a en SALISBURY (Held over from last week) Miss Cynthia Ross of Addison spent the latter the latter part of the week with her friend Miss Florence Maust. Quite a number of the many candi- dates have been making their finsl calls upon the voters of the town and vicinity during the past week. Hobert Newman of Akron spent last week with his mother Mrs. Mary Newman. Editor and Mrs. R. S. Johnston en- tertained the following guests at a five o'clock dinner last Wednesday: Mrs. Edith Beachy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beachy, of Kansas City, Mo; Mre. T. F. Livengood, of Elizabeth, N. J; Mrs. Wm. Dill and Mrs Ed. Leon- ard, 'of Meyersdale, and Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Lichty and Miss Carrie John- ston, of town. Mrs. Wm. McGary, a former reosi- dent of this town, and later living at Akron, O., and just recently in her home on Center street, Meyersdale, wes buried in the IL O. O. F. cemetery of this place last Tuesday. Mrs. Mc- Gary was one of the last surviving members of the family of Henry De Haven, one of the pioneer settlers of Saisbury. Last week Mrs. Arthur Emrick and gon William of Akron, after spending friends returned to their home with Mr. Emrick who took them home im his new car. Fred Jeffry of Huntingdon county gpent several days of last week visit ing his father, Henry Jeffry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker of Ber- lin and Mr. and Mrs. D. J Bauman of Lincoln, Jows, were guests last Wed- nesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reim. The Salisbury schools opened last week with a large attendanee. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Wells of To rone were last week visiting at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Wells. Anna and Imogene Hay returned to their home in Akron after spending & month with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garlits of Dar-| rah, Pa. are spending some time with relatives in town while Mr. Garlits is convalescing from an. attack of ty-| phoid fever. Mrs. Mort Wagner and daugther, Ts- abelle returned last week from a trip to Brownsville and Uniontown. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barcus of town and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Keim of Kan-| Thursday afternoon in the Barchus oar. Miss Marie Yaist and her friend Miss Wechtenheiser of Elk Lick township made a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevanus on Tuesday. Mrs. Alice Williams of near tewn who had been a patient in the Markel- ton Sanitorium with typhoid fever, has returned home, greatly improved. after a very pleasant visit with rela- tives in Pittsburg. an attack of acute indigestion. take fourth year high school course there. He graduated from the Roek- wood High school class this year. ‘ley motored to Somerset and Berlin ‘with relatives and friends. ROCKWOOD (Held over from last week) Mrs. Lloyde Dewire, of Broadway, Mrs. Jesse Woods has returned home Dr. C. T. Saylor recently suffered Roy Wilt has gone te Somerset to Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. George Hurley, Mrs. Lewis Farling and George Hur- Monday. Harry S. Snyder, who spent several #Standand” ‘'Beverly’® Lavatory BALTIMORE & OHIO SEASHORE :XCURSIONS from MEYERSDALE to $10.50 Good in Pullman Cars comin c AtTANLIC CILY CAPE MAY, SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY, STONE CITY, WILDWOOD JULY 1, 15 ano 29, AUGUST 12 anp 26, SEPTEMBER © TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 16 DAYS Secure Illnstrated Booklet Giving Full Details from Ticket Agents A POPULAR design lavatory is here illustrated. It has the same smooth, non-absurbent, easily cleaned surface that all ‘Standand” lavatories have. It is of neat and at- tractive design and its small size makes it especially suitable for the understairs toilet. Would not another lavatory conven- iently placed save you many steps and time? Call for lavatory booklet. ’ BAER & CO. $8.50 Good in Coaches Only. CE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. days with his mother and sister of the Miller building, has gone to Akron, where he works for the Goodyear Rub- ber company. Dr. George Spicher and family mko- tored to Boswell on business last Mon- day. Railroad business has picked up con- siderably in the last few weeks. Quite a number of furloughed men were called back to service. Mrs. A. H. Bittner and son Charles have returned from a visit in Pittsburg Miss Rae Millhouse is ill of tonsili- tis at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Millhouse of Broadway. Miss Alpha Moore is visitig fsiends and relatives in Ohio. B. & O. Supt. and Mrs. B. F. Hanna of Highland Addison expect to oceupy one of A. J. Growall’'s houses on; Broadway soon. Mrs. Daisy Johnston and daughter, of Uniontown, have returned home af- ter several weeks here with friends. Mrs. Harry Kellar of Baltimore is visiting her brothersin-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Snyder. Miss Minnie Vought, night operator in the Economy telephone office, has gone on a two weeks vacation trip a- mong friends in Dover, Del. Ray Parsons, operator for the B. & 0., is working second trick at Garrett this week. 3 The Misses Florence Dull, Edna Wolfersberger and Elizabeth. Miller were visiting Mrs. Landis at Somerset a few days recently. Mrs. Ernest Shackleton who was vis iting her mother, Mrs. Tayman has returned to her home in Philadelphia. sas City, Mo. motored to Somerset | Mrs. E. S. Critchfield, who has been visiting the Critchfield families and Postmaster and Mrs. Ross Souser, has returned to her home in Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Ralph DeFrehn of Horner street, Johnstown, was a recent caller “here. | Mrs. Theodore Colegrove is ill at her home on Water street. The oil that gives the steady, bright, white light, Triple refined from Pennsylvania Crude Oil, Costs little more than inferior ql © BLT :NER MACHINE WO Second only to sunlight. Never flickers. No = Family Favorite Oil in barrels shipped direct from our refineries Get it from him, WAVERLY OIL. WORKS CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. Gagolinee, Puminante Lub- cost, but much ’ 3 he Wax bigher in quality, \Q N FREE Waverly Products Sold by Dd WEBEL -:- P J COVER w MN feyersdale” TE higher in 320 Page Book— tells about oil homie has advertised a sale of her personal | A large number of people attended property to take place Sep. 25th.Mrs. the annual picnic at Laurel Saturday, Williams will then move to Akron : but on account of the severe rainstorm where both of her sons are employed. were compelled to return home early. U. O. Blocher and Miss Leota 8tan- ton of Grantsville were registered at Hotel Hay on Saturday. POCAHONTAS. (Held over from last week) Weather very hot in this vicinity the last few days. | well attended. Ervin Snyder and Wilbur Lancas- ter of Eckhart Mines, Md., were the guests of W. R. Snyder a few days s- £0. The hum of the threshing machine is being heard in this vicinity at pres- ent. This has been a great center for can- didates for the past few weeks. A number of people from this vi- cinity attended the services at White Oak on Sunday evenig. Sunday School at St. Mark's Ref- ormed church at this place next Sun- day at 10 o'clock. h in : ek Vim {Held over from last week) Mrs. Sam Pritts and child of Gar- rett visited on Thursday of last week her sister, Mrs. Dan. Fike. Mrs. Nelson Jones and the two girls, Pauline and Marjon, of State College, were Vim visitors from last Friday to Tuesday. of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engle and child, of Salisbury, spent Sunday at the home of Albert Baer. James’ Seggle and Harvey Mey- ors spent Sunday with the family of Milton Meyer, of near Hay's Mill Howard Fike and family automo biled to Cumberland Sunday. Mrs. Henry Suder is reported to be improving. The next important event is the Pri- mary Election and every voter should deem it a duty as well as a privilege to vote. Dr. Ralph McHenry, chief physician and surgeon of the Windber hospi- oetaeee.onaaaaocrgfiigjeDr. tal died recently of typhoid fever, aged 46 years. He was a native of Jefferson county and was graduated from the medical department of the Western University of Pennsylvania about 20 vears ago. His wife and three children survive. The Reformed Sunday School ple-! nic at White Oak on Saturday was' SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. (Held over from last week) Farmers are Pusy filling their silos and in digging potatoes. Miss Flora Faidley spent last week in Pittsburg as the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Edward Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hostetler and family of near Oakland, Md. spent the Sabbath at the home of the form- er’s mother, Mrs. Christian Hostetler. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Kisinger and family of Indiana are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. John Kinsinger. Next Tuesday is election at which time every voter should go to the polls and cast his ballot. Frank Fike left on Sunday evening for near Windber where he will teach school the coming term. Mis Naomi Lenhart of Glade City is spending a few days with Miss Em- ma Schrock. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shumaker of Connellsville spent Monday at the home of U. S. Firl and family. Many people of this township are contemplating taking in the Meyers- dale Fair and races next week. C. R. Sanner is working at Black- field. UNION VALLEY. (Held over from last week) Too much rain for the potatoes, farmers are complaining, making too many rotten ones. Leroy Crissey made a business trip to Meyersdale on Thursday last. Myrtle Burkett is working. at P. W. White's. Leroy Crissey and family attended the picnic at Mt. Olivet on Saturday with old friends and acquaintances; | they report a very pleasant time. | The picnic at White Oak was well jattended and those present report ! that they had a gqod time. Orpha Tressler, Grace and Marga- iret Fike of Vim spent a few days in | Larimer last week among friends and relatives. Henry Shockey and Simon Keefer, [the superintendent and president of | the Shockey & Keefer Lumber com- pany were callers on P. W. White one evening last week. ! For Protection against:the serious sickness so KITCHEN: Joseph L. Tressler likely to follow an ailmentof th . . i digestive ron . ATHROOM fixjutes of every improved sort. § » or inactive bowels, you can rely Funeral Director and Embalmer _ Tubs, bas ns, toilets and shower baths suit- x F on the best ‘able’ for, ‘all classes, styles and sizes of | 8 known. corrective a ie ad . rooms and dwellings, Polished metal appliances 20) 2 that ‘do not lose their luster. Plain and fancy faucets and soap holders. < Everything in the Meyersdale, Penn’a. Residence : Offices, $ : 309 North trest 229 Centertreet plumbing line here. Economy I'hone. Both Phones. A Fine Bathroom Is a Necessity A A A AAAI SI PANT sang 3 ra er : No. 5 Shipping tags on hand ready . OEY AON Pl |atrrmaer. Du Po FORD. . ll Going Some! Extra good tobacco—that’s why they ¢ d” 20 SC Z00 That's what makes men want Favorites. Wherever they've been introduced—city after city—state fan | i after state—Favorites have climbed high into popularity as ig ™ soon as men tried.them. f INTHE RED “ And they made this record before they were advertised. PACKAGE No pushing—no help of any kind—nothing but their own" 9, «plain out-and-out goodness. ge P\n i oO wo Will you try this pure, natural-tobacco cigarette! You A E or ss will? Good! And you'll say “good,” too! fat ‘OR CIGARETTES. EXTRA good tobacco— Yon adr Al iw : that’s why they ‘‘go so good’ Cie 3 Ae = x An a cou fos res, is g us us | Johr J.C. plea c plea o court month Mack Bingm roled. Truce grand S. G. Mike ° batter; sault @ licious bery; tery w no, ass kill. The the in wich, sault Chas ing lic and co case, J justice Geo. in hav mine he was And charge tery p Matthe agains dicted Jno. charge stable for six The Austin contint Wm. charge and ba the co . cutor. A tr of Milk gravate case oO violatis ed and was ct weapot True of P. J Sunshi and cri continu court. True lowing glary ¢ charge. - Dani charge ons an Grov: guilty | man w the cot Andr gravate paroled Andr ment oO charge batter. There ber of