’ THE } MEYERSDALE PEOPLE TIMELY TALKS. BIG FIRE CO. PARADE | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. NO. B55. = # Sees 3 Chir > o ~ - Is rp 2D N J TT Ww iced i oy ma sea | All th > I ji gy - oso Pa REPORT OF 1 HE CONDIT ION OF should e noticed in e Commercis u 3 i | the fire companies oO is vi- Mrs. George Zigler o ) ’ . : Meyersdale people are talking rub- A Life History of a Gemmon Curious | nity have been invited to Johns- was here on her way to Somerfield to | "THE CITIZENS N ATIONAL BANK — ber factory. We hope that the live] Insect. 5 town next Wednesday morning to see yisit friends. Meversdal Penn’a t business men , especially The Com- A justice of the peace in Central the drill and parade of the Johnstown: E. C. Rowley of Centerville, Pa, Of Meyersdale, . Ty and mercial Club will get in earnest about Pennsylvania sent to State Zologist department, including nine companies formerly of near here, was greeting At the close of business, September 2, 1015. nar this as we think it would be surely H. A. Surface, Harrisburg, Pa., an in-| with their motor and horse drawn friends in town recently. of char the making of the old burg as the sect, saying, “Please tell me about|apparatus. The police department of ~~ L. S. Lincoln of Uniontown was RESOURCES _ often t rubber works have made this city of the bug. What are the workngs of | {pe city will also give an exhibition ‘in town last week on business. : a commu Akron and it would just as easily the clock springs and the fans on the | that morning. These are opening fea- CEI la LosRy Sh) Sizconnts (notes 587,741.24 chancir make Meyersdale. Rubber plants re- head? Nature is wonderful and We tyres of the Second Annual Trade | URSINA e A = 587,741.24 holding quire plenty of water and we know are thankful that you are able and pypo which lasts three days. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughn, Jr, of 2 Overdiatie trod $186.75 186.75 With Meyersdale can supply plenty of this willing to tell us about i.” Upon ex- | Thursday will be the real festival Winston Salem, N. C., are visiting at 3 aU. 8 bonds deposited to secure bpd as they have the old Casselman riv- amination this specimen is found to day. About 150 floats and gaily decor- | the home of Mrs. S. S. Beale. Circulation Apar_ value) — — 65,000.00 ap er, enough for several factories. Push be a Sphinx moth or Hawk moth. | ated automobiles will be included in| Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beale of Rock- p08 bonds pledged to secure 2.000060 barred on the wheel! Don’t just talk about “I find the specimen which you sent | the industrial pageant that morning. wood were recent guests at the for- 83 3 Sere Valve) ,000. Tho it, but get out, you, old rusty rocks, [to be a five spotted Hawk moth or | Fifteen bands, including some from ' mer’s home, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Beale. s ED LE Ta. 2,000.00 ii and have an industry to be a benefit Sphinx moth. This in its larvae state this section, will play march in that| A. A. Beale returned home after a Total U. S. bonds — —— 76,000,00 uncerte to you and your town. This would be jis the chief rival of man in being an | parade. In the afternoon those bands week's visit with friends in Pittsburg. | 4. b Bonds other than U. S. bonds noe other c a sure and safe investment. Build | enemy of the ‘tobacco. It is then | will take part in a contest for cash' Mrs. Kiernan of Somerset spoke to pledged to secure U. S. deposits ,000. ing up v h : | prizes. The Jubilee of fun will be the large crowd of men and women on c Bonds other than U. S. bonds The her up and we all would come home known as the tobacco worm The lar- | Prizes. ! : 2a lug : : pledged to secure postal savings Tolurn agan if you find employment for us.|yae feeds also on potato, tomoto, egg- | night fantastic parade. Approximately the suffrage question Friday night. deposits —— — —— r= — = 3,000.00 There is no reason why Meyersdale plant, etc. The springlike appendage | 250 musicals clubs, fraternal orders, | The farmers through this section are f Securities other than U. S. bonds to mou should not be a good factory town. is the proboscis by which it sips the | lodges and marching clubs have been | g]] busy threshing. {po} Incading stocks) owned $0.110.00 and dis All that it needs is live men to 0 nectar from long tubular flowers in |invited to participate and earry off Kathryn Thompson accompanied her pecs Sonic Secnrties oto ’ 94,110.00 The | ahead and she will lead all of the | the evening. It is from its nature of | SOme of the $150 worth of cash prizes. father to McKeesport to go to school 5. Subscription of stock of Federal $6,885.00 from ! other towns of Somerset county hovering over the flowers like a hawk | Individual prizes can be won by any- at that place. Reserve Bank — —9,900.00 2050.00 cation Chas Hoechler, of Akron, formerly | in looking for its prey that it takes body. : ; . There were 150 baskets of peaches 2 Less som, I ,950. mercial of Garrett has returned home after & | the name Hawk worm. The Expo will close Friday with unloaded here for the Humbrt Store Jib OBST SiOCRS Mond re 9,125.00 14,075.00 and the visit to Pennsylvania and Garrett| . special features in the stores and a company in one day recently. 6. b Equity in banking house — -— 26,000.00 would You have doubtless seen long green |. . hibiti f “Made in U. 8. A” And d family have bit County, Md, where he had been 10; worms or larvae, sometimes from hig PX) isiton © = Edward Anderson an y ke’ 7. Furniture and fixtures — — — 3,300.09 oblitera visit his aged father. Charles had ex-| oy, ¢; three inches in length, with fireworks, : jreturned Lome! afiet Several Wegrs 8. Real estate owned other than How pected to take his wife on this trip stripes running more or less diagon- Special attractions will be offered | visit with the former's mother. banking BOURE — ~— — = — 6.200.00 reading but when the time came he had none | 11 on the sides, and with a single by the Individual stores during the| Fred Anderson has Teturned to Pitts- 9. Not amount dae from Federzl Re om And to take as they had a boarder who | Gived. caudal hora These are the times no public program is taking burg to work in the Westinghouse serve Bank — — i L020 9,950 87 your he left taking the wife and board Bill | ao of this oth. They are now place, All sorts of novelties will be after spending several days at his 10. a.Nei- Amos; due nom Shproves to you with him. Charles is not sad over the | Xilied by sprovics pend iy StRenste of | introduced, souvenirs distributed, free thome here, + Dick thon cago and St. Louis — — — 16,093.28 : How matter but is applying for a divorce ||. 4 using one pound of dry arsenate samples and demonstrations given and | C. M. Zimmerman of Dic orson » b Net am’t due from Appro'd re- of the and looking forward to getting mar- 2 a r ite everything will be done to make all has been spending a few days with re- serve agents in other res’ cities 43,432.48 59,525.76 other he ied ain. Divorces are eagy in ae 1 lead, or, {wo pounds of. arse ' visitors feel at home. | latives here. 10. Due from banks and bankers oth- In otl Tied again. : paste in each gallon of water. They : Harry ‘Thompson of Pittsburg, ls er than included in 8 or 9 — — 21,305.73 His bo ron. Last year there were three hun-| littl - > ’ 11. Check k : |are also killed by putting a little | CONFLUENCE : al dave with relatives hore . ecks in bank in the same city dred divorces granted in this city. |g oetened water in tubular flowers - jSoyera days v' : or town as reporting bank .. 71.42 : were 1 Getting married is a fine thing. I), into artificial, lillies made) YT John Davis left Thursday to| Misses Bertha and Anna Harbaugh 14. b Fractional currency nickels, cts. 190.98 190.98 $ medium married well into a good family. They | = yen a Di oid addine to this a’ 2 1 daughter, Miss Mary Kate at | of Victoria was a recent guest of Mr. 14. Notes of other national banks — 4000.00 tain th all liked me for they came to see m=. os h OE ° 2 |e who. has been ill. | ana Mrs. B. F. Firestone. ; } . Fe Joh 7 Shot ve aes = or ge 93 38 310.95 commur Mother-in-law is now on a visit to the | Due ? A large number from here attended | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott returned ir. al tender NOteE — — — w= 17,120.00 in the Thousand Islands and I hope that she the old settlers’ annual reumion at|to their home in Meyersdale after 18. Redemption fund with U. S. Trea- Ent sony sgn medium will visit everyone of them. FAMILY OF BIRDS. | Jersey church Thursday. spending a few days with relatives aper iiol more than 5 per on ® 428) make yo J. M. Hay & Sons recently changed | A woman in West Virginia has been Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Miller and son | here. i, er = — 5050.0 2 050.00 except their coal yard from the Blackbird to married three times. Her maiden Harold of Berlin, arrved here for a| Fred Anderson is spending several. hh ota) er et A aaa S3LB58%0 automo] the siding and are now prepared to name was Partridge, her first hus- several days’ visit with Mr. and Mrs. | days with his mother, Mrs. John 330M, ing abo handle coal in large quantities. J. M. band was named Robin, her second, William Burnworth on the West Side. | Anderson of this place. LIABILITIES Just | is busy looking up trade and the boys Sparrow, and the third one is named Miss Elsie Beggs held a music recit Misses Mayme Forquer and Alma 1. Capital Stock paid in — — — — 65,000.00 2 Wa, are active shoveling the black dia- Quale. Trere are now two young Rob- al at her home Thursday afternoon. | kurtz left for Meyersdale, where they 2. Surplus fund — — — — — —— 100,000.00 anger monds. ins, one Sparrow and three Quales in -Jphn King is laying a cement walk | 5p teaching Schidol. 5 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 165,000.00 This 30 ; | If 1 don’t sell whiskey or something $8.50 Good in Coaches Only. ° ° J o. i ki Tob else for which there is a demand ; \ ar Pipe Smoking Tobacco |e wid] i $10.50 Good in Pullman Cars dll 1¢ tie War: : whether it injures my neig hor or with Pullman Ticket. | ) New Yo ; | not, some one else will sell it and iat od Toke the i of the betel {get the profit. CAPE MAY, SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY, STONE CITY, WILDWOOD THE No " When he wants tobacco satisfaction, he If one manufacturer of instruments . f “f 99 oe id 3 of war can pile up enormous profits JulLy 1, 15 AND 29, AUGUST 12 AND cannot get it out o at, msIp1 > mx ‘in the business because there is a 26 SEPTEMBER o a. ay o tures. He has got to have a man s Size, :great demand for these weapons of ? Lt real old natural he-tobacco. murder why should not I do the TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 16 DAYS of Sept. same thing when there is no money i 4 pliotogrs 2 v ful things I could Secure Iilnstrated B G We have the greatest to- to buy the need nstrated Bookles Giving Full Details from Ticket Agent ” ba : Bo : th place on the market. Either this must BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. gents Lares: CCH. OTZANIZation mn e I do or shut my works and deny my every lo world and are in business to I x who is i . a laborers work. ; . rr Sir pn SAL : stay in Br It the The laborer who makes the life x : It rep béstvalues. FIVE BROTHERS destroying instruments which he |} hich : 0 ie eps . her nig igguly Snspfonrmany brands, knows will be used by other labor. |} Ever y Far mer w ith two or more Px : ST pa sili . i i laborers childs I 1S the “hi hes ers in destroying still other il but E Lv i st ot { says “If I don’t do it some other man COWS needs a we with wh i qua y Ne q ly 0 will. There are enough men to do all | bo! 4s # i is the w ) Its kind sold. the other jobs. If I want to liye I must’ FRI will find \Y/ ; : wh have my job.For these conditions r e “merican We tell the big bra y everybody is responsible. iY, Pian 9 ¢ The N men of this country that FIVE Bi yo oY ii BROTHERS is the best to- > oor Oe Pare THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. weeks t bacco for thém on the market Your preacher talks to you about Office 223 Lever dst that a and they know they can bank the sin in the great cities and your J T YODE $006 Sty should, | thst statement heart is heavy with sorrow at the | o . R, Johnstown, - Penn’a will al on . thought of wrong and suffering. You | ? print of may feel called upon to spend your 3 ! IVE BROTHERS is To i time and money preparing baskets and | og 4 everywhere — get a package barrels of Christmas goodies to be | TRY A POUND OF RED RIBBON | Children Or est s today. sent to some of the miserable, with | COFFEE AT BITTNER'S GROCERY | FOR FLET ” Y and is T THE AMERICAN whom, thank goodness, ycu do not | Cc ST taza S of place TOBACCO COMPANY have to come in contact. But please i | A : don’t forget that there’s a devil in Children Cry | STOR | A We ai your own home town.—Kansas Indus- OR FL R'S a Y ¥ EAE isi casToB x |fOLEY niDNEY PILES CR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS AND BLADDER