i 3 of ’ PERSONAL AND LOCAL. | George J. Black was calling = friends in Salisbury Sunday evening. Mrs C G Keller, of Grantsville is visiting relatives here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Deal have return- ed home, after spending the week in Hagerstown and Gettysburg Mrs. Wilbur Derry and Mrs. John Knecht, of West Salisbury, spent part of last week with relatives and friends in Meyersdale. Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lint, who spent several weeks visiting in Han- over and Baltimore, have returned home. The dedication of the new place of worship for the Lutheran Congrega- tion of the Samuels’ charge. will take place on Sunday, October 24th, Chas. Younkin is about to leave for ‘Washington, D. C., where he will take up a Commercial course at Wood's Business College. Miss Gertrude Dixon snd Miss Eli- zabeth Mahon .0f Connellsville are visiting at the home of the former's brother, James L. Dixon. Mrs. Louise Hawn retuned to her home in Salisbury last week after a _ week’s visit here with relatives and friends. The Misses Agnes Ebaugh, Tina Collins and Kate Keidle, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. Samuel Wetmiller in Salisbury. . Mrs. C. H. Weimer, wife of ex- Sherff Weimer following a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lep- ley, returned to her home in Somer- set on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Hartley and little daughter of Cacapon, W. Va. are here for a few weeks’visit at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hartley. Miss Agnes Lepley, who has been quite ill at her home on Broadway, is considerably improved and expects before long to go to the Cresson San- itarium, Foreman Samuel M. Tressler of the B. & O. section force, has been housed for the past two weeks with sciatica rheumatism, which was induced by spraining a hip."He is slowly improv- ing but has been suffering intensely. Miss Harriet Staub, who spent the . last two months here with her mother Mrs. Ida Staub; left recently to re- sume her studies as a trained nurse in Philadelphia, where she has been located for two years. Miss Cathering Leonard, enter tained a few young ladies, very infor- “Ina n Tuesday afternoon, in hon- or of the Misses Martha and Ruth Clark of Glen Campbell the guests of Miss Florence Wilmoth at “Hillcrest.” The Episcopal church on Meyers; avenue has been much improved by being painted recently and having a} new roof put on, which makes it to apr-ar that God’s own temple is be- ing cared for by some of his children. Mr. and Mrs. J. 74. Black accompa- nied by Mrs. N. W. Benner, Miss Til- lie Knepp and ’Squire Wm. Hay, mo- tored to Semerset on Saturday. . 'Squire Hay’s son, Attorney A. L. G. Hay is’ very critically ill at his home in Somerset. Miss Martha Mahaffey, of Boswell, spent the week-end as the guest: of Miss Mary Black. Miss Mahaffey was the honor guest at a motor supper, given by Silas BE. Walker at the N3- tional House at Grantsville, on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Deal left this week to spend the winter in Cu- ba with their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Reifgnider. The latter couple who have been visiting in Meyersdale will make the Southern trip by water with Mr. and Mrs. Deal. Mr. E. J. Cramer has enlarged his home on Main street above the Wes- tern Maryland railroad station. Mrs. Jno. F. Wiland of Meyersdale and her daughter Catherine have re- turned home from a week’s visit with the former’s daughter and son-in-law Mrs. and Mr. Robert Jordan of Con- nellsvillle. Elmer Wiland, son of Mrs. Jno. F. Wiland remained in Connells. to undergo an operation at the State Cottage hospital, Dr, Bailey to be the “operating surgeon. An order was recently received by The Angema Laboratory, at Garrett, for a shipment to a foreign country. On investigation of the transportation facilities since the European war be- gan, it was learned that parcels post had been discontinued to the country in question and express companies would not accept the shipment at present and the freight rate is now $4. 50 for a box 20 inches square. Under these circumstances, the only alternative is to send merchandise by first class postage rate. The new Union Protestant church of Jerome was dedicated and freed from debt Sunday. The Rev. Dr. L. P. Young, of Salisbury, was in charge of the dedicatory ceremonies: Sunday night. The musical program was a special feature and was marked by a vocal solo by Miss Rose Keim, of Johnstown. The church was erected at a cost of $4,000, more than this a- mount being contributed urine the Por y services, Monda which day night. Mr. J. F. Reich left Tuesday on business for Youngstown, Ohio. The Slicer home on Main street as been very attractively repaint- ed. Mrs. J. C. Matteson yesterday at- tended the county meeting of the ex- ecutive committee of the W. Ci x. U atRockwood. 5s A Fred W. Plock, Oscar Gurley, T. W. Gurley and Harry Weigley are atten ing the annual auto show in Pittsburg. J. C. Adams, a young attorney of Pittsburg, will lecture on Anti-Suff- ragism in Amity Hall on this Thurs- day evening. The Luther League of Zion Evan- gelical churth of this place, is mak- ing elaborate preparations for a Hal- lowe’en mask party. Many remember the marked success of the event last year. Miss Lulu Hocking has spent the - past week at Cumberland with her sis- ter, Miss Nan, who is recovering nice- ly from a recent operation at the Western Maryland hospital. Miss Evalyn Leckemby, who is tak- ing a course of professional nursing at the Allegheny City General hospital has returned home until after the Christmas Holidays. Rev. W. M. Howe, paster of the Church of the Brethren in this place is about to leave for a two weeks’ re- vival services at Flora, Indiana. His pulpit .in his absence will be filled by local and visiting ministers. Rev. Ross D. Murphy, of Rummel, Pa., traveling secretary for the Gen- eral Mission Board of the Church ctf the Brethren and Miss Ida Himmels- baugh, missionary to India, home on furlough will speak at the Church of the Brethren on Thursday and Friday November 18 and 19. James Rosenberg, Eugene Naugle, Wm. Bowman and Milton Lee return- ed yesterday from a three days’ hunt- ing bout in Bedford county and the quartette had fifty-nine grey squirrels bagged These en masse were strung up in front of S. W. Bittner’s meat market and received a great deal of attention on the part of passersby. Surely some game left. Quite a num- ber of wild turkeys have been taken also. WITTENBURG. Mr.and Mrs. Henry Geiger were Sunday callers at the home of Wm. Knepp. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knepp were transacting business In Meyersdale recently. Mrs. Lydia Beal moved into new home on the J. E. Geiger farm last week. . Mrs. Edward Petenbrink and son’ from Scottdale are visiting her par- ents. Those who spent Sunday at the Owen Murray’s were as follows: Mrs. Simon Murray and son, Ernest, Mrs. Albert Thoman and daughter, Zelma; ° | Miss Mary Murray, Meyersdale, Leta and Clara Brown, Grace Murray and Carl Mankamyer. Mrs. J. R. Murray who had been on the sick list is able to be out again. The festival at White well attended on Saturday night. Ev- erybody reported a nice time. ‘Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. S. Mur- ray visited Mrs. Ephraim Geiger one day last week. L. M. Mankamyer is singing “A charge to keep I have”—it’s a girl. There will be preaching at White Oak Reformed church Oct. 24 at 2:30 p. m. and at the Lutheran church Oct. 31 at 2:30p. m. Rev. Michael will have charge. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geiger and fam- ily spent Sunday at Lake Sturgis. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at the White Oak Lutheran church and at the Bangolical church Sunday night. ST. PAUL. Mr. Morgan Walker -and family: | were visiting at the home of Richard Sipple over Sunday. Among the callers at Harvey Eng- le’s on Sunday were Jerry Engle, A- ! sa Engle, Retta Engle, and Della En- gle of Berlin. Theodore Engle and wife of Sum- mit Mills were the guests of Mrs. Faidley on Sunday. \ Miss Alverta Miller from Pocahon- tas who is assisting in the home and at the store of Mr. Lloyd ngle, spent Sunday at her home. There was a large attendance at the Reformed church services on Sun- day. Sunday school next Sunday at 9 a. m.; preaching at 10 a. m. Judging from ;present indications the male population of St.” Paul will _| mostly vote in favor of woman suff rage. Why any one who believes in popular government and its exten- sion in the world should vote other- wise is hard to understand, except on the ground of selfishness. Under capitalism one man’s loss is another’s gain. A soldier loses a leg some manufacturer of artificial limbs gains a profit. POCAHONTAS. Farmers are busy husking corn and digging potatoes at present. Hunters report pheasant and squir- rel very scarce in this vicinity this fall. A number of people of our burg at- tended the festival at White Oak last Saturday evening and report a very plesant time. The following were the guests of J. H. Snyder last Sunday, namely: — Mr. and Mrs. William Sipple and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Whistler and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Winters Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer of Berk- ley’s Mills were visitors at the home of Aug. Sass last Sunday. Wm. McKenzie of near Finzel, Md. wa seen to pass through here last Sunday en route to Whip—poor— Will hill for honeysuckles. The Sunshine club will hold a chicken and waffle supper at St. St. Mark’s Reformed churchwon Sat- Oct. Everybody cordiall 30. 7 School in St. Mark’s Reform | urch next Sunday t 10 o’ ‘her| — At Your Service For Groceries Ta iiliah id a de in the business maks:s ‘WHEN ordering groceries at this store you can depend on prompt and covr- teous service, quick deliveries, honest weight, dependable goods. Our experience you. Eggs, butter, flour, sugar, starch, can- ned fruits and vegetables, etc., of real class. This is the Household Headquarters. ‘McKenzie & Smith Mevyersdale, Penn’a it easy for us to please RULE i] OVERHAULING Oak was |% After the gruelling hard service you have put your § |Z car through during the past i season, don’t you think it ¥ would be a wise thing to 8 have us overhaul it and place it again in tip-top shape? The finest cars will wear— worn parts must be replaced, removed, valves ground, ete. 3 if it is to pe quiet, powerful and safe. We offer a repair seryice here that is equal to the best factory product—a trial will prove it. Genuinely expert work at ordinary rates in a thorough- ly equipped shop. $3 | with the law. bearings adjusted, carbon H MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. FOR RENT—Near the Centre of the town, 2 4-room houses. Cheap. Apply "at this office. 10—21 tf. | WANTED— At once ~ Female Cook, Rockwood, Pa., D. H. Wolferstierger | & Sons, Prop’s. {FOR RENT—Property, 505 Main St. : Meyersdale next to the Western Mary- ‘land railroad station. Steam heat and all other modern improvements. The Owner Is J. E. VonMoos. Apply at the Ssoond, National Bank. 10—7—tf. NOTICE TO HUNTERS—Notice 1s hereby given that all persons are for bidden to hunt on my premises in Summit Township. All violators of this will be dealt with In accordance J. C. ENGLE. ‘No trespassing on Holland Fag for the purpose of killing, maiming or in any way harming a living thing. Any person dis- obeying this notice, be he friend or foe, will be dealt with to tie full extent of the law. (Signer) FLORA S. BLACK. WANTED—To buy farms of 20 to 160 Acres In Summit Township, as we have prospective purchasers for same. Answer quick. Address or call on Meyersdale Real Estate Co., F. W. Plock, Mgr.. — IF-'YOU WANT A CHANCE to go farming, call on the undersigned at | The Home of uly © Groceries It tickles us to deliver at your homes our palatable table goods because we know they’ll tickle your palates. Just redeived a lot of Heinz’s chow chow,and Sour Mixed Pickle: Give it a trial. It will pay you to buy your Coffee from us and have it ground free of charge on our sanitary Electric Mill. Just receiv. a fresh case of Kellogg.s Toasted Wheat Biscuifis These prices will save money for you: Fancy Mackerel for 10 cents apiece. 1 can Royal Scarlet Beef Stew 10e. 10 cent can Van Camn’s Spaghetti for 5 cents. 3 cans Kidney Beans for 25 cents 8 cakes White Laundry Soap for 25¢ 3 cans Lye for 25 cents 30 cent Jar for 25 cent-. 1 1b. of our Own Blend Coffee for 30c. 1 1b. 6 oz. Jar Olives tor 25 cents. 1 can Ripe O:iv:s for 25 cents. Try our Potato Chips, they are fresh and crisp. Both Phones. F. A. BITTNER, 142 Centre St, Meycrsdele, Pa Buen, Free Delivery. R. F. Mason, the general store mana- ger of the Consolidation Coal Compa- ny on Sunday returned from a six weeks’ trip to the Pacific coast. He traveled from Oregon to Mexico. Cal- ifornia to him was not a land of ros- es as all vegetation was seared be- cause of lack of rain.While Mr. Mason beheld countless varied scenes and places, on arriving home he said, “Somerset county is, after all, God's 8 y! Good enough for me.’ | Just received a lot of Tuna fish in 10, at 9 o'clock) 15 a 1 OEn sizes at— BITTNER'S GR an Chipped Beef once. Saylor Hill Farm, 1-2 mile West of Meyersdale. Mine must go with farm. Harvey C. Miller. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Estate of Mrs. Marie McGairy, late of Meyersdale, County of Somerset. and State of Pennsylvania, De- ceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im- mediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement to the underigned executor at his office, 106 Meyers avenue in the Borough of Meyersdale, Somerset County, Penn- sylvania on Friday, November 6, 1915. VIM ilenry Brown is engaged in helping to build a machine shed for Sam. Baker at Boynton. | BRUCE LICHTY, M. D,, J. Cal. Lowry, Executor, Attorney. d 9—30—6t | EAT (1 Lalalaln ITN TIZ re yy fr, ed, with us. ments made. : The convenience ard securi great. service from this Bank. OPEN YOUR CHECKING Meyers ds < Sema WHAT A SE BES CHECKING; ACC OUNT “will do for you.! A Checking Account] bere gives yon tke s:me tene- fits that are enjoyed ty the man witlmillicns. You have the same protection for all{mcerey deposit- You will bave the same accurate recoid of all yey- Your cancelled checks will beljust 2¢ Jepal as receipts. You’ll received the same eareful, prompt ard versondl Citizens NaticnallFank®. “The Bank with the Clo” & MEMBER BANK UNDER FEDERAL RESERVE ACT EE C ity tof yeu; will te just es ACCOUNTLTCDAY Ig a fo le, Pa. 14 Good Wages. Apply Rockwood House |; 4 | “We are ‘taking on the famous Knox Hat, {Now we are prepared to show the people the gratest and HARTLEY & most up to date goods for M The Home of Hart, Schaffner 4 world. can return and get a new sh Wilson Brothers, Furnishings. The Interwoven Hose. We invite'you to come in and THE PLACE IS greatest and best tailored ready-to-wear clothes in the The Knox Hat the best advertised hat on the market. The Emery Shirt guaranteed color proof. the leaders in Underwear and Men's Well, BALDWIN en and Boys onjthe market. & Marx Clothes, one of the If it fades you irt for it without cost. ‘'nough said see what you can see HARTLEY & MEYERSDALE, BALDWIN, PENNA. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay and Wm. Herwig, of near Riverside Park, and} Mrs. Glotfelty and daughter, Ada,'! spent last Sunday at the Martin! Meyer home. Mrs. Belinda Fike and daughter, | i Alma, accompanied by Louis Klotz, | of Meyersdale, spent last Sunday in Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nicholsonk spent last Sunday at the home of H® K. Aurandt in Meyersdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klingaman, of? Berkleys Mill, spent last Sunday alg the home of Bruce Fike. Mrs. Henry Bangard is a sufferery of gquinsy at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Pyle, Wellen on Friday of las tweek. a] » high grade GROCERY. If you want a BIT strictly TNER'S Coffee, try 5% | have to revise their yams | | d', ‘per will remove dirt like magle. Al of Coa terward the copper should be polished Run, visited at the home of Hugend® with a soft dry ‘cloth. © Shirts of Quality [In purchasing shirts ( the utmost care to see mm one should exercise that the size is cor- rect, the quality of the best and style nght. We provide all these essentials. Neckbands, but- tonholes and cuffs made to withstand the wear and tear of laundries. TRI930000C0P00000000¢ 00004 0000000000000000000000000000000 Miller & Collins ATE a CR we mr 1e fish could talk, “anglers would ee) Pho perfect husband always be longs to another woman. ! Many ‘rich ‘men “hive nothing but gymivethy for the DOF. git MEN Life withont hope = like a house without a roof. hile ItR & for thought is Touma in empiy rds. | Lemon juice and salt appHed to cop- nm For or against woman suffrage? BI- : {: in Wm. C., Price Successor to W. A. [Clarke Funeral Director Business conducted at the same place Prompt attention given $o all calls at all times. Both Phones. FERTILIZER IN 100 hs SACKS P. 3 COVER. Just recfived a lot of Tuna Fish In 10, 156 &nd 25 ct. sizes at BITTNER'S GROCERY, fie. | oa one. to