amano Abo LLLLLOHOO POVIVVIYVY a All lsllsdtdsdttdtsttt00000000000 0000000000000 000006000SOOUTITTT TTT = 1 TT TO CQ \ 3 | MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. o400000e HERE'S SOME STRAIGHT TALK | USES FOR HONEY ror ser cor Men’s Handkerchief \A hen you call on us for new clothes, you'll CAKES MADE WITH IT KEEP en S$ an ere le S$ see that our idea is to show what you LONGER—BOILING AND SKIM-' BOARDING. Fr instance, we carry HART SCHAFF- wife can use honey to advantage are | Side, Apply at this office. 2—2t* JER & MARX clothes because suggested in a new publication of the oF they're guaranteed to satisfy you, be- department—Farmers’ Bulletin 653, | WANTED—To buy farms of 20 to ’ 5 of every man’s wardrobe. We have a been in common use as in Europe, lar : Ir ¥ especially in cookery. It is, however, same. Answer quick. Address or call ge variety om oe a PE Gene tn © comparatively simple matier to sub: 2% NeYerale laa Batata Gon Fr We which any one can You'll find some very striking fabrics in fall Nc 2d runabout in first class condition, want’ not what we want to sell, MING UNNECESSARY. Several desirable persons can obtaln si 3 sides many other 200 d reasons, ‘Honey and its uses in the home.” In 160 Acres in Summit Township, ss stitute it in many receipts for com- 30. a suits and overcoats here now. make an agreeable ! apply at Baer & Co. First and last, our idea is to satisfy you. Various ways in which the house | very ‘reasonable board on the South ( Handkerchiefs are a most important part : this country honey has hitherto not ’ . So always remember that the only purchase we have prospective purchasers for mon sugar or for molasses, and when ral lodddedddddddd00d0itttttdttstd $9900 PPP PPIVIPPIVIITIIIVIVI VIF VFVIYVYY » += [Russell O. Moore Dan. W. Weller this is done the resulting flavor is EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. | alll eldlllddlddddd00000000000000 0000000000000 PPPIVRTIIITIIFIYY FYI TT custom- ed honey—or honey removed from Groceries 2, 9, i often both novel and agreeable. Estate of H . . 28 15 THE PLACE IS One of the great advantages in the srman, B,; Boal, : te 91 3% selection. Plain $ b ° 7. 28, ; use of honey is that cakes made with Larimer Township, Somerset Coun- ¢ p4 20. =. : it will keep much longer than those | Pennsylvania, Deceased. L$ white hemstitched 3 30, 4. HARTLEY & BALDWIN, || maim bre minis Letters testamentary on shove es- | $ $ T 4 9 with butter, for instance, will keep its | tate having been granted to the un- 9 and decorative 3 56. 31. MEYERSD ALE, PENN’ A quality until the butter grows rancid, | dersigned by the proper authority, ' & 4 5. 23. : . and one made without butter will | notice is hereby given to all persons Ss handkerchiefs with 3 ns 2 keep from for Senias. Fors rea- | knowing themselves to be indebted $ : $ . BT. son useful receipts tha or no | to said estate to make immediate pay- | ¢ Ad @ 6. 61. 3 i Ria ; i . : S x @ EERE RRR EELEEUNRRRE EE Init Ioing mane vty Sones pas ment and those having claims against ® colo red designs. * . . » th t 4 $ = . . . Sh These Cotton Blankets Have the Warmth made in the experimental laboratory a Ee = Quality in all. 16. 27 1 . : of the Department of Agriculture was ? , of Wool—at 3 the Price 1916 at the residence of the executor i 73. B. found at the end of 10 months to be isp si : 41. 73. , sin : ry ‘ as soft and in as good condition as in -Wittenburg, er Township, J 7 29. You would think they were wool if we didn’t tell you differently. when it. was frst. made. Somerset County, Pa. PY °® i Z a They have a deep, curly nap that lasts through wear and washing, § Honey is marketed in two forms, |Ross R. Scott, JACOB E. GEIGER, 25. Hy and they’ re remarkably strong — won’¢ tear out easily as do most known respectively as comb honey Attorney. Executor. 1 O ns § iy inexpensive blankets. Nashua Woolnap Blanket is one of the and extracted honey, the former be- a ; 57. 9. very best : ing used much like jam or marmalade | oe NA NS ASANTE NS ud el A A A A A A I A PAA AP PA iP PP ALT SITLL ASSP NIT SLES 3 83. valties we and the latter either in that way or Th H i lit 10. 19. have to for cooking. In the past there has |' e ome 0 ld 1 y i | 49. i offer out | been some prejudice against extract- | 5. 3. { 9 = ; the comb—because it was believed | 5 3 ers. DO: that this was frequently adulterated. | 18. 15. (a However prevalent this practice may Not until our goods enter your homes! 29. 17. , ® 4 have been in the past, recent legisla- do we relinquish our careful super- { 5 3 HARTLEY, Hon fne the Flore of honey produe- vyisjon ov: r them. in order that they ON : . ; ers themselves have made it danger- wv reach in t st iti - : in. 8. CLUTTON C0. i a i ve NL = it is believed, little adulterated ex: : ; | . ; i 25 o% . tracted honey on the market. Comb i Jorge a from, | EVER had one of the | can be avoided by hav- 5 mmr AA wr honey is practically certain to be the Ww : se Sgn gustan iY ; : iamily disturb yo ing on hand a few cheap 33 PERSONAL AND LOCAL. | Mrs. C. A. Warfield of Howard Co, | pure product of the Ere bodance foi 2 please the most. fastihions ens: sh > 0. 11. Md., who had been visiting Miss Jes- | can only be adulterated oy processes tomers. Give us a trial oder. at n ght © medicines. 40. 228. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Philson are back |sle McKinley and other friends here, | Which cost more thasts. they saves | TTY JuF Tuns Fish: nothing more des: with violent \ We will gg 1s. home again from their ewstern trip |was unexpectedly called home by When sold at retail there is now com- | "* ble for Salads. : cramps in 1 | ; ladl : g. e7, to the exposition. toToprarh. paratively little diffrence in the cost We sell the best Silver Polish for the p ; Th ~ gladly give 5% SHO SENIOR. Pies fe earls Mentos, WHOL wine] JhStmb and exiveriad honey, Bt tie {Jest money: yous money back it you | the stomach, ins HA dl you a list > 2 atter can be purchased at wholesale | re not satistied. i z i “ 2 fp her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. | Christmas has been suffering from | very much cheaper. The reason a Try our potato Chips: always or 0 Tr 3 h arp A to procure 30. 44. o » a loss of voice is now able to use her | this is that the producer of comb | and crisp. pains in the and sup Pp 5 iss Mabel McKenzie of Finzel, Md.” yoice again. As her husband is hard . TT sg Mahe Ye i gain. As her husband is hard | honey makes a product which is prac- | We sell Chipped Beef at reduced pri- chest. or you with all 2 8 Naar of hearing this was a serious affliction | tically ready to be delivered to the | ces this week:- These prices will save | § af pn ¢ in g the articl . ito the couple in their work. Dr. E. F. consumer. Moreover, it eosts the bee | money for you: now is the time to articles : oe 0. L. Piot of the Ford garage un-|Hemminger is the family physician: Ekseper less to produce extracted hon- | buy. gpells and, 3 named. A loaded on Tuesday a car of Ford au-| Improper use of high-powered lights | &7s while the wholesaler who purchas- | 6 5-cent Boxes Sardines for 25 cents. | suf ferin g 5 i 1 ; oe ildesd YHersk on automobiles is becoming the great- es extracted honey has several pro- |3 10.cent Rols Fancy Toilet Paper for g k Simp e cure ss red Hershberger, of Bed- | est menace to autoists along the Lin. | 98868 to go through with before he | 25 agony, Keep in time ma wzrros] ford, is a Me, i : ean sell Seite ! y y yersdale visitor at pres-|coln highway and other great high- sell it at retail. If the house-|;q bars : good Laundry Soap for 25 cents €Ve€r one reven 1 : By ent. ways in this part of the state. Flash- ite Le wise is 90 Diese ‘herself, 1.2 Ibs. Runkles Cocoa for 20 certs. Caw RE ? Most of us necessit of t the Miss Nancy Martens of Confluence |ing their powerful lights through the. considrable saving. 20 cent can best Crabmeat for 15 cents. | : y a serious returned to her home on Monday fol- | fog into the faces of approaching Honey and Nut Bran Muffins. [2 10cent cans best Baked Beans for 26 : have. All the trouble one later on. lowing a visit with friends here. drivers seems to be a popular sport : cents y : ~N/ & Pp D 12 cup honey, 1 cu; i * | 3 Mrs. Joseph Bell, of Pittsburg is |among some tourists and wrecks are | gp 1-4 rods, » Foi 20 cent can Herring Roe for 15° cents i DO NOT NEGLECT THIS DUTY i D x 2 igre. With her sister, Mis Thirea My lotten caused fn tis Way, 8 cups bran, 1 tablespoon melted but. 8 Jars German Style Mustard for 25] © « ———————————————— “ S |g Murrer. ter, 1 1-8 oups milk, 3-4 finely chop- | cents. 5 wy : 0a in ; u is : bl 4! B Mr. and Mr. Harry Habel have gone BRIEF DECISIONS. ped English walnuts. 1 package Presto Flakes 10 cents. F B I HOMAS L d g Di gg { pl A 3 on a two weeks’ visit to Washington, Some young men seem to think the mn is Lig the flour, soca, and |2 lbs. good Cakes for 25 cents. i oe ’ ® ’ . (El Pullagelpiia 4 NW Yor | ar ere me ms MEYERSDALE, PA. a, Mr. and Mrs. John Adamso e for 25 | orders. arr : Sh =z : B and pose. : or 80 minutes in a hot oven in gem : “oan : 1:4 ; : lg lo _ son John left on Sunday for a week's : tins. This will i : Srr——— BE em ee se mia mmialaisiEiaialssmImlmieisceiuiucslefieieiuietetuces iain let: 4 a sit in Washington and New York. | We all like the man who looks as | gp, eke about.20 Tk F. A. BITTNER i CE a BOREERORBIE0E: 4 21 19 Miss Ruth Buskey left on Monday | though he did not know anything : 3 ge 2 ¥ $ : 4 11 .5 much better than we like the one who Nut Honey Cake. : hg BY ; $ es nn for Akron, Ohio where she purposes looks as th h did not k Two cups brown sugar, 2 cups hon: Ie St, eyersd. ty d . y : ough we not know any- = | : H ? 0 51 2 3 remaining for a long time. | thine. "| oy. 6 egg yolks, 3 cups four. Speci oF : 8 ; : : 24 Mrs. John Staunton retured to her’ + salt, 1 1-2 teaspoons soda, 8 teaspoons | .. The Dougnhue 3 fos Tn a : 5 $3 2 home in Confluence Saturday, after a The compilers of the Revised Ver- ground cinnamon, 1-2 teaspoon ground “Oh, Mr. Bryfogle, you are a pessi-. : ro FL AE : ; 171s few days’ visiting here with Mr. and | sion, when they toned it down to | cloves, 1-2 teaspoon ground nutmeg, mist!” 8 Ee EE ; 0 45 32 Mrs. Richard Breig of Olinger®street. |*“hades,” had never been jurors in a | 1-2 teaspoon allspice, 1 cup chopped | “True,” answered Bryfogle. “And 1 | & Pro ; : \ : S 18 12 D. H. Manges has now taken charge sensational lawsuit, forbidden to read raisins, 1-2 ounce citron cut In small am:proud of it! Don’t be shocked. I: 3 : ~t : ‘ 8 53 31 3 what the newspapers said about it. pieces, 1-2 ounee candied orange peel haven't started yet. I wouldn't be one O° & 5 2 = of the American Express service and cut in small pieces, 1-2 pound almonds of your grinning, senseless optimists | : y 1+ almonds | 9% ng 5 ; 5 51 34 I bis slvr Zang) Noy il sttend Flectrically considered, popular gov- coarsely chopped, whites of 3 eggs. for all Hig « Ty . ‘3 8 5 ar A TT TE my a ste | SS MEE Ey wo see me | CLEAN © SANITARY | 7 24 2 Mrs. Margaret Dunne and Mrs. Jno. | the man who has the most volts to [#of the eggs and beat thoroughly. Sift | CPUMISL oes fue lon hui and ihe io BA TE 5 7 5 42 Stacer left on Monday for Johnstown | conduct affairs proves to be a non | together-the flour, salt, spices and pessimist sees the hole! x ; o. 2 92 21} where they will visit the daughter of | conductor. Shocking! —From Judge soda. Combine all ingredients but the Te ae a tas : : 6 162 110 the former.’ ry ve whites of the eggs. Beat the whites | + : n. : Ls rti s 2 30 Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Naylor of Oak-| A happy and patriotic combination of the eggs till they are stiff and add hd Eph pau we Contains right propo 1018 o 3 land spent last week here visiting at | would be a fly swatter with a popgun | them last. Pour the dough to the |g gvery time! ; ! i vd ex R ¢ ie home of Mr. and UO. Sides on| attachment that would give a lowe depth of about half ar inch into well- | “wy I think it is about right at that! of nutritive parts. 4 24 17 Large street. Fourth of July report at the instant of | buttered tins, and bake in a slow oven | The pessimist sees only the hole in the’ . 8 46 19 DeForest Ludwig returned to his impact. for one-half hour. doughnut. Oh, wise and learned optim- Superior to most of the but- 33 2 % home in Pittsburg on Saturday after| =... 0 os b a: Mara Honey Cake. .'1i3 Soi OW mah beter of You wag t b £ K's 1 W. . of unconscious humor 4 cup honey, 1-2 cup sugar, 2 | be if ‘you, too, could see only the hole! | ar 22 a 9 Ee at. the George Col concealed in the explanations of a | cups flour, 1 egg, 1-2 teaspoon ginger, | But the optimist, having eyes that see er r y s - baseball manage: to wh 1 t inns - < not wisely but t : - ° : 2 2 Surveyors are running lines in and | fajled to ie li y Lis. dur aL 2 on nut bo ye tog Joi sees ia doug J ust try 1t. Cheaper than i 2 4 about Berkley’s Mills and the devel-| ard cloves, speck white pepper, speck salt, «It is like this: The optimist and ’ . 13 17 65 oping of the coal industry in that re- No man knows the day or the hour t 1-2 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon wadcer, ue pessimist stand before the bake- Butter; can 1 tell difference. 1 19 24 gion. when one of his old love letters will . 2 ounces blanched almonds cut into | 519P of human experience. Then the | < x 2 Miss Elizabeth Mervine left on Wed | turn up and take a fall out of his i small pieces or chopped. a wise nely: his So a : rs thrown back, his head he gh, 39 90 72 nesday on No. 6 to visit her sister, happiness. Sift together the flour and spices, | ot Ton i ag 4 9 5 Mrs. Fred Maidens of Washington, : dissolve the soda in the water, beat | = op and buys the douga: 1€ 63 49 D.C. Girls should Beware of young men the egg, and combine all the ingredi- % re po Toa os onges ay e 22 2 : 0 S ids: . z . ockets, his a 1 2 gs Andrew J. Klare, of Philipsburg, is The De Say Ha 2% he ands am Beat or knead fhe mixture thor | p04 41) thought. He sees the optimist 3 2 11 17 a guest at the home of his daughter, le D D lion, gush. oot. 5 SIA Semple, I it | cnter the store. He sees the store : 0.5 6 Mrs. M. A. Rutter. The visitor is 85 | does mot rise sufficiently, add a little | pap put the doughnut into a bag and | 31 174 101 L , Smeets more soda and honey; if it falls, add | hand it to the optimist. Th he se { 15 163 8 years of age. Any man who can hold a fussy baby | a little more flour. Roll out the dough | the optimist primis il wr © Sees Miss May Diehl will leave on Sun-| for an hour without saying naughty ! to the thickness of about three- rths « I 3 Z0 meiny on 15 ‘way. | 21 91 160 ’ As hree-fou Presently the pessimist sees the 2.8 14 day morning for the eastern cities | words is in the same class with Job. of an inch and bake in a hot oven. | optimist begin to eat the doughnut! 5 20 9% 99 and ‘will return in two or three days I ——— When the cake is done, glaze it with-| Thereupon the pessimist phones to : 5.0.8 Rit a fun line of uptodate winter| After it became apparent ihat cloth: | a thick syrup of sugar and water, and | the police to have the ambulance in POINTS ON PLUMBING Ho 2 25 millinery. ing was ke 2 id thing, i was Eve | allow it to dry in a slow oven or In | readiness—that something is about to Good plumbiari . 4 health Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Cook, his who saic: old you so. some other warm place. While it is | take place. ©d plum bing #s Mf’ > ow : brotherdnlaw, CO. M. Beachy of Wigh-L man are Soiget bo Ih fe tk still warm cut it into long strips, or | “That's pessimism, Miss Minikin. Graceful fixtures are necessary to bathroom beauty. 2h: en I by the ons. be left i > > i i fo Miss Mae Eisfeller and W.| women by their looks and mules and ily oe Sin or PR fo Le on DT he oh voi Jae > iil that | onions by their st-ength. cake will become very hard on cool-| “Oh, 1 don’t know,” Miss Minkin | onze _. gomioet ad sanitary e ere yesterday for Bedford, re- —— ing and will not be soft enough to eat made answer. “People who are always | Sccutity 3 tyourp umbing has not turning home in the evening, And some people make us tired— | gor several weeks, but will keep In looking for ambulances are usually ! these qualities, let us replace with Confetti throwing at times may be because we cant run fast enough to | good condition for an indefinite length | the first ones to need them. The | “Standard” guaranteed plumbing all right but now some: of our young get away from them. of time. pessimist might have got run over by | fixtures and thus have plumbing people have sore faces and mouths | te sin ; Honey Charlotte Russe. a steam roller while he was dreaming ; Standard” “Occident” Bath which ¥, ssfe, durable snd stié- a peopte ave sore feces and mows By tho way [Lin stil lawiu to | ono guar crenm, © tay Anes | 000 on oe evi en Wis H tak 8 a- | 1.9 cup delicate flavored honey. £ lo nave some O 8 cake—wWill , wn y hg - the vert oa Soe: torman Soren on July 4. Chill the honey by athe dish | You try some?” ) . B, olk, a Pittsburg moto an | = eontining dt 12 % pan of ice ter “Not until I ask my wife if she is SAE rR ce { O — 1 A who is native to Somerset county is| Many a ran who knows that there | whip the cream and add it to the hon- going to eat any of it.” e i taking a couple of weeks from respite | is room at the top sits down and waits ey mixinz the. two well. Line a dish “Why should you ask her?” of toll visiting relatives in this sec- | for the elevator. with lady fingers and fll it with the] ~Fecause, if we both ate it who : ) do job werk tion. | | honey and roam. Soive ery cold would send for the ambulance?” a mt wi SR — CSN i