NEWS IN GENERAL. Charles F. White, 63, who lived in a squalid Bowery tenement in New York dresssed shabbily and was continually complaining about being poor, died lately. He left $20,000 in Government bonds and $30,000 worth of real estate, State policemen have been ordered to co-operate with the state highway department in the enforcement of the automobile laws. Complaints have been made in a number of instances of the speed limit being exceeded and other provisions of the law being violated, especially outside of cities. With the occupation of Olita the ninth Russian fortress to capitulate within three weeks the Germans now are in virtual control of the line of the Nieman and the Bug. Grodno for- ty miles south of Olita the only stronghold on this front still in the hands of the Russians is semi-official- ly reported to be on the point of e- yacuation. A large falling off in consumption of liquors in twelve months ending June 30 is indicated by the prelimina- ry report of Commissioner of Internal Revenue Osborn for the fiscal year just made public at Washington, This is due largely to the constantly in- creased dry area created under local option and state-wide Prohibition, and also to the strength of the temper- ance sentiment. Aircraft have again broken the mo- notony of the western warfare. Sixty- two aeroplanes of the French flew ov- er the Dellingen iron works near Saarlouis, Rhenish Prussia, dropping 150 bombs while a British aviator is reported successfully to have dropped a bomb upon and destroyed a Ger- man submarine off Ostend. The Ger- man reports say that four of the French machines in the attack near Saarlouis were brought to the ground, The United States has received ample assurances from Germany of its decision to yield to the demands of this government regarding the pro- tection of American lives at sea. Count Von Bernstorif the German am- bassador informed Secretary of State Lansing that Germany would give “full satisfaction” to the United States for the loss of American lives on the Arabic. The scream of shells and the roar of cannon rolled over the waters of Long Island sound Saturday. The long mute 12-inch mortars at Fort Totten, which guards the northern entrance to New York harbor, found tongue and sent 18 700 pound projectiles climbing three miles into the sky at a moving speck of a target, 13,000 yards off shore. Conditions of actual warfare were duplictated so far as possible. Instead of a hostile flect upon whose decks the gunners would endeavor to drop the big projectilies in actual war- fare, they fired at a triangular sail on a bobbing float at the end of a 500- yard hawser let out by a tug. At night seaorch lights were used. i A very decided campaign in favor of more air raids on England is being carried on in German newspapers, ac- cording to the latest copies which have arrived. The leading Berlin journals urge the Government to turn all attention possible to attacks on the British people in their homes and openly declare that nothing less than the destruction of London will satisfy Germany. The leaders of this propaganda call upon the Govern- ment to send the entire fleet of Zep- pelins to the heart of England to cre- ate havoc and ruin that cannot soon be forgotten. The United States for the first time in its history lead the world as an exporter. Figures made public a few days ago by the bureau of for- eign and domestic commerce show that American exports in the fiscal year ended in June 30 totaled $2,768, 600,000 compared with $2,170,100,000 for Great Britain, the next largest ex- porter. This was an increase of 17 per cent in the case of the United States when compared with last year and a decrease of 30 per cent for the United Kingdom. American exports included domestic products valued at $2,716,200,000 against $2,239,700,000 in 1914; and foreign products $52,400- 000 against $34,900,000 in the preced- Song and dtory.... .. MAYBE. Sick and weary and want to quit? Blind and staggering, weak and wan! i Losing courage and strength: and grit? What's the object of fighting on? Let me whisper a word to you, Maybe the other guy’s groggy, too. Maybe his arms have lost their punch, Maybe his heart is faint and sick; Go on fighting with just that hunch; Summon your last grim grit and stick! Stick till the final round is through, Maybe the other guy’s groggy, too. —Judge. A Good Guess. “Is the editor in? asked the man with the unbarbered hair and the shiny coat, as he fished a roll of closely written paper from his pock- et. “No,” replied the office boy, “he has just gone out.’ “This is the third time I have called to see him,” growled the caller, “and each time you have told me that he has just gone out. What’s the explanation?” “I don’t know,’ answered the of- fice boy, “but I guess he must have been born under a lucky star.”— No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it to any one else.—Dickens One evening a little boy entered a grocery store and handed the clerk a note which read: “I am a poor wom- an and have no money. My children and I are starving. Won't you give us something to eat?” The kind-hearted clerk filled a large basket with food and gave it to the boy, who quickly departed. In a few minutes he returned. “What's the trouble now?” said the clerk. “Mammma sent me back to get the trading stamps,” the lad replied. Her Sacrifice. The divorce had been granted Their only child had been given to the mother but after the final decree they met and the young woman said: “I am willing to let you have the baby half of the time.” “Good!” cried the father with satisfaction. “That is fine!” “Yes,” resumed the fair, yet unfair divorcee, calmly, “you may have him nights.,. If you want to be rich give! If you want to be poor, grasp! If you want abundance, scatter! If you want to be needy, hoard. Little Ruby, aged five, came home from her first visit to church, On the way back home she forgot the preach- er’s text. The next week her mother was very busy sewing. “Oh, mother,” she exclaimed. “I know what that preacher said last Sunday!’ “Then tell me, dear,” answered Mother. “What you sew in the summer you shall rip in the winter.” The Spirit that Wins. Two men were standing beside a frozen pond one day last winter watching the skaters. Among the pleasure-seekers was a very small boy so evidently a beginner that his frequent mishaps attracted the at- tention of the men. No sooner had he gained his feet after one fall than down he went again. “Why, child,” called one of the men “you are getting all bumped up. I wouldn t stay on the ice and keep fall- ing down so. Come over here with us and watch the others.” The tears of the last fall, which had been a hard one, were still roll- ing over the plump cheeks, rosy in the cold, but the child looked indignant- ly from his adviser to the shining steel runners on his feet. “I didn’t get new skates to give up with,” he retorted. “I got ’em to learn how with’ “Good,” laughed the other man; “eo ing year. British exports included British and Irish produce, $1,744,100,- | 000 against $2,557,200,000 in 1914 and foreign and colonial produce $426,- | 000,000 compared with $526,500,000 | in 1914. | That German Zeppelins have been | employed to relieve the Turkish shell | shortage by one of the most novel ! schemes of the war is the latest story from Berlin. One hundred tons of fine hachinery used in the manufacture of shells have been carried from the Austrian frontier across Servia and Bulgaria to Turke Zeppelins ac cording to inform: rexching Am- sterdam. The Zeppeli traveled bw t to escape detection by the Bul- ian border patrols an inst violation of B at it again. You’ll succeed.” “Yes,’ said his companion, as they walked away, “and if he keeps that spirit he’ll succeed in bigger things than in learning to skate.” —Ladies’ Home Journal. Advices are that nearly a dozen of Count Zeppelins largest dirigibles were used on the 280 flights from the Austrian to the Turkish border. Their use for this purpose, it was sta- ted accounted for the Zeppelin’s in- | activity during the early part of the summer, CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Z. v a the A : Bignature of LAY Arr NDIANA SENATOR WHO IS REPORTED TO BE DYING ou Photo by I Press, Asgosiation. BENJAMIN F. SHIVELY. A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE WAR German troops have occupied the fortress of Ossowetz, the westermost fortification of the Russian defensive line, which had been evacuated by th: Russians, the German army headquar- ters announces. Cotton was declared absolute con- traband by Great Britain Saturday. The English government proposes t) initiate measures to relieve depres- sion which might temporarily disturb the cotton market because of the con- traband order. ‘Italy declared war on Turkey Sat- urday. The Turkish ambassador to Rome, Naby Bey, has been handed his passports. Marquis di Garroni, the Italian ambassador to Constantinople, notified the Turkish government of manded safe conduct from Turkey. The declaration came at the end of a short cabinet session. The Italian gov- ernment had demanded that reservists of the Italian army be permitted to leave Turkey without restriction. The Germans have captured the Russian town of Bielsk, twenty-five miles south of Bialystok, and haye driven the Russians over the Biala river. Verona reported that Italian arti at Trent. The fortress of Kovno, together with all the forts and an amount of war material which has not been de- termined, is in German hands. More than 400 cannon were taken. ‘'L..c fortress was captured by storm in spite of the most tenacious resistance by the Russians. German aeroplanes are bombarding Vilna, almost fifty miles east of Kov- no. The possibility of the capture of Vilna by the Germans is foreseen in Petrograd, and operations pre- liminary to its evacuation are in prog- ress, The fate of Brest-Litovsk, the last stronghold on the Russian inner line of defense, now is the center of inter- est. Its fall is becoming more and more ‘imminent with the continued progress of General von Mackensen's flanking movement. Speculation on the part of military writers agrees that the Grand Duke Nicholas, in order to save his main army, will abandon all forts to form a new line with this fortrese as a pivot. Novo Georgievsk, the Russian fortress situated nineteen miles north- west of Warsaw at the junction or the Vistula, Narew and Wkra rivers, described by one correspondent a “second Vicksburg” because of its position, is in the hands of the Teu- tons, together with more than 20,000 Russians. The German statemen: says that the complete garrison con- sisted of 85,000 men and six generals. Negotiations between the allies and Switzerland relating to the importa- tion into Switzerland of the foodstuffs needed for home consumption is at a standstill, owing to the demands of Germany and Austria that they be al- lowed to exchange their products for enemy goods and their refusal to ac- cept payment for their exports. Thu. Switzerland is unable to assure the allies that their foodstuffs, imported into Switzerland, will not go to the enemy. As a result the allies are now threatening to forbid the importation of foodstuffs into Switzerland entire- ly, compelling the republic to seek supplies in Germany and Austria alone. . Over 6,000 Austrians, seriousiy wounded on the Austro-Italian front, pre overcrowding the hospitals, schools and churches of Laibach. It is impossible to relieve the crowding by removing some of the wounded to other towns, because of the lack of hospital trains. There are not enouzh doctors to handle the cases and th stock of medical supplies is insuf- ficient for the needs of th wounded. Premier . Okum states that Japan | you must Italy's intention and immediately de- lery has attacked the Austrian =, BOWMAN'S MAGIC SEAL, GOLDEN CIL, Mustard Ointment § Manufactured by U. J. & J, BOWMAN, Johnstown, Pa, FOR SALE BY J. W. WASMUTH, MEYERSDALE, PENN'A CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or constitu tional disease, and inorder to cure fit take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is ont a quack medicie. It was prescribed by one of the best physi clans in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is compos ed of the best tonics known, combin ed with the best blood purifiers, act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two in gredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testimonials free. Send for testimonials F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 756 cents pu! bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for Ow Sipatiog. ac A rr ~~ Wm. C, Price Successor to W. A. Clarke Funeral Directo: Business conducted at the same place Prompt attention given to all calls at all times. Both Phones. 50 YEARS’ EXPLRIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. ABO sending a sketch and description m Hpdokly Ascertall our Ur opinion free whe Ww ether’ a tions strictly HL AND BOOK on on Patent. sent free. Oldest or. Recuribe Patents taken i Muni ie ive special notice, thon charge, 5 Scientific American, A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.argest c! culation of any scientific oral, Terms, © year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdeal: MUNN & Co, 3618roammay. New § Branch Office, 625 F 8t., Washington, I. < How to Cure a La Grippe Cough. Lagrippe coughs demand instant treatment. They show a serious cond’ tion of the system and are weakening Postmaster Collins, Barnegat, N. J ‘says: “I took Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for a violent lagrippe cough that completely exhausted me and less than a half bottle stopped th: cough.” Try it. Sold everywhere Baltimore & Ohio SYSTEM LOW FARES TO THE Pacific Coast California EXPOSITIONS VIA CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS FULL INFORMATION AT BALTIMORE & OHIO TICKET OFFICE AAA AAA AA AA rrr Our Job Work HAVE YOU TRIED THE JOBE WORK OF THE COMMERCIAL? OUR WORK I8 OF THE BEST AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. GIVE US A TRIAL has decided to give greater as to Russia stance to prosecute the | could not disc uss details, but allowed understood that this as would take the form of tl ing of greater supplies it toc be of muni- er me We rinks sale bills quiek, i Sue oi a FOR FLETCHER'S A a Wiis 5 Just Sign and Cash Your second signature on these “A. B. A” Cheques makes them good and identifies you. No further introduction is necessary. 50, banks throughout the world will cash them at sight, ® They may be used, without converting them into currency, for hotel bills, railway and steamship fares and for purchases in the principal shops. The best kind of “travel money” abroad op in the United States. Issued in $10, $20, $50 and $100 by Second National Bank MEYERSDALE, PENN’A. AXES, HATCHETS PL HAMMERS HIPS from any old block fly like leaves before a storm when you use one of our axes or hatchets on it Planks, boards and logs feel all cut up when one of our saws gets busy. Come here for tools of tempered steel that stand constant use. Our hardware is made for hard wear. Years in the business have taught us how to provide you with good tools of every description at reasonable prices. Once a customer, always ome. “Quality the Best Policy” Is the Watch- word of This Store. RADIATOR AT ONCE Qo heating apparatus is complicated, as most housekeepers realize, but we can sim- plify the matter for you. Cranky valves that are difficult to regulate or noisy pipes or radiators can be remedied at once by us. If your furnace or kitchen stove does not give sufficient heat seek our aid. Have Plenty of Heat When Wanted D. P. FORD The Best Remedy For All Ages ond prosen so by thousands upon thousands of tests whole world over, is the famous family medicine, — Beecham’s Pills. The ailments of ihe digestive organs to which all are subject,—from which come So many serious sicknesses, are corrected or prevented by Try a few doses now, and you will KNOW what it means to have better digestion, sounder sleep, brighter eyes and greater cheerfulness after your system has been cleared of poisonous impurities. For children, parents, grand. parents, Beecham’s Pills are matchless as a remedy For Indigestion and Biliousness Sold everywhere, In} roxes, 10c., 25c¢. The direct s with v box are very vs “ially to women, a inne ieee ——m ; . ————— TRY A POUND OF RE a : NL RED GROCERY RIBBON COFFEE AT ITTNER'S a My dec a visit ta time. TI old man really we tortoise. I dared a weakly to get tl easy. He cunning, a questic treasures, I was alr Mr. Ju had to « official b tried to 1 each othe finally, I 80 many town, to increase Of cou lection ir a whole time bef: of it tot While change c paign. It was cunning] trick, as also see, occasion. 1 rang Munked: floor. At th vants’ rc keeper 1 hall was servant- a room the rem: le S| quities z By m; precauti thieves. vide® wi the win safes as costly a The 1 obliged wise the tensions fortune to say, what cf respect irrespor The from h self beg His seemed but it + toms w man’s thing 1 sessior and of old fu traordi ers, an “Ma swerec here © less ti “Wt low, 1 chair, his st young snuff;