so he boarded the same train and went on to Somerset. POCAHONTAS. Husking corn is the. order of the ‘day in this vicinity. J C. Miller will soon move into his new house in Pocahontas as it is al most completed. Oscar Sipple of St. Paul ad Lester {Sinple and Mrs. Susan Helwig of Sip- ipleville were the guests of J. H. Sny- der last Sunday. Fred Durr says he has the roads so |good that automobiles all run on high speed over jur hills. The services held here last week by Rev. A. 8. Kresge were well attended every night and a number of fine ser- mons were delivered. The services closed last Sunday evening instead of next Sunday as had been previously announced.Sunday school next Sunday at St. Mark’s at 2 o’clock. erthrown and much of the narrowness in people will disappear and a clear- er vision will be developed in them, so that they will be able to see that after all we are to live for Christ and his kingdom, instead of for some cus- tom, tradition, sect or denomination. The Laymen’s movement has clear ly demonstrated that the men are in earnest in religious matters, and, of course, they naturally expéct their leaders to manifest more concern than they ever did in the past. The day has gone by when simply a long coat and a pletistic face and interest only in a small portion of society will sat- isfy the laity and I ddn’t believe it will Christ either. Effeminate platitudes will not fill the bill in this age. The laity of to-day expect thelr leaders to see a Christ that died for all men and a people that all have some good in them and that the main thing is the destruction of sin and the building up of the kingdom. Sure- ly this requires a united effort. Christ's work cannot prosper as it should if his followers hold views that de not extend beyond their own sect or de nomination. It must not be forgotten there often is a big difference between a high type Christian and a denomina- tional zealot. I feel sure I express the mers in that community know that was: bringing him back to Somerset > vestibule just as ‘the = YOUNG ARMEN Sisters and Other day School Board of Foreign Mi who made excellent addresses morning and evening in ed Church here, will never forget town of Meyersdale on aceoun of 1 terrible news received Tuesday afternoon. make an address on customs of the Mecha high school. Just be: } speak he received a letter laughing and with happy ag lives, little thought that the one: aj which have been and place in Armenia, and had. a Tiflis, Russia. : The latter told - of oc ‘September 27 at the home Kombar, ih Van, Turkey: The two married sisters of bar, after having seen t UNION VALLEY. Everybody busy husking corn! The sale of Andrew Horchner was attended by those from far and. near. Herman Lottig purchased the" driv- ing horse at ‘the sale; he says that if the Buzz Wagon can’t get through the horse can. A. J. Baer and Asa Hoar of Vim spent Saturday in Larimer hunting for bunnies. Poorbaugh & Bowser bought a nice bunch of lambs of P. W. White on Monday last. Simon Keeker While working in the handle factory for H. Tayman had two of his fingers cut so that he is not able fo work for a few days. Leroy Crissey made a business trip to Meyersdale on Saturday last. Wm. H. Deeter passed through this place looking up some timber a few days ago views of the best people of the town | when I say to the ministers, keep w | he ministerium. tike people) and more sin will be ov- A LAYMAN. ctor for two years ood UU sch ol directors for six years, | chool dir- | licher; LW Ha y Rev. J. Kombar, an Armenian, ‘and a representative of the Reformed San- EVANGELIST J. H. CASSADY.. MINISTER RECEIVES TERRIBLE NEWS HERE Reprasentativs of Reformed od Sunday Sch School Board of Foreign Miss- ions Hears While in Meye : sdale of Terrible Fate of latives Victims of TS. on ‘the aged grandmother, in after the beloved grandchildren. ‘brutal soldiers, upon seeing this way. Then they tried the : of their Swords on her atten parents and then either or taken as slaves. were killed in the, Armenian acres of 1906. He is heartbroken 0 enlist as a soldier in the Rus. 1, 1913. Rev. J. H. Cassady, a revivalist of note who” occupies the prominent po- sition of ‘the pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Juniata College at Huntingdon, will be here ‘for’ three weeks -and will ‘be assisted by Prof. J. W. Yoder, of Philadelphia who is one of the foremost institute leaders in vocal music the state has, Services begin on Monday night. BURKHOLDER—HOSTETLER Mr Perry Burkhclder, an industri- ous and thrifty young man who in- vented the Jitney for Meyersdale and is now also the mail carrier to’ and from the trains, took unto himself a wife in. the person of an: estimable and pretty young woman, by name; Miss Orpha . Hostetler, the daughter of Silas Hosttler.. The ceremony was performed in Cumberland on Satur- day, A homeymoon trip was made to the national capital for a few days, the dogs. Both ladies were highly ducati I and graduates of a univer- re last fall they were music ‘this terrible scene was going 80 years erying and attempting to . { Rockwood; 10— Lloyd A. Burts, Con- to fight against those Who o%; | November 14th there will be Sunday 8 | servance of the Lord's Supper at Tze COUNTY 8. S. CONVENTION The Sunday Sshool workers of Som- erset county will meet at Somerset, Friday November 26, in the M. f. church, the first session being at 10 a. m. B. F. Forsythe, of the State S. 8. Department, will be present. An interesting and inspiring convention is assured. The county officers are: Pres., H. B. Speicher, Garrett; vice pres., B. W. Lambing, Somerset; sec, Rev. I. S. Monn, Elk Lick; treas., L. L. Moun- tain, Confluence, Department Supts: Cradle Roll, Mrs. C. 1. Shaffer; Home Department, A. J. Sembower, Rock- wood; Teacher Training; V. D. Nau- gle, Hooversville; 0. A. B. C, PF. K. Sanner, Somerset; Sec. Div. Org. Classes, Lloyd L. Mountain, Conflu-' ence; Rural Schools, W. B. Putnam, : Somerset R. D; Temperance, Mrs. Georgiana Roach, Windber. Stoyestown; 3—Rev. A. J Beeegley, Friedens R. D; 4— F. K. Santer, Som- erset; §—H. B. Landis, Berlin; 6— | D. U. Foust. Fairhope; 7—Reév A: 8 Kresge, Meyersdale; 8—Rev. I. “8, Monn, Elk Lick; 9—C. BE. Statler, fluence. rr ——————— CHURCH NOTICES. (BRETHREN CHURCH— Special ser vices are being held each evening this | week in the Salisbury Brethren {Church at 7:30 p. m. Nxt Sunday, '| School and preaching servies at Sal. fsbury in the mordidg and the ob- in the evening. In the: afternoon thére in be Sunday School and melia 10 promised. As th o \te Amelia said; i CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN— | Rev. W. M. Howe, Pastor. Services for Nov. 14: Morning subject, “Come | and Dine.” Evening subject, The Hal- lejah Chapter of the Book of Revela- tion.” Sunday School at 9:30 a .m. Christian Workers’ Meeting at 6:15 p. m. Singing led by Prof. J. W. Yo- der, Friday and Saturday, 7:30 Pp. m and Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Bible Class at 7 p. m: on Friday. Evangelistic ser- vices by Elder Cassady begin on Mon day November 15. ‘BRETHREN CHURCH MAK- ING MARKED STRIDES. The Brethren church of this place of which Rev. H. L. Goughnour is the able pastor, is certainly wide-a-wake. Last Sunday was rally day for the Sunday school and the number aimed at for that occasion was 400; this was surpassed by 11. The communion service was the most largely attend- ed of any in the history of the church. Nineteen new members were added to the church. It was desired on Sun- day to raise $100 for repainting and when the collection was taken it was found that $108 was subscribed. Azubah Jones, Holsopple; Missionary, ' BOYS’ PRANK KILLS GIRL Their Tampering With a Teleph- one Wire Causes Her Electro- cution When Her Foot Becom- es Entangled. Lena Baroni, a pretty 16-year-old Austrian girl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Baroni of Listie was elec- trocuted between 1 and 2 o’clock Sun- day afternoon near her home about a mile and a half from Listie. She was climbing a rail fence when her feet became entangled with a section of loose telephone wire one end of which | was hanging across a high tension {transmission line of the Penn Elec- tric company carry 22, 000 volts. A 9- | year-old sister, Annie, had her hand i burned when she also came in contact with the wire. The wire was a section that had The District Supts. are: No. 1— J. josen cut from a private telephone line | J. Weaver, Windber; 2—George Hunt. of the Penn company, carried on the same poles as the tension lings,” when thé former broke down several’ days ago. The section of wire had been” cut out and coiled about the fence near the Baroni home. As early as last Thursday, it is declared, someone tied: ‘a stone to an end of the wire, tossing it over.the high tension lines, the stone hanging about three feet below them. The other end remained coiled about the fence. The victim and her sister were re- turning from the woods, where they had been gathering chestnuts. Annie was rendered unconscious as ‘her hand came in contact with the wire. She recovered in a few minutes and valiantly endeavored to pull her sis- ter from the entanglement. By a mir- acle the little gu seaped further in- Jury. family came: here 1 Lena was two years of age. Investigation revealed evidence of a deliberate criminal misdemeanor. Apparently the girl was the victim of boys’ pranks. The investigation re vealed a piece of fence wire swung a- cross one of three high-powered cur- rent lines of the Penn Electric Service Company of Johnstown. A stone, . | weighing seven or eight pounds, had been tied to one end and thrown ac- ross the lowest of the three wires. The weight of the stone caused the fence wire to wrap around the electric wire a couple of times, holding it securely. The other end of the fence wire was lying across a rail fence. A reward of $300 has been offered by the - Penn company for the arrest of the ones guilty. The body of the unfortunate girl was brought to Meyersdale for inter- ment, mass being said by Father Bra- dy in the Catholic church. FANCY MACKEREL AT 10 CENTS EACH at BITTNER’S GROCERY. The Twentieth Century Manufact- uring Company at Boynton has just recently received confirmation that they have practically secured the con- tract for the building of tractor en- gines and steel wagons for the Rus- sian government, concerning which mention has been made in this paper at different times the past few weeks and about which the whole communi- ty has been talking for the order in- volves between one and two million dollars. When negotiations were begun about a month ago the Boynton Com- pany cabled their prices and their ability to handle the order and that the same time wrote a letter explanatory of the cable message. The first part of this week the company received AM kinds of Guns and Repairs at— FO = GURLEY'S SPORTING | GOODS ' STORE, | they returnin to Meyersdale on Wed- | | nesdy. »rge F. Spei-| y BUCKWHEAT CHOP i at $198, | C. E. DEAL. ! | DEWEY'S HORSE & MULE PEED et $1.78 Per Hundred Weight | 20TH CENTURY MFG. CO. PRACTICALLY RECEIVES BIG ORDER CONFIRMATION word that their terms were satisfacto- ry and that all that delayed the sign- ing of the contract was that they may receive the letter sent by the compa ny. Its contents simply corroborte the cablegram. The Boynton company will have to add about 100 men to their present force of 30 men. They will be required to get out 60 engines in two months besides 60 wagons. Following that they will de- liver monthly 10 trains. A train com- sists of one engine and four cars. The Twentieth Century - Manufse- turing Company is to be congratuls- ted on the excellency of their prod- ucts as it was the quality of their en- gines which is obtaining for them this very unusual order . SOME SUFFRAGE FACTS. This state carried outside of Phila- delnhia by 3,000, 315,000 votes were cast for suffrage. Only lost by 38;000 votes instead of 1150,000 as first stated. The decent wards ‘in Philadelphia gave suffrage a heavy vote. river and slum wards which he The